rue e adion sfatesM0124 owmanville. Nov. le, IS~ - ~~ ~ 555£ ~Ladies MjoBwin1Lg Octobe 3 ysae y h w eng 2 TP C .Patfield 307,D.Ji27-bacle21deson F l 7 rm Mhu U-7U241-247; 1. Mountr 8,s Tresuot eergs 1>7 £!Emfl5 Nohua ~~~~~Biekeil 283, S. DIs 4,Ltrd i fte oig Martyn 228, K. Sehn24 h pe aeoy i h i 231, T. Forrester22,MCoeoeTnatfeltreoit o pS226-221, B. Buttoha 24-ofteaeweteyb - w257, D. Adams 214 .Dngue30 n e A coupl f ng bo~ixwers camne up wfth outatanding22,B er24 a blg Motor eagCe cyionwirLibety Champs 2B. __ Btra.Ralph Bouwmeester, a 12 year old, recorded the_________________________________ Top 12 Aieae reEce e i olr he ll n any group by fashioning a mighty fine 344 MJDL. _______ 3wt a79 rpeohe i en Sg 0 B> . Patfleld ______1462 oc enn 3,N teniuor division, bowling a tremendous three gaine Mn s0.. h :. 12Gold63 ndLran total of M2. Mike started off with a 323 gaine, came rlght Little Iii ma11L, Martyn_____ 92yn22 bêck wth 253 and flnished up by knocklng off a 247 score. ____111_SJ._ake y«ng pin-spillers coud carry on wlth some of this excellent K. g it 1- coetioeh _ ___ b>ln hnteItrTw egegtudra nby Sharlene Caln D. Adams_______14Ehr29,43anS.rov lebitby last Sunday afternoon. In addition t Bowmanville, tnn Edo18 We Bowmanville Midgets down- D. Preston-_ ___1327 dh er entriez Include Oshawa, Wlutby and Ajax. Aeae dLtl rti igt 11Bwr a n Marne Games Ave. on Saturday nlght in a hîgh stumblng blocklat ona t t t AI Osborne - 30 246 scoring, lopsided game. night, sustaining ahg - ers ________1 èANADIAN FOOTBALL - PFFT? Ed Leslie -___ 30 228 . Bowmanville scored the upset defeat at teh1so oes ._______1 There were a lot of disgruntled football fans in Bow- Russ HaUlman - 30 227 only goal of the first period Donoghue that knokdte afed_____1 mmvMle on Sunday, when they couldn't see the Ottawa- Dr. H. B. Rundle- 30 226 at 6:30. The goal-getter for right out of first lc.Priutnhw ______1 FaitnEsenCnéec ia pnro ééiinArt Rowe _ - 21 226 . Bowmanville was Jef! Stew- ris whipped Etchr30 oTent________ 5 Ilrnltn aser Cnfrec Fna oenr*n elvii n ePrfc 30 226 .~ art, unassisted. There were take over the Lade'MjrEce ______-1 i"s week, the sudden-death semi-final was blacked Out Larr-y Piper - 30 ?25 three penalties with Bowman- iead.Jli._________1 between Hamnilton and Montreal. Brian Martyn - 27 225 ville receiving two o! them. Tennant edged Jl -,t-Clis________1 Now If you happened to live too far away to tune into Jack Bond - 30 224 The Wisone odigast100ar singloersponr ffte aerDughei Matt Harrison 30 223 Wlo o odn t1:0asnl on aéother outiet and happened to be in that 50 mile area, that Don Oke--- 3 21 and the other went to Jin Patfield handed Bkra30Bcel________n 1as your tough luck. That's what happened to Bownianville Maurice Annaert - 30 221 . - WiIlis for highsticking at pasting w h 1l eButshw ak . ____ 9 *ould-be vlewers on Sunday when C.T.V. handled the cover- John Gould___ 30 219 .1:4 h nypnlyfrdwe ois21 evn age an tis imewehadno thr ateratveunlssof ran Smis 27 19Little Britain went to Short both winners deaocdfr Courendth u ne wehad omeoteher lrive, inless o! FClrnc k eni3-07 218 for tripping. ithird, only two bhn h Clrnc ke -ph 30 218 In the second period, Bow- leaders. A 2-1 vcoyoe trea outs.tde the forbidden district. Russ Oke ___ 30 217 avlesodwheteiBcklenbd This black-out business certainly lsn't new. We've had Bud Barter ___ 30 216 Jin m raodscsorthed.rom cake h ao that it for years. However, with the great interest generated in~ Bob Lawton - 30 215 Jim Wiliswhil e f tew ar iion. Bll Westlake - 3 1 was Wisevi a hooking atp oiolie u i :S.& the. playoffs, you niight think restrictions would be lifted. iTei . 0 213 waty BoaviUe's okng ex g oa76rip Jleolloe b a lrbotball Is big business an.d it's understandable thatthLarneLaan 27 13ly.Bw nvl'sexgol64rieflv owners want to have their stadiums filled. If thc weather ELaunrenc La 3n027 211 was scored by Chuck Cattran Stephen 676, ShilyBikb w"t ec h nlmn aueol h adetsusHarold Michelson-. 30 210 with the assists going to Lar- 673, Barbara Buttnha 6 as to bae o!the élment ntedof ynly the har etolowel ..oug 0.09ry Devitt and Kim Rogers. Shirley Davis 68an1 ,~u1 raeth leetsistado sain t oe oFred Thomnson - 30 209 the power-play paid Adams 638. '*atch the gaine on television. Probably not too rnany here Russ Hately - 27 209 off for Bowmanville with Team Stanng would have gone to Hamilton anywey, but it wduld be Murray Tighe - 30 208 Hre ilassoigfo zàtlier diffilcult ta put Toronto and Hamilton viewers for Bob Williams - 30 208....... Jim Crawford and Jim Willis Perris _________1 Te anl 0 28while Jenkins wes serving a Bawers__________ 5 eamplc, on their word o! honor not to turn on their TV Tedoh n e 27 3 208 hooking penalty for Little Tennant______-1 sets, Instcad of going ta the game. George Stephen- 27 207 rti.Btosa On the other hand these well-heeled owners have been Maurice Richards-. 30 206 BwavletlidsvnPtil *.ble to hold thé networks up for more and more money Kari Piper ___ 30 206 cometei the ficlri. Teolins-_____ _1 gach year, bcuete nwtefn ol as ra Lou Wiseman - 30 206 ope tesrig ThClin beauethyknwth an wud ue retHap Palmer - 12 206 first goal went to Kim Rogers Etcher_________1 bowl If they were unable ta take lu football via TV. At play- Don Bagnell 30 205 after 43 seconds. o! play. Two Donoghue i ct rne, with everyone's Interest at its highest, you would Han-y Akey - 30 204 minutes later, Harvey Wil- Bickell_________ ÜInk the sponsors, who are supplying aIl this loot, wouldn't Ab Saman -___ 30 204 fr.HyWiliams scored BrmJm rw akr ________ yANEnASN Stoo happy at losing sa many prospective buyers. Either Don Bishop - 30 204 hishrd oalia! th edBaher the onersfigur tha themoneytheyget sn't noug ta ack Lnder - 30 203 .' ,~~< wth th ethe t ging t Sany Noember7 62-325 theowersfiuretht he ony teyge ls'tenoghtONorm iHenning -27 203 oeb lt the ban for playofis gr they are out ta collect ail the Bob Kent... 30 203 Brown, at 4:12. Little Brn- 220 Games aidOe 2 ueStBwnnil lbot they cen. If I were a sponsor, I would certainly want Lou McFeeters- 30 202 tain finally got on the score O. Etcher 243-4927,J ail the advertlsing exposure I could get, which occurs at John Carter.___ 30 202 sheet at 8:53 with Jenkins Harness 291, J. Tenn13, *Lf nuac ~ayof tune.Bob Glenville - 30 200 being the marksman and J. Alexander 228, .Bwr Saoftduni ny od5may epee0Itwudb Dave McKnight - 27 200 Hately asslsting. Bruce Simp- 236-233, D. Bond23,DIcon rongruous to say for example, the Hamilton Ti-Cats would Team Standing, goal an the pawer-play with L. Martyn 238, N. al 3- *G Joe Hircock assisting. One 225, A. Hadgson 26,SBrw UIsuac sbave drawn ail the would-be viewers in persan fraon this Tcarn W L PtL. minute leter, Gregg Corden 247C.Hoy21J.Bag *BsesInune aMa when they couldn't sec it on television. On the other Mutton & Qouid.. 20 10 20 ,cocdCJo Hrcck eyst2.122 baud where would you restrict thc blacked out area? - Ten I. G. A. 19 Il 19 Two Bowmanville girls won honors on Saturday, Nov. 5th at the Oshawa Jirn Crawford scored, while Top 12 Aveas*EtaePnng =Ules, twenty or just to Uic clty in whlch the gaine la played? Ken's Men's Wear 17 13 17 competition. "Motor City Sweetheart" was won by Miss Cindy Kowal, left, Je!! Stewart O! his own teain D. Jol________ 3 It a vrtull Imossbl tabuya tcke taan .FL Pesi Cola16 14 17 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowal, Jr.,6 St. George Street. "Motor City Teain wes scrving a penalty, unes- S. Bickell ______24 SnLfAs rnc Itewheaistailpoeibs le oby t i cpcittcowdaevery Fransi Voa i__ -15 14 15 Twirler" was won by Patsy Blake, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Blake, 34 sisted at 15:35. Harvey Wil- B. Buttonshew____20 WhyteeBrs.h. î 15l15sOtaria Sreet Bphlgirls ad topmdelttwcl and srutrtaFuccesss iaarsecmplete1t5e15clinamsO.Etcher ____the___ 197 ompany f Canad turne out, and yet we can remember thet Green BBaywwasW_____________15_15____ntarioStreet._____girls_____________________and_______________s getting his fourth goal o! the 0. Pat!ield______19 Iilacked out -for Uic N.F.L. championship game recently. Sa Jury &. Lovel - 15 15 15 Thee e re fem w fopenaLteJ. Bakr ________18 $ar, at least we still get ta sec the Grey Cup. In fact thet's DystrOsod - .13 17 12 handed out in this period. J. Hamness _____ 8 ibout the only way - by tlvision. Nels Osboan eatus,1218 12 1D Ure isio nRuie w Tis ued_________ D Aam Thi. ad o e oe f he eat eciin sesos fr eavr umer . 0 2 1 1manville Midgets pley Osh- J. Tennant______18 idsb çi .anduf ootball.axtd iauis the praduet improves, Men's Major Bowling News Pee Wee Hockey 1 Forsey with two goals and Randy Henry one goal. The ewa et 7:00 at the aena. Set- D. Preston -___ 8 w. just rlght have nobody watchlug on TV or Ii the parks, Harald Michelson won ail In the Pee Wec action the Kim Rogers anc and Gerry other assists went to John urday they travel ta the Civic M. Cale ______..12IAdrs _______ anyway. At thc risk o! sounding unpatriotic, wc woulà top honors on Wednesdey Bun doubled thc score on Banker one, whiic Steven Knamp one, Bud Depew one, Auditorium in Oshawa in e Perris rnaintainethian I one wach .F.. ootall an wcdo't issgaiesnight whcn he bowled 829 for Ui tInAl Stars by a 4 to Marrison picked up twa as- and Mike Oke one, and John return battle et 4:15. point advantagc to ti a becuse of the. black-out cither. Let the Americaus worry sigcorpe and346. hihsgl 2 count. The Bruins marks- sîsts. The Gcnerals loac mer- MacDonald two. The Canucks There will be no Midgct dies Major Leaguels o-*Ocpto scoe ! 36.Harold's other men were Don Smith, Bruce ker was scored by Rick Wooi- goals werc scorcd by Bruce gaine this Seturday night, but day night, downgBikl *buttht.Nw f e oudge Cnaia oobal a o hn Gouldha2d8-275 (301-Osborne, Boyd Knox and Max ner essistcd by Don Hutton. Simpson anc and two essists, there wili be a Juvenile geme. 2.1, whilc runner-pBwr xc aec it tbxe thrillng spiectacle It was - then wc would b. enthused 28hn9), dHem Akey785 (27- Johnson~, anc goal and anc as- Iu the second gaine thc Dave Shackclton anc and one, M ixedtca 2-1 efotbadprvou- ~ga.NwIf thcy would télévisé ail tl-ee pcrlods o! a 283), ar eAne 75 (76 sist. The Stars goals by Canucks lost a close anc ta Jin Noble anc goal and Roy th btte or-h 1~,c y ain - ut ten t In'tblaked ut t al 1 enugh 273, FankSanls 70 (82-PeecccWilcox, anc goal and the Orphans by a 5 ta 4 count. Clarke anc goal. Other asslsts VO r ey ame- ut henItlWtblcke ou a al soenugb(23), Frdnk sli 73 (282- Aian asslst, Ricky Thicle anc The Orphans goals werc scor- wcnt ta Ron Sheckelton anc 33s) Ed c sl725 2( 27),MAItHn gaan.eni r oecd by Warren Aider two, John and Mike Cawker anc. Thcre wcre several hne risone76 (26), DattOkear1 assist. Hamilton two and onc asslst, In the ncxt encounter the this week ln the teain stand- riso 71 (26),Don ke 13 he ces efetedtheRedMroans dcfeatcd the short- ing with Pet!ieid taking thnee (31) nie Perfect 704 (267),o Wings by a 3 to 1 score. The handcd B.T.S. crcw by a lop- points froin Buday ta take MAixed I.eague Bow ling (31), on erfe d 7 3 (267), ThAe gacudecdtered byARE YOU sided 14 tao 0score. The point aven finst place. Hec. Ballan. L L~~I A.r1u ae Dng e____ 8 atn Ba703 h(2a567). geobby Luxton with twa andA getters for the Manoons were tine hed a nice 308 single and fIl _______ elDnohe 82 Dn anelha 27sige tphnonwhl Tom Carter anc goal, threc Ernie Perfect 307; Ernie as Ave. Shirley Davis_____ 182 gaine, George Piper 271 and Butch Stphn I II'I3 assists, Charlie Cattren two had a nice triple o! 844.- e237 Murrey Grant _____181 28 adTrcin M262, Led9B a ssil Ptr oan Pi ares-oe.goals and four assists, Sendy Averages Over 200 1~Glanville __-___223 Mary Nowlen _____180 T285 Ga BraM atn Thessists goPhls Hamcs:c:red W INT tR Brown three goals and two Garnes Ave. 5onBrock -____ 219 Team W L Pta. by Maurice Annaeet won high by Paul Sheehan assisted bY assists, Ken Tamblyn two H. Balentine - 27 241 tHarrison _____ 218 Brunt_____ 20 10 47 single with 1262 and high Kerry Mimner. VA ATO goals and anc assist, Harold D. Joli.........24 2396 5 «ord Wilcox _____ 217 Nowlen ____ 19 1l 43 triple 3564. In the third gaine the * Leach anc goal, Paul Morris P. Dolibins - 27 227 ____________________ 'ffa Erock 217 Prout_____ 16 14 39 Butch Mimne hed a dandy Hawks and the Beans fought anc goal and thrcc assists, B. Buday 24 227(o 3 ashw iwar Bromeil___ 213 Wilcox____ 16 14 39 110, Don Bishop 113 and Keni toaa nc-ail tic. The Hawks ESCAPE TO TH.ayBl w ol n acE efc ___2 2 Idorley Etcher -____ 212 Perfect_____ 16 14 38 Bickell 114. Jack Parker had goal wes scorcd by Rau Knox,1 assist, Mike Closs two goals, M. Annaet ___ 27 220 akPerfect____ 210 Harrison____ 15 15 37 431 for 3 gaines. while the Beers tally was SUNNY SOUTH 1 and Terry Trevail anc assist. M. Murphy 27 220 STARTS ON *vneprau _______20 r cla____ 161436d2 uto &-Gou àe-du-e cori-ed by Grrant Snowdten as- Goaltender Bob Jackman was A. Saman _.-__ 27 220 Plions 623808 ages et 237. Hilda Brock leads Ladies 511 Bondple51.te sssewn took top boxions, bowling the IS ONLY 2 ~5L MeReelis 587, Dot Bond 55,,assIsts. The ohrassswn Walter Wercsczynski, Bill high triple for Uic night, with AWAY and Qee r hie girls at, R217.MF. Allennd548.lJean Burton getting hlgh t 0 lkt Men's Hlgh Single - Hon MisRluMtnsn n BhA "E igi.Ote1nc0gie Brock 294, Gea. Marshal 280, Cob Ui thidngane.te Pl- Ci "" " " " ' PEU~oam ac Bod 76.Con ttibe B _ ' the F, ** bawied by Mel McNulty, Aud- lkit te fil th PUEIDUMAI JaBdie'27g6Snge. Cne rs and Lions pkayed toa e - MA'r" ILLE rey Bate, Angela Sainail, Ber- auditoriu. bElU~UI adets'248, DSingle aro four-al l ie. The Lions goals nice BQthwel ad Denise An- EM RI L Roe248, Deanellen 223. wcre scored by Steve Rey- f lJnaent. 233,Fay Ae23 nols wlth two, Barry Mc- HG -H O Partiier'8 tearn increased g1 o urry adcl ayRtra Over20 ae Mahon anc gocal and anc as- their lead defeatlng Annaert's - D.Nln23 .Robertasiaad Aln Mcu ac3.0, whlle Blake's tearn de- o or ikt ARENA 28,F. Allen 223, J. Macnab goal, Pk Shackelton piOME LE E I a Averaset Ag Travel wltus. .brgafindn BO WMANVILLE 2,22 B le 2,Xu w sit.TeFyr aeGre v.NV Tolephone 623-5728 230, 1P. Stiibbert 248, 210, G. Slemoa, James Baker, Robent DPartuer - 30 191NV7E72T T :0PM Marshall 280, D. McReells Wilson and Larry Alln; El- B~ppU p . Annent -130177 o wl 233, J. Bond 276, 201, 221, G. roy Trimble pickcd Up ance ME~ m . Blayent.- 19 1742You Wl!! ave tpetraumn u o E.ou 223, J. McKnight 227, assist. BIL~I L . Bothkell 27 1562 inll asocome aturI Rtr lbwr P B IE.Luke 209, 243, R. BTOCk In thc !ourth canteat Uct.hoewdl 2 16 i hi cnuunty LUC294, KKing 208, 227, B. Cuba edged the Braves by A .- Bruce - 27 15TusayN Bum 20, 26, . Vsna203 4 o 3cout.The Cubs goalsN.Seh 2 15Tissc 212, B. Giffin Jr. 220, R. were scored by Waync Shee- to be held in the N. Sheean -2741152 Thus uou 96-7 eie ecNdtIl H. Simnick - 27 Ili FRIDAY# NOVEMBIER lSth GriffinSr 220, B. Poter 223, den ane goal ad one aait, . MBurtn 3024 93 8TO 10 FN. S. MiUCey 21. Dmnnig Kowal anc oal, and J. Burten _ 2430 1296 <JAN. 26 "E MU A -ILE0 ET Top le Aviciges Lurle Gay ne ajlC he G i . DBate - 24 1264 <IAN. 16 - "U S AN .Bok220 Bravos g»oasarerswerc Bill .' L ov . Br- 23 72 FE.6-"GLITS0 . Bond___217 M UGarry Murphy and Da- rruudayw.Nova If L. Bruton - 37 09 17 19. 23 -"NWZAND SIJNDAy# NOVEMBER 2th M.__ 1 Johnson, whlle Uh ic ts D. Richards- 27 108 1"Y 4 -"ODNT ADSE __________________a___________1_______ n Epb Spic e nnin. :00nemG. MurdOCk ___18 106 aEO4 I J . x u__ ___ 104 an Wbm i ce ne.Prom ptly t 8 0 .A. Piper - 27 105 s s a R t ra o i k t SK TIG- ONNG. s ip=Ilh*i 1"d. cb M. wiliams - 15 15 B. IiftSr122 75la UBLaCraOMJIduJLMIeVItheR. Bathgate 29 103 6 ADMISSION$50-USASYUCOE MO. OV à B.10 1 k)t.Ryb eae téGn cRiLL-M DL. Grahamn 21 65, ÎTLLaui:- î 5