S A $ 7 FORtCLSSIFIE Birtes orreicles for eal otices for Sale RealceEstate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale Real Estatefoe .NDMRUS-Mr. and Mrs. Paul HORSES boarded. Telephone ONE Winter overcoat, size 40, For Fuller Brush Products, '65 MUSTANG, V-8, four- u Andrus are proud to an- 263-2060. 45-1 good as new. Phone 623-2946. call Elsie, Phone 723-0444. speed; trade accepted. Tele- John F. DeWith j. Van Nest BUrSIerNSS iinBomnil.FL Prcs:Teebd inounice the arrival of a son SEVEN.open Holstein heifers. -45-1* South Durham, call Whitby phone 623-5542. 45-1 RA TT L . RELSAEBaPseogin cnen.omotaeeetdad ;Scott Edward), a brother for Cali 263-2356. 45-1 OAT straw, stored in barn.68653 2-f'62 GALAXIE 500, REo,1wAnvLlESTATEFrnkLtD. REAL ESTTE. -BoKER Will rtake real sae o el cmlt itltfrm$,9 Crsand Davi, r or 1WATE for saleand elivered, Edwin Staub, R.R. 3, New.NOMNAhIrebMEETINGtoradio, sean m c ea ca utgo wman Phnee 623-395Frn0 S,11 iPhone 623Bowmaville dianStPO ot ears ks.Omol tors32-tf WATER for sale andl Clff Pdelivered,13 the Mumicipal Electors of the clean. Contact Ken at 623-3043. DAIRY FARM as a going Liberty St. N. - Substantial ene1w easod n bROWN - Mr. and Mrs.CBCr, 3 pr1ofo 24 hour service. Call 623-5756. nownshipianfeCCrtwright that .45-1 * concern with cattle and ma- 7-room older solid brick in Ne 3Bdrodcrad;wert's"eid Villiam Brown (nee Con- picker. Phone 263-2060. 29-à in.en chinery. Holstemn milk cn good condition. Hot water B kB1 °°"ea'$'9Asows ea'ghan) areproud to an 45-1 LLOYD aby carriag in vr ue that behalf I require Help Wanted tract. Good buildings. Ask. heated with oil. New roof.1 rick ungao10dw n 4 nnhPt' ouhne thebirotho a snTOokbns for -1saLe, D good cition. iTelehe rspresen fthe Twsid Ell AYSTE - oeoet ing $45,000. Terms. Must be inspected to, be ap- 4-pee. Ceramie T1dBt oe n otgs hn epe on a eoil7' x 3' x 1'. Phone 263-2233. 623-2567.-- .- -45-1 ýBlackstock, in the said Town- live in; Newcastle;'two bre APrTME NiT SITEsit- pCreciteA. -8 r csgny63381 51 îospital, Bowmanville, on 45-1 GOOD mature cob corn, off ship of Cartwright at the hour school children. Telephone abefr2 nt.Altw alseAe ombik D videdBi Caei -. Tovmbr th 166 4-1KEYS cut automatically, while picker, $30 ton. Telephone of 7 p.m., Friday, November 987-4237. 45-2 svervice vibe. Closed to in good conitin. Closge, toA. . Hoe ERGSON- BllandJea yu witat cMlle'Had-Hampton 263-2088. 43-3125, '66, for the purpose of nom- EXPERIlENCED waitress, neat everMhere.APrced wt el.d n7Grae pvdoFullPrie$,50.0ELeSATsN -re happy to announce the ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- STUDEBAKER Service, new inatmg fit an proper persons appearance. Apply North- roomed home. Barn. Beauti- To Rent - Older 6-apt build- Dw amnoe oofr NUAC rrival of their son Kevmn Lee,1 ville. 3-tf and used parts. Graham'sr D eofics .: eve way Restaurant, Highway 115,ful strem sig$80)) n nNewasle ac .wt For further foaio lbs. 1/2oz. Born Wednes- 1COLONIAL settee, 2-seater, Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf and 1 embers of theCTowe n rno.44t|Trs.em.Akig$1,00 -eromw a otwterheath -Bwavle-3 iet ,ay, October 26th, 1966, iniwith wagon wheel arms, good LADY'S black winter coat, lof Cartwright Board of Edu- GET ready for Fall and Winter CONSECON A R E A, 143 ed. In the process of renova- 6376 otPrrbro omnunityHos- condition. Phone 623-3688. grey fox collar; new condition, cto fwihalEetr rjcs.Hv orsw cefr.9Roe ome ýtion. Two ground floor apts. 4-fBWAVLE-Hre 'ttl rter for Aan. -45-1 size 16. Phone 623-3098. 45-1* are hereby required to take sharpened now. F. Crowe, 102 bathroom. Good size barn' now available. Contact this Stet-aedombrckeu CRAl piao, ecelent on- UMMGE S al1e, K n o notice and to govern them.. Elgin St., Bowmanville. 45-1* Stream. Only $18,000. Call.: office for particulars. tfllt aae rcdt Egagement dition, will guarantee, $250. Christian School, Scugog Rd., selves accordingly and if a YOUNG man to learn meat. Lyle Mason, 392-3964. 50 Acre farm, near Port R I C ARD " Mr. adMs.Bue A. Phone Bethany 40 r 2, even- 2:30 - 4:30 p.m., November greater number of candidates cutting trade. Write Adver- CHRISTMAS TREE FARM. Hoe. Older style buildings.BOMNLE-Cocs talkrBomanville an- ns 45-1* 12th. 45-1 than required to fill the said tiser 765, c/o The Canadian 100 Acres with 60,000 welli Hydro. Ltd., Realo inSre-3Bdombik ounce the engagement of 3,000 BALES good qquality Sl officesthareqnoined d andatesoman, Pl.O. ox 90,pre ree. sin.1300.4-1God3-.21,005ers lheir daughter Margaret Jane, hay, 45c bale. Sell any Livestock For Saemk1 h eqie elr- omnil.4-fTem.2350BWMNIL -Cncs ,&o Mr. Alvin Carl Quinney, quantity. Telephone 70 r 14 YER-ldhns p 5 tons t wlls 1 bubl alin CASHIER, part time, 5-day 63 Acres with new, modern LOVELY NEW so tet-4Bdombik 4te AlbeMt. Qu nunneandT ethn.nl-bd, old33each. Phone 263-2644.45-1 1BNocks urplNoHill; No. 2- t s t vriSeabnawwo .b . BUNGALOW Modern$2,00edoi rc Ëi aN2 trcie .wedding will take place on used as twin beds, mattresses FOUR Hereford feeder steers, No. 4-Caesarea- No. 5_' er 766, c/o Canadian States- ed to sell. Built by Walter Schleiss, this bungalow on Third t a- OMNIL ue Saturday, ovember 26, 1966 practically new and spotless. around 700 lbs.. Enquire Ed-1 Nestleton, in the Courity 'of man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- 248 ACRE FARM, with roomy home ln Liberty Gard-iage and paved drive 1,0.Stet3Bdoo rc.Gr nglican0 Chrch BS. omn-s Phone 623-7198. 45-1* gar Wright, Enniskillen. 45-1 Durham on Monday, December ville. 45-1 house, 2 barns, 3 farm ponds. ens is the last completed home1 $2,000 Down -Orn ag.Itocndin.Pce Aican, O mnt.4-1 ILS- uirbiylgilsYRKSHIRE boars, service 5th, 1966, and will be open MURRAY Fire Equipmient. l ade 75 head of cattIe available by this excellentlNw3bdombikbn osl.Gv sacl nti blue winter coat, grey collar, g;yuger boars and gilts from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. and types, extinguisher recharg-. year 'round. Asking $25,000. blder: A uniqeentere-al ao. lr mdrstruh-oe Deaths size 8' like new. Telephone available.L ar m er Bros., no longer. ing; first aid and safety sup.. Termns. laenwih three beromsout. $15,800.NWATE-Nw3Bd _eth Orono 983-5886. 45-1 Blackstock. Phone 986-4250. Given under my hand this plies. Sales and Service. 70 ACRE FARM, east New- lareviing arasacos om rikbugloelc ALLIN Dr. lbertE.-Sd- ON irl' 3 t ---45-1* 1st day of November, 1966. Bowmanville, Ont., Telephone tonville; house, barn, large bli vin romeaifully 3led Mple rv rclyhae.Mk sa ßdenly at Fort William on Sun- fit, pink, size 3; one boy'su3-11 CHINCHILLAS, 5mature V. MAL OM, 623304. Cn.KenBrie. ta. Exitraninshed bu- bth, pfaved re an m a 3 Be dromngalwwthofr Ïâay, November 6th, 1966, lpce. winter outfit, blue, size 3. others younger. Complete RtunngOfie.-51*glo.Aniust.sl. Cthrfetreoouwntelummtiin.Ne ith NWASL-3Bdro .r. Albert E. Allin (formerly Phone 623-30.90. 45-1. with cages and two rows of4-1W A NT ED PORT PE R RY. Three lWe will bie proud t hwi n ls to scho.1,00wrmeo ooIo. te f Hampton), beloved hus. --- -- w ire. Anyone mnterested, make FULL TIME brand new 5 roomed brick so call at once. Building Lo1ilsciic o uc a tand of Dorothy Kirkton, dear BUYING or selling furmiture offer. Fred Kilbrei, R.R. 6, Piano Tunin9 MALE CLERK bun8alows. ^l1 moWantedn--KWeg haveEh 1atheatofNDavhdtToronto. Rest- or appliasnescal263- er, Bowmanville. Phone 623-2054 RFSINL okga-veniences. Excelon locn- $,00 o nL arge atciv ewc tebyrfr3bdo are Ineal Hom roTtadShuamsidnebu263-26 296- t10Er 7 A gEod qu it 23 39 Ahur C gualr-s o For Food Store ti ons.2 Cali.: Tom Donnelly, If yo. qualify water. Asking $2,25.ramcbnalwwhmtn mornio locFunhu sservice aSARedcollarless s p or ts Hereford and Durham stock WIEeAVRPeerd78 34½ACRES with 9-roomed CENTRALSTo 'A°erieBrdey-I2-3F 'oon, November 10th. Inter- and 38 popular IP records, er ste s and heifer. soc1 Work Wanted e/, The Canadian Statesman pond. Askin $12,5teremsan ONTARIO TRUST trout. 310 Acres of sP e .Cvry-2323 ýent Hampton Cemetery. ecellent condition. Telephone Wednesday, November 16th. FREE pickup of household dis- P..Bx10,Bwav4 2lCall: Tom Donnelly 985-7264., (Exclusive Agents) 1ad 1,0.Lwec .Wie-6325 LACKURN In enve,6T4REE3ordsdry¯ ¯r o82e FA McGw, Phocardables. Phone 623-7276.-f A SAŸ EËMÄ-LARGE BUNGALOW, brick, 1Evenings: 668-4416 & 725-50671 dRaglan - 110 Ars W rn elEt Colorado, November 2nd, 1966, fi. od, ~~~----- d-cu -Wated for Bow 11 4 rooma. e d, all m Soe frn ae Ofcn-23522oder48' beroo b una Franklin T. Blackburn, belov- 16', other two cor enrthsn--:CLEMENT Poultry, Custom Prefer sellingwma i e e.vEnpaien. Soefrelc.Ofie52-52 -o.484 1' an coo IIE 1sd husband of the late May trse aytopc . Crs for Sale lPicking, ready for freezer- periencedmage to help y Patiol. On 4 acres. Priced to5- bus to gate. $31,500 ers Acker, dear father of Willfred, Phoe786-2428. t ik45-1*. 58 VOLKSWAGEN, Deluxe, JoeNwate9745. ¿oin Can aas largest rurail -SrieSatoïnLos 2EigS.W. omnil grndate o Nrmnand radio, $130. Phone 623-2470.38t realtor, a firm with a proven LARE RNCH STYEreer OWlo.62-39 Darlene, and brother of USED washer parts, motors,| 45-1* i §g§ record of sales. Contact Lloyd new brick bungalow with Godcre1octo ih2 ,Zstella Blackburn, Third St.,,Beatty, Thor and Crosley ------AR. G. Lee, F.R.I., Vice-President attached double garage. Partly REALTOR storey brick house nlddMme saaadDsrc Bowmanville, aged 95 years. appliances, nationally adver- 194 RMBLER 2-door hard- pH Keith Ltd. 181 Eglinto' wooded lot. Many extras, and GENERAL INSURANCE for only $15,000 - Tem.Ra1Ett or $EVRNRoertGodo -tised line of furnîur63Padd 's1 -2 utomatic, 8 cyl. Phone lumbing & Heating ve E,'orn 2, 487-3333.1 Priced to sell. 52 King St. W. Bowmanville! Feed Mill BuinsHME ,At Collin'gwood General and 34-tf 1958 CHEV. 2-door hardtop, 35 Nelson St. Bowmanville _4-34 ARSthm7nd rme 62-243 Flly ,euipped ih3'x al rv R.N ,0 Marine Hospital on Friday, INSULATIO:N, blowmng meth- V8, automatic, radio, snow 1t SELLING ace"' Abouth3 r, uitmtau ees,- etr1te$1 taey 2,®500., evr rcec q t rc oe o'5 'ovember 4th, 1966, Robert od, with rock wool. Work- tires, full wheel discs, $275. ERNIE PERFECT lAslking $16,900. Terms. Cal,. storey home with extra apart- $2 5,2btromfrpae iordon Severn, Creemore, manship guaranteed. Fr ee Phone 623-7276. 45-1 TO FARMERS Tom Donnelly 985-7264. - ment. Spacious, well-treed lot. Howard Wight •6322 eros hsnwhm a ,nt., formerly of Bowman- estimates, Hry .Wde15-MNRIgo mtrPLUMBING & HEATING BWAVLE5R Garage. Recently remodelled.GreRcad •6379mnyxts.Htdgrg, ill1e, mn his 70th year, beloved lPhone Newtnil 8-26 od cniin at t Phone 623-3540 Bell & Sons (Canada) Ltd., . nom- Priced for imnmediate sale at AMadF.aioaditr usband ofElsie Sevrnidear78-56 radodlmostnvv tires.Tl leadingr suppliers of Vitamin ed bungalow. All modern $19,000). Excellent termis on Milford McDonald -6331 o ytm t.Coet ether oThGrdo, iolst s Š- R I ÏT S 49 o hn 63768j5-*78Ota§tBomnvleand Mineral Supplement di- Priced at $11,5003 eros n otae ooh iin 6-18 csho n tr.Ol lerek. erviellwaesaeld tmoney down, $2 wkly. Add- '-57 PLYMOUTH,-Liïc. 60273K, 1-tf rect to farmers, requires OSHAWA, 5 roomed brick New Homes! jWilf Hawke, Orono 8-57 herk Morricuerwalhel, ers, Cashiers, File Cab., new, snow tires, winterized; willl- SALESMEN bungalow in nice location with We have the best new homes 4- omnil 4 omanillFe, on Monay, used, rentals, service, trades. trade for hay, grain or corn. SEPTIC TANK finished rec. room. Roofed in town for your inspection,", Bdro.bnglo,.1 eowvebe t, ao'cM'ock. Bill Hamilton, Raglan (North Phone 623-5756. 45-1 Part Time Men Acceptable patio. Very clean home. Ask- ranging from a working mnan" .ys lnc oainofLb 4ntver eth, 2n o Ceter. of Oshawa). 42-ti U PN Successful applicants will re- ng $18,500. Terms. model to the Jr. Executive1 GRAVELLeryS.NAsigol$1,0 -- -ALL-FUEL chimney starter Found WHITEWASHING STABLES ceive full company backing. PORT PERRY. 7 Roomed type. N. H. A. financing.--Trs ReceptiOntip; small tricycle, pedal pony -- ETT M KN Remuneration by commission•11 home with 4-pee. bath, 4 bed- Choice locations. Cali today -Real Estatnai t- trysik R..--catrdeo tucrieon STRAYED onto Lot 9, Con. 9,BET OM KN For an interview, reply àtating roomns. Close to downtown for inspection....2bahom,3edosf- SMr. and Mrs. Lewis W. train, pedal station wagon Darlington, 300 lb. cattle Phone Newtonville 786-2552 age, time avaliable to tell for Asking $8,500. Terms arrang.' Prospect Street. Cozy 3-1 28 Divis10itoiyroiaae ecn 'vwain wil be at home to (child's), skates, size 1; china beast. Owner may have same Cali Collect 41-if jus, and year and model Of ed. Call - Tom Donnelly bedroom brick bungalow with!vlea ny$600-T s beir relatives and friends on cabinet, all in good condition. ýby paymng expenses. Phone FR NKiÙK car to· 8-26.soms cens1apn t , Bownanvile Mk nofr Saturday Noven bto919 from 725-6479 or 728-803.24-51-544, 45-1 BELLK&BSONS BOWMANVILLE. 4 Bed- cil.furnace and a spacious lot. ProsectSt.-33ed' lir residence, R.R. 3, Brkp- FIRTH BROS. FORntTechiANgKCAAA)LT. eated, 3peorbathhomGarag•eo.sll0t 17,0. TETNAE t oet20 40, the Wedccasion verthei 47 Kingr E. Phone 623-5081 ÃPARTMENT for rent. 'Tele-SETCAN. P.O. BOX 29 Priced at $12,500. 30 Acres of good land on View the bay wleyuTrs et Weisenly4-1ABINnYURBEF phne62-3734- INSTALLATION HANDYMAN OPPORTUN- Solina Rd. S. 120 Rods Road dîne. Lovely moderbic Nease 451 OR PORK TO US THREE-bedroom; -2-bedroom; Hampton 263-2270 OgeiPQ 1.Ufnse uglw Frontage. $600 per acre. bungalow, doublecaor, 2Nw3bdomrikun AuctOn Sles e Spcian in . . studo aprtmets. elepone 4-tf44-2 Insulated. Large lot. Septic 19% is the approximate re- 3 bedrooms, full baentglw.Lreos.My .on Sa623-5044. 45-1*. . tudo parELP WANTEDoe 2-t tank and well. Highway loca. turn on a $20,000 mnvestment with completed recraineta.Ol 1,0-Trs WEEKLYCUSTOMCUT5TIG 4MODEN-six -room ome V N - RO *o°. °"ly $2,500 down. on this choice commerciali room'Broki JVESTOCK SALES and WRAPPING close to school'and shopping' We List Photo M. L. 8. gonrtCalltoday.se3Sonds crobURGfaRE ce t otg,3bid DuramContySaesArna nr h.area. Phone 623.3718. 45-1. ainters and Exclusive $ 0 onwlb 6ar ob am l n osfcn ae ih erono - Every Thurs., 7:30 p.m. 5c LARGE furnished bedroom in, and DeCOrators After Bours Cani. living quarters, snack baurr orkable spingcek wy onwte.$490 -ling Horses, Cattle, Swine, 45-1 private home. Centrally o uDoad1 tjy-63-64gsline., room home with modern Terms £alves, Sheep, etc. J. A. Reid cated. Phon 623-399.45- 27 Elgin St. - Bowmanville Donld sMeontjo - 623-3149 gasoge n outlt ndrsirconvenienc0.es. Asking SoSae Mnges 1- -TV TOWERS Hoe -3.4- Phone 623-3075 PylsMRbie-6375 ge dsupplemebusy r ha.$600eoitc HUSE f'or rent on 7A High- 1. Experienced Accouintant, Thomas Donnelly - 985-7264 working family NEWTONVILLEwe rnfre ce ill shell by public auction for $0u aa ille Nv. 15. 86-4246, 9t capable of taking re- Lyle Mason -- 392-3964 We have need of a good old- 10 acre parcel with re. adnln.$,0 o-. e estate of the late Miss A. OSHAWA 45-1 JIM ADAMS- sponsibility. Ross Davidson- Bethany 30r2, er home in prestige area. Abounds with beaverta- ulpie$500 1"ockaday,talhavehouseold T-UPY D w-O-b-droom~upstaàiraat aitig_ 2. Secretary, ,leas'""**"- anedrs u Ë'rlaan a nb fo °efrmation. pigduckoainAsk" 2Acewthlagsim ot 25, Con. 5, Darlingt' Taunton Rd. E., Oshawa ment mn Newcastle, available. onality, able to meet pub -1 $5,000--Terms. C 9,ro oe owns S t day, Just East of Ritson Road Nov. 21. Phone 987-4621.4- Decorating li era.d compose routine cks M. uFrolat -11e1tle Evenings, call :63-64 NEWTONVILLETMk no r$200 ofbe atic 'coi ,s Day or night - Bill Leask, Prop. NEWTONVILLE any. Phone 7 r 13 collect.Heesanopruiyt a artils in next week's,1- MODERN house, 4 bedrooms, Phal6a974ie"'*c°mmensurate 28-f, P Kowal, Jr. - 623-5868' own a gravel pitwh 3Bdrofrm mewh 1per. House sold. No re-1 two miles from Bowmanville. Pone 78-27 with ability. ----- ls tne hges 45-11 spring water. Only$300 auimsdngPrkRd oner.Clifod Pthcka PRPAE FR INTR v64abe mmeiaely Pone45tf ppy i witng y e p edp t fhihes Picehwrenevr owe.'a dKig aea $1,90 -$300 ution sale oP30 bef APARMENT, rooms availn753-246.n45-*ySpeniChrismas inthis 2LAND ad FARM eatl, ratrcobiei-UND ROAING beDeEsR Lwrnt1p78LBRER6-UNAE2LRK-CNTOLR 2,04P70C.hrsms elO soe,9 omhoe- Senc15ar-rutsra em nt, a, ran n Sop rs. ad- oroio o ly Mr.-nisr15Wig t.CE ANED 41Temprance St.-tees,-7.1Don StainonT91 6 37P aslAd pexd D ule p rcl, eda ils ara jdrobes, 2 bed mattresses 3-t apartment in Bowmanville.1 1 Westlakd Sander 3Bafo d ndpreaders highayrlcatin. Fll pice, 1 3 Brantdoworkag hland.y125aAcre.sFnear Port Hope ktinental bed, two dressersTRA C RSvllae hosptal and e ;ool BARNES & BYAM 1 Cook Lewel 1 Cook Transit $12,500. eekern2,,,d ad. a hreodsIic *o couch, lawn couch, sev. B414D with s Pt. hitch 623-7540 after soehus PLUMBING A HEATING Aeinsl ob eda heDOYrPr oe nai,21/ Acres suitable for V.L. NWO ce- em &altbe.forrgbok B275D, 3 pt. hitch & leade45- SALES & SERVICE November 15th, 1966, at 10:30 a.m. Local Time. pýA. 4 Bedroomn brick almost NWOVILLE ase and desk. Many other Feg-n28 r--- 24-MOUR, new bungalow, 1400 sq. ft. liv. 131 acre farm, bodrt1 ce tc am w ifýzcle.Thsi a fine lot of Fetg 28POUR - ROOMED apartmnent, •• Terms: Ten per cent deposit to be Paid at the time Of pur-in area. Asking only $17,500. Kendal Rd. for ¾2 ie/teas4erficvego giture from a private home. P L 0 W 9 central, heated, private en.0I1 Burner Servce chase.,Complete payment must be by cash or certified chequelre Faces country schoo.7e omhmlrebrs Toronto. Terms cash. Salei Int. 3-furrow, 3 pt. hitch trance, parking. Write Ad- SEPTIC TANKS AND and must be paid within Ave working days from the atie ofzFrm acres good working ln we e.rn.Kna il o'clock. Clifford Pethick-, M.-Fb. 3 furrow -vertiser 764, c/o The Canadian TILE BEDS auction orA tems will be subject to resale. All cheques to be 9Ars 0ars okbe, 37 pasture and 25 bs'ae.Ti amhsoe etioneer. 45-1 Ferguson'2 furrow ;Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- made payible to the Treasurer of Ontario. 6 roomn home with new oil Lots of spring wate.2 mlsrafrngadcod --- ID I 8 C 8 manville. 45-2 PRONE 'furnace, painted barn. Ask- storey house and 3ban beprledofi10cr Auto ae of mdern farnFgus@ t HAMPTON 263-2288 Items to be sold 'AS 18 WHERE 18' basis without warranty ing only $19,500 with low down N ceicpaces.Ony 450 Acin le Hreord and Hr F Oerguson_6f. MODERN 4-roomn apartment, TTRONER 263-2650- subject to. Ontario Retali Sales Tax and Federal Tax where paymnent.NETTO-Tem.Atftonhi gte achie, bre - One left - 6-ton Wagon. $16@ heated, corner' King and Di. applicable.1 100 Acrsalwrkbewt 100 acre tobacco farm 3 ercadantique fur itur,'Cam FBoff arvester vision. r e e rImediate UPHOLSTERING Item. may b. l..pected at the above l.cati.n 8:30 t. 4:30 9 room house, largebarn124 cres°ordTobacco MretIalV2339 lapdshes, ecfomNwIe 4whelSeaer pplsamon. Famous gSave Dollars! Have your ehest- ;m al lcltm)Nvmbr1tNvme 4hadx28, new drive shed, excellent landBoartob ghts; allevlAer9.. ýEsta elte t t e C meNodyDrmna4niiso t. ow in e rfe d eb& tgre-a he t.November 15th, 1966 until time oftsae. beef farm. Asking only $28,000 2hm s natu nd e okn • • 6355 oSaurday, November Interatie iBarveter taen to ease.Further informtation may be ehtained from: HgwyFr,10arsfurther details. Ad es••7809 at hs late rdenceLot EARLY TI E'S BONUSST EF RRE T .d.TmaAad C.ArsaeCo,, with 110 acres workable. 10 W. have a good seetomlr cClog 2-8 Con.8, Ca To Cash Bonus OnR Yer TradeIWHYTE BROS Dis"ic """" """""vlo' Deat tof igaways roo" brick bouse, large barn of farmse -- 1. nuRe otr-Orn 8-8 mile ast oaPR Traeter akeawith the NEW • Department of Highways, OR Downsview, Ontariocwionweriwlse, seloan $000. oadFre iwhc aeease of a asty traeter on King et. etdAND Port Hops, Ontario.chosnedrvsesl,.Bokin5-3 to comm0e ars, ftrame No. 1 te jau.1 1 UPMOLTYTelephone: 885-2481ares code 416 riversonproperty. Cali today'Marian Woodhead -7629 o rgr••7370 me b1flbl8 PonOM.664 "" '"" D AMMEO IOHIGWAYS'After Heure Please Cali - iHelen B aibrook -6 3 V-vAc îI4.Mlita-le 17-li Inter Jorgensen - $87 -4491 jFrank Backett •Manila12GoreBan - 45-1 - otPry3538 The canafian Statesman, Bowmanvile, Nqov. 9, 1968 si: cet thé 1 Wd 1 abat thi Al d thl ý-of" ,PCX -%V ý4( 'ù hal c DEADLINt