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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Nov 1966, p. 13

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in the Second World War, will with somethlng for Norwayi b have the honor ot placing a Houe. Minutes of the Iast Iw reath at the Cenetaph as. the meeting were read and ap-! 1h e rono ew s iepresentative of Canadian proved. Mrs. 1. Sharp, Mrs. L.! "T he O rono N ewr otherhood at the Remem-i Ashton and* Mrs. L. Stainton i Mrs Ja es D hJ ~ î&Ntac ay Noemner lthe wheRe e a bsiere t loek tucru, LllN ational War MeTnorial in'after mkn a list of homesil Mrs. Wm. (Connie) Hooey of sent. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wflk- guests of Mr. and Mrs. James lng they visited Mr. and Mrs. Orono is a granddaughter of; It was decided te give $50, InSOn ni Montreal who spent E. Mowat, Monday evening,lIChas. Andrews at Prince AI-'Ms SeheG olPdenaog Bar and $5 to the- past week visiting inlafter paying their respects tolbert. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs Gle log aar; tws 0r were evernight guesta 'their cousin the late Mrs 1Mr. n rs lxWasnIWm. Robinson were Mr. and l1dcddtegv 8t IrMrandKensSyer x Waason NMr. shirts e and te buy fivel ci -.* and Mrs. Milton J. Melville Blurns In Peter-ileft least Thursday for a visitIr.n Se H of and aughter.s Narts. send te Godas Lakei 1,MoanwMa.Har Mr. and Mrs.Reg. Sutton!Watson, Betty Ann and Lairryc Mr:. A. W:rry and Mrs. R. Cowan. l, rs W .McElroy V Rev. anddMrs.nGordonaBru-eet the Blecksteck M rs irtue w ill look a tter H al- j Rev a d M s.Goron Br-la te Bacstok nierd r.nMr rs . . MLlyd My igif Peeb ro g dMs. Don I athe for.w. payî n o ton et Willowdale, Mrs. Le- Church on Sunday and wr!M an s.Lod yleand1Do iklofOhw.itteUCW pyn r' land Keat and Mrs. Ernest1dnergets tfMr and Mrs.jdýhes Whitby, this eek. prizes and ice cream. Treas-1 Reat of Torento ee d îner gues anden r. eenidMs.aug tr ,amm w.urer's report was given by! wre înnr Fed Dyesandin te een ite f M. Mlvîle BrnsvesMrs. R. Virtue. Next meeting!l -iwie o Mr.Melill Burss Rec ive M A will be at Mrs. R. Rowan's on mother of Gary and Robert of Nov. 16 at 2 p.m. Meeting 'Peterborough and enly daugh-coe ihpae n nt ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest, three served lunch. Corporation of The Hm fOoo asdaa Mr. and Mrs. Reg Weeving, suddenly on Saturday, Novem- and Rick, Ancaster, Mr. Garry ber 5th. Funerel service was Beckett, Burketon, Mr. Wayne, ereon ugh. Iternt ninPte MisskPtGoUniesityofuele, r Township of Darlington ronoug.Itr ti h NOTICE 0F BY-LAW concerning the lyn, Mrs. Gordon Power were I surpriseckerty' proposed closing of the original Road weekend guests of Mr. andI evening te help celebrate the! Allowances between Lots 12 and 13 iMrs. Borden Kramp, Kitchen- 25th wedding annlversary cf and between Lots 14 and 15 in theer Mr. and Mrs. R. Weaving.1 Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hooey FrIed included Mr. and Mrs.ý Broken Front C on c e ss ion of the of Toronto spent the weekend E. J. Harrison, Toronto, Mr.' Tonhpof Darlington lying south- with Mr. and Mrs. Horace . n r.Nra lmn, TownhipBes md on....ScarborouRh, Mr. and Mrs., erly e the ands wned y TheMrs. Viola Smith is a s. .ernCydrnOha. Canadian National Railway and pro- patient i the MemonalOHoswa viding for the sale thereof to thei pital, Bowmanville. t1r ndMs Sa cMre, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Beech, abutting owners. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rowe Bowmanvilîe, Mr. and Mrs.' cfOttawa were recent visitors' Laverne Clemens, Hampton, NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN that the with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rowe~ Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Council of the Corporation ef the Township of Mrs, Percy Morgan spent 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon,' itsreula Cunil eeingtebe the weekend visiting in Perth i Et niskillen Darlington et igrglrCuelmeigt e and Carleton Place. jO. ..O. . . . . . . . .Eni en held on Thursday, the l7th day of November, Mrs. Charles Wood visited Mrs. P. Carreau, Dwayne and 1966 nt the Council Chambers in the Township lMr. and Mrs. Wmi. Young at~ Christina were Friday aiter-, Hall at Hampton at 1:30 p.m. or anytime there- Bridgenorth on Sunday. Gerald A. HalIowell noon vîsitors of Mr. Ernest after will consider passing a by-law te stop up i r.Hr rde Irwin, Bobcaygeon. and close hose partsof thHriialmadApo- w ton spent Sundayil son of Mr. and Mrs. A. S.' Miss Linda Avery and broth- and los thse prtsof he oigial ond llo- 'ithMr. and Mrs. Albert'Hallowell, Orono, and a grad- er John spent Sunday at Mr.i ances in the Broken Front Concession of the iMitchell, Barbara and Steven.iuate cf Bowmanville High and Mrs. Harold Avery's,ý Township of Darlington lying southerly of the Unit 6 of the Orono United ,School, received a MasterslUnion. lands ofThe Candien Natonal RiChurch Women held a supper Degree in Histcry from Carle-'M.adMs aodAhe lnso Th aainNtoa ailways as 1 wer.vandtrs. faMr.dandhMrs. meeting Tuesdey evening at ton University, Ottawe, atwr iioso r n r. the home cf Mrs. Orvillleceremonies held last Friday Gordon Beech and Mrs. E. C. (a) The original Roed Allowance between lots 12 Chatterton and Unit 8 held1 evening. He graduated last ýAshton, Bowmanville. their November meeting onyear with an Honors B.A.: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dor- and 13 being the extension southerly of the Tuesday afternoon at the home degree fromn Victoria College, 1land were Sunday visitors et Scugog Street rond allowance. :of Mrs. A. Loueks cf Leskard.i University cf Toronto. Mr- Mr. and Mrs. S.- Tu rner's, SMrs. M. Walkey of New- iHallowell is employed in the Oshawa, (b) The original Road allowance between lots 14 ýtonville spent Tuesday withlArchives at the Univer~sity cf: Mlr. Donald Wearn and and 15 known as Martin Rond. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. V. CooperiTorcnto. !daughter Donna, Dundas, spent and their guest Mrs. Walter the weekend et A. L. Wearn's.ý NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN that Bryan cf Burketon. 1I Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb,ý the Council of the Corporation of the Township Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bair- ENNISKILLEN 'Oekviîle, spent the weekend' stow and daughters Sharon at A. L. Lamb's. of Darlington proposes at the same meeting by land Sheila spent the weekendi r.F osvstdo iThe U.C.W. met at the home Mr. .Tosvitd n the aforesaid by-law te authorize the sale of the . in Smiths Falls. 1 Satudy wth Mr. Wilfrid said stopped up parts of the original road allow- c Mr and Mrs. Wallace Welsh c f Mrs. F. Stenger on October ,Wlim h sapteta ý fWillscnville, Mr. and Mrs j l9th at 8 p.m. with an at-iiliams wyHosaatinta ances te the abutting owners. Farewell Blackburn cf Bow_ Itendance cf 23. Mrs. L. Stain- Port erry Hopitar.A.Oewl manvilie, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene ton opened the meeting with'WahopMrA.keil The proposed by-law and plan showing the iocbr fOoo wr poem and welcomned the soon be feeling better Rt theý iToucburnof Orno theleBowmanville Hospital. landsa ffected may be seen in my offices in the îSundey dinner guests of theirivisiters. She aise thanked teMrs.Charles Denton, Tor- Tnhip Hall. ýcousin Mrs. M. Sherwin. thsesfr pnn e oente, spent a few days at Mr.1 owsp, Congratulations te Mrs. fer the meeting. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston 's. Tbe Council will hear in person, or hy his ýRebert Allun who ce]ebratedý Mrs. J. Siemion gave the de-ý Mr. and Mrs. Milton Waller' or her counsel, agent or solicitor, any person who lher 82nd birthday lest week votional choosing "The Sacriî and Brenda, Mrs. S. R. Cald-ý and te Mrs. Cecil Powers whoïtfice cf Thanksgiving" as lier well, Port Hope, were recent claims that his or her lands will be prejudicially I wili celebrate her 86th birth- theme. Psaîm 16 wes read and visiteatR.JOrson. affected by the said by-law and who applies to iday next week. she ciosed with prayer. Mrs. t Mrs. F. Toms accompenied b. heard. Mr. Ben Whyte is a patient R. Stenger gave a report onM.adMs .Seo n in Memoriai Hospital, Bow-lCitizenship. Mrs. Campbell,' aiy adn eBaktc manville. Mrs. Whyte is stay-1from the lnom col Anniversary and spent the' DATED this l4th' day of October, 1966. ing this week wîth Mr. and iOshawa, showed us slides andirest of the day with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham, Oshawa. gave a verY informative talk Mrs. Wilbur Toms. Walter E. Rundle, Clerk. Mrs. George B. Stephens cf iOn the work of the school. Mrs.] Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton,! Toronto, the fermer Mrs. AnnIG. Werry thanked Mrs. Camp- Belleville, spent the weekend J. Coiville cf Bowmanville,ibell for coming. .with L. Stainton's and the who bast her three Pilot sons Roll caîl was well enswered Nielson's. Mr. and Mrs. M. Staintoh' were Sunday visitera et Mr.' j end Mrs. Elwyn Dickey, Bcw-, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bothwell' and Nancy, Maple Grove, were Sunday supper guests it ffQj7,f f,, JJf C.Stainton's. 'Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Brock, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGill had Sunday tea with Mr. and Mrs. K. McGili and beys. iMiss Sharon Werry hed Sundey dinner with Miss O F 'Brenda McLaughlin, Union. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leigh- ton, Bowmanville, Mrs. Eugene Seweil, Rickey and Nancy, were Sunday guesta ef Mr. W RITEOOODS and Mrs. Grant Werry. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Henry and Timmy, Gaît, were Sun-. day visitersaet Mr. and Mrs.' 4,Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, KEVNAO odlCD71KEVNAO MdlCW930 . spent Saturdey evening et Mr. KELVNATR - ode CDE21 ELVIATO - Mdeland Mrs. Roy Robertson, et AUTOMATIC DRYER AÀUrTOMATlIC: WASHIER Shirley. Mr. endARs Bi uqete Mr. and Mrs. R. Weaving 1967 PHILIPS and Rickey were evernight BLACK & WHITE AND FIDDLE-FREE COLOR TELEVISION Sluest o r.d M Jh message et the Sunday mcn-. ____ RO jnd up ;ing service was based on the. PRICED9ROM0e :Bock ef Ecclesiestes. She ex-, * ~wlth trade ýplained that it was the drama- tic autobiogrephy et Solemon. It centains the tacts thet WAY TEE ISON SERE, ECRD PLYE eaze today's cets adi 3 WA TEEVIIONSTEN, ECOR PLYERthe record of back-shiding ot iSolümen in the mnidst et the, COMBIN TION greetest century of heernmng. Demonstrator Model i ~f~repeetlng the same thingsi ~ ~ U ~ wlth trade which occurred 26 centuries SI'ECIAL $ 8 5 0 ago. Cen we hang on te Godi !or will we be hurled clown' týthe road as Solomnon wsi BugtTrsArranged-No Py et ni etYu spite cf his versatility and i~great wisdom? Mrs. Chambers, and assisted Mrs. E. Wright' in directing the unîted choir C o w a nq u i in e n C ol in its enthem "We Are Climb-' Ming Jeceb's Ledder.îa Next 134 King St. E. Bowmanviîle Phone 623-5689 Temperance Fedration aso '!ular morning church service. C SCanadiân Stetesmen, Bowmmnville, Nov. 9, 1968 * I. ~ OIC -* Thnify hmeSuwf î a nlgo fa $.l.:it a hi ocipaidu. at out Of theiatfond 1budget -th t! 1,00 1w-coStDOnOCn oc . est fIe! onoi menfus ... wtht hé accet on pnodue Cool. Ywgealetde xtm 1ciiCoIour ed teste »oâti bncd fatt iowen cmo it mes owholi. tae y moal' The.mon te mei: ""a. motieti.,s itabe.e my teCr 0Opnn,. offmai, enS pecsonlfytep ynschoos. the ameus ens fefp yau to co t oo m. Youil type and 1quonay of ment te sit ym ebu(1ge FRESH YOUNG CANADIAN PORK Tenderloin End - 3 - 31/2-1b. AVERAGE PORK LOIN ROAST * 63b PORK LOIN (entre (uts or (Iiops 89,i 2 cIeloO aaSOK0 OtsirtattOi nt at lai N -p id batS ag and 00.01 0 te r.fl tiltlientOit * tri tuai Roiot km ttaUOatOt lIOtidtOttOtdîsi, îro shall. 1, ,h.îtOU!ttc rt LCAS OR PRESSWOOD'S RINDLESS Breakfast BACON ~ WOLE CUT UP Chicken iii a Basket SHOP WITH CjNFIDE]NCEI FRESH GRADE A ROASTING OR FRYING ïwCHa ICKENS -LB Maple Leaf WIENERS 1-lb. Pkg. 5 7c Maple Leaf - Sllced BOLOGNA 1-lb. Pkg. 55C 87C 4c1b 3 Maple Leaf Pure Pork 1-lb. Pkg. Sausage Méat 49c FRESH PRODUCE FEATURES, CALIFORNIA GROWN, South African Grown Size 112's Snow White 'Valencia ORANGESg CFirm Golden Yellow (AULIFLOWER 29 . Chiquita BANANAS DEEP CUT FEATURES 4 COLOURS MODERNE 2 Roll Pkg. SAVE TOILET TISSUE 4 for 89c LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED 20-os. Tins SAVOE 8a BEANS with PORK 3 for 79c, MIR - 2 - 24-oz. Containers SAVE 60 LIQUID DETERGENT 79c PANTRY SHELF RECONSTITUTED 48-os. Tin SAVE 2o ORANGE JUICE 39c RICHMELLO SLICED WHITE - SAVE 7c 3 24-oz. BREAD 3Lavs65C 11111 Y!Copete oSt! ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS IN OSHAWA TIMES and TORONTO DAILY PAPERS ON SALE IN BOWMANVIL Ail Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100%/ Satisfaction Values Effective Until Closing, Sat., Nov. 12, 1966, in Rowmanville WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. doz. 49c lb1. lOc COM.PARE DOMINION'S BRANDS DOMIINO INSTANT 6-os. Jar SPECIAL! SAVE 18e CO0F FE E 69c 3RICHMELLO 40-oz. Jar SPECIALI SAVE 14o PEANUT .BUTTER 79c 0DOMINION FRESHI CHILLED 82-es. Jar ORANGE JUICE 49c, aDOMINO POWDERED 2-lb. Pkg. DETERGENT 59C RICHMELLO 4 FLAVOURS4PnCotie I CE R E AM89PntCotie DOMINO FROZEN 2-lb. Pkg. SPECIAL! SAVE 10e Fancy Baby LIMA BEANS 59c BUDGET SAVERS Robin Hood Pre-Cooked 12-oz. Pkg. SAVE 2e OATS 35 c Monarch Parfait - 4 Flaveurs lO-oz. Pkgs. SAVE 9o Dessert 2 for 89C Coronation Bread & Butter 24-oz. Jar SAVE 10o PICKLES 43c Royale 3 Colours 2 Roll Pkg. SAVE 4c TOWELS 49c Facelle 2 Cohours -Facial SAVE '40e TISSUES 7 pkgs. $1 EVE'RYDAY LOW PRICES Royale 4 Colours 2 Roil Pkgr. Toilet Tissue 3 5c Moderne Pkg. of 48 Dinner NAPKINS 39c Hostes. 14-oz. Pkg, Potato Chips 69c 6 Delielous- Flaveurs 93/-oz. pkg. MINUTE INSTANT Breakfast 79c Sîsce 'NI Bake Plllsbury 6 Varleties - Individuel Roll COOKIES 49c Kraft Tomato 15-es. Bottle KETCHUP 29c :ing St. end Simpson Avenue (I4ighway No. 2 oII m PLAY! 'Ietkggtot-he--ineW WIN Get YourFree Card ro ayj .w --- . lm

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