12 The Canadfia statasman, Bownmvile, Nov.9,, 196 Mormon J. Scott Addresses iRotarians on -World ý-Tour 1 CORPORATION 0F THE TO0 WNSHIP 0F DARLINCTON NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the Corporation of tbm Township of Darlington et its regular Council Meeting to be held on Thursday, Ibm l7th day of November, 1966, at Ibm Council Chambers in Ibm Township Hall et Hamnpton et 1:30 p.ni. or anytime threafter will con sider pessing a by-law to widmn, divert and improve the following road: Part of the Second Concession Road being part of Ibm original allowance for roadl betwesn concessions one and two ir the Township of Darlington, through part of Lots 32 and 33 in the said First and Second Concessions, and té expropriate certain lands ini said Lots 32 and 33 in the First and Second Concessions of the Township of Darlington required for tbe aforesaid road- ..The proposed by-law and plan showing th. lands affected may b. seen in the offices of the Township Clerk in the Township Hall. The Council wiîl hear in person, or by bis or her counsel, *4gent or solhcitor, any person who dlaims that bis or her lands will b. brejudlclally affected by tbheaid by-law and who applies to b. heard. A)ATUD 1hIs 14th day of October, 19K. W. L. RUNDL14 Clez'I. .V.~ L young people would oe guing into the churches the answer wes that some young people are bccoming inquisitive and simpiy go to "observe". You might draw your awn con- clusions from such an answer. Bcîng interested in merch- andising as weii as Agricul- ture I taok time ta visit and browse around in ane of their largest department s t ore s whîch is frontîng on Red Square. There is ebsaiutcly no shortage of merchandise in Russie. Grantcd the quality is inferior, as campared ta ours. It is very difficuit ta find anything that isn't made in Russie. These people are bent on becaming seif-sufficient in every respect. They certeînly know haw ta conserve their own currcncy. I was interest- ed ta see what type o! merch- andise the peaple were mast interested in. Strange as it mey seem, one of the busiest places in the "Goam" Depert- ment Store wes an erea in which they were seliing barn- boo fishing poles. It scemcd that everybody wentcd a fish- ing paie. (Continued'fram lest week) unbeiicvable. You would -ai- great pride ln showlng yauY a u"si most thînk yau are' going their athietic fields, which i Moscow itself ane is very straight down. The escalators really aie superb. They haveN Impressedby thetakeowyUuidown rnostiy on two ane swimming pool in Moscowa inWeuedbytheMaca Ui-different levels -and travel -t thet they use outdaors in thes V4tsity. It is aur understand- anuhlevebie speed. Actu- winter time regerdless of hawr ln% that ail students who ally you have ta jump on and much below zero it is (and itc attend this University are peid jupoff. I arn not exagger- gets pretty cold in Moscow), were go tshol theymreceive e run her I sey this. They which is all heaed and yet, itE sàa wry, somethng ai rn the a. subways the -seme is autdoors. Ta get into thet sagay, omehin on th wa. Atrain pulls into a ste- dressing rooms yau swim1 natuu'e o! $150.00 per month. tion and in a split second underground through chennels1 Topir board and room is ater the prescribed period or tunnels. Sa that the ex- ]practicaiiy negligibie, being that thing is off and runnîng. treme cold air doesn't bother ' gdfie $1.50 ta $3.00 a week. I wes simpiy fascinated stand- you out over the open waterr FÙrnthermore, if they obtain an ing and watching how these they bianket it with a layer of1 "A" -or first-grede standing people managed ta get an steam. Soccer and pleyingi they get 25% extra bonus and off of their subway with- fields abound. I watched full- it money. Extra special cm- out gtting killed. The emaunt grown men coeching what I plissis ls being pleced on edu- of people using public trans- wouid sey were public school cation in. Russie. The Uni- portation in Moscaw is un- ege boys how ta turn e soccer versity in itseif is a tre- believebie. They carry every bail. These people are ail in triendous set of buildings. Not manner and means of food athletic clothes. It is a reel b.ing an architect I don't and personai belongings and treat ta look across an ath- know whether the architecture anc begins ta wonder where letic field and see the whoIEt tg, good or bad, but ta nme it in the worid they are going graund dotted with people. Wras very impressive. I do and whet they are doing witn Somnetimes ail men and some- knaw thet surrounding the ail this iuggagceand junk that times ail women doing push- buildings they had some Of they seemi ta bc carrying along ups or other gymnastic pur- thé finest landseaping of the with thern. I wes given to suits. They are greet people simpicst design that I have understand thet many or for sports end anecacn under- ever been privileged ta see. them trevel e great distence stand after seeing some of1 Whcn anc graduetes from the ta work. Somne of themn must their sports arenas end seeing1 University of Russieaonc does be up very early in the morn- how they train so intensively,j not nccesserily praceed as we ing to catch trains to go L-er- ((even et the ordînery person's would in this country, but the tain places and return very level) why they have progress- State may esk you ta do a late in the evening. Their sta- ed sa fast in world sports. couple o! years - say teach- tions arcea work o! art; - ail They teke greet pride în ing anc o! the languages, donc in bright colours, but showing you their ski siope when possibly you graduated mostîy in e mosaic effect which commences et the Uni- in Phiiosophy. This proccd- which I amn sure must be very versity and proceeds right tire, I undcrstend, is common costly ta construct. dawn over the river in the and anc is expectcd ta return I noticeci anc thing about heart of Moscow.1 ta the Stete the use o! his teRsincntutoet-Te r eypodo hi services whcre the State dic-thRusecosrcinet- Tcyaevypru !tei tetes in return for his educa- er it is very gooci or vcry poor. Hover-creft on the river, tion and pay. They arc paici When anc reelizes what these which they use ta entertain for their services, but anc people have achieveci in the taurists. doesn't choose e position as scence o! spece and then They generaliy try ta get wc would in this country. when you teke a look et the -anc good thing o! everything Ail reccivers o! moncy pay installation o! a simple wesh andi, in rny opinion, they arc Incrnetaxon sldin sclebasin in a hotel roam, you bc- reaiiy trying ta make an im- similer ta ours. Sa fer as 1 gin ta wander. pression on foreigners. could find out there is no City streets in Moscaw and In Moscow there are three 49credit" buying. State mcdi- ather places are very wîde. It large airports. By aur stand- cine is in effect for evcrybody was explaincd ta me thet this ards they are not good et al] froni thc cradie to the grave. wes not hard for themn because Sa fer as entering the country Even as e tourist, if you be- Most o! the cities were de:- is concernied, there seems ta came iii in the country andi stroyed. As a resuit when the be no problem whetsoever. require medicai or dental re-building took place these but on ieaving you surely get attention; - it is free. Drugs people were !ar-sighted enaugh scrutinizcd right until the lest are free if you arc confined ta ta meke streets that are really minute, even as you are walk- hospital. You pay for drugs wîde andi not do like we are ing up the steps into the If yau are 111 ai home. doing, spending millions in ex- 'plane. Thcy make sure thet Prices for goosis and services propriation trying ta get e the right persan is going out. -exccpt the necessities, such street or e highway wide Furthermorc, they meke doub- as transportation - arc high. enough in a country that is iy sure that you don't take any There are plenty o! auto- elmost as large as theirs. rubels with you. They have, mobiles ln Moscaw. Travel is I have neyer seen trees a greet habit o! charging you certainly restrictesi. You must used more abunclantly than in extra for things thet we think have a travel permit ta go Russia. Around thsý City o! wauid be normal in this coun- beyond 20 miles o! any par- Moscov there is one complete try. Sa fer as I coulsi under- ticular place. Furthermorc, beit five miles %;ide of solid stand the taurist is kept sep- you cannot mnove into the City trees. They dlaim that this erate !ram thc Russian people o!_ Mascow, for exemple, wlth- is the ideal prorodure from a in practiceliy ail the hoteis. out a permit. No permîts, I health stensipoint and from Fortunateiy, or unfortun- umdcrstand, are being issuesi the stendpoint o! cuttîng down ateiy as the case may be, sev- because Mascow has deçided the chili winds. erel of us dccided et Krasnod- that it now has too many The Russiani landscape in ar that wc wented ta get people andi just docsn't want generel gives you a retheî- better ecqueintesi with the any mare. We couisi take a blek feeling. They certeinly ordinary Russian people et the lesson in this respect aiso. do not - (with e very few ex- hotel and we surely endesi up lfhey say thet this city is large ceotions, such as their Uni in a goosi party. Their cham- eriçugh and the thing ta do versity - waste -any money pagne is powerful. Their beer rsow is create another clty, on anything that is nat abso- is lousy. soruepiacc mse. Practically iutely essentiel. It seems ta All tourist trevel is handiesi ev#erything is controiled by be their prime purpose ta do by the Government Tourist rnWans o! permit. Their coun- anly the necessery work. Bureau. You do as they say. try roeds certainly are devoisi Speaking o! work, men ansi If you are going from point of traffîc. On these roassonc women work alike. There "A" ta point "B" by your own atts only the necesary com- scems ta be no differentetion, mator car thcy tell you how mercial vehicles, which arc so fer as I coulsi find. I long you are expectesi ta teke. ahl State owned, andi vehicles watched wamen who were If you are not there et that tiret have ta do with the miii- bosses (in a roed work gang time you have gat ta give a tary. In generel, andi in my for exemple) where the re- reesonabie answer as ta where opinion, I wauid say that mainder o! the crew were ail yau were or why you weren't their rolling stock o! trains, men. We watched women there. drect cars, buscs, highway filiing cracks in the highwey I statesi prcviously thet the buscs and trucks icave a greet with tar. Women wauld be Rlussiens arc great users of deai ta be desiresi. They ail in the perks ansi alang the trees. Within the cities they 4jpcar ta be cumbersame andi roasiside digging wîth spades plant trees everywhere. They :fsm the ones fhat we wcre and with forks, the same as plant trees much too close by priviiegesi ta ride in, they you would secea man do in aur standards, but they semr were built for enything but this country 25 ycars ega. ta be intent on geining the èomfort. I arn not saying this Russian Agriculture appears maximum emaunt o! shede. It criticaliy, but simpiy factually ta me ta be about 30 years semrs strange in a country that yau just dan't sit in e behinsi whet we are now, but thet professes nat ta have a MJssian bus andi go ta siecp. that doesn't mean ta sey thet beiief in God or a Supreme 4.Their metro, (or whet wc they are going ta be 30 years Being that they lave Nature - oeil our subway) is samething catching up. Keep your eyes andi elsa that they would re- ta behalsi. The depth that on these people. They've got pair their churches. We saw t hey have igot this buried in a winncr if they ever hit the e number o! churches under- tihe grounsi reminsis yau o! right combination - which I going repeir. Furthermore, gome of the tubes ia London, think they wiil do. you will sec some young people but the angle et which thcy Tremendaus emphesis is going inta the churches. When descend ta the track level is placesi on atlletics. They take I questianesi as ta why the Russi. You just bounce in. feelings. They tried to doi Hotels are a subi ect ail by everything that they could ta themueives. Frankly, Iius make us feel entirely wel- couldnt eat the food.I wasn't corne. At a dinner that they alone in this regard. They prepared for us on the Coi- seem to use sunflower oil to lective Farm they set forth,J excess for cooking everything. m the aid fashioned manner,1 Ginger aie is not heard of. 1 long tables under a grove of1 understand that Coke is be- trees. The tree trunks were ginning ta make its way. ail beautifully whitewashed. Every kid in the street wants The llnens were spotlessiy gumn. If you have gumn or n dlean. They brought out their bailpaint pen the kids willvery best siiverware, and be- foiiow you for miles. Caviar lieve me some of it was beau- was canspicuous by its absence tiful. Their glasses were - they export it. You are crystal and in short they set checked in and out every time a banquet for us that would You leave the floor of your have been hard to better in hotel. You aiways leave the this country. Ail the work was key with the lady or tw.) done by the ladies of the farm ladipEs crn duty on every floor and everything was done on TheRusian ar vey pouda collective basis. They had cfTheiRussin Avrycultr.uastage show for us under the On f the wr ingicuture.trees. They-put on a private Mn. Vof thenfirstthe ngs ta concert which was ail acted Mir. Vofvc grncutedt out by members of the farm. in istr ntf Ariculture and A 40-piece band piayed whiie hi m assitan tr. eutrtid;we ate and between toasts. me as he remndos srid'~There were pienty of toasts. that they have made in. the In the piaY that they put on it. breeding of sunfiowers. I ar- wsauigt ebt ee ranged for Ero bu es fo at Kalinîna and in Gorki Rusie or xpo- as I was re- Park in Krasnodar, how the q cuested to do by Expo - in actors seemed ta make fun of ,less than five minutes with crano hi w oen Voochno- Aisa, I arrang- ment pracedures. Aithongh .ed with Mr. Petrov of the they spoke in Russian we .Ministry for an exchange with cududrtnb hi the Russian Horticuiturists of ovemnentand, by their t information fromn time ta time oe ntadbyhirc- with regard ta hardy plant ing, what they were trying ta 'materiels for aur Nrt. partray. One wauld think Noth that this would be frownenl Krasnodar, whicil is about upan, but they seem ta take .1,000 miles South Of MoscaW, a great deal of enjoyment at 1is a city xvth very wide streets.. laughing at themseives and et .and construction ;s going Ot part of their system which everywhere that you lookFd. probebly they do not agrec .These wide streets are gen- with. During the meal these .eraily laid out wîth a beauti- people exchanged gifts with .fui boulevard. They plant 'he us and did everything in their .boulevard with Blue SDruce power ta make us feel wel- i nd other good Ilorticultural corne. We came ta the con- rvarieties, but they feu ta '~Iit clusion that they don't see too fthe grass. When I esked why miany people from outsîde of ithey didn't cut the grass, and their ferm and, therefore, their iwhy they didn't pull ýhe apprecietion for a visit - tweed, the answer given t(k especiaily foreigners. ime was that different people in different cauntries have On the farmn itself is a Vet- 1different customs and that's erinary Depertment, an Anim- iwhere I was ieft with ,my ai Scientist, a Crop Scientist, question. I did nat see a etc. They h ave a compiete isingle lewn mower in opera- staff of university-educetea tion n Russia, (elthoug h I men on this farm who more .know that iawn mowers were or iess direct the techr.icai used on the University grounds and professionel operations. in Mas1cow), but in Krasno- It is quite a sight ta see a tdar I didn't see an indiceti >n 1,000 acre tield being ploligh- 1of a single lawn mnower being- ed it one time. We were not uscd. Fine lawns, such as we overly imprcssed with their jknow tilîc., just do not exisc. machinery. As a metter of 1 %Most of the grass thet I ýaw fart, those of us wvho werr ,resembies cur Crab Grass on famnilier with Agriculturel me- what they cal] a lawn. chinery feit that they could departrmnt. They gmt strange Here we saw ferming on a I mixtures in their stores, but scale %vhich I hasincvmr CI you must remember that this dreaniesi of. Krasnodar itsmif rr is nat their choice, it is by is right in the misdle o! the r designetion. Kuban AQea. Wc spent suf- c' I asked the question as ta ficient time here ta get e goos ry how I coulsi get into business idea of whet the Russianz h in Russie. I was tolsi poiitmiy were ansi wcre nat able ta E thet I just couldn't gt into àchieve in Agriculture. At b business in Russie. When I Krasnodar wc werc shown a v re-phresed my question ansi vitemin !actary ansi toisi how t; esked how it wouid be possible thcy were attempting ta nro- f4 to have a new business startesi duce vitamine~ from the variaus ii in Russia I wes then inform- vegetebles. c ed of the procedure which Krasnodar, in the Kuban V goms something like this. If Arma, is where the top soul is ti you are interestesi in dcpart- reputesi ta be et least six feet f ment store business and you deep. The soul reminssonc have been a successful depart- very much o! the grain beit h ment store man, then you are in Saskatchewan ansi Alberta. c elevatesi to the Board. This It bakes very bard in the suni. Board decides in a ncw cam- I imagine that it is a soil that s munîty or in an cxpanding has ta be very carefuliy a community as ta whether or hendiesi, otherwise you couisi not e store is requiresi. Once gmt into seriaus trouble. FromN the decision o! the Board is what we saw some o! the ji reacbesi in the affirmative Stete farmers wmre in seriaus ' then they decide whet mcrch- trouble. c endise is going ta be saisi in The Kuben Arma is some- t] that store. Fineliy they de- thing ta beholsi !ram the g cide what price it us going ta stansipoint of Agriculture. Cen 1I seli et. In other words, you yau imagine anc fan o! a don't have ta do eny thinking, 62,000 acres? This lis the size c you simply have ta foliow the farmn that we sew as a collect- 0 rules. ive ferm et Kalinina. Strange as it may secm, There arm two kinis o! farms they have a place going some- in Russie. Like Yugoslavie thing like Yorkdale in Toron- they have the "State" fanms ta. It wes expiainesi ta us ansi they have the "Collective" that here the variaus depart- ferms. You must keep un 1ment stores show their weres mnd. howevcr. thet ail the ansi ttempt ta give the people lansi is owned by the Govmrn- e "Vanîty Fair" deel. I asked ment. The State Farm is ex- themn what was the purpase in actly what it seys. It is run tthis because ail the prices entirely by the State under wmre elike, ail merchendise direction from the State. Sa was alike; there is only anc fer as I coulsi find out the make o! automobile, there is reeson the Stete Ferms are -oniy anc meke o! truck, there not more successfui is that is only anc make a! tractar they run everything by the ansi I wes tld this was ta book. The men wark a cer- stimulate competitian. How tain definite shift ansi then you cen stimulate competitian thcy stop. Direction is given under these conditions was from heesiquarters ansi if the bcyond me, but I didn't press direction isn't there you just the question eny !urthcr. don't do it. If the direction The Russians appeer ta me tells you that you must cut ta be people wh'o lave ta hay et 8:00 o'ciock in the drink. You cen drink any morning whtber or nat the place you went et eny tume dew is off the grass, you stili o! the day or night ansi no go out ansi cut ut. I was able one seems ta bother you. Tbey ta be with an Engiish-speaking sure mix their drinks. Russian who admittesi ta me Saune of aur men gaI a rude that Stete Farms will nat suc- ewekening in Krasnodar in ceesi because everytbing is con- the washrooms. Evidmntly it troliesi by the rule book. There is the custom in Russie for ]5 no incentive for anyone ta wamen ta be attendants in thef do other than what is pre- mmn's wesbroom. Some o! scribed for him. aur men werme lmost barri- This is evidencesi by the fied (if e man cen be barri- crops we sew. Their fielsi fied)- that the Russian char- crops are cbiefly grain, sun- wamen went about their job o!fiower, suger beets, melons scrubbing arounsi the urinais ansi tremendous tracts a! orch- ansi the sinks ansi toiimt bowis ards. Frenkly, I was extrerne- just as if no one wes there. ly dsappointesi in the quaiity As anc o! the feilows saisi, if o! their epples. I neyer saw you hasi eny modesty whmn anc apple that wc would con- you went in you certainiy sider markctabie in this arma. didn't have eny when you The epples are smeli in size. came out. Their orchards show a distinct leck o! the use o! insecticides. Speeking o! the pèrsonal They edmittesi ta us thet they aspect o! Russia I cen guar- neesi insecticides. The lack o! antee if they ever run out o! commercial fertiiizer is prob- sansipeper ail they have ta do abîy anc o! their grmatmst is buy a rail o! Russian toilet drawbacks in their Agricul- paper. The !urther East we turc. They just don't have 1ot the rougbmr the paper gat. thm neccssary commercial fer- 1 on's catalogue wouid have tilizers. Asa resuit this is re- been a joy comperesi ta sanie fiecteci in the crops. of their "fine tissues". On the other hand, et the Most o! us wcre not imprmss- Collective Fan eat Kalinina md by their eircraft. Il hs very they have an excellent opera- evident thet most o! their tion. The ferm is run by a 'planes which carry passengers committme. This committee cen very quickiy be convert- is electesi. The Chie! o! the ed into carga-cerrying 'planes. ferm cen be miectesi from the As a matter o! !ect, I arn posi- lowmst man - on the farm. On tive that the 'plane that we thet ferm of 62,000 acres there had trom Krasnodar ta Mos- were 2,700 employeca ansi cow prcviousiy had been a about 6,000 inhebitents. Bath cattic-carryîng 'plane. The men ansi women work. As a odaur was very intense. Rus- resuit you cen sec that the sien 'planes, so fer as we sew, families are rether large. wcre far tram the luxury Everytbing is donc on a col- 'planes sucb as the VC-10 new lective beaui. They live on a B.O.lA.C. with its 181 pas- collective basis. They eat on sengers which brought us back a collective besis. Their mn- across Ibm Atlanic. The noise tertairnent is on a collective in saune of these Russian basis. ' planes is almost deatening. Wc were priviiegesi ta be Their runways are so rough entcrtained by these people. that you just wonder whether I have neyer experlencesi e or flot you are galig ta make dernonstratlon o! friendship as ,don't think there is any such Frankly, I believe th at t e thing as a srnooth aning iniwers genuine in teii we had consumed melons for 1 previously entertained us, (the to be able ta adopt from thern somne time they informed us maie side) brought Out the same of their practices which that previaus ta the melon baskets of champagne and I believe would be susor to glasses and started the party crop the pigs had been on that al over egein on the road.' that whîch we have naw. It field fertilizing it. This is They stated that this is what is absoiuteiy certain that we possibly the reesan for the they called "one for the road". are net gaing ta change the good quality of melons. If we had done this in our Can.munist people and it is Windbreaks are the order conr we wouid ail have that much mare certain that of the day on their ferms. . *nput in jeul. Evidently it they are nat gaing ta change Every large field has its wind- is quite iewful in Russie. We us. There remeins one thing break. At Kalinina they are ended up by singing sangs in oniy and that is a union "A stili ploughing nine and 12 aur respective languages. It ideas. From whet we have inches deep. W he n w e was their way, evidently, of seen in aur treveis behindthe questianed this matter they demanstratng ta us a further Iran Curtain there is na r cause of the insect problem. metter of fact, et times their ist people-, and for thet maet~r- They dlaim that by deep demonstration of friendship eny other people in the world, ploughing the insects were was almost embarrassing be- shouidn't live in campiete braught up ta the surface and cause these people seemed se hermony. To do so, we must were killed aver thé winter anxiaus ta have sameane ta visit and revisit with these When some of aur men vai n-telk ta, even if they hed ta people. We must eat, drink teered the information as u do it through an interpreter or and live with these people. the praper procedure which even in the braken-dawn wey We must discuss aur probiems we use in Western Canada which we were forced ta da with these people; and then where no ploughing et ail is et times, by canversing with we would'came ta a better and done on aur big farms, they each other by the lenguage of more acceptable understand- statd tat heyhadattmpt symboe's and demanstration. ing of each other. ed this. but it didn't work. Wc I t'ent ta bring this taik ta found them rather reluctant ta a close by saying ta you thait accept aur idees, aithaugh they I amn thoroughiy canvinced wanted ta heer about them, that if aur Government would but they alweys ended up by take part of the maney that leeving us with the impression they are naw westing on that they had the best way. National Defence and devote Frankly, we didn't sec much that money ta sending the during aur Russian trip that yauth of aur country ta Russie impressed us from the stand- - (note what I say) net aur point of quaiity grain. It is generation - but the youth of true they praduce e tre- aur country to Russie on an R mendaus sunflower crop, but cxchangc basis, I arn sure theté other then thet there was in one, or possîbiy two, gen- ta beat-insurance j nothing out of the ordinery. erationis the basis of a betteri As a matter of fact, we had understanding which these serviced by 10,000f with us anc of the best sugar Young people wouid develop tuil-timo mentCo- beet experts in Canada. He would bring fer greater resuits tact me todayl ; gave us the impression that than any ettempt that aur he would not even harvest the present generetion has medc crops that hie sew, especialiy at bringing peace by arma- on the State Farms.i ments. Each of us came awey, . On thse Stte Fems tespec1ially> from Russie and havese eFrs tir own school andfeeling thet those hatheir own hi usery.Oane people who are cngagcd in thei ow chld ursry.Onethe very samne process as we place we can take a lesson ae-te s aigalvn from the Russiens is in the fram the soul - wented in the - care of children from six warst wey ta have e better weeks of age on It was aur understanding of aur way of priviege ta visit two of these life, and basicaily were inter- day nurseries. The one was estcd in the very same thngs in Krasnodar. The other was thet we are. on the Collective Ferm. The one on the Collective Farm I know thet you are going tae was an ordinary one but very ask me if I wouid like ta live weii kept in every respect. in Russie; or do I like the DIRK BRINKMAN The chiidren seemed ta be Russian system. No, I would Phone 623-3621 quite happy with their lot and not want ta live in Russie; I think that their standards and I wouid not want ta sub- Scugog St. Bowmanvle wouid measure up ta anything scribe ta the Russian system; (i-t fi in our country. The one in - but I would very MUCh like STATE FARM Krasnodar, of course, agein ta go back ta Russie end ViSit.& Mutu&lAutomobllIoInsurance Company~ was especialiy preparcd for us. with the people much longer c, fie oot.Ot We could sense this beceuse but this time much more in Cn fie ootOt some o! the paint wes stili detail. I certainiy wouid like tarkvy. At thseday nurseries È- -I chine with haif the steel. Their they have a resident doctor. machines to us appeared, in, They have resident nurses. As mosi instance'f. to be of - one of our women commented;ý clu'sy nature. They have- they have almost as many nodern combineg. such as vie people iooking after the day have. 1 understand that tiî' nursery chidren as would Russians produce more coni- normally go into other types bines than any country in the of labour if they were not vorld. At Kalinina they cer- lookng after their own child- tainly tried to'put on a shou. ren; - Sa where is the labour for us by cleaninig up and ail- saving. They do, however, ng ail their in;chines. We care for the children in a could see that the 'v knew xve magnificent way. To see these were coming. They had every- littie ones of ail ages being thing lined ut)iiin eal mîlitary ted and their places where fashion. They wvere sa proud they sleep and their play to show uis everything they areas is something that I wish had in the way of their rra- that some of our officiais chinery and their ainimais. wouid check into. I arn sure On frmof i-s izeit.~they would put some of our trnctlyarmateof 'ti spzeciaîiz private institutions to shame atian.- One gro.up af.rmen and i hscuty women, and. ïûotc that I Èay One meWribe occasiern women becauss 'vomen w.ork was after our banquet and the ust the same as the men do, excellent get-to-gether at Ka- wili do nothing but look after linina. We were an the way cattie. They rnilk the c >wý to our hotel in Krasnodar,l three times a day. Another which was a 21/2 hour bus ride group wiii be in charge of a through the country on roads )uck Farm. There arethous- that would probabiy be a inds and thousands of ducks grade 6 road in this country, on these artifîciai lakes. An- when about 20 miles out from other group of people are ini Kalinina we were stopped on charge of piggeries. We can the highway by a motor car. say that 'hey produce melons Lovi andbehald, the heads of of excelent quality. Atter'the Collective Farm who had NOW OPEN Extensive renovations ta our interior have now been cornpleted. We invite you to corne in and enjoy our courteous service whether it be a coffee break or full I r course mal. Specializing in .... Itailian Foods SPAGHETTI *RAVIOLI LASAGNE PIZZA PIE * ETC. 'WHEN BNTERTA1N1N*ýL.AT' HOME . PHONE 623-7153 For Take-Out Orders Ready Ia minutes after you eall. Olympia Restaurant KING ST. E BOWMANVILLE What does Centennial kmean to you? What are, you planning.for Centennial? 1967. This lu the year for Canadians everywhere ta stop and think about Canada. To look back on how fer this nation hau corne ince its rough and rugged beginnings. To think about Canada as it is now: free, prosperous, and with an unliited future for growth. To celebrate, magnificent projedts are in the works. The Confederation Caravans wiiI bring Canada ta millions in rural and tiny out-of-the-way places. The Caravans unfoid an cxciting colotirful star>' of Canada: from earl>' bcginnings right up to the present. Festival Canada brings Canadians the largest entertainment package ever: from western muuic ta opera, musical comedy ta drama. Two companies of 300 servicemen mach wil travel Canada ta put on a magnificent stirring Miiitary Tattoo, portraying Canada's paut 300 years of military history! These are just three of hundreds of Centennial events planned for you i the coming year. But what are .you doing for Centennial? What lu your own personai praject? Other Canadians are painting their homes, flying the Canadien flag, pianting Mapie trees, hooking Centenniai rugi, reading up on their Canadian history. Wbat will yau do? It's not important how large or how smail your project may be. What is important le that you have stopped and thoughit enough of your country and what it means ta you ta take up a Centenuiial praject of your own. The Federal/Provinciel events planned will be magnificent and thrill'. ing. But ta each of us, the truly exciting and most meaningful projecti wiil bc the ones we creete ourselves. Wbat does Centennial mean ta you? And what are yau planning for Centennial? The Centennial Commission Ottawa, Canada. - 1 1 . 'Inup There is no advcrtising per- mitteci in Russie and as a re- suit you wiii never sec a bill- board. In Moscow a news- paper that serves 61/ million people puts out e peper o! six pages. There just isn't any advertising. Yau cen go down the street andi you cannot tel fram the outside exectiy what that store is seliing, aithough we dud notice the odd store where they are now bmginning ta dress up the windows in Western feshion. There arc plenty o! television sets (even aut inthe country) - Receptian is goosi - ail state controilesi - but no edvertising! I wes amnuseci by their choice, or mixture you might say, o! meteriais which they selI in e store. For exemple, near the Leningread Hatel there is a store thet appears to seli cheese, but within the store there is e big hardware À&I