The monthly meeting of the Clarke Township Teachers' Association was held at Lock- hart School, with Mr. Holmes,j O PublicstSchool tenspector,fand Junior Girls Toronto Teachers' College Patfield 5, McMurter 0; present. Cowan 5, Ayre 0; Henning 5, Mr. Holmes spoke to the Firth 0. teach'r' °n Stand ar d i ze d Team Standing Tests and other subjects. Mr. D. Moffatt gave a re- Henning 34 port on the conference held Patfield 32 by the Council of Childhood Firth 23 Education at Scarborough. Ayre -.__- --___.22 Several committees were Cowan . _.._.._...16 appo°nted and the Banqu"t ""urter - - - - 8 d°ci ed o aeaDecember High Single - K. McMurter Banquet inviting the mem- 227, J. Patfield 203, D. King bers of the board and their 193. wives, and husbands, as their High Double - F. Henning gert.e mbe intenancestaff 36 B. Cowan 361, D. King teachers for the banquet and a social evening, also all tea.. Junior Boys chers were to consider a Cen- Petn5 rt0;Mc tennial Project. . Donresto5, Holrunt0;0;Wilo The meting "s °°"'ne' 5, Bouwmeester 0. Team Standing • Wilson __ __ _.33 OfflePreston 27 BarrieHolroyd 24 MacDonald ._..._ _21 W a 110Bouwmeester 18 Brunt - . . ._.. - 12 W High Single - B. Preston 286, H. Avery 198. f High Double - B. Preston 1 I Ge S492, R.Bouwmeester 367. Midg--- Senior -ixed League B · Shr "' Cai Beauprie 5, Colville 2; Cin In the first game of the ly 2.' - dwns Barri Midgt trou - Team Standing unillatinscore of Cain 42 c In thefirstperiod, Bow- Beaurie 3 !fter Bob Howes se red, n Colviy 027 sisted on the power-play. Etvie 0 Tender - Boneless Flavor Tempting RO0A ST PORK CHOPS 7 b l NEW CROP I SUNKIST NAVEL t OR AN E d oz. 6 (C No. 1 ONTARIO FRESH - CRISP I HOT HOUSE AROS a T OMA TOES 19E -b Bag 9 33 SAVE!! SAVE!!fi .DELMONTE Lref Firuit Drinks 4° SAVE 57c 9 SOLO MARGARAINE.3-.b. SAVE 14c 95 DY KST RA'S FOO D -AKTe iKing St. W. FREE Delivery Bowinanville d SHOP AND SAVE PHONE 623-3UM1i OPEN TlITSA d FR DYTILL9 P X m *ea TOP TRADE-IN VALUES ON '67 FALCON - FAIR LANE - MUS GALAXIE - THUNDERBIRD FORD TRUCKS Township Reeve Harold Muir, left, is congratulated by ho will retire f rom his post at the end of this year. Mr. Warden of the United Counties last year said he would arming occupation. Mrs. Mary Budai and Garnet Rick- ve race after they were nominated. -Oshawa Times Photo .ears. Using hier talent as a 30 W LIN G imguist, the church engaged High Single - R. Selleck Moptreal oorrt7 wrkenteet- 287, C. Bradley 293-202, W. mng and aiding immigrants and Lewi 271, M.Marshall 256,1displaceiess vaafter the 203, R. Etcher 240-279, D. of her work among.immigrants Sellers 234, N. Goodwin 200, in Northern Ontario. K. Cobb 208-219-209, S. Cain Mrs. A. Cuthbertson thanked 206, D. Brock 206, J. Bromell'the speaker for sharing some 2216, R. Beauprie 247-217, B. of her experiences and for the 3Colville 218, R. Bromell 201. information regarding this 2High Triple - R. Etcher 686 phase of church work. 3C. Bradley 682, K. Cobb 636' Mrs. D. McArthur added her 3R. Selleck 628.' personal thanks to Miss May- hv then closed the mneeing [St. aulsU..W .followed. Meein Sale Underway iSt. Paul's U.C.W. mei in the . ri loshipEduca nofldhis Weekend Nov. 15th with 30 members in The CNIB's annual Blind- attendance. ¡craft Sale on Fridày, Decem- The president, Mrs. D. Mc- ber 2nd, and Saturday, Decem- Arthur, opened the rneeting ber 3rd, will have a par- with the reading in umison of ticularly good selection of top the aims and purpose of the quality articles handmade by U.C.W.- the blind. The Blindcraft Sale A brief business period fol- will be held in the Hollandia lowed, Mrs. R. Stevens report- Woodworking Store, 55 Kin ing that over eleven hundred Street West (between Lloym gounds (1,100) «( clothing has Ellis Shoes and Bobette Beauty een sent to the Overseas Re. Salon,. Th®åe® deoetia lteme, "Let leate handhags, purss, wal Tr e y U . 8 s pre- les, thefine eather goodu Adams and Mrs. H. Francis in tens, and layette articles such The guest speaker, Miss L. aseacketslsbobeee te duay va thepresident,Mrs. work chairs, omehie k DMiss Mayova, born In fritherexean as ets o e Austria, a deaconess in the will be a ta1Ming book machine United Churc, has bena on display in the store Tere wereBthre penaltiesS i ied -h .re, neWins -Queen s Gumneas Title * m ~for chargIng and the Mte o 1lboing Bob Howes receiv- In Memoriam Cards of Thanksa Cards of Th<Mk£ hldig.'a ue's enan fo :LBMML«-n lvingme-We would like to express 1 wish to express my-sincere Barrie scored three times ln of a dear husband John Our sincere thanks and ap- thanks for theé eaat sur- the second period to take a L"Leishman who passedl preciation for the lovely end prise and good fortune 1 ex- 3-1 lead. The first Barrie goal Held in Bowmavil a ayr suddenly Dec. 1, 1965. table we received from the perienced on being the lucky was scored on the powerplay YOnderful memories woven in Base Line Community, and for winner of $387.50 in the 60-60 whIle Larry Devitt was serv- oebr2t,18 futo ohsds g -old, the social evening. draw spnsored by Enniskul- ing a hookting penalty. The Nvme 9h 96 futo ohsds h an rssseddsnee _ athe picture 1 tenderly Gall and Jack Woodward. len Hal Board. (oal was scored by Raid with This week Magistrate R. B.tigt eahee s o aigadetyi Id. 48-1 Fred Griffin, Burketon. 'the assist going to Maloney. Batten heard PCV and traffle.Spret arre of this N.S.u y missed by wife Eva. 48-1. Two minutes later, Maloney casée while Magistrats R. B.sor ofethng.cou hvad Drad.oadRosGr Sincere thanks for cards, tallied from Perry and Ellis. Baxter with Crown Attorney yb oda iburt. ugeto hatwekcnice o ofadear wifevmotherand frien s,enaiel ospital saftive edre thanks to rela- bySmith fx on was a Te Bo n nycasrt lehl or re bbur ead e atliad 3 1 m th r,aPearl1N lo be ates of 36 rie n dy re nt visi t, ca d, i t a nd k o t w th &Il three g g -d e . a ct ickett : (C ontable M r . Q uad w as iv n o e er t n D0 arq 1 o ia. sa nhoptla ic o-Ladouceur, Cornwall, bus dri- year's suspended snec eod o ovcin èà other, you are not Clarence Woodley.81 ing home. With special thanks ln the third per od, Bow- ver for Colonial Coa'ch Lines' ac and bdoer oketesmla fes Though ottearth you are no 4- onre n losn eitting Barie Scoreno legsthan msed by pmbeisra1th Ba uauwi dse et oe ne t Slli ,I would like to express my Doctors rundle, Slemon, Mc-_eentms.Pymtoe following objection to the$10.-fstlnatcsn St n memory you are with!sincere thanks to mny friends Kentie and Austin. goal and one assist, Reid got wording of the ticket expres. Williamn Gordon HulypraeTVbnuar As uawyweebfr.and relatives,kfnrtheird rds AilfBrown. 48- 1 asst, eK ih withtwo e yTmJemn saaScarboroughpleaden lcrclcusan ' lcre yn -Always remembered by hus- my stay in the Civic Hospital, sists, Armstrong two assistse* M-(Constable D. Stuart, OPP) leavin the igilytopawa rmnddoofpe band and family. 48-1* Ottawa.' We wish to thank friends, Maloney got one goal and ontBrce h omps0, on, Jly 4gth, dn etmcn nacasnec eot hsw Mrs. Don Yellowlees. ýrelatives, neighbours for kind- assist; McFadden, McPherson Hgwy41 o allgtcastle.p e 0hi e.sewsfrhrrmne o PASSANT--in loving memory 48-1* ness shown to un during our and Kile were the other Bar-.5adc osh tsh, Aor tedas •awite pyhati rpr öf à dear husband, father and recent bereavement of à dear rie goal scorers. Bob Howes s1haithl, Agut 1t h ,DAfter hearidnContbe .Fmlycutfolwd grandfather, Earnest Passant I wbuld like to expesm daughter Lia. Special thanks scOred his second goal unas- hway 2,te ounfrt oad 8, . Ces evidnce nd r who ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ase wyDcme icr hnst re oDr. Ewert, Dr. Rundle, sisted a ain. There were sev- a ndtonstopfor topasignturley s xplnatoCrw 'st, 194. relatives for their visite, cards Oshawa; usand B staff of e n pwernades and e out. Bil18tand costs,,or two days;àedtone y o nycatle uget We tried so hard to save you, and gifts while 1 was a patient HOshaa and Bowman iCkr a naKanesea otilim Rihrdo, Augustofntpeaberer dto on Ourvain;yers were all in aMesmoria opia.Spe Ho ptay nd Stewart Chisholmn.Rolhstcand Reid receivedTie One of the youngest cattl-beees th s R e aar ienr tehbrrree a ur redul ad e mt R.ENS UH This world would be iîke and staff.81 iue ac o ihigyear's Royal Winter Fair in Toronto had his entryan dak oDr egsn ussi4-*mntseahfrfgtny s; Rega Mar0e, Sepeer be penfute.M r inewl Foownahrtsrou heaven George Sparrow. Kelly for interference, for judged the Queen's Guineas Champion Steer. David t, H ghway 01, sphee ding, 1ter e neurrellMgsrt ax ikes edahocre Il we had you back again .. 48-1 Iwish to express my sincere Barrie, and Aider and Brown and his sisterBeth, r ogauaadb oiinD n coss,'o'thre da s ph . Nvebea1, 96, t h We miss your kind, lovingi thanks to friends for flowers for Bowmanville, e, recolrtlaedbyDmiio DnisMoe, nSe p e 16, JosehLa gemanes.tOhw Gnrl optao wYo fndad ares ar, onillor fac a rlinatoa wleIs. in Memoar alandHsieswil e laed iBariesteer was bought for $9.25 per pound by omnin igh S, $10 and coste, or two careless driving Octobe t.Smril vne saa Our lives are sad without our Township I would like to ex- pital, also nurses and staff on next Saturday afternoon. Stores. ay. ermwas rerhestdbioghewsiier5t er dad, prs r ecitiotem pn surgery and Dr. Sylvester.- Peter Woolner, Elgin Street, Jry.Teivsiaigo.Tefre ae rhr We miss you everywhere.pses app srea il myrs-Special thanks to those who e w 6hforwasicnv it ctbefcer asCnsaleBnT,. hedcesd a adugt You had a heart of purest gold, that'I hallssure a beattepayeok cared for my family while in ea2dth frcang teabdstuanco eraOP.o te at Jms ndCaoln Your memory to us will after their interests. Best hospital and since returning P a irnen9s e o d D s and ,wnd tebsaiafo Gerad Wtre ecri rhr.Br a 90 never grow old, sao' reig eeey home. Idlcooys wet oljail for 15 esbudtafcniin i livle n. h a Till we meet beyond the saonsret oevrne. Mrs. Marjorie Tink.y. Corporal John McGuey in the late afternoon onHg.mridFbray2,12,a sunset.RuslDo. 4- 48-1 stated that the accused was wayv401 as bumper toeupr dioOn. n a eie -Sadly missed by your loving & ilntoxicated and yelling at "«It was the Frida bfr nOhw o 8yas h wif adaughtsedb r vy, grad- e wish to extend our small children again Novem- Thanksgiving," esaïd h a eyatv ebro son Bob. 48-1 * sneere thanks and pprecadthawishne apprecsa on ncereher 26th. "Traffic was solid in teto cAve etcsa f fthr nd e remen f o t e i lleP o p ire my relatives, neighbar s andbilecord deposits of n e th$5 307 n 11 on. Tot an s o $1Th, net arnings figure of Roa, cagd October 24 a na a tshn aMh H g ofaher P er aPhayr d-whoncet the time of our gi ts Sent to me and te those $3 billion are reported by the climbed to $3,280 million, with $1,175,246 fron 1965.eaTotal neighbour, plended not guitayheadstopped east ofBc sWlia olr ty passdcaway December 17, Dr. and lMrs. Peter Zakarow. itna morial Hospial. aSpecial anual statement, released here the key category lcommercli$20,988,731.oicoe.axsMsaD nadendshawaJaesanilehIstcmoprweTh] GeyaMoOh 19. will1always remember the • , D. by James Bell, manager of and other joans". MevnM. bang' my car wasstukadfrsoHrldo Thway lhe lòoked, |We wish to sincerely thank n te MedicalFlorsigstf brancbaksBow 1 sesrace 543mil- shreholbans aalmoreceivng0 hen w a ounrov e pcanedtienehiha drvig$e4nt0a8.e les1d es la he pokeand ur relatives and friends who Mrs. Baden Pingle. Commenting on the bank's $500 11miincfrease19f6almOtotdedsof $1,12.37½TpershrMcuddovupadmnwaa4 ,Dmg toAosrvvn refrss Thelitlethng hesad nd aledonnsu urng he481ianul iguesfo th8yarionro 95. r ttalof$1442,15. hiotlki hhwnte t hve eclCilconldive o te trs Ms. eldrJacvoeo dh il hnsh dnd occasion of our golden wedding ended October 31, he said new Earnings Peak is 10 cents a share more than a tl. McQuald complained lead car ln the three linov KigtMr.A Hakn Ardithm l tewie aniful ardsne towithe Iws ocneym hnsIýghS had been established Record high earningm are in 1965. abothim bu rrubshsaid damage to hiswa$7Mrn)nd r.N.Prii For ~ ~ ~ ~ batiu donteln f eoise e rivd n etws- to my relatives, friends and right across the board - in recorded for operations of te H adta the B ofMs osho hman hi 'e and hie would have taknt ai)o Ahn n r.A The Hghtthislnevo eri M wer andMr.ArhrJn neighbors for the lovely assets, joans,. deposits and bank's more than 1,000 offices strong liquid position ls re- according to Munro. The lat-i h ic xetta hr a Ia fBtesg Untilthe tarsforgt toshin, Clrke 8 1*plants, flowers, fruit, candies earn ngs. • at home and abroad, the man- flected in the "quick" assets ter told McQuaid to kee ihi wa o omt e ofterebohes usl rl I will remember him. and cards I received while a Dpst f$,9 ilo n grcniud figure of $2,091 million. dogs and pigs offh.' hi ghwo- waa ig roff EspnlCaec --Sadly missed by daughter IwihttanDrHubd patient in Memorial Hospital perty. McQuaid said it 9 br iejs f iha At rhWbwo n s 1 lawRonld4 dt arinhenuses hat t pcial thankse v. G°"K. Acclaim New Darlington Reev e unrto fece ha O hn rawac. nMæ Hetb gr nd on Rihad. 48 'pa t i a d fo e n th ard for his visit and prayer· H e ad M cQ uad . Oeh s ha aT e m m ra e vc a TOOLEY ---In memory o hositaursnt carslletssad to Dr. Rundle and Dr. Fergu- housesagot aua.denriedand Mr. Hagerman expine eda h rsrn uea Sergeant Rex S. Tooley, oldest gifts and boxes of fruit anci son for their special care and pointed it at him adding, "I've that hie was the driverofteHmOhwa 2p., son of Ralph Tooley, o iiosta aldt e e attention, also the nurses on ,),' got a head right on your third car. When the baeNvme 7 nemn a Tole sMil, iled f acion, rs. hAnniae Hterlyme.the First Floor, head." lights came on on Mr.Wht'inMutLw Cmery Novleysml1, 4, Ieinato, Ms nneHtely. 4gM irs. H. J. Babcock. In cross examination he car ahead of him hplie dRvF.CSpngpaorf lôebRph,.19Tootley. 48-1 48-1* admitted there had been other his brakes too but wasu-Bn etcsa - ap oly 81 On behalf of the Hospital altercations previous to this able to stop. Cuccnutdtesrie IRESULTS COUNTI'Staff I would like to thank Mr. At this time I wish to thank incident and that on one oc. Conviction brought afn Cosut Mmbr f h T. Cowan of Cowan Imple- my family, one very dear to casion he had punched Me- of $25 and $44 costs, or eeFNiULT Cosut Mmbr f h ments for accommodating our me, friends and neighbors who Quaid on the chin. days.MOUET AN float, Mr. M. Hamilton and Ir. have helped in se' many ways Mrs. Munro told Magistrate David Richard KeryMAER ~~win for tractor and wagon, Mr. with their kindnesses and for Baxter it was she who had Oshawa, was fined $1an taasma and Mrs. Jim Hooper for the the many cards and flowers- called the police and that she costs, or five days, follwnemes use of their home, and Mr. received while I was in the had hysterics when they conviction for failingtos- BilWlis for the use of his hospital and since I have been came. nal for a turn on Highwy, TA OR M~~~ lTPELITN E RVC station wagon and his valuable home. Grateful thanks to In defense McQuaid said June 13th, RS.LD MUTILELITIC ER.C assistance. Our sincere thanks Florence Tomlinson, Helen there had been arguments Constable D. Stuart, P Oshawct & Distnect to all of you. Goode, Julie Smith and Gladys over his children. When hie said Mr. Kearney, easton R a Esat dMomica Gray, Brown. Special thanks to Mrs. invited Munro over to talk near Maple Grove, a e i aiEscie o Og (Chairman of Christmas Float) Morrison, Mrs. Ormiston and over their differences and van-type truck in nt of 48-1* their splendid nurses and staff, Munro refused hie said hie Beech's Store with theigh SugclFloor; to Doctors went into his house and came signal flashing. Then h Rundle, Richmond and Me- out with his rifle. He added truck made a left tturnit Kenzie, and to Mr. Smith and that hie warned Munro to keep the store driveway,focn Employees of Brookdale - off his property or he would other vehicles off the ra Kingsway Nursery. hit him over the head with it. Elmer Róbert Shearerco- N STrudy Sallows. He denied that he had point- victed last week of indcno 3 -- ~48-1* ed t at Munro. assault, made a brief aperi1 udsS.EWs In most quarrels between ance 'and was remande oPoeWib We wish to thank Mrs. nei bours,11commented Mag- Friday in Cobourg. Is r Oak885 Adams and staff of Sunset igit axter, "there is some1vious record showed on LdzeNunuinesHome, Dr. Me- Memorial Hospital for the We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities wonderful care and kindness, shown the late William Fair. head during his long illness. VNDER AND JUICY A -sincère relatives, neighbours and friends, Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion, Rev., K. J. Frampton, C H U C Kand the Northcutt and Smith lb Funeral Home ~~~Greta and Marjorie Oke. WE WERE MORE THAN SATISH DWT H %TIF IC 4-1* VERWHLMINGRESPNSE A IVE YOU NE 4-DR. $999 iTANG ESw Incoming Darlington ' Reeve A. L. Blanchard wh Blanchard who served as devote his time to his fa ard withdrew from the ree, 16.Mel VVrr.M JU PONTIAC SPECIALS . . . THIS WEEK WE Gi CHEVe * PECI L41 Clarke Tea(hers Hold Meeting At Lockharts 1 1964 CHEV. BISCAYNE 2-DR. 6 cyl., automatic. a Lic. H78754 _ __----__ 69 1963 CH EVY Il CONVERTIBLE 6 cyl. Beautiful!g Lic. J15251 --- --- - -U- 1962 CHEV. BEL AIR 4-DR. 6cyl auto, radio. Lie. H90749 -..139 1962 CHEV. BEL AIR STATION WAGON 6 erl. Real good! Lie X921 $1395 1964 CHEV. IMPALA SUPER SPOR T CONVERTIBLE Rteal sharp! Lie. HO9096 1963 CHEV. IMPALA 2-DR. HARDTOI A-1 condition. Lie. 1[98838 1962 CHEV. BISCAYI 6 cyl, automatie. Local owner. This auto ln top Condition. Li. mM27 ........ pe 219 King St. E., Bowmanville 520 King Phone 623-2534 PO STU McINTOSHI, SalesMg. BUD RAY MAT GUE JAU VEBN GRADY LES MacDNAL, PresdMe g St. W., C ne 723-53 ,FIOGG, 94 MY DON MM