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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1966, p. 12

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* --*~-- *. -. The Canadian Statemraan, owmanvill, Nov. le, 1966 e emcam i annivetuary. 4 Bri4,Mr., I Maily,. M r The Orono. News Wsn. MUs. Nor Mrs. James E Richards, EditorofM.D Miss EMain, Wh tby, S *, s Josephine Armstrong and Mrs. Wm. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wclsh Oct. 2gth.a & est Denis, Mass., USAAong the relatives who of Wilsonville returned home mani for th: bii er sister, Mrs. were guests for the occasion last week after visiting Mr. later attend r rnton Wilson, and other vere Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Stanley Chapman held at thE ptives. ýWbite cf Trenton, Mr. and and son Clair, of Kirby, and home. .~Mms. Julien DePaepe re- Mrs. Kenneth Syer cf Cavan, other relatives. Mr. ad r ,cd home after two weeks Mr. Walter Moncrief, Miss Mrs. John Chatterton af were receni the emoia Hospital, Olive Moncrief, Mn. and Mrs. Havelock, Mrs. Gordon Tur- and Mns. Fri wmaville.' ec Moncrief, Mr. and Mrs. ney cf Treniton, Mrs. A. Alli- tonvile. ""Congratulations to Mr. and Kenneth Moncrief, Mn. and son of Wellington visited Mrs. Fia f lira Jon Rihar BaieytheMrs. -Ed ' Hogg, al cf Fraser- Marshall Chatterton on Mon. Fia f er Miss Sandra Latvle day cf îast week.avr uc ~~no, on their marriage Il y uumMro, . M y cvening, November il, F hrc. i I:Cýro United Church. Rev. HA YDO NCaweî,Hi) .dMrs. Bailey will reside U.C.W. meeting was heîd his parentsMr. and Mrs. Ar- winR e at *~Oshawa., at the home cf Mrs. D. Cam- thur Read and Lynne. from Mon. 'Mrs. Orley Chapman spent eron on Thursday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thamp- Visiting w~ stweck visiting in Oshawa. Nov. 1th. Meeting was open- sonan Cntia Bowman- Gerow and lmr .R atro fTr ed by President Mrs. J. Potts. ville, Mr. and MNs. Gardon weekend wei ttOM.R. ad Mrs. BiofPT- Officers for 1967 are: Presi- Taylor and family, Enfield, don and son Mr.andMrs Bil Pt'dent, Mrs. J. Jones; Vice Pre- visited Mrs. A. Thompson. Mrs. Nellie iw and faniily cf Clark- sident, Mrs. J. Potts, Sec., Mr. Bert Ashton, Toronto, Wellington. visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mrs. K. Cowling; Assistant cailed on Mr. and Mrs. A. M.adI annan and son Ross on Se. Mrs. W. Blackburn; Read and Lynne on.Sturday Cna. Treas, Mrs. Alfred Garrard; Mrs. Roy Graham was Sun- uy o te SCnatlations ta Mr. and Cards and Flowens, Mrs. A. day supper guest of Mr. andurytatt S.M Annaert who cele- Read; Group Leaders, Mrs. Mrs. W. Rahm, Tyrone. ttd their lSth Weddmng Lloyd Siemon, Mrs. Arthur Mr. and Mns. Arthur Read O I ,nniversary at a party given Tnewin, Mrs. Morris Pollard. and Lynne were supper guests T ID the home cf Mr. and Mrs. It was- decided that each of Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Dud- 01] ýbert Saman, on Saturday member bring an article for ley, Bowmanviile, on Tues- MS E *évening, when 20 guests pre- the Touch and Take table for day. R.ML f*nted gifts cf crystal and the bazaar. Meeting closed Mrs. George Tabb, May, The death 4)est wishes. The bride and and lunch was senved by the Lily, Shirley and RusselBUrns occurz ,foom also received gifts cf hostess and group. visited Mr. and Mrs. Stan Peterborough stlfrom the ladies on the U.C.W. Bazaar will be held Cowling, Salem, on Sunday. Nov. 5, 1966. Mrs. James E. Richards in the church this month. For Mrs. K. Cowling was Sun- March 13, 191d vi sited in Lindsay on Monday mnore panticulars see "Comidng day tea guest at Mr. M. El- Mrs. Beatri Udwsadne us fM.Events" ford's, Port Penny; also tea was thc dau 'Bnc Mis. Lavern McCombs There was a good attend- guest cf Mrs. M. Cowling, Hanm, and t end Ferne. ance at the Remembrance Salem, on Tuesday. ence Hughsor ~Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoar Service on Sunday afternacn. Sympathy is extended ta whomn survive ;isited Mn. and Mrs. Paul Mr. Kenneth Graham read the family and relatives cf She was 'Inodgrass and son David, the scriptune readIng, Ephe- the late Albert Oke. where she re( J9ochester, N.Y., last week. sians 6, and Mn. E. Topple The Euchne Party sponsor- and High Si ~A nice Gift for someone on made the presentation o! the ed by Club 21 Saturday even- Later she ti Vur Christmas lîst - a sub- wreath. Rev. Northey's ser- ing was well attended with course and wc briPtIon ta The Canadian mon was "'Remember the seven tables in progress. until her mari 4Satesman. Please dial 983- Day". Winners were: high lady, She marrie( *106ais wih yor iemsof Mss ynd Pots, .NLynne Read; low lady, Mary Burns an Se, 106 lso ith our tem of iss yndaP weekeRNd, Potts; high gent, Bob Jones; they resided [ýIw .Toranto, spent the ekn door prize, Glen Ashton. St. in Petenb( Congratulations ta Mrs. her home. rsRosAhton ceased took ai >IcEroycf eteborughwho Mn. and Mis. Clayton Read, and Mis. Russell Ormiston the work cf jëlebrated her birthday onIRobbie and Steven, Bowman- called on Mr. Russell Ormnis- Church and 4. * unday at the home -of Mr. ville, were Sunday visitors cf ton, a patient in Sunnybrook GuilcI. Hospital, 2D, Toronto. Mns. Burns Mr. and Mrs. Roy Paterson ber husband (LARKE HIGH LHUULand family were Sunday cliin. sonsGr CLA KE IGN SCH OLner guests cf Mr. and Mrs. Pteborough; Richard Gallagher, Ajax. thers Calvin Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Orono and N Ronald and Ray, and Mrs. ough. FORT ANUL Russell Ormtcaldo MRussell Ormiston caledun The funeral f~IaaLo trar .v Nursing Home. borough, anT LVIR RLIIEIYIIjI Sonry ta hear Mr. David and interment COMMEN EMENT Malcolm was taken ta Mem- Orano Cemetei orial Hospital on Friday night. redoft inteThe Malcolms have moved Fiensct iiteinto the village into the Ash- asesc palîbeaner, tnhome, vacated necently by eSs. Harry ton ,y ~1 îimWestmn Mr. and Mrs. E. Tapple and iEmn H igh School Auditorium fml h have moveduinto Iwood Reyx IMr. Archie McNeil. qdg wmuuy7p* 1iDýveiuuIJ 101 at 8:00 GUEST SPEAKER: Prof. T. J. Casaubon, Assoc. Dean, Althouse College, University cf Western Ontario, London, Ont. MUNICIPAL ELECTION TOWNSHIP 0F CLARKE Public Notice ls hercby given that a meeting of thie Municipal Electors cf the Township o! Clarke will be helu n TOWNSHIP HALL, ORONO on F:RIDAY, NOV. 25 1966 at the heur cf eue o'clock ln the afternoon for the nomination o! candidates for the office of Reove, Deputy Reeve and 3 Councillors for the Corporation cf the Township of Clarke for the enaunug Yeux, lu coufornslty wlth the provisions cf The Municipal Act of the Province of Ontario, sud aise nomination of Thre. Trustees for The Township School Area of Clarke for the ensuing year If more thau the necessary number of Candidates are uominated, and a poil is required, the preceedings wiil be adJourned until MONDAY, DEC. 5% 1966, wheu s poil wiil be open* aitheu o'clock lu the morutng and continue until seven o'clock lu the after- muon cf the saine day and no longer ln each Pelllng Sub-Divlsion cf the said Township. PolIUng Places for Election e! Municipal Council and School Trustees N.1 Communuuty Rail, Newtonville Deputy Returnlug Officen, Jamnes Iinlach Poili Clerk, Mm, Leta Saint No. a Sehool Houa. lu fermer 8.8. N'o. 5 Deputy Returning Oficer, Rosa Adams Poli Clerk, Mrs. Margaret G. Boyd No. 3 Sehool Re in uFermer S.S. No. 9 Depnty Retiirning Officer, Cecili Malley Poili Clerk, Mis. Chas. Fisk No. 4 Orante Hall, Keudal Deputy Returning Officer, Arthur Thompuon Polil Clerk, Mm. Helen Couroux No. à Township Hall, Orono Deputy Returnlnt Offleer, Horac. Beat Polil Clerk, Mra. Olive Miller No. 6 Leakard Church Kîtchen Depnhy Returulug Offleer. Roy Thompaou Polil Clerk, Raymond Macdonald No. 7 Realdence of Frank Rarrisata Lot 23, Con. 8 floputy Returnlug Offier, Lawrence Rarris Poil Clark, Mms Fred Graan Ne. 8ScShool Bouse in Former S.S. No. 10 Deputy Returulug Offier, Mm .Jin Stark Poil Clark, Mms.Ada L Camon No. 9 Counoil bsaberi Orme. .D1eput t eanig OMD.,Chadm ILgTayo Poil Clerk, Mm s. 1 Fbrruste sabat î» Officer J. W. STONE SfeevILH.IL.MILLSON. CIerk 001) SAVE THE QUZEN i Zion (Hope Township)1 ZMon U.C.W. Bazaar sud Tes Saturday, Nov. 5th, the Zion United Church Women held a very successful Bazaar and Tea. Reverend Ian Munro was Present and officially openecl the bazaar at 2:30 p.m. There was a good crowd and the buying was brisk. _jA grand display of home -baking was completely sold out in short order. The sewing table was well stocked with useful articles but only a few items remained ait the close. The lunch tables were at- tractive and popular, the girls assisting here were kept quite busy as the shoppers stopped for a refreshing cup of hot tea, a dainty lunch, and a' chat with friends.1 To ail who contributed and assisted in any way to thej bazaar and tea, wve wish to, say "Thank You"l. United Church Anniversaryi The Zion United Churchl celebrated its lO8th Anniver-. sary Service on Sunday, oct.1 30th, at 11:15 a.n. Reverend J. A. Ramjit of the Canton] charge was the guest speaker.j It was a beautiful day and the church was filled ta, ca- pacity. The text of Rev. Ramjit'sc challenging message was tak-1 en from Exodus 14: 10-18. 1 He stressed the need to at-1 tend church, to do away with1 the weak excuses for flot at- t tending, such as "the weather, the summer cottage, the extraC work, you're too tired, or. you t had guests."1 When one stays 1 away from church for a length of time they lose contact with F God, and the desire to attend I church leaves themn. 0 The splendid music for this a service was suppl'ied by the ti joint choir of Wesleyville andJ Welcomne, under the direction IV of Mr. John Groeneveld with '% Mrs. Carroll Nichols at thed organ.i. Tie hymns chosen forti service were: No. 9, "4ro sea 1 the Lord, the Almighty";-No 399, "Fajth of Our Fathers11' and No. 451, "Forward be ou;r Watchword."B Ushers were Messrs. Ross a Jones, S. Dickinson, C. Raby, M M. Irwjn. Collector.: Mr. Rass B Jones, Mr. S. Dickinson. Colourful autumn flowers were placed on either side of n the altar. Following the ser- 01 vice, Rev. Ramjiit and the-M visiting choir were served a r refreshing cup of tesanmd c light lunch. C Zion items g Congratulations to Rev. A. Bi W. Harding of Bowmanvifle, S, a former pastor and dear p friend, who' celebrated a ni- birthday recently. A dinner au partY Was held at the Flying wl Dutchman Motel, and present ho for this occasion were Mr. H., Harding's two daughters and, their familles, Dr. and Mna. p R. W. Thompson, Suaan and or David, of Hamilton, and Mr. te, and Mrs. Harry McCamus, Mi ]Robert and Donald1of Ida. Su Mr. and Mrs. Elaworth Cas. wlafttnded a «»M t imliy a gaterngSaturday evenlag,ar 0«.Mhatthe homeoe t U-l Casewelr. brôher Sid. _171 Il 12 TUARY c f Mrs. Melville rred suddcnly in 1an Saturday, She was born on )20. îce Hamm Burns tghten of Ernest the former Flan- i., Orono, both o! born in Orono !eived ber Public School education. took a business lorked In Taranto nrage. ed Melville John pt. 1, 1945, and at 1103 Hilltop ýorough. The de- n active part in St. James United All Saints' Choir is survived by Melville; twa and Robent cf and thrce bro- and Donald cf cil o! Peterbor- service was con- pastor, the Rev. 7from the Com- lHome, -Peter. Tuesday, Nov. 8, ±teck place in ery. the family acted s. They were rFrancesy, Wil- iChester Pogue, nolds, Donald James Ridyard. The EldacI C.G.I.T. will mee ini the church basement o P'riday, Nov. 18th at 7:00 p.m àThe regular church servîci was held on Sunday and Rev C. C&tto chose as bis senior "Pantnership." Next Sunday Nov. 20th, Rev. Dr. Har3 Mellow cf Ncnthminster Unitee Church will be gucat speaker Rev. and Mrs. Robert Sher. win, David, Andrew and Nan. cy cf Durham, visited recently Lwith Mn. Elgin Taylor and Mr and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and family. Mn. Bruce Taylor attendec the Ontario Federation o Agriculture Annual Meeting at the Royal York, Toronto. Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees wenc Mn. Chas. Allin, Bowmanville, Miss Nan Allun, Toronto, Mn. and Mns. Roy Grills and Mns, John Grills af Valentia. Miss Karen Yellowlees ac- companied Mn. and Mrs. Raîph Larmer and family o! Black- stock ta attend the Royal Winter Fair on Saturday. Mn. and Mns. Wesley Vel- lowlees visitcd Mn. and Mrs. Alf Allun, Bowmanville, on Saturday evenung. Mn. and Mrs. Wesley Yel- Iowlees and Murray were Sun- day dinner guests with the Harvey Yellowlees family and Mr. and Mis. Ernest Larmer, Blackstock, werc tea guests. The occasion bcung Wayne's birthday. Mn. and Mrs. Roy Hunten, Grand Valley, wene Sunday :ea gucsts with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgmey. Mn. and Mrs. Tom Baker, Ron, Jean, James and Kathen- ine, Miss Helen Baker, Ton- onto, attended church service at Salem on Sunday when thein gnandson and nephewi John Edwand Cowiing, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cowling, vas christened. They were dinner guests with Mn. and ,Ins. Barry Cowling, Salem. Mr. and Mns. Barry Cow- lng and John, Salem, Mr. and Nirs. Tom Baker and Kather- !ie were Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker, Uxbridge. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Bicorne ind Dale, accompanied by [r. and Mis. Chas. Johns, cowmanvllle, visited Mn. and [nrs. W. R. Young cf Bridge- iorth on Sunday. Miss Oliver, Mrs. W. A. )rniston, Brooklin, Mr. and [ns. Lamne Tink, Oshawa, Mn. id Mis. Deug Ferguson, New- istie, wenc Sunday dinner let ihMr. and Mrs. 3uce Tink and farnily. Mr. Isaac Hardy, Mrs. Joe riowden and Bruce, accom- >nied by Mrs. Martha Cor- aoh, Oshawa, visitcd thehni =t, Mrs. Harnlett Hardy, vho was 100 ycars old, at the mize of Mr. and Mrs. Howard fardy, Oakwood, on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Middleton, tbyn, Bruce and Billy, Tor- ito; Mr..and Mma Kari Pot- er cf Islington, visited wlth nr. and Mi a. Alex Potter on uday. Mr.ý and Mms Pat McCarthy ad daughtera DavÙ4 ,Laurle nd Lian werc wcekend guests eh ln. -mg. 4M IL et hsm and Bob. n le V. 'y vd y mm- mm -m - m m --m- -BM -f-l-m- - -mm-m- - NS I I I I GREAT GIFTING O.13 Fo coetdorIo FOR DADGraFo d1 '/ i4x8 noneAU1M I Modal 1561 Gro o o!3"x4 'etacsopens, closes garage dom Ids fiUs e 9.25 from inside your car 49 9 jo o s nHobby piecs; 2 e9ITARTINs 3 9 9 Lwn Furitur; Novelty Pro- AT 283 jficta. ANGUIS INCLUDES PLUS INSTALLATION IOshalwa Wood Produics1 C OMMTIE 111151itD SHOPPING CENTRE I PHONE 728-1811 PHONE 728-1617 m'm mm mm - - -m - -- -- - - mm - - a .& MON WORK BENCH For the. Honm. Workshop includes Doit ed aiNos PRE. . . ONE1" WOOD' CHISEL #ITH E'IERY PURCHASE STEP LADDEE WIth $top Troy r I I I I r Il't I I I I I I I 'j '4 I I. I. I I I I I I I I I '3/ ~BESAW No. 626 MILLERS FALU " 6V2a"'Blade SOn. H. P. Power Pimg Pong Tables Comle.wtTk-pr Loeta end & SPICIAL CHmIlSTA Tree Lights MuItI-CoIored Blbe. 1088lA 1.878 25 lité .. .. . 831 25 lits ..... S~3OJ CHRIàSTNm Tree Lights Muftl-Colosmd ul SPECIALI 2.56 15 lite * .518 25 Ilit ...8.8 WINTER PROTECTION FOR YOUR CAR.. ADDED VALUE TO YOUR HOME WITH O.W.P. GARAGES .'-""~ SingIe Car Garage 14' x 20' é & Gable Roof - 6" averhong ,e qe 2" x 4" Studdine - 16" cetres a 2" x 4" Roaftro end Coller i. e 210 lb. Aspheit Singles On. Etonorny Exterlor Door,*9x ' Steel Overhed GargeDoo« wltl, Hrdware 4ilz 3" Cottage Sid., Wlndow eR.nchwali Exterio,' FinIsh MATERIAU ONLY <mnci. tax) 483.00 ERECTID - $698.00 <ieli. tex) TWG CAR GARAGE ERQS " S ne u ltY M tria l, es l lsted for Single AVAIL BLE " CortaGoe Ro e-nd two, Ov.rhed Steel GrageDoors MATERIALS ONLY 68O (Inel. Tex) ............ 6 60 ERECTED -$886.00 (imcl. tax) e' IW"ww - - - . - Factory Grade Sonded 2 Sides FIRPLY V4Ilx 4'x 8' 3.99 %lix4'x8' 5.25 Large 30" x 48" GOLO FINISHED METAL FRAMED Ideoi for I4allways, Vanities « Wall mUsa. 24.95" iz m*Step-saving fa I I I I... I i I p g I I îmily gift!1 "ALLONT", - -THE NAmE TO SUILD ON 'I PI i I I I Pr I ma Mr. and Mmi >Wn's 12th wedding *Other relatives eMrs. Wellington >and Mrs. Cecil rand Mrs. Thos. minn Gerow and ndcd thc wedding ouglas Lloyd and ne Crawforth of aturday afternoon, David was best his occasion. They led the reception ie bride'. parents Mfrs. McNaUl Irwin it visitors of Mr. rank Gilmer, New- Éernoon, Nov. 4th, ,essful Bazaar was Fwtonville United 4esdames Robert luthenElsworth [d aY, M. Ir- tand C. Mene.illey ýthose attending with Mrs. Norman David over the re Mr. Don Mor- us, and ber aunt Russell, ail cf Mrs. Edwin Ruth- 1ta Toronto Sat- tend a wedding. I I I I I I I I I I I I I i "ai 1 - 1 mi i I I I 't' I I ýl 8095 1 1 1- il 1 0 Material for 12' x 2(Y Room with Pre-Finished Mahoguny Panels " Ceiling strapping; 0 Wall strapping; 0 2 x 2 studs (2 walls); " mohogony door and trim; 0 door latch and hinges 0 ceiling file, acoustic; 0 aluminum foi! nsulation (2 walls); a prefinished mnahogany ponels; 0 mahogarny f loor and ceiling moulds; 0 staples and noils; 0 .080 Vinyl asbestos f loor tle. Convenient Terms Can Se Arranged SPECIAL Np SOLINA 1 WqLý m 15 lit@ SCEW 1 V

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