Steven, ail of Willowdale,t l r.I ~ ,1 Robbie (Phyllis), Bowmanville;, The Canadian Statesmn. amnilNv ,16 ..-,~ , Miss Bea Alexander and Mr.1 Ceiebrate 4U1fl v ediilA nnive sa vMrs. Bernard Swenson (Lois), ____ -______ o(ae7s na Mr. and Mrs. Irving GîlI and:Gro pc (nawhsoe sick in theg dasghter Carrne Leigh, Town, !husband is stationed with the ward.ufI AR were Sunday guetsoMr RCAY in Germany was un- At the end of scholdy MR. ILA BON . Iand Mrs. Robert GuI, King St.j able ta attend. Margaret trained foranrs Foowga iein ii- Ph-one 623-3303 West, on the occasion of i Mrs.LodCutc n e and became a very go n.ns flyas h et f .Many local and area nim-: for the receptian, and the buf- Hearts" was ini keepigwtTToeocuedo Fidy G. E. Geary of Bobcay-j son and family. Mr. and Mrs. rads are away enjoying theirWe uprdrn h vnn h hm !tesroR-Otbr2.16,a ~eqsguest of her sister and:D. Wright, Trenton. yearly deer hunting expedi-1 etranet ebaoe ccso.Tak-Mmra geroier-in-law, Mr'. and Mrs. Mis udnBoug rreuredtin.Th mld eahe Iisgî ang. Detion frago optl:Bwavle h ý isJuyBoghrtredto. h id ete t !1The bride presented her was in her 76th yeaor J. A. Bell, King St. West. ;to the Hamilton General Hos- week just isn't suitable for rdgomwt ai am ie n lasFgtth agtro h aeJh Mr'. Rick Lander, Queen's pitlI School of Nursing on'keeping an "early kili" in. lera d equpmenit h mve Cbr ide ad Fgh.Leas eFore rsradJsi ae h University, Kingston, spent the Tuesday alter .spending a few camp for any length ot time.i lgrooands git . Thbride- 25 H is ros.deeaedLesbrnaITeW Weekend with his parents,' days wlth her parents, Mr,.. f late years, the weather, yers ws ga pa hsie ksoe.5Hsrvensue-ih ae.Ot. n ecie e ~Iean r. ln Lne, and Mrs. Jack Brough, Horsey 'seems ta turn ranadwrmI hymn 451 "Abide WtM eeucto atNwPr.0~ iHvision Street. Street. er just as the seasan opens and the Benediction.lue1.96,se ari- Mi' nd Ms. Rn Mcon-Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ayre when hunters would rather BUR E NSudycolwahedtWiimBrnwasrve. id of Belleville were Sunday,have returned tram spendingýhav'e a "'snap in the air.' II1:1 .. r.D.Hins ueifhe nerss fi.isitors with Mrs. McDonald'sia week in Halifax, Nova Sco- Local sbops are commencing. d DdSprnedn ncage h ete rudhrhm n ýarents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. lia. While there, Mr. Ayre was ta have. that special testive M rs. Ramn ae aecollectian was taken U yfml.Ms rw a e Johns, Liberty St. North. judge o! the Sbeep Classes at anpearance with the approachý a. business trip ta Lindsay onMatr.aiEyn.TeeiddIRR.1Trnefr4 * ~the Atlantic Winter Fair in of the Christmas Season. Il, ra. adM1 .Rma;'a 2pesn.yas n e one Sunday visitors wîth Mn. and, Halifax. really isn't taa seon ta be wOnS pendatNvme.3 ersatne ogSut >4rs. Jack Childs and Kim '.4 M.anMndGore rs wre iii.On. United Cove %vere Mrs. Childs' sister and' Weekend and Suniday visit- Ibinking about your Christmas! 1 n M.Goge rn eeiCburcb service will be(edatuc pohrilaMran r.ors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lake 'shopping. Every year therel . IAoton on Friday. Zion United Church aI1a..Sringbsdshrh- ~~,rother-in-law, Mn. and M~~~~~~~~~~~rs.RR 1, Bowmanville. were Mr'seems ta be a greater variety '"iMr n ir.J .Sihxlrr iltk ati ad r J9.Hogsn, e<iean iayfiM.ved rsans, SmthEIloeanwiloak ScarbHogo, ebiean an d Mrs. Percy Lake, Alvin Of. gift suggestions,. but it is,9 'held a social evening for Ieti evc.Trna ereo saa Bcanorogh.and Peter, Sharbot Lake, and wise ta make an early choice'-H tgaponStrdyeetisHloeenws sr ue ervice.Tyoe.Aanc *Mr'. Fred Anderson left on Mr. and Mrs. Matt Brady af, and tlus avoid lasI minute H.* rwihou ntu preen ýihIi omr'nunîty Terewr apo n lya !T Tuesday for bis home in Taronto. confusion and disappintment.1Master Athbur25Jaes ndýi hsa om realy.wedlokn Th Teeaefpga Moose Jaw, Sask., after a visit Mrs. Victor Ferguson, Con-' Mrs. Winana Clarke of Osh-, Ala Grrth, amead snt c resalling frTiko blrn îtr r.Gr itbisserndbohrj-cession St., was in Toronto on aa amryo omnil, the weekend with MrspRiTreat. The usual shoppigbgtueBke fAdrht law, Mn. and Mrs. J. S. Ames, Monday of lasI week attend-!a trustee of the Oshawa Sep-1 Davey. wscridb nn ! uvvs the Anniversarv Dine arate School Board since ils M.Hmhe eit fc1 eswhtertebg ed Te uea evc a Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright, and Presentation of Awards o! firet public election ini 1957,1~"Trnt pn b weediic or littIe is anyoy cdo ady coe 1 Tommy, Jay, Nancy and the Canadian Councîl of Chris- 1ilse eeeto ee- with Mr. and Mrs. John Ar-Igcsbtw tidthsal-fon te Mrs Fuel Robin. and grandma Wright tians and .Tew,ýe ber 5th. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn.' cerad ail.e buswere wicllfed. eC nl.Btivlladws setSna ihthe latter's M.adM~.Br yrClarke residrd an Loyers Lane ce ad-aiy spen Suda3'wMr.- avedustreturne rmtnp ewhen Ihey ived in Bowman-, r.'1k Tyl r hs lvelMo'rish for their good ea-Nlc Itretwsn ta empsT en.,ed re tip ville and Mrs. Clarke served * .stock- entries at the RIor.ore alîended the 281h Annual In- on the Boanvforeaubsicx ~ Toronto again îIiis year. Visitors witb Mîrs.M.J Amn th loevfra THfIernce of bed RerigraiCon yearsbefore tey mo'ved t' Osbarne and Mrs. D. aestonseidce !th n- ALVÂ ION , enainlE dcatheRfionaCon- bb1h 'd ORRSHrecently wern Mr. adM:temiwic Ie SA V TO Engineers Society.aa. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Alldnead Photo by Lly'eobeBrooks Cown fObrne îwsbl eetoefo Mr. . obon. n Congratulations ta Gerald. jand Mrs. Harry Oron.t:Epoeso eat A M Duncan of Oakville, who haveHallowell who received hs On Saturday afernoon and They were raried in Bow- tawa, and Mrs. Ada Mont- Rglr osîieriewso! ,Mrha and Mns. ARaoya ie ubr oLn BOWMANVILL :and Mrs. W. W. Bagnell, Scu-' Carleton University, Otaaleeig October 29, Mr. and manville by Rev. J. U. Robins gomery, Part Hope,. poured beld on Sunday, Navember 6thlaf Weston. SutFinsadNihos BW AV LE 1gag St., for a few days while His parents, Mn. and Mrs. A. Mrs. D. R. Alldread, Ontario on October 27, 1926, and have tea and in the evening Miss'in Morrish United Church atl: Mrs. Don MacDonadoraîeres wr ess H. ~~~ Mn. Robson was duck hunting, S. Hallowell, Orona, and bis Street, welcomed nearly 2001 three children, Mrs. Jack Welsh Mary Jewell and Mrs. Harryl0 a.m. The Rev. Ian Munra jDarlingford was a gus fRcadGbs aePae Capt. & jurs. H .Fraser left fan home an Tuesday. sister Nancy atîended therelatives, friends and acquain-1 Jus)Te,(Mar), ihmo.d utpre Servng ert eM.anb rge ervTie, sa Re ee..Acsie Vrtue nd DonDave Sînke r n snik, hrit-ceremonies which taok place tances aI a reception held in'Hill and Russell of Toranto, Mrs. Alldread's granddaughter Tecnrglo vssnl, rs ee cox n ______ mas ard wil prbaby laI Fida eveing Genld S Mmoril Prk lub ous O:and seven grandchildren. Ail Miss Laurelyn Welsh, Town, a number o! aur fniends fromIMrs. William McHolm eî llà à mscrswl rbbyb tyemployed aI VicIorialthe occasion of their 401h wed- were present for the memor- their niece, Miss Maxine Al Zion Uned Crc wrldnrgus oMs.Hod 4~ver *s eastd otnaiig susaCollege, University oTonTO'iI,'ding anniversary. For teO-al dedo yead ther Uesntedjoi in Iis aer-1Payne. PortsHopefo nMrsec . sudwetyin the Archives. Mr'. and Mrs. casion Mrs. Alldread wore a eMsSadaPye-anPotHpn ta beatth strike, in case Hallowell, Nancyan Gerald becoming pink lc dress ewnthafrnnanga-int svc.!Nemr7h M. there is one, by mailing ear-.aîso visited in Montreal aven complemented by a corsage o! evening reception bours dIfh e wovle The anthemn "Carry Away aýWilson, a recent Icachernte O t tIirtan usual, or just wait the weekend. red roses. Memorial Park Association Out-of-town relatives and Song" was especially appreci- old Red School House Pbi o t f O t il ouI?___________ladies_ catered for a delicius friends attended ram New ated. The three junior mem-' Shoo, Morish, of Port H p Miss Marg Piekard and Mn. i-iiîread, who nas Op- i Westminster, B.C., Saskatoon, bers in turn repeating t! 8 joined the ladies fordinr OsaNo.4- ele S UN DA Y Miss Beverley O'Byrne, Osb-P I h erated a blacksmith and %veld- family dinner. a'Sask., Ottawa, Richmond Hill 1refrain. Brenda Anderson, June Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bia ae !cr n rcsttl awa, bath of- St. .loseph's Hos- ' O ctet ê..omfind1 ;ing business in Bowmanville' Guests were welcomed a Port Hope and Oshawa and'Marvin and C. Gatenby. combe, Mrs. D. MacoadIn 2408digOcbe oia col fNrigPtr for 50 years, is widely known the door by Mrs. A. H. Davis, surrounding communities. i The children's story given!and, Miss Ola Harnesesitd eeanucd tdyb Nailal Sehoorogh. osp n ursith e e r- t Ihroghout the area. Mrs. Al- Town, and the couples eight- Among the beautiful floral by M. Munro was sort buitfniends in Lindsay on Sna eea oos o aaa with Miss Pîckard's narents. radIheforerunsidPters, year-old granddaughter, Miss arrangements receiver by M"r.!interesting. Margaret, a little November 7tb. Ti oprdwt oa il a.mand 7West Mn.acMh. HwrdPcar,.ng ber training in Bowman- charge of the guesl book.' lovelv bouquet of red canna- for a long lime. Wbenevertbe auspices o! ZionUCW.nOcoe195-ten- West Beach. ~This Sunday, Nov. 131h, theville Hospital under the guid- During the aflernoon Mrs. tions'from Mr. Alldreads aunit,lber i-other came in la visit'was held on SaturdayinIevosrcrdfrhe otb Aspecial musical Sunday Messrs. Ray Laîbangue, Ken- Salvation Army in Bowman- 'ance o! the laIe Mrs. Florcnc'e Ewart Peters, sister-in-law o! Mrs. Thoma Alldread, Car-lber she always brougbt a fav-'S.S. Hall aI 2:30 p.m. Mrib G adta ae !2, with eight inîeresting ýnetb Staîker and Wm. Slaght ville, will welcome to ils Smythe, the Supeintendent.,the anniversary couple, 01-mran, Man. orite kind of tarI and cakelmembers o! the U.C.W eY26NnhAeia yeps :S. reder unin bi wekseviesaII am.ane7pvices fr arart.TieIetlnireen t ejo andedl c7îsege ar ad ,22 ruk and talented men. in the Twin Lakes area. north a nusual musical graup an cs aens f febrde 't Margaret was abe b eturo o! ea alsto elpy fif omk wr eotd m ars of Madoc. Ray cao hardly ex- an octet o! retiredi Salvalion' i parso h rd present,iM gartwsal ortrIo e lohligt pect ta bave the succesbe Armv Sonnster Leaders, Band- I!IindsH ono C ou le who will be married 53 years home and continue school but Ibis affair as successful sa-Cnd atmnb b Programme of scred had last eDecember.iBrotherst and sic-andverydFmidaiyiatDIbemend Bootteeswayssiby buyingFmany ap tteyecame thent waYyearbuago, pa- *m rogr aim re o s e g d ow ha la ve awi h e s fn e b o t msersnd Ba dss-. .ters, O scar o ! H am pton; Ron- s eool w eek, M argaret m adeiand useful articles a nd d l- s nera a e o al d 2 , service. Aedwnieihh5fnemrsOonh gopcmetgthra iIv rniver y Woodstock,__Mrs. Alex Me- take ta the hospital for same-i table.3,4.___________ Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lake and the North Toronto Corps. The' Yo AeAlways ýMiss Mary Lake met recently eight men include leader aI the hame o! Mn. and Mrs. Charles TatcheIl wbo was Welcome Jack Hayes ta bonor Ibemn fornmerly associaîed with the witb a fanewell party. Mr~. and Regent Hall Band, the Inter- Mrs. Lake, who resided on national Staff Band and more Elgin St., have n0W moved ta recently was Deputy Baod- " t he Hampton area. mpster aI the Montreal Cita- Mi. and' Mrs. Art Hooper del-, Lieut. - Colonel Ernest Bowinan and family, Frederick Ave., Gen former mmeof Bo m nvle visited Mrs. H-ooper's motherîbhe Leytcni Citadel Band and .~ and grandmotber, Mr5:.A.:the Canadian Staff Band. He ~ Pentecotid-. f Ashford and- .Mrs A. Hvatt, and a4other octet, member, ChU h ýToronto, On Sundavx Thev also Bent Greenaway, also a Ley- visiled Mrs. Hoo per s sîster ton Bandsmnan. survived the (h rch'and tamily, Mr. and Mrs G. Empress Of Ireland disaster o 1astor e rty B T. I914.any y ears onste fadr T e e LWP I E 5LbeySt Mitchell, In Downsview. 1914.AlexMcMilanws fo Phone 623-5100 M.adMr.Bl teena Montreal Citadel and also Bible chool and M. and Mrs. Barrv a member o! the Canadian LAti1 1 955 '..a retired executive of a well- e f c lv ' ï o .1 t see "Story In 3-D' known Canadian compaoy,____________________________ REHOBOTHws Bandmaster aI Moncton iaan. for several years. George "THE FIRE THAT CrsinRfre Ficher 'vasq a junior soldien BURN SEVN ChrchaI Newington Green Corps YEARS" before the family left foir YER"Scugog Street Canada. He was aIea with i 7PERG MS-th iîse:Montreal Cîtadel Band. Lamne . . ,ag ns cod ? Thampson was a memben of PEGMS teMontreal Citadel Band. He is 'r:::. CORRUPTEDI e.A VneBr the only member of the octet COMPROMISING B.A., B.D., M .Th. haro in Canada. The eighth CHURCH" ' ýmember is David Gray wboC OT( (4th of senies from Worship Services hails from Scatland wbere he - » . Reeltin 1 ambelonged ta the Dundee 2 c o l Hear the Kudras play7 < Bowmanville Senior Citzen t n A ~ L * ~~~~~~~~~~~~Group have been invitdl ' o e n o i a - i ' tR le * niueil15a e guests for the 7 p.m. serv Fo i S UnqeChoir 1:5am Sunday School ice and the genenal public is ~fo oda dSn sM sre I TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H Mînister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.."-oM. 111:00 a.m. - "TOWARD A BETTER WORLD" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.m. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:20 a.m. - Primary and Kindergarten 11:00 ani. - Beginners ST. JOHN'S CHURCH ANGLICAN Rector: REV. K. J. FRAMPTON, M.A., B.Th. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER l3th: Preachet at 11:00 ar.. REV. R. de CORNEILLE, Director of Christian Jewish Dialogue 'T"OMFE HOUR"' at noon Mondays, NOVEMBER 14, 21, 28 and DEC. 5 8.10 p.m. Dialogue Programme Members and friends of St. John's are Welconie Sunday Services at 9 a.m., il &.m., 7 p.m. Wednesdays ut 10 a.m. 'da.y, Uctober 3, l1966,tol-I . ing an illness of three months.~-' Son of the late Henry Ped- Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Burr well and Catharine (Zeig!ler). Pedwell, deceased was bainý Photo by Lloyd McRobbie at Thornbury, Ont., where lie' recejved his education. In A gala event tnok place attendant. Mrs. Alex Mc- 1908 he married the former rccently at the Grandview Golf Robbie (Phyllis) was present Eva Maude Wheeler wha pre-;'Club, when over a 100 friends l'or the occasion. The best man, deceased bim in 1962. and relatives gathered to cele- 'Allan Baverstock, Gatineau A real estate broker. Mr. brate the 25th wedding anni- Milîs. Quebec, cousin of the Pcdwell had also tarmed in versary of Mr. and Mrs. Regi- bridegroom, wvas unable to earlier years. He retired from'nald Burr, R.R. 6, Bowman- attend. farming 18 years ago. Theiville. A reception was held tram, deceased was an adherent of:ý T w e n t y - fIl v e years aga, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Receiving the Presbyterian Church. HelEdythe, daughter of Mr. and with her husband, the bride had resided in the Newcastle ýMrs. Walter T. Pingle, R.R. 1,'was wearing a pale blue sheer area for 33 years. movingý Hampton, and Reginald R. dress and a corsage of pînk there from Thornbury. Burr, son of the late Mr. and carnations, presented by their Mr. Pedwell is survived by Mrs. John A. Burr, Oshawa, children, Susan and Timothy,ý two dlaughters and five sons ,ere united In marriage by who also pinned a boutonniere Russell, H e 1 e n (Mrs. Â. the late Reverend George Tel- on their father. Susan and Tim-: Youngblut). Kenneth, Ll0yd:1tord, DD. othy assisted in welcoming the Maurice, Muriel <Mrs. Stan. -_Sister of the bride and ber guests. Donna Pingle, niece ot lev Rickard). and Keith. - -the bride, kept the guest book.' The funeral service waadM. nd rsLwr. The table was decoratedý held from the Morris Funeral. Peterborough, were recent with a three-tiered wedding C ha pe , Bowmanville, nn:Sunday guests writh Mr. and cake, made by Mrs. Lloyd Han- Wednesday, October 5th, and:Mrs. Warren Curson. cock. cousini of the bride, andi was ondcte byRev j.S. Mr, and Mrs. ROYBct artistically decorated by Mrs. Gilchrist of St. Andrew's Pres-.Zion, spent Saturday eveningHans Geisburger, Jr., Taunton. byterian Church. Interment at Mr. Brian Caswell's. Among the numerous gifts was in Thornbury Union A tire at Crooked Crcek:receixed by the couple, was Cemetery. school on Sunday aftcrnoon an original oil painting tram! caused consîderable damage, the family. A silver tea and' necessitating arrange me n t scoffee service was presentedý 'I'~T77Tfotr classes elsewhere.1 by a group of triends, wha' STAR VIL E l The turkey supper at Shi- surprised everyane by making lob an Wedmesday evening'an unannounced appearance,ý Mr. and Mrs. Stan Fall.-,' last week was real well et- plaving instruments, saxo- Toronto, were evening guests, tended and was greatly en- phone, clarinet, guitar and' last week at Mr. Llew Hallo-!joyed as so many comîpented drunms, ta the tune of "Happy well's. ta that tact. The ladies were Anniversary,'" taking over as Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd; very pleased with their et- an orchestra, dancing was re-' entertained Mr. and Mrs.! farts and ahl the wîlling as-i sumed, with vacalists Herb, Clintan Farrow last Saturdayisistance. Knox and Bob Hill. Clarence evening on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lîttle'Cox played his banjo and Har- their twenty-fifth wedding and Laurie, Carnpbellford,lold Balson the piano for raus- anniversary. with close rela-, spent Friday evening with ing sing-sangs. tives being present. Mr. and Mrs. Llew Hallawell.. Friends and relatives werel Miss Norma Hallowell, Tar-ý Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowell present from Woodstock, Ham-i onta, and Miss Beulah Hallo-j and 'Nancy were in Ottawa ilton, Oakville, Toronto, Osh-: well were Sunday dinnttriduring the weekend and at-îawa, Bowmanville, Wellington,! guests at Mr. Llew Hallo- tended graduation Pxercisos Cobourg, Peterborough, St. well's.1 at Carleton University at Catharines. Allistan, Whitby,' Mr. and Mrs. Barton Mc-' which time Gerald received Dunbarton and Hampton. i Neill and tail g>, Oshawa,1 his M.A. desree in history. 1 It was an honor to have the Kot'exFEMININE NAPKINS 12"s - Sugg. Iist53....2fo97 PRESCRIPTIONS OId Spice1 Lotion, Sugg. Iist $1.50 ...... 1019 j 1. D. A. REMEDIES 'I :21 ALEX McGR*EGOR 5 KING ST. W. M *DRUGSe - - PHONE 623-5,7L