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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1966, p. 9

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MldotsDown Ajax rh 47 11le p 0q i, ý~tfri o d. Ith P t- o B qwme yv1;e Mid#ets de- roski r cpvî g ie m nue fatZe ;hpAa lsuad 'n pefrbutt pp4i~ n ppg'Bna il 'hi~ vîp o pi t 1 a T is Savday night 'the Cox 5, Bryson ;Tc3 B6rivn o i aa qù McMullen 2; Passant3Moni fas cip scrmmgtheir first MI!t)4eets'ply t 7 p.i., ,nd ~2 oal at.4:08 of nthe first pg!r- thju vp.nil plaIy et 0' p.m-jo 2 1.1he goal getter was pob 1 ont mUS isssef. Cox TmmSadg 0wi with the assistç going, Passant -_____ f00Lorry Pevitt and Kim Ro-Tce.-______6 n eundfrom serving ani C F g wlinu _________ __________________________McMullen 1 Devttsre witim Ro Team Standing 1 R. Woodward 215, B. GriffinITown League H will be held on Wednesday,1 High Single - D rmi gesearning the gssist. The' PIS. Sr. 226, 205, D. Nolanp 208, .I-.- H ckey embr2sithAu- 1643R.Tc1 power pi4y' . i . *ad off Snowden-----6-9----- Roberts 216, 20)9, N.Zonder- toecembofthesT, wn hAudi0.I643R.Tc15,BCoC whnQ tgn s pa edtorîumaof the Town Hallubl2'7. he regg ornsordWtak 601 van 216, R. Broclc 286, 251, in u ~ ~ N starting et 7:30 p.m.HgDobe-DBrel with the afist going ta Bruce'Dakin . --------- - 59~ K. King 229, B. Buma 21,I5I Thal u ~ré aE ~ is is an annuel event, 309, R. Tice 261, B. o 0.S Simpson. At 19:03, Sandy Bond ---- --.561 R. Westlake 249, D. flennis 1 1 E NIiiI/UD ii which will featuré Baton,! Bantam Bos2 -ceiveçi holding penalties but'Prout -- ------------ 5 1250, B. Westlqke 250,, F. Stub- -~five years of age and Up. I Brunt 5, VanDriel 0 esn2 (. ODqdd 1rgceived an additiongl, Brock --------- 6 bert 245, G Dnnis 219, J.-1 This is where the Parents: 3, Coombes 2. V :1 nnups iWodar . Bnd26,26, .De ts20 '1 YfiI OQ l C have a chance to see what1 Team Standig In the second period AciNoa -- 0212, B. McReçIis 213, 20, F., qis d n Rw o Rb n s tah cinln ae trtd i , 2(s got one ai their .two gols!,,shll - ------- - 2 T1piýens211, G. Prout 222, J. taugt nembrcI ls es athe n Nicesn ~ 'TWa minutes later Sandy Brock 837, R ay Westlake 752, L; Veep4 220, N. MçLean 205: ~a s 'J~ W hlrnacac opromVnre 9 P Brown scored unassisted when Jim McKnight 7àà5. 209, M. Sedman 218,'218, 240. JIii P M WIip s C ry sta t llw on the stage in front of a live Jenson -------G he let go with a slapshot fromi Men's High Single - J. Me- Top 10 Averages audience. Brunt ~ 5 2 hbi eon goa o tesgm, tlaK e h 5, .Nl 331, R.!R. Broc k----------------- ---221,w, A t Colus ill b te o H1114,G . Jngensn-59 BV hbis eoneobofes ngh etae.507:P.1NolBnnd _. -----218 ' Early in the seasan it look- wered third period tallies.j Murray Brown had himsellÀshowSthComlets in bof the -14HiGh Singl s.Cobs et 17:24 with Kim Rogers and Ladies' High Triple - Marie1 H. Snowden --------- _216 ed like McNulty's Sports were Gary McCullough led the wray a big night, collecting seven hand ta give out treats to the Brtînt 165. Larry Devitt assisting. Secloan 676. Dot Bond 589, R. Westîake 200 goîng ta run away with the with three goals and two as- points on four goals and three yaung, Baton Twirlers, Tap High Double-W.ombs6 Ajax scored their final goal, C. Roberts 568. IG. Prout - --- - 197 sists, with Terry Black also assists. Bob Fairey rapped in fiancers and Ballet perforrn- 307, B. Brunt 284,KSreP nt 5:18 when Clarke scôrçd' Ladies' High Single - Betty B. Griffin Sr.------196 league, but Thursday night picking up five points on one, four markers, whîle Lloyd ers. 234, G. Jenson 230. linassised. Westlak# 20, Marie Sedman P. Stubbert -194 they went don ta their thîrd goal and three assists. Hamilton scored once and set~ The public is cordially in- Junilor Girl Bowmanville scaredi their 240, flot Bond 2J0. .3. Macnab -- ---------------- 193 strgight defeat, bowing 8-3 to 'Howie Pollard bit for a piu four others. Singles wcnt vited ta attendou anuI last two gaswithin 15 sec-, 200 and Over Gamçs G. Marshal ------- --186 thle snd Rbon MLeagueIn"Mort Richards adSint ranHge adTry hitasFsi a nnWe irH 3, r 2M atil( gns oalwes coedb JMebagginD.gaa i eKigt, -----------others. Baker. Ted Fairey and Jo'nn nesday, Decemiber 21st, ai 7:30 oan0 Kim nogers with Larry Dev- 331, R. estlake 30, R. Broi itt assisting on thefisgol 300, D. Bond 230, C. Schwarz walloped Crystal Dairy 1 1-2 Cale, Paul McCullough and'the lasers. Hennîng 4 Thee asa otl a 1 mn- 23 JMana 27,B. lln À 'Jta break a second place tie, Grant Flintof f. Ia Stndatfield 4 lthers a ttl a ...ý23 .Mç 27 .AlnSt. Joseph'slxe..4moving wi thin two points Of ftera soreesaopei0g1eFiSandnh Ueinpnlishanded out129, 216, E. Archer 224, 213,. the îead.sssonthe nihtcals p Olym- W.L. Pts. Ladies Leo~ii ___2 Bowli-g sess.ioniseenihcod -Ayre ___2 BwigW ge Robsan's edged into a .3-2~ pia paured ini six scn pe- IMcNulty's Sports 6 3 I12 Cowan lmp bet G-Geter, tri- period, moved in lrantLiod takerels dTvhtreRbonMtrs 8Legion Ladies BowlinMMuer21 Fo, Hs Chist~ps krs defeated Misfits, and1 3atr w8n roei rstlDLy -i h tidCytaDiy6 gue extends their deepest High Single- L. Ppri p . ~ j !jt1j. i, Headpins won over Under- oe îhfv ns a6 smah aM.adMs Ed. Ayre 226, S Firt 1521 * rav~ by Jj ~ ~dffgs Blake and family an the ber- High Double S. Frh46 No. 2 Headpins - --------5*A daughter andi sister. Junior Bqy: No. 1 Imps __58: v nae T k r n o 3J Ba .to 3 ney Baisvert captured Preston 3, Wilson ;Brn No. 4 Go-Getters -- 53i bath bigh single and triple for 5, Halroyd 0; Bauwmetr5 No. 3 Misfits ------ --- --- 531 BowmanvîUle Juvenîles came I Penalties hurt Trenton as from Coe. the night with othier nice MacDonald 0. No. 5 Strikers - --- 41 back ta beat Trenton on home IBowmanvilie capitalîzed whîle! In the third perîad bath! games ralled by Angela Sa- Team Standin No. 6 Underdogs------- 32 ice, alter dropping one gamelTrenton players were in the teamas received anc goal. Bow-iman, Bernice Partner Mel1 Wilson -----------3 Ladies' High Single, Isabel ta themn in Trenton. penalty box. mavega crdb o-' McNulty and Denise Annaert.l Preston 3 RogmaIor ... .9 Garvin 242; Ladies' High Tri- After a quiet first periad, At 5-56 Wannarnaker scorcd.sey from Hoaper, Trenton goal,' Team Standings Holroyd .---26- Seet...9.93 pIe, Isobel Garvin 599; Mcn's Bowmanvillc opened the scor- 'for Trenton with the assist'Payne froni Wannamakcr. Partner ------------------- 33 pts. Bauwmeester 2 O Exlsv 3 Hig h Single, Maurice Annaert ing an a power play goal at ,gajng ta Klemencie. ,ý Congratulations are extend-, Blake ------__ --- 23 pis. Brunt---------- .. 2 l 49 28;Me'HihTp],M-1:4Oyr got the goal with 1 About hallf-way through the, ed ta John Oyler on his bat î Boisvert ------------------ 20 pts. MacDonald - - -2 "VIP" ,9 rice Annaert 725. assists gaing ta Peters andiperiad Simpson scored fram trick. Annaert ----------------- 8 pts. SpecialG.. 35.00 Hooper. Oyler came right back!Peters on a power play goal Came and see the Juveniies . Top 12 Aver4ges Exclusve Mople-wood DistitiItorervç5 Lqg e at the 4:19 mark ta score for Bowmanville. 1'in an exciting game next Sat- Names Games Avg.K - Treasured' bysTheogmo,ç e _________About__fourminutes________________________a__7_a___ _____aP________--------------__42_1W )UooSîmpsnadPtr.Mno crdfrTrenton IBowmanville Arena. D. Annaert .42 rs, B. Boisvert 31 174 TemM. Blake ---- --27 162; FOR THECi Brn --- 8 1 4F. Bruce - .- 1 0 15 rI)qbJ BRYSON'S Smoke Shop 56 Recreation Reviews B. B:hw:ll-------36l9 Prautx 23 19 56 N hea 31KN T.W O MAVLE H. Brock 24 18 54 Atom Hockey: the Bruins hooked up in the tam Ali Stars played ta a two- A. Saman ------ 39 1451 EN SR 24 18-56------------ay--h--At--A-l Starfandihe H. Rayaiscad the1Ban Pefc 1 21 51 Iu the first game playcd on best game of the season for ail tic. The Mt. Rayais goals ----mn - - --- 42 143'FO T 5-R sborne 22 20 50 Thursday, December 8th, the two periods. Bath teama were wcre scored by Brian Back- at42 40 Hierrizon 19 23 46 Biop and the Giants fought held scoreless by the greatý burn and Mike MacGregor, M. McNulty 30 140i Ler aTad hlePiugP~d Rnnett 18 24 41 ta a two-all tie. 'ihe marks- goal tending by Archie Gra= while Ron Carter and Do M ixe Brumel - - 16 26 38 Ferguson and Robbie Brough, Luxton of the Alil Stars. cach. The Stars' goals' wcrc ie M ajor(o reM i E. Brock ---- 17 25 36 while Steve Hobbs picked upi1 Bantam Hockey: scored by Doug Crough withCo re Nam Averages an assist. The Giants were In the first game the Lions two, and Doug Parker withl High singles for thîs weekî hr u9 hNm GaMes 4VÇe. led by Denuis BrO Om with defeated the Pirates 9-1. The two assists. ' xent ta E. Perfect with 303' You can erliowf Ai Osborne 42 244 bath goals while Dennis Ban- Pirates goal was scored by Midget H~ockey Sehedule Enied naiertrieo!292. Oee71/2hoUrizd yOfe Bob Glanville 42 224 ber picked up an assist. Murray Ormistan assisted by D i awaietri36padle i-orasprt 7ecors0,n * C ainad iacn Forces Morly Etcher 42 18 aro s econtd euth e r thc2.Gary Carer.ome ions twcre Game No. 8, 12:25 p.m.- hell 710.Trnpt.ýh Gord Wiicox 42 217 dete he Ramans4-2. led by Jrdtr e rasaom e ilet isth Generals vs Maroans; Game Team Standing of 2% hours eacadcos NA YAR YAI FRC Hilda Brock- 42 214 Thle Bronw criedBa three goals and anc assist,1to No.9, 1:20 p.m.-Canucks vs D. Joli -----2 course wilI comec a NAVYARMYAIR FRCE Matt Harrison ---42 214 Mmrwt hc ol n ikSahia twa goals Cornets; Game No. 10, 2 p.m.- 0. Patfichd 24 o plcto om IF TOU ARE - WE -OFFER -liowgrçl Bromel- 42 211 Rik ry w ea wth onke, ndstoreegaits.Stve PReyt'.T.S. va Generals; Game No. B. Buday 2. oripl Vince Prout ---- 42 214 11, ar hriutpce olaacgaPaePsath 2:55 p.m.-Mt. Rayio .Hyna--211/2 17 -24 ears- Nvy $207.00 a month while Diclc Perfect 3 1 up ane assist. The Ramas goals with anc goal and two assista, Opas h eeas wvlsP. Bickeil1 najoMtrLau training ln electronica, Joan Brunt . 42 204 were acored by Paul Bowen Noel Robinson anc go ai and pa w ae htdy .Mis ~ -1 2 ae mehaicl, comuic- Al Lobb-----. 42 203anLeGoek.ncastJhLngyac Baton, Tap and Balle& H. Dunn - -- 151½2 17 - 3 years Army administration or Jim Bedford . 42 203 Pee Wee Hockey: ga n n sit hl Christmas Viestival L. Wriht.1 I many ter fteidg. ' 1OiE Itcher ---. - 42 201 In the game played Friday, Tcrry Russell had two assists, ThomniieRce-H g Sing ---e-- Prec103 ores1l b 1 1- 29 yearm - Air Force Free medical and dental X1en Nichais ------- 39 200 December '9th, the A ces! and Herb Tink one. ThepBwartm e Baon, ap High Tipgle- E. Perfect 70 CourLses mtebo care Ai Osborne won bigh sin~gle swampcd the Wings 11-4. The In the second Bantam game ito eatmn aoTpHg rpe E efc 91Cbug id HaveGraeGr orde 8r Frorm bçrmswitrathge34Pgme.QabrneAAligoastarrsc dedfe te PanWedAiBStrsetfea-hadiBllemCsista esFstiall. AH raeAvH.rBagatin-2H.___________________2___6 Free spors facIhad 236 and 24t win high Butch Stephen with two, John cd the Cuba 4-2. The Starsz li-ree szloretfand inile tile824. 24t Johnson with anc goal and goals wcre scored by Dans Phslalyfl n4ungeA very generous Pension Joe Nowian had 779 (292), anc assist, Don Bennett ane Catto anc goal and anc assîst, CndaCiie r Plan Morley Etcher 741 (313), Cecil goal, Peter Nowlan two goals, Glenn Rice anc goal, Dave British SubJect wlth p4y Bromell 725 (248). twTo assists, Neil Golf one, w!k ana sonda ancn75 28,HwadFi Mri goals; n ol assists went to Jogn Brunt won ail events Douj Vivien two, while othr Dn mih Paul Forsey andl Whyno viitus o iscssyou pssilefutre for the girls. Joan had 262 assista went ta Rau Piper one, TheeCuhs g as a technician in the Canadian Forces; for high single and 680 high Byron Holmes one, and Bob- bh ub oals were scored C014ct te Moile14critin Teu attriple. Connie Wisempan was hy Luxton one. The Wings by Pave Dcclcy and Gcrryý co~sctth Moilel~crutizg eamatnext 661 (258), Hilda Brock goals wcre scored by Mike e assist, th anc goal andý K,»OWMANVILLE LEGION 12 NOON TO 6 P.M. 606 (244), Mary Harrison 606 Leblanc with two goals and onaldst while Maurice Me-1 (236)).d picked up anc assist. Matt Harrison hada ' two assiats, and Bobby Jones1 In the third game the Flyersi, WEDNESDAY - DECEMBER 21st, 1966a 276 twa goals, wbile Grant Martin i defeated the Panthers 9-2.1, game, Ab Saman 252, Hap pickcd up anc assist. 10 Mail Coupon below ta: !Palmer 252, Marie Lelman In the first game o n Satur-i The Flycra were led by Bob, CanaianForcs RcruiingCente BttyNiçhaIs 238, lll1en day the Bears dcfeated the Iarness . with four goals,ý ?tOfcanauidiangFrcsPcu tin entoreuh Ot 241, etty ure sod ef -1 h esgasBrian Cooke with two, auli PeebrugOt ooe24 ude son ef -1 h ersgasSlmnwt tagasaii -226. Marian Perfect 213 and were scared by Martin Wind on wt togol=ad NAME ----------- - --------------------- _.... ...... .._ Gerr c e~nt~ui, ebs 2wand JhwentaNcknd sud Grant goas, w Jies a ksi er ne!a= lawlingI Hih einl; -W. 4te sit Hh Double RE Uw neester 345, W. ]Ruiter 16. Sej»IOr 1jjed League Camn 5, Etear 2; Colville Yp ïate1y 0; "Beauprie 5, Bra4. ey 2. Team Istanding ain - ' , -- 4* 3eauprie 3radley fately 3 7olville ________3 dtcher Hât Siise -R.Etcher SI», &,n '2 5-2 5,R. Sele* *0-258, D. Ltj;ton 212, e -vans 202-219 ,-281, J. Bennet$ A8, L. Woodls 216-217, B. Col, rle 204, T. Gordon 278, , 3romneil 2(18, F. Burns 25#., 04, M. Xilpatrick 251.291, *Bradley 240, N. Goodw4e 68, IL. Cobb 218r219, R. Beal4. rie 253-206, J. Tucker 207: *Palmer 207, M. Marshali 67. High Triple - M. Kilpatri* 34, C. Evans 699, R. Selle** 53, R. Etcher 653, S. Calg 53, M. Marshall 636, R. Beaur *ie 623, P. Burns Q15. DARLINGTON UPHOLSTeRY )z King St. W. Bowmanvll!. bene 623-7311 Free Estimatfg MPULSORY TEST HE [ern Driving r a refresher coums instruction which ha. itarlo Departpaent of sists of three sessiomg ionly $10.00. The ffrst rly i January 1967,, apply ta: - Peterborough Club, St., Ontario. Id In 13owmanville, rough and Port Hope. Any man on lir st Low Tile-A. Sharp - -io3goalswere s*oed4Jy Te yourtsa it Lw Til-.Sap-31 Broome and Kim Rogers,ý whoraesa gft. .Averages Ouver 19 while assista went ta Rau; is sure to like what Dave Reynoldls--- 39 229 Shackeltan, Bill Hellyar and' «fmdy~ you fi#u* here! . K. McGill 39 221Brc Simpson anc each. The II. Taylor 39 214 Gnerals goals were scored by!jo *~~~SIT D. Mal 39 213 Larry Devitt and Grave Ben-' E U AG EETO H WERAERS H.I cLugDick 39 213 nett, while Dan Nowlan pick- JACTS - CASH Michelson 39 24e by John MacDonald wth' lBueCoombes 3ssi200Warre TIZI- SCKS!B. othell---- - 39 198isists, Jack Vaudenberg anc. 1 Wearn----- 316 18 goal, John Hamilton anc goal, Yo ae tjT.Pesn 3 196 an-d anc assiat, John Kramp 39 m t q oegaJh BEA VER POWER TOOLS- at IB. McDnald -36 9 goal, while other assists went--------- Jav Cryderman- 30 193 assisted by Cameron. Po«Reynolds- 39 192 Iu the third game the DE tT E E ~ B Ralh Dvey 39 192 Maroono defeated the Comets F. Wotten--- 3 191 4-2. The Maroons goals were U SR F ET L SC *J. Ploasance 39 188 scared by Sandy Brown, Ken WE R . artin 33 186 one goal aud anc assist, Dave Ray Davey - 39 185 Wiggans once al, while * R. oomIs --39 14 Charlie Cattran anmd ary Bail R. McRoberts- 39 183 piclced up one assist eacb. MreoH a TEMPERANCE ST. N. BOWMANVILLE IB Taylor -__ 33 183 The Comets goals werc scored B.Mills - 39 182 by Grcgg Corden ane goal and 95 Kine St. W. B"qwmnvlll* P P. Westlake 39 lai anc assist, aud Pete Micbalj ko! jF.]Beckett 39 181 ,one goal. L É1 jNichas - 12 10laU'Inthe fial game ai the. day î 1 M Ca"S anvnie, D«. 14, IM

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