Esîuae5000 e liSaCau"ard $"f01,p r VOLUME 112 18 Pages BOWMANVILLI TAIWENSAY OEME 0, 1966 150 Per Copy NME 48 (olor, Pranc Thril fui O tfitsDiscuss Valedictory Address cinq -Horses 2 Blig (rowd Bowmanville's Santa Claus Parade. on Saturday was again a splendid success. Crowds estimated at more than 50,000 people were pleased with the spectacle, and best of ail the magnificent Santa Claus (Ed Leslie), who was the very embodiment of ail that is most important to -littie ones, delighted the thousands of youngsters. The joy and awe on their faces as he greeted them warmed ail hearts. of . ~_____DurhIam M.P. lnd many, thousands o youngsters and adult who weather, were thrilled with everything, including jolly In W indsor or lndBowmanville's streets on Saturday morning for Sntas appearanoe on his sleigh. Here, he is shown the annual parade, that for a change was held in good in action with Chris Corson, one of the attractive young hi Ç î4 ladies who held the reindeer in check. Safe'1 S""dy Honey left Ottawa on Tues oy Br ised day for Detroit with men bers o! the House o: Afar.Tbey will spend thg A 13-year-old boy,Dai balance of the week in thg WiI Proba b!y Gel Worse Mcel f4 Lamb's Lane: ido-eri ra Sî, akc I/ cins e d raton bicycle was involved in col- atud iglumbeisafe h Speak r W a ns F dera i n ision wlth acar at the junc- rsdrchandbe isptingfili. tion of King and Silver Streets, tiezeaof thandutemobilemanu. Bowmanville, Saturday after- facturers. They wIll aIso hlii by Harvey Malcolmn their net farm income as costs noon. fra etnst ere A ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ icen psopnt ent OiralCresodett m ofinlaine- The driver was David M. deuce froin officiais o! tie Appontme t OnThursday evenîng, Nov. while farm revenue - despite Rickard of Newcastle. automobile companies. 26, Durham County Federation the apparent concern of the cf Agriculture held its annual consumer re food costs, fails meeting in the form o! a miserably in p«)viding a fair banquet in Cavan Hall. The return for cost of production, a auditorium was packed ta ca- labour and interest on totald )e s pated crowd was present in Following a deliclous supper THIN- Because of an error in last week's States- spite of a foggy, inclement served .by the Cavan U.C.W., evening, necessitating furthcr Mr. Don Staples led in a !ief man, citizens of this town and district may be tables being set up to accom- but stirring sing-song. Head niuch thinner in the coming year. In Alex modate the numbers. This table guests were introduced MGeo' rgsoeavrieetw rne renewed interest by the mcm- in a rather abusive manner by ta ortn !Mtea ol ot1c hr bers ini their farm organiza- a Past President, Harvey whasfortins of tirmecawulcse a-t 1c.Th r tizaçan be- tattjiJhzjse.evn--tp.riht- ta li&inreaedcoziern ur amiable President, Dal. prive of $1.19 they were a good bargih. S&, better the farning c6hxnnpty in <TJRN TO PAGE TWO) take a good look now at your chuÙbby friends; oId they may change next year, after downing ail that rj gIg~~ r 'IPI U lA 5,, 1-1Metrecal. Another error appeared in the accident D arEEEDYDIJII WIliN l d round-up.,Mrs. . Jean Piggot sbould have read Miss. fw O s au 4.~,CLINIC - Police Chie! Bernard Kitney advises Electin for epuE there will be no Traffic Clinic in December. There Donald Cramp Darlington Township eIec- was retiring to devote more was -a shortage o! applicants. Next clinic in January 'Word was received this tors will face an election for time to his farming operation. if there are enough prospective drivers to make week that Donald Cramp, so Deputy-Reeve on Devember Councillors for the new two- it w<rthwhile. of ;'Mr. and Mrs. Reginald 5th. Al other positions were year term that becomes effec-t t t t IL Cramp, Frederick Ave., has filled by acclamation. Candi- tive January lst wiil be for- TIXIEVES *e Christmias time brings out not only been appointed Assistant Ad- dates for Deputy-Reeve. are mer. Councillor Richard Gibbs, the best but the worst in people. Several bogus ministrator, South Nassau two members o! present coun- Benjamin Brown and Russel Communities Hospital, Long cil, Mrs. Mary Budai and Carl H. Dow. Wesley Werry, Wil- bills have been hitting stores recently and this lalA4 New York, effeètive Down. Both have had four liam A. Thiesburger and Mark week we learned of other Iaw-breaking. Christmas L~1~.Mr. Cranip is a grad- years on council. A. Hancock were nominated tree growers have been busy loading box cars ua týof' Bowmanville Public Deputy-Recve Harold C. but did not quaIIfy. and High Schools. He also Muir wifl advance to. the Coundillor Budai was nomin- with trees at Pontypool and Burketon. Two of received his B.A. from the Rccve's post due ta the retire- ated for Reeve and Deputy them were broken open and some o! the trees University of Western Ontario, ment o! A. L. Blanchard who and decided to stand for the stolen !rom the Gold Star and Kerr Companies. London, and his M.Sc. degree has been Township Reeve latter. Councillor Down was OPP are investigating. from Colunibia University, since 1963 and was Counties nominated for Deputy a ndt t t t t New York. Warden last year. Hec said he (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ITT t t t -t*- Costumes Agmzou stftrçIw nVoiu3s fronNme traïts of -the -Past", sponsoreci by the SV' Loette, Mi thie Town Ik lit W ie~~ eventuig. Reading from. '%w râght.Ms grR4wlr , .aýth'% IeUof the. Bull,MUn.C. MeDonald, Calherine Tkewitha, an Indian Christian couvert, Mm. Bd C. Lue«a Asin- anf aIn dien Princeu* and MMS~ og Iemp . .Madçm. Champlain. WMNISN- .uug Barr and . H rester were tne two most recent Kmr Investment wînners. No doubt they fill find the extra $50 each helpful at this time of year. t t t t t CHANGE - It is understood' that Palmer Motor Sales will change hands in the near future. New owners will be Ron and AI Brock and the station will be called Brock's BP station. Look for more details next week. t L t t 1 t WARDEN - Next Wednesday United Counties Warden S. J. S. McMillan of Rosetîeath wiIl be honored with a banquet to be held in Cobourg. Undoubtedly, many from this area will attend. There also will be considerable behind the scenes politicking going on as possible Durham candi- dates for next year's wardenship try to build up some support -for the election in January. LIGHTS - Christmas tree lights along Bowman- ville's main street stili haven't been turned on. Wonder why? t t t t t FIRES - Bowmanville's busy f ire brigade had an unexpected caîl during the rainstorm early Mon- day evening. A gas oline truck travelling on high- way 401 and Ioaded with 1200 gallons was emitting sparks ail over the pavement. Patrolling Provincial police spotted the truck and pulled it off the roadway. The emergency was heating up and the brake drum was red hot. Fire extinguishers and wet sand were used and fortunately brought it under control before a tire caught fire. On Titesday evening, there was a fire at the Good- year Reclaim plan~t, but no extensive damage has been repor ted.t t + ELECTIONS - Electors ini Newcastle, Orono, Clarke. and DarlUngton will go to the polls on Mônday to elect emuipa representatives in varlous categories. Cartwright wil hold a second noitton zmet1iýgtof111 council. HOMSES - ne-,f thie main copuments on the Santa Clays Paradç wu anmz0ent at the numbe of hortis thet uhbe p They must be staging a ruti. comeb"àk afj*r b lumoet elinatedl by Motet >eih.Thm tu uw ig clowns certaWny brou0h t ock aoories Io un old timers, Next year,; the, cwtmnite in carge may have' to bring tia ruI thoton ot obrxon hotus 'illl The, parade was headed by. Police Chief Bernard R'. Kit- ney and Sergeant A. Barker, Officer Commanding the Bow- manville Detachment of the SO.P.P., in a police cruiser. It was followed by the Welcomne Clown, Deputy Reeve Wesley Fice. In. the officiai car His Wor- C. ship, Mayor Ivan Robbs, and ~.Alex Carruthers, M. P .P., n- greeted the great crowds. of Russell C. Honey, M.P.. for iti Durham County, was unable al to be present as hie was e (TLIRN TO PAGE TWO) yYo g at 8 A few minutes before the Commencement Exercises began at BowmanviIlq ie High School on Friday night, Valedictorian Miss' Susan Etcher discusses tii SVisits Relatives program and her address with Principal Leonard Lucas. Miss Etcher is the 18* yr-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Etchler, Orchardview"Blvd., anda stlident at Queen's University where she is taking an Iionors Biology courme SIn NiewLealandOshwTmePblseWs Mrs. J. C. Cairns (Mole), Si 8, will fly to New Z Ca- O h w ie u lse a Speaker land on December 7th from r IMalton to visit'her nepbews Iand nieces. She bas many wlth lier husband was for-Lord Th m o s Ef rt mnerly on the staff of the T o s n s E f rs t Ontario Training Sohool for Boys bere.A When the buildings of h. ss Emerging. Nations *:~:wet olclM ecs anadiîan- Club Four years âgé Ut. Cairns An informative account of four solos delightfuly. Mlia was killed by a truck while Lord Thomson'% enterprises Elva Kinneer was the "iaml cerosslngt te main street etinii North America, Great Bri- -aco anist. lot Vlce-Prie* Port Perry where they bhave tain, Europe, Africa, Asia , ~. dent Carson Elliott moved à lived since retirlng. Australla, and the Wcst In- ~' vote of thanka to Miss Adaru dies, which include news - and Miss Kinnear. papers, magazines, radio and Wse on e h n F l E ecin television stations, was given Jo......-*Ing. ng. , :w s lie CW* Full Ele tio byT. . Wlso Pubshe of M*ý lcut plyedthe piano acw I ~ ~p Wedncsday evening. He was .(UNT AETO In Cla kè Tw introduced by 'eilfrid Car- forer ounillr Ry A ruthers, a former Mayor of.............o o t 'A a Reeve John L. Stone and Bowmanville.To nt 'M., formr Concilor Ry A. Mr. Wilson was the guest Foster will vie for the position speaker at the first dinner of Reeve of Clarke Township meeting of the season held by S o n A r for 1967 in the municipal elcc- the Bowmanville Men's Cana- tion there on December 5th. dian Club in the Ebenezer E. R. (Ted) Woodyard was United Church Hall. Presi-W h e H ntn also nominated but declined. dent Howard Bradley presid- There are two candidates cd. The delicious meal was A Torouto Ma wu Mota for Deputy Reeve. They are prcparcd and served by the I the arm In a hiuaitse-c the present Dcputy Reevc, ladies o! this church. Te cident near Hit Road, Des. L. A. Perrault and 'H. E. club's appreciation was mx- lungtol Township, at 0:40 Walkey, former Reeve o! pressed to them by L.Cov er- arn. tht., morng, Wedues Clarke, who is also a former ly. The catering conven or, daY. NIok AimstadI5oidea,0 Warden o! the United Coun- Mrs. M. Osborne, respon cl. Don Valley Ioad, Toronta# tics. was wouaded la l lo <ww Five candidates qualified for Elect New Officers Thomas L. Wilson ltt arn ',wbeu. a gun 'heM the three councillors' scats on Officers elccted for the by lies companlea, gnetheé' the 1967 council. These candi- coming year were: President and Ross Grant. Toronto mn, discharrei aoé, dates are the three prcsent S. J. Lancaster, lst Vice-Pre- The report of the Nominat- cidentaliy. co.anillors, Orme Falls, Lloyd sident David Gray, 2nd Vice- ing Comnuttec was adopted CosaeBrc ihs Lowery and Robert Chater, President Carson Elliott, Sec- on a motion by John Rickard, who iuve.tlgated tbo,,-dW- and two other men Rod Caîî retary-Treasurer W. A. Court- a past president, secondcd by dent, tok the wouadedmu veth and F. A. Gray. ncy, Auditors James A. Bell I. Munday. The members o! to memorHal Hospilal wit Three C 1 a r k e Township a& Carson Elliott, Program the Nominating Committee h e motv a mergu t e $ School Trustees are to be Clgirman W. H. Brown, a were H. Bradley, I. Munday, meut, alud tiený# elected. Candidates who quali- past président, and. Member- R. Mutton, W. G. Pascoc, both ferred by the Bow a~ fied are Lawrence Grecnwood, ship. Commnittec: Bert Mutton, Past presidents and Leslie Area Ambulance tae t who is at present Board Chair- John Rickard, K. Caverly, Collacutt. e Toronto But Gornerai nos' (TURN TO PAGE TWO) CliI! Pethick, Wesley Downs, Miss Debbie Adams sangl pitai Hlonor Bowmanville Kinsman with Life Membership R.l. Santa Claus Again Makes Big Hit at Annual Parade Model Early Canadian . 1