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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Dec 1966, p. 7

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I Phone6 Mr. H. E. Kennett, Sum- mnerfield Court, visited friends ,,n Taranto over the weekead. -~ Mr. and Mrs. John E. James, * owdale, visited hspr Mr. Earl Easter, .9rockville, was a Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. O. Janack, Liberty St. North. .* Mr. and Mrs. Narman Gil- 'Inore of Lefroy were weekend aietso Mrs. W. A. Edger, MS oinaSt. G cn ord on McLean, ~lsinSt., spent last week 'bvith Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie j3riggs, Toronto. .Mn. and Mrs. Gardon Jarvie ,t! Oshawa spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Robert Jarvic, Kingston Road West. Mn. and Mns. J. B. Ketchen, Cambnay, wene recent visitors with their daughten and fam- Ily, Mr. and Mrs. K. Jennings. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. Hodgson, Liberty St. North, were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Greysoa and son Allan, Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Lea Kelly, Waverley Rd., spent the week- end witb Mns. Kelly's parents, Mr. and Mns. A. Compton, Chatham. Mrs. T. Hunson, Horsey St., recently spent a weekend witb her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mns. H. T. Hurson, Port Credît. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Marjerri- son, Liberty St. North, were Wveekend guests with Mn. and Mrs. Don Master and family, Callingwood. Mn. and Mrs. Robert Camp- t¶.1Oshawa, and Mns. Stan Campbell of Courtice visited recently with Mr. and Mns. James Jeffreys. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rose of Oshawa were Saturday visi- 'tors with thein daugbten and son-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Oral liogg, High Street. Miss Jeanne Hubband, On-« taria Ladies' Callege, Whitby,9 visited ber parents, Dr. and1 Mns. E. D. Hubband, Welling-1 Aon St., on Sunday.9 -Mr. and Mrs. Ian Hovey ,2,nd children spent Sunday :..With Mrs. Hovey's sister and1 "brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.1 ,ýtewart McQuade, Port Perry.1 --Mr. and Mrs. Les Smale, Bill :nd Dennis ai Vankoughnet .:ere recent visitors witb their -daugbten and son-in-law, Mr. -and Mrs. Maurice Richards and .*amily.t "Mn. and Mrs. R. Kavanaugb,c ,:unnicrest Blvd., speat Sua- .*day with Mrs. Kavanaugh's ibrother and sister-in-law, Mr.E Ind Mrs. Ivan Gardiner,r Uoronto.9 'Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kil- 7Patrick and faniily, Liberty St.1 J4orth, wene weekend guestss 'of Mrs. Kilpatrick's sîsters,t :isses Grace and Bernices OGueran, Toronto.,p ~'M.adMr.W T. Hircock,'U a~rc St., isited thein 1~ter and sn-inl r K Mrs. D. Burnham and t amil Cboug astFridaya mlkd Saturday. S ý, Winners in the cake draw at 'jheNeigbouroodStore, On- arioSt. wer J.A. Gibson, r Anne Wilkins, Mary Harvey c r ~ d AIma Perfect. Jewel boxn 3inner was Vera Bate. f »Mn. and Mns. Art Hoopen and famihy, Frederick Ave., 'ýisited Mrs. Hooper's mother, Mvrs. A. Ashiord, Toronto, and alsa Mrs. Hooper's grandmoth- er, Mns. A. Hyatt, who is a rBowmanville Pentecostal (hurch 75 Liberty St. S. Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, flTh. Phone 623-5100 GUEST SPEAKERS REV. and MRS. WAYNE HALLIWELL *Hear them sing, play instruments and preach 9:55 A Growing Bible School il a.m. "A NEW NAME" 7 p.m. "THE ALTARS 0F COD" SUNDAY SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT Friday, Dec. 9th at 7 p.m. Wcd. Dcc. l4th - 7:30 p.rn. Bible Study: Theme: "MUD OR STARS?" Ail Are Welcorne! «"Where the Word of Gd Is Net Bound" (D e »*b -% lla I MF ersoUtULi 23-3303 1 i patient in St. Joseph's Hos- [s pital, Toronto. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie 5Andrews, Port Perry; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dayes, Blackstock; *Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Neilson, Toronto, and Mr. Peter Mears of St. Catharines were Sun- day evening dinner guests of yMrs. Verna Ferguson, Liberty St. North. Visitors with Mrs. R. R. Nicholson for the American Thanksgiving holiday were her daughter Mrs. Mayo and Mr. Mayo, Margaret, R ic ha rd, Carolyn and Bobby, Chicago, k El., also another daughter, eMrs. McMillan and Joan of Bellevhlle. Mr. and Mrs. George Exon of Lochlin, Ont., were week- end guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hutchinson, Meadowview. sMr. and Mrs. K. Harrison and family, Thornhill, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. Harri- son 's' sister, Mrs. Hutchinson, and Mr. Hutchinson. Following the christening of their daughter Sheryl Eliza- beth on Sunday, November 27, in Trinity United Church, Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Blair and son Todd entertained the follow- ing guests, Mr. and Mrs. George Philpott, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webster and Alvin, and Mr. and Mrs. Hec- tor Flett, Fenelon Falls; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Blair and Mr. Paul Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Keitli Moffat, Brian, Ricky and Kelly of Oshawa. jCongratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Foley, Carlisle Ave., who celebrated their 6lst wedding anniversary on Tues- day, November 29th. They were pleasantly surprised when Mrs. Howard Foley spent the day with them. Dur- ing the afternoon several nieces called to offer their best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Martin of Maple Grove, Mrs. Bert Colwell and Irwin joined them for the evening. On Sunday, Novem- ber 27th, they were dinner guests of their daughter, Mrs. Colwell, and grandson Irwin. Their son Ted and Mrs, Foley, Mrs. Pearl Hockin and great- granddaughter Brenda Mc- Intyre spent Sunday evening with them. ENNISKILLEN For the second Sundayc the Advent season aur ministE chose as ber subi ect "Music wbich is the genial ahly ( Christianity. Rev. Dougberl expbamned that music is th most perfect symbol of lufe. St gave a most comprehensiv outlline o! the life ai Geong Frederick Handel and the in spiration ton bis compasingc the famous oratorio "The Mcm sia". Mn. Ron Ashton accori paaied the united chair in it siaging af. "Blesa This Hquseiý tlrder19rs. ýÉ. Wniglit's dire< tion. Sunday, Dec. 18th wilb bav two special services. At 10:3 a.m. the S.S. session wilb pnc sent the annual "White Gif Senvice" witb gifts for th, School for handîcapped child rea at Onillia. At 7:30 p.m. thi churcb service will încludý mnusic tram the guest chai from Bowmaaville Trainial Schoob. The U.C.W. met at tbe bomi o! Mrs. R. Rowan, on Nov. li nt 2 p.m. with 26 adults anc 10 cbildrea present. Mrs. L Stainton welcomed the visitor and- read a poem "Use o: Words." Mrs. K. McGill gav( the devotional choasing "Min. stry ai Kiadness" as bei .opic. The scripturc nead wa Ephesians chapter 4 verse 34' and she closed with.prayer. Mrs. C. Stainton was iî charge of the pnogram. Mrs Mi. Stainton gave a very good aper an Stewandsbip. Mns Rod Simipson gave us some highlights ai the Presbyterial at Kedron. Mrs. R. Rowan gave a reading "My Son, My ti E a h a REHOBOTH Christian Reformd Church Scugot Street Minister: Rev. A. VandenBerg, B.A, B.D, M.Tb. Worship Services 10 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 11:15 arn. Sunday School Back To God Heur CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. '<Everyone weicome" of te te âe 1- of a- C- 30 'e l- le ir ýg Son.» Mn. L. Ashton gave a reading on conditions in India. Mns. C. Stainton conducted several contesta. The members of the Moth- ers' Fellowship entertained their husbands at a Christmas party at the home of Reva and Jim Kinsman on December 3rd. The evenlng was enjoy- ably spent in playing progres- sive euchre. The Hsgh Lady was Doreen Lamb, High Man 1Grant Werry. Low Lady, fleen McLaughlin, Low Man, Harold Ashton. A lovely lunch was served by the committee con- sisting of Joyce Virtue, Shir- ley Pollard, Diane Werry, Eleanor Werry and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Geo. Scott and Miss Doris Mill- son, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamb, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Hickey, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Piper and girls, Miss Dawn Stevens, Maple' Grove, were Sunday dinner guests at Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGill. Mrs. Norman Moore, Tren- ton, is spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. How- ells. Mrs. F. Toms was an over- night guest of Mrs. G. McLean, Bowmanville, last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp were last Thursday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wonnamaker, Seagrave. Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester, N.Y., spent a few days at Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cryder- man and girls, Zion, were Sunday supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. L. Staînton's. Mr. Geo. Pethick, Toronto, was a Sunday caller at Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn, in company with Mr. and Mrs. E. Pettifer and Ross, Willow- dale, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Wearn, Dundas. Mr. Don Wearn returned home with the Wearn's on business at General Motors. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry were Saturday evening dinneri guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Werry and family were Sunday sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Leighton, Bowman- ville. Miss Sandra Werry was an overnîght guest of Miss Patti Werry on Saturday. Mr. James Arthur Werry is - spending a few days with Mr. a and Mrs. Allan Werry. Mr. J. A. Werry received word last week of the death of Mrs. J. Littlejohns, Holds- worthy, England, the late Mrs. Werry's only sister with whom, Mvr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry spent an enjoyable visit last spring. Sympathy to Mr. Werry e and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Muller,' and Darryl, Oshawa, were Saturday evening dinner guests 0' of Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright. Mrs. F. Toms accompaniedP Rev. Mary A. Dougheryto f Toronto last Friday and visitedV Mir. and Mrs. Ed Cox, Isling-V ton. bi Dr. and Mrs. Clark Werry, n, [ohn, Elizabeth and Peter, w~ Etobicoke, Miss Winnifred Cole, Willowdale, were visit- 0O ors aàt Mr. and Mrs. E. A. ni Wery's._..- -1 ý f Mr. and Mrs. Bull Kay, Paul fi and Sandra, Aginrourt, were! ecent visitors at R. Sharp's. I Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland, ci MIr. and Mrs. H. McGiII attend- al d the annual potato club ban- w quet at Millbrook on Friday, Of December 2nd. S ri ci be ao an II inc led It b]i ne! fil] SOLINA le We were sonry ta hear o 16 the passing ai tic late Mns ýd Isobel Reynolds Rogers, a for mer nesident oi this corn -s munity. Our siacere sympathý A ta the family an the boss o: ,e their loved ane. 1- On Saturday, Dec. 1Oth, tht ýr Eldad Explorers wîll bolc is thein Christmas party fron ý2 2 ta 4 p.m. Rev. C. Catto chose for hi- i sermon an Sunday "The Bibîr . and Christmas." There weri dtwo lovely containers ai sflowens at the front ai thi - chunch on Sunday in memony Il ai the late Mn.. Isobel Rey- n nolds Rogers. Thene werE Y twa aew members tnansferred -ta the membership af Eldad cburch, Dr. and Mn.. Domi Spnoull. Mn. and Mrs. M. McCarnell, Omemee, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mn.. Wesley Huis and family. Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Yellow- lees, accompanied by Mn. anc Mns. Ben Brown, Bowmaa- ville, attended the Victoria Caunty Holstein banquet ne- cently. Mn. and Mns. Hanvey Yel- lowlees and family along witln Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Larmer and family and Mn. and Mns. Glen Larmen and famnily gathered at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Blackstock, ion a surprise birthday party for their mo- then and grandmother, Mrs, E. Larmen, on Saturday even- ing. Mn. and Mn.. Wes Yellaw- lees wene Saturday evening visitons with Mrs. Estella Leask, Bowmanville. Miss Susan Vice was a Sunday guest with Miss Jan- ice Ycllowbees. Mn. and Mrs. Donald Scott and David af Hamilton were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mns..R. C. Fraser. L.A.C. Glen Frauer o! Camp Borden speat the weekead at home. Mn. and Mrs. John John- stan, Tyrone, Mn. and Mrs. Raymoad Osborne and family, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mis. James Mn. and Mrs. A.lin Cale, Bawmanvllle, Mr. Da0vi d Johnston and Miss Roue Paul- son o! Fenebon Falls, were Saturday supper guesta with Mn. and Mn.. Francis John- ston and David, Dr. George Werry and Don- ald o! Oshawa were Sunday gucas with Mn. and Mrs. Wcs. Werry and !anuly. Mn.. Greta McCormack, Columbus, wos Suaday guest with Mm. and Mn.. Russeil Vice. Mn. and Mrs. Everett SPire. visited withm. aad Mru.BaM Dogsflowers Make Hobbies Durlng the seventeenth cen- ftury there lived in England a man for whom I have a great admiration. At the age of 43 John Milton became totally bllnd. It had been Milton's task to translate Latin letters from foreign countries and ta write replies in the same language. The additional strain upon hîs eyes resulted in bllndness. Althaugh he had to endure this handicap he did not become bitter. Mil- ton's great faith ln God must have helped him in his afflic- tion. He felt his "Yoke" was easy, campared to the burden some people carry. Jesus' parable of the talents and the "'unprofitable servant" who was condemned for hiding bis one talent in the earth must have made the poet appreci- ate wbat he bad. How many times do we complain because of llttle hardships in our every day life! One bas only ta cover bis eyes with bis hand to realize bow fortunate one really is. Hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling, and seeing. Whicli one do you appreciate most? Perhaps it is because I already wear quite strong lenses that I arn most grateful for the sense, "seeing". Reading is one of the hob- bies I enjoy. How precious a book in braille must be to one o! our blind Canadians. How tragic to have missed the joys of reading Anne o! Green Gables or Tom Sawyer. If, by joinîng forces witb thousands of Canadians, we can help in some small way to bring a little ligbt inta the life of one of these people, we will have done something very wortbwhile.J Dale Evans, 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grade 8, .11 Don Evans of Orona has two hobbies that she finds Cartwright most interesting and enjoyable. She is a member of Central Scbool. Orono Junior Gardeners and this year did well with, ""l U& ber centennial project, a tattooed marrow, and sun Y uh Bo lr floersees.Following the fail show at Orono her1 o t B wlr entries were taken ta the Royal Winten Fair in the, o e Junior Horticultural Section where she came llth!SeI 1,046 B x s out of 30 entries for the marrow and lOth for sun (h flower seeds. For these she won two Merry-GroO oae greenhouses, one of which Is shown in front of her, f C ooae on the floor. Her other hobby is showing "Sarah" a For the past three weeks the Rhodesian Ridgeback that is quite unusual in this Youth Bowling Council has country. The Evans have an entire table covered with been selling chocolates ta raise ribbons Sarah bas won. money for the Provincial Scholarsbip Fund. * We are pleased ta announce .inree vvinr On "BlindnE FIRST BLINDNESS AND ME Without the slght ai my eyes, b would be blind. This vould mean I would live in a Lark imaginative world, but Icould also appreciate my other seases and more. I could perhaps imagine some wonder- ful place and live in a dream world or face neality. But what would reality mean or be? Blackness and a strange new world would be every- whene. In the morning, I would Dpen my sigbtless eyes and aotbing would change. With my increasiagly sensitiyc tiniÈrs àad' sense o! balance, 1would wasb and dness. Eat- mg would be extnemely diffi- .uit until I obtained a remank-i bly good memony wbich 'aould beip ta replace the boss )fmy eyesigbt. I would go ta ;hool for the blînd and learn )raille. This would help me -cord my special notes orj ead matenial a! my interest. If I went ta scbool for a ýrtain leagtb af time, I would )e able ta have a seeing eye log. Because o! the obedienceg tnd intelligence ai this animal,1 wouid be guided along roads S through buildings without1 imishap. As a blind persan,à would be very capable and1 ndependent witb my know-ç edge af braille and a seeing ýe dog. Above I have wnitten wbat think some of my lufe, as a mlid girl, would be like. Dank- lss, braille, and a dog would1 il a day. Judy Bnitton, 1 St. Joseph's Catholic School. E SECOND- BLINDNESS AND ME Mine is the most wonderful camera in the world. Unlîke othen cameras it cannot be ne- placed. It must last a lufe- tîme; there are no spore parts on returns. It is my eye. Eycs bave always fascinat- cd people, and have been caîl- cd "windows af the soul" through whicb the "neal per- san" looks out on the world. When you look at someone you look at bis eyes. Beauty is everywberc if anc con sec it. My eyes are Nature's great- est miracle - but Nature needs my help. What con b do ta protect themn agalnst pon vision or blindness? (1) Eat the right food, geti Bemis, Oshawa, necently. Miss Pearl Leach was Sun- day tea guest with Mn. and tMns. Art 'Youngmnan and fani- ily, Tyrone. Mn. and 'Mn.. A. P. Aber- aethy, Manila, visited with Mn. and Mn.. Donald Taylor and famuly. Mn. and Mn.. Bruce Tink and Mn. and Mns. Penc. Dew- cli, Hampton, visited recently' 1with Mr. and Mn.. Orme Cruikahanks, Peterborough. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink visited with Mrs. W. A. On- miston, Broaklia, on Sunday cvening. Mn. and Mn.. John Knox,] Mesmrs. Gea. and Hanry Knox visited with Mrs. Wm. Knox o! Brougham. Mn.. A. Frisby, Mr. and1 Mrs. Richard Frisby and girls o! Victoria Square, Mn. and, Mns. AI! Huggins and famiby, Oshawa, Mr. Don Bernat ai Belleville were Suaday guests with Mn. and Mns. Elmen Huggins. Mns. Ernest Hockaday visit- ed with Mn.a. Frank Kenslake,I Bownoanville. Miss Pat Knox attcnded1 the Jr. Former. Executive mneeting at Kemptvllle lagt1 YuLk long Passays Lss and Me" phenty af out-door exercise, sleep and rest. (2) Have a reguhar eye ex- amination before entering school and once a year aiter- wards. 1(3) Watch for danger signsý sucb as over-sensitivity ta light; blurrîng, red or swollen eyelids, and stumbling aven small abjects. See a qualified eye-dacton and use no medi- cine unless prescribed by bim. (4) If I need glasses, I sbauld wear them and see that they are kept clean. When placing them on a bard sur- face, place them lenses up ta avoîd scratcbing. 1. (5) Be careful when play- ing with fire-crackens, bows and arrows, B.B. guns, dants and when using scissars. (6) When reading, have a sufficient ligbt over my shoul- der witb no sbadow or glane - 100 ta 150- watt buhb. (7) D'o nat watch television in a totally dark noom; make sure the set is pnoperly adjust- ed and sit about ten feet frani the set. (8) When working in dang- eraus places wear eye pro- tection. A white cane is tbe sign for the need o!f fiendly guid- ance along the street. If tbe persan is blind, speak ta bhim s0 that he can tell where you are. Let bim take youn arm. If eating ask him if be wants help, such as in cutting bis meat. In bis bouse leave the turniture in the same place. In a strange bouse tell him where tbings are, and whýo is present. Above aIl when I hear a! someone who bas lost bis sigbt, or is about ta do so, I mnust refer hîm ta tbe nearest C.N.I.B. office and the wond- erful services they offer - a Iibnary (two tans ai touch type books mailed acnoss Canada yearly), adjustment training programmes, social clubs, vocatianal guidance, employment depa r t m e n t s, home-study courses, white canes, Seeing Eye dags, music ibrany, theatre passes, as well1 as handicrait centres. Ia spite ai ahl my precau- tions if this handicap should become mine, must try ta accept it bravely, and continue my education by making use of the C.N.I.B. services, so bhat I may live a useful lufe. Bibliognapby: 1. C.N.I.B. Litenature. 2. Our Wandenful Eyes - Joba Perry. 3. The Helen Keller Stony- Owens Pearce. Carolyn Woodland, Grade 7. Teacher - Mr. MeMabon. 'THRD- BLINDNESS AND ME "Wben I cansîden how my light i. spent Ene bal! my days in this dank world and wide, And that anc talent which 'la death ta bide Lodged with me useless, though my soul mare bent To serve therewith my Maker, and present My truc account lest He rcturning chide:- 'Doth God exact day-labour, lîght denied?' I fondly ask. But Patience, Nta preveat That munmun, soon ne plies, 'God doth not need Either man's wonk or bis own gifts. Who bcst bear his mild yake, they serve him best. His state Is kingly: thousands at hlm bidding speed And post o'er land and ocean without reat;, They also- serve whio oiy stan d wo±t", - mat me klt Uiowm1ville 1tagues bave sold 1,046 packages and we would like 1-a thank the childnen and the people wbo bought candy for rnaking aur part of the campaign a suc- cess. MAPLE GROVE Edltor's note- Congru lations to The Stateama lontme Maple Grovec respendent, Mr&. Bai Freeman, who celebrn ber 8Oth bfrthday on Tu day. The U.C.W. met in cburcb hall Nov. 17th, 23 ladies present. Mns. W Brown, president, opened meeting, reading a poem' Road ai Lufe". The wor service was in charge afi 3. It was given by Mrs Morton, Mrs. F. Stevens, H. Stevens. Mrs. Arscoti Courtice was*the guest spi er, who spoke on the churi of Jamaica, wbicb ever, enjoyed very rnuch. Mrs. C. Greenham charge of the Installatiar Officers for 1967. They ai follows: President, Mrs. W Brown; Vice President,1 H. Cryderman;- Secretary,1 H. Bradley; Asst. Secret Mrs. C. Russell; Treasu Mrs. H. Brooks; Chris Education and Commu Friendship, Mrs. R. Dubi Co-operation in Christian Missionary Education, Mrs Wood, Finance Stewar& and Recruiting, Mrs. S. Iv ton; Flowers, Mrs. J. Hui Literature, Mrs. J. Petrc! Manse, Mrs. F. Stevens; Ni mnations, Mrs. C. Green. Mrs. E. White, Mrs. D, D well; Social Functions,1 C. Swallow; Press andF licity, Mrs. H. Freeman;1 gramme, Mrs. H. Brooks;E ply and Social Assista Mrs. J. Holtby; Pianist,1 W. Laird; Auditors, Mrs. Snowden, Mrs. S. Jeff Unit Leaders, Mrs. J. Hui Mrs. H. Stevens, Mrs. P. F toff; Representative ta cial Board, Mrs. W. H. Bro Committee of Stewards,1 H. Cryderman; Missiar and Maintenace, Mrs. H.1 ey; Christian Education,1 D. Wood. Mrs. W. H. Brown condi ed the business, after wl the meeting closed by ahl peating the Mizpah biene tion. A social time was joyed by ail. Sympathy of this commi ty is extended ta Mr. Mrs. E. Blake in the las: their infant. Institute meeting on M~ day evening, Dec. 12tb,a p.m. in the C. E. Hall; m( ing in charge of Mrs. C. Swallow; Christmas progri Mrs. Charlie White, Osha was a Sunday luncheon gu of lier brother andi wife. . The Canadian Statemtan, Bowmnanville, Dec. 7, 198 etryFlreceKngh, Pu Lé io ad e President, Treasurer Audrey Cor- Bate, aPast President, Seri. ý&e El ect O fficers Chaplain Hilda Hmhe~ President ai the Bowxnan- ham, and Pianists Susie Gra- teville Ladies Auxiliary ta thelhara and Anne Piper, a Pont t~eRoyal Canadian Legion for President. wîtb 1967 Rena Bathgate was elect-I Members of the Executive ?V tH. ed at the meeting of the Council elected for 1967 are Jteorga nization held in the Legion E. Shackelton Inimediate Past THl an Monday evel3ing. Presi- President Dorothy Richards, rship dent Mary Westover will be Hilda Humphrey, and Grace Unit the Past President. Murdoch. .. S. Mrs Zone Commander Gertrude Following the election of tt of Williams, Oshawa, presidediofficers the Zone Commander peak- during the election of officers., turned the chair over to rches Others elected for the comingirPresident Westover, who pre. yone year are: lst Vice-President1 sided for the business rneet- Barney Boisvert, 2nd Vice-ji ng. A satisfactory financial took President Audrey Cook, Sec-'statement was presented by )n oi Treasurer Bate. re asand Mrs. Fred R. Stevens. It was decided ta donate $25 V. H. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow ta the Santa Claus Parade, Mrs. were Sunday callers on ber and members will malce 10 Mrs. brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jack boaves of sandwiches for the tary, Ashton, Scarborough; supper lunch afterwards. Secretary ;urer' guests with ber sister and Knight will assist Mrs. George stiar: husband, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stephen, who is in charge af unity Densem, also of Scarborougb. the lunch at Memorial Park beau; For renewals and new sub- Clubhouse for the members of and scrîptions for The Canadian the 10 bands and out-of-town s. D. Statesman caîl 623-5801. participants in the Santa Claus dsbip M.r. John Pritchard spent Parade. ______ M1or- the weekend with bis parents, irrie; Mr .and Mrs. Otis Pritchard, Drive Defensively -Adjust sky; brothers Peter and Paul, atita Conditions. Slow down in gom- Manotick. darkness, bad weather. Lham, Ioth- Mrs. Pub- Pro- Sup- ance, Mrs. s.B. :fery; irrie, Flin- Offi- ýown: Mrs. nary Fol- Mrs. duct- 'bich 1 ne- edic- en- uni- and ;s af Wbon- at 3 ieet- P. ýram. awa, ,uest Mr. Il S' ATTENTION Music Teuchers - Supervisors - Students PLAN NGW 1887 1981 to enter Choirs, Bands, Orchestras and Individuais THE CENTENARY FESTIVAL 0F MUSIC For further Information and sy'llabus contact your cloaets Festival or any one ofthe tollowing: Mrs. A. D. Valsey, P.O. Box No. 81, Peterborough, Ont. Mrs. E. G. Metcalfe ............... 582 Brterwood Ave.. Ottawa Ont Miss Hf. Laberge .................... 1606 Peter St., Cornwall, Ont. Mr. K. Shaver ..................... 529 Alfred St., Pembroke, Ont. -An opportunlty to comDete ini the National Finals in Saint John, N.B., in July. 1967. '-Substantial Cash Awards wll be nmade to Successful Candidates. JAN. 7, 1967 is the closlng date for entries In The Peterborough Klwanls Music Festival belng held March 1-11, 1967 Mail to Mns. A. B. Valsey, Box 81, Peterborough TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. George K Ward, B.A, B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collison, Mus, L.R.S.M. SUNDAY, DECEMBER llth 11:00 a.m. 'WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR?"f SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 .m. - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 11:20 a.m - Primary and Kindergarten 11:00 .m. - Beginners L[ y

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