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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1966, p. 14

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The Canadien Statesmn, Bawmanvile, Nov. le, 19U6 ïtoeived by Mrs. Reynolds- kachers Federation Presents Posthumous "Award of Merit" T.the LateWlr B. Reynolds TihhllUht of the annual tfon ai the late Mr. Reynolds' dioner meeting of Kafarth'È outstanding service and con- 1Vstrlct 22 of the Ontario tributions ta education in this àcedary School Teachers area," Principal Len Lucas ai 3'eoetio, cldutCampbell-I Bowmanvile High School' lord MighScholrcccntly, stated.1 theUi preentation ai the Speaking ai Mn.Recynolds" puhuinous Award ai Menit ta great intercst and indefatig-, th aeWalter B. Reynolds, able work 'on behaif ai educa-' àowmaiwlle. tion Mn. Lucas rccallcd bis: "TUs award is in recogni- long ycars of service on sev-1 IBELL UNES by John W. Lowry your telephone manager Christmas shopping lista begluning te get you down? Sometimes l*t i difficulita know luit what woulil be most appreclatcd by members ef the !amily and speciaI frlends. Something ihat la cxcit- lng ta recelve but still practical and useful. I've a suggestion that might heip you f111 the blank spaces beside a couple o! speciai names on your liii. Au extension telephone. Your Christmas-morning sur- prise wlll bc a year-long reminder of your ihought- fulness. It won't be tucked lu a drawcr, pretty but useless. Instead, ail year long it wil gave time and steps and lis rings wiil bring a thought of Christmas cheer on the hottest Augumi day. If this Idea helpa selve a shopping problens, give aur Service Repre- sentative a eall at 723-4601. W'll Christmas-wrap sud deliver the telephone of your choice, and arrange te returu and conneet h later when most convenlent. Jusi a reminder ta anyone planning ta make overseas calis during the busy holiday periods af December 24-26 and December 31 ta January 2. Advance reservations ion such calîs will be taken siurting Monday, November 28 inom 9:00 a.m. To reserve a caîl, just ask yeux Long Distance Openatar ta conneci you witb the Ovenseas Operator for the country that you wish ta cail. The Overseas Operatan can then arrange ahi the details ai the cali wiUi yau. If at ah passible, it's a gaod idea ta make the calîs before or aiten two peak calling periods. That way no resenvatians are necessary and your cal should go tbrough quickly and easily. * * * e "*TELEPHONE OPERATORS ARE NOT PER- MITTED TO REPORT AT THIS BUILDING AT ANY HOUR 0F DAY OR NIGHT IN BICYCLE COSTUME." Believe It or not, that's a quotatioi from a telephone- company butlletin dated 1895. And that smre year, a women's fashion magazine sald, "L4et women's business attire be black,, brown, or grey serge. Black Is preferred on aceount of the unwrltten law governing the style of dress by many eUf-supportlng women." How the styles have chang- e i almost three-quarters of a century, and per- uonally, 1 think our telephone girls todair look pretty attractive In their bright, gay colors. But Operators' clothes aren't the onîy thinga that have changed around the telephone company during the last 71 7ears. There la no shoutlng now when talking Long Distance, It's Just like speaking to someone acromi a desk; it'. possible to dial cross-continent cails In seconds for a fraction of the cost of 71 years ago. lu fact, our Operators today preside over boards keyed te a communications network unlmagined 71 years ago. Ail those years of research and develop- ment have made your telephone the most modern, trouble-free, reasonabiy-prlced phone In the whole worILd eral school boards in the lakeshare arca of Durham County. "Mr. Reynolds was first a Truste ai the Mornish School on No. 2 Highway in Hope Township, and aftcrwards scrv- cd as a member of the Part Hope High School Board. Hc was appointcd a member ai thc Durham County District High School Board an its in- ception in 1951, and shontly aterwards became this Board's Chairman. "Not long ater this Mn. Reynolds was appaintcd Sec- retary-Treasurer ai> the Dur- ham County District High Schoal Board, tbe position he beld until bis death on Novem- ber 7th, 1965. His dedicatian ta the cause ai education and bis successful wonk in this field will be long remember- cd," Mn. Lucas declared. Mrs. Reynolds accepted the Award ai Menit witb warmest appreciation af the tribute ta ber late husband. The presen- tation was mnade by the Acting President, Miss Edith Young. David Reynolds, son ai the postbumously hanoned man, and now a student at Water- loo Lutheran University, ut- tendcd tbc presentatian, as dld John Reynolds, Port Hope, brother 6f the late Mn. Reynolds. HAMPTON (Intended for last week) On October 22nd, the lIs Hampton Girl Guides had another cookout and hike. They had a splendid day for this event. They took part in a scavenger hunt in the woods, kick the can, bide and seek, and a good hearty meal. Ahl went home tired but stili very gay. Leader Mrs. Her- man Van De Belt wishes ta thank Mr. and Mrs. J. Guest for permitting them to use their woods for this auting. October bas seen same very busy Guides. Several bave passed their final Second Class tests. Due to such eager work and sa lîttle time for play we had a dress-up party on November 2. There were same queer creatures amang them. They piayed games such as find the bidden sticker, jump Jim Crow, who could reacb sboe string lic- onice hanging fram a string bung in the centre of tbe roam. Tbey sang sangs, play- cd records and did some danc- ing. Al bad a nice lunch. Please girls, remember your registration fees, also Christ- mas card orders for the next meeting. Sea Rangers - Not mucb news this week but tbree Sea Ranger girls came ta Captain Van De Belt's and passed their pre-enrolment. Enrol- ment is due Wcdncsday, Nov. l6th. Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hickey, Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Lamb, Enniskillen, wcre in Toronto on Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wceks and family. Mrs. M. Hickey, Osbawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hickcy over theweekend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holroyd, Bowmanville, wene Saturday cvening visitons with bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hol- royd. A gentleman was callîng. at tbe homes in Hampton on Saturday with pappies. It is nice ta know Armistice Day af 1918 is still rcmembered in hearts as wcll as dccds. Remembrance Day was held in aur church Sthnday, Nov., Ever noticed how quickly they grow?' This Christmnas give them a Growth S avings Certif icate.. 'R mi grow with them. Vecide nowto give them thtglftwith a future- *Growthff lngsQOrtficate. In a yearstheyll receive *10.00 for evrY P.50You hwes-uone thîrd îcru. Chrtstmas Growth SWaviM Certif kates are essylto buy, 0 llu n dOnOmlnatlOas Of $1 000Quffrds and cash- * st mny Ume.A.k about them ut any CommeS rceanch. *y.thgIftlthaftum. awtch itgrowj 13ANK 0F COMMERCE I6th. The cail to worshlp wus givenand the trne of silence wihaprayer in mind, heurt, and an the tangue o! the con-, gregation. Mr. Ross Metcall took the solo part of the choir': anthemi. Children's story was told. Sermon was on "The Eleventb of Novern- ber." Hampton Is holding a can- dleluck aupper at the church, Saturday, Nov. l2th, ut 6 p.m. Tis used ta be named pot- luck, but hast year it was held the night the elcctricity failcd ail aven the eastern part af the country and candies had ta be produccd ta put a light on the subject on band. Sa, pIeuse came, bring your fain- ily. along with y4ur food and enjoy an cvening af fun and fellowship. By the time you get your paper cither a Ste- ward or EIder will have caîl- cd on you personaily ta give you a personai invitation. United Christian Women's Autumn Services will be held at Hampton next Sunday, Nov. i3th. Guest speaker will be Mrs. Margaret Mundy, wife af the Reverend George Mun- dy oi Brooklin.' On Saturday evening a party was held by Mr. andi Mrs. Hoskcn Smith in honor of their fortieth wedding an- nivcrsary. Guests included Mr. and Mns. Ray Smith and family, Milton; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prescott and family, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn1 Smith and family, Hampton;1 Mn. and Mrs. Ailyn Taylor1 and girls, Bowmanville; Mr.t and Mrs. Jack Smith, Bob-r caygean; Mr. and Mrs. David1 Eaton, St. Catharines; Mrs.E Verna Fonsytb, Toronto; Mn.t and Mrs. Hanlan TruIl, Bow-1 manville. A hot turkey sup-5 per was served by the U.C.W. - of Hampton 'n the Christianj Education wing af HamptonN Church. Aiter the supper al the guests returned ta the Smith's home for a very nice1 social evening.r On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.c Hosken Smith, Mr. and Mrs.s Glenn Smith paid their iast respects ta Mrs. James OliverV (Marion), Bobcaygeon, who1 was resting in peace at her1 home aiter a fatal car acci-t dent on Tbursday evening. Mrs. Oliver was interned one Monday. Candolences are sentd ta family, relatives andn fiends.V Mr. and Mrs. Eanl Bottrell, t Newcastle, visited on Monday t evening witb Mr. and Mrs.s Fred Holroyd. S ENFIELD 1Mn. and Mrs. Fred Sami and iamihy wene at a famil: gathering at the home ai Mr and Mrs. Donald Taylor Solina, Saturday evening. Il was the 4th wedding anni. versary ai Mn. and Mns. Feng. us Abennethy ai Manilla. Mn. ànd Mrs. E. A. Kenyon Waterdown, visited ut J. W Bowman's. The U.C.W. meeting wasa special affain Wednesday ai- ternoon witb guests iran Solina U.C.W. and the Ca- lumbus East Unit. Mns. Rad Simpson conducted tbe' meet- ing. The devotional was con- ducted by Mrs. Chunley Henry and Mns. Ray Scott ai Colum- bus. Mns. Francis Johnson and Mns. Murray Vice ai Sa. lina sang a duet. The Rev. M. A. Dougbenty gave a talk or China which wus enjoyed, The ladies senved lunch. The card panty in the church basement was well attended, Friday night. Stuart Samis and David Prescott won pnizes. A severe type ai cold has been upsetting plans araunc here. We hope the uiling ones are out anound soon. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Prescoti visited Mn. and Mns. Lau Rabni ut Richmond Hill. 14 Liberty St. N., Bowmanville, Ont.. *Dean Sir: May I once again take this oppantunity ta express my opinion? Fan the pat four years mny chîldren bave been at- tending Vincent Massey School. During that time Mn. E. Joncs bas been the Cnossing Guard ut Chunch and Liberty Sircets, nat King and Liberty Streets as stat- cd by Chief Kitney. Dur- ing ibis periad ai time wc have found Mn. Joncs ta be careiuh, conscientiaus and competent. I bave watched him irom my iront door and ulso talked ta him about the school children. He is a fath- er and a grandiaiher and knows bow ta deal with Young people. Truc, be is nai Young and spry ai imb, as a Young woman would be, but he is very intenested in thé children and I do nai think you wilh iind anyone betten ta replace bim. Pensonahly, I think par- ents sbould beach thein childnen ta be more safeiy consciaus us same ai themn do not like ta obcy the saiety ruhes. Yesienday, anc ai my fleighbouns and I wene dis- csngthe speeding cars on LbryStreet and I think the police should came down bere and catch a icw ai theni, then we would net have ta worry s0 much about aur children's suieby. A great many oi these specd fools do not stop ai the corner ai Liberty and Church Sineets. They just slow down, then aqueal their tires and rip anound the canner. I mid I would ghady sît ut the corner and take the licence numbers if the police would puy me for my trne. You don't have ta g o ta Mosport ta sec spced kings - just corne down to Liberty Street and waich the cars whiz by. Once again Uiank you for permiting me ta air my views. Yourm iruly, Eva J. Whitchead, (MM .W.) Is Y Et Canadian Tire Appointmentsl Mr. A. J. Billes (right), former President and co- founder of Canadian Tire Corporation Limited, Tor- onto, discusses aspects of management change with incoming President Dean Muncaster (centre) and new Vice-President "Rich" Hobbs. Manvers Twp. Council- Members ai the Manvens Township Schoal Area Board: Mrs. Ruth Skuce (chairman), Wilfred Richardson, George Neals, Carl Smith and Mrs. Bristow secretary), attended the Manvers Township Council meeting, stating that the said Board had acceptcd the tend- er ai the M. J. Finn Construc- tion Ca. ai Peterborough, ta build the new Central Public School for Manvers Township wbich will be situated at the junctian ai 7A and 35 High- ways, subject ta the Municipal Council securing the final ap- proval irom the Municipal Board and, subi ect ta the De- partment of Education ac- cepting and appraving ai the said Schooi Board's action. F. J. Gray ai Peterborough was present, repnesenting the Arcbitect, also J. H. Bates ai Lindsay, Public School Inspec- tan ion this area. A generul discussion fallow- ed cancerning the intcnim. and debenture iinancing ai the new scbool and application will be made immediutely ta the Ontario Municipal Board ta secure approval ai the selected tender so that con- struction cun commence at an eunly date. The Council will provide in- terim financing for the con- struction ai the schooi until such time as the construc- tion is near completion and the debentures une issued. Andrew Heuslip callcd on the Cauncil concerning a fenc- ing matten adjoining bis prop- erty. BLACK Women's Institute I Eighteen ladies attended the 'Women's Institute meeting in the Community Hall Tuesday devening. President Mrs. V. Builey pnesided and Vice Pre- - ident Mns. P. Van Camp wus secnetary in the absence ai -Mrs. L. Thompson. Meeting opened witb the Ode and Cal- lect. Minutes were read and adopted. Tneasurer's repart 'accepted. Amongst the carres- pondence wus a neal nice let- ter irom the adopted boy, Lau Chan Hing. Mrs. Thompson sis ta punchuse Christmas gift and mail to Lau Chan Hing. Decided ta send a iittle gi ta Mn. H. Hall, Golden Piough sLodge, for bis binthduy. Port Penny lisi for W. I. texhibit ai their fuir was ne- coîved and a committee ap- poinied ta secure the items. A commiitee was named ta choose a list fan Blackstock Fuir. Mrs. P. Van Camp ne- ported the executive meeting ai Mrs. Munday's necenily and unnaunced the Federal Wo- men's Institute convention in Guelph next June. Dcoided ta punchuse anc gitcoupon ta help iellow Institutes in the north country. Following the roll caland ofiening, Mrs. G. V. A. Scott told ai somne întenesting things she had heard and seen wben visiting an Institute in Eng- land. Mns. R. Mountjoy gave a very informative report ai the Anea Convention in Toronto. Mrs. W. Archer read "A Ditty ta a Diriy Creum Sepanator."' Mrs. W. W. Van Camp read a paem "Flannels."' Mrs. V. Baihey conducied a contesi on "Thanksgiving" wbicb was won by Mrs. F. Staniland and Mrs. F. Hoskin. Aiten the singing of the Qucen, lunch was scnved and a social hali bour apeni. Blacksiock L.O.L. enjoyed a Pat Masters' Nigbt an Nov. 7th. W.M. McLcan askcd the iollowing Pusi Masters ta the officers' chairs: W.M. Earh Darrdil, D.M. Leslie Beacock, Sec'y. Stanford Van Camp, F.S. Ernest Swain, Chap. Herb Swain, Leci. Roy Ferguson. Visitons atiended from Ty- rone, Whiiby and North Ver- lum. Aten lodge business, sevenal speeches for the good ai the Onder. Lodge closed and the cam. had pnovided a lunch, where ah] aid fniends enjoyed a social bour. Spe- cial mention was made of thc annual meeting Dec. 5th ai 8 p.m., when alniembers of L.O.L. No. 133 are expected ta bc present. The second cuchre party sponsoncd by the W. I. in aid of Port Perry Hospital was held Wedncsday night. Prize winners wcrc: high lady, Mrs. IR. Fond; au high gent, Mrs. F. Hoskin. nhe O.N.O. Club met ai the home o! Joan Paisley Thurs- day night. Thank yau cards froni Carol Wotten and Bruce Fisk, exprcssing their appr- ciation for gits recivedat tic Commencement, w e r e rcad. Ha anyone scen the "Blacksiock" sign which dis- Appcured from thc south end o! the village recenily. Bill Ferguson spent an hour with Uic girls givdng facts snd fig- vmice n zuwenlg uetin The 1966 road construction was reviewcd ta date. Consumera' Gas Ca. advised new rate structure for gas users. A Court ai Revision for Manvers Township wiil be held Novèmber l8th at 10 a.m. in the township hall. Magistrate Baxter sent a cheque for $20.70, being Man- vers share of fines fon Sep- tember. The Department ai Trans- port gave their appraval toaa by-law restricting speed limit into the sub-division an Lake Scugog. The Wintcr Wonk praject for 1966-67 was appraved. Mrs. Charles Reynolds took a number ai the pictures ai the Architect's design for the TO.DAY! Hf. McLaughfln conducte the devotionul periad. The min- utes were read and upproved. The treasurer reporteci a sat- isfuctory sum frons tic recent chicken pie aupper. The Au- tumn bule hum been shipped. In lieu of an exchange of gits betwecn members at thc December meeting, a gift is ta be given ta thc new Part Perry Hospital. A nominating committee was appointed. Good Cheer for Shut-Ins was discussed. The annual Cor- porate Communion for ahl A.C.W. is ta be on December 4th. The meeting closed with prayer. The bostesses, were Mrs. V. Bailcy and Mrs. J. Rahm. Rev. P. Romeril conductcd the Remembrance Day service in the- Community Hall Fni- day, Nov. llth, at 10:30 a.m. Guides, Brownies, Scouts and Cuba led by their colon party marched ta the hall whcre an impressive hall hour service was beid. Ail paraded ta the Cenotapb where Uic Honour Roll was read by Reeve Mer- il Van Camp. The wneath fram thc Province af Ontario was laid by Mr. Alex Car- ruthens, M.P.P., and the muni- cipal wreatb was laid by Sil- ver Star Mother, Mrs. Mal- colin Emmerson. Two minutes silence *was observed, and the Qucen sung. Mn. and Mrs. Gerald Fergu- son, Hamilton, spent the weekend with the Eric Barrs, Gardon and Bob Strongs. Mr. and Mns. Grant Fergu- son cailed on the Bill Fergu- sons, Friday. Mn. Roy Ferguson and Mrs. Cecil Hill attended the wed- ding af their nicce, Miss Miriam Ferguson and Mr. David Boal in Cosburn Unit- ed Church, Toronto, Saturday, and spent a few days with re- latives, Mrs. L. Bradley, Bawman- ville, is spending a few days with Mrs. Mervyn Grabam. HAYDON and Township Council per- (neddfrla ek sonnel ion insertion in the Sunduy achoal session ai Centennial Book ta be publish- 1:45 p.m., Remembrance Day cd by the Council early in service ut 3 p.m. 1967. United Church Women's Accounts ordened paid in- meeting wili be held at the chuded a road voucher in the home ai D. Cameron on amount ai $4,023.42; temporary Wednesduy evening, Nov. gth. boan ta Manvers Township Messrs. Don Camenon, Jack Scboai Board, $20.000.00; Fred Potts and Kenneth Graham Stacey, shooting one dog and attended the Armistice Dinner a dlaim for sheep destroyed, Saturduy nîght. $95.00; Norman Wilson, paultny Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton destnQyed by dogs, $139.75; and Ronald visited Mrs. James James Cochrane, $18.00 for a Tunnbull, and were tea gucats goat wannîed by dogs, Kennetb ai Mrs. James Might and Miss Preston, $50.00 and Oswald Esther Might, Peterborough. Mitchell $65.00 ior caives kill- Mn. und Mrs. Rass Ashton, cd; Charles Morton, dog con- Sheryl, Beth and Barbara trol officer $8.70. visited Miss Emma Werry, Next meeting ai Councîl is 343 Spadina Rd., Toronto 10. scbeduled ion December l3th Mrs. A. Thompson wus ut 1 p.m. avernnght gucst ai Mn. and Mrs. F. Osmond and family, S T O C K Bawrnanville.D.J visited Mn. and Mns. C. W. ne the Ârena.Th Critms'Downey, Bowmanville. Mn. und Mrs. Leslie Graham meeting is to be held ut the culed on Mn. Cyrus Ashton, home ai Shirley Turner, Dec. Bunketon, an Sunday. Glad l5tb, ut 8 p.m. A deliciaus ta heur Mn. Ashton Is feeling lunch and social chit chat quite well. brougbt anothen pleasant ev- Mr. and Mns. W. Blackburn, cning ta a close. Dale and Neil, and Mrs. K. The A.C.W. ai St. Johns Cowling were Sunday suppen Churcb met in the Punish Hall guests ai Mn. an*d Mrs. Mur- on the evening ai November ray Tubb and family, Bow- lOtb witb the president, Mns. manville. Lawrence in the chair. Mns. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Siemon,1 I.-- CANADA 12 MONTHS 6 MONTHS U.S.A. 12 MONTHS ~ht ~tn4M4U P.O. BOX 190 - BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO j~iî m m $5.00 - - -$2.75 w-- $6.50 CLEAR-UP wo> TV.U T.v' :e 00 PICTURE Wth this EXTRA High Performance TV antonna and b,. e00 ready far VIVID wO COLOUR at its best. Have the SSF-10 installed SF1 and enjoy Improved SPARK- LING black and white pictures. Susan and Fred attended tim and farnhly, Taunton, Blackstock anniversary ser- were Sunday visitoru w* him vice Sunday moring and mother, Mrs. M. BertWf were dinner guests of Mr. hir. F. Osmond and Vir- and Mrs. W. Toms. ginia, and grandson Smndy. Several from Haydon at- Mrs. Wray and daughter' tended the turkey supper at Sharee, Bowrnanville, Mr. D. Enniskilen on Wednesday. R. Thom pson, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ray Ashton attended E. R. Thomfpson, Bowman- Blackstock Graduation Ban- ville, werc Manday visitais at quet held Friday. Mrs. A. Thompson's. Glad to report that Mrs. A number from HaYdan ut- Roy Graham and son Kyle tended the turkey suppert have corne along quite well Tyrone on Saturday. after their accident when their Club 21 are- holding ac car was burnt up.1 party in the school house Mr. and Mrs. George Ber- Saturday evening. Replace your old TV antenna, gef Better Pictures with a New S up er S TA RFIRE rby 'LINDSAY.. AVAILABLE IN FIVE MODELS SSF-19 SSF-16 SSF-13 I5SF-8 ENGINEERED FOR EXCELLENT 0 x nd rv BLACK &WHITE TE LEVISION RECE PTION Cali us today for Free Antenna Check-up and Estimate HARRY LOCKE TV 20 KING ST. W. POE6321 BOWMANVILI Dre Oatbian Çttt#uxnn 73cr:s' Somsth iti for fvorgoii! THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS AN EXCELLENT YEAR-ROUND CHRISTMAS GIFT. ORDER A GIFI SUBSCRIPTION SUBSCRIPTIgN RATES ~t~lfr~m4n Iwo-" .1ý tl SSF-10 e ti S' s ti d ti il e

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