Wili Be Friday, Jan. 6th Date for, Annual Meeting Set by Hos pifai, AuxiIiary Iparatton 0f tht: documient. He urged the auxiliary mem- bers to attend the meeting of Memorial Hospital Corpora- tien te, be held in the Council Chamber at the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, Decem- ber 7th. jE ...Xnday, January 6th, will the Nurses Association, the eut, the report stated.c 'Ithe date cf the annual Women's Institute, and Club President Rudeli told the a etng cf the Women's Hos- 15, ail cf Bcwmanvileè, the auxiliary that Mrs. Mabel M.t *~t1 Auxdliary. This was set Bowmanvile Ladies Auxili- Bagneil and Mrs. Hugh Flem- at the regular monthly meet- ary to the Royal Canadian ing are patients in Memorial qua ing of the auxiliary for De- Legion, Club 49, Tyrone, Wo- Hospital. Seas nomdMn cember held in the Board men's Institute, Maple Grove, them that Mrs. F. R. Kersiake gix, Roomn on Friday afternoon. Mrs. George Stephenson, Mrs. is iil at her home, and thatgr The meeting opened with R.C impson, President Ru- Mrs. Auhrey Smith is a pa-7 the Auiliar's Prayer. The deil, al cf Newcastle, Mrs. C. tient in Oshawa General Hes- for president, Mns. W. M. Rudeil, G. Morris, Bowmanville, and pital, and Mrs. Murray is stili its preulded. the Enniskillen United Church a patient in the latter bospi- tl The treasurer, Mrs. R. G. Women. tai. ing. Cowte, presented a satisfac- In the absence cf the Cor- Mrs. McLaughlin said that be tory financial statement. She responding Secretary, Mrs. altbough a rose in a bud vase b sald that receipts from the George Vice, who was the is only sent by the auxiliary Bo Vantshing Teas had amounted Bcwmanville - West Durham te members who are patients Vsi to $323 during the month. Advisory Committee te the in hospital that because Mrs. the Mns. Jesse Van Nest, Chair- C.N.I.B. convenor for the an- Kersiake had done se mucb doe mnan cf the Finance Commit- nual Blindcraft sale, ber re- handknitting for the Gift she tee, then reperted that a fur- port was read by Mrs. R. R. Shop, and has aise donated I ther $188 had been received Callan. Mrs. Vice reported other handwork, she moved Bal from the Vanishing Teas pro- that twc roses each in a bud that one cf these flowers in a MVI ject within the last few days, vase had been sent, one te bud vase be sent te bier. Thish and turned this amount over Mrs. Don Murray and one te was secondeci by Mrs. Fred Bel ta the treasurer. j Mrs. William Thiesburger, Stevens, and carried unani- end It was reported by Mrs. Van 1bath cf whom are patients in mously.Me Nest that Vanishing Teas hadj hospital. Notes cf thanks were Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason and been held by the Women's In-1 received frcm Mrs. Murray moved that 1,000 letterheads Sur s*itute, Hampton, R o t a r yi and Mrs. Thieshurger. There and envelopes be hought. This I Annes, Kinettes, Lionettes, were 56 nionthly notices sent was seconded by Mrs. W. A. Wh ----- ---------- Courtney, and carried. e The secretary, Mrs. . J. din Cuddabee, read the report o! and the Layettes Convenor, Mrs. 1V Allan B. Sylvester, who was par absent. It stated that there ce]E are two layettes for boys and exa: three for girls, and one par- sch( tial layette. Mrs. Sylvester's ing report informed the auxiliary 0 that two more layettes are anc needed. anc Mrs. Cuddabee moved the Tre, *adoption of the Layette re- 500 I-J port. This was seconded by quel Mrs. McLaughlin and carried. S. Mrs. W. Wallis, the Library the Let us assist you in gift buying for ý art Convenor, reported that Of1 Sin October four volunteers whc *ethat special woman in your life! bad assisted with this project, Mill Mrs. John G. Nesbitt, Mrs. M~ - Martin Molloy, Mrs. George entE See ur elecionof .. .Stephenson, and Mrs. R. C. Whi a Se or eletin o *Simpson, the two latter fromn Mrs Newcastle. In N o v e mber Mrs * * H UEO T there was only one Library Smi HOUECO TSCart volunteer, Mrs. Nesbitt, Su] ** FANCY LINGERIE Mrs. Wallis said, and she told Mul the auxilîary that other vol- dre% * LO ESunteers are needed. 01 * L S * SCARVES In her report Mrs. Wallis Iist -expressed appreciation cf tbe sale I t.1,)book donations made by Mrs. Hop I Il William Bates, Mrs. Arnold but I ~Sleep, Mrs. Faye Allun, Maple usu- I ' 0 rove, and Mrs. R. G. Cowie. bac 1' ~cV i nne She moved the adoption cf M shopp lier ~report. Tiswas scn-Ml lie e - d by Mrs. C. G. Morris, and V. carnied.m IThe Gift Shop Chairman, Vsi 49 KING ST. 9 DO WMAN VILLE Mrs. A. L. Hooey, reported Oshi that sales ini November ho amounted to $746.16 and tbe hs _________________________________________expenses during the saine _____________________________________________ perîod were $753.58. Sales of Smith's Beverages were $59.75 and expenses for these bever- ages in November were $30.42, Mý she said. Mrs. Hooey moved the COM PA REthe adoption cf ber report. Kirl THE BRA DSI Bridge Co-Convenor, report- M. THE RAND OI e tha; reurnsfrom tbis Cobl poplarproectinNovember 0ohV STry the Iower priced grades and brands. were $94.50. She moved the and nia lie tem s wIl s te mre adoption of ber report. This lias You mylk hi swl stemr was seconded by Mrs. E. V. For expensive items. Hoar, Co-Convenor cf the mai Marathon Bridge, and carried. hom ~ 5c. sore cary a may asI dffeentMrs. Mason, Chairman for Friei Soesore carnd reens an s 8wih prest Volunteers, told the auxiliary knci brandso andgenbaswt es that; more volunteers are re- pro, sometimes varymng considerably. -Whie quired for the Gift Sbop. She M quality and eut may differ, nutritional said that volunteers were Pete values vary littie. needed for the. coning Tues.. ev:: evening. Mr. - yloigfrlwstpie rnsa Mrs. E. R. Thompson, Chair- By lokig fr loestpried band at mani fer Special Favors, re- M w your Bownianville IGA Foodliner, you perted that favers f or the Mns may save - for example - 5 to 7 cents patients' trays on Cbristmas Bow ona6-oz. can of frozen orange juice, a Day will be made by St. Mrs. nickel on a can of peas, as much as 20e Paul's United Cburch C.GI.T, GMr and that the Sunsbine Gru ay en a pound of bacon. cf the Bowmanville and Dis-.tor. trict Brancb of the Canadian in r( WE ARE FULLY STOCKED AND READY Cancer Society will make tnay i u favers for New Year's Da.is u FO C RST ASSOPER She moved the adoption cf W15]i FOR CHRSTMAS SOPPERS er report. This was secon-PE ed by Mrs. Wallis, and car- Th BOWMANVI LLE Hspiea Amnita rBer- Ms *I *'!U nard Holden sooke te the Gord P~kI U K E E~auxiliary regarding tbe e n F000EiUNER 0 Hospital Board By-Laws' and oi UWW UU UUexplained the research and iwork entailed by the pre- M tary Just LhoJds any WITTNAU ER vvatch tiJ Christmas ~O4~d UmUiq P e4M Ouwt. R<pIW A18v4 to ehI uhdm4b« .Ait~~o .da.. CmbuGW4Uectbulit $4p-l cH(ooper s fgewellery PHONE 623-5747 29 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE very belc bon' Law bray spea inte: start bray swe] conn Musg stres must in c rocsr Pli as site erty. Ti, lunc] enjo, In day Phili spler Hes celel cami and The "it Chri In the deliv perti wori dern Place uIo Word meni co erini is a of g the Mr.l my1 :LZÂBETH VILLE t2hurch services were held Garden Hill. An anthem th Mr. Don Morton and Mrs. 1Crew singing parts and a aartette, Mrs. H. Sheppard, s. Greer and the two Howe rls were enjoyed by the con- .gation. T'he Senior Project "Hats SYou" cf Garden Hill, held sthird meeting at the Insti- te Hall on Wednesday even- g. The last meeting is to Dec. l4th. Mvrs. R. Savory and Mrs. othwell, Starkville, were siting Mrs. V. Walters over iweekend. Mrs. Walters )esn't feel much better than tedd MIr. and Mrs. Harold Geddy, iltimore, called on Mr. and :rs L. Muldrew, udy MIr. and Mrs. Ron Provost, elleville, spent the week- id with Mr. and Mrs. 0. .rcer and ail were at Mr. id Mrs. J. Fajt's for supper, nday evening. M~.r. and Mrs. J. Dekoker, 'itby, and Mr. and Mrs. R. 1 stheuser, Bowmanville, had nner on Sunday with Mr. id Mrs. H. hcsn M4r. Garry Fowler had a rty on Friday evening te lebrate the finish of the :ms. A number cf high 001l students enjoyed danc- gand lunch was serveci. On Thursday evening Mr. id Mrs. Ross Beatty, Shirley id Doris, Mr. and Mrs. K. ,w and Alan attended the 0Bushel Potato Club ban- it at Millbreok. Sympathies are extended te ePowell family in the deatb the late Mrs. West Powell io was buried Saturday at [ibrook. Mlr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew certained Mr. and Mrs. Don hitbred and girls, Mn. and s. W. Muldrew, Oshawa-, s. J. Muldrew, Mrs. A. nibh and Mrs. V. Walters on riday, celebrating Mrs. L. .ldrew's and Mrs. W. Mul- ew's birthdays. On Friday afternoon tbe titute ladies beld a bake le in the lobby of tbc Port me Theatre. All was sold ýnot quite as quickly as UaI as the Salvation Army d a bazaar thc same time. Mr. and Mrs. W. Honey, Iligen visited Mn. and Mrs. Pcacock on Saburday. MIr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill ited Mn. Cecil Quantrill, hawa, who is back in the pital again, on Sunday. NESTLETON Urs. Jos. Forder is spending Dwinber znonths at Mrs. A. ng's, Port Pcrry. Continued d hcalth is wished for her d nxay she continue te, be ung at beart. 1Ir. and Mrs. Ernest Brown, balt, were weekend guests M(r. and Mrs. Ralph Saddler d visited Mr. Wilford Wil- ns in Port Perry Hospital. rmany ycars, prier te bis nrrage, Mn. Brown made bis mie with Mn. Williams. [nds will be pleased to ow that Mn. Williams is )gressing favorably. Ur. and Mrs. Charles Gist, terborougb, were Sunday ?ning dinner guests with [r daughber and son-in-law, ,and Mrs. Richard Davison. [r. and Mrs. George Sellers, ,Bud Virtue and family, wmanville, and Mr. andi sTed Mains, Mardi and )r, Cannington, were Sun- ivisitors with their parents, ýand Mrs. Ei Mains. Serry report Mrs. Main bhas been >ed these lasb few days and tider the doctor's care. Best lies are extended for a xdy rccoveny. be sympatby o! the com- mity is extended Mn. and sGeorge Heaslip and Mn. rdon Fleming on the sud- ipassing cf thein brother- law, Mr. Eanl Ross, Scar- ough. drs. John Hamilton, secre- y'of the Cartwright Histori- Society, reports that a -y successful meeting was d Monday cvening at the ne cf Mn. and Mrs. James vrence. Mn. Milton Mow- y, Brooklin, was the guest aker and bold some very ýresting facts in regard te ting a museum. Mn. Mow- y is well qualificd te an- er questions as h. bas been nectcd wibh the Brougham seum, for many years. He ,sed tbe need to stant the seum on a site large enougb order that there will be n for expansion. ans are being mxade te ve the log cabin, as sean possible, te a bemporary on Mr. Lawrence's prop- xce hast and bastess served 'h and a social time was yed. a the United Churcb Sun- ,marning bhe Reverend ip Rameril preached a !ndid sermon on "Advenb." stated "The Advenb Season ýbrates tbe Christ wbo, e, the Christ who cames the Christ who will come."' choir sang the anthemn, ng out Sweet Bell of istmas." abtc Presbyterian Church, Reverend Fred Swann iered an excellent sermon taining te the order of ,-sh 4'orsh l i Our Me- a FÈure," he uald. "There tneed for a distinct order 3ervice. The sanctuary ilaa ze for prayer, the sermon ,hc intempretatlon o! God's ýd- listen te what God'u mage is from bthc Bible. The ir numrber la a speclal off- ig of praise. The offering tsymbol o! our dedication giving financial support ta church. Mm.. Visser and Swann amg a duet "0. pen Eyes and L*t Mt 1 £etters c7k &J/he &Iitor« CORRECT ADDRESSING Dear Editor: Wôuld it be possible te have a small item in the paper regard.ing the correct actdressing cf Christmas cards for Bewmanville. With the introduction cf Letter Carrier Delivery, the Street and Number are essential for the correct de- livery cf the mail. East, West, North, and South should also be included for streets such as Liberty, King, Concession, etc. With the Christmas rush just starting, a very large number of cards are being received without the ful address. Before these cards can be delîvered it is neces- sary for the staff cf the Post Office te look up the correct address for each patron and add it te the letter. In 1965 from Dec. 1 te Dec. 25 more than 400,000 letters were recel ved for the Patrons cf the Bowmanville Pest Office. If only 10% of these letters do net have the full address, it will mean that over 40,000 items will have te be given directory service te add the Street and Number before delivery can be made. At the present time about 25 % cf the let- ters being received require some directory service b. fore delivery is made, this will mean that about 100,000 items will require directory service during this Christ- mas period. This figure can be sub- stantially cut if the people cf Bowmanville will be sure te put the Street and Num- ber on ail mail they post for delivery in Bowmanville. Any help wbich you may be able to give in this uxatter through the paper will be greatly appreciated. George Vice, Postmaster. The ordination cf Rev. A. S, Alierton o! St. Paul's Angli- can Churcb, Betbany, took place last week at St. Cutb- hert's Churcb, Leaside. The Right Rev. H. R. Hunt cf fi- ciated at the service and the Venerable R. P. Walker, Arcb- deacon cf Peterborougb, was the guest minister. The Parish cf Manvers Squares beld their seventh square dance session on Sat- urday nîgbt at St. Paul's Par- isb Hall witb Morton Davis "calling" the dances; Mr. and Mrs. George Timms providing the music on piano and violin. U.C.W. Meeting The United Church Women held their meeting on Mon- day night in the church hall, with Mrs. Carl Porteous pre- siding. Mrs. Thomas Jennings and Mrs. Myrtie Brown led tbe Christmas worship ser- vice cf scrîpture, meditation, prayer and hymns. Reports were beard from ail departments. Mrs. Ross Davidson gave the financial report, noting receîpts of the year as $838.56, expenses $537.68, and balance on band of $300.88. The remainder cf the allocation to Presbytery will be sent before the end cf. the year. Mrs. Earl Argue, Program convenor, gave a brie! resume cf ail tbe pregnams during the past year and passed around the Christmas card received fnom Kwong Yuk Chun, the little Chinese girl adopbcd by the Manvers Par- isb. Mrs. Addison Scott, social convenor, reportcd these ac- tivities, mentioning the suc- cess cf the recent Yuletidc Tea and Bazaar, a salad sup- per held in the summer and catcning for a wedding rccep- ion. Mrs. Thomas Jennings told o! the literature purchased and used bbrougbout the year; also mentiening some cf the improvements being made at the Manse. Mrs. Gervin Mulligan read tbe report of the Friendsbip and Visibing cominittce. Mrs. George Waddell told of the bales of used andi new. WESLEY VILLE Temperatures ranging as mucb as five bclow in this anca left ne doubt in peple's mmnds that winber was not waiting for the 2lst o! De- cember. Some witb watcr pipes tee near the ground sur- face had a bit cf difficulty but fast relief came the first cf tbis week with mild wca- ther. A quilt was completcd at Mrs. T. Wilson's on Wcdnes- day morning alter a very short work tîme. New Terry- lene or Dacron batts make tbc work se much casier. The final executive meeting o f the U.C.W. for tbc yean was bcld at Mrs. T. Wilson's on Thursday afbernoon witb Mesdames G. Tufford, E. Bar- rowclougb, A. Austin, J. Groencveld, H. Reeve, R. Best, J. Walter and Berniece Best prescrit. Corisiderable unex- pccted expense during the year badly sbnained tbc amount o! money set aside in bbc budget, for sucb emengen- cies but it was 'corisidered that by the end cf the year most of bbc budget could be met. Evenycrie was concerri- cd that bbc special project c! education for two Hong Kong cbildren sbeuld be carried on. Sunday schooi here !ollow- cd bbechcurch service at Wcl- come an Sunday morning witb George Tuff ord in charge. Donald Nichols and Niel Groencveld rcceived bbc morning offcning. Classes are busy with thein contnibutinti for tbe Christmas party te he beld an December 16tb, and envelepes werc distrîbutcd for the White Gi! t offering te be presenbed next Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Nichais ac- companied ber sister and brother-in-law to her home in Westmcath for a weekend Visit. Mn. and Mrs. Mervyn Clarke of Hamilton visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Beîgbbon, Part Britain, this past week- end. Mrs. Beighton's grand- daughten, Mrs. Stewart Mor- gan, came witb ber famiy fromn Detroit te spend tbc American Thanksgiving holi- day witb ber parents, Mr. and Mms. Reg. Bec, in Port Hope. She became il1 shortly alter ariving and is still in Port Hope bospital sulffcing from pneumonia. Mrs. Bruce Dinner bas been in Part Hope hospibal alsn, but it is exbected she will soon b. home again. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mn.. Clarence Nichols wbo won the highest award ini the farmIimprovement canbest sponsored by different organi- zations in Durham County, and also the highest award freinClarka townahip Board, Mns. Harold Whitte, Representative on M a n s e comxnittee, Mrs. Thomas Jen- nings; Nomnating comxnttee, Mrs. Myrtle Brown and Mrs. Earl Weatheni.lt. The secretary Mrs. Herb Coppins read letters cf thanks from Mrs. F. Denure cf Peter- borough, Hugh McDonaid, and from the Presbytery Fin- ance committee. It was agreed1 to send cards and gifts te ail shut-ins at Chnistmas. An- nouncement was made of the annual congregational meet- ing te be held in January. New gowns for the junior1 choir were displayed. Mrs. Earl Argue was in charge cf the program and together with Mrs. Herb Cep-1 pins gave a short skit, "Over- erganized, ne place te pray."' Mrs. William Piercey led inj carol singing and told items cf interest regarding the au- thors, transiators, arrangers and sources cf tunes. Mrs. Vincent Jackson, Mrs. William Lawrence, Mrs. Har- old Sanderson and Mrs. Wil-1 liam__Piercey sang the carol1 The Canadian Statesman, BowmnanvMfe, Dec. 7, 1968 Scouts Ladies Donate Books The November meeting cf the Bownianville Boy Scouts Ladies' Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Cooke with two new members pre- sent. The main items of business were a report of the success- fui catering in October and the presentation of a report on our gift to the Bowmanvilie Library cf $25 worth cf bocks. Mrs. Bickle reported that the Board had agreed te select "Good Christian Men ]Re- joice". The new President, Mrs. Harold White cenducted the closing exercîses. Lunch was served by Mrs. Carl Porteous, Mrs. Addison Scott, Mrs. Harold White, Mrs. Gervin Mulligan and Mrs. Thomas Jennings. suitable Scout Bocks to start a "section of Books for Scouts." It is the hope of the Scout Mothers to add to this selection of bocks each year. fPlans were made for the 9Christnmas meeting which ivill be a social evenhng at the, home of Mrs. Anti Porter, 30 Jane St., on Dec. 12th at 8:30 p.m. Lunch wil be pot luck. *4 SBUILDING EPRODUCTS Natural Stone, Sils, Brick, Block, Steel, WaIk Slabs, Cernent, Flue Tiles, etc. END 0F NELSON ST. PHONE 623-7431 clothing botalling 394 pounds sent for mission work, other articles sent te the Crippled Civilian Department in Tor- I onto. Mrs. Robent Ryley gave tbe report cf the nominabing com- mittee and the following were electcd te office: President, Mrs. Harold Whitc; Vice-Pre- sident, Mrs. Herb Coppins; Sccretary, Mrs. Addison Scott; Treasurer, Mrs. Rosa David- son; Program Convenor, Mrs. Allan Beer; Social Convenor, Mrs. Robert Ryley; Group Leaders, Mrs. Earl Wcathcr- ult, Mrs. Thomas Jennings, Mrs. Allan Beer, Mrs. Howard Rowan, Mrs. Erncst Young- man; Worship Service Con- venon, Mrs. T. J. Jackson; Friendsbip and Visiting Com- mittee, Mrs. Walter Neals and Mrs. Leonard Driver; Sun- shine Committee, Mrs. Harvey Davidson and Mrs. Gervin ~ Mulligan; Literature and Communications secre t a r y, Mrs. Thomas Jennings; Pin ist, Mrs. William Piercey; Cburcb flowers, Mrs. Haroldi'¶ Sanderson; Archivtb and Press sccretary, Mrs. Ross Carr; Auditors, Mrs. Addison Scott and Mrs. Harry Ryley;S- Suppiy and Social Assistance commîttec, Mrs. George Wad- deli and Mrs. Donald Lowes; Representative tao0 f f i c i a I W~VWl~B~si ONLY1 SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION SHOPPING i - BEAVER POWER TOOLS- GIFTS FOR THE SPORTSMEN . LGUNS - RIFLES - TE LESCOPE SIGHTS $ 4 4 à '-v I '4 4 5- BETHANY M r