ii*ae ake t the ualary rate parS3a800 per annwn, effeet- KED BON Hi* 'School Board Meeting ive Navember 7th, be iconfim- o f ed. Alsa that acceptanoe -of (Intended for last week) the tender of Orono Custonm Members of the 25th Osha.- Fencing i the amo4int of $800 wa Brownien -and . he 25th be cnfired.Guide Company- took part in Pl an Officiai 0OOpeeningteereors h,, a ofl'7yu"crmn Newlake Courtolwil eicehe Schoolc wrere ch o l W in held on November iSth. That ceived as Guides. The new N e w o u rt ce Sthere has been a good respénse Guides are Georgina Siater, for Typing and Sewing Class- Marie Vincent, Marie Madjili Scommunication irom Pro- officiaIS and applicants. Car- Wire Company, Lîrruted. es in the Evening Prograný". and Lorm1a Jewell. rJ.W.Dod rceiedat ai Nihas, ecndd by A. fence the west and east si The report also asked that During the evening, District Ihe meeting oDu rhamC ouent 11H. NSt ie, saeod eta h ! h col grounds authrty be given for te Cm mnissioner, MUn. Ben Bit.. Dtrimetig o h aco ,,board support this project and $2,577-59, Plus the cost o purchase of black-out drapes chens, presented badges ta the heDisti High School or, h oroposed setting up of ani smali gate for access to for Rooms 104, 200 and 208 following Guides: We nd y heldentlanrued tghe ap-o information centre at the hotel sidewalk an the east side, from Howards Draperies for Hitchens - lst Cdass Pin and paientme no R. W.therian- in this connertion next March canfirmed. .$328. Aiso that John Sylvest- Badge and Littie House Emnb- a inmebeofR . a .therieachn This motion was carried. "2. The committec rep jervich be authorized ta teach lem. Maureen Brown - Gard- Staff of Bowmanville High A resolution was passed bY that prices are being obtai 10 students inComputer Pro- eners and Toyma>ers. Patti Schooi as an Assaciate Teach- the board approving the for equipment for the iibr g ramming. as an extra cur- Rasnak - .Naturalist, Bird- er ! atn a te ollgea dîmnent ai an agreement and for an electric spirit d jricular &ctivity at an estimatfti w a t ceh e r, Conservationiat, educf atiof he n i v e of y am ihen OtraMniia iatr Tecommittee Icost af $200. Friend ta Animais and Craft Toronto, for the 1966-67 seas-1 Employees Board ta provide ports that L. G.Jantn.OarcmedtinathEme.Teltersc- on. The appointment qualifies the payment o! disability bene- willing to teach the Driver -Clarke Local Commnittee that biematie ai Patti having e- Mr. Sheridan ta act in a sup-lfits ta emplayees covered by struction Course at Bowm > the board consider offering celved four craft badges ervisory capacity over O.C.E. this contract. ville High School". acadcmic up-grading courses previously. students who came ta B.H.S.- The following repart ai the W. H. Carman, Chairma !inn school in the district At a recent Brownie meet-ý for teaching experience. Bowmanvilie Local Commit- the Clarke Local Commitinext 3'ear, it was dccided ta ing, Mms. Wmn. Rosnak was A letter !rom the Ontaria jtee was presented and adopt- presented this comnmittees autharize such a plan an a presented with her Tawny Owl Scoa Tusee Cuniluî d on a motion by its chair- part, and movcd its adopt jcounty basis with the co-ap- pin. Badges wcre presented formerd the board of the coun, -1 man, L. A. Parker, secanded This was seconded by Ca caina h dioyV-t:Bed eel rit Il's plan to estabiish the Royalby Mr. Strike: Tamblyn and carried. CTieallComirottc oici Sthen evrd Ps Yo oel~sth neri ~ th cepac oa Thth ppaintment Teflaigrpr itecoe and Kerry Thomas, Swim- Yok Htl ste ne vie-1"1. Ta h cet ef1 "Tha teaP- Courtice Local Committee wsmers*CtyRsnk oo xne niWfnllg s5fOWIlwhite and cç-lor,'gt Bow--î rna ne n dpedo LvýCcisNelwres lng ceteivmd, whlle in the t the decessed durlng lhem ville Pu4blie Llbrery. 46 potion b ted a adoptd 0a e rFrsCt y Ras ervBoic Special thanks ta long stay in Momorlal HO$- sta y tscaimnC ars d TrftaFist yreaseriedt âcKenzie, nurses and pital, Bowmanviile, is niuch Biindcraft Sale will be he Allin, seconded by GarnetÈvstars weras ofretheda to ji alwl.4.*appmeciated, and qur love and Fmîday, Dcc. 2 and SaturdaiTubb: sevHlween mb r 0f th en - Jim Hllowel. ~ sincee appreciat1aoi is cxtend- Dec. 3 at 55 King St. W "The school is cancerned AHloce at a n 1 cd ta anc and ail concerned. Hoilandia Woodwarklng Stortabout the number a! buses joyed by the Guides at their I would like ta thank My 1. G. Sexsmith and family. Keep this in mind ta choucoming late and refers this jregular meeting last week inl irionds and relatives for tlwir 46-1* fomn many intercsting ortimatter ta the Transportation IKedron Community Centre. thoughtfulness and kindness -handbags, brooms, aProtkCommittee. That school fee3ý Mrs. Frank Newell, Brow ta Mg during my stay in has- r_ 3r vns t.-frgla rhm .fr tdnsb sfollows: 'Owl, entertaincd members ai ~tlSpecial thank you ta C m_______et. fr i 4 r om seu. ntford $15; Studnt heBmwiePasinhe oe Ë.Cwrt, Dr. Grant, and Dace and 50-50 Draw, Sat- Cui- ai suenu 5,tkin shps rom Ar5;Stdts d tea ostue Painhrtyhome nursing staff ai Memorial uday, Nov. 26 in Enniskillen Cligalsuet ýai9sosfo rsada otm at.Ms }IouIta, Bwnipvilc. ommnityHal. 4-2sportsmen . . . don't pg1Science, $1; Occupations, $2.50;lRosnak assisted. Hospital BowmaRvltaryCTravitlogal. 46-2ttS.T. and T., $2.50. With a re- Roy . Hape. 4-i uchre Party, Tyrone Hall, American Wild Lice", Boifufld af 10 cents for each, We wouici ilke ta express every Prlday night. Admis- manville Town Hall, Tlwrz rionth that the shaps are nltT w l t l our Sincere thanks ta aur sion, lunch and prizes. 45-tf day, Navember 24th, at e n.Thecni:terirs~I friends and relatives for their Trînity United Chumch Fail pm.TRs-aoe ! oritmaitter ta ethe Ma ngn expressions o! sympathy, bath Fair, Nov.. 18, 2:30-5pm i hw o 50.TceCmiteo est by l nd n er an the Aiternoon tea, 35c, and giits available fromn Roterians. 46each ichoal in line for the!N w y tm o pýXÉof or blove dagh- aloe. 4-1 year. ter d siter.Please note change of date- T iin -of the Schooi be held in Edu- Accounti ng Mr. and Mrs. Erncst Hammi, Neit dancie, Tyrcine Hall, HIGH SCHQOL cation Week on Friday, March *Calvin, Neil and Donald. with Clama Nembtt Band will 1th, 1967." The Finance Committee has' 461 be November 9th. 45-2* AT HOM4E On the ecommendation af acccpted the ecommendation: 1 'wauld like ta express my Sauina Soccer Club Injured IS~r iethe Advisory Vocational Coin- ta instail a- new accounting , sincore thanks and apprecia- Players' Fund Dance, Sauina I pre nie ittee as submitted by W. J. 5ystern and a revised payroli' tion ta 411 my good fiends Cammunity Hall, Satumday, Prepare for Ontario DiIIomIBrown, the chairman, the ap systemn as outiined by Finance' wh snttiwescada ad ovmbr 6.Eai rown's or better Job point ment ai Mrs. RthJames Chairînan Councilior Gien-1 visitod me durlng my ;recent Orchestra. 46-2 Ail boond Insrctioas pamt-timc Hairdrcssing In- tholmc Huoesand.CByrkon. Tij stay i Memortai Hospital, Selvatian A r my Hoam e $ t.Wie structor and that af Mmm. toe octL yo.T~ Specal hana t Dm Ewrt eage intheJunor all .AnercanSChoo]Dawn Poole as Nursing Assist-i was maved by Mayor Ivan andgltast Dr. Mcenican alte ateon te Junhoe baing rianantwr ofre.Hobbs, seconded by Reeveý an D. cKniean al h atenon e, om bkig 624 PRINCESS ST. twr onimd Sidn Little, at the meeting very kind nurses and staff ai and apron sale, Friday, Nov. _KINGSTON, ONTARIO The following change orders j o fts committee held a the hospitai. 25th, 2:30-4.30. 46-2* 46-for Courtice Secondamy School Octobe r 24th, and announced j Alberta Trudeau. 46- Reserve New Ycar's Eve for were also appmoved on thc in the Finance Committee rme dnei erainCentre, recommendation of the Advîs- port adopted by Town Counci] a dance inta tecreailianr ry VctinlCommitteec oiedsrlaiest tank rai aursponsomred by Blackstock Agri- E NSKL E Grade Beam and Weeping o o The ato~ frcads foer adcultural Society. $4.00 per Tue$528 oe ii h report also stated that giftu, Special thanks ta Drs.culsuenshl c. One ai aur native sons, ý$1,844.13; Electricai Connec- o oinb anil Austin and Cummîngs, nurses 4- oinHoelwo'S tion for Greenhouse Ventilat-AniOescddbyCtn on 15urgical and Medicai Haydon U.C.W. wili hald a member ai the R.C.A.F., Win- ah 14.4 lsro cillor James Bourke, the Com- Ploort, Memorial Hospital, bazaar at the chumch on Wed- marmied in October at Parliwing Storm Drain, $563.31; mittee ref2ommleiided the ac- Bawmanville; Salina ladies nesday aitemnoon, November ville, B.C. He and his brîcWashroamn accessories, $290.80; ceptance of proposais by the for their kindnesin sending 23 et 2:30. Home baking, the former Miss Jo-Ann LyERepacing Heating Lines ta 011 Cicrk-(Cortrollcr for th re- in food at homne, ta Bab and sewing; lunch wiil be uerved, are esiding at the CanadITan1ç $834.51. organizatiUof, staff.i Ron for their thoughtiulness, 35C. 461 Forces Base, Cold Lake, AI A. 'H. Strike, Chairman ai A motion by Cauncilorý Itev. and Mrs, Catta, Rcv. and $tedrnan's Christmas Lay- Our community, wishîng the Co-Ordinating Guidance Bour-kc, sccondcd by Reeve j lirs. Beod, Slncerely, eway Party, Tuesday, Navem- h anar this yaung couple Camrmittee, pesented the fol- Little, that the Cierk-Control- Dareen Wcstlakc. ber 22nd, 7.9 p.m. Moke yom their marriage, was unaloiwing repart by that commit- ler advertise in the Bowman- 46-10 chauve now while assrtment 4ue ta the great distance s4te, which was adapted by ville-Oshawa area for an ac- la bst. ree callce anda tg us, ta do sa In persthc' board. "The c ammittee counitant and secrctary, duties FINE QTJALITY doughnute aerved. 45-2 sa aur congratulations *4eports that E. F. Witty, to commence on or about MONUMENT$ AND M )S E best wishes aciompanied Port Hope High Schooi, at- December 1Sth.F MARERSMON TER BINGç. glit, a tri-light floor laetended the Reading Course at It was dccided ta obtain twoiF wihwas sent ta cmr Syracu se University, during apasl i-Uc-aaet I.&v~.utjmu TURSAYNIGT, eclock their new home. Mesdames1hec sumnmer in accordance with Ne san f tee oeby oth. UU~ d ~ Sponsored by the Junior Avery and F. Stenger heai h or' ccomna mncpît.Ti a oe %TAFFORD ChabUE Commerce thi e mteeof or arran Reading Program. He is carry- by Councilior Oke, and second- BROS. LTD. .UIE AVLO hs etr1i u s< ing out a special Reading Pro- cd by Reeve Little. \Rbt OSAWA s-tî for Mr. and Mns. M. How gi-am i n Port Hope and us Autunun seents to open. aailable ta other teachers in IAVIW Durham Fedoratian ai Agri- semain for a variety ai ch thare o cnuttin ie W L YMIL FAPAILY culture Amna Meeting arnd and community activities. ýis being aSSisted by S. Kura- W S EY IL mONUMENTIBanquet, Thursdsy, Nov. 24, small rural centre has ha ýishi, who tank the Curriculum SifodDohr p.n.I;sharp, et Cavan Hall fair share of events th iedn Course in Toronto. Intended for last week)a Forticets'phn6.1 this popular weekly. Lei ied the reading nceds a! the busy one for people a! the - 461view in retraspeet somn sehools other than Port Hope lakeshore with Part Hope Monuments -Durham County Junior these in this issue. ýand has the matter well in High Schoal Commencement Farmers' Annual Dance at Our Fall Thank-Off hand. A sub-committee is and a twenty-fiîth wedding Box 133Solina Hall, Saturday, Novem- service in October, which 'studying the variaus achieve-1celebration bath on Saturday i 311 pusadas et, E., Wbitbl ber le, 1960. Charlie Coch. largely attended, shal mn et'nte akt ih.Smea h egbr Phon wbtbyrane's Orchestra. Ti c k ets be remembered for itsi which would produce amore- managcd ta attend bath at Mohawk 8.3353 availabie from mombers or at derful sermon from aOur meaningful analysis in the 1ieast for part af the evening. door.45-2 'ninister, Rev. Chas. Cat j Elementary Schaoos than is Gloria Nichais ai Torontoi Hampton, and a second Ipresently obtaîned from the was home for the weckend, IrIr9rI 9 N Ir l'ghtiul message in 1son Dominian Tests. that she mîght be present ta I4IDQU RTRS ORthe rendition ai the aid 1 "That aiùthority-be granted receive hem graduation diplo-' M.FSenewthadom acscoitatedtetefu yerbsns anorite "Tih. Holy City" for anc Guidance Counselior ma with Donna Ashby îrom! panist Mm. Ran Ashton. Ontario School Counsellors and commercial course. Thi Hall were literaliy «"burý November 1lOth, 11lth and l2th, for this course. Shield win- at the seams" when the Indi thaàt the eitrto fe now Moriy Pak". resent. Friends froîn Toron- ,< ¶~OS$OUR NTI E ST CK notay h ilage".ta wcre Mr. and Mmi. Ross' O UR N vri E sr CK 'ý4ktSince the war, Mis. Andrew Dai-ke wh.o remnained over-j MEN' - OMUS - CHIDRE'S EAR J~;had lived with her son John, night wuth the honored couple; ME' O E# HIDE# ERin Pickering. Mm. and Mmm. Jas. Adanison FURNITRE BLAKETS - WOOL hSban, d who 'visited the remainder aiI and Allan, msa four sisters, Bey. Darke remained with thei mu J Lauma (Mrs. Coiwille), Olive Harold Wakeleys, Port Hope. (Mr. arkr) Lydia (Mrs.1 Mmm. Howard Payne was inj II~ Graham)I, Violet (Mmm. Har-I charge ai the senior girls' clama, 'I ris). and brothers, Anston, at Sunday School in h 0 R E D U C E 10 1 bRussel George and Arthur. absence a! Mr&. E. Barrow-! 1IE is her dmughter Dorathy (Mmi. held at Wloe ONE W EEK ON'JUL! Z1 -H. Pascoe), Port Permy, soensAsinvie wt John cf Pickering; Donald,PerAutnvsedwh Ajax; Gordon, Toronto; and hem sister, Mrs. D, Jar'vis, Co- USE UR ONVNIET LY.A AY LANRay of Sault Ste. Mamie. Asa burg during the~ weekend. USE UR CNVENENT AY-A AY PANanc surviving brother, Eamn- Mrs. E. Barrowclaugh wîth *jest Waiton, Buttonville. Mr. and lira. R. Hii 0of Part $AVI CHRISTMAS $ $MRE I Rev. M. Buttars, mninster Hope went to Ottawa district j ol St. Andrews United Church,j an Friday ta attend the funermi! Pickering. conducted the me- a! a sster-n-law. They re- ~~ marial service from the Wm. tumned on Sunday. MM E CMcEachnie funeral h omie, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nichais' Pickering, Oct. 16 at 3 p.m. ai Port Hope visited 'wlth Car- M L E R ESInterment was Erskine Cerne- rail and fis famniiy on Sua- KINGST. . BO MANVLL 1 Pallbearers wer: her six Mrand Mrs. Harold Bar-. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a id A n d r e w , D o u g la s A nd r ew , b o r o u g h o n S u n d a y t a v is it Ivan Pascoe. Danny Andrew Mr. and Min. W. Barrow- and B11h Andrew. clough. le, 1066 e MI IO4 Canada's Finest Red Brand Beef Cross Rib ROASTI EASY TO CARVE Short Rib c 0EF Boneless Plate Brisket Fresh Whole or Haif Leg67 POT OAST~~PbRoast of Pork 67, sl Ml/i/K2lIt j%_OF/HI O Cnoice MVeatY Canadiain Side Spare Ribs SOWT 5 c uI-g" 91bo wh F. Deep Cul Features Save On Dom-inion's Own Brands Ajax Heavy Duty 25e Off Pack King Suze Pkg. SAVE 190 Domino Cholce - 28-ai. Tin SPECIAL BAVE se Powdered DETERGENT $139 FRUIT COCKTAIL 39c White Swan 3 Colours - 2 Roll Pkg. SAVE 6e P A PER T OW E LIs9 Richmello Sliced - 24-oz. Loaves AVE 70 Chase and Sanborn - 6-os. Jar SAVE S W hite BREAD 3 for 6 5c INSTANT COFFEE $1.09 Dominion Frozen - 6ii/-oz. Tins SAVE 20 Monarch ln Parchment - 1-lb. Pkgs. SAVE Se Coloured Margarine 2for65c Ora1nge Juice 4 for'8 7c Y'ork Sweet Relish SAVE 12e Domino - 30-as. Botties Plus Deposit Bread and Butter - 16-os. Jars oa te rGn rA 8f9c Sweet Mixed Pickles 3 for 99c ContryGr 0orGîngzerEALe SAVEr35e >ares Peanut Butter Chip or - 1-1b. Pkg. BV e CuiyGr 0o.Sz PCA SAVE 35e Chocolate Chip Biscuits 55c APPLE PIE 3 for$1 .00 Fresh Pro duce Features Presswood's Compass Bnd. Rindlisi r.INF'cTEl By the c ld A wn Wîi.SedEs., Ibo m9r61 1 0 c irst of the Season Florida Grown Size 156 Ontario Grown FancyS-lb. Bag rANGELOS 31$1.OO 0Macintosi, APPLES 49%< GOOD VALUES-' Red Rase laeak PIkg. o! 90'. 100 Off ADIN TEA BAGS 79c Co, pfeeld Tyme S R16-08 os. Sunlight Liquid 24-ox.ContaWr DETERGENT 59c SEMPOCELINSave Ail 100 Ft. Raills VE Se DELXE UALTYWax Paper 2for69c hIrrlff 12-os. Pkgr. Pt Chps 69C R A.imer Pure Tomato il-as. Save 4c 7AadcaBIe7 KETCHUP 19c Gold Reef Chalce 28-as. Save 17o ,,'. /sePatm Apricots 3 for$1.00 remea'n 1 Louise Moi-ton and lier . GoId Ribbon 15-ai. Tins band were eaatbound co DgFo Ool0 own the hil when they D gFo 0ol0 ýevdawestbound car an Libby's Deep Browned 8-ai. Save 16o 3ther hilI. A thîrd car, dr4 IC y the accused, passed. E lbP rk Bo s6'9 mestbound car. TO avai ... White Swan - 3 Colours ccident Mrs. Morton v 4 Roil Pkg. u Su9A E- Se ;arply ta the right, the E uent out a contrai and pl 9BTR BTRom Tissue c *10'DINNER PLATE *CUP uidSAUCER INUCAE Househo[d Feaiijres 7" BREAD aid BUTTER PLATE CoIgate' 100 Oral Gt. Bti. Bava 100 ~nhI~I~ v v v ANTISEPTIC............Se Secret Roil On Lge. Bise Bavý 200, DEODORANT............ 79c Ladies Furry Mule Pr. Bise -1 SLIPPERS ............9 ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS IN OSHAWA TIMES and TORONTO DAILY PAPERS ON SALE'IN BOWMANVILLE Ail Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100%/ Satisfaction ues Effective Until Closing, Sat., Nov. 19, 1966, in Bownianville WE RESERVE TH4E RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. ýperi Thurs. amnd Fri. Nights 'fil 9 p.m. ~PLAY! 7etkgootÈei B , WILCet YourFree Card' King St. nd Simpon .do 4'.~~1 '4 'i 'I j' r CONFIDENCI i '-r f .5 "r r, .5 r f ----4 r r [ A t 'i 'I j r v. J r t 5 t i t r * * * I i 'i .5 .4 1 m ho 1 il 1 77- à &A lm A 9 OF