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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Nov 1966, p. 7

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'"r. <"h 1Mr. and Mns. R. P. Rickaby, Ring St. West, Town, and Mr. and Mis. Carl Blllings of Orono wene in Toronto on Tuesday ai this week visiting Mn. Rickgby's brother, Mn. Joe Rickaby. who celebrated bis 8Mt birthday lest week. Miss Tina Hughes,' St. Jas- eph's Hospital School ai Nurs-l ing, Peterborough, who is now a»ffiliatiftg et the Hospital for t.ek- Cbildren, Toronto, visited lr parents, Councullor and Mrs. Glenholme Hughes.' On- tarin St., during the weekend. Pte. Ritson Kinnear has ne- turned ta Canada aiten scrving six months witb The United Nations Farces in Cyprus. Rit- son has had six weeks' leave whicb he spent with bis par- gents, Mn. and Mrs. Robent Kinnean, and sister Elva. He leit for Base Gagetown, N.B., on Thursday accompanîed by his fathen, who hopes ta visit relatives and old fiends in the Maritimes until Cbristmas. Bowmanville Pentecostal (hurch 75 Libenty St. 9. Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, D.TII. Phono 623-5100 Sunday School: 9:5a.rn. ila.rn. "CHRIST'S LITERAL RETURN AND ARMAGEDDON" 7 p.m. 61(v) Revelation: "THYATIRA - THE ERRING WOMAN'S CHURCH", - Special Music - Choir Wed., Nov. 23 - 7:30 p.m. "Will You Have a Nervous Collapse?" Ail Are Welcome "Wbere the Word of God la Net Round", mIuci.1apprcîatedandllawe aHi wished that time had permit- ted futher information. A delicious lunch was enjoyed. Rather belatedly, we wish to express appreciation fer the Hallowe'en party provid- ed by the "Hi-C" groupin an appropniately decorated set- tmng of cauldron, streamers, bodies, etc. The adults who attended enjoyed the skits, jokes and hl-jinks of the pro- gram, and the youngsters were deliciously terrorized by the "ghost walk." Costume judging, candy scrambles anc special attractions such as tortune telling games were also featured. Lunch incîud- ed witches brew punch of course, with other goodies. Mrs. IR:' Virtue, Paul Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare recently called on Mr. anc Mrs. Theo Down, Lakefield. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith and familY, Columbus, were tea guests Sunday of Mrs. R. Scott. Mrs. L. Phare vîsited witIh Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wicks, Cobourg. Mr. and Mrs. S. Goble and ]Bruce, Stanley Gable Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gable visited Mrs. Cecil Hill, Embro, or Sunday and also called on Mrs. A. Mitchell, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Park4 visited on Sunday wîth Mr. and Mrs. George Willis, Can- flington. Mrs. A.Spcer and Mrs. W. REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scugot Street MWnsten: Rev. A. VandenBerg, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Worship Services 10 a.rn. 7:30 p.rn. 11:15 arn. Sunday School Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. "Everysas Weleome", TRINITY UNITED (HURCH Ministen - Rev. George X Wand, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. 11:00 a.n. - ##THE LESSON 0F THE RICH FOOLU SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 a.rn - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:20 a.rn. - Primary and Kindergarten 11:00 a.rn. - Regianers A4 rs IV '4 ie The Evening Unit of the , Ebenezer U.C.W. met on ,, Thursday at 8:15 p.m. -eMrs. W. D'own, the unit ,leader, opened with a few ,f words about the church's lOOth anniversary which was cele- brated on Sunday, Oct. - 6th, ,e Itwas a very wondenful part oi something like that. ýThe aid friends who camne back 'and the feeling of fniendliness was something very hard ta express with words. hWe jained in singing -don- ward Christian Soldiers" fol- lowed by minutes which were dread and approved. r.The ladies were remlnded dof a quilting to be held on " Oct. 26 with a Pot luck dinner. "The next unit meeting is on Novemben l7th. kMrs. H. Mackie was ini ccharge of the next part of the meeting and she introduc- ed three generations of ane family who have lived in the community a number of years. iThese ladies took the wonsbip service. They were Mrs. An- nis, the grandmothen; Mrs. G. Pickeli, the daughter, and Miss Shirley Pickell, the grand- daugbter. Shirley read a poem called "Look To This IDay". Mrs. Pickell read Psalm 720. The ladies aIl joined in singing "Faith ai Our Fatb- crs". Mrs. Annis read a poemi "God af Our Life Through All The Circling Years" followed by prayer. Mrs. Pickell read a very in- teresting article about the past, present and future. She was talking elong the lines ai the wandenful beritage we have in a community like Eh- enezer. We must all remnem- ber that todey is the prepara- tion for tomorrow gn it is al up ta us as toi whet we make of ourselves. Miss Pickeli read ai the future as $lhe secs it and how it ia going ta affect her 111e. The ladies wene then favoned by a duet by Mrs. Annis and bier graniddaughter Shirley. Mis. H. Mackie thanked the thnee ladies for their inspiring service and then called on Miss Arnold who intraduced the guest speaker who wes Mns. Taylor. Mrs. Taylor and ber husband and family mov- ed here recently from Moose Factory, Ont., which is 118() miles north ai Cochrane, Ont. The population is around 2,500 people which is miade Up Qi about one-third whites and two-thirds Indiens. Moose Factory was first a Hudson Bay Post and later becamne a village. Mrs. Taylor told us of humorous happenings and sad happenings ai the Island. The Island itseif is 21/2 miles long and one mile wide. Her talk was veny intenesting and the ladies had a few good Jaughs. Affer she was through speaking the ladies asked more questions. Lunch was servedi and a happy social timne was en.joyed by aill The Canadian Statesman, l3owmanvMe, Nov. 18, 1966 tSocial &9ersoaal Phone 623-3303 'Corne and enjoy Afternoon1 Mr. and Mn. E. A. Jons, Tea at Trinity Fal 'Fair, 2:30-5 Canlile Ave., celebrated their pan., Friday, November l8th. 54th wedding anniversary Maydeer hunting partiý when 'they were guests of will be returning home this honor On Sunday, November weekend. Please advise us of I3t, at the home of Mr. and your successes. Dial 3-3303. Mrs. E. Harvey Jones, 2.1 Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman, Orchard View Blvd., Town. Ellwod ity Pa, sentSat- Out-of-town gests were Mr. EllaYwoo ity, Pa., spen and Mrs. A. MTuner, Toronto, Mtira it r.Hoia' Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jones, .ohr, Mrs. George W. Jmes* Denise'and Shelley, Port Hope, Mrs. C. H. Palmer, King St. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Turner, East, and Mns. W. R. Mutton, Toronto, Mrs. Fern Brunt, Ontario St., spent last week Newcastle, and Mr. Paul with their niece, Mrs. R. Burn-, Wheeler, Mon. aide, Fort Eriè.t Town Council's plea for a Mrs. J. Willey and Miss tidier King Street seems ta Anita Murphy, both of Mounthaegn hed.Ept Forest, are guests of their phavoesone ned e Empt uter , Mrs. Wm. Prower, popbotteba rokpen oties andte Wellngto Stret.our main thoroughfare, flot Mnr. and Mrs. W. H. Currie only in the business area but of Toronto were Sunday guests also through the eastern sec- with Mrs. Ina MacNaughton tion. The broken botties, de- and ber brother, Mr. Bud liberateîy smashed on the ,Pethick, Queen Street. pavement, are particularly We are sorry ta report that dangerous. Smai children, still Mrs. H. J. Babcock is a patient unsteady on their feet, could in Memnorial Hospital, Bow- receive a nasty gash if they znanville. She hopes to belfell, and some of the thick, home within a few days. sharply edged pieces could Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mar- easily penetrate the sole of a jerrison, Peterborough, were lady's shoe. If drastic. meas- Sunday visitors with Mr. Mar- ures are taken by counicil, jerrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. those responsible for this con- A. Marjernîson, Flett Street.* dition can only blame them- Sunday visitors with Mr. selves. and Mrs. James Marr were their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. David Madden TYRONE and littie Julie, Peterborough.! Recent guests with Mr. and, Tyrone Home and Schnol Mrs. S. R. James were Mrs. Association met Thursday, Keiko Osumi and Miss Keiko November loth. Rev. D. Nor- Kusakabe oi Japan, students they, Lonny Morrison, Rod- ât Covenant College, Toronto. ney Coombes, Paul Vaneyk Mr. and Mrs. Terry Masters and Wayne Coombes provided and. son Geoffrey, Parkçway folk music for the audience Crescent, spent the weekend which included visitons tram with Mr. Masters' brother and Hampton and Salem. Rev. sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Taylor, Chaplain On- Don Masters, John and David, tario Training School for Collingwood. Boys, described with use of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fairey and diagramns, the system oi ne- daughter Robin, Third St., re- habilitation of, boys seven to turned home Monday evening eighteen. Vocational and ed- tram a four-day visit with ucation courses open ta thei Mrs. Fairey's uncle and aunt, boys were interesting. Rea- Mr. and Mrs. E. Kimmenly, sons for placement in Train- Syracuse, N.Y. ing Schools were found not only interesting, but surpris- Mis. C. H. Mason returned ing and perhaps even dis- Iast Saturday from a mos9t turbing to the audience, con- enjoyable two-month visit with sidering that a category as her daughter and son-în-law, unsensational as "Fair Home Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Walden, 'Vancouver, E.C., and also with- No Control" seems to top her brother in Victoria, B.C. the list. Discussion with Rev. Taylor during his talk was Sunday dinner guests with spontaneous and lively. A Mr. and Mrs. David Tillcock haunting thought that Rev.i were Mr. and Mrs. H. Antraml Taylor left with the group and Richard, North Bay, Mr. was that "Delinquent Behav- and Mrs. J. Curran, New Lis- iour Is Learned Behaviour," keard and Mrs. Tillcock's par- food for much neflection. Rev. ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Betties, Taylor's discussion was very Cnossey, Bowmanvifle, &long with Mr. and Mns. E.. A. Vin- tue, Mr. and Mns..F. L. Byarn, Mr. and Mns.. V. Miler, Deb- bic and Glen4, IMns. Rf. Virtue and Mns. A. Rivers were Sun- day evening guesta of Mr. and Mrn. Ralph Shaw, Oshawa. Mr. and Mr.. J. Holdstock, Bowmanville, wenc Sunday dinner guesta ai Mn.. A. Riv- ers. Mn. K. Black and Mr. C. Clark returned home on Sun- day with two deer, ater hunt- ing near Caladan. Mn. and Mrs. Gordyn Brent and Christine attended chunch at Fnankfond on Sunday and werc luncheon guests of Rev. Chris and James Dugan. Mr. and Mis. T. R. Sykes, Toronto, were tea gests of his mothen, Mrs. L. D. Sykes. Mr. and Mrs. James Wood- ley and family, Mn. Stuart Hooey vsiited on Sundey with Cpl. and Mis. George Hodg- kinson, Picton. Mnr.and Mrs. J. Gibbs and boys visited Mr. and Mn.. T. Scott, Garden Hill. Mrs. Mabel Wilkinson, Osh- awa, is spending a iew days witb her sister, Mn. and Mn.. A. His. Mnr.and Mrs. Ted Bartlett, Oshawa, were Sunday suppen guests oi Rev. and Mrs. D. Nortbey. Mr. and Mrs. A. HuIs, Mrs. Mabel Wilkinson were Sun- day callers ai Mr. Arthur Smith, Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rabm and Miss Mary Niddery of Hamp- ton were Saturday evening dinner guests ni Mn. and Mns. Clem Rahm and family. Mrs. Gardon Wittaker, Hamilton, Mrs. Alex Penger and Monica. Stoney Creek, Mrs. Roy Graham, Haydon, visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rahm, Sunday. Next Sunday the Sacrament ai Baptism will be observed at Tyrone United Church. Flowers placed in the chunch Sunday morning were in loving memory of the late Mns. F. L. Byam, by ber iamily. Couples Club will be ýheld at Salem Nov. 26. A fewyoung people from hene attended the Folk Ser- vice at' St. Mank's United Cburch, Whitby. Sunday marning a Memor- ial Service was held et Ty- rafle United Church, with a very good attendance. A me- mnonial cross with pappies was placed in mnemary ai loved anes. The Tyros and Explon- ens paraded into the churcb before and aften the service along with their leaders, Mrs. James Woodley and Mrs. A. Knowlton, the Explorers tak- ing thein place in the chair.. Nancy His and Sharon Hall sang "Canada" with the chair assisting in the chorus. Mrs. John Vaneyk was organist. Rev. D. Northey based' his message on "Remember the Day." Tyro Paul Vaneyk held the new Canadian flag while Mrs. W. Rabm, leader of Club 49, made the presentation and Rev. Northey the dedication. EBENEZER Bayer' ASPIRIN MIOS Sugg. lise M"f Save 36c 63 16 *Tabla- Sus§.Ilist 5le . IDCL SP IAL 4 9 -d 1 m39 SODFEVER? ak for fast 25'sSu1g.c relief ON E-A-DAY plus MRON Multiple Yltam6u 77i IUD.A. Nylon Bristie TOOTHBRUSHES Reg. :35c each 3 for-88C I.D.A. IDAVITE Liqnid Vitamins for the, whols famlly, '16 oz. 2.49 j Johnso n's ALPNA-KERI BATH 011 Baby Powder forLUS ca Guur aguins d&pe a& uhk. auuw' l1L J6SPESIAL S5 9c 25Vlu e .'s23 9 li*i $498 for th.extra iman v.ed of women and teons. ,, JOHN1SON & JOHNSON MICRIN ~ ORL ANTISEPTIO 14o.a of a- Ladies RAINSPLASHERS CIos.-fitting plastic overaho*. LWmnt.d soie, fits ili kinds of hfgh..l sIioff, zip. pr cloing. B"loc n>. med. Large, X Large. 8 8.............C RAINCOATrS amas, ivic. om Large. ans «" in *4 =r...,.....c Kodaoolor Film CX 126 .14 sugg. lit 1.70- .14 CX 127 540,. list 15 CX 620 -leu '-KODACHROME Dwigtht tz .39 POLAROID FILM siock ond White Film for CURITY NURSER UNIT 8-or. (glass) Sugg. list 49C ecch. 2 for 77e NOXMMA Skin Cream Mfr's. Special. 14 oZ size 229 Value for .99 . 0...../q8 INSTAMATIC CAMERA OUTFIT Loads instantly. Just drap in a film cartridge and shoot. Na settiilgs ta mak o. Pop on -a flashcube and you're ready ta shoot four flash pictures with- PRESC RI PTIONS G RI.RDU G POEA230 5 KING STREET WEST A L EX M cGR 0'iG Sug lât L.73 GILLETTE FOAMY Shave Crm HEAD &SHOULDERS MéOium DISTILLED WATER In rion-returnaole plastic juQ 160-r. jug ......,......n..49 RaidoipluJumubo SWu BABY Seil79c Funftatit Valuei Power Lit - Siu D FLASHLIGHT '9 BATTERI ES Ife"o y m »b.k te B RYLC REEM Sg.lIn 894 7 SECRET... 1-«. sugg. W 9ue'-8 DI PPITY-DO Regular or I-frdta-I-ld Satu, Nove.19tiît PARAMETTE SYRUP M'VitAmiI MINEUAI.TONIS 20 ot. Su»g.q List $5.30 q.aN PARAMETTES TAULITS II' Sug». LiU 5 i i fi I. .4 '-b s' * s 4. 4, 4~ 'i 4, 'fi fi. fi' e' s, *1 b'. 'I e, fi, 'p. 1'. *4 t, 4' 4, ci fi, fi. 4e 4, 4. 4~ fi, f. 4, g. fi' t, fi, 'I j, fi' if 4f fi, 4' 'g, Win teJ4 du lý.. Crum skomp» Tifeb 89r- 77C 994ý

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