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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1966, p. 13

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-. det ~ Poirats o th ~ odes te Bele f -he aitwau'E. Black, Mru. G. Forsey, Mrs. Idlepof tHopsonI and Mrs. E. Hug- fetar crinoline gown. gins assted in serving.Th Laura Second, Mrg. K. Nich- kitchen workers were Mrs. C. ais, wore an ecrugown, green Beilmen, Mrs. F. Carter, Mrs. shawl and bonnet, and carric<i L. Vesna, Mns. M. Vesna and a ik ng stool. Mrs. Ra Mrs. H. Warner. Lathangue was beautiful a Convenors of the sale ofý Sarah Adbridge, a Quakeresa, homne-baking were Mrs. C. in primly Plain gray gown, Mutton, Mrs. E. Colliss and black shawl and wide crowned1 Mrs. W. Whitehead. Mrs. R. poke bonnet. Wcbber was in charge of the Miss Mary Ruth Osborne ascandy booth.. Those in charge the Equestriane, was glori- of the aproms werc Mns. H. ously attractive in an emeraldISumnerstord -and Mrs. N. green velvet-ladies side saddle Tkatch. habit with trailing skirt, cor-' rectly tied white stock. She1 woean emerald green high'J;ŽJE O hat and carried a riding crop.TO The Beauxmen, Dr. Kcithý Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Wood Siemon, .Keith Jackson, Kenweevstr aTrno n Hockin -and Doug Rackham Mona. again made a great hit, and ndy captured the collective hcarts Mr., and Mrs. Adclbert Bea- * o!theaudince The inro-cock attcnded the funcral of duced themselves individuallyAic Eda cen, nft *and in chorus singing "Ain't daughtcr of Mrs. Beacock's We Sweet." They sang "The n iece, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Auctioneer" featuring Doug Schenk, of Markham. Rackham, and then received Friends are pleascd that' Ian ovation after the singing Mr. W. G. Bowles was able o! their own new composition ta return home from Oshawa "The LSD Song." Hospital on Wednesday. lm- '~~Miss Janice Moses was pret- proved health is wished for ty as a picture as a Victorian hlm. Debutante in hoop skirted Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heas-1 white ruffies caught with mod- lip and family, Lindsay, were * est forget-me-nots. Mrs. Don Sunday dinner guests with Allun, the Chaperone, was hi& parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sgraceful in mauve brocade George Heaslip. trimmed with jet. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Ferrier, ......Mlss Jo-An asdnwsPerth, were Sunday ta Wed- t winsome as Little Sister in nesday visitors with Mrs. Nel- pink with lace pantelets. Mrs. son Marlow. Other Sunday L. W. Dippeli as, Lady McDon- guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gil- ald looked distinguished wear- bert Manlow, Brooklin, and img' blue sprigged muslin andi Mr. and Mrs. Don Roughley,. Sfrilly yellow lace. Mrs. R. L. Whitby. On Manday Mrs.. Stevens, the Lady in Pink, was Marlow and Mr. and Mrs. ~.-.gorgeaus in flowing negligee Ferrier were visitons with Mr. and matching nightgown. and Mrs. Frank Symons and The Eider Daughten, Miss famihy, Bawmanville. SBeth Anne Clifton, was a sweet The Reverend Fred Swann miss in her pretty hoap skirt- was a Sunday dinner guest ~ i$~$* d frock. Miss Margie Bell, with Miss Ruth Proutt. ~~the Youngest Daughter, looked Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bniggs '~ a darling in blue with full are evn nWdedyt skirted dress and îacy panel- sendleig n Wed nsday ets. Mrs. Rex Walters wassen th wierntei quaintly fetching in a wide Toronto home. skîrted tartan taffeta as The Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johns Chatelaine. and faniily, Markham, wene Sunday visitors with his par- Mrs. Dan Girarcli was the ents, Mn. and Mns. George Three ladies wearing the feminine f ashions af bygane years, from the Baw- beautiful Skater in long red Jhs inanville Lionettes' "Portraits af the Past", presented in Bawmanville Tawn velvet skirt and jacket with Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Wil- iHall last Wednesday evening. With themn at the far right of the picture is Mrs. a white fur muff, collar and liams* and family were Sat- * white fur bonnet. Mrs. Wil- raevngdie ust Nelson Osborne, the Commentator, who is wearing a graceful modern evening liam .. Bragg was regal in uih rdayeanigdinner Doguests gon. Reading from left to right are Miss Beth Anne Clifton as the Eider cappertone and eggshehl satin lis, Bawmanville. Mn. and * aghter, a sweet Victorian Miss, Mrs. Robert Stevens as the Lady in Pink, as Lady Tupper. Mns. Williams entertained .Mrs. R«x Walters « the Chatelaine. Mns. Alan H. Osborne as the famihy to dinner, Sunday. Annie Koerberg, Cobourg, was Those present were Mr. and lavely in a gown of ivory with Mrs. George Bowens, Mr. an.d fringed hem and lace ruffles Mrs. Wiford Vine and family and an Empress Eugenie hat. and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bow- Mrs. Clarence Hockîn was a ers and Ian, Tyrone. charming Mrs. Adeliade Hood- MVr. and Mrs. Richard Davi- less in a trim frock with a son were Sunday evening din- bustie. Mrs. Gary Pickand was ner gucsts with bis sisten and Pauline Johnson, poetess, in a bnother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Vîctonian adaption of an In- W J. Dickinson, Port Hope. dian costume in ecru with David Elliot had an unfon- yellow beaded stole. tunate accident on the play- Mrs. Murray Tighc was dis- ground at school hast week.1 tinctivc as Dr. Emily Stowe inl He was taken ta Port Perryl a plum colored suit with black Hospital and it was faund anct velvet cufs and a black fedona finger was fractured and twa type hat. Mns. G. Plinsky was fingers wene crushed. Thene 0, gorgeous as The Flora Dora is a splint on the one finger Girl in hourglass gown and and David is also being very picture hat and carrying a careful of the other two fluffy parasol. Mrs. L. Lucas bruised ones. was a truc Beauty on the* Court Mr. and Mrs. Cliffard Olver inlong Gibson Girl blue skirt. and Mn. Robt. Halîdran, Tor- yellow blouse, and boaten hat onto, were Sunday callers at and she held a tennis racket. the home of Mr. and Mrs. * Mrs. K. McKenzie, the Mator- Bruce Heaslip. On Sunday . i st, ware a long white duster evening, Mr. and Mns. Alvin * *'and wide bnîmmed hat held Bruce, Seagrave, entertained by pink veil. Mrs. Alan Lobb the Heaslips to dinner for the was a cute Bathing Beauty in occasion of Mn. Heaslip's navy blue and blue ankhe bîrthday length panteloons, knce length The November meeting o! skirt and sailon collar top. the Ladies' Aid met at the Mrs. Ken Kelly as thc Lady home o! Mrs. J. Visser. Plans in Red was reminiscent of the werc made for the childnen's Edwardian beauty Lily Lang- Christmas Party ln the Pres- try. Mrs. Walter Frank was a bytenian Chunch. lovely Lady Aberneen swcctly The Nestleton Women's In- gracious in a white lace en- stitute sponsored the. speaker semble with black picture hat service in the Presbytenian and dangling eannings. Edwar-I Chu rch on "What's New in dian Era, Mrs. Ray Trudcau, Home Furnishings." M iss was pretty and distinguished Jeanne Armoun, home fur- in *-a Persian inspined hobble nishings expert, was the skirted evening dress. speaker for the day and dis- Mrs. George K. Wand as' played samphes of the varjous . ê'Mrs. John Sandtild MacDon- tihes, bnoadhooms, wallpapers ald was beautiful and utterlyý and drapes. She discussed .'. .~charming in silver net averý the dunabihity, resilience and Amenican Beauty satin. She attractiveness o! the different a neck;ace o! pi iear rond sed the need r hArmo-y-i ---ita 96 tle a as b!iha îirs cj on vert, a' rmthe Bbe ehsfl becoingy fein als o sed andhpretÏty2Indian, giniM any Attend !nan7 ipbe e nesad IPraceeds f nom this event dresseti in white fringed home-, nlershl th emeneanti-o were for the Bowmanville spun beaded ilan etiand blue. nlove andrns temn.inso Centennial Celebration. Part-ý Madame Champlain playedi, orne Leagu encuae tes i h risotePatwsproduced1by Mrs. Doug Kemp, wased o ocenfr tes ln the întercst of Women'si dresseti in the height of fthleMned for ct on er veor othrs Centennial Activities in On- then Paris fashion with fuITea a nd Sa le chstn!ah.Teeia tari bytheOntrioCentnniLskrte sain dessandpicureandi sprnd the Gospel and ROBSON Psatinndressachd DpcttrneThebaHomerLearuee ladiesso!eshouhd be dcdicated in th-s of Tourism andi Information. maid wore a long skirted, the Bowmanvîllc Sahvatîon work.- By felhowship andti by The highlight of the show small waisted dress with a Army helti thein annual Christ- meeting together people gnow -M OTORSwas the representation o! thelsky blue cape and bonnet. Her mas Tea andi Sale in the Junior in grace and thein faith in M W UK ~ youth!ul Queca Victoria in costume became the adopteti Hall on Friday aftennoon, Goti is strengthencti and puni- ber wedding dress. Mrs. Peter. style for the wamen of New Navemben 251h. Mns. C. Bell- fied." Lake was superbly beautiful France for generatians, and man was convenor o! the suc- In the United Chunch the ini the noIe. She was regal yct this is easv' ta undenstant ificess!ul event. Reverend Phil.ip Romenil de- deipurely modest and lookedthe original hantimaiden look- Pnior to the sale apening, a livereti an excellent atidresa as radlantly happy as ti as attractive as Lionettelshort spiritual meeting was on "The Slotbful Man?$ - "The shebecme hebride of ber Mrs. G. Brown was a Set- Mrs. Capt, Fraser introduced cook that which be bas ob- belvedPriceAlbert. tler's wife, circa 1759 to 1850. special gucat, Mns. J. Gilcbnist. tained in bunting." Mn.,Rom- Hen veil of tulle illusion wasiShe wore a bandwoven anc Little Miriam Fraser pnesented eri1 spoke of man wasting bis hedby a diamonti coronetIpicoe dress with a green Mn.. Gilchrist witb a corsage talents - be does not put to P ack ge and she wore a replica olibasque, anti matching bonnet, o! purple 'mumns. After a tew good use or respect that which Queen Victoria's dress, authen- green tnimmeti. Mrs. Atu wortis, Mn.. Gilcbnist then de- be bas been given. He is in- tic in cvery detail. This cx-iHooper looketi sweet as Mrs.. clareti the sale of!icialiy open. different ta borne, love, and quisite gown was madie o vriof rvsSmo.Tis gov- The Junior Hall andi saie the finen things in lite. EÏAGE satin with wide nuffles 0t1 relernon's lady wore blue andi'tables wcne decorated in a The choir sang the antbem lace, anti fnom shoulden t> wbite ginghain with a hacY' poinsettia theme. The serv- "Pralse Hlm." Mn.» Romeril waist Uic Queen wore thc blueDpale blue shawl, and a fetcb- ing table was centreti with a conducted a very sohemu and FO1~ FU R RER ibb n of Uic Orde o! tueung linn tlovely arrangem ent of pon- impressve baptism al service Ganter.A Rua Belle, Miss JilII settia la a white container, for William Ian, infant son of INOR ATON ,The programn was openedi Nichols, was dclightful ia ai Mn..Geo. Cherrington and Mrs. Mr. anti Mn.. Wm. Johns, INFOMATION by Mnm E. C. Leslie, as Asin-ýf1owere-d oint frock overlE. Willatt? pnesidcd over thc Markbam. Ian is the grand. Aka noyal. lady of thc oig-Imulti colored starcheti petti- tea cups. Mns. H. Corden was son o! Mr. and Mrs. Geog ~inal Canadiau race, the la. a. Egon LzS'aiuller, in charge of tea tickets. Mrs.- Johns.

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