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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1966, p. 10

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.*.4.'.-4......... ~~-*.-..---..4v--.<nC..*.4. 40 . C44.C . ~ *4*4.>.4..~.-. --<.4>...... ,,IU Te anadian Statesman, Bowmanvuje, N4ov. le, 19M 1ical aid, education ind offier mas Party, tob.hdatte auay It, :3An. social services. Oshawa Ski Clu.Ia etn a eta "Over the past oentury and January 10, 1,12 03-SuadCo m mn ýýe àrefor Annual Banquet ahl hitaiyhssrp 13 ..-p PoreReport from O ttawa inee ie ice cosW3am-thspca ho FederateonartearsiUsionlssentinoration_ aAft ~~~~something for a few special- January 13th- u h n Ho- p ve et A oc C ner c, ByR selC H ny Aists in distant places. The stein Club AnualMeig ootOtro Fedeatin He rs etais ineed of the world confronts Tade and Commerce Minister Canadian industrial and financial I each of us with a demand Robet Wntes rcenly et a exortstiutins.which we cannot ignore. We Robet Wntes rcenly et a exortstiutins.may be imperfectly aware of -O f Prodluction, 1'ayn ents target of $111/ billion for Canada's Cen- In the past year as Minister of our christian duty. We sih:lli AA tennial year, an increase of more than Trade and Commerce Mr. Winters has have to clarify in our own byrHarvey Malcolm The Directors of the Dur- approach to both the farmn 12 per cent fromn the anticipated $10 been quietly efficient in his performspinid th ein tm gte fui gnd t heNve-ham-County Creamn Producers problem and the high cost of million of Canadian exports in 1966. ance. Tagged by xnany as a successor We shail have to recover ourE Aflagnaath oe-were re-elected as follows: food as viewed by the consum- toMr easn he hePimiin pwr eunertnkadMs - er meeting of the Durham Chairman, Howard Quantril; er. It would eliminate entire- Mr. Winters is third in precedent tohr ero hntePieMn oer toi ne rstand an se SH I rr ~'i ~ F .Cà»nty FPederation of Agricul- Vice-Cbairman, Tom McCam- ly the present ineffective sub- in the Canadian cabinet, following ister decides to resign, he has shown onthe aib. We canwtessn ture kept directors past their us; Sec'y - Treas., Lawrence sidies on feed freîght assist- Prime Minister Pearson and Foreign no interest in entering any such con- udrtn. rnuch-needed rbeut sleOp. representave ansome.Io!.a naindpal ceytem f anualAffairs Minister Paul Martin. He was test. While he may have such plans in Followîng the closîng hymn! -Once again it was decided his henchrnen were present to production payments, which first elected to Parliament in 1945, and tituelog-ra ne fremrWitesurat- and rs a Ber, chws.sre BABY to provide prizes for the 4-H discuss selling o! C.I.A. shares would gear production where was pone Minister o! Reconstruc- tortheie no i ne !acdmplet uppo rt b y s llyandBer Mrs. Ro-s Ydrestry'Club and a trophy for and re-activation of the Insur- it was most needed. J-tOfr h Pie iise and a Ryleyn andSt.Mruren Ross .the 4-H Potato Club team who ance Committee. A trophy This program, if adopted, tion and Supply St. Laurent tdr edr BOiU 'Won *flrst place at recent judg- and prizes were to be provid.. would assure an adequate sup- goverriment in 1948. Subsequently Mr.diraro!ny teptodawhm________ lIng competition at Guelph. It ed for the forthcoming Junior pyo cep oda Winters became Minister of Resources it an imaginary laesi ots lhas always been considered Farmer Car Rally to promote all consumers could afford to and Development in 1950 and Minister It seems to me that the way in A r fthat these young junior farm- a safe driving program. pay. It wouîd be flexible o! Public Works in 1953, a portfolio he which an aspirant for leadership of any àt rcultural lmr should be given encourage- Bill Alun, who was on o noght ecurgep'dc political party can best impress those tiW f enough to iencouragee prootc-yheîd eventuaîy1957y. 4» aiprnd ove ti lo b our delegates to the recent tien in those products in shortuni197 whom he maye ntl ly on for Cieflgar and cis4- popetiton Zone Meeting in. Brighton, supply and discourage over- The Diefenbaker landslide o! 1957 support, is to do the job be bas before E UUV *Mi.'Glen Cole o! Bewdlley gave a comprehensive account production in certain lines. I pushed Bob Winters to the political him as well as he can. Bob Winters erdypoum 9:30 Fm. - 5:3 eddress the directors on prob- Bruce Taylor, our member foreign trade without running sidelnsweeh eandutl165 is doing this. He is a strong and steady p.m., Seaway Motel, Toronto. -ems facing the dairy industry. to O.F.A. Board o! Governors, counter to G.A.T.T. commit- when he returned to Ottawa as Minister voice in the government. He is doing Saturday, Nov. l9th, 8:30 d' 'Xr. Cole is Past Chairman of discussed at length the recent ments. o! Trade and Commerce. not m.-Durham onyJir bis job as Minister well. He is flt ualDnceJunor. ahyu ayBnsCeu tayOhw theeCeame oard Vic-Char-VAricuturaaConerenerheduTocompesatetheearmenDurngetedeThe yarspeewasoutmatihespctacuar seechsnorente- lia Hal. Carli Cocranes eoiutOumawod cotesentv blak en seesechesbalor oxneter- mnan of Dairy Farmers and in. Vineland which he xvas for this below the cost of pro- iaHl.CaleCcrn' U u w Director of the Milk Market- priveleged to attend. This duction o! produce, a national of public life Mr. Winters served as ing into controversy - but as one of Orchestra. fiae polo. <oprhs ecsoyw1e rcie S.O Ing Board - a regular satellite conference was called by Hon. system of annual production President o! Rio Algom Mines Limited, my colleagues mentioned to me this Wednesday, Nov. 23rd, 8:00 0 If ballot l me d repofe uuaeatce-lnrN in the "Milky Way". Lack of Wm. Stewart, Minister o! payinents based on gross value Atlas Steels Limited and beld senior week, "why should be - Bob Winters P-n. I.O.O.F. Hall, Orono- colYCI $10000 ability te direct mnilk was Agriculture, to resolve if Pos- of production would be madr executive posts in many other large, proved himself long ýago!" Ainnofunceent uan reena- eî enwi h osianns 10setteSopigCnr O eot crreating a large surplus in sible the economic pliglit Of direct to the producer - neot toeena rzs uhmCn skim milk powder and cheese!the agricultural industry and the middleman as so of ten ena Farm Improvement necessitating spending 6c a lb. had numerous gifted and hîgh- happens under the prsn mUeiin -aserglrD to expert cheese and at the ]y reputed guest speakers from system. Under such a sys-R I M A 7 meeting of Durham Junior C ANMNHA :5PM the saine time an acute short- Canada and U.S.A. as well as tem Caadan ariulurN Y * Farmers Association. age o! butter is developing. representatives from aIl as- could become the most ef- November 23, 24, 25th- The lack o! butter could bc pects o! farming - commodity ficient in the world, attract-; Bruce Ryley and Harry Ry-1 conducted the brie! ceremony 1o! used clotbing had beenlAflnual Ontario Farmers UnionShpA Te attributed te the smaller farm- groups O.F.A. and O.F.U. - ing the skills and intelligence ley spent the past week deeriat the Cenotaph. sent to the Toronto depot. A Con)vention, Belleville. O H er having left the milk in- consumer organizations. The necessary te play its full part Ihuntîng north o! Loring on The wreath !roma the Pro- second box is ready for ship- Thursday, Nov. 24th, 7:00 O H W H PIG C N R dustry and often farming as highlight of the three-day con- in our national development. the Pîckerel River. 1vînce o! Ontario was laid by ment to the Society for Crip- p.m.-Durhapn County Federa- edlthectred of sp elztuon. e na ruFeaton o! I ast minute plans for the Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mulli- Allan Beer; from Manvers pied Children in Toronto, tien 0f Agriculture Annual and erenb se cmplan here Ag tricuu e arktin o annual Federation o! Agricul- gan were in Toronto for the Township Council by Council- where articles such as old meeting, Cavan Hall. aidate era i c mpannere Agite oosMas r eseteciture banquet ta be held in weekend visiting with their lor Roy Strong; from Manvers bats, shoes, toys, etc. are used SaraNo.2t,80 aird a te eraic aner t Itte ropsa asprsenedCavan on Thursday evening, son and daughter-in-law, Mr. branch o! the Canadian Red in their workshop. p.m.-Durham County Junior paynient o! federal cream and by Tom Robson. !Nov. 24 were !inalized. Sce and Mis. Gerald Mulligan. Cross Society by Mrs. Wally Mrs. Carl Porteous an- Award Night, Town Hall, znilk subsidies. This was an entirely new your local township directors Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals, Reid and Miss Marlene Smith. nounced the purchase of a Orono. De.ltDra OILINSor Se'y Donald Welsh, R.R.Emae r gswihM. John Payne aiso placed a new refrigerator for the Tursy,0Bse lbBn No. 4, for tickets. A farm Ea e, re ests r wnFih M. wreath in memnory o! bis wife church kitchen and voiced the Con7 0 use lu an ii II and Mrs.tiRosssCarryonrFridaon. Thelma Payne who died one members appreciation to Mrs. quet, Legion Hall, Millbrook,TH uiABU 'n O ICLw IVO RI UT MA ICas its supporters make it with Mrs. Ina Palmer spent sev- year ago and who had been Winni!red Spencer for ber ~pm ______________________________ their interest and participa- eral days last week in Peter- a member of the Woman's generous donation towards Friday, Dec. 2 - Durham tin agtborough visiting witb Mr. and Auxiliary. this. Holstein Club Banquet - Time your organization a complete Mrs. Hally McMahon. On Bugler Norman Taylor of An evening's entertaînment and place to be announced. success - your opinions are Sunday, guests with Mrs. Pal- Scarlet Villa sounded The Last for Senior Citîzens is plannedB December 1 and 2-Ontarjo POERaîways weîcome. mer were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Post following tbe observance for early in February. J eekeepers Annual Conveni- l oi E uRMcGlynn and !amily o! Peter- o! two minutes silence. The annual Christrnas Tea tien, Westbury Hotel, Toronto. A: borough. Bethany U.C.W. and Bazaar will be held in December 6, 7, 8 -Ontarjo 21 Receive Mrs. John el is attend- Mrs. Harold White,,, vice- the Sunday school hall inDpatet o Agiuur 121 ece %je ingthe oya Witer airin pesientledthemeeting of! late November, with Mrs and Food, Extension Branch1 Toronto this week as repre- the United Churcb Women on Earl Weatherilt and Mrs' Personnel. In Service Train-AL a R t VVe fa re Here any 4-H Club. service o! bymns, prayers andi ors. cne-Nutrition and Rations. Miss Margaret Lowes, Tor- meditation was in charge o! Mrs. William Lawrence gave troDeprmbeto! Ariu-n October onto, spent the weekend with Ms E. R. Edward: with an a talk on "My Faith and MytueadFo InSrieNLVIoNBOAS In cto er er aretsMr.andMrs Aristce emebracetheme Job", a criticism o! christian Tureain oreo n SJuniore Thetotl wl!ae epen-1 Donald Lowes. based on the 4Mt Psalm. Mrs. ethics in business practice. TeaningforassistntJndoras- Sunday guests with Mr. and Allan Beer read tbe scripture This was followed by a d is- giutra er A T iture here in October was Mrs. Walter Neals were Har- lesson. Two minutes silence cussion period witb Mrs. Law-scat ArcuualRpe ... he s per~ ovIred $5,371.18, but as the expected oil Watson of London, Mr. was observed in memory of rence quoting Biblical ans- sentatives and Junior Exten- fonsadss pa h urcvre rm provincial sand Complet. recoerieanro Mrs. Howard Scott, Mr. tbose who paid the supreme wers. sioeFelmen. wlfh lentesOn and federal subsidies adadMis.Cli Staples o sacrifice i two world wars. Mrs. William Piercey ledtaiBefFedDy-AS cbrgbak am untet Lindsay. Mrs. Carl Porteous reported the Bible study period, "«The Kemptville. Iiq tueighbt Chain al4 $4,453.45 the actual cost to Senior Citizens Entertained materials and patterns for Church and The World," tell- Dcme 4h ethzr 6 5 STYLES, UPSAOCLR 0CIOEFO Thîswasshon i th reort On Saturday evening the junior choir gowns bad been ing bow the early christian Dealers Short Course, Biology Cos i.Gasita . atadel o eJfryu pce Ti a hw ithreotmembers of!t Paul's Angli- purchased with several mem- faith fanned out into the Building, O.A .C., University of eurmns eetIe ,easrmn ffens h n e w iffi added , con venience! o! Welfare Administrator R. J. can Church Women arranged bers agreeing to assist in world, the strength o! its Guelhblnd seii ,..vithai/ueo'COflV8fI6IIC8! Welsh, sum ta t Town a delightful party for the making these gowns. movement despite muhper- SrieTann ore x e epr .crpre rvs e i, m ae Coni n ody Nv ih Sno itzn fthe area, The Allocation sum desig- secution. "Because o! its bis- evcembTrini 2n ors- PIn offers tis raetVla dtiyihs Qaiy N O Teewere12 wel!are e serving a supper i the Parish nated by Presbytery wsds toric character, ci t nsionPesnnl cipients in Bowmanville dur- Hall, followed by a progres- cussed and it was felt the ai- bad records o! a particularly tOnso rnhPsnelOn N PINW ing October. This total in- sive euchre party. Oomnna o ihfrti ipsn id b e e- tario Department o! Agri- with25 epe~ent. 10desit-Mrs.AdaClar asthe oletmorwad to Presbytory ta it mporethain documeen q utar eembnd2thFo abion ~cluded eight heads o! families Prizes were awarded te brancb. A request will be tament wrdtings provided it marketig ed cases with 34 dependents, citizen present; Gervin Mulli- have this lowered for the evidence. Tbey gv it a H-ilîs Cnevto col 15 single persons, 10 patient gan, the youngest. cmn year. AIl standing strong foundation for its r,-J u n i or Farmers effective » 4........ .in nursing homes, and 19 At the euchre, Alban Sisson committees were asked ta ligious authority and an in- Speaking Course., people who received O.A.A. and Mrs. Henry Jakeman won have reports completed for valuable basis for its teach- December 29th - Durham and O.A.S. Supplementary Aid. prizes for bigh scores; con- preýentatiOn at the December ing." onyJirPamsChst Seven applications for wel- solation prizes ta Mel. Bowen meeting. Mrs. Piercey outlined theCutyJnoWamrChi- 17 BONDSTEATH RS fare were filed during tbe and Mis. A. B. Sisson. Mis. Allan Beer read a let- early patterns o! expansion, .9am to5p .DaI month. Four were accepted, Mis. Mervin Smith, presi- ter from Kwan Yuk Chan, listing some o! the !irst mis- Ge r e 2nd FLO RCodAi and employment was procur- dent o! the A.C.W., Rev. Ar- the Chinese toster child adopt- sionaries. "The real task o! Ctavur Day We» ed for three people. thur S. Allerton and Mrs. AI- cd by the Parisb. [t was the church is evangelism. To- Phno:728126 Exedtrs frOtbrlerton welcomed the guests. agreed ta send the little girl day new methods are develop- FrY u ietc Epn iue 3554 for dictrMis. Carl Smith was pianist a Christmas gift. cd. Missionaries still prah shoube II il PSIOcla a.aOlmtrsapesrpin Now dependabe automatîcwelfare, $1,257 paid ta nurs- for group singing. Mrs. Vincent Jackson gave the gospel, but tbe abundant S T A T ES M A N__________ MeoralSevie th fnacilreport. life must enibrace every, cLAssss frlnechnlfeadaid, and $208.73 for excess and A Memnorial service for Mrs. George Waddell re- phase o! man's needs, so, that Poe6330 oiling forelner cUng. eand oor eiie. those who died in two World ported a bale o! 209 pounds today ou efforts include med-J Phn62 30 fricion reeCuttng. nd ionerlsWars was held in the United newmuflîn sytem noie rghtdow ta In his report te couiiicil, Church on Sunday morning, make cuttling swît the oion e ri-50a plesure. Building Inspectoi R. Heth- attended by local war veter- *2 Se t super poheredPioneer 1150 layr. erington stated that 12 build- ans, the Millbrook Legion See he uperpowredPioner 1-50tody. ing permits had been issued members and the Bethany nin October, -and eight plumb- Brownies. Moron' Hski's ing permits. During the Rev. William Piercey ini his Mé ron"sHoskn's monta Mr. Hetherington made sermon strcssed our responsi.. _____Farm Supply Ltd. General Store 40 building inspections and bility to keep the, christian Bowanvlle E.R 2Blakstck ntaloeight trench inspections. There !aith for those who sacrificed Bo-through strict disciplnarioine. Un iiquirTasteeivbudshirneeds n"revsuccsgiv "Our soldiers had a goal ln n h P o se vc Mn" l tewri icin ntomk xp 7thridta make tais world aa y sh p o sevc Wlhhlfth wrl ptcin I t mkeExo 7ah biggest better place talilve ln, with w h o o -d e d o C n a d h a s e v e s e e , y u 'v e p r o a b l y al r a d y a d e u p y u r *fr e e d o m f r o m w a n t a n d w a r . yu c n t i ko w h o o - d e d o a n a a h s e v r s e n , y o u v e r o b b l y lr e d y a d e u p o u rT o u s, th is re sp o nisib il ty lie s, mmd ta corne But w y pay more f r youfun th n yOu needto remember their sacrifice, y u c n t i k o mindto ome Butwhypaymor foryou f n thn yu nedto discipline ourselves. guy ourUpo87 etrace aupot nw, nd sve p t 37%ove prces"May we find true freedom * u y our E x p 67 ent ance P ai p or no , a d s ve u to 37% ove pr cesan d follow th e p ion cer of ou i ai the gaté. At the reduced advance pricos, à Daily Paseport costs $2, a Weakly Faith, The Lord Jesus Christ." passport (7 consecutive deys) $750. Aiso big reductions on Season Thee hoir'sanThem as Pasoports, and Youth Pasaports. Chlldren 2-12 on April 28thi 1987, Has Bestowed On Us In His Goodness". haU price. They're con sale everywhere--at banks. travel Priai to the church service agens. ranporatin cmpales déartentstoesthe Veterans, headeci by Char- agen s, ran por atI n c m pa les de art ent sto esles F a nr, president o ! M ill- &mile clubs, womnens associations, labour Croups,' baook Legion 402, The Wo- mnsAuxiliary, the Brownies : ~ h«eer yu ce te oficiI Ep. 6 siri.accompanicd by their leaders Ask about Bonus Books. too, frbgdiscount*) r' Eanl Mc Ride and d Mjrime for blg Mis ad eidand rs.e -en food, rides an ntertainment.V Wally Reid, paraded fromn St. Paul's .Anglican Churcb to the Aspommodatlons? Suiranteed. Write to the Cenotaph at the Townshipt dftll Up#7 4commdatin bueauHall. Thei Color Party werel omoll 5xo$7acouumodaion urea: . ...representatives from the Mill-I 1 LOSEXPO, Expo tl),C4t du Havre, Montreal. pRQ, bcro en ane ils Our locality has a lot to offer. Good shops. Good services. Good people. So look firat Mu hiotand Ms. lBy' ers.oCaptd Hery Jakman ta I home for your nesds. Let your fingers do the walking through the YeIlow Pages ta find g-,. ujyt ,~ 4took the by-pass salute. JohnI the abovo people... and many others. EVERYTHING'S HERE ..e IN TOWN l '~Payne and Charles Palmer 1 fabbo of1wvre in~ charge o! parade de- ~ 8i SURev. William Piercey assish" e d by Roy, Arthlur lotu %T-- lie Iftiffl

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