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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Nov 1966, p. 6

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,~ The Canadien Statesman, Bowmanvlfl, Nov. 30, 1988single goals were ucored by laia can b. left u Lion's Club Speaker Says a Wliiting sud Will Hae toGear fo r Change 1N Eecio ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ ew om lie .C W the hospital at W hitb y.I v a v r met-Wdjnsdy oV- Ms.Lloyd Coverl an 2àrd, with a eann ce of hi deoon ar; Must Substitute Self -Sacrifice tesI C ~Comeicement Speaker RementraBethany - tePopey emblem in ve nr-lce oaohrtrnb Prsident Mr. Gcrg . Wter=po, pini referred te the years in sec- 1aso provided four slcin the form of a cross.Hynaclmto atheoiain Stapleton opened the meeting pal aof. Clrke lg Seol ondary education as a period during the evening. 523 was sung. Then Msmetghedo Fidya For M ateerialistic a pr of Lifee. ecpaclty audience on Fri- era wll hvethe d g-Onno Tses.Coveir1y read prnt tofo dpuyEe reading y rRev. A.-CugWhite.wene attending the anuelg.rogative, of looking EBENEZERman, Malg ethoutsaweeteiubnWI and pae by Mns. Bue .Cmecmn Exercises ef said. 'Man ceases te live E E E E past Rfemniembrance Da-hsH slpoJntvleadAi Re.v. Wite thn led i a pla- the'chool. eadmirataront wfethe nostngerrrdinMsMe sdmirofonEethaeny. To A chïev End , d Wrld P eace ette, "Once* Upon a Sometime toeb consclous of absenteeiam with old friends." Wrvtrnadh To A hie e En uri g W o ld eace Rev hit:h:nledinaPaY-thc'chol. H :rcd prens z e b ..W eld ItrU.C.W WrailVe tm.M.Hrflnh ei r M SAn eloquent addness on the ognize that the day oi a limit- float expenses. This as sec- Jones, Mns. White, Mns. A. tal to students but asa costly tirne waît.s for no one~. «YOU meeting on Thursday, Nov, an appropriate poemn, m h o~AvnMthlPn therne af remembrance and ed national outlaok iaven, onded by Ray Dilling, and e s and M. he h always arloisai- move in s continucus fashion 17th, in the Christian Educa- devotional was closed ihpo n o toga eh ..-the hope of an endurlng peace Mn. Ward stated. Nations can cannied.Mn..JocadM.Viilgrtwhn tuntaca- building on previaus know- tion Hl. Eeig lae yn56 îwss given et the Bowman- na longer place petty self in- Mn. Mltr mvdtaccompanicd at the piano by sent. Abscnteelom In Pont ledge," said the speaker. This Mns. Wesle. Down oenedeh Mn5.BrcDonitrc.a ville Lions Club Armistice terest tinst, and be against accaunts amounting ta $520.81 LMv.rGifMy erusag," Jesu inHpe ad aofu$5,00d0.Ta h osoe ssms ltcaea meeting wlth a poem oen cd Mn. Irene Gow ofOhaa oiaedfrteeSho -dinncr meeting held at the certain benefits fr Cte cpse for ThLaer ai MpSous. i gratrai$25,00.0. The yoeu Must be able ta adjust -to Frlendship. wohd#aet eosrt or et eeM.Rt lons Communîty Centre ne- cauntries. Contrai must event- was secanded by AI Cuth- Skuceemnues ra b ofst teJankeetvlli ew siuainsemmncunrehîtntre e e cenly.ualy e estd n smefor brtsnandcarit erethe minut. es, rad tby lois tarte Cae $5h00,00he e statinscmmntd The minutes e the October Artex Psinting. She hda Sp cascss w r P ei f w rd g ven e t h olcrary Mn. R.ea td the n- letaid rm ute a $.000 he sekr meeting were read by secre- display mnany articles t a h him n W rd Rc ad detSecal gucîts fwer neu-spaerwold genmentth Mr. Bough, sconded by ancial resuts ai some U.C.W. M. W. C. Keyes, chainmn the failue ta adjut quickly prved. A few announce- alo showed how Artex anspo;GoreNasa eh dent tan unn a Bnach spakerconteded.Roy Turner, maved that a activities. Mrs. A. Wade ne- ai the Durham District High brought about tailure. He menti were given, and the can be used for giving rg-ay w colbadmm 178 of the Rayai Canadhan Mr. Ward said that the cammittee b. set up by Pnesh- ported the sale ai the cook School Board, spoke brleMy stated that in University one ladies were reminded that nal gifla, and many oe es oma isn evr Légion, 1lit Vice - President third part ai an enlîghtencd dent White ta look inta the books, Mns. W. Boughen, the emphasizing the tact that cdu- in cvery thnee students neyer there would be no unit meet. bazaar ideas were presne.tnadCr mtBtay .Maurice Conway, Secretary endeavor for peace every- operation ai the Lions Centre bazaar, and Mns. Vinkle the catian today, mare than ever, graduate sud lack ai adjuit- ingi in December, but the Then after showingho tare erig w-yrtrm t.Georgc Thrashen, Sengeant-at- effort on the part ai each man. ovenaluse ai the centre, deai nl. mr"eTtt nmel~ n h ea iyorfdns wai ohesofaitue.matn be h eeThrsay, eci5th. dsenteechaithe lais.wthtiGer ArisErnie Perfect, and L. "Peace wlll corne when enough with any complaints, and meet thMbs t.p ta Yaerd Sop- legofoyauhavresan apen U factorsoftheeis n i me Roilt caîl ws hard, dec the asctequit bocfort e m a Asa1atra ngtd ed .-Welsh, Jack Gibson and Bob people thhnk and act peace- wath neighbons cancerning tebsti eYrdl hp fYuhv noe nvriytèei otm olcl a eradteact ul lc o lnayes, members ai the ex- ably in their awn individus] thein views. This motion was ping Centre, whhch Mns. Skeid- mind," hie said. To the stu- ta drill, examine and drili. affering was taken and dedi. paint. A balf hour aipitone:lxMMstradJh ecutîve. Fred Fisk, Bawman- lives," hie asserted. carried. ing had managed, and Mrs. W. dents hie expnessed the thanks The responsibhlity rests on cated. Mrs. Romenil asked us ing fun followed, wîtheer-ayefaldt qaiyfo ville, was also a guest. Ralph Mentyre, a paît Plans tan a Turkey Rail ta Boughen, treasuner, read the ai the Board ion thein accomn- yaur shouldens, he said. "You nat te farget aur Mental ane enjaying this new wya h et ncucladiho Jack Brough, a paît pneui- président ai the club, moved a be held by the Lions on Dec. U.C.W. financial report. Mns. plishments. He asa said, wilî become adulta only by Health Association and its cmbraidering. Mns. Rayndbad evn h ani n "dent, introduced the gucît vote ai thanks ta Mn. Ward 9th were discussed. - Spécial ikle railcn wich lte "Yuus ee loe fr yTha cepegaer efredhal hen frs."n~a teOtna a e emntain, cag speaker, Mn. Ward, the min- for his inspining and encourag- Events Chaininan Ted MMlererierchhe___are_________frYuhepeaer_______tthfote_______OfheOntriofolirdmostrti iter of Trnnty United Church. ing address. President White wll be in change. Immédiate comTmittee had prepaned. Tt wiUl have the feelings ai yaur tact that 70 per cent ai Can. ofaknga the great need also expnessed his pensonal Paît Président Ed Leslie, sec- was decided ta accept a five parents and friends always ada's population was under 35 lon a truc and continuing appreciatian ta the guest onded by Orville Osborne, dollar increase in aur alloca- with you."1 yeans ai age. "This country,* yaeMn. Ward said that en- speaker for bis excellent moved that the LIons hold ý tion. Rev. Mn. White pro- Prof. T. J. Casaubon, As- hie said, "cannot take 30 years peacost civ hscudAmsiemsae uaeSl te sr nanunced the bénediction, aiter saciate Dean ai Aithouse Coi- ta educate the new techno- b. dhvided Inta three sections. A Five Ycans Perfect At- and this was caried. hhMr..Joecndt-lgL dn, ws us oy T ,mn aemcie tendance Awand was présent- The winncns in the Hockey cd a "childhood picture" con-. speaker for the cvening and la naw aimait thc machine Finît, men must turn fram cd ta Gardon Chatran. Laur- Draw wcre: November l9th test. This praved ditticult, was hntroduced by S. B. Ru- man." Again hie stated that the materialistic way af ifelIte Goddard, a paît pnesi- (Montreal Canadiens) K en but very amushng. Mns. Gil- therford. we cannot keep young too tao anc ai self sacrifice. Heuent, moved that the fine box Skenratt and Doug Kerr; Nov, mer, Mns. H. Wade and Ms. l"Ai fordok avenushe gradu-n- plsaid that thoesetil.Hee)!proceedi for the cvening be 23rd (Chicago) Mary Ruth Best tied as winncns. . As Ikoni cnnt bhe lp îu-ng and nesponse.w piiced ta teiilen wo sacni- donated ta the Légion Poppy Osbonne and Maurice Preston, Teln al a rv ates tnhow fortunt he ar Pof Csubn ntmd ,:ie hi ie ntoWonid Fund This was secanded by Nov. 26th (Boston) Maurice ly been set and a decoratcd today y s d te a ke r.o aucesathonu e Wanîthand an other rths wdid Ted Miller, and carried. Preston and Doug Kerr; Nov. binthday cake with glowing The dcstiny ai aur land rests be a conoern for othens. The rsal in heaefta ti o Ted Miller, Chairman di the 3th (Mntreal Canadiens) candes was placed in front in thein hand. "I cngratu- employer must cae and thehaec pctayu resuit in peace.Lions Float Cammittee, mov- Henb Goddard and Grant ai Mns. White while we sang lateth sudnsa teieplyem t e hsîmW nvo fondtht aninrn Cane awshp eahnsdrw orth to hnstaîlok"H rapy rd a nt h eu" In tespen ai ntheGir empbon.é"e's nteekhangem. W *-Mn. Wand asua pointed out cd that $200 be designated fan O'Reilly."H pyBthataYu.n achievements and hope that partance and be able ta main. ,that vetérans had retunned a few words Mns. White ex- they have a sense ai satisa- tain bis dignity. There May home fram avenseas ater the M t - . ,.a * prcssed hier thanks, comment- thon ion a job weil donce," b. danger in becoming im- grocery shopigatyu war expccting that world ft EI T Y '-LL cd an the U.C.W.'s accomplisb- stated Prof. Casaubon. patient in days ai rapid -gesce wouid continue. TheyE-- E menti thnough the yean, and. change, stated Prof. Casau. self sacrifice is requircd ta held their régular monthly cakes was helan he in- good year. Club, Prof. Casaubon referred for excitement and for change BOWI 1ERIlVILLEFO D N R lbring about peace throughout meeting at Lackhart's School nens wcre Bennice Stark and the pcniarming arts. als he the world, lhe said. "We must lait Monday aternoon. Canal Henderson. 7f~ n caig te Poesr w nieyut s u pcaspriglt n otneyu &mli think ai othens and fnot Misses Mari ary and Ina Mn. and Mns. Trueman £.MON. In g tae that the Pofssraninied ai ta-or paiuspak cfouseve, h dclrc. Demile ai Fenelon Falls were Hendenson and famhly moved I irrow needi yau in courage, Secondly, nations m u st dinner guests, Tuesday, with ta their ncw Hilltop résidence Mon U..W CallTe d rs iaginationlaesi anChst sSopngwh ôrfedyBm reslize that they have ta nec- Mr. and Mns. Harny Wade. on Satunday. , cadnshp ad hnîtinigéhopinrwal yur rindl Brmanompautswsionhat. -.Mn. Lawrence Greenwood Mns. C. Brown, Mns. Fred lng was opcned with hymn r P st O ff c onetimnta h on was a calier, Tuesday evcnhng, Henderson, Mns. Jim Gilmer 378, "Risc Ui, O Men ai God"1. mencement ai Clarke School Countesy of at Mn. Frank Gilmer's. and Karen, Mns. R. Trim an.d Our president, Mn., Paul Sobil was provided by Miss Tins Once more the pupils ai the Mns. Bill Wadc attended a nead Scriptune, St. Luke 9, jIn '0 1ron o Kozub with twa accordion senior grades in aur local shower, Saturday cvening, at verses 57-62 and ioilowed with selections which wer otDON MLIA ,Poreo school have "gane aven the the home ai Mns. R. Alldread, ai short story cntitled "The Durham M.P. RussalC rfesoal presentcd. The top", with their sale ai Christ- Lakeshone. Dimension ai Direction, the Honey annaunced today tatC.lrkfesinal ol Cu mas candi. Lait ycar they did Mn. and Mns. Harny Wade Forward Look." tenders have been called for wcll, but thîs year even betten, attended the Odd Fellowe A warm weicome was made the construction ai a new Post with the net proceedi $185.00, Rally and Banquet at Strat- ta Rev. John Frampton ai St. Office at Orona. Tenders will PR 1(JMa nd -top salesmen bcing Rose- tord on Saturday. John's Anglican Chunch, Bow- be received until December Mary Tishnovsky, and Jim 1Mn. and Mns. George Stapie- manville and aur minuster, 14th, 1966. QUIJ$ IN Stacey. They contemplate ton and Keith wene visitons, Mr. Catto, also membens and The new Past Office will taklng 'a trip, ta Toronto, later Sunday, with Mn. and Mns. thein husbandi and fniends. be constructed an the pro- onî, ta see the famous Ice Orville Henderson in2 Toronto. A short business period fol- pcrty purchased by the fed- Falles. Heather and Wendy Lane lowed at which time we were erai gavernmcnt et the con-. Mn. Bll Thompson, ai Ch!- af Pont Hope were weekend intonmed the new exécutive ner ai Centre and Chunch ' cago, was a callen hene, lait guests of their grandparnrts, for 1967 will be instalied in streets. weeký Mr. and Mns. C. H. Lane. January. Mns. Sobil ncminded Mr. ecl ureywas a Ms G. MClog and everyone o annuai reports ta viitr s Ce inCooy gM. M McCuBrrell redughe hndd n.Business Direclory Qàesioi Ourý"iy i quiWe with. Mr.; id Mn. HaýoId ner gûcats, Sunday, with Mn. We enjayed a spécial pro- *70 întïïé -BûlËyand Mt. and Mnr. Keith and Mns.. N. McCullough, Pont gram on Chunch R-no o piano, trumpet, violin and ohen Burley.Hope. caiedb Rv.JhnFnmp-_______________y_ valuable«instruments? Mn. George Henderson is Mn. and Mns. Pency Tamblyn ton and Rev. Chancis Catto in RY~ ILN 06 prognessing iavonably in Civic ai Newcastié, wene recent din- pantnership wlth Mns. Nareen CatndAcutn .Answer: Yes, indeedf ica Hospital, Peterbonough, fol- nen guests with Mn. and Mrs. rde n n .Olr Ch rc Stet brpad insuraùce protection li we."Open House" will be eldlia ad Untd3-3c8W6J.H 1CGIN Mn.andNewonvlle Scholon Structures. Many questions ne- bragn wat ser a birae tei Paden ai Detroit, Michigan, Thursday evening, Dc. lt, garding 'the future chuch Chi terd Accountant brakge wîe dm~e nd wene visitons with Mr. and tram 7 ta 8:30 p.m. wene discussed. 115 LibentY St. S., Bowmanville .many other perils. It's low-cost, Mns. Wilfned Paeden, aven the Word has juit been received A clasing hymn was sung Phone 6233612 0, practical coverage youlI readily American holiday weekend. ai the death ai Mns. Willis by Barber Shoppens Elmer ivILLîAI C.HL appreclate. Miss Allie Neibitt ha hene for Parrow, in Mémorial Hospital, Down, Len Clernent, Ken B.Comm. * ~~~a week or go, with Miss Anne at noon today (Monday). Brooks and Ken Butteny who CatrdAcutn * 4m te l re i o YIcols Nesbitt. Hockey caîl themîcîves "Four hn a 361/, King St. E., Oshawa ' hov tIIspI'feCI@, <ilMn. Wiibert Ogden ia a The record is stili dlean ag Chord". Tlpae7563 patient in Memoniai rHospital, far as thie local hoke club Mrs. Nor ma ÂUYedLs1Nr Tlon eLB72O5-6SAV329 aoflait Friday. is concenned. The handicap ai thanked the panel for their haRtRed AccoAVtants aA number ai aur young having anly eight players in enlightening discussion and erd ccontatork Whole Kennel SV 5 ST A apeople attended the "Sadie uniiorm proved no problem asua the quantet for thein ap 323 King Street West$ RTA T f Hawkins" dance at Clanke until late hn the 5-4 victony propniate hymn. Oshawa,Onai nc p Hgh cholonFniayeve- ven Hutiman Bras. This was Mn. Catto closed with bene- WilimA.D.Ssb, MFrisn.O an e4-o. inmg. WlimA.Daéby CA close-checkhng game with diction. 72C641n 72-754r Tio Bts Jforfo d5A'IKE The card party at Commun- the winners ncceiving six ai Everyane pnocceded ta the -G. Edmond Burrows, C.A.IG6Moern * ity Hall, Friday evening, rime minan penalties. Ron C.E. Wing, where we were en- Moderne~i unden the auspices of the Robinson led the scaning pan- tentained by about 25 mare u ia ~ C ic -f GENERAL IRANCE Wozncn's Institute, saw 14 ade with two goals. Chuck Barber Shappens with many i'% Beans 14-oz. . Batiar' 2RalC oce1 .2 igS.E omnietables in play, with the fol- Trim had anc goal and set up tamiliar sangs unden the dlrec- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. wlthak - jL. Tins KnStE.lawing winners: High lady, three, Ken Gray notchcd anc tian ai Eric Booth. They were Chinopractor for l-'. rk onr ie o -Office Residence Aileen Turner; high gent, and aided on two otheri: Ted thanked again by Mns. Ray Office: Po*-r k' 8SAE 5 ~62-561 23-49 Jim Howard; dnaws-L. Mc- Stark scared anc and set un Camnenon in inging with such v, 15 ,in t, o. iHosy t ;R AVE 48e .41Négtc lougLlle CamaQaoheadStnC»leikethsam Lnhws ev hoe63559e *' 40 oz. INGREDIENTS: Fresh MiIk and Crêam, Sugar, Egg and Flavouring DELIVERED DAILY TO YOUR DOOR. BY YOUR MILKMAN R AE DAIRY FOR HOME DELIVERY PHONE 623 -5444 80 WMAN VILLE IDR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle IOffice Hours : 9 Close ta 6 p.m. dally jTelephone:__Office 623-5459 j DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 XLiberty St. N., Bowmanville Phone 623-5604 Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. daily ÏClosed Wednesday - Saturday I n su ra nce DONALD A. MacGREGOR Lite, Auto, Home Instarance 9%4 King et. E., Dowmauvlle Phone 623-5902 Land Surveyînig MERRILL D. BOWN p.ENG., O.LS. 121 Quen St.- Bowmanville Bus. and Res. Telephon. 623-7251 SADlE HABMLTON - OBONO Phone 1 r 16 Fit Mortgage Funds Residences - Parms Business Properties Whole or RULLS Half 0 Swifts Bnaokfield Skinless Pure Park SAUSAGE Table-Rite Sliced 4 Varieties (ooked Meats 41 Pnices effective Nov. 30, Dec. 1, 2, the right ta limit quantities. SAVE 47e IGA Oven Fnesh$ APPLE24-o. PIE3 for IGA Royal GoId Cheese I 18-os.1 Slices Pkgu. BAVE 34e 1-1. sl 6: $1 3. We reserve SAVE 39o Instant Coffee 18 Size 48's $sl .0 Flonida Sweet & Juicy TANGELOS 3 Froduce of U.S.A. Red Empenor GRAPES 10-oz. Jar fer IGA Homogenlaed Peanut 24-oz. Btter 2.o B AVE 34e d doz.$1l 2 Ibs.35c rSAVE 47o Detty Crocker Ccake Reg Mixes3 f'org4 IGA Choice L2-s Peas6Tior hLh SAVE for Qpome IryBowmanvelle IA F od1e Otometrhst 14J1 KI St E.- Bewmanvlle o m n ieIj odie 9on-t? 623352 10 WMAN VILLE We& and Set. -9. 1 M M M M M M a 4 M 4 E a M .1 a M * 4 4 .4 M -e 4 M M M DELICIQU-S NUTRITIOUS NON-ALCOHOLIC GLEN -,&l KING ST. W.

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