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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1966, p. 2

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t ?' ~ - - ~ 12 The Canadian Statesunan, Bowmar aI. had aT'y wor N.w cesttereaou= Ve water being *. ...m M of the41' (PROM PAGE ONE) Ed. Barcha end a 'by-iaw for hydro de- ed Council, bonturua isa building per- Augiut whei Mits. manl of theî John Riokarc Douglas Walton was present for a boan, at this meeting and was asked building ne'v by Reeve Douglas Cuiung- school were hani if ho WI5he4 to 5pealk t fore Mr. Bol Cownil concerritag c h o o Ish hio expia Croiztni Quards. Ed. Bars, Clork pran ed, socretmry of the. Boards lumped to hl presented a letter ta the coufl.thie floor 0Vi cil explaining their actions in telling merm deallng wlth Crossing Guards. that they s] 'They had found no grant hum (piclgeo, would be given to fthe echool, lng to M. and guards were hired through prepared bri the local counclis through thelr euqlianed ti local policing. board lied m "h9NOon liaur trafflc ia the for $82,00o. ha.vitfwlth the cars ieaving mterfthe chi the box factory nt the samne him for dotai timo ast the chldren neach the imon end hm corner of King end Boaver any detals. y Streets. Ai fer Mill Street, Plus debenttu wliere the cars corne from the overdrawn* 40P ""fe" that nedo a guard me trouble and a signl au well, warnxng every year I thoni f0 slow down," expiain- trying to get ed Mr. Walton. the ochool ho Councillor Bob Walton made III have si tihe motion that council ad- bua Mr. Bi vertige for one crocsing guard qulckly out-s for King and Beaver Streets, eoerk teiling and to try the signa t Mill had a lot to and the chool corner. "II arn not tg "6A siguVi no gond if fhey're Pldgeon," exi oven it before seoeng It and a chard, III arn child la kilied," sald Council- cil." lor Jack Nesbitt. 'IThey'll ho 'Xo" w about an overhead from thon on bnne with crooswalk writ- çottpeil," ansn texi en if, beaides pai ting a When final' gond big crois walk on the portunity, Mr Pavement?" asked the Reeve. ed again f0 ',We have a groaf many thaf grants aJ more, uulng fhat corner than were sf111 fa at oBaven Street," off ered a and have am unothen af three uchopi-age port the mini chtldren, Mns. Robent Shoarer. to, but right r "Yos, thens certatinly are Inspector (Hoc woo,thre, fîmes as rnsny, I ilea, as to th wol a" repiied Council. We may eve lor Fred oucii. money tomao 4#1@11 chenge my motion then agate flot fo and move thef ws adverfise the portables for two guards," salit Council- money and $1 ion Walton. us over." "I'm bore on other business," "lWe have gaid Mr. Walt on. "Have you ucehool," sold Deloitte,, Plerider, Hoskins& with whom are now meriged Monteith, Riehi, Waters & Chartered Accountants Montreal Windsor Edmonton Oshawa Wlnnipcg Prince Torant o Regina George Gordon W. Riehi, C.A., R.L.A. Burt R. W~ Oshawa Oshawa Sbopping Centre IDEAL TIME to let Central Ontario Tri talce the TIGHTNESS out of YOUf by paylng you 4½Vo/10 434 on SAVINGS paid and com quarterly en CHEQUING iuald and compouuu teoly. No charge fe wrlften. when lnvested GUARANTEED 1 MENT CERTIFIC, à fa 10 years. A Truste. Investmmes SWITCH NOW te ypur Commnunlty Trust Company. Eann 50 lutorout on Your Savingu. Eajoy fie langet hours ln Oshawa and Bowmanviile. Mondai - Thursday 9 - ;5:30 1'nlder 0 - 8 Uaturday 9 - CNTRAL ONTA 1TRUST A SAVII CORPORATIOI 23 Klung st. %1. Bowun 623-2527 19 Slnuooe St. N. Os] t 3$ l~. - The Bownianville Branc Legion, wishes to sincerely thank Bowmanville and District, Orono response given to the Annual Pc most gratifying and will enable, bu Poppy Committee to continu( sick and needy veterans. Urono-i'ewcasrie riremen rfrom thfe w Mnr . Barcard thanked coun- witb regarda t cil fon thlewir ie, and addedt gextended Southiaht they would flot W e ak- The swr toi in# for mone than they need- nothing had bee all. Eric Tombay, niember ofthte ard then aproach- Newcastle Recreafion Commit- going back ta tee, had sent ta cguncil a let-, n he and Chair- fer of nesignation, the third School Board, Mn, Auch letter rOceiv#d &rM 4 attended fa ask mnemberli 01 fils commitfee, when plans for One letter was received earhier w nooms for tie irOni Chairnian Sam Brereton being made. Be- whil@ the second one wua irçhand could fin- front fie Sccretary Mrs. )4#r- nation to counicil, gAret Bnreeon. * Pidgoon had Mr. FOlhaY, &long with t wo 4a fent demanding othen meunhers, Rail Poster rer Mr. Banciard, and Gond Garrod Jr., wene ýbers of council present et this meeting and 3houid firsf hean were asked if fiey wisiied fa ix) before lisfeii- spealç in regards ta tie letter. 1Bgrciard. in a M r. Toshay explaurxed t h.b ief, Mr. Pidgeon feit the letten was seli-explaux- that tie school atory. On eanlliea oonnng of riade a requisitlon Councl's suggestion ticS an 'II have been Arena Management Board bo aIrman and aften fOnnisal, witi acone mmber ils ai fhisrequis. froni fie Recroaf ion, ane inorn ve nover neceived Council and two tram fisu ïou've had $25,000 A.XA. Plus one other, fie re- iros and are now creation commtte. sent A lot- 1,125. You gîve ter ta couneil, asking fîehm ta 1 very year, andl klndiy Inforinithe Xocre tion get more trouble Comrnlftee 01 tie date the Sany dotails from <council) )wero to meet W% M al."e 2 ego fi. AdA. as teiey wAnld aiso Bath the Ororxo anid Iewcagtle Fire Brigades were ervoad 22 yeas halikoMeta b. peson m aeon duty at Croolced Creek public achool opi Sunlday, houted by fie One suci s ,uggestion palnted NOV. 9th, aithough thein nunibens wene depleted smre-j hlm fiat be Sf111 ouf by Mr. PFosiay Wa that what because af deer hunting. Elowever, theî did a ai jste butrof Ion omibes onro ;alita you, Mr. Of t ocuionu Cfwomtebo ood job in bringirxg the blaze undern tr .Stome :plaed Mn. Bar. abould We on fie Manalgement talking fa Coun- BOArd. "II foeu itfwo mn-mYou yau will have ta get ta- noS nead aloual, anid wes la- bers of fie A.I.A. should 8Jt getier and work thîs ouf," formed fiat fiswas stanci- ar me first and They warrant thus for .îl attened fie Beuve. ard ,procodure. lie was tien You cani tahic ticy have done fo pramof o Durni the discussion back iandod a euoaifie ltemlzed wered tie Clarka. fie arena, Iaima bel thaf ndthriCoîacilor Walfoa bis. Tic Mlis were muthon- îy givea fie op. tiore's nothîng lk. oxponlence asked Mn. Fosiay If ho would Ized te be palal. rBerchard turn- and certalnly tholle on recrog, now roconsîder ils actions and "Just a minute," askod Mn. cauncil, stafing flan have lied sornxe 0aifiet tay on fie Recroation Com- Garrod, "lwio made fie Mo-1 1roughly $15,000an ad fere siouid Juetly be two mittO0. With ofier resîgne, flan?" coa, "We will recreation mombons. fions Sfi11 an tic flon ho "I did," repliod Councillor9 raya giveux a ne- However, wien we ask f0 waint et tiat tirno able fa Waîf on. iutc we are able ho tnformed af yaun meeting giVOeis nswer. "Wywudyu aklag riownofeve fieana do't von eceve ord Mr. Ganrod tien direct ed is nt rendom arîy figure on fis Dmes) iasn't aay aifie dates fiat Y ou set unt il questioning fa fie audifor's sheot and lot'a say if'à a bill xc exact amount. we latexr hear fallawing suci report recentiy given in tie brougif la by Mn. Bonaf han, en rocelve this a meeting fiat fie namnesfaper. "Olt read iamefhiig wiy would yau authaniac fie irraw and tien have been iubmitted mand if'1oke $28 ,000 fon necreafionel peyment oi this billflot knaw- ir motis. 'But al cut and driod witioxut us rrvices. We don't gef that uag what if la for?" eskod Mr. shave coat us we feel thet we aren't-ncdod nd of mroncy, could you ex- Garrod. 5,000 wouhd tide and I fhlnk fils wcLs a uAp in plain fis?" hle askecl. "fui u poeuet fi fcetam ed a iae If was explalncd by tie couaicil, caci men oays isd tu support fhe Oi us senving on fie Recrea- Clenk fiat the audîtor wnltes own bis," bath Counicillors the Reeve, "and fion. I have nlo bcd feeling fie recreafional service as a Cauch and Waltan begari fa oven fie naomes of tie mon lump item, including the ne- explaîn. chosen, I feol fie namnes chai- creation, library and Com- "o aifc ir hi en are excellent mep, I do munlity Hall. Mn. Garrod ask- "owris? l.-iow do you kno SONl however feel we were dellb. cd fiat ta provide better in- w as going an andi wlat eretohy ignonod aend sfnongiy formation for fhe public, couhd money in being spent," con- t] fele tfat experience le fie beuf fhils ic cut up and siiown fiaued Mn. Garrod.b feacier and fibat our commît- exactly wiat recreaf ion ne- Wi.utamnt o, Co. tee as wehl as fie A.I.A. mer- ceives. Mn. Pidgeon agreed sai fie clerk in"te is aur ited fwo naines." wlti Mn. U'arrod's idea, andsal precledre.-Thic tnotalE Mr. Fosiay went on fa ex. suggosfed fiat enofier fimne it October account was for plain fiat wiile if was oneO could be furtien cxplaiaed $49,791-03, fie councillons ech, r fiing, fa iold a meeting and tian unden tic lump sum. have brought la their owa Hamilton overhook invltiag fie Recrea- Earl Boffreil was elso pres- bills and an itemized record h Calgary f ion Committee fa heur thiein ent eittfis meeting, regending madte itt copies for eaci tl Vancouver suggestions and opinions, their tie hours ai openating is taxi.conil.Thbisaetn recent actions could load fie R.e admnitted having bee . co uhionizedTebllpare They VaSe., .A. cifizens wlth fie coîf ai tic fie wrong fiat he did flot d ffswyi omn Vates, .A. grant s given otierwise fa fhe earlier attend counicil and in.-dvie" turned in twanM. 728-7527 necreation for recregtion. form theni aofie change oa ilHuge,Heio ad been stinM.g d'My opinion i suggestin4 hauns, but ho effiat being a Hongfes, meeting besie ieg -an dArene Management Boan manriod nman and witi fivein ebetign fa ierh adagreeing toasame, wmu i ildren, he should be entiflednoe xpati wnMr iaviag beca on fie recreafion toa af basf anc day off a week. Gsoe ernaio en Mr.* as a council member for a liaving ciosen Sunday andGrrd ifrutd. ayn numbr ofyear, 1 nowtOO avin coufiefhathe didn'f cane how they number ai ears, I knw f00 havig counciland cifizens did i nBwinil nl weflfie work affacied. I feif campiain, lhe fnied tb, do t tifTnto "I waat ta kn L itfiat if's geffing bigger, and In auitior fair way, he iiro Toaoh o . Ne'IIf toows w af fiat we would be faking some man for Sunday, pcA'ing hlmn Couci dog t'af le Io4d 1, ~'a h of fthe laad off youn siculders,' $15 for hiefUtile, xdlecrn 1v explained Councillan Couci. cd $1,50. oa li l iwi 'This isnaf fite main I I ad ane councillor ep- "Wc knôw," said Cauà4cllor question. Wiy wes aur letteron h e fiat I wasn'f gîv- Nesbiff, "eac il Iol brougif 'ustnore? ouf airer :1 ip.iga ~24-haur service asI iad In, and eci nman responoible IY lft ut fte reuesingbeen ied fa do. But I cen't fon fiat bill. They're all are R. money mtsin"indMrus a uc do f.I aid tny for fie firstat ethfe meeting." BT Mr aro.part, and got se run dowri "Do you tiink we're tul "I'm tic mon fiey selected and was't making eny moxney. up hero?" asiced Mn. Wahfutoýn. from Couacil," SAid Councili oau get noa cails al ane day "II wouldn'f even bafier econs Waiton, "but if ieeiings have and maybe make $3.00 fie explaining ta hlm, Mn. Wal- Ci acconts been hurt aven f isIi wauld next, tien get caîlec Out f tofnu," said Cauncillor Couci. te: tîpounded gladiy nesiga, I know fie job bed ta drive aven ta Oshawa Tie bills are here and anyoue a you fellaws have done, Andlandth fe guy fells you aten you carn sec fieni." i lt's. a great job." -cfim teeh a'npycIalltin o r u "Tiose seiecfed are notef c nat wieh tahe mean III ilr, Gnd",Yeu areCouti- acoouite fopic af questian, but WHY aboutofie houributd",arn uxf hon Wahton dd quar- difhe necreafion committce rieklng aaytig tuis way. I1 i etn inajur-S or cheques receive suci second clama have uiot signed anythiag T emetigd. adjur-Sb tneafment? We were prepan- gayi1wauld operate 24 bours _________ ou' ed to ofer suggestions, sucli a day, sa I will opeat e in ne NV E ST. ficre are grants fon iscrea- doesn't like if, let fiera giveD a Es 'AT£S for flan; if you wank witiout fie 't ta seomeone cisc." L duhoried fie recreefion carnmiffee fundi "I spoke fa you about fie M et.If wilhave fa o ethrougi heurs, Rani, ncmlnding youKfli mnicipal funds - ini oti- fiat wc gave you fie licence in i i or wands, fie fexpayena'l ayon ai Glaavilic's, who like anO PG OE manoy." Tic.. wene words yourseîf naw., wened a- FgoGEOE) vile, Nov. 18, 1966 lyau wIl get the money as youî yetI lvoinNewcastle.ran flan perfaining fa charge-e: Mr, psy Newcastle my taxes. wîy repair and replacement 01 wel ROYALshould 1 go eisewieno wîtix water andl sewcr service con- M, LI~I LIdonc." If was maveci by I. Hohbs, Dec CANAlIA AN LEGION Couuelior Watoa feif bath seccnded by R. Stevens, ftHROI Newcastle and Clarke Town.. fie nxoney received by fie 35 siip should go ouf faustien Commission frean Prapenty fia and eacc do thein part anti awners coverlng repeins ta ior gef fhe dit ch cleaneti ouf prap- existing wafen andl sewer con- the, ch No. 178, Royal Canadiari enîy, not juif cf Mr. Foster'i nections inom fie mains fa me( immediafe arma wîcre tia the property bine ho netundod chi wser cames across tic roati, anal fiat cheques ho luued dom k the merchants and citizens of but eon back sa fiat the wafer hefane the cnd aiftic year BNil won'f continue fa corne aven Deomber 31, 1968. Carrisal. c fhe road. The mauxger was Inîtruet- Vici and Newcastle for the splendid The roquait froua fi. local ed to write te Clerk-Couifral- unei fiiefighferi for $50 onnuallyv 1er adviulng fiat upon con- une recclved fon ficîn banquet firniafion ai our Solictars, nox oppy Appeal. The resuits were lwes ¶rantcd. his suggestion fiat charge ion nett A lter and map wene lni. ropair on replacement ai to troduced to ccuacil concern- sewer and wafer connections blin Comrade Maurice Conway and tng the proPased plans for on Public Praperty (la ilegai>. amn straighfeniug the C IR bridge The motter ai the Munici- fiat north af fie village. pal Auditors wam dlscused et fhe e their, work on behaif of the A nesolution was passed fiat saune bengfh Mdc as a resuit 5e-v fle icIllage waxgd, when andth fe Manager was instrucfed heai If the washouf was comploteci fa write Town Council cdvis- fiat On Noth Street, tae over fi lng fiat fie Commission are beec rosci. fot and never have been satis- yeai At fhiafinie the bis werî lied wlth their services. Mi STAN DUNN, President at iu ebepaid. Tisre being no funthor fixai was raled hy Gond Grrod. Commission fhe meetng was fthe i-10M. )ed thfe biUg. wffe adjournad.lobe Save Crooked Creek School of tholie On dutY Were Orollo firernen, left to right, Jack Mercer, Bihll Werry, Sterling Mather, Doug Pow- ell, Jack Watson and -Ron Talorma, and from the Newcastle brigade, Albert Naylor. Portraits 0f Paut (FROM PAG9 ONE) ers fa fie 1900s. The 39 costumes are capied from the styles worn in fie day. af suci womnen as Helene de Champlain, bin. John Graves Simcoe, Laura Second and ofier faniaus wamen ln Cana- dax's iisfary books. A baing costume, a niding habit, anti e replica of tue wedding dreas wonn by Qucen Victoria are amaag tic fauhions, and fiese illustrate the wide range ai costumes displayed in fie presentafion. Local women, drawn fromn organuzafions in tic commun- lty, will take tic parts aofite famous women wio warc fie uniginais. Oher entertaiament durng he eveniag wiii be provided by tic populan "Beauxaica" quartet, Dr. K. W. Siemon, Keith Jackson, Ken Hockin end Doug Rackiam. The infnicate coiffeurs aif the nodels wiil be taken care of by Gncig's Hairsfyling wio have gnaciaushy vohunfeered thein services. Announce t WInners P (FROM PAGE ONU) CXNI.B. for asking ber fi idge the contest. She Raid sht had found if moat interegting but that if had been more dif. cuit tien she had anticipa* ed. ,There 'wer. 24 .,Clmarooxr 'J.nalisfs from the i1 achooli participating ln the contest. "The subject of the Contesi Cssay was 'Biindness and Me.' rho First Prize winner, Judy 3riffori conlplefely related the ibject fa herseli and aio bpressed herself well. "The Seond Pnize winner, arolyn Woodlandt, lid writ. en a well-organized essay, uid also related if aithough ot as per4orially au Judy ritton did. The Third Pnize vinner, licather Darneil, had uite a diffenent appnoach. îe demît with the iiorical spect, and quoted Milton," 4rs. Sheridan said. She then *ad fhe fhree Prize Winnlng 'aays. Clare H-illborn, Peterbor- igh, District Flield Secretary rw the C.N.I.B., said that Mrs. ber1dan had a difficuif task, nd thaf he compieteiy agreed ith ber selections. Advisory ,mmiftee Chairman Jack )unn, who presided at the ieeting, on behalf of the lwmanvilie - West Durham ivisory Commiffee tfa fhe l.B. thanked Mrs. Sieni- ac. Hie said thaf he b.d beexi 'eeedingly Inipressed by fhe says, and adlded that he nsidered themn illuuninating. Mrs. Wayne Purdy, Chair- iri of fhe C .N.I.B. Contest ommittee, aînoeunced that ie Flnst Prize is a leather allet, the Second Prize is a ether biil.fold, and fie Third lace is a leather accessories ie. AU fthree are Blindcrait ticles, handmade by blind îftsmen. '«Each of the five Runners-1 pwill receive a handsome .N.I.B. Certificate wlth their mres printed In Braille as ,el as in script," sh. toid iemeeting. Mr&s. Purdy tianked the 'onr members of the C.N.I.B. say Contest CommIttee, [is Wiirna Armstrong and rs. E. S. Jmrvis, for their erk and assistance. Mus. George Vice, Chairman thé EUInderatt Sale to be 14 on Fnlday and Saturday, ecembmr 2nd and Srd, et tlhe illandia Woodworklng Store,' XCIng Street West, rpre .f arrangements have icen I Rde for a talking Bock ma. fne fa be placed ln tie. wln vw thoee t the finie of the inderait Sale. arnpaign Chairman George ce, lIn the absence of Treas I nr James Bell, who wasJ able to b. present, an. ,riced fiat the luxcompiefe uns from flic Campalgn rlise. funds ta assist the id in fila district now lunt to $8,200. Ne snid efinal refurna wlhl be as îrai areas are yet to be ard fram. Mr. Vice stated Rt the entine district hadi en weli covered during tisiJ Rr': campaiga. l Irs. Ronald Hawthorne said I kt for iew b hoe gbya *n firwthi blie great àBowmanvllle Lions Club Smoved that wisuu tic Lions Reprosenfafive on fie Bowmmnvlle - West Durham Advlsany Comrniffce to fhe C.N.I.B., Don Allia, Is unable ta attend a meeting fief bis replacement siouid have e proxy vote. Tiis was second- cd by Mns. Vice, end carnied. Mn. Vice moved as an emenalment fa fie Bowman- ville -West Durham Advlsory Cammittee crcating resalution fief a quorum consista ai tirceemembens ai tic execu- f ive muid four members aifite commiffee. Ti. was second- ccl by Mrn. Purdy, anti car- rieti. M. Hilibora, fhe C.NI.B. District Fieldi Secnef.ary, folti fhe meeting fiat he iad ne- ceived a leffer froni one of Piip Dawson's feaciers et tic University ai Maniftoba, wio salal fiat young Mn. Daw- Son is an oufstaading studeat anti is makiag marketi pro- greus. Thc Secret ary, Mrs. P. C. Crowe read a letten fnom A. W. Sparks, Supernaeadent ai fie C.N.I.B., Toronfo. This communication wes a repiy to e leffen fnom Campaiga Chair- mari Vice, wbo bad wrîtfen ta ask fie C.N.I.B. ta coasider fie passibility ai a nationael campelgx. Mn. Spanks stated la bis letten fiat fils matter hati been gane in fa fiarougily, but if hati been foundti fat if wvould flot be precticai for fie C.N.I.B. He explainedti fie individuel districts stagger theur cemlpaugns in onder fa have speakers available, etc. U-e added fiat duffereaf fimes of fie year are betten *for DaniPaigns ia fhe citiesand ufier peniois aofite yean for rural campaigns. Campaigmi CiairmeanVice navedti fat ail reports be adoptcd. This was seconded by Miss Isabel Devis, and carried. Rotaria ns Sponsoring Travelogue On Thursday eveaing, Nov. 24fi, fie first preýsenfation, "North i Amenîcan Wildlife", ai fhe Bowmanvîlle Rotary Club's Travel anti Adveatune Series wull be prescixteal in fie Town Hall Auditorium, sfarflng tet cut o'cbock sharp. Thit 'is a fascinafung colonet motion picture with Lanny Linnard as nerrefor. Mr. Linnard will be preseat.* Last monfi fie audience tiat sew tic Rotary fravel andi Ativenfure Senies preview film, "The Soul ai Mexico", was mnout entiusiestic. Tiene will b. six presenfations in fie roguier acnies, fie first oni Thursdey cveniag cf aext week. Othens wiil be "Bermu- da", flic Isle af Rest", "Russie", Zeaiand", and "London fu Lanxd's' End". Tickets for thc series may be obtainet frnm any ruember af the local Rotary Club. * - -- - . - e--w~~~~~ - Blue Grass Travel Sot bringo two-ta-go: Soap in a spociai Travel Case endi dusting powder Puff-puff. $3.00 41M s14 f Ordor of the Bath: Blue Grass Puff-Puff Dusting Powder, Bath Soap. $3.25 4 "q *, * + ~. 'x* e Golden Foursame: Four Elizabeth Arden fragrances in this bouquet of Flawer Mists. $3.50 1 .. % I~ ~ 0 % % Hend Lotion ln à pretfy Rase Vas@eand scap ln a trevel case, 03.79' e. *~ 4~f Blue Grass trio includes Hand Lotion. Travel Soap, duiting powdsr Puff-Puff. $4.25 4 3~' s a, Fragrance bSm combines fametiBlue Grass Fiower Miut, end inci Lotion fer soft'ms-sllk hands. $4.76 JURY & LOVELL LTD. King- St. E. 1omnil v -ffl Plan to Aitend ..a BQWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB ANNUAL PLAY "More Than Mee' IIh~BOWMANI THURS. IIi> 10)~ ADMISSION hi. Tici PRO( ts the. Eye; VILLE TOWN HALL 4 -m FR1.-m SAT. I DECEMBER 1- 2'-3 cot aevaileble from Rotary members ýCES FOR CRIPPLED CILDREN _ _ *k * ~ _A -4M mî -I la '! qF -191_ --F -19F - ýv 11 -1 and Frred Cole, ýe Parade Ie 8na lus Ci mal aore horues ln the . i ~~thu sevr betore. Amuog tii charge of ail walklng !Rec Dulry's with a Ilv, o'y p0'sonnel for this yeari 8 4n tex'&:10 parade. Volunteers are ciudlnDl Hampton Comnwl asked to get in toiuch Kep nBnownies, Bewmon wîth Mr. Fanning: Tels- %ne by, Mot orycle lu phone 623-3114. Ditrc 3Y scotse o Tie Chairman of the sante vers, Humpty Dumpty e Cle aus e'l George Ste- Clarke, Bowmauvlllo Lion pio. ams ell is thie Tre4t- Club, C o u rfi c e SecondIr Mrr Secretcry Mr#. PeggY Sehool, Bawxnanvlll R gM anFloat Ciairnian Clar- Scicol, Canadien Ondin o ence Bell, Costumes, Mn., Ede Forresters (aid Ume) tUe Col Lublty andBoChairmen nard Club, Memonlal-Rompit&, Bads k.iMrd Boab Lawtan, Bl car dncwing c Pink, Mie Rens, n. oaVansfono, piant, Court ice Girl Guideg Honse;, Mns. Dudley Depiey andl novelty nxumbes.- 1 l'a # ý1, 1- ý - Bowmanville ýqj

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