2 The canadian statiman, Boawnanvnfl, Dec. 7, 1906l hIP ME o SIDEWAYS for a first class t- i., e, 4,. 4,, 4, e, 4. 4', I. 4, 4', 4,. 1* fi, 4,, 4., 4,, 4,. t" 4, I 4,' v 4 4,, 4,; 'I 4,. 4,, y,, 1'~ t t I I 4,, 4, t,,, .4 i. 4, i - 4 s 4,, 4, 'I. .1 4,, 4. a., k, 4 e, 4, 4, 0. .4,. 4,. 4 '4, A 4 4 t F J 4 14 'j 4 n jr ,14 r> 1" w- ru The Price is Inexpensive a-mywhere $ 0 CLIP AND MAIL TO-DAY per ear per year G' ..T ORDER FORM enclose $- for - Statesman SUBSCRIPTIONS Adress My Subscription is included cas'e Send Gi.ft Subscniption ta: Yes No ime ddress me. Addreuu For additionai B 8.H.S. Principal Predicts 'Many Changes Coming At the Bowmanviile Higb Commencement Exercises are and Science Course and 72 Scheol Commencement Ex -Iheld for two reasons. First to students i the Four Year ercîses held on Friday evenîng, i Business a nd Commercial Nov. 25 in the Assembly Hall, onor the graduates, and sec- Course". Principal L. Lucas presenteci ondly te give an opportunity Mr. Lucas referred te the 26 Secondary Sehool Honor for a brief account cf tht increasing popularity cf tbe Graduation Dîplomas. The schooi's business, four year program in Arts and Vaiedictorian was Susan Etch- "Registration at Bowman- Science, and an increasing er. vill«e High Sehool three yeara îack o! interest in the five year At ht ommncmen threago was 538. Last year there course. Tbis ta a trend today, Atere 69rCimmensem end- erewere 621 students, and this he said. ar Scl nt Graduaton d- year as cf September there ary chol Grduaion i- ere 604 students registered. The schooi has a teaching' plomas in Arts and Science. Tht slight drop in the total staff of 28 full time teachers. There were aise 16 Secondary number this year is becaU3e There .are three office em- Scheol Graduation Diplomias Grades Il and 12 Business and ployets, two on the cafeteria presented in Business and Commercial are now heid et staff, and tbree janitors, Mr. Commerce. Courtice Secondary Schooi, Lucas said. Seven teachers A, special welcome te the and not at Bowmanville, he left the achool last year and parents of the graduates and explained. there were six newcomers in to platform guests was ex- "This year we have five September. prcsscd by Principal Lucas, Grade 9, five Grade 10, four "This year we have the who also extended a cordial Grade il, four Grade 12 and best teaching staff we have weicome te ail tht students, two Grade 13. Tht Five Ycar had for some time," Mr. Lucas relatives and friends in the Arts and Science Course has stated. Ht said Mr. Bail had capacity audience. 408 students, there are 123 been welcemed back frein Mr. Lucas said that tht students in the Four Yer Arts Nigeria, and explaîned thatli - - - - - - - - - - - there are now two addltlonal teachers of Physicai Educa- cation, Mr. W. Miller assista Mr. W. Brunt, and Miss M. Quantrii assista Miss Sandra Crawley. He added that Mr. C. Clarke replaces Mr. Garth Gilpin as a Commerce teacher. Mr. Gilpin was transferred to Courtice Secondary Schooi. Mr. Lucas said 78 per cent of Grade 9 had passed into Grade 10; 83 per cent of Grade 10 into Grade 11, '79 per cent of Grade Il into Grade 12, and 72 per cent hnd passed frein Grade 12 into Grade 13. This was a total of 79 per cent for these grades. In Grade 13 the 49 candi- dates received 273 credits out of a possible 334; that is, 82 per cent of ail the possible credits were obtained, Mr. Lucas explained. He reèminded the graduates that since they came te Bow- manville High School four or five years ago there have been changes in the school systein. "During your sojourn at the school you have acquired in- formation and knowledge. You are now older and have added insight. If you have been labie to make a decision con- 1cernln; a lfetime .occupation your time has net been watt- ed. In addition te learning reading, writinq and arithine- ttic Uic achool givez training in the virtues ef honesty, trutb- fuiness, honor, thoroughness, and promptness, and you have had examples set by your teechers. "In tht new era cf social development following World War II education bas attalned a new dimension well beyond the simple aimas I have men- tioned. Tht definition of edu- cation at onetitmc was a preparation for 1f.. This wouid be mort meaningfuliif society were static and if it could be known wbcn a chiid firat starts in school what the situation wiil be when gradua- tion cornes. Preparation would be easy te make for known conditions, but with the tre- mendous pace cf progreas and the enormous changes being made in the werid, adaptabllity becomes of paramount im- portance, and tht basic virtues instilicd in students by their school become greet assets". Mr. Lucas discussed tht di!- ference between training and educ !ion. He aise spoke cf B.H.S. Comencement Bowmanvllle High Schooi Commencement Exercises were held on Friday, November 25th, when the prizes and awards were presented. The program included the following: Durham County District High Sehool Board Charirmain of the Board Mr. W. C. Keyen ViceChafrman __________Mr. J. F. HoNeind Bowmenvule Mr. D. A. MeGiseor Mr. L. A. Parker Mr. A. A. H. Strike Darlinqton Mr. C. Allia Mr. W. 1. Brown Mr. 1. F. Heyland Mr. G. Tubh Cavagn Mi. R. Falli Mllbrook Dr. 1. W. Wright 1966-67 Port Hope Mr. E. Cîeightorî Mr. W. C. Noyés Dr. J. T. McCzeery Mr. W. E. Tramer Clarke Mr. W. H. Carin Mr. C. Tamblyn Hope Mi. C. Nichais Newcastle Mr. 1. B. Wiight United Couaties Mr. M. Patteison Teaching Staff Subjects Mr. L. Lucas, . A.- - . Principal Mr. E. Wolff, B.A. VicePrincipal, Mathemnatie Mr. V. .Auger, B.A. - Geography Mr. D. Austin, B.A.- Science Mr. B. NBu. .A. Geoqîaphy Mr. W. Brunt. .P.H.E.- - Physical Education, Mathematics Mm .E. Niatton, B.A. . Engligh Mr. C. Clark*.----- - ----- Commercial Mise S. Crawley,.B.A. Physical Education, French Mr. G. flUit. NB.A., B.Paed. - -Guidance, ilistory Mii. M. 19ffery, B.A. ________ . istory Mr. L.Jhntn . _______________ Industriol Arts Mr. M. Kelly, M.A. . Engliah Min. A. Kakenbeîq. B.A.- French, Enqhshh Misa E. Laycock, B.A. - French, Gurinan Mr. F. LàGresley, .SA. -- Agriculture. Science Mrs. A. Lewis, B.A. . ~Science. Mathematica Misse. elcague,,BNA. ____________-History, French Mns. H. McMaîter, M.A. --____.- Art, English Mr. IR. McMulen, B.A. _______. Guidance. Enqlinh Mr. W. Miller, BA.. ___ __- Physîcal Education. Mathematie Mms.F. Peano, B.A. -- ____-- - ------- - Library, Englimhk Miss M. Quantrili Physical Education. Mathematicu Mr. R. Sheridan, B.A. . ___. Latin, Enqlish Mr. M. Stacey, B.A., B.Ed. ______ Science Mr. J. Thompion, B.A,. - -Mathemnatias Mus. N. Wolfe __ R_ ome Econamias, wrltlnq SECONDARY SCIIOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS BUSINESS AND) COMMERCE Shanon E. Barchard Nellie M. Carn Mari ont L. Henry Christine Mersdea Sylvia Mitchell Lîady M. Mouatjoy Brenda R. Murphy Gerald W. McDonald Announced by Mrs. D. Rega Betty M. Ormiston Shirley A. Patton Sadra M. Robiason Carrol E. A. Taylor Linda E. Therteli Terry L. Thompson Judy L. Vagg Marylee E. Yeo Presented by Mn. G. Gilpin BANK OF MONTREAL CUF For speed and accuracy ln Typewiting Winner: Judy Vegg Pnesented by Mr. J. A. Bell CANADIAN IMIPERIAL BANK 0F COMMERCE AWARD For menit in Bookkceping Winncr: Majonie Henry Preséntcd by Mn. K. C. Purdy TORONTO-DOMINION BANK AWARD For spced and accuracy in Shorthaad Wlnner: Enenda Murphy Prcsented by Mn. R. G. Lawton COMMERCIAL LAW PRIZE Awarded by the Bowmanville Members o! tht Northumberland and Durham Law Association te tht Senior Commercial student .whe obtained tht highest marks in Commercial Law. Winner: Marjorie Henry Prescntcd by Mr. L. C. Mason UNDERWOOD TYPING PINS For speed in Typewnitig - Minimum 60 w.p.m. Winners: Judy Vegg Prescated by Mrs. D. Regan Sharon Barcherd UNDERWOOD BUSINESS EDUCATION AWARD Awarded te the studeat who bas showa tht highest standard la business educetica. Winner: Sharon Barchard Preseated by Mr. G. Gilpin SECONDARY SCHOOL GRADUATION DIPLOMAS ARTS AND SCIENCE Brian J. Banker Karen M. Bell Mary J. Billett I. June Bowen Elizabeth J. Braden John L. Bnimicombe J. Wayne Burges Donn a M. Colt Brian J. Colville W. Irwln Colwell Philip S. Dawson Henry Dykstre Brian J. Elaton Phyllis A. Enumerson Charlts C. Ewert Patricia J. Fair Douglas R. Penniz Janet M. Graham Sandra M. Grimfn Merridy A. Rately Alan J. Hooper John G.. Hopper Daniel G. Mughes Richard P. Bates Jarne.s A. Budal Terry A. Devitt .Geraîd J. Hardy Wayne D. Hazelton Morris B. Boneyman Richard A. Jackson -Aimouneed by Umi. IL McMater Donald G. Jamiesen Wolfgang P. Kerekes Gail L.* Kilp atrick Wesley G. Lan Daniel C. Lemen Dennîs J. Lernon Paul A. Lucas Gail C. Masters Paul A. Parker Glenn M. Rabb W. E. Neil Richards Rose Merle Roach Ronald G. Simnpson Jennie M. Stout Laura Talsma Denald D. Taylor Kathleen E. Twist Brenda J. Virtue Robin W. Virtue Janico L. Webster Betty A. Weish James W. Wright Stephen C. Wright Barbare Lee Bruce M. Meadows DouWias L. Park Joaeph T. Rekker Genald G. Wright James E. Youngnm Preseted by Mr. 9. Wolff STUDENT COUNCIL GRADUATION GIFT Winaer: Susan Etcher Presented by John McGuirk DURHAM COUNTY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD PRIZES Grade IX ---- Barry Virtue Grade X - Barry Krawchuk GradeXI - Diane Hoar Grade XII _______ ____ Neil Richards Junior Commercial Susan Meadows Senior Commercial Mari crie Henry Pnesented by Mr. W. C. Keyes KINSMEN CLUB AWARDS Tht Kinsmea Club Awards are made te tht two students with the highest average on Grade XII examinations la June cf the present year. Each atudeat is te have cualifled for tht Sccondary Sehool Graduation Diploma, one student f rom tht Five Yeer Programme in Arts and Science, the other fromn tht Four Yeer Programme i Arts and Science. Each student must have written eight examinationa. Winneru: Neil Richards Geraid Hardy Presented by Mn. R. Whyte, President BAGNELL AWARD Donated by Mns. M. Bagneli, te the student who heu contnibuted moat te Basketball and has been a member cf a team for three yeana. Winner: Chales Ewert Pr.aent.d by Mr. W. Begnel BRUCE COLWELL TROPHY Donated by Bruce ColweU te the student who won the Annuel Two-Mile Cross Country Race. Wlnner: Ian McQuarrie Presented by Mr. B. Colwel Exerc ises SENIOR ]RUGBY AWAIRD Donated by Mr. James Marr te the player contributing most te Senior Rugb-y. Winner: Charles Ewert Presented by Mr. R. Lawton SCREECH OWL CUP - COVER DESIGN Winner: Lenere Cain Presented by Merldy Hately' SCREECR OWL PLAQUE Awarded te the one making tht greetest contribution te the 1965-66 Screech Owl. Winner: Betty 'Weish Presentcd by Mernidy Hateiy SECONDARY SCHOOL HONOUR GRADUATION DIPLOMAS Judith Jil Ames Edward Albert Roland Bate James Frederick Blunt David Byron Bridges Edwend Douglas Brown William John Cobban Corinne Ann Elliott Susan Jane Etcher Geraid Brian Harness Evelyn Louise Hellyar Jacob Hogetcrp Robert Stephea James Ludmiila Konyk Announced by Miss Laycock Larry Joseph Lee Bradley Bond Lucas Linda Diane McMulien Susan Carol Prazienka Jennifer Lee Purdy Virginle Lee Siemon Christena Lois Tighe Verna Vender Meer Peter James Vanstone Anne Marie Werry Melvin Paul Wison Saily Jane Withenly Pnesented by Mr. Lucas HONOUR ROLL - JUNE 1966 Susan Etcher JOLLIFFE PRIZE The Jollifte Pnize, in memory cf the lete Lieutenant Ronald Jolliffe is awerded te tht studeat with highest standing in Grade XIII Histery. No Winner ROTARY CLUB PRIZE Tht Rotary Club Prize i.s ewarded to tht student with highest standing i Grade XIII subjects iacluding finat clama standing iet leest five of those subi ects. $25.00 Ia cash Winner: Susan Etcher Pnesented by R. L. Stevens, President HOSKIN PRIZE Tht Heskin Prize lu awarded te the atudent with highest standing i Grade XIII Eaglish. $10,00 ibooks Winnen: Jennifer Purdy' Prescnted by Mr. M. Kelly LADIES' AUXILIARY TO THE ROYAL CANADIAN LEOG OF BRANCH 178 This prize is awarded te tht student who obteined highest standing ini Grade XII English and who registered in Grade XIII at Bowmanvilie High Schooi. Winner: Janet Graham Presented by Mrs. T. Westover, Pnes. AGRICULTURE PRIZES These awards are made to tht students in Grades IX, X, XI and XII obtaining tht highest standing in Agriculture. Winner: Grade IX Thomas Barrie $10,00 in bocks Donor: Vanstone Fleur and Feed Miil Presented by Mr. B. Vanstone Winner: Grade X Martha Boyd $10,00 i books Donor: W. H. Brown Implements Presented by Mr. W. H. Brown Winner: Grade XI Gary Bail $10.00 in bocks Donor: Cowan Equipment Company Presented by Mr. T. Cowan Winnen: Grade XII Wesley Lane $10.00 in bocks Donor: Durham Farmers' County Co-operetive Presented by Mr. J. Knox CATHOLIC WOMEN'S LEAGUJE Awarded te the student with highest standing In Grade X Latin. Denor: Tht Ladies' League of St. Joseph's Church $10.00 in cash Winner: Barry Krawchuk Presented by Mrs. E. Rand HOME ECONOMICS Awarded te the studeats in Grades IX, X, XI, XII cbtaining the highest standing in Home Economics. Each winner la te receive a Canadien Cook Bock. Donor: Kinette Club Winner: Grade IX ~--Derla Bacon Winner.: Grade X___- Joana Collocutt Wînaer: Grade XI- -_ ___ Susan Hoiroyd Winner: Grade XII - -- . Rose Marie Roach Presented by Mrs. T. Masters, President ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION PRIZE Awarded te, the student with highest standing in Grade XI English. $15.00 - $10.00 in cash Winaers: Firat - Diane Hoar Second - James Kitney Presented by Mr. S. Duan, President MEN'S CAN4W~AN C.LUB HISTORY PRIZE Awarded te tht students with highest standing in Grade X History. $5.00 In books Winners: Girl: Barbara Crombie Boy:, Douglas Piper Christine Sameils Presented by Mr. H. Bradley, President MUSIC AWARDS Awarded te tht students in Grades IX,' X, XI and XII obtaining highest standing in Music. Winnen: Grade IX Carl Hayman $10.00 Donor: Lienettes Club Presented by Mrs. R. Kent Winner: Grade X Debbie Sol $ 10.00 Donor: Dr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson Preseated by Mn. Peters Winner: Grade XI Jili Nichols $15.00 Donor: Club 15 Preseated by Mn. Peters Winner: Grade XII Bnian Eiston $15.00 Donon: Dr. H. Rundie Presented by Dr. H. Ruadie BONNYCASTLE PRIZE Awarded te the student who has showa mest promise iDramatics. $10,00 in books Donor: Mrs. Maitland Gould, daughter cf tht late Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie who for many years senved on tht Bewmanville High School Board. Winner: Wilma Vandemeent Presented by Mrs. M. Gould INDUSTRIAL ARTS PRIZES Awarded te tht students in Grades IX, X, XI and XII obtaining tht highest standing i Industrial Arts. Winner: Grade IX: John Froats John Sturrock $5,00 in books Tiniothy Taylor Donor: Tht Industriel Arts Departinent Winner: Grade X Barry Krawchuk $5.00 in bocks Donor: Lander Hardware Winer: Grade XI Charles Friedrich $5,00 in bocks Donor: Lader Hardware Winner: Grade XII Daniel Lemon $10,00 in bocks Donor: MeMuilen Hardware Preaented by Mr. L. Johnston trI CHRIS TMA S Gift t dea (52 GIFIS IN ONE) The Canadian Statesman is the Perfect Gift' for son or daughter at collage or away for- boys away in service for 'any f riend or relative who, grew up ln this, a AN ATTRACTIVE GIFT CERTIFICATE MilI brinb the first news of youî' thoughtfu. ies. Reminders wili corne in the form of rhe Canadian Statesman every week bring. ng fresh news and pictures of aid friends. e' e, 4, 4, 4, 4,, $ e,, 4, E. I. e 9, 4 4, 4 4 ai,,, * 44. r e, Ni A( Pi si Mc I gitplease attach a plain sheet 11 1 a la'm 'mima Rem m memeeeec- - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - education'u twin goals, the the Durham CountY Dîstc betterment ci the individual High School Board. brOuSht and the improvement of so- the congratulations Md4 best ciety. Drop-outs are a mark wlshes oi the board tb>- the of tallure for the school, hie graduates. He aise comPli- said. Several things mnust be mented their parents as weli donc if ail students are to be as their teachers for the kept in the foid, hie explained. assistance that they had given The number of courses could the graduating students. He be varied, facilities enlarged, spoke cf the Importance of and staff increased. courage and faith and wished He predicted that within the the graduatea future auccess. next few years there will be A talented young musicien, further changes in the system. John McGuirk, President of There wiii be a greatiy in- the Student Council, ple~' creased use of television and the audience that ifiled 4« other mass media in teachlng Assembiy Hall to caps,3q in both eiementary and sec- with the expresiveness N ondary education, and the distinction cf bis playlng cf provincial and federai gev- Rachmaninoff's Prelude in C ernments wili make greater Sharp Miner as a piano solo. contributions. A chiid's capa- Ht aise deiighted his listeners bilities wili be found froin by playing Chopin's Waltz I aptitude, achievement, and E. Minor as an encore. I.. tests, hie said. The audience asc enjoyed tudents today have te be the Grade 12 enaemnble's pia- scholars, authors, poets, is- ing of severai Slavonic Froïk torians, mathematicians, sci- Dances. This ensemble isaa entists, geographers, carpen- nine instrument group, and ters, iearn te ceok, and be they played under the direc- enthuuiastic in order to keep tion of~ D. Peters, L.T.C.M. Pace, Mr. Lucas said. He comr- Following Susan Etchers plimented the graduates on splendid Valedictory Address their achievements, and exc- a gift was presented te ber tended his best wisbes for from hier fellow students. Tne their future success. presentat ion was made bY W. C. Keyes, Chairman cf Barry Virtue. HAROLD LONG WORTH MEMORIAL SCI90LARSHIP This Scholanship la awarded te puplîs cf Grade XIII for generel proficiency. Tht candidate must anclude French and German. If, in any yeen, ne student qualifies in German then Latin may be substituted fer that year. First - $75.00 Second - $25.00 Doners: Mrs. and tht late Mr. H. E. Longworth i mermory cf their son, tht lete Harold F. Longwerth who served as Modemns teacher and Rugby coach et Bowmanvillc High School. Winaers: lst - Susan Etcher 2nd - Meivin Wilson Presented by Mr. G. Elliott BIOLOGY PRIZE Tht Bielogy Prize is awarded te tht student wlth highest standing in Grade XIII Biology. Denor: Brookdaie-Kingsway Nurseries $10.00 in books Winaer: Cerinne Eiliott Prescnted by Mr. I. Smith MeGREGOR PRIZE Tht McGregor Prize is awarded te tht student with tht highest standing in Grade XIII Latin and Gneek. If, in any year, ne student qualifies in Greck, Englîsh may be substituted for that year. Donors: Miss Helen McGregor and Mr. Alex McGregor $20.00 in cash Winner: Anne Wenry Pnesented by Mr. D. A. McGregor LIONS CLUB PRIZE Tht Liens Club Pnize is awarded te the student with hlghest standig in Grade XIII Mathematics. Donor: Tht Lions Club, Bewmanville Winner: Susan Etchen Preseated by Mn. G. White, Pnesident GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUEBER COMPANY SCHOLAISHIP This Schelarship is awardcd to pupils of Grade XIII for genenal proficieacy ta tht foiiowing subjeçts: English, three Mathematica, two Sciences and a Foreign Language. First - $75.00 Second - $25.00 Donor: Tht Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company cf Canada, Ltd. Winnens: First - Anne Werry Second - Meivin Wilson Presented by Mn. H. G. MacNeil SQUAIR PRIZE Tht Squair Pnize, awardcd te the student with the hlghest standing in French of Grade XIII. $10.00 ibocks Donor: Tht late John Squair, Esq., M.A., Professer cf French, Univensity o! Toronte. Winnen: Sally Withenly Prenented by Miss E. Laycock THE LOUIS W. DIPPELL MEMORIAL SCROLAISHIP This Schelarship is awarded in memory cf tht late L. W. Dippefl who was principal at Bowmanviile High School frcm 1929 to 1961. Te the atudent with highest standing i Grade XIII Chemiatry and cithen Bioiogy or Physics. Value - $250.00 Wininer: Melvin Wilson Presented by Mrs. L.,W. Dippefl BURBARIEB Women's Auxiliary - Memorial Hospital- Department cf University Affaira - Student Awards ___ STUDENT COUNCIL Advisers _______Mr. D. R. Austin; Mr. C. Clarke Preaident _____________- John McGulrk lat Vice-President ____________ an McQuarrie 2nd Vice-President --- Susan Elliott 3rd Vice-Preuident- Barry Krawchuk Secretary Mary Jane Walters Treasurer - Michael 0k. ACKNOWLEDGMUN The Bownianville Hlgh School would like te thank ail donors and others who have cotribut.d te the succeas of theiN lm a nsmtExercises.