&_ TheCaadian Statesman., owmanvlle, Nov. 9, 1968 Govemument Retraining Programs' To, Offset Effects of Automnation Outlined at Rotary Club Meeting With essential training, On- and served as its president in block to anether. This willI tnosworkers will have the 1956-57. He came te thîs dis- best serve both the present siWsnhceusary te keep Pace trict in August when he was and the future. wllh prgr -sin industry, appointed Inspecter of Public. "The second line of attack Ray CaerTronto, stated in Schools ini this area. in the provision of special hlm address at the luncheon W. Ross Strike, Q.C., Chair- training for workcns is that meigo!fUmc Dowmanville man of the Pnegram Commit- many companies de net ne- =oayClub held at the FIy- tee, introduced the guest quire ail round skills. For Jug Dutchmnan Motor Motel ýse, a arehead of instance a man may icarn te onFriday. 1'g nutilTann become a competent machine G. A. MacLead became a Branch of the Ontario De-lopenaton without being a mia- new lemberof- the club in partaient of Labor. He spoke' chanist. The same is truc in a ýiimpesive ce enany. Pre- of Mr. Carter's studies at other fields. Skiled wonk- aidentà Bob Stevens was as- unîversities in England andi men have acquircd the ability misted by an induction teani Wales where he obtained his' to do certain jobs without be-_ coaupoued of four past presi- degrees in Science and En- coming electnicians. Many dents, Dr. Kesth Slemen, Gar- gineerng, and ef his eutstand- skills can be broken into net Ricerd, George Vice îng carter in mining, struc- smaller compenents by indus- and Forbes Heyland. Mn' tural, and mechanical engin- try for economic neasons. MacLeod is a former member enring. "We are assisting industry of thec Renfrew Rotary Club .Mn. Carter emphasized the ta tcach 25,000 people ln On- im..portance of the training tarie, some dcgree of skill program being sponsoted by from the tainly easy ones o! a ZMON the provincial government sewing machine openator te, whicb will previde wonkens the intnicate enes needed by The- Anne Reed Unit of with the skills needed for in. a jog boner," Mn. Carter said. Zion United Churcli met at dustry in the future. He added that if industry wili the home of Irene Ayre en "Three years aga industry find the instructons the gev-c Tueuday, October 25th, with applîed pressure te govern- enniment wiil pey thcm, and i 16 members and two guests ment agencies te produce a pointed out that at present pioget. scheme te provide such train- 280 pnograms et training arec Thbe vice-leader, Sh i rl1ey ing. This nequined considen- undenway in this province. V Sobil opened the meeting with able thought and planning. "Anyone intenested in set- a nSni entitled "Kind Words» Details ef techniques and ting up such a course, or *9iiowed by prye.technelegy te be used in the anxious te lcearn more about Eleanor Glaspeil and Phyll;s future are net yet known. them need only te write ta flottreil wcre in charge et Uic "It ha been found thatithe Industrial T r a i n i n gla worship service. The worship automation results in unem- IBnanch et the Depantment a service opened witm the sing- ployaient in some aneas while Labor and ask for funtherin ing cf Hymn 390 followed by in others it creates emplov- formation or assistance, Mn.1 seipture read by Phyllis Bat- ment. A balance can be ob- Carter said in conclusion. treil. Eleanor Glaspeil read tained thnaugh a prognam ot' President Stevens thankedk an article entitled "Working manpewen mability. Wonkens: Mn. Carter for his interestinga Under Difficulties", followed can be moved tram an anea' and informative address. He d by prayer. A verse was read 'with a surplus te one that has presented the guest speaker entitled "Excuses" which gav-e a dearth, and they. would with a copy of Seven Paths 1 us ail -somnething te think qualiiy ton assistance in mov- ta Peace, a Rotary publica-S about. Offering was taken' ing and settling their familmes tian, as a souvenir of his visita foilowed by offentory .praer. at the new location,.j ta the local Rotary Club. We closed the worship 'ih Our function in the De-'a Hymn 502. partaient of Labor is te assist Minutes wene nead and ap-~ people in industny te acquirel BLCSTCc1 proed. Thc few points of skills that will be needed by 1 IC ST C business were discussed andl industry." Mn. Carter discus-n thc efficers of thc generaîl sed the apprentice system of, iacstock United Church eXecutive and thc Anne Reed Uic past, but pointed out thatý was filled ta capacty Satun-a unit were read. industry can no longer waiti day evening, Octaber 29th, t several yeans fan a man ta, 1966, when twa Girl Guides Elcanor Glaspelliîntroduced lcarn a trade, and added that neceived thein Gold Cords in -E our gucst speaker, Mns. Anne aiuch ef what had been îeann- the impressive c e n e m o n Y.a Recd, whomn oun unit is nam- cd in such a period could Guides, Brownies, Scouts andd ed after, and she is aise the have become obsalete by theCubs, led by the Colon Party, wife o! our former minister. cnd et it. Training must naw: manched into the church. b Urn. Reed spoke on the be giveni hre ie e'Dsrc omsinrMs "A.B.C.s et Goed Members. stated.e nsare u, Ha Dric KteCommissione Mns lier taik was humonous, n- Hnl ye aesJd tercsting and very informa- "Training must be formai-! Cochrane and Nancy Donneil,' 9 tive. Shirley Sobil thankeq, ized, and it is necessary forn and- Scout Bian MountjoyE Mrs. Recd and clesed the compJanies te set aside a cen-1 were the neadens. Rev. Philip meeting with prayer. tain amount of the menev1 Romenil introduced the Gold t( MeetIng was adjounned, foi- available - te train personnl Cord Guides, namely Judy g Iowed, by lunch and a soia for the future. To encourage Muo and Joe rifan r.Tt3 hor.the industnial establishment Gan odsea ne addres. Te heur. - et training pnograms the gov- GMdCrswn nsne ernment will supply techni-l and tied by Division Commis- cal adinstrtie, ndfinn-sioner Mns. F. Hamilton. The calaiistate,an in- Pins from the local Associa- cial ssisance.,flan wene pnesented by Mns. D R IN K "Thene are two, main aneas Roy McLaughlin. The me- D R IN Kistane__ obe given in- hrMsIvnVouty.-d the apsteniceand the Brownies pnesented MwIhuc. does not pro- each with a Book ef Memory it' th fduceul res squickly eneugh Pictures. Way o H.lth must have special training~ Follewing the closing cere-. Way o Holth ourss, ad acentinuing pro- mony, ail fiied eut te the gram te up-grade skills. Chistian- Education Centre where a pheasant social houn Mn. Carter spoke of the ex- was spent. Mns. Harold Hec- cellent co-operation given the ken, Pont Penny, grandmothcn Departaient of Laber by the etf 5udy, and Mrs. Roy Gra- Department of Education. He ham, Port Penny, aunt et -discussed dîfferent courses. Jean poured tea and coffee Some wiil be for a 20 week ton 'the dainty buffet lunch. period, ethers for two 10 week Cadet girls Elizabeth Themp- pcniods, and se on. son, Judy Cochrane, Nancy - -"Plans arc aise undenway Domneli and Judy Swain were t.% for courses ta be held be- in change et guest books and tween the heurs of daiiy wonk buffet table. This makes and the evening. Employers eleven Guides whe have ne- are beîng cncouraged toalaîow ceived Gold Cords since 1957. Semployeca te leave work "The Cartwright Casseroles" - eanly te' attend classes be- held their meeting atter- tween four o'clock in the af- school on Nov. 2nd at Mrs. tennoon and seven p.m. This Larmer's. Jean Wotten col- MeaI Time timing would prevent attend- lected the due$ and ail ne- 0, Ant * ance problenis which have peated the 4-H pledgc. Ourn1 Anyimebeset night schools. leaders Mns. Wottcn and Mrs. ENJY MLK"Tt is forescePn that %we %wîll' Larmer discussed with uso Claire Perigee of Caes-anc-eal1M ~rDTIr~ ATrýsang the lovely sole, "He TRUST CERIICATEI Smiled an Me", and the home92 choir rendered the anthern,91 "Serve the Lord with Glad- *issued 1 te 5-Year termn ness" ln the evcning Kedren choir rendened two veny fine anthems. *earn 6¼%17 interest, payable haif- hn St. John's Church Rev. yearly by cheque. É. C. Rose gave a vcry thought-pnovoking sermon on 121 "Rcmembering." Appropniatel *authorized investment for ail hymns were sung and the Caain Insurance Companies Sacrament et Holy Commun-- Canadianion administencd. and trust funds. Sunday afterneon, a joint- meeting ef the advisorySA boards of Port Penny and A M Blackstock Anglican chuziches was hold, when discussions STS were heid and goals set for E mUgîvings to St. John,#s Rouse,= ~ucR i Nu TRuTorento; The, Arcio; -.mnd Thirteen niemboran Black- * - , stock U.C.W. 'At1he R.g~oal Bo1y ~pon14 oS DiI73 0 u 14 'tended t ~ a ~1 i k r,, Toronto, *Wedneda7 te 11, DONALD A. MacGREGOR Lite, Auto, Homo Insurance 2 King St. E., Bowmanville Phono 623-596Z Land Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN P.E?4G., O.L.S. 1l Queen St. - Bowmanville Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 M o rga ge s LDIE HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 J'frst Mortgage Funds Residences - Farme BusinessProperties Mls sister, Mrs. Henry Graham and niece Misn Verena. Mns. Frank Carter, Map] Grove, spent the weeken, with her siser, Mns. L. Hent3 Mrs. Clare ýernon, Pros pect, spent Sunday with he parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lo Swain. Mr. andM. Rupert Byer. Bownaanville, 1were. Sunda dinner guests -of Mr. and Mio Osmond Wright. Rev. mnd Mrs. Milton San derson, Mrs. M. Carley an Mr. Weir Swain were Sunda guests of Mr. and Mn.. Hert Swain and sons. Mrs. H. McKee spent Tues day te Sunday and Mr. Hug, McKee and friend, ail of Nor wich, were Sunday guestsc the Bill Fergusons. The foliowing young peopl spent the weekend at thEi respective homes: Miss Lynd Kyte, Guelph; Miss Lori Wright and Mr. Ray Mourl joy, Waterloo; Mr. Larry Haç kmn, Harnilton; Miss Elain Mountjoy, Oshawa; Miss Dot een Van Camp, Mr. and Mi Ardis McArthur, Miss Bett McArthur, Mr. Bob Smitl Miss Mable Van Camp, Mis Mary Bradburn, Miss Mario Bradburn, ail of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmet Pickering, visited Mrs.A Fowler, Sunday. Mrs. J. A. McArthur ari Miss I. Dempsey spent couple of days with relative in -Stratford. Sunday guests of Mn. Har old Swain, Jîm and Heler were Mn. and, Mrs. Jacl Swain, Oshawa, and Mis Susan Wearn, Enniskiiien. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemo and children and Mrs.F Toms, Enniskîllen, and Mi and Mrs. Charlie Gay, Bow manville, vîsited Mr. and Mu Wilbur Toms on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoc ken, Port Perry, visited Mi and Mrs. Leith Byers, Sun day p.m. Mn. and Mrs. Merwir Mountjoy, Hampton, spen Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy. Mr .and Mrs. Stan Rahi and Mrs. C. Hill were Sunda3 supper guests of Mr. and Mrs Eameron Porter, Orono. Pau Rahm, Toronto, spent Wed riesday and Thursday at horr and with his sister and bro ther-in-iaw at Orono. Mrs. Nivins and Mrs. French Bowmanville, caiied on Mr and Mrs. Orr Venning, Sun. day. Mrs. Vera Moffatt, Mr. anc Mrs. John Mew, Jane anc Robert, and Mr. Richarc M~ew, Toronto, were Sundaý guests of Mr. and Mrs. Austir Beacock. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stair. ton, Oshawa, were Sunda3 guests of the Harold Martyns Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mar. :yn are spending Monda3 with friends in Kitchenen.- Bu siness Directery .Accouniancy ChÉarexëa comnt 93 Church Street 623-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chai tered Accountant 15 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvile Phond 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 361A_ King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 BURROWS, SELBY & CO.- Chartered Accountants 323 King Street West Oshawa, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7554 William A. D. Seiby, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. C h ir op ra c i c G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropracton Difice un fle id ry. s3- ýer ou ay Ms. id ay rb. es- r- of )le da na 't- 's- rs. ýty r, rid a ,es F. Ir. s., Largest Crowd Attends Auto Port Hope-More than 8,000 As an milled about PFeter Campbell show pr Rlnk Fridlay Wad ffturday to Nancy D view and exâbnie ail major at intei makes and ulodels of 1967 selectione automobiles atm display during attracted the fourth an-qai Port Hope- spectator Cobourg Auto'.IShw. the stagi Promotion blanager A. W. tîme she Morris expr«ssed conaplete peoplec satisaction W74th the event pressing which hie pol4s, out is grow- virtuositi ing in size ad stature with former. every year. The y Visitors caie from miles ter of Yi away trom the*, immédiate area inson.* fit was discovqed as.namnes on She hi draw tickets were exanained. bitionsi Addresses were listed from Lindsay Montreal, Toronto, Oshawa, Her ai ,Hamilton, Belleville, Ottawa went as and ail interanediate points. performia There was even' one~ visitor She was from Ohio. by Missi The show was flot slow Lynn Be Setting "off the ground". and Mrs. rowds began to pour through Hope. the doors on Friday and the~ The or attendance kept up te a high was du level until the gates were shut Clack. and exhibits started to be Miss Aut moved out. There Many dealers reported sales lady wh of their products and several, tion whe even as the show continued, the show were talking about expanded Show of exhibits for next year. Freemnan, Toronto Visitor Buys She wi One dealer soid a car ta a tors ev( Toronto visitor. floor ai Mr. Morris, said there were doors. over 50 cars on display rang- "It wa ing in size from large North we're ai Amnerican' luxury models to getting o, the smaliest of imported comn- edition pacts. Morris sE HAMPT4 (Intendcd for iast week) Inew seasan on October 2thý c- The Hampton Home and with 15 members presenit. Oný n. School Association meeting Octoben 31,t thein meeting,ý . will be heid Nov. 9th at 8 p.m. with 13 members, was heid as! Sunday, Oct. 3th, was a a Hallowe'en party for thei n big day at our chunch, it was childnen. Membens presenti ncool but dlean. Onden ef Serv- wene Leonard White, Sherida r. ice was: Caîl te Worship, Jackson, Shelda Jackson, Lori hymas sung were first three White, Kevin Wilbun, Kathy verses et "A Little Child The Bradley, Johnny Hill, Donna ni Saviaun Came" tollowed by Adcock, Danyl Stickwood, Mary 'y the Sacrament ef Holy Bap- Chant, Heather Ballard, Jerry 7S tism for Sheldon Leonard, son White, Allan Hunsti, Janet Il f Mn. and Mrs. J. Jackson; Hiadman, Douglas Sinclair, 1- Jamie Frankln, Lori Lynne, Deanna Mountenay and Ellenl ,le Robin Lane, Gerald Christo- D hen, sans and daughtens af Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Lutak. h, Scripture reading and Lord's r. Prayer were included. The n- remaining verses wene sung ........... .......... of "A Little Child the Savieun d Came". Announcements wene -- d given followed by children's d hymns, "When Mothers et ,y Salem" and -Corme, Let Us in Sing of a Wonderfui Love". Rev. Catto gave a nice scrm- on on "The Reformation and The Family". Chunch service ýy is new held at 9:00 a.m........ -Tuesday, Novemben lst Hampton W.I. met in the 'y Christian Education noom fan North Greup in change. A dis- play et "Made in Canada" - pnoducts was the roll cali. Ray and Donna Caunoux, Oshawa, were weekend guesta at, jhç homneoetlier parents, Mn. and Mrs. Roy Maynard, Mrs. Ethel McRoberts, Tynene;B -Mn. and Mrs. Ken Chamber- lain, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. Ben Klein, Neinhuis and Bniari lwene gucats of Mn. and Mns. - Les Hunt, Mary-Lau, Lori and Norman who gave a birthday party for Bnian on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mount- joy visited Mn. and Mns. Thos. - Dancey at Canningtan and at- tended the turkey supper atThswe o Peniel. The Mountjoys aise attended the Cadmus tunkey ~ supper. Mn. Randel Prime who is MOTN attending Waterloo University, wl edu was home for the weekend -. you receive i with his parents, Mn. and Mrs. Mcl Prime, and famiîy. -- ~ Dy sjs -Last week Mn. and Mrs. Ken ~ than you cxi Caverly cntentained thi e grandchildren fan the day. -TAKE Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Caveny arrived and wenc dinner guests. Mn. and Mns. Fred Holnoyd tand Lynnette, Bowmanvmlle, were Sunday dinner guests; cvening callers were Mn. Frank S È17 Holroyd, Bowmanville and Mrs. W. Lawrie, Bowmaniville e t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd Sr. F U T D I Mn. and Mns. William Hol- AE 0 RENGAN i iroyd, Jo-Anne, Judy and Ron- ald called at the home et Mn. RA and Mrs. Jack Gray and fam- iC R TL ily, Whitby, on Sunday after- noon. Laten, Mn. and Mrs. W. Lawrie wenc supper guests with the Holnoyds. PR Mn. Ted Rogers spenit a BE N 9T day in hospital last week for a miner operation. I hope he SAVE12Ç . .. ,. O-ST is feeling fine now. Lîttle Allan Hick-ey had lais I j tonsils nemoved last Wednes- -Y M R J day and is much improved. 1 Mn. and Mns. T. Wray Wen Sunday evening dinner guestes with Mn. and Mns. Sam Keene, READY TO SERVEF Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Hern, Oshawa, were Sunday atterneon callens Mn. and Mrs. Bill Harrison U and Kim, Port Penny, were M Sunday visitons with Mn. and r Harry. Mr. and Mn,. Hanry Apple- ton, Whitby; Mr. and Mn.. Frank Ballard, Columbus, were guests ef Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard on Sunday celebratcd lher second bînth- day. Happy birthday, Karen. Nestîcton, spent a fcw days .oc E last weck and Mn.. Hanny Braoking, Part Hope is visiting for an indefinite peried with I p re HR Mn. and Mn.. Cccii Siemon. U An old neighbour, Mn. and Lamb CUTL Mns. Jehn Metraihler and tam- W O ily, Newcastle, visited Sun- 90 OR HA] day with Mr. and Mns. ,lr >ie Smases Sr. In the next week or two a Memorial Hospital Weekly Report iFor the week of October 31 - Novemben 6 inclusive: Admissions ------- --- -- 86 Binths, 5 maie, 4 female-- 9 Discharges - - .- -------- 71 Major openatians-----------il1 Miner openations -- -----40 Emergency tneatments ---34- Visiting hnîîrs 3-8 nmm. ,Tilv. E verSnack. Meetings are beld Christian Education room ut L. the church at 4 p.m. AUl Grade Sho0w One students are welcome and invited te attend. Come on, iadded attraction the children, and have a good resented eight-yea'r-old time. Dickinson of Zion who Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy ervals played organ and fnîend, Edmonton, Al- s. Every tirne she berta, were visitons with Mr. da large crowd of and Mrs. Elmer Wiibur on. rs. The vicinity of Sunday. ge was crowded every Mr. and Mrs. Sid Kersey ýappeared and many wene dinner guests with Mr. could be heard ex- and Mrs. John Lyon on Sun- amazement at the day. ty of the young per- Mn. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, rungster is the daugh- Mn. Sam Dewell were week- Mr. and Mns. S. Dick- end guests with Messrs. Dew- cills' sisten, Mr. and Mrs. Arth- as appeared at exhi- un Loveil of Dexter, Michigan, at Peterborough and U.S.A., where they attended and on television. Ithe Loveli's 5Oth Wedding An- tuto show appeanance niversary. Congratulations are her tirst major public sent to this happy couple. mce in Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith sassisted at the organ iaccompanied Mn. and Mrs. ses Angela 'Watt and Ormiston on Sunday ta Bob- ýatty of Peterborough, lcaygeon and visited Mr. and sA. MacGillis of Port Mrs. Jack Smith. 1On Wednesday evening Mr. rgan music programiand Mrs. Ted Chant, Eric irected by Geaffney Fanthing, Mrs. Joe Guest, Mrs. Retord Cameron and Mns. to Show Greetu VisitoI-8 Mooncraft of Bowmanville at- was another young 1;tended the supper and -bazaar ho met with admira- held at Pleasant Point Church, encver she went about near Little Britain. v. She was Miss Auto Mn. and Mrs. Ted Chant f'67, Miss Margaret were dinner guests an Sunday vas afe PrtnHope. -w ith Mr. and Mrs. Jack Carter, as sen geeting i5iThornhiil. irywhere about the id at th~e entrance' Roy Chant visited with Mn. and Mns. Vern. Chant, Toron- as a great show and ta, for the weekend. neady on the way ta Eric Farthing spent the out a bigger and better1 weekend with his mather, Mrs. for next year," Mn.I Paul Farthing of Oshawa. aid. _________ Miss Louise Goodman of Toronto is here for a week's sitay at hen home. Glad te O N have her back for a short time. ': For easy counting at the cheekouts only complete dollars fled, for example if your cash register tape totals $18.64 an additional $18.00 in Bonus Tapes FREE! Double Tape another reason why wc say you always get a Ihttle more pect at IGA. C AT THIS STORE ONLY LEAN - MEATY SAVE 14o OKED lbSPARE RIBS 69'lb ALPINE BEEF 55s STEAKETTES 591b. 0" LAMB LOIN O' LAMB FRONT O" LAM mnville IGA Foordline KEDRON Reverend Winnifred Bridg- seen difficulties the *gWionfai es, minister of Kedron United classrooms will be ready for, Church, otticiated at the in-1 occuac t hebgnil stallation et officers for the upthasncyattebegAtnthgt 21st Oshawa Cub and Scout fthe e ca podteni. At that Mothers' Auxiliary meeting East Whitby Township 1pil on Wdnesay eenin mnwi.ll be instituted, under Mrs, Kedron lower hall; Holding R. Draper, who is presentiy, the flags for the brief cere- teaching Grades tour and tîve.t mony were Mns. Wm. ck 'tt Mrs. Robertson a formert fermer Akela et "A" Pac anditeacher at Kedron School, wilI Mrs. Nelson Wright, pastiretur ocmltth president. î-1 t oplt h Mns. Fred Denshamn was ne- saf tunned as president fon an- Iý ether term, and Mns. Ciifft' Hopkins will serve a second term as secretary. New offi- cens are Mrs. L. Lepine. Vice- President. and Mrs. Dick Walker, treasuren.I The business meeting wasi cenducted by Mrs. Densham. Mr.Hopkins read thel PR TECUO minutes and the annual ne-. port. In the absence of the Q ETO D netiring treasurer, the presi- USM 0 dent read the auditon's fin- ancial report. Ail reports were approved as nead. Douglas Pascoe, Donald Wenny, Bill Elliott and Larry Hopkins ot the 2lst Oshawa Scout Tnoop Senior Patrol were in Rochester oven the Question: Our f amily is quile weekend with members ot the musicl a eisr u 7th Oshawa Troop on an ex- .ial nwenseOu chane viit ith ocheterpiano. trumpet, violin and other cout vs. w oc et r valuable instruments? The group left by bus *on A n.vue- Yes, indeed! A Musical Thunsday evenîng, stopping lntuensFose roie aoven in Niagara Falls. Thev tuet lotrpoie visited the Wax Museum thene broad insurance protection and the Sklon Tower. On against losses by fire, theft, Friday they continued on ta breakage, water damage andi Rochester where they were mnany other perdls. lt's Iew-cost, the guests of families ef Ro- practical coveraae yeu'iI readiiy chester Scouts. On Satunday appreciate. evening the gnoup attended an A.M.L. hockey game. Mem- Te And ou# hw ew e c bers of the Rochesten Scout have this pr.t.$iu, cta Troop wiil return the visit in the Spring of 1967. Mn. Clarence Wenny has re- tunned fnom Cutknife, Sas- katchewan, where he and Mns. TU T Wenny wenc the guests of their ST A T B son, Rev. and Mrs. Robert> Werny and tamily. Mrs. Werny will, remain in Cutknife fon JAMES an extended visit. Kedron Hi-C membens at- tended the Folk Sing sponsor- GENERAL INSURANCE ed by Northminster United24Kg t.E omnil Cburch Hi-C on Sunday even-24KnStE.Bw nvle ing at Nothminster Chunch Office Reshdoace, Work on the addition fi 6358 2-43 Kedron School is pnagnessingý6358 2-43