Social &9ersonal t Phone 623-3303 Mr. Francis Sutton, Toronto,i Thompson, Susan and David paîd the Statesman staff ai of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Visit last week. j Harry MeCamus, Robert and: ~i r. nd Mrs. John Preston Donald of Ida. A dinner party 4$,bfToronto spent Sunday with! was held at The Flying Dutch- MsMildred Willmott, Churchi man Motor Hotel ta celebrate Street. 'Mr. Harding's birthday. Mrs. C. W. Varcoe of' Many local Goodyear Tir Toronto, formerly of Bow- and Rubber Company eime manville, visited in town over1 ployees and retîrees, traveil- the weekend. j ng in two buses and numerous Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Green, !cars, attended the Goodyear Gravenhurst, spent Sunday 25 Year Service Pin dinner wîth Mr. and Mrs. A. L . Hooey, held in the Royal York Hotel, Liberty St. North. IToronto, last Saturday. Charlie 1 Congratulations ta Mr. and Hone, a retiree, won a $50: Mrs. Les. Sniale who celc- bond. He was the only winner brated their 3th wedding an- from this area. iiversary on Sunday. In the Oshawa City Bridge: Mr. and Mrs. R. Williams, Tournament held last-week-1 Rehder Ave., have returned end, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan from a pleasant week's houi-,Phillips of Toronto were win- day in Timmins and Schu-iners of the Masters' Teair inacher. iGame event. Eric Murray of Mrn.MFred Kramp is a patient 1Trno, a Canadian repre- In emoialHospital, Bow- sentative in world bridge inanville. We are happy ta charnpionships for three years, report that she is progressing partici pated in this event. Mr. favorably. and Mrs. .Phillips are son and! daughter-in-law of Mrs. F. S.: Last Saturday. while digging; Phillips, Frederick Ave., town. in nîs garden. Chas. "Çhuck" Kilpatrick, Third St., unearth- 1 Miss Shawn Leddy, Miss ed a 100-year-old coin. It is Ileane Rahme and Mr. and an Italian coin dated 1866. Mrs. Jack Leddy flew ta Mrs. Geo. W. James and Winnipeg, Man., on October Mrs. S. Chartran were Sun- 2lst ta attend the RCAF Grad- day luncheon guests of Mrs. uation Ceremony, at which Alice Delve, Toronto, at the Flying Officer Michael Leddy Flying Dutchman Motor Hotel. recelved bis wings and of- ficers commission in the Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. RCAF. Flying Officer Leddy floar, Barbara and Tomn, Wil- is now home on two weeks' lowdale. were Sunday guests leave after which he takes up of Mr. Hoar's parents, Mr. and duties with the Maritime Com- Mrs. E. V. Hoar, King St. East. mand et RCAF Station, Sumn- Mr. end Mrs. Herb Powell, merside, Prince Edward Island. Concession St., were guests on Saturday at the wedding of Congratulations ta Lanny ~.their nephew, Mr. Robert Wat- Coe h a eevdwr son, and Miss Glenda Fulford that he will be receiving the in Wall St. United Church, Ontari o Agriculturel College Brockville. Proficiency Award, the O.A. C ':C. Alumnae 1TUn~~derrduatel Celebrates First Birthday The pretty littie miss in the above photo, Shelley Maureen Kossatz, recently ce1ebrated her first birthday on Septem ber 29, 1966. She is the daughter of Mr. - .~ -~ .'~ n Mvtig PnUçz T<nQqzmf ..JIOWd, idiuxugi L ci- W. lvieiifn. anN/ý AiVrs. 1D-1-1 Dr. S. L. Rutledge, tenor ShoIas - h ilo .R.R. 1, Hampton, and Mrs. Florence Kossatz, Sydenham, Ont.; and alsoa soloist of Trinity United Wood Scholarship, and the Church in Peterborough, was Governor - General's Silver granddaughter of Mr. andMrs. J. E. H. Davis, Oshawa. guest soloist eit Trinity United Medel for Proficiency over_________ Photo by Ireland Church, here, last Sundey, et the first four semesters. Lanny the morning service of the ettended Bowmanville High 13lst Anniversary Services. School and graduated in 1964. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Peters, He is taking Honor Science EN N ISK ILLEN Ottawa, spent the weekend and Math. lit the University with Mr. end Mrs. D. R. of Guelph.1 The reversion ta standard yeers ago erranged a party May by their deu Alldreed, Ontario Street. Mr.j Final dates for Christmasj time on Sunday morning al- and journeyed ta the summer law Joan. Camneras and Mrs. Allen Peters of Mor- oversees meiling are as fol- lowed an extra hour ta arrive; home of Mr. and Mrs S. May and flashed as sever rish were Sunday dinner guests lows: Surface mail letters ta! et the early scheduled time ' in Sundridge, Ont. Those arrangements were with Mr. and Mrs. Alldread. Britain by Nov. 29 and parcels of aur xegular morning church' who attended were the cou- graphed. Mr. Doug Glynn, Toronto by Nov. 24; ta the European service. Rev. Dougherty gave ple's only son, Wm. May, his The perty enjoyed Daily Star reporting staff, and Cantinent, letters by Nov. 17 an excellent background de- wife Joan and their grand- Cious hot dinner eitt friend .were In town over the and percels by Oct. Oct. 31. scription of the Book of Pro-1 deughter Joanne Of Wood- Bernard where a1 weekend and called on Mr Air mail letters ta Britain verbs. She pointed out sa. stock, Ont. Mrs. May's mo- wedding cake cent andMr. eoge raem *M should be meiled by Dec. 14 vividly that proverbs are wisel ther and ber immediate fam- dining table and ww Gann irs.aGeorerahreporte .r and parcels by Dec. 10; ta, the sayings containing goad ad- ily, also three other cope1db oeo h i The Canadien Stetesman staff. European Continent, letters by vice. In Solomon's time, pro- who are intimete friends Of' G. Beech. After the Dec. 12 and parcels by Dec. 8., verbs provided guidance ta the May's. The rendezvous party returned ta the Mr. and Mrs. O. L. ((Dick) To ensure the arrival of ]et- j lve the best way passible so~ for the gathering was the Mr. and Mrs. May or Metcalf, of Toronto, returned ters and parcels ta other in this twentieth century their home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken. shore for an evenini ta Bowmanville lest Saturday o v e r s e a s destinations by prime purpose is ta make us, Byers, life-long friends of Mr., lawship and singing ta take up residence in the Christmas, enqu ire et your wise in choosing the better of and Mrs. May. Mr. Byers was companiment on piam former home of Mrs. Metcelf's local post office for further two goods or the lesser of the M.C. In an address which Win. May end Mr. S. rnother, the lete Mrs. Mary information. .I two evi Is. The united chairs was verv eppropriately word- the violin. Dick K nri1 g hl t. Wellington -_________ under Mrs. E. Wright's lead- ed he alsa proposed a toast Atog h e Street.1 ership sang an anthem. ta the guests of honor. Mr. 0. wal toh te Sundey dinner guests with SALEM "Standing on te Promises of . Ashon composed severe l ot dampen the wa: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Collisan God." Our youngest Jr. or- verses of humorous poetry friendly atmosphere were Dr. S. L-.- Rutledgr of Rv -. genist, Miss Sheryl Ashton, which created much laughter. Mr. and Mrs. Myw Russell Dunn of Part Hope,'stock, who wes guest speakeri 0hWd: otiesayadJanepeete h eally by M usay Hpat aur Harvest Home service 4t edigAnlesry ad a nne pgisofrentedth nd Miss Anne Christian o nSna ~fml~ tof uy nuregant er uel attedin Trn thetopa afternaan, chose as' Wn th autumn of 1926, Miss, crystal glessware, also a chinaurtawcmevr ttaa, ow ttedin Trnt he opc for his very inspir- Wni Ashtan became the and crystel table lamp for the express their epprecf UnierstyPeterborough. ing sermon "Be Grateful." The bride of Mr. Stanley May of May's southern home in Flor- an enjoyableprya Mrs. Fred (Marilyn) Coty choir provided two apprapri- Sundridge in a ceremony per- ida. Some cousins and friends gifts. eP a of Jury & Lovell Travel ate selections. The church was formed et the home of the, sent gifts of a rubv glass Mr. and Mrs. S. Agency bas returned from very tastefully decorated with bride's parents in Enniskillen.vaendtecpto.Ars- Sundridge, Mrs. S, spedin a ewday etMiai lowrsfrut nd egeabls.In the autumn of 1966, theibud corsage and boutonniere Oshawa, Mr. and Mr Beach, Florida. Mrs. Coty had Sincere sympathy is extend-1family of the bride of fartyî were pinned an Mr. and Mrs. Dalton, Ottawa, lM the hanor of being earnng ed ta Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ail- Stainton, Toronto, visi thase invited ta make the Air dread in the loss of their babykI IlC'Mrs. E. C. Ashton Canada inaugural flight from girl.iNov. 11 eremony and Mrs. O. C. Ashto Toronto ta Miami Beach on Please note change of date1 Miss Lais M. Ashic Thursdey, October 27tb. i of Tyrane Home and School . I* A prepared an essay in Sunday visitors with Rev. Association meeting on Thurs- .os t inree .Sons in var lic health course whil and Mrs. A. W. Harding were 'day, Navember 10, et Tyran e u dent et the Unive: his two daughters and their school. Speaker will be Rev. A M Western Onterioais families, Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Glenn Taylor, chaplein of theWvo la n to inor ueaad agreeably surprised tl Boys' Training Schoal, Bow- ta receive the inf: 4~.i! manville. Ail Salem friends, A Toronta waman Who lost'England, was reported missing from the editar of the are welcome. three pilot sons in the Second after reaching his target on: 'y journal "The( Bowmanville 1 Mr Bob Blackburn and Miss World War will represent the night of March 16, 1944.i Nurse", thet lber artic] JoanWestake Solnawere Canadien motherhood et the.His name is listed on the Run- . appear in print in the U elt Fergusan - Tink wed- Remembrence Day ceremany1 nymede memorial in Englandi ber issue. Congretu]. Pentecostaliding at Eldad United Church et the national war memorial 1 along with the names of 20 -!Lais! on Saturday. here Nov. 1l. i455 Commonwealth airmen1 Mr. and Mrs, Everi ChurGch Sepen wllwith no known grave. e esoH1plrw 75 Liberty St. S. ýattended a party on SaturdevlVanier and Prime Minister flying accident in 1942 and is and Mrs. A. Sharp's. Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, B.Th. !night eit the home of Mr. and Lester Pearson in placing buried in Gander. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyc Phone 623-5100 Mrs. Jack Munday in honor of 1wreaths et the cenotaph. During the war, Mrs. Ste- Ronald and Ray, Mr.8 Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Mundey's Also participating will be phens, - then Mrs. Colville -'Ross Ashton and femi __ - ~Legion President Ron Mac- entertained servicemen in berl don, Mr, ndMs Sundy SeoolBeatb, General J. V. Allerd,'Bowmanville home. She bas' Ormîstan were Sunda 9:55 a.mi. ",!'"'chief of the defense staff, and received letters from all over, guests et Mr. end m~ îîan.REHOBOTH :twa youth representatives. the xvorld from servicemen for Sharp,' SMrs. Stephens' tbree sons wbomn she wesbed shirts, damn- ,Mr. end Mrs. Car LIIGFRChristian Reformed 'were in the RCAF, Her hus- ed socks or athemwise mother-l an aiy Mpl C"RIVINGSRR"ChIhband and a daughter alsa died'ed. freld f ay . M c CHRIS'S RTURN Chuch iduring the wer fmom otber Duing ber Ottawa stay she, Mr. and Mrs. Frar Seugo Street !causs. She remarried in 1949. will be entertained eit Govemn- land were guests eitt 7 P. M. Suog ret 'Hem husband George is a re- ment House and et a luncheon' wedding annivemsamy "S YRA TE OT Minister: ýtired railmoader. given by General Allard and1 and Mrs. Dave Aldreai SMRA-TEHTHer youngest son, Freeborn, the Legion president. Sliexvl nilleoeud COLD CHURCH" Rev. A. VendenBerg, 124, wes shot down by anti-'also visit the Memorial Cham-i ing. (tîdi pohte eis B.A., B.D., M.Th. laircraft fire near Falaise,lber in the Parliament Build- ' Mr. Albert Oke isi (thir in ropheic sriesFrance, in August, 1944. He is ings where the names 0fý manville Memorial1 REVServices buied in a Canadien cemetery Canada's xvar dead are in- We wisb him a spe, EV ATO)Worship eevce t Bretteville-sur-Laize. iscribed in the Book of Rem- covery. -plus: music by the 10 a.m. Alexander, 28, flying out oflembrance. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kudrs an Chor Port Hope, were Sund We. Nv 9-7:0pi.'7:30 p.m. ý4th wedding anniversary. and John spent Sunday nlght ers et Mr. and Mrs, Wed.,Nov.9 - :30 .M. Wayne, Derek and Jey But- and Monday with bis sister Petbick's. Family Night Service 11:15 a.m. Sunday School ýtery, Peterborough, spent the and husband, Mr. and Mms. Mr. and Mrs. i weeen wih r.and Mrs. Sid Roberts, Kingstan. Oliver, Peterborough, (Bigthe whole family) Back To God Hour Sam Buttery while their par- Mrs. Russell Hedderley and ecent visitors et L.1 (Brngents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken But-. Russel, Miss Norma Griffiths, Mr. and Mrs. Allai Theme: i KL tery attended a barbershoppers Miss Jean Baker weme Sunday and family were Sund "EGGS, JUST EGGS" jKL convention in Kingston. visita rs with Mr. and Mrs. L. ner guests et E. A. We Every Sunday, 9:15 I Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sheck- Welsb. Mr .and Mrs. Frank "Wbere the Word of God 1letan attended the Medicel Ca- Salem U.C.W. held their Miss Clama Page, ls Not Bound" "Everyone Welcome" ,op insurance convention et October meeting et the cburcb. Mrs. Annie Willoughb' the Skyline Hotel, Toronto, forTh rsdnMs.Btey wwre visitors wi I 'thmee days lest week. Tepeiet r.Btryawe ____________________________________________ .opened the meeting with e E. Page. - ___---- i Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall. Mm. hymn fallowed by the Lord's Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Taylor, Town, Mr. Bruce Prayer. Mrs. Doug Reynolds and Geil visited on 'Stainton, were Sundey visitors and ber group were in charge, witb tbeir daughter D TRI IT U IT D HU CH ith r.end Mrs. K. Shackle-,Bible reeding by Mrs. Rey- Orillia Hospital. Mr. a TRIN TY U ITE CRU CH tn. nolds, Meditetion by Mms. J. R. Griffin accompanie( M.and Mrs. Wilhur Black- Coombes. The 65th pselm was as fer as Bradford, Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. 'burn, Dale and Neil, Mms. -K. sung by Mrs. Ken Miller and the latter's sister and Cowling. Heydon. were Sun- Mrs. Reynolds clased the war- Mr. and Mrs. T. ' Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 'day visitors with Mr. and Mrs.îship with prayer. and boys. Gerald Shackleton. i Misses Raberta and Susan Mrs. F. Tomsa Mr. and Mrs. Chester King- Creig favored with a lovely Thank-offering sl e r v 11:00 a.i-homn, Woodville, Mr. and Mrs. piano duet. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burketorï on Sunday. John Kinghori), Eleine and Laird, Maple Grave, were aur Miss Elsie Oke spe David, Zion, Miss Joan West- guestsaend showed their pic- weckend witb Mr, an J'THE ONGOING REFORMATION"" lake, Saline. were Sufidey turcs 'Jaunting with Jake." A. Brunt, Bowrnanvil visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ë. These contained meny nature Recent callers et Blackburn. photos which were enjoyed by Slemon's werc Mrs. SUDYSCOLMr. and Mrs. E. Twist and all present. Hampton, Mrs, Roy SUNDAYSCHOOLfamily were Sunday supper The regianal meetings of the Colorado Springs, ar guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Oshawe Presbyterial were an- Herold Slemon, Toront 930 a.M. - JUIlior, Intermediate and Senior ýence Bel], Town, and ettended nounccd. One eit Ajax on Tues- Recent visitors wi 11:0 rlar ad inerarenTrinity United Church aini day, Nov. 1 and et Kedron On and Mrs. M. J. Habi 1:0a.m. - Pr'r n idratnversary services in the evening Tursday, Nov. 3. A numberý Mr. and Mrs. Williamn SMisses Ruby Lane and Doný-1of knîtted articles and otherý and Mary, Toronto,IV h Davis, a great- la - - e THESE LOW PRICES Effective StI Nov. 5 DRISTAN Decongestant Tablets or Mist Symptomatic relief of sinus congestion, colds, I'ay foyer. Also for headache, muscular aches and pains. . . 24 TABLETS OR 15 C.C. MIST SUGG. LIST $1.25 99C INI.QUE MULTIPLE-ACTION FORMULA 0 "Untraps" stomach gas that makes Indigestion so uncomfortable -ad distressing. Neutralizes excess acidty. Soothes upset stomach with long- Iasting demulcent action. TABLETS or LIQUID LLiqid 8 9 C RIiSDAN DANDRUFF REMOVER Hairdressîng and Conditioner Use just e few drops daily for perfect grooming and dandruff control... 6 oz. Sugg. List $1.50 a 'w s ~jE- w-- Lq STOP TIGHT SHOE TORTURE ""TOE.EEZ" FOR RELIEF Marvellous New Dlscovery Uued to Treat'Stiff New Shoes' SlmpIy swab "Toe-Eez" on the surface of the shoe... wear it Iimedlately.. ail stlffness and pressure is gone! Perfpct for breaking in baby'. ahoes ...stretching light leather gloves! Safe for ail types of leather and guaranteed harm- less to stockings or skin. each $1 0 LVlI~. m e ASPERGUM Pain Relief in CIiewing Gum Form 16's Sugg. List 57t 49C NESILE SPRAZE NO LACQUERI CONTAINS LANOLINI REGULAR ôr SOFT SPRAZE 11 or. Sugg. list 99e 77C id br No FIe - t ryMral ly QUICK - EFFECTIVE1 rMial th OINTMENT 'ii loi Refits False Teeth! ug Holds Plates Tight! List 98ec 9c b- for BOILS s$ 1 One Application Lasts for Mo:nt 59 u-i 3 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE of rrLoaaoioTSAFE! EFFECTIVE! h- 10a LAXATIVE IN CHEWING HELPS INDUCE GUM FORM SOUND SLEEP n, 20'5 'S16i's S>ugg.Ê it55 4 c Sg.$it1. 39 ~-Lst5c49g.Ls 1.50 'r1__________________________ Buckley's WHITE RUB Relief from aches, pains, congestion. Medium Jar Sugg. List 75c 67C SHOP 'N' SAVE AT I.D.A.I PERSONNA Stainless Steel DOUBLE EDGE BLADES 5 BLADES plus 2 FREE Lst75e 69c Buckley's Mixture I Relief from coughs, colds, bronchitis. 73C $1009 attendec75 PRESCRIPTIONS ALEX McGREGOR e DRUGS 0 5 KING ST. W. Canadien Statesnian, Bownianville, Nov. 2, 1968 $1.09 JACK AND JI1L L Children's Cough Syrup REGULAR Sugg. list 79,7c I ECONOMY Sugg. List 1.19 sl1609 REGULAR, Sugg. Iist 79c ECONOMY, Sugg. Iist $1.19 DRY, CHAPMJ CRACKED unI catid IiP bell . C 0mbats tntttthI qb Io hfil type Pl=ê<CA 5 9c each I. D. A. REMEDIES - - PHONE 623--5792 i j. MINC