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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1966, p. 5

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Valedictory Address 1At Clarke High School Effitoes note: The fllow- hope that we xnay enjoy the ~Vuedctryaddress was same success ini our own en- ~u t lakemi School deavors. Please accept this ~6uenemntrecently by statement as a compliment, Duhawam County's top bigh flot a boast, although we may achool graduate In 1966,pras be excused a littie Doutlas Hamm, son of Mr. a iitonight. and Mrs. Donald Hamm, 'II wou]d like to thank Mr. Orono. Mr. Hamm la now Rutherford for his unfaxlrng attendlng Queen's Univer- concern that each of us should sity. attain the goals of aur future careers. Your valuable assist- "This evening I feel honoredý ance in enabling us to enter to address the graduating the various institutions neces- clan aof Clarke High School, sary has put us over another and pleased ta express a fare- hurdie towards that reaiza- Weil on their behaîf. tion. "Although I cauid describe "To ail te wbom we owe se rnany events from aur four much I extend a sincere thank- years here, I do nlot intend ta you fram each graduate. pjrovide a chronology of them, Tonight we have feit theM Tor, taken together, their last- spirit of aur class re-kindled ing importance bas been the i us and this is what I hope development aofrnany friend- Doga nu wil stay burning in each one ships and the special feeling DulsHm as we go our separate paths. of cami-adeship that bas made, vainly attempted ta show as That spirit af teaniwork that memorable aur days at this senior students. 1 spoke af, a sense of unity in 4chaol. hnst r n . work and purpose and a lively "Each of us bas now sever- 'imaginationMr.lanedaur mos cd bs pysicl atacmentta e enoye ouvaluable assets in the future; Clarke High Schoal, but welyear, a spring excursion tae qualities that we bave devel- feel other ties, ties of inemaries M 1 hasrigexusint oped together in this school. and friendships here, that we Montreal that we wli neyer Iwseabomyelo I wish to keep througbout oufrgt graduates success and satis- "Thus aithaugb we bad a faction in his or her work. I "Teonight we are relaxing large amount ai wark ta ac- hope that tanight thatsri jwnd sharmng many of these camplish, we aise bad and these memaories wiil be vivid moments for the last much fun and «camradesbip permanently fixed i eacb time as a class. Tbis evening, together and we developed a beart as we* say farewell ta we are experiencing briefiy marvellaus class spirit in aur Clarke Higb Sehool and many once again, that spirit af aur work and play. friends we bave met bere. TI class wbicb gave us se many "Most important, we leamned III feel that each ai us can wj happy moments together in ta work and play together as better nieet bis future obstac- work and play, especially that a team. Our sense af team- les wben strengtbened and spirit that we built and shared work is ane ai aur -most val- inspired by that special spirit Bc In our final year. uable possessions from this and these cherished memaries." Fi "That final year, Grade 13, scbool, especially that team-. e lalways emerge faremost wark among ourselves and au r thmy memaries oi this schaol. teachers tbat carried us HAMPTON ai What bas made it se special, througb the last sprint ai Gradeho no memarable, is diffilcult ta 13 and over the hurdles Of Glad ta report Mrs. R. Pres- lea dlefine. final examinations. catt is home again after spend- hu Perbaps it was our coapera- "This teamwork; a sense of ing seven weeks in Mlemarial cw tive striving for a common imaginative cooperatian, is Hospital, Bowmanville. Sun- ne goal, a goal that had always vital in aur warld today. Im- day callers at the NW .A. Pres- seemed distant ta us but partant scientifie discoveries cott home were Mr. and Mrs. Di wb.ich was suddenly, at last, are no longer miade by indi- Jacob Kessier and children, do within reacb. This goal was viduals alone. They are made Mr. Larry Quibeil, Bolton; Mr. of course, a graduation dip- by people who work together and Mrs. Herbert Prescot ", T] lama, a key that would unlock and share their specific. ahi- Maple Grave. T doors oi apportunityta us. lities and knawleclge. Coapera- Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray, Miss W.l The dreaded Departmental Ex- tion between individuals, races Minnie and Miss Nora Horn e'.E ammnations were the means ta and nations is the only means were Saturday evening guests w] this and tbey bung always ai pragress and peace in the witb Mr. and Mrs. Jackson H over aur heads, like the dang- camplex world we must now Wray ai Oshawa. The oc- Iing sward above Damoclis. coniront. I tbink tbat aur ex- casian was ta celebrate twa atb They presented a formidable periences tagether have pre- birtbdays. Se, Happy Birth- adE obstacle ta us and braught us pared us ta iurtber this sense day. daý dloser together as we prepared ai, coaperation, and we must On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. T. big ta face them. do se as we begin aur variaus Wray, Miss Nora and Miss adi 'IWe realized that whatever occupations In 111e. Minnie Horn were evenng Ha] our individual success, we "9buh L<ta u dne ust ihD. a i would neyer have another lhuhItikta u inrget ihD.adta] year together as tbe saine class spirit last year helped Mrs. Wallace Horn at their haý closely-knit group, sa we tend- ta mnake us a "winning team," summer home in Leskard. n ed ta mnake every minute there bave been many an the Miss Susan Holroyd,. daugb- wan count; ta live eacb day ta its sidelines who bave coached ter ai Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hol- as fullest. In doing se we f ormed and helped us and wba share royd Jr., Bowmanville, wonTh stogfriendsbips, encouraged aur success. the bigbest award for last c and helped eacb other, and "First we are indebted ta yoe's Gradesil studento relleved the constant pressures aur parents. Yeu saw the imn- Hm cnme tteCoin-Pr en ourselves by many spon- partance ai education ta en. mencement night in Bowman- t taneaus and planned class able us ta cape with aur ville. Altbough Susan is at- n diversions. The former aur modern warld andi you encour- tending Courtice High this gni teachers will attest ta. l'mi sure aged us until we too finaily year it was good to hear she e ,we seemed ta have a dispro- saw its value. We realize the is doing se well and I arn sure Osh portionate amount ai amuse. many sacrifices that you bave same ai ber girl friends inpa ment ta studyIng." made for us, many that we are HamnPtan will be gîli ta hear pah ÂtOur more organized enter- unaware af, and we thank yau ai this event. Susan lived vue] ~menta included several for your understanding when and attended school bere untilth le and plays that we bad we were less than easy ta live tbree years aga. Susan was T great enjoyment ln presenting, witb. presented witb a condensed ton the school newspaper, aur "We are grateful ta aur Digest Cookboak which should H Christmas party, varlous sports teachers for their patience and came invr7bny ood a and, of course, diverse non- confidence in us, especiafly luck ta yau, Susan, and keep na scholarly activities nlot ini bar- when we must bave often up tbe good work. na: inany witb the aura ai omni- seemed determined ta spend November 27th was Advent o scient detachment that we ur year ia general inanity. I Sunday wbich in Latin refers m ta the caming ai Christ and Clai Advent time is the beginnng pr of a the Christmas Season. Letke us pander again an the axean- ýe RE C R TM S ing Christmas, orth oigs0 PREmCHRI.TM A.5 ao Christ. It could be a wond- du erful feeling te know every- an P E I L ne will have a bautiful,an Wrshp, Sanctus, Invocation, was given by Rev. Catta. Lyn SÇUNWORTHY FULL WALL Hymns were sung and aseBow c hildren's bymns sung. The lE Sstory told for the cbildren was cl PHOTO AND PICTURE "The Wno hpe" hsMrs. little story was on the back ai Law Il A ~ aur Christmas paper. A motb- St JU D er and ber son were window l* t's time to think Nont On about .MacL Scarl Gordi f7~ *Ernie U'ortcutsfor llen per1 Allin C/zristmas a1 The apeclul gilu for loved famil Mi Oflea ut f"ua p.culime and 01 year shopp forg cours For f wiher b monuoaweel . . . .. . .nd appolntmenta piéce c bat cafl 6342. Mr. have twol NeiI Newton Photography Gy TORONTO Limited Mcm ee beld -ua Rotary, Prepare for Entertaining Play The highly entertaining play, "More Than Me( rhe Eye," sponsored by the Bowmanville Rotary Clt viii provide enjoyment, thrills, and laughter. with iscinating plot and able cast. It will be presented *owmanville Town Hall Auditorium on Thursd. ýriday and Saturday eveninig of this week. Pictured \above are the talented members of t id on Sunday aiternoon ai tour was held ta teach tbi aders ai the difierent group: tw ta use this for all oc. asions. Donations are stil' eeded and will be welcamec Sunday, December the 4th )ivine Service will be helb ownstairs. la the Christiar lucation Wing at Hampton 'e M. J. Hobbs School Chaii 111l be stand-in choir for thiE vent. Also, new memberc 7iii be welcomed on thE lmpton charge. A number imam the village ttended the Santa Claus par- de in Bowmanville on Satur- ay, Nov. 26tb, wbîcb wasa ig eveat for children and .ults toa. The floats Iran lmpton were cailed Brownie and witb the Brownie Packs iking part on tbe float which ad a little bouse on anc end d a toadstooi at the ather îth the Brownies dressed up selves, pixies and rabbits. he leaders were dressed as owns. The truck was boan. 1ta tbem by Oshawa Wood aoducts. This was decarated th elves, fainies, pixies and ornes representiag the packs hicb belong ta the Brownies. aders wish ta thank the shawa Wood Products Coin- iny for the boan aof their ýhicle sa tbey could make ich a nice float ta enter into ýparade. The other float fram. Hamp- n was decorated by the amptan Ladies Service Club Sa boat with the sals and ied Winken, Blinken, and Dd. The three children that ok these parts were Wendy nale, Gail Robinson and ark Wilbur. The wbole rade was worth wbile 50 ep up thîs event even if it only for cbildren, but the ults get a kick out ai it. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harrison d Kim ai Port Perry visit- with Mr. and Mrs. Glbert [ock and Harry on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halrayd, nette and Loreli Osborne, ,manville, were Sunday ers at the home af Mn. and s. Fred Holroyd Sm. Ir. and Mrs. William wrie, Bowmanviile, were turday evening visitors with .and Mrs. Bill Halroyd aad nily. Urs. Charles Smith, Osha- ýMm. and Mrs. Bruce Ho- .h, Pickering; Mr. and Mrs. B. Wilcox and Donald, Co- rg; Miss Madlyn Wilcox, wmanvîlie; Mm. James Blunt ýis attendiag Hamilton titute of Tecbnology, la ipany with b is friend ine Hannan of Bowmaa- e, were vîsitars witb Mrs. D. Hogarth on Suaday. Jim it is Mrs. Hogartb's grand- Jr. and Mrs. Hoskin Smith ompanied Mr. and Mrs. yn Taylor and girls on irday ta Milton where tbey ted Mr. Ray Smith who is hospitai. We wish hlm a ,dy recavery. Ve ail wisb ta send aur pathy ta Mrs. Hindman ,Mr. and Mrs. Orville imaa, Mr. and Mrs. Man- i(Muriel) ai Maple Grave, the passing ai Mr. Hind- a n Monday rnorniag, Nov. 66, alsa other relatives and îds. Funeral was Wednes- ,Nov. 30th at 2 p.m. fram ,tbcutt & Smith Funeral ne. sn Saturday, Mrs. Richard .Lean, Debbie and Heather, rbarougb; Mr. and Mrs. ion Wakely, Catherine and e, Scamborougb; Miss Mary in Braithwaîte, Toronto; and Mrs. Otto Pifier and an, Bowmaaville, were sup- guests with Mrs. Luther nand George. ls Linda Saxale, Oshawa, home for the weekend 1Mrs. W. Smale and ily. rs. T. Chant, Mns. Shortt Mrs. W. Saxale were iping la Toronto last week goods needed for the .se they are teaching this kat the church an making They attended tic Se held in Oraoa lately. rand Mrs. Lewis Truil eretumned fram a tript fax- wre rthey stayefomr ,n ýe Reports x KENDAL W. 1. ýs S The November meeting e the W. I. was beld an NOVE ber 23rd at the home aifIW eE. Couraux who presic -After the Institute OdeE -the Mary Stewart Coilect tansacted the business. 1 was decided ta send suita, aChristmas gifts ta the Ment ely Retarded who are bool safter at the ald Part H( i Hospital. Christmas parc J will also be sent ta the sh r as in aur cammunity. Cg itennial projects were alsoè cussed. Tbe programi was in cbai af the canvenors ai Histori, Research, Mrs. G. Catbc, and Miss C. Stewart. 'J 1motta was "Our heritage is 5prîceless treasure entrusted aur care," and the rail c was "Name an early Keng citizen and tell sameth: about hlm." Mrs. Catbcart spake an Thomas Stanton wbov barn in Kendal and attend school there. He became noted doctor who specializ ini tropical diseases and fou: a cure for many of themn.j was kaigbted by K il George V. Some af the membE brought childhoad pictur and Miss Stewart canducted contest guessing whose pi tures tbey were. Mrs. J. Heý dersan won the prize. Luni was served by the hostess and a social chat followed. MAPLE GROVE W. I The November meeting the Women's Institute wi held in the C. E. building c W"Y The Christian Sciencetia monitor recommends yon read your local newspaper Your local newspaper is a widc.range ncwspaper with niany features. Its emphasis is on local news. It also reports thec major national and inter. national news. TIIE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOUR LOCAL PAPIR We sPecialize in analyzng and inter- Preting the important national and International news;Our intention is to bring thec news into sharper focus. The Monitor has à world-wide staff of crespondents- sorne of thcrn k arnong théId.wrîs finest. And the Monitor's incisive, provocative edi- tonals arc followcd just as closaly bY the meR on Capital Hill as they are by the intelligent, conmred adult on Main Street. UNY Y06 31100 TRY TUE MONITOR You Probaly know the, Monitor's pro- feSSional reputation aanc o!f thc worid's fincst newspapers. Try the Moitor; Sec how it will take you aMoe thé average ncwspapmr reader. Jpst *11out the coffonbelow. One Norway Street Boston, Mâssachusettiý U.SÂX 02115 *g. -PIV d»" be». iulas $ (ILs. fis). B 1 EU $4 [j8 #*m.m$12u -3 mf The Canadian Statesman, BowmnanvMfe, Nov. 30, 1968 lCou nties Decide Not Two items ai business deaît wiith at the meeting ai Coun- ties Coundil beld ia Cobourg last week were af particular interest ta local residents, stated Deputy Reeve Wes Fie in a bni interview with The Statesman this week. The matters cancerned the new de- tention centre, and land situat- ed bebind the local Registry Office. Ninety-seven acres ai land in the Millbrook area bas been purchased for the new Ka- wartha Regional Detention Centre, ta be built in the nat too distant future at an ap- praximate costoa i 3,000,000, ai which the Northumberland and Durham share will be 31.52 per cent. The much talked about land behind the Registry Office in town, owned by the United Counties, created considerable debate by the praperty cam- mittee and also la open council. A motion was passed that the land nat be sold, and it was recammended by the present council ta next year's cauncil that it be retained for future expansion. ('DTTTi nu atTusdyeei ýes -cast. In the foreground seated together are Dr. Keith MRS. S. ROY JACKMAN .ub, Slemon as a famous publisher, and Ken Hockin in the Tedaho r.S O its role of a star (female) author. Ini the background, Jackman, BowmIanviile, aged in reading from left ta right: Louise Mann, Vivian Cowan, 77 years, occurred at Oshawa ay, Jim Rickard, Mossie Heyland, Marilyn McMechan, Ila General Hospital on Wednes- MacLeod, Keith Jackson, Harry Cooke, and Anna day, Navember 16, 1966. hel Strike. Daugbter ai the late Mr. and Mrs. William Rager Cale, the former Lila Carsina Cale Memonial Hospital, Bowman- was bamn la Betbesda. She ville.attended Bowmanville schools for Christmas Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and Peterborough N or mal1 fro mand famiiy were Sunday visi- School. - SEE - tors at Keitb Stainton's. On. October 25, 1922, she Mr. and Mrs. Murray Prent- mamnied Sidney Roy Jackman ice, Downsview, wer-e weekend and had resided in Bowman- àç lnçtituteç visitors at Harry Fisber's. ville al ber married lufe. Sbe R B O s i ns itutesQuite a iew attended tbe was a member ai Trinity Unit- R B O the l4th at 8:15 p.m. Mrs. G. Santa Claus Parade at Bow- ed Churh n e neets ai eelstvic prsidntpre manville on Saturday. cete around ber borne and M T R sidedfo the business meet- Mm. George Fisher and Surviviag are ber busband, M T R em ing. The rail cali, "Samething Russell, Oshawa; Mr. Wayne Sidney Roy Jackman; two Vrs. I bave done or wiil be doing Armstrong, Newtanvilie; Mn. dauglters, Ms onLvn led. around my borne for Centen- and Mrs. Gardon Fisher and (Irla) and Mrs. John Heard and niai Year" showed that the ROY, Mrs. Jerry St. John and (Eunice) adMr s onLiving GIFI we women were gaîng ta beautiy Jerry Jr., Oshawa, were recent Ten graadchildren also sur It their home surraundings. visitons at Alian Fisher's. vive. ibcon- Mr. aad Mrs. Alian Fisber, The funeral service was ýked venor ai Citizensbip, introduc- attended a birtbday party for Smith Funeral Home, Bow- manved ie h a ing "Ooer the Mrs. Fisher at Harvey Webs- manville, an, Friday, Noveni PGE1 uHilltap," "No one ever cared trs iteBian.brltadwscanducted luotm-ik eus nd"o by Rev. G. K. Ward ai Trinity 'en or e lke esu" ad "owUnited Cbunch. Interment was - dis- Great Thou Art", accompani- _____________________________ ed by Mrs. W. Laird.Ra ln P i mge Mrs. F. Stevens gave the 1 A 1 zar norcemen ws mdeofthe~Wed 50 Years IMPLE GROVE E'he 4-H Achievernent Day on Nov.1 s a l9th at Cavan and-about our A reception was beld la ail 16tb. Mrs. H. Allisan agreed Mr. and Mrs. Albert Slutc on G R O C E T E R IA ýdal ta give a reading at Newton- thse occasion ai their Stb Righway No. 2 at Maple Grove 623-3921 ing ville. It was decided, to don- wedding anniversary. ate $5 ,to thie Hospitaâl Ataxil. Slute, the former Eve- Sir iary. Mrs. G. Lee, aur dl ynUng, and Mn. Slute were ,vas gate ta the Area Cneto married at Prince Albert, On- led n Tront, gveber report. taria, on November 1, 1916 by JGML Sa Mms. Greenharn was in thse late Reverend J. Bunner. zed charge ai the rest ai bier pro- Tbey bave five sons, Leonard, 2 % G e ny .nd gramn on Citizeasbip. Mrs. S. Cecil and Lloyd, all ai Raglan, % G e n e He Morton carnrented an the Lomne ai Part Perry, and day, what does At mean ta are 17 grandchildren. AIl] lu eoi anrs you?" She said The British were present for the anniver- -t JuPls epsi res North Arnerica Act that was sary celebratian. ~ HL 1signed on July lst, 1867, made Ovr10fins eaie ic- Canada a Dominion and we and neigbbors calIed ta offer H o mo-wi ecibaigarcu- ogauain n et~** ich try's 10Oth bîrthday inl 1967. wisbes . 6 4-C ses "Expo" which is being beld _____________________Plus Depouit in Montreal will be a lasting The five daughters-in-lav memonial ion Canada. The acted as hostesses for the ai- Canada Packers - Scotia Brand Conedemation Caravan- will ternon and evening. The M ~ k h D k U ai history and growth acnass ai granddaugbters Lin da, M A RG A RINE________ c ras Canada Every organization Sharane, Sandra, Susan, and Cnsi' al bn as same kind ai a Centenniai Janet Slute. B - - Loave-s Y YC -praject. The pioneers ai aur Many gifts and cards were 2-r cauntry lacked much ai what received, including a goid BR AW 45Lae9 9 we bave today. We need ta trimmed annîversary tea ser- build on fiser tbîngs, caunt vice frorn tbe neighbors and OPEN MON. to SAT. - 8:30 A.M. - 9 P.M. aur blessings such as joy nm a moaey tree irorn the irnae- SNA S -1 ..«6PM aur farniiy circles and iniends. diate famiiy. Congratulatory SNAS -1 ..-6PM Mrs. C. Greenham iatroduc- messages weme received from ed Mrs. Marjorie Pewtress of' Prime Mînister Lester B. OVEN HOT Cobourg, the wamen's ca-or- Pearson; the Leader af theBREA D a d RO LLS dinatar on Centennal Year Opposition, the Right Honar- B E D cn O L for Northumberland and Dur- able John Diefenbaker; the SUNDAYS - Arriving 12:30 bani. Mrs. Pewtress told us Honorable Michael Stamr, MP; about same ai the many plans the Prime Minister ai On..WT NYPRH S ai vaiaus prajects for Cen- taria, the Honorable John R a-WIHAY UR AS tennial Year. Just a few ai harts; and A. V. Walker, A CHANCE TO WIN tbese were Caravan tours, MLA. i youtb travel, the perfonmiag Mr. and Mrs. Slute have 2 PAIR 0F HOCKEY TICKETS ants, interfaith pragrani, coin- iarmed ln the Raglan areafo2 BLUES AT MAPLE LEAF GARDENS munity improvement, educa- mast ai their married lufe. -____________________________ tion, voyageur danae pageant, tourism, Junior Red Cross rendezvous, and the Junior Fammer plaques ion farrns be- ing in the same family for X 100 years an aven. - Mrs. C. Greenhani gave a \4 TN/~U ~1 reading on the Internationalâ yIlNU >Peace Garden. Mrs. F. Ste- A PRODUCT OF LONOtiVES-WITTMAUER yens rnoved a vote ai t]hanks >ta the speaker and those on the pragrani. Meeting closed with the repeating ai the Y 1Coilect ln unisan. o Lunch pi jellied fruit salad, ~ Iiliîa cookies, tea and coilce were Chîsma served by the group in charge.* Looking for a special Christmnas ZMON guft for the man ai your choice? Look Mrs. Ray Cameran atteaded ta Wîttnauen. Sec aur complete collec- the funeral of ber aunt Mrs tion af superbly styled, sensibly prîced Susie Roach, Toronto, daugh- Wittnauer watches la a wide range of ter ai the late Alexander and models and shapes. Priccd Ana Jane Carruthers aif irom $36.95 ta $125. Osaca, Ontario. Tp alnar 695 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rae, Tp-clna,$95 Mankham, were Sunday visi- Bottorn - automatic, calendar, $89.50 tors at Russell Penkins. -Mn. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton,.~ s-p hi Bowmanvllle Cemetery. - Pallbearers, ail members af Florence Nightingale Lodge, No. 66, I.O.O.F., were Messrs. Cliffard Samis, Stanley Mc. Mer, George Forsey, George Michelsn, Harold Farrw and Milton Wilcox. SALEM Mrs. Buttery canducted the business. It was decided to give $10 ta the Santa Claua parade fund and $20 towards freight costs for the bale af clathing we had sent ta Toron. ta. Final plans were made and committees chosen for aur bazaar. Meeting closed witb the benediction followed by a social time. Our sincere sympatby lu cx, tended ta Mrs. Wm. Laird and family. Maple Grave, in thé sudden passing ai Mr. Laird We have bad the pleasure many times ai Mr. Laird's visits ta aur cammunity when be showed bis pictures. Mrs. Ken Shackleton and Miss Margaret Shackleton were bostesses for a clothing demanstration last Wednesday evening and Mrs. Bob Colla- catt was hostess for a bouse. ware party an Thursday evo ening. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shackleton, Mm. and Mrs. L. Welsh and Mr. Don Welsh attended the Federation af Agriculture banquet at Cavail

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