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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1966, p. 13

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-o f-Jonred Students at Cou rtice Hig Secondary Schiool Hanouri Award: Awarded to the stu. English. Winner, M e iaod Graduatin Did Brawn,* Bon- dents ln Grade X and Grade Muir; presented by Mrs. Bowmn, avidBron, Bn-!XII with the higheat standing Westover. nie Burgesis, John Cousins,ý in Industrial Arts. Winners: Courtice Secondary Scbo Lynda Davey, Roger Farrow,j Grade X, Tom Cook; Grade Athletic Society Award:. Sharon Fisher, Michael Gibbs, XII, Gregg Sinimonu; present- the boy outstanding inAt Rabert Hamiltoni John Han- ed by Mr. H. Balsan. letics 1965-66, winner, Wayr. cock, Ed Hanewich, Joseph' Commercial P 1 a q u e and Jordan; To the girl outstanc Kazak, Stephen Liptay, Sil-l; Medal: Donated by the 1961- ing in Athletics 1985-66, wir ~nMarsh, Wendy Nesbtt,- 62 Grade XII Commercial ner, Sharon Tweedie; presen, uglas Peeling, Bayne Pa- Clâma and awarded to the tu- ed by Mr. J. Brownlee. f bhuk, Wendell Prime, Con- dent with the highest stand- The St. Joseph's Pariâ stance Robertson, Bernhamt,îng in Grade XII Commercial Roth, Glenn Sawych, Lîndai Subjecta. Winner: Grade XII,I Scott, Reirihard Silberhorn, Bannie Bothwell, presented B L~A C M Linda Smith, June Turnbull,l yM.C aes Elizabeth Werry, T homias jb r C. PowAds A very impressive filmn er Warden, Jan Zavitsky. An-j The Roy Nicos Award nounced by Mr. I. H 1i$2on .00 ln cash, awarded ta th titled "A Stranger ini th .~~~~~~ ~ HaUneHuse" a s'n tt and presented by Mr. W !student in Grade XIII dis- GweaU sow n atetin i Keyes. playing the berit persanaîity GnrlUCW etn Secondary School Gradua- and voted morit popular by the C. E. Centre, Tuesday al fln ipom, enra Curi the Staff and Clasamates.tron Nov. 29. The Damcr tio Dilom, Gneal oure:linnrJosph oza; pe-Unit was in charge of th Charlotte Annis, Clare A:sh WînrJsehKaa; pr rm nd the worship o ton, Virginia Balson, Davidjsne yM.FOw. Starhi r.W le Barrabaîl, Erlyne Barman, Ro-; Students with the Highest WSt rdp heMs. raiptue bert Bothwell, Dwight Brad- Academic Standing in Each parigtead othe erptu RonbChatBrKenet Sherma-1 Grade: Prizes, $15.00 ta $25.00 Mrs. Stanford Van Camp gav lyn Chnt.KenethChum b- each awarded by the Durham the meditatian. President an ]ey, Loretta Cook, Melodyl County District High School Secretary now presided fo Cooke, David Conroy, Gre-j Board, Won by--Grade IX, the business session. Repori gary Couch, Kellie Cox, Janet~ Margaret Muir; Grade X, Sani- were heard froin ail deparl Down, Wayne Down, Wayneý dra Sobil; Grade XI, Peggy ments încluding the nominal Eymnann, Jane Fisher, Susaný Milîson; Grade XII, Melody ing committee. As there ar Fountain, Ralph Grace, Irwin'l Muir; Grade XIII, Wendell two or three vacancies yet, Hamilton, Gary Hanewich, Prime; presented by Mr. F. full report of officers will b: Dean Harrison, Gail Hircock, Heyland. pubîîshed ater next meetînj Katherine Hoar, Dennîs Ho-I Bank af Montreal Trophy: The Candace Unit are to lac' mneniuk, James Homeniuk, For speed and accuracy ifl after the Christmas gifiý Bryon Howells, Linda Howes, typing. Winner, Patricia Par- Gits for the Victor Home fo Kay Hutton, Douglas Killens, ter, presented by Mr. J. A. Girls are ta be handed ina George Leadbeater, Pe t er Bell. the next unit meetings. Re Lugtenburg, Lynda Martin, T he Canadian Imperial tiring President Mms. Kyt ]Bannie McM!ilan, Lockie Me. Bank ai Commerce Traphy: expressed appreciatian for cc Nair, Ivan Milîs, Grace Moore, Awarded ta the student ob- aperation during her two yea ]Ruth Morton, Melody Muir, taining the highest standing term. Twenty-six ladies al Gordon Mushynski, .Tirnothy in Bookkeepin.g. Winner, Bon-ted. Peel, Mark Penfound, Jerry nie Bothwell; presented b Te Bg oueGers Petryshyn, Shirley Pickell, Mm. K. Purdy.y Th Bi For uns Walton Prime, Lynne Read, Toronto-Dominion B a nk Club held their annual poi Afri Rie, JnetRobsn, roph: Aarde tothe luck dinner in the Recreatioi April Ric, EJatRosoin, rpy wre atestu- Centre, Tuesday noon. C Glenn Sawych, Edward 5km~-1 dent for speed and accuracynoetCatrhteset- rier, Gregg Simmons, Marian in Shorthand. Winner, Bon- nte tCrP gtresident6 s M Stinson, Doreen T r e win, nie Bothwell; presented by tha re Grafor197am.M Wayne Trull, Sofia Viehover, Mr. R. Lawton. Hre rhm fOmn.Vietch, Susan Wearn, Rotary Club Prize: $25.00 Pride of Cartwright L.( "iI~d Westlake, E dw a rd in cash, awarded ta the stu- B.A. held their annual meet ýWoOd, Lawrence Wright. An- dent wîth the highest stand- ing Thursday evening whel nounced by Mr. K. Dennis and ing in Grade XIII Mathema- the followîng offîcers wex presented by Mm. C. Allin. tics. Winnem, Wendell Prime; elected: Past Mistress, Siste Secondar,Y School Commner- presented by Mm. R. Stevens.' Gibson; Mistress, Sister Dayeý cial Clerical Se e cret a r i a 1 The Lions Club Prize: $25.00 Deputy Mistress, Sister Me Course: James Almey, Elaine ini cash, awarded ta the stu- Kee; Junior Deputy MistresE Annis, Bannie Bothwell, Don- dent with the highest stand- Sister Irene Hudson; Secr< na Bothwell, Syhil Brynzan, Ing in Grade XIII Science tary, Sister Lee; Treasurei Daniel Capenter, Katherine (Physicri a nd Chemistmy). Sister Van Camp; Chaplair Christl, Norma Davey, Sharon Winner, Wendell Prime; pre- Sîster Beacock; Guardian, Sis Gladmnan, Donna Helferty, sented by Mr. G. White. ter McLean; Director ai Cere Alice Killen, Olga Mîchaelej- The Kiwanis Club Prize- nmanies, Sister Joan Wotten ko, Patricia Porter, Christine Awarded ta the student with Senior Lecturer, Sister Murie Roame, Janice Scott, Margaret the bighest standing in Grade Wotten; Deputy Lecturer, Sis Staîker, S h a r o n Tweedie, XIII Geography. W i n n e r, ter June Degeer; Pianist, Sis Connie Walker. Announced Gerald Marsh; presented by ter Lee; Inner Guard, Sistei by Mm. C. Pawems and pre- Mm. Fred Tippins. Fowler; Outer Guard, Siste: sented by Mm. W. Brown. Agricultural Award: $10.oo Milîsonî; Auditors, Sister Hu<d Oshawa Wood P ro d u t s in books; donor, W. H. Brown; sari and Sister Prescott; Stand awarded ta the student in ing Committee, Sisters Hud fl~m!Y~~v Grade XII having the highest Son, Degeer, Parr, Archer anc ]PuiNTx.,jij standing in Agriculture. Win. Fowlem; Sick and Visiting fer, Wayne Eymann; present- Sisters Dayes, Van Camp anc The memry season has roll- ed by Mr. E. Rose. McKee. ed araund once again. Many Homne Economies: Awamded Services were well attend af the people have their hous- ta the students in Grade X ed in bath churches Sunday esi brightly lit up. and Grade XII obtaining the morning. In the United al The Christmas tree business highest standing in Homeè 10 a.m., the choir sang thE tIs really boomîng. 1 expect Economri. Winners: Grade anthemn "MY Prayer fai that many of aur eaders saw X, Sandra Sabil; 'Grade XII, Christmas." Rev. Romemil de. ,"GoldStar" televized aver MÏelody Muir; pesented by livered a vemy helpful sermon CFTO larit Fiday. Mrs. C. MeMullen. on Advent. Lloyd Bown and John Alto Music Company Awamd: In St. John's, the secand Evans are womking together Awarded ta the students in Sunday, ai Advent is Bible on construction. Grade X and Grade XII with Sunday, s0 Rev. Rose gavea Congratulations are extend- the highest standing ini Music. thought-pravoking sermon ai, ed ta Mm. and Mrs. Jimmy Mc- Winners: Grade X, Bernadette The Bible. Gee who celebmted their Silv- Dunhani; Grade XII, Jerry 'Hi C met Sunday evening er wedding an niversary of Petryshyn; presented by Mrs. wt 8mmesadfu that weddng b lîs . Snll.Councillors present. A very ,17,e har tat eddig blls Student Council BursarMie: sin ae wspe 'Will 500f be inging in the Awarded ta the students interestingepnelwas prtie, village. Mrs. Z. Eggbeater ai Grade XIII with the bighest Betty Bradburn, Judy Swair Toronto bas been spending a standing in- English, won by and Brian Mountjay, and fol. lot ai hem time in Pontypool Judith Branton, June Turn- lwdb elhv îcs lately. bull, Tom Worden; History, non. Yaeal nie d schoo Our men's hockey team wof won by David Brown; French, s'o."PaTelenotgin e x"cuo a smashing victory over an won by Constance Rabertrion'- Oshawa team on Sunday. Btîve served lunch. Ko Santa came early ta Chu iolgwnbyJspfa 'Curis tis yar.zak; annOunced by Mr. J District Cammissioner Jean Curis hi yer. He won' Nesbitt and presented by Ms Kyte, Brown Owl Shirley $1,000 at bingo in Peter- Jayne Gay, president of Mthe Turner, Division Commission. borough on Fiday night. Student Council In Mm Ro er B rnssufer- Valedictarian's Plaque: Do- KENDAL 'n rma sevr iri ie nated by the Oshawa Wood #oslippingn and ahing f bisProductri ta the ValedictoÉian. ~rot tep o Moda evn-Winner 1966, Wendell Prime;Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cran- Seealdggae.unn presenteJ by Mm. H. Balson. miller, Miss Rose Laing of aÀose in the community. I SuetCuii lqe oot n r OSRuh advise the awners ta have Donated by the Henderson ley ai Oshawa ripent Sunday them tied up; if fat, im afraid Concrete Productri ta the Pre- with Mrs. Swarbrick. that the dog-catcher will be rident ai the Student Caunicil Miss Marion McKelvey visnt- kept very busy. 1965-66, Shirley Pickell; pre- cd with Miss Catherine Stew- -1-' sented by Mr. J. E. Speers. art on Sunday. NWWINTER. TERM Underwood Awards: For Master Russell Carruthers EWil pna'h student showing marit profi- af Bowmanville was with his wIl opn a th ciency in al Business Sub- grandipaments, Mr. and Mi s. OSHAWA 1jects; winner, Sybil ]Brynza.n; W. 1H. Foter for the weekend, dy Coundil of the Catho] M'. men's League Award:1 student ini Grade X wA ooi highest standing. in ra Winner, Alice Jones; p th- ed by Mrs. Jessie Heez mie Junior Mathematics i- Courtice Secondary in- Winners: irit, Paul Tub nt- Gary Sbmyr; 3rd, StÀ Devorski; presentedi by ish Dennis. (STOCK cri- te in tf- ýas ,e on er ire er. 'e id tr rt- rt- a ig. ok 15s. rit te- de Rt- ey )t- on Ir. e- es; ss, Br, in, is- .1; [el I3- Ir er er 1* id d2 ky It le poect. AsA fs h den t!s E~o, As . th CsWiste'd erna- M URKALS - riRv .C Wjusro Gn Sunday -was taken froi Galatians "For in fullness ai time God sent His Son". We A Gift of Lasting B.auty 1I ametinies think in this modt- mrn world that Christmas has P~EIU'T M cen commercialized but in sTpite o! this the sentiment ai giving still emains. A little 201N ISCOU boyviewing a crache showing Joseph, Mary, Baby Jesus and OFFeR 17th o rdssi "h OFREXPIRES DEC. 1t os dtinoth his".Tss - tivities, when in ail the mad n I ~f L I~IU I'~~ ush rithe r itm a s DU -~~j frsote.ra irsa go"in ~ M mm mm m mm mm orlIVthen.ardencadoissanne w ou U M UM e ter sarand issAnn Election day wcather was LýA nYthn# bt pleasant wîth PAIN & W LLPA ER te roacts sheeted i ice in the morning and ini the afternoon j N T~PHONE 63541saine snow icI! and then it be. camne foggy. Fortunately it 33-.MIN ýST W.BOWMNIVMILUIECtumncd milde and the icel NG ST I.BO A VI Leltcd. No doubt many vat- *cousit of the weather. er Ivy Hamilton and T: Representative G w Thomprion attended a stan meeting of Guide I at Orono Wedncsday r Msds. Velva Baile Thomprion, W. W. Van W. Archer, Neil Balle Master Howard Baîley Mm. Harry Hall at Plough Ladge, Cobou: Wednesday, and Msds, Hamilton, Harold Ha G. V. A. Scott and J. A. stan visited himn on Th, Heartierit congratulatic your birtbday, Mr. H, years young. hvin McMahon his n Bôwman-ý ville hospital, having under- gone an appendectomy opera- tian. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Fer- ic Wa- guson, Hamilton, ripent the For the weekend with the Gordon rith the Strong family. Latin. Miss Mary Bradburn, Tor- present- onto, ripent the weekend at enan, home. Scbool- Mrs. Phena Mou.ntjay, Mr. b; 2nd: and Mrs. Jack Swain, Osh- bb nawa, visited Mr. Harold tephanie Swain, Miss Helen and Mr. jMr. K. Jimù, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van Camp and family visited Mm. and Mrs. Nornman Malcolm, Toronto, on Sunday. ranfg Mr. Glenn Malcolm, Edmon- rriigton, ripent a couple of days en it with the Merrîli Van Camps a Divi- last week. L.eaders Mr. and Mrs. Ron Kester night. and family, Zephyr, were [y, L. Saturday evening difn ne r iCamp, guests of Mr. andi Mrs. Arnold ey, and Taylor and girls, a birthday visited celebration for three of the Golden groun. arg, on Miss Deanne Wheeler, Bow- sJohn manville, visited the Ernest amilton, Swains and Bob Whieelers; ýJohn- over the weekend. ursday. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Taylor, ons on Scarbarough, visited his par- lall, 84 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay- lor. Friday evening. er Mar-ý Mr. Roy Ferguson and Mrs. il C. Hi!! were Saturday guerits af Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brown and Miss Dorothy, Oshawa. Mr. Ron Martyn spent the weekend with Larry Hos"i in Hamilton. Congratulations to Miss Ethel Thomprion who will be having hem 92nd birthday an Friday, Dec. th. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Dunsi- moor virited Mr. and Mrs. Bey Deaily and Teresa, Tor- onto, Sunday. STÀRK VILLE Mrs. L. Tadd is spending a lew days with ber sister, Mrs. McKnight, Millbrook. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cornish and family, Buffalo, N.Y., were recent visitars with her mother, Mrs. V. Farrow. Mrs. Llew Hallowell at- tended the bazaar in Orono Saturday aftemncon and she and Mr. Hallowell were even- ing dinner guestri with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Orme Falls and Harvey were dinner guestri with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trim, Bowmanville, Saturday evening. Mrs. Russeil 'cmvy viriited Do rling ton Twp. ýThe caiadlan Saemn Council News and their chlldren,Sctan DÈrlington Township Coun- Mrs. Morley MeAflister, Eliza- cil met in the Municipal bethville and Mrs. William Building on December irit, all McAllister, Newtonviile. rnembers present, Reeve Blan- Sympathy af the community chard preuiding. is extended ta Mrs. Mervin Moved by Councillors Budai Smith in the sudden death af and Gibbs that permission is hiem father, John Miller, at granted to the Women's In- Stonewall, Man. stitute af Hampton to canvass Mrs. Walter Neals visited the village for funds to pro- with Mrs. Lauma Spiers in vide for the erection af street Toronto during the weekend. signs in Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cap- Moved by Councllors Gibbs stick, Uxbridge, ripent the and Down that a letter re fji-e weekend with Mrs. Milton protection for West Darling- Weatherilt and Charles Weath- ton be referred to the 1967 eriît. Council. Philip Beer won the conterit Moved by Councillor Budai for the best essay on "The and Deputy Reeve Muir that Symbol af Early Christians" a letter of report on expro- and was presented with his priatian oi land in Lots 32 award of a Bible by Rev. Wm. and 33, Concession 1 and 2, Piercey at the Sunday norn- submitted by Wesley C. Down ing service in the United and dated November 29th Church. 1966, is adopted by this Coun- In aur account last week of cil, and the staff is instructed the nominations and subse- to offer settlement on that quent acclamation o! Manvers basis. Township Council, we stateci that Mr. Alex McMaster, nom- inated for Councîl, failed to BE HÀ Yqualify. Actuall, r.Mc ly after bis nomination, but Recent visitors with Mr. and witbdrew his name on Satur- IMrs. Wesley MeMahon were day night, rather than cause manvMle. Dee. 17, 1968 1 Legion Elects 1967 Officers Maurice Conway was elect- ed President of Branch 178 of the Royal CÇanadian LegIon for the corng year at the special meeting held ini the Legion Hall on Sunday atter. noon. Immediate Parit Presi- dent Keith Fergusonpresided during the election. For 1967 the Past Presldent will be Stan Dunn. Other officers elected were Ist Vice-President Ab Mavmn, 2nd Vice-President Pete r Bathgate, Secretary Ron E. Richards, Treasurer George Thrasher, Chaplain, the Rev. J. Gilchrist, Sergeant-at-Arms Ernie Perfect. Those elected members of the Exeoutive Coundil were Jim Bruton, Orono, Horace Brown, Keith Ferguson, Ewert Bragg, Robert Hilditch, Tom Westover, Jack Baker, and Seth Hunt. The Trustees for 1967 will be Ross MoKnight, a past president, Lamne MeQuarrie, Jack Living, Ted Sheehan, I m ISý forliiheFuzily ai ST-EDMANS THE CHRISTMAS STORE WITrH MORE LADIES PILE DUSTER COeTS. Two beautiful styles ta choose fmom: One has plain jewel ncck. Other rail type with collar. An ideal Xmas gift for hiem. Small, mnedium, Large. Red, Blue, 109 'Pink, Aqua........------ 1.9 LADIES FANCY NYLON APRONS. Fancy pocket and lace trim, a terrifie Xmas gîft. Red, Blue, Maize,15 Pink, White, Nile --e.-1.5 LADIES ALL NYLON GOWN. Ail around overlay, styled by Mode O'Day. No better value rit this price. \Medium, Large. Red/Black, Blue/Moca, Pink, Maize. 3.98 S LADIES PEG NOIR SET, matchîng gawn and coat. Each garment full 15 denier nylon overlay over 40 denier nylon. This set is ai highest quality and is sure ta please someone on your giit lirit. Small, Med- ium, Large. Camellia, Pink, Red, Black, Maize, Marine. __ -- 12.98 CI ýj LLADIES QUILTED DUST- ER. 100% nylon witb Kodel fillîing. Youm choice of twa beautiful styles. One with jewel neck - "A" line styling. Second han collar and 2 large pockets. Styled by Mode O'Day for dircriminating customers. Small, 69 Medium, Large. Pink, Blue, Maize ------------ ----69 LADIES PACKAGED BRIEFS. 7 pairs in an attractive gift box. One for each day ai the week. Smalî, Medium, Large. Asst. coloums.---- 2.77 LADIES' TURTLE NECK PULLOVER. This sweater iri made of orlon and in the "Poor Boy" style. A sweater is always appreciatcd as a gift. Small, Medium, Large. White, Blue, Black, Bumgundy. 6.98 LADIES' TERYLENE BLOUSE. 4 assorted styles ta choose from: Long sleeve lace iront, Long sleeve lace trim, Jewel neck, lace trim, Cowl neck. This blouse appeals ta young and old alike. A perfect giit. Sizes 12, 14> 16, 18, 20. White, Pink, Blue ..----- 3.98 SRegardless of your taste or preference, a wonderful assortment of gifts awaits you at Stedmans - Lamps, to add beauty and character to any room - or modern, time saving appliances, and many, many, more. r I i IWENS DRESS GLOVES, top quality vinyl. Has the look of leather, but who can tel]. AUl sizes. Black or Brown. __ 1.19 MEN'S SOCKS, 2 pair in a box. Our budget number, plain shades. 50% Kroy and 50% cotton. Sizes Stretch (no size problem). 16 Box of 2 pair 1.69_ SMATCHED FOR MEN, this Xmas boxed set consirits of a tie and pair of Nylon Stretchy Socks. 19 SComparable Price 2.19 ~ -__ SMEN'S PYJAMAS, long legs - long sleeves. Made ffof woven 100% cottons, our top quality. Sizes a, b, fc, d, e, fits chest 36-46. Assorted Masculine 48 Sdesigns and colors. ---4.98___ fMEN'S SPORT SHIRTS, Authentie Tartans, fine Swashable woven cotton. Choose from Black Watch, Dress Mackinnon, Dress MacPherson or Crawford. Small, Medium and Large. Boxed. Comparable Price 5.00 SPECIAL __ 3.88 pBOYS' SWEATERS, vee neck, Mohair and Orlon. A "Tommy Knight" Creation, jurit terrifie value. Medium to Extra Large. Burgundy Mix, Blue Mix and Green Mix.-------------------- ----7.98 BOY'S CARDIGAN, Mohair and Orlon. Button front, pockets and Motiff. Sizes Medium to Extra Large (Ages 12-18). Burgundy Mix,98 Green Mix, and Blue Mix ------98 BE SURE TO VISIT YOUI "STEDMANS" STORE, ta brighten your Chrisitmas tree andi home dccorating, with these ever papu- lar Christmas decoma- tions. 15 light outdoor light set. This set available with regular or transpar- ent bulbs. - 5.19 Set REPLACEMENT LAMPS AVAILABLE .50 pkg. of 4 fOR CHILDREN OF ALLAGES THRILL PACKED ROAD RACE SET. This battcry operated Road Race Set includes 21 pcs. ai track. in the 21 pes. are a Le Mans rtart, lap counter, chicane track, posta far over and under, 16 pca. -cf fencing, barrels, drumns, start and finishing gate, 2 battery boxes, two gear driven Race Cars. This set has ail tbe thrills 89 of auto racing - ------ --89 ACTION PACKED ARMY CAR- BINE. This 26" rifle is loaded with hours o! play value. Auta- matie firing cambine rifle with carmying sling is operated by 2 "C" type batteries. When flrcd muzzle glows and flashes, .18 RIDE-EM LOCOMOTIVE. Attractive Poly engine molded in black with gold tim. This stumdily built engine has a steel irame and axles - size 27" x 12" x 6". Features bell, whistle and swivel wheels with steering bandle ----------------__5.49 SEE OUR EXCELLENT SELECTION, oi unbreakable poly toys; they make wonderful gifts for Christmnas. Brightly coloured and constructed for raugh play. Ou%- standing items include, pull toys, bath tub toys, educational and activity tays, and many othems --------~ __ 8 DOLL IN HIGH CHAIR, this is a doil that the littlerit mnother will delight in. She is 18" high, "Drinks and Wets". Sits in a plastic bigh chair that is 24" high. Eyes close for sleep. Hair is rootcd Saran.-------______ 7.44 A SMALL DEPOS! loos YOUR OIFJTI[ CHRI9TMI DO IT YOURSELF CRYSTAL RADIO SET, easy to assemble, Kit consista af plastic carie, regulatiori car phones, sensitive fixed crystal and tuning cord. Educa- tional. Entemtaining for yaungsters 9 8 ta, 15 year ai age. 59 JOLLY SANTA AS- SORTMENT. Beautiiul Christmýs cards and en. velapes. Bright and artis- tic designis, outstanding value - 51 assorted Christmnas cards. _____.79 EOXED CARDS. Carda. Assorted. STEDMANS VARIETY DEPARTMENT STORS. UCING TREET OWMANVLLII ffl«Xwqmw~ý KING STREET -

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