10- The Canadian Statesmari, EowmanvnIe, Nov. 0, 1968 Remedial Reading Plan* Cornes in for Close Study The Durham County District tioning in Part Hope naw. He for their lack ai action1 Iligh Schooi Board's efforts noted that PHHS Principal H. remedial reading programs. Ïfd expenditures in the field J. Mumby questioned whether "We have carnied the ba 1W remedial reading prograrnu Mr. Witty's efforts shouid bel up this far. I thmnk it is th teme under close scrutiny, spread thraughout the counfty public schooi board undi WVÇdnesday, at a board meet- for a few ycars until the Par tlwhich this should corne. InÉ at Clarke High School. Hp program got going. Iceel that the public schoc -A. H. Strike, chairman ail1 Carlas Tamblyn, a member boards are flot doîng an: 'IeCa - ordinating guidance ai the management committec thing and I think the achoi ëommittee, presented the re- questioned the board's move inspectors shouid show moi ,Dort whlch stated that E. F. ta spend money on training ca-operatian than they hav 'Wtty of Port Hope High School teachers in the remodiai read- rbeen showing," he said. tiad attended a reeding course ing program. Mr. Stnike urged the boar StSrcuse University lest -'What if these teachers Inot ta discard the pragram. ,,,nerin accordance with leave us within a year's time?" "We don't run the publi 'ahe board's develapmentel he asked. "I'm a littie dis- schools", he said. "I don -eading pragram. turbed about the money 'Ne think we should discard th Mr. Witty is canducting a spend on remediai reading." program an the premise th& special rcading program inl J. T. McCreery, chairmen af it is a matter for the publi Grade nine et Port Hope and the Port Hope local commit- schools". 'là available ta other teachers tee, spoke critically ai the co- Mr. Tamblyn clanified hi .ior consultation. He is being ordinating guidance commit- feelings on the matter. "I' àassted by S. Kuraishi, who tee for what ho termed "cut- not in favor ai curbing thi took the curriculum reading ting out the ]egs from under co-ordineting guidance prc çourses iToronto. Mr. Witty". 11 was disap- gram. I'm ail for guidancq Mr. Strike's report notcd pointed the guidance commnit- but I think you should go that a sub-committee is study- tee didn't supply the money littie easy on the mone ing varlous echievement tests for his program". spent". on.the market, in order ta pro- Mr. Murnby natod thet t! duce a mare mcaningful an- was a question ai where t he *ilysla in eemntryshoosm e hul oefrornmT. OW' 'for direction et the bg schoolloa mite didn't have tBR W S level thet is presently et- Mr. McCroery concluded BrwsBuy ecmt tained from the Dominion the guidance cammittec is ask- tho ome ai rs.Aiemetaa 'tests. weing Mr. Witty ta conduct this terom onfues A lmvninFaO Permission was granted speciai reading pmgramn, but 25thwTh syevenrncmbOc, for anc guidance counscilor is not providing him with the 2t ih svn mme tram each school ta attend the materiais ta conduct it. presont. The ladies spent thi Ontaria School Counsellors Mr. Strike replied that the cvening hemming bath towcl Association conierence inl co-ardinating giac com- for the Red Cross. Nex Toronto, Nov. 10-12. The rnittee is guidsencen t month the meeting will be overpen initssocial cvening et the homeo board approved payment Oi budget now. Ho added thet Mrs. June Wilson on Saturde: the $17 registration foc for some ai the school inspectars Navember i9th. each delegate attending fram) are talking naw af reeding the area and for the lodging tests being braught in. JMr. and Mrs. Ross Bayd an( cf the delegates for the nights. Gernet Tubb, a member of Ken went ta Toronto an Fr1 SMr. Strike said that Mr. the finance carnmitteo, criti- day night ta attend the gmadu Witty hed his progrem func- cized the public schoal boards ation ai Miss Nancy Brand ýNEW! SUPER-PC WERED ,PIONEER Ichain 7Saw»ggbuiIt for 'efast action l! H4mo.ee, fOP3nS is théspealc i cham i..r:mtne Ti nw ( P m r .2 Iht eJgtasaw has mrae osper fr aser cutng.#, up pwaod.And the new 11-20 has"go comltI itospfthegne nobse and thonmae It, ths new elln egm.....lner AORTON'S ARM SUPPLY LTD.1 gowmanvlle X.R. 2, Ontario HOSKI N'S GENERAL STORE Blackstock Ontario Nancy is attending Teachers College this year. Miss Sheila Allun held ar embroidery and painting dem. onstration at her home ar Monday _evening. Mr. Bill Katynski and Mrs Anne Zamolinski have sali their home and moved -tc Toronto. The new awners arE Mr. and Mrs. L. Kluczyk and their two children. We arE sorry ta Jase Annie and Bill frorn aur neighborhood bui extend a welcome ta the new- corners. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson spent Saturday evening witi Mr. and Mrs. S. Brown anc family, Newtonville. OBITUARY DELBERT F. CLEMENS In failing health for 1; months, Delbert F. Cler'nens 811 Ritson Road North, Osh- awa, died Nov. 1, at the Osh- awa General Hospital. He wai in his 72nd year. A son of the late Frederick and Ethel Clemens, the de- ceased was born April 7, 1895, at Hampton, Ont. A resident of Oshawa and district ail his lufe, he was an employee ol General Matars priar ta hi: retirement elght years aga. Mr. Clemens served over- seas with the 116th Battalior during the First World War. He was a mast successful gar- dener. He is survived by his wife, the former Olive Morris, and a son, Douglas, af Oshawa. Also surviving are a sister, Mrs. James Siavin (Irma) ai Oshawa, and two granddaugh- ters, Sharon and Susan Cle- mens. The memorial service was he]d at the Armstrong Funera] Home, Oshawa, Nov. 3rd. In- terment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. T h e Venerable Archdeacon H. D. Cleverdon, rector af Christ Memorial Anglican Church, canducted the service. IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAYU COMING TO THE PARTY? Expo 67 Is the candi. on Canada's Centen niai birthday cake. The crowning event of a whole year's celebrations. It opens in Montreal next April 28th for six moIths-the biggest, most exciting show you have ever seen. Make it a date, now. rat your entrance Paseport now-and save. Reduced prlces up to February 28th: OaiIy Passport, $2, Weekly Passport (7 consecutive days) $7.50. Aise big reductions on Season Passports and Youth Paseports. Chîîdren 2-12 on April 28th, 1967, haif price. On sale et banks, travêl agents, transportation companles, departmont stores, service clubs, womOflBs associations, labour groups, and wherever you ses the officiaI Expo 67 slgn. Ask about Bonus Books, too, for big dscunts on food, rides and entertalnment. Accommoddo@fst Guarant.edl. Write to the officiai EXPO 67 accmmodatUon bureau: LOGEXPO, ExpoP6, Cité du Havre, Montréal, P.Q. expO67 The Unlverulan d Intsrnitionai Exhilhlsnof 1107 Montréal, Canada APRII. 28- OCTOSER 27. 1807 l lhe fer I )CI )re Ne ic n't li is is ce, a ey at ir- et. he on lNov. 5th.' The program, eRYrand Jack of CobourýFv èovnd yMs Hwr! OBITUAR gadhildren aiso survive. Malcolm, consisted ini read-'1 A son, Bill, predeceased him ings by Mrs. Art Rowan and' A. R. (MARRY) ALLIN ;about 25 years ago. the convenor and a contest Tefnri evc a by Mrs. Murray Malcolm. A ýFollowing an îliness ai fîve he fom th ericerwal delicious lunch was served by1 days, the death ai Albert Chape], Bawmanville, an Fn-. the hastess. Mrs. Howard Me-f Henry (Harry) Aluin accurredp day, October 28, -and was Mulln an Mr. Bafou at Memoriel Hospital, Bow-: conducted by Rev. Geo. K. Mooe.ea rm ti a- manvlle, on Wednesday, Oc -rWard ai Trinity U n ite d Seveal rom thi con-,Church. Interment wa r n munity attended Janetville' tober 26, 1966. He was in his omnvleCeeey United Church Anniversary. 89th year. BPwaie ers er - on Sunday, October 23rd. One ai this tawn's most re- S akeer W.rettessro Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rbnoseted citizens, the deceasod!S Berd W.Cuthber McDanRoy and family were lest Sunday was born in Bawmanville, son1 guests at the Gardon Hender- ai the late Mr. and Mrs. John!TmLl n aretDlig sans in Toronto. Likewise the: ýAluin, and resided here the, Among the rnany beautiftil Rae Malcoims and the Harvev whole ai his lufe. receiving floral tributes, mute evidence Malcolms at the Relph Mal-! his education in Bawmanviile.. ai the esteem in which the calms ai Scarborough on the! On September 3, 1902, ho: deceased was hield, werc those occasion ai the "kid" bro-! married the former Birdie Ina tram Trinity United Church * ther's birthday (some kid). rDilling who prodcceased bimý Choir; The Royal Canadien A nmbr o Eplrer ad;a few year5 ago. Legion, Cobourg; I.O.O.F. No. C.G.I.T. graups ai thîs com-! For over 50 5'ears Mr. Allin, 66: and C.O.F. munity were guests ai their! owned and aperated his ownj ___i_____ Janetville con temporaries ta, grocery business and because: a Halowe'n shndig thisý the promises were situated atr week. the corner ai King and Divi- . /j sian Street, ho becamo affec- Results or Rases tionateîy knawn as the "Cor- ~ *The mani w-ha wants a gardien: ner Grocer". Before becaming 1 - Or air, r ver big, praprietar ai his own busi- . Orsmall o eybg ness, ho was also a groceryî 1 4 >AIN V %'A £Or With flowers growing bore; clerk with Archie Tait, and N U CF and there, r at McMurtry's, and for a timoî Must bond his back and dig.i was a partner in the grocery! The things are rnighty few an' store ai Scott & Allin. (/P__Y__i____e oarth That xishes wiIl attain Mr. Allun had been a retired WVhate'or yuwn in merchant for 15 î'ears. Hoe Worhwas a member ai the Unîtedi - Worth, .1 Church, and elso a member - 1 You have ta work ta gain. loi the I.O.O.F. and C.O.Fý., It mtesntwa olyuada ooaymme f set. Bowmanvilo Rotary' Club, Its secret hero reposes, Surviving are six children, A LIG O Y ouhetadro week Margaret W. and Harry Lamne To got rosuits ar rases. ai Bowmnanville. Une (Mrs.1 UPHOLSTERY Unow.rW. B. Miller), Oshawa, Ger-! Auhrtrude (Mrs." .1. C. Snowe), r 102 King St. W. Bowmanvllle Submîtted by Marti Mal- Winish, N. Ontario, Marion 'Phono 62-7341 itree Estimates - nI ,.'i-:, 'x - - - 1 - . - com i evertoUI. ___ Mrs. M. Proctor), Brockville, BoH.SfNE SRoy McLaughlin who read a IYI poem "Today" and led in 1 Be e S. NEW Sprayer. A hymn was sung id andMrs. Raiph Larmer gave 1-On Monday, Oct. 3 1, the stu -1 since Bowmanville doesn'tthe meditation. Aftcr the udents of B.H.S. enjoyed a real ýlose twice ail the games wilî offering was receiv~ed and dedi- dt "Fright Night" dance as they be in our favour. Let's gv cated, Mrs. McLaughlin read e; saw several fellow student .siaur teams ail the support they"A Woman's Prayer" and -S i a geatvariation af cost- ,need ta reach the top and if!pronounced the beniediction. urnes. The dance wa.eyyo lybskta!do isAt this point Gordie Malcolm In well attended and, 1 arn sure, any practices. came in from Scouts meeting - enjoyed by ail. The music, As mentioned last week <and played a nice piano solo. )n was provided by the Warlacks 'Twirp Day is coming. AlongLune was served by the fromn Ajax. The prizes and1 with Twirp Day cornes the i nt.Atednc,2 s. refreshrnents hielped k e e pdance. Ail girls are warned'lad les. Id everyone happy and cool, .ta be on the lookout for some to On Thursday afternoon aour cute guy. Don't be shy ta ask O ce Senior Football team and ihlm ta corne wîth you ta thecMON id rnost of the school travelled ta dance, he's probably j ust bash - ce Belleville for a COSSA cham- fuI and needs some caaxing. (Intended for last week) 1I pianship football playoff. Uni- Don't play hard ta get. Quit Mr. and Mrs. Allani Glaspeli t fortunately, Bowmanville was the gentie nudging, push hirnadTiiM.BhBrs j- defeated but flot because wehard! Os rcaM.BllBrs played poorly. The Saints are If the boys are worried, Ohawa, were Sunday visitors a great team and deserve ta about a lousy time, don't be.lat Gerry Glaspell's. ýh g0oan. Congratulations, arelA great band will be there ta Mr. and Mrs. Henry~ Dart jextended ta the football teamlfil] the auditorium with sweet vîite t akDatsWs for going as far as they did1 lullabies. There will be lots Hi. adMs .Facs and thank-you ta the students1ta eat, and rernember who's M.adMs .Facs af B.H.S. for their terrifie en- paying. Prizes and best dec- Mrs. K. Cain, Stoufiville, Mr. couagmetWe n-ay not oae assernbly hall that you and Mrs. William Dart, Little have won the COSSA cham -have ever seen are the final Bter ,M. n r..Pt pianship THIS year but aurigeinstaayrra tic , Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L.1 school spirit just cannot be 'night. Keeler, Karen and Henry, Mr. beat. Alsa rernember, t hl o s e and Mrs. Fred Dart and Don- BNow that the football seasoni Christmas Exams aren't THAT a d Wood stvi le, n rs. , is aver, d.on't despair, basket- far off, sa dan't forget ta ao at etHlwr e 1- bail season is here. There brawn (study) a little! cent visitors at Henry Dart's. 1- will still be plenty af chances Mr. and Mrs. George Gar-ý 1 ta cheer your tearn an ta vie- Albert Kerekes don and farnily, Mrs. Clarke tory. This year's competitian and Moore, Oshawa, were Sunday kIprornises ta be torrid and Barry Krawchuk callers at Keith Stainton's' r . ______________ --Master Gardon Geissbergerl had his tonsils removed on' '_ L C K T C Our syrnpathy goes ta r is Tracy Glaspeli on the passing f(Intended for hast week) :were Monday supper guests of af his sister. Mrs.Gog SA retîrement party was Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahrn. Mrs. Hilts, the former Irn Gas held for Walter Lawrence who Baker is the former Anna poli. 7- retired frorn General Motors, Brucce and Mrs. And erson, There were a goodiy num-j n Friday, October 28, at the Lillie Bruce, former residents ber of ghasts and goblins ofi rhome of their son, Robert and af this area. ail sorts around Zion on Mon-lj Jane Lawrence and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hughi Murphy, day night and the weather- j 1050 Lakefield, Oshawa. After Bowmanviîîe, visited Mr. and mano-prtdwha ie a lovely supper Walter was Mrs. Roy McLaughlin, Sun- evnic-poaegwt.anc d asked ta open his gifts, while day. evening.perfo tr the farnily and friends sang Mr. and Mrs, George Ruth- Senior and Junior Football; "He's a Jahly Good Fellow". erford and Mr. and Mrs. teams an Saturday night wasl Guests were Walter Lawrence William Robinson, Oshawa, well attended hy over 100. Jr. and daughter Carolyn, Mr. visited Mrs. Aima Fowler, Mr. Fred Lainey, Trenton,: andMrs M.Firh ad snsSu nday. Mand M s. Gorge aw andRbetsonswo asMrs. Elsie O'Neil, Oshawa,: Mr ndMs.GoreLa-M. oer obeeh a Mr. and Mrs. Allan Fisheri rence, George and friend ben visiting his brother were Sunday visitors at Wes Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Walter George and Mrs. Wolfe and Carneron's. i Fowler, aill afTaronto; Mrs. sons, went home ta Ireland on Miss Donna Henry spent the IFrank Lawrence, Weston; Mr. Wednesday. weedwt hle i- n and Mrs. John Lawrence and Mrs. Don Hall, Willowdale, weekendPo th ShlleyWi efamily, -Mr. and Mrs. Jim was Saturday evoning dinner las atPry Cokon shw;Mrad us a r.adMrlWibm Mrs. Janeen Prout and sons,; Cooson Osawa, M. ad gestof r. nd rs.WilertHamilton, spent the weeked Mrs. Walter Lawrence, Black-Arh. at Ray Cameron' ken d sockMr. and Mrs. W. Archer M.an rs o ar Mll stock. ~~accarnpanied Mr. and Mrs. Mran Ms.oar Mi- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Me-VnetAce Bwa- son and Heather, Solina, Mr'.. Laughlin and family visited ville ta visit relatives in Min- and Mrs. Tim Brooks and: Mr. and Mrs. Ted McLaughliîc den on Sunday. Mrs. Archer frie nds, Bowmanvillo, visited, and family, Fenelari Falls, and remained for a few days visit. at Ray Camera n's. alsao called an Mr. and Mrs. Miss Merna Mycon, Trinidad, Alvin Marks, Cameron, Sun- and Miss Hyacinth Booth, day. Jamaica, were Fridlay evening YELVERTON Mr. Gardon Kelly and Miss jand Saturday guests of Rev. Susan Hopping, Brantford, P. and Mrs. Romeril and (Intended for last week) spent part ai the weekend Dennis.I with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea Sorry ta report that Mr.ý Kelly and girls. and Nancy, Bronte, were Set-r Gea. Wilson is currently in Mr. and Mrs. Courtney urday night guests af Mr. and Part Perry Hospital. We con-' Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy and iam- vey this cammunity's sincereý Kelly and two littie girls visit- ily and cailed on other rela- gtwl ihs 'cd Miss Myrtie Graham and tives, Sunday, , r.Aan ity prtîcipatdin the- Messrs. Lau and Howard Weekend gUests oai . ndmuityia artt Taltednthie' Graham, Dairymple, Sunday. Mrs. Tom Horton and family Showrin aetheLiTaleAcademyý Mr. and Mrs. M e r v y nr were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morris Thewitre naday evening. 'Graham and Mr. and Mrs. land two sans, Simcoe, and Mises atr niceStra eoist,! Oscar Grahamn were Sunday!Mrs. Robert Wilson and daugh- Cath aie tceslos, gtiests ai Mrs. L. Bradiey,!ter Kimberley, Delhi. 1Cty Bristow and Candy Bowmanville. i AIl guests in the above three1 Malcolm, tap dancers, and' A gaad crawd attended andr items attended the Girl Guide Messrs. Murray Quackenbush! a happy tirne spent at the 'Gold Cord ceremony. an1 inm tce s1ihig Sadie Hawkin's dance, spon- Mrs. Albert Wright spentassistants. Ail a o taean-! sored by Cartwright High Sunday aiternoon with Mrs.reddfrdspa1itln School, Friday night. Music R.' Stinson, Bowmanville. ! and ability. was furnished by "Inn Crowd" Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trewin A former Yelverton gai,ý ai Uxbridge. Prizes went ta and iamily, Enniskillen, visit- Miss Lillian Lawson, who for-, Linda Venning for best orig cld Mr. and Mrs. Fred Trewin rnerly operated a hair dress-: mnai costume and ta Brianýafd boys, Sunday. ing salon (nat saloon) in Tor- Mountjoy and Judy Swain forl I U.C.W. General Meeting onta, has set up a similar best dressed couple. Mr. andiLA t the general meeting af operatian in Lindsay an d is' iMrs. David Kyte were chap-1the U.C.W. Tuesday evening, naw open for business. 1 erones. ,the president opened the rneet- A number from this carn- Mr. and Mrs. Ted Manning, ing by re4ding an article on munity attended the annual! London; Mr. and Mrs. I. C. "Virtue and--Vice" written by Aberdeen-Angus pure b roe d' Stewart, Heather and Duncan, Dr. Lawson af Timothy Eaton and feeder sale this yoar inj Brokln; rs Jck uryChurch, and foiiowed with Peterborough on Saturday.' Toronto, were recent guests afi prayor.ThEdLwosadH ar Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Van, Business was thon deait Malcolrns picked up several' Camp. Iwith when reports were heard ai. these Black Gp)ld Nuggets; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrow, ifrom ail units; Treasurer, Sec- at prices considerably above' Hilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Stan-1 retary, Literature, Mense, Fin- last year's. fard Van Camp were dinneri ancial re Over and Above, and Yelverton U.C.W. was held guests af Mr. and Mrs. Rich- correspandence read. Decided on Thursday aiternoon at the, ard Van Camp and chiidren, ta send $1q.00 ta Port Perry "Parsonage" ai Mr. and Mrs.ý Sunday, the 23rd. Hospital Building Fund, also Br isni lcsok Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fergu- r1$10.00 ta John Milton Society. Meeting was opened withý son, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Articles for the bales are. "Ode" and Mrs. Art Rown Jirn Hannah, Hamputon., called nearly aIl made or purchased.i convened the devotional, as- PhoneOZ63-3388 4' ~1' '-o- y... '4'. "p. .4 "4 'v., 4.-.' .4-.. ~" E ~1' 4.- '4f4 s 11/4" SELF-STORING ULTRA -SEAL Pre-hung and pre-drilled for easy ln- stallation. 100% more pile weather. stripping, oil lite hinges, heavy duty kick plate, complete hardware. Workmanshlp and materlal guaranteed. S Delivered Complete, 29.8 Beady 2 9 @8 To Instali With sparkllng WHITE DURACRON Baked Enamel finish enIy..34 8 11/2" BEST QUALITY EXCEL - A - DOR Double weatherstrlpping safety EXI- BAR and heavy duty 11/" frame, are the englneered quallty feature of this exceptional door. Pre-hung, pre-drllled wlth eomplete hardware easy to instali. 9,,9.5 Dellvered Complete 39.9 Ready 3 To Instali EXCEL-A-DOR, wlth baked enainel WHITE DURACRON fin làh oui 4 .9 WE ARE GLAD TO HELP.. FREE ESTI- Nothing to PeyMATES AND PLANN$NG HELP A REGULAR SERVICE AT BEAVER . -. YOUR VISIT For 6 Mon ths ALWAYS 1WELCOMED. BEA VER LUJýBER STORES 96 King St. E. Bowmanvllle NOTHING DOWN WITH A BEAVERB DEFERRED BUDGET PLAN ... ASI< !O-DAY