14 Te Caiiadlan Statesmaii, Bownunvile, Nov. 3M, 1M0 jThe Orono Ne I Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Uni. :. B. Butler, Mr'. and on Sunday. Mr'. anc is. Gordon Butler, Mr. and A nice gift for someone on Mrs. D.4 3mi. E. Butler and sons of your Christmas list - a new visited the Peterborough; Mr'. and Mrs. or renewal subscription to The ard Walsh Ealph Butler of Richmond ICanadian Statesman. Please Mr Go HMU vhited Mr. and Mrs. telephone 983-5106 aiso, with husband Of Ulmont Bullock. your items of news. S. Wilson, Mr'. and Mrs. Wayne Hooeyý Mr. and Mrs. Brian Priestly home onV of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. and daughter Alison returned ber 23rd,1 llforace Best, Mr'. Ron Best and to New York City on Mon- on Saturdî Misa Dale Challice were guests day after spending the Ameri- terment in et the Foster-Barkwell wed- can Thanksgiving Day and Mr. and1 ding i Kendal United Church the weekend wnith Mr. and ice and fat on Saturday, November 26th. Mrs. Cecil Jones and family. with Mr.e Mr'. Ron Best attended the Miss Merle Power, Miss Aiken and groom. Hazel Power, Mr. Harold brook. Mii. Marshall Chatterton Power of Oshawa spent Sun- Mr. and3 spent several days this week day with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon visited las with Dr. and Mrs. Keith Tay- Power. IFriday ~wil] 1or, Bonnie and Nancy at Mr'. and Mrs. Oren Malley Kenneth Sy Brampton. of Oshawa, Mr'. and Mrs. Ross Miss Mai Mr'. and Mrs. Adam Sharp Taylor and children of Scar- Toronto wît of Enniskillen visited Mr. and borough visited Mr'. Chas. John McKe' Mrs. Wm. Robinson last Fri- Taylor on Saturday. Wednesday dlay evening. Mr'. and Mrs. Jim Lamb of Visitorsv Mr'. and Mrs. Vance Cooper Ottawa spent the weekend Hooper werE of Oshawa, Mr'. and Mrs. Chas. with her mother, Mrs. Thorn- of Toronto,1 V. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Ern- ton Wilson and her house Hodgson of est Bowen visited Mr. and Mrs. guests, Miss J. Armstrong and Staples of R. L. Brown of St. Catharines Mrs. John E. Armstrong. Russell Viri and Mrs. R FORMranM of Lakeside, Clorie To nshiand Mrs. Os p ~The regula will be at3 Dec. 4th at Area Scnool Board lcnCuc Mr'. and1Y VOTE terton. Carol Sunday with Keith Tayl) Nancy at Br Mr. Lari'y J. Tuansky University si Chs .Mill M.and1 spent Sundaý 1 wish to announce that Buffalo, N.Y. Mr. Leona: 1salrun asCad at fo wa spent th Mr. and Mns son Robin. 1967 Council of Mr. and 1V Pain and K and Mrs. Bru Ann, BarryE Clarke Township Theo Snd Thasondn and would appreciate your support, month was hE can Parish HE MONDAY, DEC. 5th wr r.M est Bowen, Mi Mns. A. E.N Truli and Mr Mr'. Robt. Rg Frank A. Gray Tahr'C dent teache: DEC. 5th, 1966 col VOTE AND ELECT SryELo r Ted Buxton « car accider 'merning WIhi]E ORME FALLS poydas sh Uxbhe rige wh FOR COUNCILLOR ionwta ed daaed be frtunately Mi Township of Clarkce 1 falshkn (Iarke Township Voters Ifaving been nominated as a candidate for Township Councillor, any support and influence extended on my behaif on or before Election Day, December 5th, will be sincerely appreciated. If elected, I shall do my best to serve ail the ratepayers. Rod Carveth For information or transportation PHIONE 987-4465 Poils open 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. To the Electors of Clarke For Sound Sensible Township Government Run in a Business Waày ELECT ROY A. FOSTER REEVE TawsmO f CQat p. Appr~ç~atd Ye,. SVP munty utfor' bis gent pensnay as a man. (A numnher from t"iso mumity attended the Durh, Federation of Agriculture h kW S quet and annual meeting ~w sCavan, on Thursday eveni land report spending a v4~ 1wonthwhile eveaing socially ;well as gastronomically. IGlad te repent that Mr'. C E. Wilson was again able Id Mns. Roy Beatty, return home from hospi Coulter ef Toronto this week. oni aunday. ow- Congratulations -to 1M à onSatuday. Mice (Veronica) Opsitnik orge Wilson, age 42, Pontypool on being elect )fMns. Gladys Martin Lady President of the O.F. passed away at bis at their convention in Bel] Wednesday, Novem- ville this week. We trust th 1966. Funenal was both farm, organizations ni Eay aftennn. In- wonk more harmoniously n Ox'ono Cemetery. the future in the best intE Mrs. Orville Chaîl- ests e! their farmn supportei amily spent Sunday telated congratulations and Mrs. Harvey Mr. Case Glasbengen e! Lin id family at Mill- say "Goodyear" industny wl iwas selected from thein mai Mrs. Wm. Robinson employees te take a supervis, ist Wednesday to training course. Case i th Mi. and Mrs. recently acquired a new c ;yer at Cavan. te transport his 6' 4" hulk arien McKelvey et and from work - a "stali ,th ber brother, Mn. symbol", ne deubt. Case xlvey, Tuesday and mnany frîends are pleased1 ro! Iast week. hear e! his selection and tf witb Mns. D. G. epportunity for advancemet re Mi. Harold Awde which may be open te himi ,Mn. and Mrs. Dean the future. )f Ajax, Mrs. Win. Quiet Nomination Bowmanville, Mrs rtue o! Tyrone, Mr Nomination Day in Manvei ~ayondClap 0 Township this year was Raym nd lap Ofrelatively quiet affaîn, co n vIns, Burns Kittmen Pared te some held recent]ý e, near St. Marys, Only a small turnout o! ratE îy n Oonoat ~' payens was present te bea sai ro ams Mr.the reports e! activities pi' an ontly ervcesented by thein elected repi' la pm.onhysunviay sentatives on Municipal Coun Stp.. aion u ng: cil and School Board. In h. SvorsA cumbènt councillors were ne MrIs. Onville ýChat- nominated and qualified fo 1) and David spent the saine offices with only oni th Dr. and Mrs. ether nomination receîved lon. Bonnie andi that o! Mn. H. A. McMaste: 3rampten. for both Deputy Reeve an( jMiller o! Toronto Ceuncillor. Likewise, the ir. pent the weekend cumbent school board were ni ents, Mn. and Mns. neminated and qualified witl .1er. Ali only one additional nommnee Mrs. lvinYeo Mr. Jack Payne o! Pontypool [y, Nov. 2Otb in At time of writing ne informa. r. tien has been recejved as tr ird Fleury of Otta- wbether an election will bE 1e weekend with necessary or net. Ed's Note- sRoy Winten, and You're all dean again, Harvey, Congratulations ! Vins. Tom Hardy, Mr. Bruce Lawson bas been .aren visited Mr'n suf!ering a bout with pleunisy uce McArthur, Jo- followinq his return from the and Brent, Osha- Royal illnter Fair where hi day. showed some ef his equines Id card party this with censiderable success ix .eld last Thursday pnize winning ribbons. tSavîoun's Angli- Mrs. Norma Cutts, Miss laîl. The winners Linda Cutts and Mr. Ernie *Birch, Mrs. Ern- IStaceyo! Toronto were week- &iss Alma Watson, end viitos with the Fnec WtMn. Fred JStaceys.ui Ir. Wm. Hoar. Cmuin Service was oh. Robinson fnom the senved in Yelverten White eollege, Toronto, Churh in he Vale on Sun- ýek with bis par- day with Rev. Bryce of ind Mrs. Victor Queen.St United Church (eur in he was a stu- supervxsxng minister) officiat. ýr at Leskard ing, assisted by Mn. Harold Stebbert and Elders Norman Wilson, Howard Malcolm, Bal- four Moore and Art Rowan. The Junior Choir girls provid- ïERTON ed timîd musical support for the occasion. -epont that Mrs. Since nomination day's ap- was invýolved in pearanceon the plat!orm that ent on Tuesday tigbt lîttle knot bas gnadually le cemmuting te disappeared (must have been iere she is em- a slip-kniot) frem your con- ool teacher. Due nespondent's anatemy. ,vered noad, bier On Wednesday evening the and was in col- Malcolm Clan will hold a another vehicle. small reunion at the home o! vehicle is repent- Mr. and Mrs. Mennill Van )eyond repair but Camp and family o! Black- nrs. Buxton, tho' stock te greet one of its mem- iup, was net bers, Mn. Glenn Malcolm o! t.The accident Edmonton, who had flown )n 7A Higbway, east fer a brie! visit o! a of Pont Penny. week with bis mother Mrs. from this cern- Norman Malcolm in East Gen- tended te Mrs. eral Hospital, Toronto, and ;n o! Janetville ethen relatives. ris Barbara and It basý frequently been aur in the passing pleasure te draw attention te sband and fath- the morenic on semi-mononic formxerly active acts of friends and neighbors ith in that vil- te previde banmless amuse- rning bis talents ment for any wbo xnigbt read Rnd othen associ- oui' column. Once more we volving mechan- feel compelled te cenfess some ding ability - a confidential information ne- or the area, with ceived frern oui' most intim- istrict wbo bave ate friend - one in fact for time benefited whom we alone bave tbe bigb- ork. He will be est admiration and esteem. 1 was bor a i ail rny lfe lna ship, theref ore lnterest cf th heart. Havlng eri Towaship Cou pateight year ved on the euel for the 1 us - thre' u for Christmnas uouneiuor - three as e i uty Reeve, and the past two as Reeve, 1 amn again stand- ing for Reeve. In those elght years 1 have gainedl much experi- ence la Couneil work, aise learned the problerns of the Township. There have been aew roale and bridges buiIt, ol roads have been IrnProved te rneet the de- mands of the preseat day heavy traffe. 1 have trled te heip euch and every one who han erne te me with problenas, and will eantinue te do te, If eieeted. Aise la 1967, the Wardenship carnes te Dur- ham, and atter Mry elght yeaw 'expeoimS a hisria the Tewushlp,,1. amrnter.- esed la being a meaiate Bo m Meadai, Deouer am !&ala uit yeur vote,, ami .il0uo Fm tslbfuy a"i te the b"ut My John Stonel - SEE - IROBSON, MOTORS GIFI PACKAGE PAGE 18 taa ham er te gia For ýted the Entire Family hat IAT nay Ler- o OSHA!WACJWOOD 'ho xor cas COURTICE& SHOPPING CENTIE ;'s te crs ,e Finishthe Kra Seec Clo MY E ArRAtN e- Rom 4Be' or te 8'iv Pine PrefiOshawedWood Stodck olr th' x 4' x 7'OGNY CNIEN E MATRILS MSAYO FEBESTIAE JI0i Knockd Doc WITER ROTE 30"x4'x8'......7.2 ADED V Gneot r e anhdmanSockD4CH ýe x 'ro8'..2...9595Bo.ittAC ýs ALGOQUIN THMEV ERYPoRCHAS Prom ITWOOD CHIIEL Knockd Dow WIN ER POEC MÂTRIÂLS ONGA MakeOUSHer LfeEue APPLANCE I N ES RFrIGheRATe ORkSho e * SixBasi Mod l ud * Froit Cle R isand n o ols- ILLUSTRAED2-6MOELA-41 * Froze Food SorrgeGDrraRo. *~~ Co17.6Sq. FRoofef-Are Super-agneti Door losur CHOETAPPAN-GURNEYGITNW ."BIL-N; RAGE -REFRIGERATO SHSRS.ALMY PowerMuCIoelib Saw S2.56A GREAT GIFTING 25 FOR DAD Greot For Dod 1 Model 1561 su....58 399 9*95 25 lite.. 8.03 :CTION FOR YOUR CAR e Step -sa ving f ýLUE TO YOUR HOME ARAGES Single Car Garage * Gable Rof - a" verhang * 2" x 4" Studding - 16" en- t,., a 2" x 4" Roters nd Col- lor Tics 0 210 lb. Asphait Shin- glles 0 One Economy Exterlor Door p' x 71 Steul Overheod Garage / Garage Door with Hardware 9 44" x 31" Cotar Silder Wlndow 0 Rechwa, ElmlorFinish. MATERIALS ONLY inci. ta"' FRECT -D flO be.fx AR GAIRAGE AIO Itwo Overhoad Steel Grarge - $886.00 (inel. fax) ........... 628,00 TERMS AVAILABLE INDOOR 7-LITE CHRISTMAS Tree Lights SeECIAL 1388 25 lit@ .. . . .301 a 51,.o3 a lu; r"w n url 'Oshowa Woood Producis Limited ICOUETICE SHOPPING CENTRE PROU ~~ ~ IGE 728-16 POE78817 "FALLONT"'ý - THE NAME TO BUILD ON opens, closes garage from inside yourc STARTING AT .......218 PLUS INSTALLATION UpÏI .30 I9 FatoyGrd Faory Gra Sdes FIRPLY 1/4x 4'x 8' 3.9 38x 4' x 8' 5.2 V2 x 4' x8' 6.7 3/4x 4' x 8' Ideal for Use in mol m -66 4 3878 riv m VITI 15 lit@ Il 1