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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Nov 1966, p. 8

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- ¶1 Caadia, owmaavlfle, Nov. 2,1 i IN EXICO ZkS tlbe next couple ci days the bathrorn was aur awn POrtCUlmr favorite roora, but tbmnks to the "brawn pilla" we Ot tram "Dcc" leno before leaving and the "white pilla" dônated by Senor Sanchez, this scribbler kept gaing wlthout Mlly getting downright sick. liraiofai i we mlight point out that Mexico City la 09*a»by tbe oldest inhabited city ln Arnerica. In 1325 the Mktecs ounded their capital and you can still see touches et the past intermingled with the beautiful modern city. rg The Paseo de la Reforma, the main street, lis one of émmost beautiful boulevards you would want to see. Eight Mile« long and exceptianally wide, it ls shaded by a double »0W of palmn trees on the median. The Pasea de la Reforma in iurther enhanced by a dozen or so traffic circles, almost all containing monuments.I Throughout the city are many, niany fountains. Quite, a aumber of them can b. found in La Alaxueda, the city's fine central park. Some of the trees are some two ta three hundred years oid. This reporter bas neyer been a great one for museums anid the like, but the National Museum of Anthropology is uomethlng no one should miss, particularly considering the iaacinatlng hlstory of Mexico. We're glad we paid a littie attention ln achoal when they were teaching about Monte- 1 zuma and Cortez. Even if you weren't intcrested in anthro- pology, the tremendous two to three storey high umbrella 1auntain Ia worth the 24c price of admission alone. Some of Sur readers who have-already been 'td Mexico City may be 1 wonderlng how they missed this place. It is a very recent~ addition to Mexican culture - only two years aid. In the same district ia a huge park, complete with water-j Ways, paths, fountains, etc. - the exceptionally well-kept I Chapultepee Park. Using the adjective beautiful might be old hat - but there la simply no other way ta deacribe It. Located ln the park las Chapultepee Castle another buildingF rIch ln history, and certainly well worth sceing. The castie1 stands on a hill some 200 fret high which allows a magnifIcentC View of the city and the entire valley. Speaklng of views, you can see for quite a distance from the Latin-Amnerican Tower in downtown Mexico City. The I: 44 storey edifice, talleat ln Latin America was built on float- E IJig plers sunk deep Into the underlylng clay. At one time tue site where the city lu located was almoat entireiy water, E t herefore Mexico City has no atone layer on which foundations E eau b. built.A J1 Every town and city in Mexico has its square or Zocalo Mnd as might b. expected the one in Mexico City la Immense, F dbverlng an area equal ta a couple of city blocks. Surrounding IR the Zocalo la an imposing cathedral, believed ta be the largest lii Mexico, the-supreme court building and the nationalL Dalace, whlch itacif-cevera an entire block.c The square dates back ta the Aztées, when It was the N' Ijeart of their capital. The Spaniards bufit the present Cathed- IV raI and palace. You can visit bath, but it is absolutely neces-B sary ta have a guide for a tour of the cathedral, so thatB JAe may point some astonishing facts which might otherwise T, gounnoticed. 1 As we mentioned carlier, there las no firm basis for con- struction and the -cathedral floor ln lower by thrce feet inaLi ioe corner than the other. It is twisted so much you can Fi fosily se It, particularly when the guide points out the W different way the colunins lean throughout the centre of the D ihurch. j Although the Zocalo la something ta sec during the day N Uâme, it has ta ho vlewed an cither Saturday or Sunday SE ..y*ening, when every surrounding building isa illuminated byBi thOusands af white light buibs. This mlght give you-sorne £dea ai the beauty, but it has ta be seen ta be fully bc d[ppreciated.11 South af Mexico City la the University ai Mexico, a 8( new complex which wus startcd ln 1950. No doubt some ai *Ur readers have seen touriat advertisements depicting the 70 étone muralaif many colora on ane ai the buildings. We *Mgot to ask the total enroment, but there must be at least 3 bre or six thousand students. AI It is quite an experlence to visit the markets here anid GE tn Acapulco, where most ai the seiling people speak English, Lc a typical session secs your "opponent" say, «'I give you good B< price.."(2 You ustially counter with «I'm not lnterested" even if (2! Pau are. Thcy corne back with a sales pitch extolng the Ell Vfrtues of this or all products in their particular market en, Oea. The tourist takes a look, decides hie likes and says Si' M'How much?" The answer couid wel ho "Oniy feefty pesos Ga secor." This you figure out la four bucks in Canadian cur- Sr, W( Meny. At home you would either buy or say no thanks. Bi] But this la where the fun begins la Mexico. You point Lc out that's far too much and they invariably ask how much vil yVou wlah ta spend. "Twenty-flve pesos" you answcr. "Sir, I e lit you have cet for forty." Then you say "Well, I dunno'- thE l'Il give you thirty." Now you might end up paying the full an( jorty - if h. wou't budge - and you really 1ke It, but I -~ ýMEMORIAL hARENA DO WAN VILLE. Tolophon 623-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY# NOVIMBER 4th 8 TO le JX SUNDAY, -NOVIMBIR6m a O4 rit Men's Major Lge. Standing End of Elglith Wei First Schedule Averages Narne Games Av AI Osbornoe__-__24 2 Dr. H. B. Ruadle..- 24 21 Emnie Perfect 24 21 Ed Leslie --___ 24 24 Russ Hailman - 24 24' Jack Bond_ _ 24 2e Brian Martyn - 21 21 Larry Piper - 24 2 Don Oke _____24 2M Art Rowe _____18 2: Rusa Oke ____ 24 22 Bill Westlake 24 21 Matt Harrison 24 21 Laurence Leaman- 21 21 Clarence Oke 24 21 Bud Barter 24 21 Mvike Murphy - 24 21 F'rank Samis 24 2: Miaurice Aanaert- 24 21 John Gould -------- 24 21 LoweIl MacDougal 24 21 Si Trewin 24 21 Êob Williams - 24 21 Elton Brock - 24 21 F'red Thompson- 24 21 Bob Lawton .- 24 21 George Stephen- 24 21 John Oke _ 21 20 Ired Bagneli 24 20 Don Bagnell 24 20 Don Bishop - 24 20 Bob Kent -___ 24 20 Hlap Palmer 12 20 Maurice Richards_ 24 20 Bob Glanville 24 20 Bud Henning - 24 20 A~b Saman-___ 24 20 Jack Lander - 24 2U ýarI Piper 24 20. Frank Mohun 24 20ý Russ Hateiy -- 21 *20ý Dave McKnight- 21 20; Lou Wiseman 24 20; John Carter - 24 20: George Bebee - 24 20: Morin Henning- 24 20: Murray Tighe - 24 201 Bruce Milne 24 20( Harold Michelson-. 24 20( Team Standing cam W L Pis 1.G. A. -__ 15 9 1 Ken's -____ 14 10 14 \lutton & GauIld 14 10 14 Lander Hdwe.- 14 j10 1 'rank's Variety- 13 il il ffhyte Bras. - 13 il 1] 'ykstra's 12 12 M: epsi Cola ___ 12 12 1,, rury & Lovell-- 10 14 IC els. Osborne Ins. 10 14 1C 'elby Grant 9 15 S eaver Lumber 8 16 a Bowling News Matt Harrison was the only )wler ta jump over the 809 Lark this week. Matt hac imes of 228-278-301 for ar >7 triple. Thirteen bowlers made the 00 circle. George Bebee bad f- and the high sngle game, 37. Rusa Hailman 767 (264. 66), Larry Piper 763 (275), 1l Osborne 748 (253-333), ;ergc Stephea 745 (260-278), 3we11 MacDougai 736 (296), tusa Hateiy 728 (290), Jack< ýond 726 (266), Don Oke 712 290) , Dave McKnight 708 293), John Gauld 706 (281), 1ton Brock 703 (250), Ciar- nce Oke 700 (296). Art Rowe had a big 302 Igle gamne, Bob Kent 285, xrf Clarke 283, Jim Callan r282, Si Trewin 276, Bill 7estiake 272, John Carter 268, il Orme 267, Rusa Oke 264, ou Wiseman 263, Bob Gian-. lle 262, Bob Williams 261. The Selby Grant Heating xm won ail top honora with ie high single score af 1305 d high triple 3491. Rcn McLean had the aeason'a M aingle game oi 81 and 10w pie, 388. The I.G.A. team has taken or top spot with 15 pointa hile three teama, Ken's Men's ear, Mutton & Gould Serv- eStation and Lander Hard- are are tied with 14 points, sr'econd place. In the averagesA son ,s 247 for 24 gamea. Dr. H. Rundie la next aI 232 while nie Perfect haî 229. Mixed Major League [Tbis week several teams tered positions witb Buday 11 hol ding the top place. Jim urphy had a nice triple ai 1 (249-279-253) with D. right 737 (280-236-221) and Thomson 734 (211-253. 0) close behind. H. Balian- ie waa the aniy one ta bit e300 mark wlth 305 and tley Bickell came close [h 290. Garnes Aver. Ballein____ 18 245 Balientine - 21 242 Joli _____ 18 237 Saman - 21 232 Dobbins 21 229 Buday 18 225 Hallman ___ 21 217 Murphy - 21 217 Thomsnaa . 21 216 Perfect 21 216 Anaert - 21 216 Wright - 18 211 Canners 21 210 MIurphy - 21 209 Maynàrd - 21 205 CoWaIM- 18 204 Dunu -____21 200 [faynes 18 200 da 14 MOM 13 YM lAu go - - - the Shil H.t H. D. Ab P. B. R. M. F.1 E.1 M. D. V. R.] P.1 Tms Bud pat« gay Wiris Bick 's English Jaguar Sidewalk Car The highlight of Dykstra's Food Market 7th Anniversary Sale last week was the draw for the Bick's Pickles English Jaguar Sidewalk Car, and here is pictured the lucky family who are now the proud owners of the Jaguar, seated in the car is Randy, left to right, Christy, Patty, Carol, Bonnie Lou, Terry and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson, 46 Hunt St., Bowmanville. The two gentlemen on the right are the proprietors, Robert (kneeling) and Claude Dykstra. Photo by Lloyd MeRobbie Jr. Men's Hockey League 2 Bill's Billiards filled thl 2 penalty box ln Sunday night' 0 apener, wbiio Ken's Men' 0 Wear were busy filling the nel 9 The result was a chippy, pen 8 alty-strewn scrap, with Ken' taking a 6-2 verdict. The lai Yfor the Billiard boys waa the.i ithird straight. Steve Burns Iwith a tria ai goals, sparkec th. winners, with Joe Readej addiag two and Brian Collinr a single. iBll's Laany Burni 1 and Phil Bragg accounted foi their scorng. The lasers wert tagged with a total ai 51 minutes in penalties, 31 ci these corng la the final 2C minutes. Bill'a, who spcni moat ai the game picking up cfooiish infractions, openedt the acoing at th. 25 second mark, Lany Burns combiued wit] George Leaver. Ken's dam. laated the rest ai the apeaing period with Joe Reader scor- ing twice and Steve Burns once. The two clubs spl goals In the middle period. Brian Callans beat Lintan at 14.50 and Phil Bragg shovec the puck under Larry Nemisz for BilJ's at 18:59, as Kea's led 4-2, aiter 40 minutes ai play. Steve Burns scQred, his second goal ai the night at 5:26 ai the third. Ted Bate's blueline drive was re-rauted by Burns, catching Bill's Garth Lintor going the wrong way. Burns potted the final goal of the game and his third, at 14:40. Ken's stuck mainiy ta hockey, collecting only 14 minutes ir penalties. For the Men's Wear Club, Burns, Reader and Wall- rauf once again were a poteni lino, picking Up a total of Il points. For Bifi's, Garth Lin- tan in goal put Up a game stand, but received littie aid irom bhis mates, who spent moal af their enorgy, coming and going tram the sin-bmn. In the second game, Legian aiter building up a 2-0 iead, faltered, as NichaIs' Mators rebounded for a 4-2 win. Dave Kerr and Doug Haoey teamed up, with Kerr beating Pal Murphy a 18:26 the irst, Ladies Legion Bowling Name Games B. Partuer 24 B. Balayent 15 D. Annaert 24 M. Blake -_____24 B. Bothwell 18 N. Sheeban 18 F. Bruce ____18 A. Saman -___21 H. Sirnnick 24 A. Bate - -____24 M. McNuity 18 J. Burton 24 G. Dowaey 21 L. Bruton ____24 M. Bates -- 18 G. Murdoch -. 15 M. Westover -~ 21 D. Richards - 21 A. Piper IR. Ba23 M. W 9 L. Gr'aham 15 M. LatWrIe là Pt&. J'mrtier ____ ____ 19 1 Blake - _ __ _ 13 BoIWer _________ 101 A.unéart _ __ __ __ 6 moue- e Utp20tBermleI Ave. 192 183 178 163 160 153 151 148 143 135 133 125 123 120 119 110 109 108 106 104 1001 651 855 he "s t. n. I's gs ir tg, >d er 's ls r ,if ýp le h tg it tt giving Legion a 1-0 lead. At Brown's pasa tram the aide- 3:23 ai the second, Legion boards behind Burgess at 17:31 moved in front 2-0, with Pote ta complote the sconing. Legion drew four of the seven pen- Bothwell the marksman. Ran allies handed out in the game. Brome did the shovel work, For Nichais, Murray Brown, digging Kerry Dickens' drive John Mathers, Cox and Cobble- frorn behind the net. Hig pasa dîck were stroag performers, in front ta Bothwell gave up front. Don McMurter, ai- Murphy -no chance. Nichais though held poinîless for finaiiy gaI uatracked, at 8:09, Nichois, also turned la a pow- with Cobbledick b e a t i n g enfui performance. For the "Corky" Burgess. Cox tied the Legion crew, Rau Broome, game Up aI 12:11, wben bis Bob Cameron aad Terry Bak- shot went through Burgess' er played well. Bath goalles, glove. Terry Baker, ai the "Corky" Burgess aad Pal Legion, was off for trippiag Murphy made some fine savea, at 12:59 ai the third, when but Nichais' defence was Dane Rogenson put Nichais In steadien throughout the game. iront 3-2. Rodgerson, pa*jed This Sunday aight's Junior in iront, beat Burgessa dean- Meu's action secs Nichais play- ly with a high drive. John ing Bill's aI 7:30, with Kcn's Mathers whisted Murray and Legion cashing at 9:00. B3.H.S. Redmen Defeat McLaughlin Collegiate ;z by David Goheen a hard-hitting, exciting foot- d In the final game af the bail game ta decide Ibis area 's rsuddea-deatb games that couid repnescutalives. d iead "The Redmen ai Bow- The game waa witnesaed by emanville High", on ta the many loyal fana tram the sur- e Senior "A" Championship was rounding arca Ibat came by staged in the Kiasmen Stadi- every mode ai transportation umn iu Oshawa last Friday, ta sce B.H.S. play football. sOct. 29th. Bowmanviiie High They helped the players by edefeated the highly-rated mc- knowing Ihat they had some- Laughlin Collegiate 20 ta 12 in anc there ta give tbem lbe rs moral support they needed. ri 1111111 During the succesaful pep- r rally Fniday aflernoon Charles Ewert louched on fadas about t spirit. The studeats and play- crs had that spirit. On the field the players played the beat game this scribe has accu - --'ail year. The blocking and t ruaniug ai the affiece and the r ~ ;;t' "'p tackling of the defence was ~~ outstanding throughoutte game. The students showed 4/ thear spirit ln the succesaful anake dance up the main street ai Bawmanville and the cheering they did during the game. Aisa, tbe* teachers aI B.H.S. and the parents of the players and athers wene there in full force cheerîng Bow- manville on ta victory. To atart 1he game the rei- erce, Mn. Deli, caiied tbe two teami ta the centre af the fieid ion a short talk. They rotumacd ta Ibeir respective BANNR PASANT benches and B.H.S. kicked off BANNR PASANT ta McLaughlin. Ou the first 623-3258 play ai the game Brad Wilson ai McLaughlin gaI bebind aur 120 Duke St., Bowmanville defeaders and scored a toucb- down. The extra point try " Lite Insurance was wide. McLaughlin thon " Inome isablity kicked ta B.H.S. and with th, * Incrne isablIty carrying ai th. back-iieiders, *Pension Plans biocking oi the line, throwing * ru ai rne fquarterback Guy Parka GroupInsuance and the catching of the cadi *Business Insurance and back-fielders moved B. * Estt, PlnningH. S. siowly dowa 1h. field. Estat PlaningThese pinys were ciimaxed by hali-back Denais MeFeeters Sun Lifs AssuranCe going off tackle for the firat major* Don MeMurter was Company of Canada gaad on the extra point try. Fromn here la ta the end ai - - - - -- - the quarter bath teams tried In the second quarter Doanis MeFeeters got behiad bis de- I I fenders and caught a beauti. I Adr. ____________1 fui 25-yd. pesa frorn Guy for Addreuthe major. The extra peint I mfry by Dan was good. Me- I ________ 1 LaughliU trled saine puays up I 'lobe stepped by aur atout de- iExact Date ci Blrth - l feace. The next time Bow- ,manville got the bail they I,~~~~~~ - wersuccesaul asain in scor- GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES through CLASSIMIDS STATESMAN P.Hono623330 naiai Wlth haif the wortd pltchîng ln to make Expo 67 the b1ggesti whoop-de-do Canada has ever seen, you'vs probably aiready made Up your mmnd to corne. But why pay more for your fun than you need?7 *uay your hp. 87 entvauce Passpoqt 50w. and save up to 37Y. over prices at the Cote. At the reduced advance price.à Delly Paseport costa 4tp4 * kly Passport (7 consecutlve days) $750. Also big reductlons on Soason Passports, and Youth Paspert. Children 2-12 on April »t, 1967, hall! price. ThWyr. on sale ev"euywhse.a bankm, travel service clubs. womma's asso"lto,,s, labour groupe. end wherever you se» tu eiiai Expo 67 slgn. AUk about Bonus 80o0b, too, for big discounts on f ood. rides mand entebtmmt. Accommodations 7 Gumrmnteed. Write ta th@ officiai Expo 87 accommodation bureau: LOGEXPO, Expo ô7, Cité du Havre, Montreal, Q. T4 UnhWefmaed Exhbit-0iii Mot&ea'- Cana APRIL U»«TOUR 27. 1667 ~'BAE 1I.'I Cm.Ioflwa et camdln conhdoe~sB ~w u~m*G IONNOV. 7*5e ing. This tim. Guy threw a 60 yard pass ta Charles Ewerl who jplayed an outstanding ganie bath ways whlch set the stage for Larry Simpson ta run off tackle for the major. The extra point try was widc. In the third quarter Mc- Laughlin came ta lufe whea they trled the same play as in tho first quarter ta Brad Wilson who scared the major. The play worked again for them. The extra point try was wide. Bowmanvile didn'f. score in this quarter but the defeuce stopped McLaughilu twice on a goal-lino stance. In each instance the Mc- Laughlin player dropped the football. In the fourth quarter our defensive rover John Hooper iatercepted the bail twice and ran the bail back each time 10 ta 25 yards. This scemed ta break the backa af McLaughlin as they didn't seem ta have any lufe left ln them. In the end th. players liaed up ta cangratulale each other and the fana streamed onto the field ta coagratulate Bowman- ville in its impressive win. This wia for Bowmanville was a team effort. The de- fence under the direction ai tackie Irv Calweii, Fred Strik- werda who lime after time threw the opposing quarter- back for many lasses; John Hoaper wha played the roverj and Charles Ewert the defeas-1 ive end were in on almoal ail the tackles. These four would not have been able ta do their job if il hadn't been for the remaining players, such asj Doug and Dennis McFeeters tackle and defensive back re- spectively; tackle Randy Sal- iowa, lincbacker Terry Drap- er, Brian Jones, and deep backs Don McMurter, Guy Parka and Bill Morrison. The offence under the direc- tion ai Guy Parka was out- standing. It it wasn't for the excellent biockiag ai the in- ternor ai the lino made up ai ends Brian Peters, Charlcs Ewcrl, tackles Doug McFeet- e rs and John Hoaper, guarda Jim Groea and Howard Mut- tan and centre which was sbared by Dave Trimble and John Groca, thon aur taleated backfield would not have gain. cd the yards they needed ta gain in the game. The back- field has Larry Simpson at tfull-back, Dernvis MeFeeters and Don MeMurter haii-backs with Bill Morrison the flank- er. The line was throwing the nccessary blocks ta spring the back-field away and the backfielders wcre hitting the required hales with accuracy. With the beach strcngth wbicb Mn. Brunt bad at his aide they were equally as good as the players on the fieid. When anc ai the players was injurcd ho could cail upan these players ta f111 ia, which they did abiy. Ia football fi a team can block and tackle with author. ily then they wiil corne eut victora. This was the case lest Friday. Let's hope Bowmanville can do well against their next apposition as they have been able ta do ail ycar and that is wln. 1 Mixed League Bowli*ng _ litanding End ef Elghth Wgek 16_09 (3) Jack Davis 907? TeamW L 27, Hazel Donoghue '10d Brunt _____ 6 8 3g <236). Prout_____ 14 10 34 Joan Brunt's team a lui firat Nowlan 15 9 34 place, haviag won 16 garnis Harrison - 13 Il 32 and lest anly 8 for 38 point&. Osborne____ 13 11i 29 Vince Prout's autfit and Jot wilcox Il____ 1 3 27 Nowian's tearn are tied at 34 Perfect 11____î 13 26 Pointa. Benet___ Il_ 13 25 In the averages AI Osborn* Bramell 10 14 25 bas 238 for 24 gaineswlh H. Brock 11 13 24 Hilda Brock leadlng the tao E. Brock ____ 10 14 20 with 217. Etcher ---- 9.. 15 19 Averages%.v I 5 h t_____ mesAve. Rural VwUCI gAI Osborne ___ 24 238 N Elton Brock 24 222 October 25 iBob Glanville- 24 222 Pt&. Pis eMatt Harrison- 24 221 iMŽiple Grave - 18 22474 Hilda Brock--- 24 217 Hi C'a 17 21700 Howard Bromeli 24 217 Tyrone _____ 13 20612 Gord Wilcox 24 216 Enniakilien Sr. - 11 21041 Vince Prout - 24 213 Salem _____-_ il 19817 Ken Nichais - 24 211 Hampton 6 20108 Morley Etcher 24 210 Sauina ---------4 19429 Dick Perfect 24 207 Enniskillen lut. 4 1855() Jim Bedford 24 207 High Singe-L. Coambes 301 Joan Brunt 24 206 High Triple-E. Dickoy ---768 Feru Bradley 24 203 Low Single-Chester Mill$ 82 Duke BrunI 24 203 Low Triple-A. Sharp - 409 Canule Wiseman- 24 197 . Avrages Over 180 Orne Etcher . 24 197 Dave Reynolds 21 223 AI Lobb 24 197 E. Dickey -___ 21 222 Mary Wiicox 24 19#1 Ccc Milis -- -- 21 215 Joe Nowian 24 195 John Coombes- 21 213 Ernie Dickens - 24 193 K. McGill_____ 21 212 Hazel Danaghue- 21 189 R. Laird ____ 21 210 Shirley Davis - 18 189 D. Taylor 21 207 Hap Palmer--- 15 189 F. Wotlen 18 206 Audrey Osmond- 24 188 H. McLaughliu 21 206 Bob Mitchell -----24 198 J. Siemon 21 203 Jim Cox ----------- 18 18î H. Michelson 21 202 Mixed Bowling News L. Coombes- - 18 202 Connie Wiseman and AI Jini Coombes 21 200 Osbone won ail high prizes A. Wilson 15 199 on Friday night. Connie had B. Bothwell - 21 198 the high single for the ladies 0oug Reynolds 21 197 wilh a big 348 ta top ail bc.wi- T. Pleasance - 21 196 rs and 156 ad 200 for high T_ Wearn- 21 loi ladies' triple of 704. AI Os- B. Konopackj 21 191 borne lîad 806 with games af Bruce Coombes- 21 l91 242-235 and high siagie game L. Tennant 21 191 of 329. B. Milla -- 1 190 Dick Perfect had 718 (275), ]Raiph Davey 21 189 Fera Bradley 693 (268), Mor- G. Shackleton 18 188, ley Etcher 652 (228), Jim Bcd- A. Martin- 15 188 fard 644 (266), Shirley Davis R. McRoberts 21 185 638 and a big 323 siagle gan.. C. Carsweli 21 184 Joan Brunt 637 (244), Ab B. McDanald 18 184 Donoghue 636 (277), Elton B. Taylor -____ 18 184 Brock 636 (283), Howard Ray Davey 21 183 Bromeli 628 (254). Ai Lobb D. Tennant 21 182 625 (232), Jim Cox 616 (221), R. Coombes 21 181 Joan Bedford 611 (249), Mait F. Beckett 21 180 Harrian 613 (224), Don Myles D. Cryderman- 15 180 BILL DEEGAN Il ta another reason

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