The Canadian Statesman, Bownanvlle, Dec. 'T, 196 IIjSPORTopics By Frank Mohun 63-7234 eIG MONEY ',Would you believe that lit coste sponsors $70,000 a m inu the United States to televise a regular season National Football League game? Imagine seventy thousand a minute! But that's flot so bad really. - For the N.F.L. chaxnpionship contest, which will llkely .-b held on either January first or second, the rate le $1 10,000 a minute. Sa you can see that you arm-chafr quarterbacks, watching thrilling football action each Sunday on television, ornreal ejyiga porting endeavor. lt's big business, or souldwe sy bg moey. ustmultiply aot1 n minute cominercials by seventy grand and that cornes out ta c oe million, 260 thousand bucks. Quick somebody - buy ,Z me the L.A. Rams or the San Francisco 49'ers. We like the ~'Weather down there. t . .t t i. ~NOT BAD EITHERB - Despite the aforementioned dough being distributed in D .Sfootball, big league hockey still has one of the flnest E pension plans in professional sport. A ten-year man in the E X .H.L. receives $10000 a year starting at the age of 65. If R; he prefers, a player can start collecting at 45 years of age, D, when with ten years' service hie would be paid almost three Ri I Mundred bucks per month.M The prospect of television fees just might well have had Bc tlot ta do with the recent N.H.L. expansion. With the six CI jeew U.S. franchises, the National League is naw in a good M~ j»ouition ta bargain for those rich contracts. The two million Ja 1éach existing club received when the franchises wereaw Rde i !C>asn't too hard ta take either. H. ifThe expansion could well extend the hockey careers of Bi j#everal old-timers such as Johnny Bower, "Red" Kelly, Alan El j Stanley (sounds like Leafs have them ail) and a guy named Sia gordie Howe) who might last quite a while anyway. Wonder Ml :rhat provisions the N.H.L. has for a player who would TE .Io1lect his $300 a mionth pension while stili playing? Dr S t j t t F »UDGETS BUSY KE ýý Bowmanville Midgets faced a busy schedule Saturday Mi klien they journeyed ta Barrie for~ the second game in their JO 'Ç e rare.a ..HA ege ots t h eoiLc tentennial series, scheduled for 4:30 and arrîved home in H S Being an the move didn't seem ta bother the local crew AI ZÀ0much. They responded by winning bath attractions, edging DE ,!C>arrie 4-3, and Whitby 5-4. The Barrie victory must have Bc qM~ade the Bowmanvîlle club feel pretty good, after dropping Nc M efrt ane here last week 10-2. Barrie will now continue B rjnto the next round, after capturing the total game affair. JaE * t t i t t :EALLY HITTING THEM The boys in the Men's Maj or League were realiy hitting 4be, dead-wood last week. Mike Murphy came up witha firemnend ous 960 total ta register the highest triple bowied in Bowmalîville this year. Mîke started with a 318 game, fol- lowed Up with 331 and ended with a 311 effort - and that's ,pighty fine bowling Ini any league. îý Liberty Bowl manager AI Osborne raised his leaguE iidading average ta 251 by roliing 326, 340 and 238 for a 904 Iple.« AI actualiy hit the pins better in the third game but àfew corner pins kept bis score down. A2 Although below 900, Brian Martyn bad bimseif a big i ght too, starting slawly -at 221 and then cracking out garnes f320 and 335 for an 876 mark. It'x hard ta, believe - but none of these three managed -otek-e high single honors. Bll Westlake slipped in with a t game to edge Osborne by three pins. Four bowlers have now hit, the 900 plateau In local ~WIiig. Màft- Harrison pretciously connected for 903 in the 'Iday night Mixed League, while that great star Harold ralmknocked off a 922 in the Mixed-Major division. t t t t t UVNILES LOSE uv eniles lost on Sunday ta Trenton 5-1 in that metrapa- This Saturday at 7 o'ciock these two teams will meet et the Memorial Arena here. The locais were short- raded Iast week but still came up with a good game. This 1reek everybody will be on. hand sa there should be plenty .f action. 9 a i =High Single - K. McMurter outh BRowlng 213, D. Bradley 212. High Double - C. Ayre 360, Bantam Girls K. McMurter 351. Panant 5, MoMullen 0; Cox Junior Boys .,Tice 0; Mountjoy 3, Bry- Brunt 5, MacDonald 0- on 2. Wilson 3, Hoiroyd 2; Preston Team Standing 3, Bouwmeester 2. Cor-----.----40 ~ Pasan 28 Team Standing Paice-t 23 Wilson -------- 36 Mountjoy q22 Preston . .3o Mculn --- î Holroyd . ------~ 26 X ingi- D 11 MacDonald .21 Hlgh Brom--el----- i ----- Bouwmeester 20 H178 igl.. rmelBrunt-._--------------------- 17 178h. obl D Brml High Single - R. Bauwmee- Ht g Dobl89.Bore ster 179, R. Wilson 177. Danta BoysHigh Double - B. Holroyd Nlckerson 5, Brunt 0; Van- 39 .Bok35 'Driel 3, Coombes 2; Jenson Senior Mixed League :2%', Donoghue 21/. Colville 5, Etcher 2;Brd Teain Standing ley 6, Hately 1; Beauprie 5, Donoghue .---- 37 M2 Cain 2. SNickerson --- ----« 31 Team Standing 4Coombes------ 24 Cain 44 VanDriel - -----------. 19 Beauprie 3.9 Jenson ----- --------- 13 ~Hately----- 27 -~Brunt ----------- 10 Bradley ----- - .16 High Single - W. Coombes Colvîlle ----------- -- 1 17 1, R. James 145. Etcher- ---------«---- 22 High Double - W. Coornbes Hxgh Single - S. Cain 297, ;b 278, R. James 256. ýR. Selleck 228-215, H. Moore *Junior Girlsr 211, D. Brock 213, J. Bromel >ý MeMurter 3, Cowan 2; Pat- 234-205, W. Lewis 224, R. *field 3, Firth 2; Henning 5, Beauprie 201-212, S. Mitchell : ,Ayre 0. 209-210, J. Tucker 217.233- * Tearn Standing 231, N. Goodwin 219-224, K. i enning .- - ------------39 Cobb 248, M. Hately 203, B. Pattield 35 Welsh 202, M. Kilpatrîck 224, :ylrth- - 25 R. Etcher 205. » Ayre 22 Hîgh Triple - J. Tucker 681, Corwan18R Selleck 628, N. Goodwin1 : _ Murter il 624.1 MEM ORI ALI' ARENA BO WMA ILLE TeI.phon. 123-5728 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, DECEMBER9 8STO 10P.DL - AND - SUNDAY, DECEMBER llth 2 T04P.EX TOTlS SKTING - MON., DEC. 12th 3 te- 5 - 25cfora*ll men'ys Major Lge. 13th Week - lst Schedule Averages Name Game. Av,' Ml Osborne 39 25 Brian Martyn 36 23 Wike Murphy 39 20 Dr. H. Rundie 39 22 Ed. Leslie 39 22 mSrie Perfect - 39 22 ýarry Piper -. 39 22 Iuss Hailman . 39 22 Don Oke --- 36 22 *uss Oke------ 39 22 [aurice Annaert- 39 22 rhn Gould - ---- 39 22 3ill Westiake 39 21 larence Oke - 39 21 [att Harrison - 39 21 sck Bond 33 21 3ob Lawton 39 21 tuss Hately . 36 21 arold Michelson- 39 21 lud Barter ------- -39 21. Mton Brock 39 21: ;i Trewin- - 39 21: ,wrence Leaman- 36 21: lurray Tighe -- 39 21 .d Bagnell------- 39 21 )on Bagneil ---- --- 39 21ý ,weil MacDougal 39 21 -ed Thomson --- 39 20! ,arl Piper -- ----- 39 201 aurice Richards.- 39 20' bhn Oke -------- 36 20( ,ou Wiseman -- 36 201 farry Akey-- - 39 201 eorge Stephen -- 36 20! ohn Carter 39 20 kb Saman 39 20î on Maynard ---- - 39 20ý )n Bishop---- 39 20: ýb Williams 39 20 rrm Henning - 36 20 ýb Kent ------ - 39 201 ack Parker 39 201 'rarge Bebee --- 39 20( ýorge Piper ---- 39 20( lrold Bennett - 39 20( ui Henning---- 39 20( Team Standing arn w L Pts lutton & buld 26 13 26 .n's ln's Wear -- 23 16 23 ary & Loveil 23 16 23 rank's 1 riety ------- 221/2 16 1/j 221/2 G.A --------22 17 22 GE Bu Te Mt ME Jui Fr. Va I.i 'e. 151 !34 !32 129 !26 23 ý20 .9 18 ý17 16 16 14 14 13 13 13 11 11 9 8 7 6 6 6 5 5 M 33 3 i )o s. -Pepsi Cola ---- 22 17 22 Lander Hdwe. 19½V 191/2 191/2 9 Whyte Bros..- 18 21 17 s Dykstra's Food------------ 17 22 17 Nels Osborne Insurance_.-- 16 23 16 RSelby Grant Heating ------- 13 26 13 Beaver Lumber ------12 27 12 Bowling News The Men's Major League howlers really came into their own on Wednesday when two bowlers crashed the 900 mark. Mike Murphy put on a ter- rific display cf bowling with tthree big games of 318-331-311 for 1960 tops for any bowier at Liberty Bowi this season. This will certainly be a tough ione ta beat. A tip of the aid hat ta the Mighty Mike. -AI Osborne followed Murphy with games of 326-340-238 for ra total of 904 pins, good enough ta win high triple nearly any week. Brian Martyn was nearly in the 900 club when he had ;gamnes of 221-320-335 for 876. Twelve bowlers hit better than 700. Morley Thompson mîssed 800 by one pin, Morley had 799 (292-282), Ron May- nard 782 (275), Ernie Perfect 3749 (30ý7), Bill Westlake 740 along with the high single game of 343, Dr. Howard Rundle 731 (294), Harold Michelson 739 (284), Russ Hately 722 (256), Lowell MacDougal 718 (268-267), Karl Piper 715 (270), Larry Piper 709 (282), Russ Oke 708 (242), Clarence Oke 703 (280). Bob Lawton had a 290 single game, Stan McMurter 285, Frank "Sports ridi.tor" Mohun 281, Don Bagnell 263, George Piper 264, Murray Tighe 261. Frank's Variety Store team rwon high single 1395 as weil as high triple 3673. The Mutton & Gould Sheli team bas taken a 3-point leae over Ken's Men's Wear and Jury & Loveil. This week Mutton & Gould tangle with the clothlng boys and this should be a battle royal. Severai changes isx the aver- ages this week. AI Osborne bumped his average ta 2"I for 39 games. Brian Martyn mov- ed into second place at 234 while Mike Murpby's big 960 pusbed him inta third place with 232. Dr. Haward Rundle and big Ed Leslie are tied at 229. SLadies Legion Bowling was average on Thursday night with Bernice Bothwell taking top honors, rofing high single and triple for the evening. Partner's team once again increased their lead downing Annaert's 3-0, whiie Boisvert's team is trying ta get in second place defeating Blake 2-1. Team Standingu Partner ______ 30 pts. Blake -______21 pts. Boisvert ______ 20 pts. Annaert. 7 pts.1 Top 12 Averages B. Partner -___ 39 186 D. Anniert - 39 1751 B. Boisvert - 28 1711 M. Blake____ 27 18@2 F. Bruce ___ 30 159 B. Bothwel - 33 1531 R. Vannessa 6__ 151î N. Sheehan 33 1501 A. Saman 36 144f H. Simnick 36 142! ýA. ate 30 140j, K. XkNuIty 37 137 p Famous Trophy Now in This Area Lacrosse levers in this area will be amazed ta learn that the coveted Mann Cup is riaw resting in Newcastle at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ruttan. The beautiful traphy awarded ta the winning Senior Lacrasse teamn in Canada was won this year by the Pepsi-Petes of Peterborough, with OPP Constable Ken Ruttan one of the top players on the championship team when they defeated Vancouver. The cup was put up for competition back in 1910 by Donald Mann who had a great deal ta -do wîth building the Canadian National Railway across Canada. At that tîme it was valued at $2,500 and is now insured for $35,- 000. First winner was a team called the Young Torontonians. Oshawa won il in 1929. In this photo, Constable Ruttan, a member of the Bawmanville OPP Detachment and a native of Peterboroughi is shown holding the superb trophy. Junior Men's Hockey Nichais Lose ta Ken P's-3-1~ r a- O'T M SS. n-e ROBSON MOTORS n- )ne yBu e OnSidr a -w ar .a es you can't afford to deal anywhere elsel1 1967 PONTIAC ~~~ dParisienne Sports Coupe ie V-8, automatic, power brakes and steering, S chrome wheel discs, 1967 license plates. sPLUS .W. a 1967 PHILIPS ýtCOLOUR TELEVISION 0 Model C2206 ""A CHRISTMAS TREAT FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY" "CHRISTMAS PACKAGE" 1967 PONTIAC ---$3,909.70 PHILIPS COLOUR TV--- 995.00 TOTAL PRICE $4>904.70 SOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU 909.70 ~BOTH FOR- s3,995~ D< I166 King St E. Phone 623u3396 Bis Win 6m2 Over Legion by Jim Clarke Ken's Men's Wear continued their domination of the Jr. Men's League in Sunday night's opener, handing Nich- ais Motors a 3-i defeat. Rear- guard Bob Sleep scored the only goal in the opening per- iod, at 2:45. Nichais' Don Mc- Murter and Ken's Ted Bate received 10 minute match penalties at 13:30, as a result of some energetic fencing. Whiteman moved Ken's in front 2-0, at 11:15, of the mid- dle frame as play opened up. Whiteman, after taking Brian Collins' long pass, zipped over Gel Cash Today For OId Appliances througb STATESMAN C LA S S 1 1ED 8 Phone 623-3303 the blue-line, braked and beat Forsey and Whiteman wer Pat Murphy from the side. strong up front, and Ron BE Larr Neis n Ke's ageker was effective on defenct Larrd emirpstointen'scgeMurray Taylor, Ken's ranr ond on Dane Rodgerson twice, bntesdfneaad and John Mathers. Murphy spice ta an often duli e!i mad a oodsav onWhie-counter, with his play. Hi mander gon she pro hîe-tackle on Dane Rodgerson, 0: man ate intheperod. a breakaway in the secon, Ken's Murray Taylor was period, would have mad off for interference when Argos coach Bob Shaw's eye Nichois finally beat Nemis at shfine. Rodgerson appeare, 2:45 of the third period. Ne- home free, until Murray pu. mis had no chance, as Mathers the clutch on him. defiected Ted Brown's blue-Fo ihlMraBow line drive. Ken's compIeted turned ichaIs, Murro-ay Bro the scaring at the 17 minute fortý with M two-way o im mark, with Warner Wallroff pMathers ck Lualso ii themarsma. Nchos' ob-steady on the lasers' blue bledick was sitting out a hold- line. ing infraction, when Brian In Snda night's other ac Forsey broke in on Murphy tion, Bill's Billiards dumper on a breakaway. Murphy the sagging Legion crew 6-2 made a big save and Forsey The winners received sali> went hurtling into the net. efforts from everyone. witl Wallroff was right there and i'Bucky" Hughes and Ra( iofted the puck into the net.lPickle ieading the way witl Murphy's pratest on the goal two goals apiece. Jim Mc- was rewarded by a 10-minute Intyre and Larry Hellamn com. misconduct. pleted their scoring. For thE For the winners, Waliroff, lasers, Bob Camneron and PetE Bothwell had singles. Bis who have had trouble getting untracked this season, werE in high gear ahl night in this one and had Legion in a state of flat-footed coofusion for most of the match. John "Bucky" Hughes put the Billiard club ahead 1-0 at 11:40 with a low, screened drive fromn close in. Bob Cameron gave Legion a briel tie, when he slammed a 20. r ~'- ~ footer home at 17:30. Terry Baker set up the goal with a fine pass from the corner; 45 seconds later Rae Pickie f teamed with Lanny Burns to -os give Bills a 2-1 edge. Legion "'Corky" Burgess made a bril- liant save an Jimn McIntyre cf Bis near the end cf the The two clubs shared goals * in the middle periad. Pickie flipped a close-in drive home Aat 7:30 to give Bills a 3-1 r . lead, but Legion narrowed it again at 9:15. Dave Kerr loft- ed a drive from the point, that Eric Fernland and Pete Bothwell banged at, with Bothwell putting it home. In the final f rame Bills scored three unanswered talles by McIntyre, Hellamn and Hughes. For Bis, "Bucky" Hughes was a two-way standout. Hili two goals, bath unassisted, were beauties and he sparked W ALLY cay f the winner's attacks. CROUTERLarry Hefllrn were other ta la aothrreaOn erformers. Burns, athougý Wh eld scoreless, drew three as- vnm at.PIoiAften' to sists and. carne up with a tre- mendous effort. The entire Biffiards' team perforrned al- mnost flawlessly and succeeded In controlling the garne. For' Legin, Dve KrrPete Bothwell and Burgess gave lt a soid effort in a loslng cause, RrlBowling November 29 MpIe Grave - 29 39223 Hi C's ...------ 27 37480 Enniskiilen Srs. 23 37#087 Tyrone --- 21 36219 Hampton -___ 16 3w,.98 Salem - 15 33577 S Solina ----------- 7 34101 S Enniskillen Int.- 6 32732 High Single High Triple J. Pleasance ---- 1 Low Single 87 ~ ~ F. Beckett 98 r1 Chester Milis ---- 98 Midgt ake A. Low Triple A. Sharp -- - ---------- - 356 Averages Over 180 Lin dsay 3-2 K. McRynold 36 22.q Kave Reyld- ---- 36 229 On November 28th the Bow- Cec Milîs 36 217 manville Midgets travelled ta E. Dickey - - 36 214 Lindsay to take on the Lindsay H. McLaughlin 36 214 BANNER PASSANT Midget Cu. .Taylor 3 1 Bowmanville opened the 3'.Siemon 36 209 623-3258 scoring at the 3:30 mark of the H. Michelson - 36 206120 first period with Blackburn D. Woods---- 36 205 12 uke St., Bowmanville scoring from Rogers. There John Coombes - 36 203 Life Insurance was no further scoring in the B. Laird ---- 36 204 first period and after a furious C. Brunt - 12 203 * Incorne Disability ffve minutes in the second Bruce Coombes 36 201 * Pension Plans Devitt scored from Rogers ta B. Bothwell- - 36 199 put the Bowmanville boys T. Pleasance ------ 36 197 * Group Insurance ahead 2-0, but Crawford of B. Konopacki 36 197 * Business Insurance Lindsay quickly retaliated witî A . Wilson --- 30 196 a goal and the period ended L. Coombes 33 195 * Estate Planning in 2-1 score. Jim Coombes ~ 36 194 Early in the third period B. McDonald ----- 33 194 Sun Life Assurance Crawford tallied again ta tie L. Wearn 33 194r things up and about that time Ralph Davey- 36 19 Compan of Canada Bowmanviile turned on the F. Wotten --------33 192 steam and gave Lindsay a reai Doug Reynolds - 36 191-- ---- - , run for their maney. At the D. Cryderman -- 27 191 16 minute mark Williams scor- J. Pleasance---- 36 188& ed a beautiful goal on a pass Ray Davey.---- 36 186 1 Name _________ fromn Cattran and that ended C. Carswell ------- 36 186 the scoring for the game. Bath B. Milîs-- 36 185 clubs played hard, fast hockey. R. McRoberts 36 184 1 Address _________ The Penalties were few andi A. Martin ----- 30 184 the Bowmanville fans went F. Beckett ----- - 36 183 home well satisfied that their R. Coombes -- 36 183 1 Occupation ________ team had earned a victory. P.* Westlake------ 36 183 1î G. Shackleton -- 33 183 ,D. Tennant- - 36 18* Exact Date of Bsrth New'ville-Starkville' B.Taylor 30 1 82 B. NicI:..l.. -------------- 12 18.____ uDowung ieague Thursday, Dec. 1 Averages Doris Tompkins 182 Mary Skelding 177 Marg McDonald ____176 Marlene Stacey 17:3 Edna Elliott 171 Betty Brennan 161 Dorothy Stark 164 Marg. Wade -- --------- 157 Ina Brown -----157 Laura Miles 156 Marie Trim - ------ 156 Berniece Henderson 154 Joyce Stacey ---------- i 5 Jenlny Rypstra 151 Olive Henderson 143 Helen Henderson 142 Joy Brown - ------- 139 Sharron Brown 130 Betty Bothwell 127 Sharon McKnight 126 Lamna Dennis ------- 103 Shirley Marteli --- 94 Nettie Savery -- --- 83 200 Garnes M. Trim 226-219, B. Hend- emon 249, I. Brown 232, H. Henderson 221, J. Rypstra 201. Garnes Won Oaks 291 Ash 23 E--------- ------------10 KINSMEN ________ BRING TRIS SPECIAL I/z PRICE PASS ~Koer~N ~ tothie FFR IDAY, DEC. 9 KINSMEN SUPER CAR --BINGO-- at the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE $ 11,3001IN PRIZES Including Brand New 1967 AMBASSADOR Sedan or $2,000 ln Cash; $1.000 Hi-Lo Game; $1,300 Bigr Snowball (55 nos.); $1.000 Srnall Snowball (52 nos.); $600 regular games. $450 Speclal games. Don't forget to buy the economy pack for value and save money. Plus 4 Early Bird Games (Share the Wealth) Starting at 7:30 p.m. PLUS THE BIG SANTA CLAUS GAME 50 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS iluwî2mflta. ~__ A, 9 s 1 EL 1 12' la 1