12 The canadian ustemian, Bowmanvnfl, Nov. 30, 1'Du Secondary School Honor Graduates Receive Diplomas at B.H.S Commencement IrnELIZABETIlVILLE Church services were held A. Smith and Mn. V. Walters bmore Sunday. on Sunday. Mrn. Walters sun- M.Howard Quantrili, Miss fered an attack of pain on Bab=Walker -and Mr. Alan Sunday which required the Trwwere presented with oeil of the doctar, but hs bet- auetrays at the Federation ter tbis mornlng. Mn. Savary Baquet at Cavan tis past is staying wîth her. week - Mr. Quantrili for past Mr .and Mns. O. Mercer mnd presdent, and Miss Walker Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill PndMr. A. Trew for winnlng spent Sunday wth Mr. and the Potato Club competition. IM. Jack Beatty, Toronto. Several attended the play Mns. E. Baty was ai Mercer's at Canton flday night. for the weekend and went SMr. and Mn. Ernest Lee, home to Toronto with them. 'Idiss Viola Lee, and Scott, Mr. and Mrs. J. DeKoker, 'gradson of Mr. and Mns. Lee, Whitby, and Mr. and Mns. R. : ]Petrbrough, spent Saturday Westheuser, oi Bowmanvile, ,wlth Mr. and Mis. V. Peacack. werc ai home Sunday. SMr. and Mns. R. Savory and Mrn. Morris and Mns. Thick- 4,,Mn. Bothwell were with Mns. son attended tic second Hat Course meeting on Thursday *evening ai Campbeilcroft C et Cash Today Miss Nancy Fowler has a gree frctur ofthewrisi which she gai while playing :For OId Appliances at sol and went ta Peter- Iý oroghforx-ryson Thurs- through day evening. Z S TA TE S MAN Sympathies are extended ta C LA 9SI1F 1E D Mrs. Gea. Palnier and family in the death of abroîher, the - Phone 623-3303 late Geo. Wilson, who was buried Saturday at Orono. ~How we at Canada's First Bank put your savings dollars ta work in 1966 James Bell, Manager Bank of Mont real Bowmanville B ranch This 18 a personal report to the customers of my branch describing the way the Bank of Montreal employed the money yau entrusted to us in 1966. At the Bank's year-end on October Bust, 1966, the personal savingu of people like yourself amounted to almost haîf of the total deposits of $U95,368,152. This figure is another record high for Canada's First Bank in its 149 years of oper- ation. Of that total, $3,279,997,060 was on loan to people in ail walks of life. What's more, $906,160,879 was invested in high- grade Gavernment bonds and public securities which have a ready market, and $139.545,596 in othër securities - mainly short-term credits to Industry. Yes, they were busy dollars those Savings dollars of yours ... They were put right ta work ta help people improve their standard of living - by fi- nancing the purchase of cars, household goods of eli kinds and home impirovements - aud to assist businesses large and sinail ta expand, thus em- ploying more people. 4 4 4 4 t t, ý&U&LL4 &£Oo.i BANK 0F MONTRLEÂL e4ilad44 9ýca sa" TOTAL ASSETS $5,422,750,494 I - .~. ~. - _____________ On Friday evening at Bowmanville High School, nmany awards were received by outstanding students in varlous categories. Last year's graduates, many of them now attending schools of higher learning throughout the country, were present for the event and are shown here. In the upper photo, from lef t ta right, Gerald Brian tiarneas, .iEdwarci Douglas -J Bridges, Peter James Vai Roland Bate, Melvin Pai I B.H.S.!1 "Tonight, tic graduating class of 1966 bas reiurned tc BHS for what may well be the lasi turne. We are officially cnding one part of aur 111e, even while begrnning another. But before we say aur final farewell ta BHS, wc will mmr aur thoughts, just for a mom- ent, ta the pasi. "We all have many happy memories ai BHS and of the years we spent here. Many af aur memories are of friend- ships iorrned and ai the happy tumes we speni togeiber. Wc also remember the turne speni in classes, and in studying. But mosi ofai a, I think, when we rernember BHS, we rernember the teachers ta wbom we awe s0 very much. Witbout ihem, we would not be here tonight. They accepted the responsibili- ty ai educaiing us, ai guiding us ta greater undersianding and greaier maiurity. On be- balf ai aur css, I would like ta extend ta the teachers aur deepesi appreciation'ion all the turne and energy they sa wil- lingly gave to us. We wiil neyer forget them - tbey are part ai aur mernories ai BHS. "I would alsa like ta aay "Thank you" ta the other people who played such a major part i bringing us hene tonigbt - aur parents. They neyer iailed ta give us the: help we wanted in the past -, they are naw helping many ai us ta furiher aur educatian far fnom, home. Ta thein, I would like ta express aur sincenesi thanks. Thcy have been, and stili are, indispensable ta us - we realize that now. "BHS played a major part in aur lives, but we musi realize that ihose days are now part ai the pasi. Our higb scbaol days are aven, and we muai naw turn ta the future. Sanie ai us have chasen ta funther aur education ai university or teachers' callege. Saine are in training ini hospitals. 5h11l others have chosen ta becarne part ai the working world. naw. Our paiha have diverged in niany directions. We are be- ginning ta look furiher iat the future, wandering whai AFamily Treat! BOWMANVILLE ROTARY CLUB ANNUAL PLAY iii "%Mna ai Mt THUR4 Di eets the E y e' ANV ILLE TOWN HALL4 "s.O m FR1.-m SAT. O ICMDIR 1-2- 3 TAVAILABLI AT DOOR4 Sg, FmS CNI'LED cRiDuEN. Brown, .Bradley Bond Lucas, David Byron nstone, Jacob Hogeterp, Edward Albert il Wilson, Larry Joseph Lee, Thomas 1aledictory by Susan Etche 9may be in Mtore for us, wl alies ahead. And as we log Bwe musi also wander whai eahead for the world we l irn. "Our world is now goi 1ibraugh the atomie age,a iwe are advancing in scieni and medical knowledge mn rapidly than ever before. Ji go screaming throught skies ai speeda flot ev dreamed ai 50 years ago, wl rackets inove even faster u wards towards the stars, & men orbit the eanth in a lii aver an hciur. In thistype warld, scientific knowledge no longer merely an asset, is a necessity. Ih bas becor imperative that mare and ni peaple have a good educai ta support thein. "Uniortunaiehy, e d u c a i people are sijil ini tbe minori tbroughout the worhd. We mu reahize that, althaugb we tc( the lasi five years for grante they are actualhy a privilel given ta us which relative iew people are allawed. I shauhd be graleful for havir been given this chance, make someibing ai ourselv4 and we muai use wbatm learned during aur educatia When a privilege such education ia granted ta us, carnies wiih it a great re< pansibihiiy. Other pea;« wouhd give a lot for the priv lege we have - wc muai nr Ici il be wasied. "Because we have bee granted this privilege afij cation, we have a respons: £,e t ters JG Dean Sir. I have been a long time resident af the Township ai Clarke and have lived under many Municipal gov- crnmenis. During the past year I have, however, be- conta quite disturbed over Municipal affairs in this Municipaity. There appears ta, be a definite lack oi conscientious governinent resulting ini haphazard administration in certain areas in this Town- ship. In the eniorcing ai the Building By-Law it has be- corne evident thai the build- ing inspector, due ta lack af backing by council, can pass a building under construc- tion within the Village of Orana and not even bother ta question whether or not a permit has been abtained. The expenditure on Town- hip raads was at the firsi of the year budgeted at $110,000.00. In Uic lirsi ten nonths ai ibis year a total of $150,377.0 bas been pent on aur roads. Since le firai ai the year addi- ional supplementany by- .aws have been passcd by council now authanizing an expenditure ai $168,100.00. Of ibis amaunt $2 1,100.00 has yeita receive thc ap- proval ai the. Oniaria Muni- ipal Board, a provision ihat must b. had as the Town- ship hou ta carry aven Its >oof ai is expendlture, 7= 0,ino 1967. Thene alzo ppear ta be ailier carryaveru Ina 1967 which -indude an verexpendiure of $7,000 tom 1985 and a further mared ainouni from the Municipal worka prograni arri.d outin aI mad it 15 urnteetboemo 1 rownhpend ask lb. ques- gofl "Are we 'tuia a fat t a i 0 i ci Ir i Arthur Callan, James Frederick Blunt. Only two of last year's grads were absent, and their pictures appear at right, top, William John Cobban and, bottom, Robert Stephen James. The girls include, from left to right, Linda Diane McMullen, Corinne Ann Elliott, Evelyn Louise Hellyar, Jennifer Lee Purdy, Christena Lois Tighe, Sally Jane Wiiherly, Susan Jane Etcher, Anne Marie Werry, Judith Jili A.mes, Virginia Lee Slemon, Ludmilla Konyk, Susan Carol Prazienka and Verna Vander Meer. Your znaney went into new industries that created new jobs ... helpedfarmers improve both their farms and their way of living ... constructed new schools and helped students get a better education .. .aided fishermen to increase their catches and their incarnes .. . buit new roads and highways ... supparted cammunity prajects, large and small, of many kinds.1 Your savings dollars worked hard in 1966- hardest of ail for you. And because they are utead- ily accumulating at intereut they are building a sound inveutment for you and your family towardu a botter future. Speaking for Canada's First Bank, may 1 say 'Thank you" for your confidence in the B of M and for the support yau're giving us as we work together to build a more prosperous Canada. CD CD UD Unfled hurch o Cenat& This topic was mot-trest lng and waa lntersperéed wIt !temns of Inierest seen on ho recent visit to Europe. - Birthdays and anniversait were recognized by the gi# j ilowers and appropriate sini Ing. A slng sang led by lin Mary Cole and with Mns. Hal laweil at Uic piano a 0o sngs of Ward War I b back many memaries. *Mrs. Cole then conduct conteat on guessing the naine of stores lni Toronto froin k% Words which provcd interest ing and humorous, aite which an hour was spent à playing varlous gaines. A fice lunch waspravîde by Unit 3 af the U.C.W., *hl were thanked by E. W. Brai ley, aiter which Mr. Wari pronounced the benediction. The next meeting wil b the Christmnas dinner ari party at 5:30 p.m. on the etU of December and the mcmi bers wishing ta attend an asked ta advise Mrs. Arthil Callisan prior ta Dec. 2nd 1 1 ---i also on Friday, Navemben 25, dal, Mrs. Charence Bradley, in Canton Community Hall. Mrs. Leonard Bradley and Home made candy was sold Mrs. Arthur Spicer, Bowrnan- between intervals, supplied ville, were Satunday evening is vey nceplay and well were Sunday dinner guesis ai :D r ~ worth seeing. We understand Ms George MeLellan, Peter. bai bîlity ta use h ta make this laten, elsewhcre. McLellan ini the Civie Hospi- ok,' world a better place ta ive tal.________ lies in - for us, and for those who tl live are coming afier us. We can 9V T'Mr. and Mrs. George -Ahi- choose te ignare ibis respan- TERM E dread were Saturday guesis of ing sibiliiy - thatish up ta us - but Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, and we cannai deny it. Wberevcr Saturday evening, Nov. 26, Bowmanvilie. ;ific we may be in the world, in Rev. David Narthey conducteci Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Aldrcad are whatever field we may be the Induction Service ai the and Maxine, Mr. and Mrs. rets working, we cari do somethlng Couples Club. The officers for George Alldread, were Sunday the for someone. We can belp 1966-67 are Pasi President supper guesis ai Mr. and Mrs. ven those wbo are incapable ai Dennis and Janet Fergusn J. Wchsh, Bowmanville. hile belping theinselvea. We can President, Bob and Doris Crag; r. and Mrs. Dennis Barr up- make apportunities for educa- Vice-Pres., James and Jane and children, Lindsay, Mn. and tion ior those wha would Woodley; Secretary, Gerald and Mrs. Clem Rahm and ttl oterisenevr et t.This is and Bessie Sbackleton; Treas- children, Ajax, were Saturday at aur real job for the future - Wrer, Neil and Ann Newton*;a eroon callers ai Mn. and is and it begins now 'in aur pre- Social Conimitice, Tom and rz.Walter ,Rabin. dnday i paration for the work we have Ann Pleasance, Alfred and evenrng dinner guesis oai the ome chosen. We muai make the Jean Ganrard, James and W' ahmsPedhr ier and Mrs. ore moat ai the nexi few years so Margaret Coombes. . an drs eeu R and BuMke ion ihat when we are finally ready Cpn. and MreciGeorge Hodg-kto ta take aur places in the world, kinson, Pictan, Mrs. R. D- At tbe card pariy Friday e d aur work will be the besi that Hodgkinson, Aurora, were hast evening, ladies Mrs. A. Ricb- ity we can do, and thus will be Tuesday supper guesis ai Mn. arda hgb); Miss Janice Tay- ist the mosi effective in giving and Mrs. James Waodley. lor(lw); Gents, Higb was ok behp where it la necded. This Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Pc diar, Sin ( na n wLac ;ed, is aur prime respansibility Stayner, Mn. and Mrs. George Phare. Mrs. James Reyenga ge naw, not ta tbink onhy ai aur- Rabin, Greenband, were hast won the door prize. ehy selves, but ai- others tao, and wcek callers ai Mn. and Mrs. WVc ai how we can heip ibeni. This W. Rahin. ing is aur undeniable nesponsibility. Mn. and Mns. W. Roy and ta As I have said, i is up ta us Debbie were recent visitons aiof ves whether or not we accepi ibis Mn. and Mrs. P. de Jong and E L N L J w epniiiy eebr- we iamihy, Newcastle. I I E I L t on. are the only anes wbo can fil Allan' ounrna aiQuen' as ibese panticulan jobs. University, Kingston, and il "And so, now, wc go aur James Youngrnan, ai Kempi- es- separate ways, having met ta- ville Agnicutural Scbool, spent u oeanr»wi ple gether for the hast lime. In the weekend with their parents V I vi panting, I would ike ta sayMn. and Mrs. A. Youngrnan. O N TA R IO Lot thank you again for' ail the Congratulations ta James helpý and encouragement we Youngman on receiving the ýen received ahong the way. And, McLean's and British AmericanM lu- good luck grada - they wcre Oul Company's Bursanies. Lr . E si- five wonderful years!" _ Fniday cvening Mn. and Mrs. L A U W. Roy and Debbie vhsited Mn. Cfi 1.and Mrs. O. Hogg, Bowrnan- tor villeand Stra vnn Clize Co i viitd ber parents, Mn. and An Ideal Christmas Gifi Mns. C. Harper, Seagrave. Why are men ai the calibre Mrs. George Elliait, Bow- Motorist In The FamiIy. ai Roy Foater and H. E. manville, spent hast Wcdnes- e Walkey, as well as the new day aiternoon witb Mrs. Pauh PC candidates, seeking office in Vaneyk. the Township ibis year? The Explorera cnjoyed their M se There is a need for men ai meeting and social turne lasi ase Membershiý good business administration Monday evening ai the home ta bead aur council and ta ai Mn. and Mrs. Pauh Vaneyk. The Basic Membership r be in aur cauncil ta assure Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Bowes ntmbershl S us ai proper administration. and Ian aitended a farnily ofirst cambrshIn Yous ruygathe ing on Sunday ai the o ur fs ar In EvnQannl, home ai Mn. and Mrs. Arnold ENTRANCE FEE lw S Evn Qantrll, Williams, Nestîcton. Orono, Ontario. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Park $3.00 Extra firît year only) visited Mn. George MeLellan MODDT~Uin Civic Hospital, Peterbor- M IJLJJ.Lo uppg uestn of Mn.and wr ough, on undayofMr.and were T United Church service was Charles Murney, Peterborough. TH ON A I bcld ai 11:15 a.m. an Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Phare in Zion United Cburch, the werc recent dinner guesia ai M OTOR LEAGIJ 9Rev. Ian Munra in charge. M. and Mrs. Donald Ailman, There was a good attendance; Oshawa. On Sunday tbey wene church menibers fain Mar- dinnen guesis ai her sisten, 0 rish United Churcb were well Miss Mabel Jewell, Bowman- Ofers a gift wrappe represented. mglraamn ville.. Membership good for mDuring the euaashr Quite a number of ladies memorual service and dedica- froni Tyrone attendcd the 12 months which include tion ai a beautiful Commun- Haydon Bazaar hast week. ion Table and Baptismal Font, Tyrane communiîy was wehî ail thes. bandits... gifla ai the late Mns. Lucy rcpresented ai the Santa Claus McCullough, wene presenied Parade on Saturday. by a member aifZian, Mrs. C. Mn. and Mns. W. Murphy 24 hr, Emergency Road Ser Meneilley, ta thc Rev. laut and famiiy, Newcastle, Mns. Domestuc and World Wide 1 Munro who accepted and Chas. Wood, Orano, wene sup- dedicated them ta the Glory per guesis Sunday evenîng aif Persanal Accident Insurance: ai God and ior use li Zian Mns. Editb Murphy. $,0.0 United Chuncb benceforih. Mn. Annie Rivens spent the 6,0.0 The haie NMmi. Lucy MeCul- weekend with ber brother Mn. Legas Advice and Defence hougb was a liielong member and Ms .Hlsok o- 500US alBn ai this cliurcb. Manvil. J adtcBawe 500 s.BalB Sunday ichool was beld at i Const MaiioW. an bos 10 a.m., Uic Superiendent, Bwse a. i. W.on axin ai Cal For Further IW Mn. D. Haines condueting. birlIiday. Twenty-ihnee were present, Sympathy la exiended ta CAESAREA One binthday was hanaured, Ms. o Virtue on the pais- Paticla Harneis was Uic bap- Ingaof ber brother Mr. Walter Milton Fishei py ive-year-old young lady, Dceviti ai Peck, Michigan. Mn. caughter ai Mr..and Mrs. Cal. Virtue hs staylng witb ber Blackatok 986.- vin Harneau. Master Jobnnie àiie and bratker-in-Iaw, Mn. Eyman took up the collection. - d Mns. Ira Erbe, Carsanville, A Christmas canal was prac. Michigan. i t4sd before mue lesson perlod. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Gable Ontario InuLor Sunday Wochoolai 10 a.m. an were Saiurday evening visitons Sund8Y, Deember 4th. of Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Craga, PeterbooughC A -umber of friands froin Oshawa. XornlsbWOM rereeni at the M1r. and Mis. Robent Leslie GEORGE NICHOLI amaiieiwPUaY 46usie Shoots mnd iamily, Oshawa, were theWaks"pruene4undr unday supper guestta ofMn., 328 WATEE STREET 1 the aUMpCUOf a Canton U.C.W.land Mrs. S. Gable Mn àgùrdwy, NoveMu19th,1 lira. MW îIy Lwey, IL=- B n ý. ,