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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1966, p. 17

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nhor Graduates Receive Dio.omas at On Friday evening the above graduates of Courtice Secondary School were horîored during the annual Commencement Exercises and each received a diploma. They are, top photo, left to right, David Brown, John Hancock, Joe Kazak, Jan Zavitsky, Ed lIane- wich, Roeger Farrow, Wendell Prime, Doug Peeling and Glenn Sawyc}x; middle picture, Constance Robertson, Wendy Nesbitt, Court Xmas Court Vent dian Order o their meanth Novenîber 2: dent Helen V Bazaar. chai Allen, reporti bazaar and t who contribul 1 Asit Morte To &vol suda] dpliv« pàodo diust roqi I Courtice Laura Bowman, June Turn bottom photo, Linda Smit] Sharon Fisher, Tom Worder, William Marsh. Absent, John chuk, Bernhart Roth and R~ Vent re Ss. Marion Macnab requested Venture'ah donations from each member to help provide thrvee , Christmnas baskets for needy' Party families. tlkeVa ieaictory tire L1992, Cana-Aed on plans for the annual of Faresters, held Children's Christmas Party iy meeting on ta be held December l7th ini 13rd, it presi t. Jaseph's Parish Hall. f C o iLrti 'e HII ffalis pesidng. Four members of Belleville11 irman, Sis, Helen warnen's lodge were presentý by Wendeii Prime 'Other reasons, ted on the recent and President Perrins ofý h Ina hanked ahl those Belleville presented a traveb- T he school is tr3'ing bard igthe evelo ted ta its success. ing gavel ta President Wablis ýin its task. One thing a t e ina fris - -- ihas taught me is patience. ainlfins ,After thirteen years of school sidered noble ie Serîously though, I amn grate- merely minor as fui for that which I îhave 1 eutofaed l earned and the efforts of "W'hy do weg A message froni those invobx'ed. First, may I Man, in the imagE yourneigbouroodoffer thanks ta my parentsjithe mandate ta who have given of then-selves, earth, and suhdi that I might live and learn. î very nature demz arn grateful that they gave - :exert ail of aur B rew ers R etail Inat in duty - but in lave. To Irise in authorit, ýMr. Speers and the teachers ,beasts, and to gai who have guided me thus far aIl impersonai cl the holiday season approaches, in my life. to my fellow stu- fact is llustrated advese eathr cnditonsme, and IOarn grateful ta Godý ment, and as at tîmes place a maximum burden ý me life and to e tensire )norsafto 01Wtinou "To-night,1 olliet chines ta do o !ask tequestion: 'Why goota ever increasin th 5ev& ,of evéet urrtUschoo? vr icesn ~ ~ ervce o 0W rs.L oo ?"search for unders e a.nd homse delivery customers. 'Kids wilb answer, lit's the scbool, through, law', No! This is not a reas- ~is aying a founci on in itsecf, for laws are brok- vanced study in id serlous congestion at oui' store en ail the time. 1 am nont say- The faundatian, Lso diaappointment in our home 1 n that they should 1e, but is very lirited a "y service durlng this Peak sales very Atrong reason for which whetber formabll ta suffer thirteen long trying ully, ta continue [we respectfaly suggest that our ' t:ars of school. There must "h do weg tOmea orer r puchae thir To-day, a verY cammun tbeologian, speak [uirorents as eurly sa possible. argurn-ent:n-iong adults, and subject, says: *WE forcd upn th stuentis ta learn as murl2 faund in the forrn: Stay i about this warl( - schoul and get a good job'. they live. We w. First. echoel dues not ensure develop their om a goSd' job. There are manyita understand ita i brilliant bunis before barg, flot merely ta and many clever crooks bohin4 job, or ta develo] bars. Secondly, peuple, aI- or even ta acquirE though they have a desire!and humanitariaz %" bhy&wsts Wau&g@ I».g o. Lt4. rm*teia1ism, realile thetjwant teachers to getting ahead financially justithrough ail thei fit lLnt everything. in& and k.nowled Sc ue t. Ou "S th colsudopncapacities ta flthe world, but the means IV _______________________ [y over the, by which we are able ta reac:h WDEM Cw. 8.Ji ain contrai of the world. DOf. cbet.This i "The Lord hv wx'clnm hathjVflM m1 d by our use founded the earth; l'y unc ets, entertain- standing hath He estabiu means of in- the heavens. Prov. 3:19. îer illustrated: ' Thus the very nature cuse of ma- the universe demands aur ýur labouriousitention. If we observe it întinue, at an study it we will be able rate, ourlsearch out the wi&dom standing. Thelunderstandinig that went1 the scîences,<its creation. We will l'e& lation for ad- ýta mare fully compreh n this field.!ourselves and aur relation of necessity,lthe world in which we 1 and therefore This reason for schools is fthe student, ing partially met, at leaut, y' or inforni- the facts of the sciences hie studies. the stimulation provlded go ta school? ýthe arts. The ichool has gi, a reformed ýta us a faundation an wI, king on this lto buîld aur philosophy of1 re want thern but it is aur job ta use -i as they can knowledge that we re d in whichifi-rn echool. The school is want thern to Infallible. Thus the four wn capacîtiesitian may need some rep' and enjay it - It is left ta us, the stude, get a better ta make eur toudcations p oomç- skill, and ta build Ithe superstruci le a few noble ai aour philosophy. We ix n idez '-. Wei nat let the schoal become itake "ýem philosophy, tor it is Iiin~ted elds of 1, n-la semmil number' of facts. dge; to op i nmust gainmore facti at- WOOL BLAZERS and MEN'S CASUAL Wlde Range Jakes ulovrsCOLOURS: BLACK ible Jces Pio r AND BURGUNDY $ 904 n to CORDUROYS ive. GABARDINES Crdas For the Mon Wlh. Hat Ev.rythlng 1 be- CO$ ITFO U by Orlon Pile WOOL and COS ITFO U and byLininge CONIDUROYS NEW MEN'S BOUTIQUE 'ichvI rm rtu TOILETRIES - LEATHER GOODS IS8RUSRBS the j not- ar. WM sr ouril, toTEMPERANCE. STREET, t4<*TM 1w ovw L I olCommencement 'tuterpret them hIrelation t h aain wea, twave e.1 8 11001 ~~~~~~~~oterfatsoterpeople, TaCndnd~aemn omavfe lc 1,IS 1 ± "«Thus the nature of the cru- Oureveil and the world tha&A% * \4 ~ at anm e tnai e n t a w n w sub. M' À Idue it. I have concluded thai 4p e wemih lv m ndMu-DWP___E e Y the school le to help lay thîs faundation' of understandlng, and-théretore would leave thi. # Sthreefold question with yau. -'4sure? Parents, are Yau giving G R O V E '~the Proper contribution ta the fonain Students, are you building on the faundatiôn?' NESGROCETERIA by Lynda Killens HIGHWAY No. 2 AT MAPLE GROVE - 623-3921 Congr atulations to aur Fôait Cammttee, headed by Tedý LP T I D E TS M N Wiggans, frthe ipesv LP T I D E TSM N fastrepresenting C.S.S. ni the~1 I% t~E P Dt& A BowmavilleS an ta Clauis A D S V H IT A Parade. A Sparts Night, eponsored by Gur Athletic Association, wsheld here Nov. 26 leatur ing a basketball game betv een Seniors, with the score 54 to 29 for Caurtice.* Haif-time Clubs. Also, we were enter- Opc cl u 4 tained by some very lively folk dmncers (the teachers). ALL PRICES EFFECTIVE 'TIL DEC. 31ST A dance and refreshments ________________________ 2' ~~~~~~terminated the most enjayable CTBEDCSSV 5 evening. CTBRA OSStAV 5 Congratulations ta JudyCHIT Dennis who received an elec- HITE -s, trie guitar for being top sales-2 OZ S pagn Many others won priz v esaf or ten, twenty, and thirty CUT MILK COSTS!- SAVE 32c ~ dollar sales. Fiay, Dec. 2, CSS. grad- 3 Q ATJU .,~ uates of 1965-66 were honour- "00auu Sment Exercises. The Vale U K-E 3LI YIU~ Plus Deposit « dictory address was delivered Sby Mr. Wendell Prime. The finest quality milk in this area et the - Ail are invited ta attend oui Christmas Dance, Caesar' Iow, Iow price of 18 1/3c per quart 1 "~' "' .~Greetings, featuring the fabu- b"Little Caesar and theGODEA ---~~. onsue',Dec.22.SOLID FANCY WHITE OBITUARY ARTHUR GEORGE FOWLER U. o In poor health for a year!7-OZ. TIN- REG. 53c39 ,/5/s/ and a haif, Arthur Gorge ~ ""Oshawa, died Dec. 3rd, 1966 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES ~ ,~. - at the Oshawa General Hos- pital. He was in his 45th SEE OUR CHRISTMAS SELECTION 0F... BoYern Sept 1,l122 in Ohal WLCANDIES m (HÔCOLATES ,,wa, hie deceased was a son of' Mr: and Mrs. Edward Fawler. 1IfU'EA A resîdent of Oshawa for 25CH IT A FS vears, he had iealved in fIIIVU >g Port Credit and Vancouver. OPE ER EDY * Mr. Fowler je eurvived b T fl9 . hie wife, the former Helen ST R SUNDAYS - 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Rivera and a son, Edward of CLOSED CHRISTMASý DAY British Columbia. H 0UK.S OPEN BOXING DAY 10 A.M. TO 6P.M. ;sister, Whrs.V Thomas IlifeC OVEN HOT BREAD AND ROILS ON SUNDAYS (Annette) of Courtice and a, brother, Harold of Whitby. . WITH ANY PURCHASE The mernorial service was "* held et the Armstrong FumeralC A CHANCE TO WIN e Home et 2, p.rn., Dec. 6. Rev.~~N 4 '.Dr. H. A. Mebbow, minister ofiePi fHce ikt Northminster United Church, T 2BUEP airo LHey TickAREts conducted the service. Inter- 4%BUSA AL EFGRES.. " ment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. _ _ _____________ 't't ronm 'tWE R Her,'s a great selection of fine Christmas gifts for father or son, boy f riend or fiance . . . Choos. yours today 1 -ibull, Lynda Davey and Linda Scott; W IN T ER BO OT S h, Bonnie Burgess, Elizabeth Werry, i ,oeriT Hmiltn , Stpn1Ltya-nd WATER-___ - BUFFdALOý-

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