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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1966, p. 3

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b ,,hyare reslding 't g- Ir I ,' I 1T9 Cedarvale Ave., Apt. 609,!l xcnange V'ows in KenoDotn Cnurcn mo eo 3 OThe bride attended Maple> Grove Public Skhool, Dr.i ~17 2IIDonevan Collegiate, Oshawa, veu 1 gSand BwavleHg W eddîngsSchool. She is a stenographeri with the Manufacturers Lite Insurance Company, Toronto. A technician at Canadian 4 Motorola, Toronto, the groom attended public school in Tor- onto, Oshawa and Brown's in Newcastle, and Bowmanville High School. He is attendingi night classes at the Radio * BENSCHOP DYKSTRA 'mums. The eroorn's mother Cleec andTrno The arrageof issShi- asistci o rccic ad cose Several parties honored the he Dksra, aght of M hr. a jade green dress with lac e bride. Mrs. Paul Smith, Tor- - ley yksradauhte ofMr.bodice and crepe skirt, black otwshsesframs and Mrs. Thomas Dykstra, accessories and corsage of otws otsÎora 's ~ :~~ Irnsum, Friesland, The Neth-1white îmums and pink cama-j cellaneous shower: and a sim- erlads, nd r. Jhn Wllim tins.ilar shower was given by the erlandsBeforer.eavinWillorma honey- girls in the bride's depart- Benschop, son of Mrs. Z. metaY...Aohrms Benschop of Bowmanville and moon in the Windsor, Ont.'!cellaneous shower was held thelat Mr Beschp, asand Detroit, Mich. area. the' by the bride's aunt, Mrs.~ solemnized in the Rehobothý bride donned for travelling a'Harold Hughes, Newcastle-,~x. Chritia Refrme Chucntwo-piece red suit, black hat,.and a miscellaneous showerf Bowmanville, on Saturday, black accessories and corsagei was given by Mrs. Gordon! October 8, 1966. Standards of. of white 'mums and yellow1 King of Scarborough. n white and yellow chrysanthe-ý sweetheart roses. The'y are The bride's department a rnms prettily decorated the riding at R.R. 4, Bowman- Manufacturers Life presented church for the ceremony. -le Reverend Jelle.Ntaof - ___ er with an electric frying ciated and Miss Leta Bragg.1 pan; and the groom was pre- Bowmanville, p 1 a y e d the FORTNUM- GIBSON sne twr yteMtr wedding music. ola Two-Way Club with Escorted down the aisle by Palm leaves and candlc'light pieces of Blue Mountain pot- the groom, the bride wore a formed an attractive setting tery. fulI-length gown of white Or- in Leaside United Church,, Mr. Trevor Kemp andý ganza over taffeta with em-. Leaside, Ont., for the mar- friends of the groom helda pire style bodice, A-line skirt,: nage on Saturday afternoon,' stag party and presented thel scooped neckline and longý October 8, 1966. at 3 o'clock groom with a sum of money.1 lily-pointed sleeves. The em- Of Miss Sandra Norene Gib-, pire waist was accentuated by son, Toronto, daughter of Mr.i a dness material band and and Mrs. Clarence A. Gibson, T R N roses. Slmilar roses adorncdý Bowmanville, and Mr. GaryT R N the gown hemline, and a ca- Bryan Fortnum. Toronto, son' thedral train fell fnom the 1Or Mrs. Hilda McLaren of Tor-. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Har- empire waistband. Hem shoul- onto and the late Mr. Fred dy wene presented with theïr dien-length tulle veil wasý Fortnum. wedding presentation g i f t caught to a crown of pearlsl Rev. Orville Hossie officiat- fo h omuiyo n and dress material roses, and ed and the weddingmsieecicbomad uhin she carnied a cascade bouquet was played by Mr. Davis. iMr. and Mrs. John Hancock; and yellow sweetheart roses. ýfather, the bride wore a for- Murphy, were presented with The bride's sisten, Miss3 mal lcngth gown of wbite terwedn gf«ro h Henny Dykstna, who cameý peau de soie xith scooped!community of a turquoise TV from The Netherlands for the1 neckline, and graceful îiîx' swivel rocker chair and cush- .#eO4ing, was maid of honor point sleeves buttoned and ion to match.I Ind the bidesmaids were thel Iooped ai the wrists. Lavish Mr. and Mrs. Jon Moore,ý groom's sisten, Miss Dickie appliques of Chantilly lace Oshawa, were alse presented Benschop of Bowmanville, and pearis accented the neck-! with a full length mirror, / and Miss Bonnie Jean Hazen1 line and the bodice, extend- bedroom lamps and vanity1 of Dunnville, Ont. Te eeigdw noteskit The'chair, from the communît, in floor-length gowns of em-1 long, detachable train, outliri-1 as their wedding g ift. fM .a d M s o n W li m B n c o ,s o ni h b v h t x h n e erald green bocade with em- 1 ed with Chantilly lace, fell Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Mrr. Jhn William sChrita eown i the ov pire waistline, elbow-lengthifrom a bow placed at the Toronto, Mr. Leslie Justice,ý marriage vows in th -eooh hita Rfre h , Bowmanville, on sleeves and A-line skirt. They centre-back and the train's Sharon and David, Richmondl Saturday, October 8, 1966. The bride is the former Miss Shirley Dykstra, daugh- wone headbands of emerald three points were high]ightedý Hill, wene Sunday guests ofý ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dykstra, Irnsum, Friesland, The Netherlands, and green brocade and their cas-! by two small bows. A crown1 Mr. and Mrs. George Ail- tebiero stesn fMs .J eshp ow avleadtelt r cade bouquets wene of yellow, of seed-pearl sprays caught rdgomitesnofM .Z.JBncopBw avlendheaeM. chrysanthemnums. bher shoulder-length veil and' Mrs. Alfred Knowlton and.Benschop. _____________________ Photo by Astor Studio Mr. Leonard B e ns c h opshe carried a bouquet of family spent the weekendý --Bowmanville, was best mnnminiature deep pink camna- with ber sîster, Mms. A. Wern-1 Grant, Mrs. 1. Munday, Mrs. frhsbrother and the ushers in trpdwt wie d in T r noM lnofadMs .Rb for is ins uipe wit ~ ham andi family, (ombermere ivM arriec i Mbintofad r.R.R were Mr. John Smidstra,i MissJudith Gibso f B bins.torprtMs.R Br Bowmavill, an Mr.astiný 1Th-is part of the meeting: Benscop e Por Peny, a manville was maid of honor. gess is impneving after hem1 Bnco ofPr erafor ber sister and Miss Sharon rcn pntonls"eki was closed with God Save th&, eousin of the groom. rIen opraionlat . k i i Queen. The reception was held in Iibson, also a siser of . eBowmanville Memorial Hos-I ur Ch rist mas party openedý the Knox School auditorium rd, Bwmnil, W a S' pital. ihacoest in the form of' where the bride's aunt, Mrs t~bidesid. Tbr-egthwere at-F Welcome to Mn. and Mrs.I a Christmas story read by. ]Robert Kootstra of Smithville, trdi lorlnt ta le John Dennis of West Hill te' Mrs. M. Wiseman, intenspers- On.,reeied Se or 1 gowns with empire waist and the community. ed witb Carols to be guessed1 two-plece suit of jade green elbostwnhs i e e e s. Thea Mnr.and Mrs. E. A. Virtueasafwbrofeh r- anFallade ik lcî acigcifo adedng eels Fia ussownr played. Carol singing was en-1 Saccessories and corsage of,; thigchfonbnded n werls Fray guests o n. . joyed by alI, with solos bl ______________ rst'in a back bow, and a full-an Ms.Waby hte crain ad___length chiffon train flowed! ulnin Mms. E. Perfect, Mns. W.; fnom the ow. bey oreMr. and Mms. John Hancock - Annothuno. TeNewe Roberts, Mrs. C. Dunn. Mrs.o shor whte love an tel wre Snda diner uess o -0. Bragg was the pianist. Two 11 *hbu, des aeil bo er grandmotben, Mrs. Edith contests were conducted byi :. nealing Substance: headpieces with matching, upy n teddcuc Mrs. C. Downey, a numbersý' veln. hi buutswr~here. contest and a birthday one.j ~nr Ks ils oii.Te sripue tsmiiatrel Mn. and Mrs. Irwin Miller Following the contests and1 S4îk pinicanatons an whitesrpd mnaue and cbildren, Hampton, were carol singing the exchange of hm- vebSIImbgtance pmoentodlint carnations. Saturday atternoon guests of .,' giftgwas hetd ' Mrs: S. Frdn ~ M-. eor empof Mr. and Mns. C. Clark. ad rsH. ouch Corngi onto was best man and uisber-i n.Saly Hl si charge. reerc nsius a igwneMstr Go ndBwmnile MmoilHos- Oven 40 members sai downI *fta uniquie healing substance Rodney McLaren, Toronto, ptlweesei eevn te a tunkey dinner served by *Wth the ab *jy te shrink henior- bohn ftegom treatments from a had faîl. the Mernoriai Park Club la- *Joids pinlely. It relieeithg The reception was held ai We wish her a speedy recov- - dies. A vote of thanks wasýé ,anddicnior-n minutes and Ithe home of the groom's bmo-! ery. rendered te the Park ladies Mm. nd Ms. W Royandon behaîf of the Women 's In- lueaed tisseln fte1l1nd hrad sstri-aM. ebbie wene Saturday even- kifamd ane.and Ms Bruce Fortnum, 421 r s. s tît u teAb y.M sT oT .on te.aTh e Incaeafe cs, biegety hmnlff Ae, oono Teing guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. President Mrs. Park thanked "vlieving pain, actual reduction bride's mother received wear-1dJn n aiy ecsl.Ms efc o okn fe -'éhinkage) took place. ing a peacock blue sheath ofiM.adMs .Sads h aeo iktadohn Mot morat f i -eul.alceoertaftawthmac-!ad family, Seagrave, were who helped contribute to the ~.erathrogtha 'f mroe ing accessonies and corsage of'Sna gusso afiernoon's enjeymnenî he ~uetWamnth doet apro ep iksetbatrss Mrs. W. Roy. also announced Mr. and Mrs. .ef many months. The groom's mother assistedlFia vnngteewn C. Johns would be celebraiing ~2 Thn wasaecomliabi w t ab eceive and wore a beige ol ee als paig~. t-er.OhWdigAnvn Thiw hagsuancPaedBiye)boad resathmicigEuchre, but report a good sarv on Dec. 6th. mwiheaickiy ieance io-Dyne) 1 hree-quarter lcngth c o a t,: time enjeyed. High lady, Mrs. M embers departed wishing1 stmuats rwt c nwgreen and gold brocade hat,J Arthur Richards; low lady, . eacb other the Season's, browndaccessories andtcorsage! Mrs. Stanley Goble; high gent, ~ Greetîngs. of nd seetear roes. Murray Yeo; low gent, Cecil i, o*Bio-Dyne isoffered in Oint- o Asethcple oefs.n ber.Wood; door prize went te Mrs. Gary Bryan Forinum are shown in! rjstecope f o h;ýLance Phare. e1.1.r w»tadgeoioyfrncl e aring ,th brewns the above photo signîng the register following terCu .Preparation . s or it at all drug jedn bieadMn. and Mrs. Albert Hilîs, '*toreu. Satisfaction or your Money 1 linen sheatb, getpn co,n Mrs. S. T. Hoar attended the marriagei esdeUie hurch, Le--aside, Onto FOOD MARK ET WE SPECIALIZE IN- Fancy Fruit Baskets FULL LINE 0F: GROCERIES, CIGARETTES, CHOCOLATES AND CANDY Also Agents for JACKMAN & SON FLOWERS PHONE 623-5674 BOWMANVILLE i olden Wedding Anniversary on Tuesday, December 6, tnonm their Tyrone friends. SMiss Bonny Ann Banker, 'Mm. Jerry Card, Kingston, wene Sunday aflernoon caîl- ers, and weekend guests weme Mn. and Mrs. John Black, Harlowe, ot Mr. and Mrs. Ken Black. Quile a number of ladies from Tyrone atlended Salem Bazaam last week. United Church Worme n Christmas meeting will be beld t ti he home et Mn. and 'Mrs. Ralph Hilîs, Dec. l4th. Next Sunday, Dec. 11, will be White Gifi Service at Ty- rone United Chumch. 1Tyrone Sunday Scheol are planning on having a Christ- . mas Concert. I .1 It's time ta think about £krtrcuts for C,-I risttinas The special giit for loved cnes at this special time ai yeaz. For further information and appointments pi case crifl 263-8472. NeiI Newton Photography Limited EWNISKILLEN ~, J' ITopple: hlgh gent, Mr. Milii-j The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Dec. 7, 1968 son; low man, Glen Ashton; door prize, Mr. Millison Mr. and Mrs. Milton P;ater- sident of the group, led in the! _____ son, Maple Grove, were Sat-1 devotional period. Mrs. Pat unday evening guests cf Mr. Meeks sang a beautiful soloý Remember this number... and Mrs. Roy Paterson. Mm.ettld"enahth rs and Mns. Bruce Gailaghen, of Jesus". Mrs. McDonald mn-I Mr. mnd Mrs. Richard Galla- troduced the speaker for the' l gher, Ajax, were Sunday Vi5i- evening, Mrs. Elsie Bowler,ý tors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy mîssionany from Kenya, Af-1 Paterson and famiiy. ica, now on furlough. Mns.ý Mr. and Mrs. Art Polland.1 Bowlem bmought along beauti- Claremont, wene Sunda y visijfui colored slides and 8 mmý tors cf Mn. and Mns. Mornison movies of ber work in Afnica.; F1 Pollard and family. Both hem pictunes and timely' Miss Lynda Potts, R.N, Mn. dissertation wene enjoyed im-ý Ralph Clark, Tomante, Mis eney Rena Graham, Mn. and Mrs. L. Christensen and Mary El-I Mrs. McDonald gave an en- 7 -- len wene Sunday suppen. couraging report of the wonki1 guests cf Mn. and Mrs. j.!ý the W.M.C. ladies are deming Poils and famnily. in hehaif et the missionaniesi I' Mr. Donald Thompson, Bonw- F on the foreign fields. She aise! mianville, visited bis mothe, said that the local chapter was~ Mms. A. Thompson, on Satur-J grewing in numbers and a day. Igreat intenest is being showný Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Siemnnin this endeaveur for Christi Susan and Fred weme Sundav, and His cause. . Oi Visitons et Mrs. Toms, Ennis-! Rev. A. Kudra, the pasioný killen. of the Pentecostal Chumch,! remember this wine! Mrs. Cowling visited Mr.ibnought a few words of greet-: and Mrs. Murray Tabb and ings and said the grace beforei f a m ilIy, Bowmanville, on the refreshments weme semved. Wednesday. ýA fine lunch was enjoyed byý« Mr. and Mms. Lloyd Ashton ail the ladies present. and Ronald. and Mns. Russel! Ormision vîsited Mr. Russeli Ormiston at Sunnybroek Hos- pital on Sunday. Mrs. Russell Ommiston was Sunday tea .Ie n r h u U Mrs. Cowling visited Mmr. and Mrs. Genald Shackleton,, Salem, on Thunsday. A wlfe Ia a small town said te hem husband: "Last year Mrs. A. Thompson was a for Christmas we sent mother a- chair. What do you think recent dinner guesi of Mm.; we ogtt ofrhrti er and Mrs. Jerry Abbott, Burke-F ogtt ofrhrti em ton. - The husband snorted loudly: 'Electrify it!" Missionary Look your best this holiday seasen ..ln freshly WMC Meetin9 ecleaned elethes. Phone your local drycleaner today for free * The Bowmanvîlle Peniecos-1 tai Church Women's Mission - Th daChit amy Council met at the Pente- Th IeaChit costal Cbuncb for t h e i r to, support youi monthly meeting. The meet- ing was woven around the p themne: "Remnemben the Lord P Jesus Christ and His Work." Tbis November service was a special meeting in whîchi new members and vi 1os were intnoduced to the regu- -- an membes of the W.M.C Mrs. M. McDona]d, the pre- nas Gift . . . A Booster Ticket, ir Midget-Juvenile Hockey, 'one 623-7214 ~MAKE MARRIS YOUR lii 11NlRui GIVE OPEN QUALITY'TIL 9 THIS EXCEPT SCHRISTMAS ~ DEC. lOth, l7th -and 24th N< air Dryers ----- $26.50 Lady': philips Butane Lighter .... -..$3.98 Clock Radio ---- ..$39.95 philipsToaster --- ---- - $22.95e ~ Pilis .E. Steam0 Electric Knife .....$34.95Iron---------- . .$ 18.95 SLady's Shick Bulova and Westfield Electric Razor ..... $14.95,- Waches ---$10.95 up BULOVA WATCHES FOR ALL! ... ... ers anti one visitor -werc rrcsent fom Pickering, Port "i ýPenny, Newcastle, Bowman- L'. ville, Torante and Oshawa. , R eports frorn Cliassftaion wasgivn I Mrs. W. Riese and well illu- rae by various cards .M rs. ~~ A. Rice showed sample card.s1-, W m n s *n r t t suitable for Centenniai Sug- M 4'__ gestions. _________The special cards for Novem NewBO MANILF ~ I ber weme Pearl Buttons, eulh- Themocrats CI n s t t t reclassiied shaded, metal i li he Memorial Park Club!Teewn ray batiu r-i~ Huse on Thunsday, Dec. Ist.lpearl buttons, large and small, 1 IHold Dance at T he business portion wasacori-'al clors, sizes and shapes le. ETDD JTLASN ADcY P ar , hi h n c u d D e orna m n t a vn te re e s q23iteIn J rLInd P~ t S Wa- P PER ~ 'V 'JfLEA '.N ! LADY F "Y" Le in alducted by President Mrs. 1.wihmshae enqute EAUING LADY"A IMNDRM "A" Whtl 7 lew: ,ail01 TesurMs. .Mudy!A slate et officiers for 1967 la 5,110w or whiteO. orwhie. $41.85 i wed, P.nninbyeliow f w h :e. The Durham Riding Asýsocia- financial statement and planswa nw pb apeiul band, black di .ul ltion of the New Dernocratic ifor the Koppen Karnival in appointed cemmittee. This E party beld their finst dance!Marcb, reported hy Mms. M. was pnthe ohused and of the season at the Bowman- Wiseman. The Institute arer, pesntdtethe lso . Bulova "CARAVELLE" from $1295 up ville Legion Hall on Saturdiy sponsoring a chilti again tif!inally accepted. So, in 1967, nigthisthh club will continue to 'nîght. iyear. Sick and shUt-in mem-' , . Mr er oboraizr boiers are te be emembered at - meet but "Under New Manage- wuuum Oshawa Ridling and Mns. Cobi Christmas. Spca ehbts frte#___FOR _________ lwere present aiong with Don: The District President, MrSH. next meeting will be judgedt NicolswhowasrepresentinglI Munday, who is a memben and first and second pnîzesl the Young New Democrats. ot oun Institute, brought'aaddi ahe orcas :aaredi echoffurclsElectric nazors Transistor Don is aise secnetary of the: gneeti ngs fmom the other es. At the close of the meet-: Osba~ RiingAssoiatin, ranches in the District. She'ing retreshments wer served . LBLa . Ontario South Riding As- gave us a paper on ur moto, ____ aaiisave ....$19.95up naio8 -....-..--$ Isociation was repnesented by "Christmas is the lime for' 1.5u Ithe Vice-Pmlesident Mn. Frank fongiving and forgelting."ar- nTVD N~emi$26.95- up Rosettani and Mrs. Rosettani. expnessed the theught ta HAYDON!&~ are LueRousseau and the organ- is necessary te fongive and A cambined Sunday shol Shick Pensreale 399 Lzr fry Ontario South, Mr.,forget. and church service will be1 ILry Deschenes and nrs.! The roll caîl was anwrdheld on Sunday at 3 p.m. el r IDeschencs were aise present. witb a Christmas verse. Mem- , White Gitt Sunday. 'e LIH1E ne Mr. and Mrs. Don Read wee bers brought canned geds fon; United Church Women will -!010 weddîng annivensary. Don is mas Hampers. the chunch on Wedncsday af-iP treasunen cf Oniamin South A hat parade was given by temnocon, Dec, 141h, Riding Association and Mrs. the ladies who had participai- Club 21 are planning a pot FC su e J w ie y D Oshawa, Durham and Ontarn heid on Nov. 21 and 22 atrschooil bouse the 3rd SaturdayýeS eo rC su eJe elr y " O O South Ridings. Mrs. S. Butleny's home. Mrs. in December. Santa ClausliX Mr. Derick Heasman, presi- M. Flintoff gave the cemmen- will arrive with treats fon the Il dent et Durham Riding, wel- tany as each bat was mode!-lcbildnen. comed al of the New Demo- led. The ladies wee Mrs. CJ4 A euchre party sponsored1 1 cratic Party members and thei» Downey, Mrs. W. Roberts,1 by Club 21 on Saturday even-i& thankF, to those who ad work- Wiseman, Mrs. G. Richards,- with five tables in progress.1 -Kw < t0wm AW IJ cd bard ta make the dance1 Mrs. L. Woods, Mrs. S. But-' Winners were: hîgh la such a rjuccess. tery, Mrs, E. Twist, Irs. S.! Mrs. J. Patts; law lady, es, 44 KING ST. E. TORONTO CLOTHES CARE HINT.-

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