-. -.. -........ .... - ..~.. ~. .. . . . . . . . . . . . -. -. . .- .*. . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ .- .- ..---- .r.- T» aada SttmnowmnvMe,- ne..14, 19* n c I e 'I r. i * * ( w ni TI 'n tE v IPME SIDEV for a firsi CHRIS TA Gif t Id (52 GIFTS IN .The anadian St~ 's the PerhE 'for ion or daughter at f rom home for boys away in servic, for any f riend or relai in this are& AN ATTRAI SIFT CERTI, rill brin%, the first news of »i. Reminders wiIl comi 'he Canaditin Statesman a ig fresh news and picturi The. Price is Ini tny~wlere n anada$ .S.A.$ CLIP AND MAL IV..T ORDER i$- for - Statesma. Su'oscription is includi Send Gi1t Subscriptior Nale. Addreus Nam*~ 's. p* 4dàjwwi!P1gftý Ples VAYS class 4AS rea ONE) c<' >D 0Q- itesman ?ct Gif f ýcollege or .&wa.y îve who grew up CTIVE FICATE f your thoughtful. e in the form of Dvery week bru ng- [ed Ves No n ta: attacb a plain sheet s- '0 G AM Announces IC uw.iuanges allwen IVI iuiiJzg pi1n othe naming of varlous fooda fromn key words Oshawa Production Plans wt Ppsnadewa ducted by Mrs. Cale and Mrs. Morris and brought much General Motors cf Canada Effects af the changes on operations at Oshawa to sup- merriment. announced today that there the current work force at ply parts for the GM plant et Miss Madeline M er kIe y wifl be ininor changes in pas- Oshawa wIll be minimnized by Ste. Therese will be increased played several selections on senger ca and truck produc- tion achedules at its Oshawa the fact that there la more as the Quebec plant reaches the violin accompanied by plans atthebeginln ci anufctuing nd ssemlfull production at or arOund her mother, Mrs. A. A. Merk- January. work content required for the ebenng f197le. Tse ubrswe production of regular sized regular sized cars, which will It la estimated that the thoroughly enjoyed by the Chevrolets and Pontiacs will increase in number, than for combined effect of ail of these audience and brought many be increased, while produc- the sumaller cars. The effect factors will necessitate th comments. tion of smaller cars and will be further relleved by layoff of approximately 100 Mrs. Arthur Collisan gave a trucks wil be reduced. the tact that manufacturing people t Oshawa. reading entitled "The Buying of the Christmas Giits" whjch F riendship Club totoepeet LOOKr1, Meley then sang a Ilsolo, "The Holy City" hc AT Hold hristma was appropriate adape clated. Mrs. A. W. Harding gave us a Christmas Time in the Long, The Friendship Club of Long Ago," which depicted Trinity United Church met in the real mealning ai Christ- the Sunday school1 roams last mas. week for their annual Christ- Sixty-first wedding anniver- Br Tracy S. LudlngtOn Great Exhibition, 960 students mas dinner and entertainment saries oi Mr. and Mrs. Ernest With EXPO '67 now well on from Britain and the Empire, with some 80 members and Foley and Mr. and Mrs. Albin the way to becoming the great- had benefitted by these schol- guests in attendance. Clemens were observed and est show the world has ever arships: 99 became Fellows Of Ail sat down ta, a sumptuous congratulations extended with seen, directors of the mamn- the Royal Society; two were turkey dinner with ail the sang and flowers. moth exhibition can look back past presidents and eight be- trimmings at tables which The Friendship Club's dou- ta the recent past when there camne Nobel laureates. were niceiy decorated with blé quartet sang two Christ- was some scepticismn abroad - With this example - no Christmas arrangements. Fav- mas numbers, Deck the Halls and they can do it and know wonder EXPO '67 officiais are ors placed at each place set- and Slent Night. that historically speaking, they iooking for big things during ting, made by Miss Ruth A beautiful presentation of are in good oompany. the April 28 ta October 27 Craga, were very attractive a village at Christmas, comn- You have only ta delve into periad of 1967, Canada's cen- and served as souvenirs ai the plete wîth Church and Nati- the pages ai "Albert, Prince tennial year, but long alter, occasion. vity scene, was presented by Consort", a biography by Hec- for it la sincerely believed Alter dinner Rev. A. W. Miss Madeline Wiicox who tor Bolitho, ta realize that the that a great deal of permanent Harding thanked the ladies ai also gave us an appropriate jealous, the extremists, and improvement for "Man and His Units 6 and 8 oi the U.C.W. address illustratîng the spirit- others have always hacked at World" will be the long-term for serving the dinner in their ual sîde of Christmas and the pedestal ai every great legacy of the great exhibition usuai efficient manner. with reading from Luke, undertaking. n'bw being readied on the Mrs.- Ives was in charge af chapter 2, verses 1-13, follow- Albert, as the book relates, largely man-made isiands just the praceedings and alter din- ed by prayer. spent much ai his time on The off Montreal in the mighty ner welcomed ail present in- Rev. Mr. Ward pronounced Great Exhibition, and on St Lawrence River. cluding those in attendance the benediction with a Christ- answering its enemies, for he __________ for the first time and hoped mas message and greetings. was perhaps the greatest pro- that they would continue ta Next meeting will be at panient ai the Great Exhibition atn.23 ..o rdy aur in Hyde Park in 1851. P2:30 pnorsm ong Frg lday, rJanuary1967 Writing his brother, he re- rary Hono s a~c~ agldb r.2t,16 veaied that extremists in theMA Church thought the Plan arra- Mr., ,,rs. Aider gant, and likely ta bring wrath fram heaven; manufacturers feared that the British IslesW e .2 e r go ds; a c t ors threatenerd A family gathering was heldC a a piague and the arrival ai recently at the home ai Mr. hardes aifafreigners with and Mrs. Mel Wiseman, scores ai difierent diseases; Church St., ta honour Mr. and the London Times abused the Mrs. RanAider on their forth- M Prince for suggesting Hyde coming 25th wedding anniver- Park as the site of the exhi- sary. Mrs. Aider is the daugh- W bitian, and reported that aliens ter ai Mrs. Narman H. Taylor, RTRM brathels and a secret societY Taylor, while Mr. Aider is the had been iarmed ta assassin- son af the late Mr. and Mrs. ate the Queen. A. P. Aider. But, as Albert later wrate, "the gloamy praphets were On arrivai the couple were subdued,- the site ai Hyde welcomed by their relatives world has came ta join in the honour beside a beautiful an- celebratian". niversary table. The periectly And indeed, sa It must have appointed table was centred seemed - for the Rajah ai wth a wedding cake, the giit Travancare liad sent an ivary ai the bride's mother, flanked throne, and there were objejcta 'by white and silver candies jalica, and lacquer; jewelled cd with silver streamers and weapans tram Madrid, cab. very pretty arrangements ai inets fram Switzerland, chairs carnatians. hewn from great siabs ai coal Ev and Ron were then pre- anid from , America. Samuel sented with a corsage ai pink Calt's pistai with the revoiv- carnations and a white bau- ing chamber. tanniere, with their daughter for making ice, with the use pinning the flowers on their ai suiphuric acid, and a model parents. of a floating church that drift- ed amang the ships on the A short address ivas gven Delaware River; and a colossal by the bride's cousin, Marion Ifj u h v e n c n rb organ, crawned by an eagie Wiseman, and a tree ai money that piayed endless tunes, and was presented on behaif ai you will be agoe 68 or ovei agreatelni tree grew within the relatives by another cou- the Crystai Palace, construct- sn, Mrs. Si (Helen) Trewin. ed especially for the exhibition. Other gits presented ta the Pension Plan District C Prince Albert's Great Exhi- bride and groom were twenty- bition ai 1851 was a great five silver dollars, the git o 0 yai fa e u th business success as well. It Mrs. N. H. Taylor; an eiectric70 y a s fag m u th made an official profit ai percolator tram the brothers tiiiify. Those who are g 186,000 pounds Sterling, ai the bride, Ernie (Cy) and Decisian was taken ta use Harry Taylor and tamilies; the maney ta encourage the Sunbeam toaster fromn their arts and sciences, and "nourish daughter and son, Patti and To that end were buit: The Mrs. Wiseman then made Victoria and Albert Museum; the presentation ai a very un- the Science, Natural Histary usuai anniversary book con- and Geologicai Museun;, The taining recarded highlights ai Imperial Coilege ai Science the past 25 years in the Ile ofO R DST ITO FCE1 HV and Technology; the Rayai the bride and groom. Each O RDS IC OF CE SSH V Colleges ai Art, Music and gus a akdb is a-Vur District Office will supply yau with out. The staff CPP, provides that contribu- mas Ireadings. tions need not be withheld The Rev. M. A. Dougherty from conducted the election ai oufi- 1.Èmpoy abating a dis- cers with the foiiowing in- aster, or working on rescue stalled for the new year: Past SARNIA LkONDON operations. Pres. Mrs. Wilfrid Bawman; 2. Employed (other than as Pres. Mrs. Fred Samis; lat entertaiers) at a circus, fair, Vice Pres. Mrs. Rad Simpson; aS.TOA parade, carnival, exposition, 2nd Vice Pres. Mrs. Herb.NI .îDO exhibition or other 1k ac- Owen; Sec'y. Mrs. George Ir- tivlty for less than seven days win; Assistant Sec'y. Mrs. A. in the year. Emxnett; Treas. Mrs. Ron Oke; 3. Employed as federal, Planist, Mrs. Fred Gritfin; provincial or municipal cen- Steward Rep., Mrs. Donald sus workers for less than 25 Prescott, Mrs. Allan Taylor; days. Comnfort Comm., Mrs. Wallace 4. Emloe as federal, Pascoe, Mrs. Tom Beckim; provacial, municipal or Nom. Comm., Mlrs. Donald acolboard election workers Prescatt, Mns. Tomn Beckim. for lmB than 25 days. Mrs. T. Taylor visited Mr. In ail cases the exempted and Mrs. Les Jahnson, Scar- pea must not be in the bcrcugh. reguare cft Mr. and Mrn. Doug Fox, D o sd persan who eshm. If a Soarborough, visited at Mr.T h un d pers=n warks more than the Leslie coaairanes. ayalowed i the speclal citegries, the regulationsMran r.WlcePs t that the empoy ec, Un. Keith Dîvey, ElsineCEY O wl thona bocme e" soable and Garth had dinner withPJBIEDYT DEAMNT0I emmftsoom m m m h atn aile oda on PBGSED THEYOUPRMTOf mencmenCtheoccasion of Scott Sargent'. Compote etula ma b.thJirl, blrthday, Simday. astisowc.a wuked guest of Mr, and ,da Penision Plan ENT PENSIONS E PAYABLE UN IARY 1967 0oueligible?, uting to the Canada Pension Plan, and if r' by Mardi 31, 1967, contact . your Canada )ffice now. Contributors who are under ive retired from regular employment to ye 70 or over may qualify without retiring. VN ON THIS MAP ffwill also be happy ta answer ns yau may have cancerning Bnt Pension. Don't delay 1 Visit rCanada Pension Plan District HAWKESSURY SCARSOROUGI4* 2805 Eglinton AvenUe E.. Scarbolougis ETOBICOKER 32U-Bleor StreW, -OSHAWA TORONTO S.CATHARINES @NIAGARA FALLS PETERBOROUGH Unempioymnent Insuranc* Commission Building 411 Water Steet ST. CATHIARINES 380 St. Paul Street KIKOSTON Foderai Building, Clarence Street TORONTO 25 St. Clair Avenue Ens KITCHENER-WATERLOO 220 King StresS East, Kitchenr WiNDSON Unempioymiflt lnsurance commissien Bidg.. 441 Univursity Avenue W. NORTH YORKC 5841 Vorige Strieet Nswtonbroek Pl&=a Wiliowdaie OTTAWA 255 Argyle Avenu. HAMILTON NationalReveue uliling. 160 Main stretWest LONDON ToronteoDminion Bank Bldg 385 Richmond St of people will soon be eligible APPLICATION FORM TODAY! NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE, BY AUTHORITY OF THE HONOURABLE ALLAN J. MacACEN enclose Nane- Address- MyE Please Si 'i .4 '4 A k '. AUTO ACCESSORIES 1 1