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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1966, p. 19

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nc- eded moderiilzng. The Canadie ttsa, omnIl, eu ,10 gift ex ehange w as l n -ol g rlFw [Jduiged in between n brs ai l a s eaneJo e ad oal i - ______________________ meeting was closed with bene- DU ~ ~ . M . al t a u r 7h rvn n h n I Cards of o the Explorera. George V.Mri,11tahedtc Mrhy hn __ _ _ _ _ __Cards of Thcmks OppoofTh zisrtunity thheavnof1cm-KgSre, Mostyn and Jo-Ami Hawells The family of the late Wm. FINIH your education ae , ehaesixnultaneously ld i Bo m n lepeadnt thnsto the Enniskillen corn- snee *rcit ta al who pispoldd noe tex tbsenordistate of twitr, de- flecember 6th, 1966 - ed driving, illeDiveata possesalon Hwbss lxi an fIliquorea MuniIty for the lovely tri-laxnp. called at the funeral home, deductible - Grades 6 ta 13. pending upon our viewpoint Scarboro. was under suspension October cau coenr. ltpouealicense. 49- sntmesaesof sympathy, For fuil information wvrite The ranging from the sisaified in oougat- C rîM imi , OPP, l6th. ConstableRyHat oli Jdnet asee TheCancik Naionl mti-floral tributes, or hclped li Modern Canadien Academy, door type who gets chilblains ed for the Crown this week stated that he was an duty at Constable M. Jaynt, OPP, the court that eadCroa tiDcme Oh T he ind lNatioat any way ta case the sorrow of Box 356, Hamilton, Ontario. loaking out through a frosted in Crown Attorney G.F. Bon- the local detachment office told His Worship lue saw Mr.J McGuey,whlon ato, D adClyn, ecn Atefoth Ed smt bereavement. A-special thank 48-4* window pane to the hardy ycastle's and this accident was report- Mmxifie steering a motor vehi- 'olwdteMrh craMtet leddgit ou- fý ateful for the wonderful you ta Rev. John Romeril for outdoor flut who isn't happy Ronald Brooks Cowanae ed by Bone camning there cie througlu Newcastle while Scuog e e t e nd Mdl ard diigadd~ .rzpotgiven ta th-ir blind- his comforting message. Personai unless he's out ln sub-zero 16, R.R. 1, Orono, pleaded about midnight July 29th. He it was being pushed by an- Roaci, watchingI ooftewtotalcne h fo catwork sale held recently. 49-1 *uplos(Rbbr eather tramping thraugh hip- guilty ta having ilprapor li- sald the registored owner, other vehicle. The accusod road four freiaalti ee 5 n ato 491-HYGENIC upis-Rbe deep snow . skiing, fishing, conse plates an bispcar and Meck, reported the accident could produce no driver's li- over hea l a ndit h eyad$0anree b We would like to express goocis) mailed postpaid in skating or some ather strenuous careless driving November by phone at 7 p.m. July 28tlu. conse It wes suspended for dtlwoci egdfa.lis rtue as v i wish ta thenk my friends, aur sincore thenk a toaur plein sealeci envolope with exorcise. Here et Malconia l6th. Conviction brought a William Allen Meck stated two yoars at Hearst, Ontario, dth hr relatives, for carda, flowers family and friends, for gifts, price l. t Six samples 25c, we love winter, praviding - fine of $50 and costs, or seven that lue was a passenger ln lest May. and visita during my rocont cardsaend flowors receiveci on 24 semnples $1.00. Mail Order the snow neyer gets abovo andi deys on the first and $10 andbica hhBoewsdv- Tecue xpin tt stey li Oshaewe General Hos- our Golden Wedding Anni- Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ca.. inXto oui- high rubbers, the coats, or an additionel threeliscrhcuBncwsdv- Toauedxpiodtt pital. vorsary, Nov. l9th. A special Doi 91, Hamuilton. Ont. 1-52 temporature nover drops to the <ays On the second. His li- ing and thore were three luis vehicle had a broken axle. Mrs. Walter Rundlo. thanka ta all those who did -o point we spond more than 10 cerise waa suspended for threé others-li the car. Tluey were Magistrate Baxtor edjourned 49-I * muclu ta make it e vory merài- Teachers W anited miue a day thawing out montha. an their wey home from a the matter untîl Jenuary 1Otlu. arable day. frozen pipes and that it doesn't Conatable J. A. Legate, coagwenet Fneldoon fte edBrueoiot apb n toWisn ca- Meny thanka ta ail who con- Lewis and Janet Swain. BOWMANVILLE S e p a r a t e lest langer than a month or OPP, stated thet lue followe od a d n ackcie off the etio ty ta ublic ntoxc tributed in any way tawards 49- le School requires uupply teach- two eech year. Cowan's car an Samervilloed n nce f h to aebr2t.Consta- making aur Twenty-fifth Wed- e___ rs immedietely. Apply ta R. Road becauso il appeared ta guide posta, tluey looked the ble Ray Hart, while on patral ding Anniversary suclu a mem- We wauld like ta express P. Gutteridgo, St. Joseplu's In jenetville, the Jan il have no taau lights. On dloser sitatiag e r, no odecded hea mingllabsro hiem oreble event. j eeatet hns n p- Schol or Phono 623-5151. Area Fire Hall, under tho examination hie founci thomn no other cars were involved, li a drunken condition. Ho Tom and June Wilson. preciation ta aur friends, rela- 48-3 supervision of Walter Welker, ta be derk Purple. Tlue ac- ~tuylice iebc de htM- isnli 49.1 * tives and neiglubours for the- was making considereble pro- cused was chased through ta Tot o w ithe a riepaslng hlm h Mr.on ilcon Steet kinciness shown ta us in the .Riepairs gresa in erection with a nunu- sevorel streets la Orono et t orto O apa sngha ewalonkig or Greet- We wish ta express Our loss____ofa_______________and ber of willing volunteers pros- higlu rates af speed andi whe'n itrs.OhwlongfrGe. Winerwiluthas ex press aur s o! terador hband ad nt daily, tluI the recent deep stoppeci edmitîed that the Banc was calleci ln bis own waod Avenue. tion ta relatives andi friends, floral tributes and cards. Refg rto freeze struck and brouglut con- plates on his car had been defense. Ho seid firat lho was The eccuseci explaineci that als Rv.Wadfo crd ad haksalo a ev Lng Br-and struction ta a lemporary stand- taken from anoîluer- vellicle. the driver of the car. When lue boardeci the bu e t Whitby aldnsso e.Wad o rctas d hankaw ualom e. aLBar- Still. Ho also adxnitted that the sîg- questioned on this paint lue and went ta sleep. Wluen hoe Our recent bereevement. ers and Dr. McKenzie. Applizc evc nai ligluls did nat work pro- beceme ill and court had ta gaI off lue Ibougut lue was i Mrs. Severn andi family. Gladys Wilson and family. Commercial and Domestio perly andi the apringa were be adjourned until lue revived. Oshawa. W. e S roteRgtt iitQatt 49-1 49-1 Refrigeration - Milk Coolers .rU1'T1IruuJ broken. After the adjourniment, Mag- The fine was $10 and soven Haroldi E. Clark, 9 Duke istrate R. B. Baxter repeateddolrcatrlhedas We would like ta take this Our heartfelt thanks andi Phono BERT SYERIarvrysryhtIwiîteepaddgito!ub the question andi when Bonedolr strtheda. qpportunity of thanking aur appreciation ta aur relatives, Days 623-5774 b e ssin threoI wekteelc itoxlad icatofNoveb-r refuseci ta answer, had hinu Lewis John Francis, Ponty- TENDERen JU femily, friends andi neighbors friencis andi neîghbors for the Nlghts 623-3177 in my coîumn. I do like ta 261h andi illegal possession of taken down ta the colis until pool, pleaded guilty ta failing fordwitese n thaocasinaorloso!aidarswfendot riancnreH rdw rehnywgd ften ss iorn thSeeembrfo Ih mayTcadaginsesr i indesss1ow taus n t TSI eep.iequor Thofins wre $0 nonalue ho as elesecita rodce roofo! nsuanc our 5thWedingAnniersry.andgranmoterandfor he nd LECRICed of the local doings. I was and costs, or Ihree days andi ta have lunch wiIh luis de- Con tl u.B.Crel R our 2tlu Wddin Annierser. an granmolhr, an for he ad ELETRICrushed into Civic Hospital at $25 and costs, or an aciditional fonse counsol. Cntbe H .Crei Mary and Rusa DeCoe. many floral tribules andi syu- 2am udy oebr2 five days. Constable Ray Drn the afternoon Bo~e the crnvero at hr an cint~ Rev. R.2 C. White, MorriseELVER27NaDuringcMr.nrofA thisenleeid fl~~f 49-1* pathy carda. Thanka also ta y and had a serious emergency Hart stated hoe obsorveci the and Mack were bath chargeci wol iet epesm ueral. . hom e, p Mobereris, Y L E oporation immediately. For accusod staggoring about at with porjury. Bath pleaded King Streets, Newcastle, in MO 1 woud lik ta epressmY Fupral ome, allberers,12 meals (four days) I lived the intersection of George guilly. The malter was ad- Knwh itho.Faci ne thanks ta my friends andi Dr. McKenzie andi the nurses Congratulations ta Mr. and an intravenous. Thoy would and Church Streets and bus journeci until January 101h. Kn ihut! stopping andi neiglubours for Iheir visita, on 2nd floor. Mrs. Alban Sisson o! Eighlh nol allow me evon a glass of car psrked in the middcle of Bernard Ernest Junkin, R .R. collideci wilh a wesbbound flawers, cards andi gifla while Willis Farrow andi family. Lino, Manvers, on having wstor. 1 arn now on a full the intersection. Liquor was 3, Peterboroughu, agoci 48, elce ecudntpoue W L.T I wes e patient in Memorial 49-1* their grancison Douglas Hain fluid ieo andi feeling fair andi seizeci from the car. driver o! s Colonial Coach proof of insurance. The offi- Hospital. Special thanks ta o! Orono chosen as Valedic- wilho here for aI leasl an- Allan Ray Brock, 97 Queen bus, pleadeci nol guilty ta foi- craddta r Francis, f f Dr. Ferguson, nurses and staff. The family of the late Mrs. torian for the recent Clarke other week. Other locals here Street, pleadeci guilty o! pub- lowing loo closely Oclober te faîher o! nine chilciren, Fred Kooy., 49-1 Isobel Reynolds Rogers extenci Township Higlu School Com- are Ken Fallis, Mrs. Alvin lic intoxication November 161h. Defense counsel was coulci neither roaci nor write P 0 1 e. their sincere lhanks andi ep- mencement. The Sissons must Olan and Jack Horner. Bort 2901h. Ho was fineci $15 and Mol Cunningham, Lindsay. andi Ihat hoe haci walked 17 ________________________ Wc would like ta express precialion for the many acta be justifisbly proud o!flbis ac- McMullen, Janelville; Luther cosîs, or five days. Constable Constable Muldoon, Oppý miles from Pontypool la sl- our heartfl thanks la aur of kinciness shown moîher dur- complishments - an average Olan, Millbrook, are a few Ray Hart said ho laid the on special delail checking on te rnscut ear, contat ng neiglubours o! Ihe Brownaville ing hier longthy ilîness. Special of avor 80% in Grade 13. Mr. doors from me. My neighbours, charge after receiving a caîl commercial vehicles, statod teFacs ar cotainn Community for the lovely gifts thanka la nurses andi staff O! Hamm la furthering his edu- reddcosadh ost52 ..fomaTme-ta oac osal ekb is nc i a chtoenandsa, ci ... they gave us on moving fromn Bowmanville Memorial, Osha- cation by attendîng Queen's have been wonderful. This is anco Street apartment. fallowed this bus from Higlu- se en oe arr ond rco.v-... that 'ares. Il was a wonder- wa and Taranto General Hos- University, studying medicine. my third visil lucre as a patient James Bone, 91 Lowcresb way 2 norîlu on Highway 115ercinhePryoniaes lue vory useful ta bath O! us. Ambulance, Drs. Rundie andci n*r.Rlp acl n16 adhp ti hels.Bvo rm luis nine childi-en were living 49.1 ateti o A gr alofl and acheduleci Sunday visilars wiîh know Ihat Pride of Panlypool accident immedialely ta the that Urne the bus fallowed ae Muril aci49ci-Aiin aRtteti orn. heir ae ani anc ail !Do niewr egrig oa eweso ulyta P eortan 55 t a0mlo es an hydour r nga h e aci hatle cepecf-ort.i 2 9 youtamebes f rdr !the Ray Robinsons. L.O.B.A. recently initiated six naeîOPofc.H a le Flo ey c o bs . o He hane55vr enoniiIs 1 would like ta say a sincere Eastern Star, Women's Il- i. Belaled congratulations ta candidates. Lindsay Degree Trposntecbavd oesoetimeostal kt asr-ar s nîy10 ob . H a oe eno "thank yau" ta Dr. Sylvester, tube, Rev. Ward, Rev. Cata Messrs. Konny Wilson anci Teanu, captained by Rt. Wor. Coonstbleo . JytfOp oordt. o sbeviBeckcor- welfare Bxe aj nurses and staff o! Memorial relatives, frienda, neiglubours' Terry Malcolm who each re- Sisler Capstick, conferred the Casal M onoprbraeiIi eiec. ec Ihe malter unlil January Hospital, Bowrnanville, for anci Morris Funerai Chapel for ceiveci trophies at the recent Degree. The Most Wor. Grand tald the court Ihal, while on The driver saic i le ha 10h. the excellen't care I receiveci Iheir corforîing expressions 4-H Award Night in Orono Misîresa o! Britishu America, pabral July 28th about 2 p.m., been drivîng a bus f or 19 McalJh iiner FRESE!-CIM PELA", Thanka also ta Reverencis bereavement. Ontario East and soveral Past shoulder o! Highway 35 just even a parking ticket. Ho three serbous charges, eleclingI T Rameril and Arscobt anci ail Ruthu, Art, Jeanne, Fao, Yelvorfon U.C.W. Grand Mistresses anci officers norîlu o! the junction o! 35 and explainod thal ho was not tra -muitatilea E finonda anci relatives for gifts, ac aiie. 4 * The Docember meeting o! were prosonl. Il was one of!115 There wvas extensive nearly sa close, excopl wluen tilb aitae iea goociwisbe and hougdlful _______ e4veron U..Wt Sa ec ntebs ilt vrhliiidamage ta the front, which ho ho trieci la pass. which the possession o! stolen tbols famd i.Aseiad ogt o! Chales Lonr Hnimn onUC wi t he de. in hebsrs. o ve el h stîrnatecie rm $5 t rvro h Flo euo valueci at $70, a chain saw LaVE nesa ,extended ta me anci the The family o! the laIe the churclu. Meeting was the L.O.B.A here. ba $0, a wogide$2posta dlavelob he o. acofsta oî 15 adM.Facs ed J CS thanks ta the lhree young mon wish la express Iheir sincere Howard McMullen conveneci Oerttdt ha o h knocked ouI. The car was The fine was $15 an ocontereL.F Dydn wluo were Sa kind and hehpful Ihanks la aur kinci relatives, the Devotional - a hymn fol- passing o! Mr. Cecil Green, a iockeci, the raci was cold anci or lhree cisys.Cosal L.P Drdn at the scene o! the accident. friencis anci neiglubours who lowed by a Christmas readîng omrCPRcSainAetn acwsnab.Ho on- JhrWlia oudeRR7 P sai lue cr sr epardthe . ....M Sincerely, in s0arnany ways exprossoci by Mrs. Art Rawan. A -oaci- here. Ho passod sway in quireci at îwa service stations Pelerborougu, enother diver cdalen rom e hinecasbtle.ME thhee . ak e nIu ing "Peace on Earth, Goodwvill Septomber. His widaw spent in the ares but no accident for the same firm, pleadeci nol Quoensthel inmainwaseAMT nao Ju c faîher. Spocial Ihanka la Dr. venor. The devotional wsly A check wibh the Departmenj Higbway 115. Ho was repre- pu nTlxacl a e BRESULTS COUNT! K. Slemon, Dr. R. Rowsell, closeci wiblu a luyrn anci pray- Hope ta ho able ta give you o! Transport nevealeci Ibe senbeci by Terence Kelly, Osh- OPPai ng Ihe c ar baSoben nurses anci staff on finst floor, or. Minutes o! lest meeting a lot o! news in future. awnor tb ho William Allan awa. OPsyn h a a en L n h Conslt Meberof te nwer red bySecetay DrisConstable Muldoon, OPP founci, minus the chain saw CnutaMm ro!te medicai, a! Memorial Hospital, wenc i-oacitabl Beket an creîanhey Doris wa Bowmanville, f a r services Rowen. The Treasurer ac u u ih ancCntal Bc e anci b ols . eca n arwakLrg renciereci. We wouîci sîso like Flower anci Fruit reports woreV e wene !ollowing a bus norîl ecvnei fom aSlreAV4o de yMr or n i t vil Ch otui iand beacio le us eeTownship fermer anci the SV _ is Ebenezer for lis meny visita Carnve Malcolm. Sixwo cars. When thle bug pull-1sain .e a ee ie la hospital andi lis consoling Doris Rowan reporteci on ot. apa ne forio!anth e nias callatoral for gasoline. PL LSIN ER essgs et Ilis lime. Our Ilue pragrosa of the foster lucaThe afficer descfibeci the VIE hnk tProhut adSmthCT he cil hih h Uvest hudrTeofirdscbdte Smtl hies hiciwic he1onII h~sI i The driver explained thet accuseci youbh as adopteci, "a COM N A DBR WE RO N Oshawa & District nrlHm o hi i .W s its insupporting. wben ho pullecihouM aa p s ± persan with nowhere ta Reail Estate Board The Hincimen Faxnily. vted tathe Janelville Par- The Excolsior Choir, inow Orchestra, Mr. Stephen Choma one car the leaci car began t0'a niaicibuthwo- .f(7 4- onago ta assiat in sone bl wth 6 voices, under the anci Marlon Strabton, its con- show a signal for a niglut hancieci as a labourer but would c. .yu a McCoy, will prosent the well- Mn. Brant Gillespie, student unablo ta stop the bus, lue luac moment. laveci composition "Messialu" o! Mn. Kilbourne, will be guesl ta pasa bbc lead car too. A conviction waa registereci by George Fredenick Handel. Irumpeber ta acic ta the in- The charge wes dismisseci and the youlh remandeci ta LARGE SLCIN0 The first performance will spiring message "The King GLaryere Simee , 3erbor- repr 1t. o r take place aethble Simcoe St.Shah!TrumpetKingLGrgre Simpen, 38ter or-tnce 11hfrerosn-GrtBO.C O cIA~ Untd hrcOsaaoaugh lu e o git a James Milton pleadeci guilty De. 4 t8 .m heseon a iv hereittve tec ' cis riving on Highway o careless dniving on Higlu-FA C TIS B CU S Dcc.14 t 8p.m Th seondHandelian effecI, Miss Lots 115 September 3rd. HoewS way 2 anci was fineci $25 andiC O O A E N VETEEC c t n p uperformance wili be et the Bragg will play the harpai- rpeeneibyG . .Fr costa, or five cisys. C O Cehur,,.Cugogst, RBowmn- cluord while Mns. Frances Turn- rpeetdb .H .Fr hmsHryBlesoe ville, uo ec 1Stp.romn. or o! Peterborouglu will be quluarson, Peterbonough.Toa ar odrbn, _________________________ vill, onDec 17 t 8 .m.Constable H. Cook, OPP, Newcastle, representoci by E. ~. w ili R C h gh fi elty \\' / /~"' This evening promises ta ho with usaai s rens. tld the court ie was called B. Lovekin, appeareci Novem-D YST R AS w ith C A h gh f deli y 4** a reatfor usicloves inthis The oloits apearig atta fvestg'Rberhed2oncol.bed 2ovind enceenewas ares. The choir bas spont bath concerts will ho Mrs. lision just soullu o! Enterpnîse . *,orhecageo pit ______im in the preparalion Rosornary Menkley, Saprana; Hill. Pluotograpbs baken by ing a fineanm. Ho was ne- Ib tis Oratorio andi lopea t va r SdeCnrlo steedilor o! bbc Canadienn ded or is fulreprt.o- C o L " R T U B E ~ ~~~~bing il in its entirety for bthe Tenon, Rosa Metcaîf, andi Bas, Statesman were useci as ex.i- wend ei a anur1s t'7K g teWrRE eivrrBweni- fiallie nBbiraes WllamPeî'. ibîs .~Saniu t ey N i schaIs, w..0 wasJackson was the assistant Perrin, who baci fot tladte ib e . 905- - - - $ 49 5 anxias ta eep i secrtfrmsage manager, Ted Samuel, officer whal lue saw at the Li.904Lc.H55 lu~~te worid Iluat ho was tho Mernîil Brown'anci Al! Allia scene, bluet lue uac a duly ta 94HLMNMN * M MJwriter o! a senies o! oubatanci- were respansible for the set do s0 in suclu cases.194HLMN IX F E R T I IZ E R ingcbildrea's books, wluich design anci construction. Roy C. Henry, 325 Baldwin luoe e uaci publialuec under the ~ac Street, Oshawa, noprescateci Lie. 17696X. ttl -R ADO îîen name o! plaoc ha Lt Evangeline R undlcian by Terence Kelly, pleadeci not SPECIAL ~ 7 IS THE TIME TO TAKE Ken Hockin alydti n- Marg Allia loakeci afler hanci guily ta careheas driving Li.$995 ______ tricate part 'witlu apparent properbios; L ig htIlng anci June 261lu. qlpd$29 DELIVERY 0F FERTILIZERS oase. Vivian Cowan wes de- sounci, Eric Whyte; Make-up, Allen Fillmrnoe stateci le 1963 VOLKSWAGEN liglulful as tlue eutluan's wife. Kay Reluder, and Publicity was neîurning about nuldaîglu Lie. H94498. cednl lvr atr A l ou whIe a fielci day luaci * AVOIDgl CDDIUf RUSheroe ee heid, wibh a girl passen- JrI uI Ifmous publishing cm ay O U N N nhsmotrcycle. Aheec o!fO R D -N A U S O 6 TAKE H MONll sol te ulmENS hAN» C oHnr ao urnme) FALCON FAIRLAN TA EADVANTAGE 0F LOW sow andle nicly sto tehmw: ohoryas wb n wARRsSa girl passenger an bis bike. exatl rihtasthestr e- W m ot ftvm iluo e ecarne arounciV IA potrfor Life magazine, THUNDERmiaconronCutieRodG LA I PRICES AND ATTRACTIVE T1KMS al, p orte nddemon- (OU\ TAFFOR» aid ste eni bbc tw onrider UTILIZE OUR CROP CONSULTATION wasy. Har45 Cooke w othe rod In a seaul-con- O D TU K ing as a Lit photogrepher. loscnio. ï-Mossie Heyland as a bouse- FAM1L «w Constable H. Cook, OPP, SERVICE AND CUSTOM MIXING kepro!tadchro#r va aWiho wscahecitean ambulance keepr o tat caraterwasMONMENS 1DUdfsiW h ascalleci a nvmbiace superb. Louise Mena was . u take bbe two Injureci ta EWUc D O NL 0F AMY ANALYSIS ingenue, and JlnuRickard as SMirdDou r Kl lyÇ11acd lethatthe rhDTIIIYrDC * h ana esLIMITED ambulance subscqobl ar __ (EDE IIAM ITI ~ io nmous Involvoc inl a seniaus accident CERESDUMLE F R I ZE SLID. Aina Strike wes attractivel 13 t a top, liglut la Oshawa andi F O 98-41 BX 2, EWATL 63710 lwwysaivnga te ot 18undaa St. Eý hi for monîls. 219 King St. E., Bowmanvile2 Ig t . 987471i BOX 220, NEWCAS LE 6234150 inopportune mu o mne n t s. ne Phone Wiqtby The charge was dismisseci. P o o 6 3 5 4P o o 7 3 1 MacLeoci, a lavely blonde ad- j lOhawk 8-u552 Geraici Francis MinUlie, R.R. Poe62 vanco girl for a newsreel il 2, Newcaetle, pleaded guilty1

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