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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1966, p. 12

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Squore Dance Newl by MoUle £ltott y Squ&re djug gçpni to do1 jÙ91 wMàinviUe Bo-Ws1 have certainly"been 'on the1 niove tbis' month. Manyg dmncers fron t tIis rea attend-i cd the Scar1bqrplEast Frpm-1 zlqd "'*ifUI' DivTaylor1 sèm dacr camedg we e row 1there wert: walpw#11 Ç'iig, end lap feet' 1nd faces. The dancersi _,.werp privileged to hear the llrst Canadian ren dition of D&iVç Taylor's new dance: "The Ricthgçt Man in the World". It zna4q a real bit with the crowd, and wlll sureiy be populir with callers who bave goAungs - calling it left Mvi the redoubtablp Dave kr#t Iss-mch to the dancpts' delight Another event attended byi danèprs from Bowmanviile was1 the -Roundeliers Christmas' Party in Toronto, Dec. 9. Glen and Carolyn Dowson, who teacli'the 41 pinner section of1 SwT i' p*s 'Square Dance1 Clubwerg, awong theécrwde who celeb rated the holiday seaspn with the tango, waltz andtw-tp Bill and Jean Carey, the callér-teacher team for Uliis club, havç also been gali- ventiug!' Bill cilled aJance for Colingwoods Élue Ridge Mountai Promenaders. He was-Guest Cafler for Clover- buds ini Toronto last week too. Thé-Carey's King City Square Dance Club 'entertained many dancers from this" and other districts, at their Guest Night last, month. Lait y e a r, BowrnanviIle square dancers set an example fom-ha.othprclubsarjound MASONRY I~I3UJLDING PIR0DUCTS Naturpi S*pqe, Sis, B ~kBlock, Steel, fle Tiles, etc. Ç»D OF NIPLSON ST. PPO0NE 623-7431 the Toronto and district *ra. ta-à' dnjc?' VW Wte 4ing plpé at Cà -à~,tonarrie netirn'visit lforthpm t0coÇ ta epwmaqi4lýf, WtQ 4piè h oun danceis 4erp.Thg ing of ouùr'Iavopiwte recFetipa i. greatly ;p'rcitd é i blitid, ahd tber11aqndicfnfo ens are ta be congratulated on thein Sift of a pr çiqus qvçn- igta lend a hel in ad. PlO4ns aa n are lçr a' ne- turn visit to C.NI.B. in 1967. Anther event in the plan- ning stages is Bowmanvile Bows' Centennial Pnoject. It is an excitingly different pro- grami, inlvo1vinig iany out-of- f own viitors. BillICarey says plans haven't quite "jelled" yet, but as soon as they do - well tell you some o! the de- tails. If thene's one thing Bow- manville square dancens are noted for, it's their annual New Year's Eve Jarifboree, and this 'yean it promises to be the best one yet. Dancens froni Ajax,'Scarbono, Torpnto, and rnany other poipii have alneady asked for invitations. Tickets will be limited to the space available, and thene spems to be littie dQubt that a capacity cnowd will'be cele- bnating with us. Special holi- .gQcthmes mil prevail for ments.' It's' a non-alcQoMic occasion with ia bufetsuppen aiter minih mad nny tb- er items to add -Up to the big- gçst celebration ever to launch our biggest square dancing yean: 1967. Announce Winners of Turkey Draw Winners in thç Tur#ey Draw held lu St. Jqsph's uit iuni Decçmber 1, 1066,wçrc: Mns. Mary Roshette, rcowman- ville; Lepuard Adçgçeet, lep- dal; B. Hbistmanh, Newton- ville-, George Kurelo, Simcoe St. S., Osbawa; M. Caniway, Scugog St.; W. R Harrison, Chunch St.; HaroiçI Carpertter, 38 Ontarij St.; lXeith Aikn, I1ewcastle; Mn.. Marg;net Le Scugog St.,- IL Huismtan, Hampton Gardens, Hqmpton. 44 PING ST. E. BOWNANVILLE I IELZQL J ~LI ~JL51U I .1... Ut MEMBERSHIPinth ONTARIO MOTOR. LEAGUE 4n Ideai Christmas Gift for the Motorist ln The Family. Mester Membership The ]Rasie Membership or frt çr la .vour lauilr EUNTRANCE FEE OUS Egtra (Mit jer osli) THE 0O'NTARIO MROTOR LEAGUE Offers a gift wrapped M.mbership good for 12 months which includes &Il these bandits . . . .0 0 84 W. Fmçrgepcy 99ad service * D)omeaUc sand World Wide Travel Serviee il*fls Ac«Ot4nt Uusuranse IMOJJcI Up To " Legal Advlce and Defence * Ç5,00U.8. Isal Bond Twp More Hurt at Tatintor, Roed Corner A ain two cars have been involved in a collision tthegjupition of the Taunton Road and County Road 57 (the new Scugog Road). This accident happened on Sunday, Dec. 4th, at 5:30 o'clock. Constable John Chalmers, OPP, investigated. The drivers of the two cars involved were Ford Rowan, 38 Nassau Street, Oshawa, and Gerald Armstrong, South Monaghan,- Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of Decem-7 ber 5-11 inclusive: Admissions ---- - - 62 Binths, 6 male, 7 female 13 Discharges ----- ------ 71 Major operations --- -- Il1 Minor operations ----24 Emergency treatments .- 22 Visiting hours 3-8 p.m. daily -J *".e~ ~, ,Harry Bigcbow is home from Civic Hospital, Peterborough. Mrs. Ina Palier spent last week at Ajax with her broth- er Gcorge Wake. Miss Margaret Lowes, o! Toronto, xvas home for the weekend with her parents, Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lowes. Miss Hazel Lewers, Peter- borough, was the guest o! MnýI. and Mrs. Murray Logan for the weekend. The new executive o! the United Church Women for 1967 wene inductedi in a brie! ceremony by the Rev. William Piercey at the Sunday morn- ing church service. Ap break-at the Bethany Post Office soie tume during Monday night is hding investi- ýgated by the Ontario. Pro ivincial Police fromn Bowman- iville. Post Mistress, Mrs. Ern-- Comp ulsorn Eczrly Next Motorcycle Ont. Mr. Rowan, who sustained chest and head injur- ies, and Mrs. Mabel Mitchell, 3000 Yonge Street, Toronto, a passenger in one of the cars, were taken by the Bowrnanville Area Ambulance to the Oshawa General Hospital. Mrs. Mitchell suffered back, neclç, and leg injuries. eýt Lamb diýcovered the transfusion set-up in the en- break-in Tuesday inorning tire world" said Mrs. Stanley. when she arrived to open for "Other countries send repre- the day. Entrance had been sentatives here to enquire into forced through a near vindow. our svstemn and pattern theins No report on mail or propenty accordingly.' Through Cap- missing frorn the Post Office adian Red Cross, blood is gîv- was available at time o! writ- en free in transfusions to any- ing. one in Canadian hospitals. Red Cross Meeting The Red Cross looks alter all The annual meeting o! the the technical details, giving lanvens Township Bnanch of the blood o! life to fello* bu- t he Canadian Red Cross So- man beings". ciety was held in Betbany on Mrs. Stanley explained the Tuesday night. poesn fbodadte1 Mrs. Betty Stanley o! Toron- tress ing o! blhod adte 1 to, hýo s C onor Public bas been donated, before bcing Red Cross Blood DnrPuleuzed in a transfusion. "Blood Relations for Ontario and onl can be stored for 21 days. the executive of the Toronto After that time it is not used Branch of the Canadian Public ln direct transfusions, but pro- Relations Society was guest cessed Vo by-pnoducts used te speaker, nelatirig all the, phas- prevent hemornhaging, somte es of Blood Donor C]inics. iye flueikde i "Canada has the finest blood types, o! l eia, kdeyc.dîh- speaker explained funther the work floue in the Researeh y' T ests meuts aoy re ote d apil Lesab reryber oe expeni tetime. "It is evenyone's Yearforduty, if they are in good health Y ear for o doateblood. Most people just dou't realie the import- ance." R iders Mrs. Stanley discussed the various -types .of- blood -and Ninety-day instruction per- fro m the extraordinany recent mits for the operation of growth in the use of motor- motorcycles in Ontario will belcycles in the province and in abolished early in 1967, Trans- the number o! accidents in port Minister Irwin lTaslçettliwhich they have been involv- announced today., ed. The change is among a set At the end of September of new regulations governing this year, there were 36,827ý the exarnination and licensn motorcycles negistered in the of inotorcycle riders in theprovince, 59 per cent more province. ýthan at the end of September,ý Starting January 1, anyone 1965. The 1965 increase was applying for a licence to ride 1313 per cent over the previous a motorcycle wil] be requîred yeal'. to pass an examination in its Also, Up ta the end o! Sep- operation. tember this yean, niotorcycles Hie will be issued a driver's were involved in 3,221 acci- licence endorsod for the opera- dents - in which thene were tion of motoncycles only. 42 fatalities andi 2,475 injuries. After March 31, it will be In ail o! 1965 there were an offence to ride a motor-23 cycle in Ontarioý with out a 2,90 motorcycle accidents, driver's licence bearing a compared witb 87 in 1964. miotorcycle endorsement. An 4pplîcarit wisbin g to operate other motor vehicles in addition to motorcycles must pass a sepanate examina- tion and will then receîv-e a Persons wbo now operate xpptorcycles on drivers' licen- ces will be able to convert their licences to include the vided they can prove they are experienced drivers. The new rnotorcycle drivers' examinations will include botil Written and practical test;, The writtçn portions will i. clude aIl questions on the reg- well as questions regardlng ( g4fo motgrcycle operation. $lrpassing the written tst}napplicantMust be able tzeIdptify and illpîtrate the stof the cantrpls on bis vehIcle. lie must alao demnon-, strîtte startirtg mnd stopping, Prake and chi4oIh control and i Pâaafle. Mr, Uq4kett said that On- U E E E tarTei d anmoig thefiit 'Juris-10 0 0 Thse ne.d *or tbam swos quoted many instances where blood bauks had saved lives, mentiouing the great quantities that are necessany ta have available in case o! accidents. She praised the Provincial Police for their co-operation in transportingr blood wher. time is an important factor and related several instances of local intperest. Mrs. Stanley congratulated the Manivers branch as being outstanding in their efforts in ull a,-pects of Red Cross wor<. The speaker was introducAd by Mr!r. Hugh DeGeer and tbanked by Myrs. Eai-l Argue'. The treasurer, Mrs. Howard McGill reponted last year's campaign foi funds in Maii- vers branch haci totalled pai.. 01thia amouint $200.00 had been sent ta headquqrters and $10000 used #t the local Migg Laura Morton, chair-i man of the Blooa Dnnor1 Comrnittee stated there weret 29 regular donors from tLie1 district who had eiven a totatI of 47 blood donatî3ns duringc tnf year at the P2terboroigbi Clinie. Mrs. Waltpr Neals repqr'te~i1 the Loan Cupboard well'stock-( ed with sickroQm supplies, bas-t pital beds, vhpel chairs, bed- .ide tables, bedjlir.g, linens. ?.tc., and that a nurnbr of items had been 'oan2e u thrqugh the year. These are "l gvailable free of charge wberever neçded tnroughout the township. Mns. Walter Fallis reportedà 4id qýven ta two families wbo had suffered loss9s through fixés. Mns. Hugh DeGeer, report- ing'fpr the Sepior Citîzens Committee, mentioned num- erous visits ta the Victpria Counity Hoine for the Agcf, and The Golden Plough Loge at 'Çqbour'g, as well as Visits in the borne. A dinner Party folloiwed ly an evening's *en- tertainrnent bad been heici recçnily- for- local senio r citîzpns. A dhristmas party is filanned for the «gfternoon of eceipber 28th in the Town Hall. At Tbanksgiving time, rýsid ents in H~omes had b eer sent flowers an(d in this con- nection a lettçr of tbanks was read from Miss Flo. Smith. It was agreed ta continue ~raviding cod liver oil capsules or ail the public school pupîls in Manvers'Township. Thé executive were all ne- turned to office: Mns. Hugh DeGeer, President; Mns. Roy Strong, 'lst Vice-President; Mrs. Allan Cochrane, 2nd Vice- Presiclent;, Mrs. Willard Skuce, àrd Vice-President; Mns. Doug- las Sinelt, Secretary; Mrs. Howard 'McGill, Treasurer; Mrs. Allan Been, CaMpai g n Di- rector; Miss Launa Morton, Ch iTman of Bl1qod Donor Comittee; Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter ' eais, Loan Cupboarcl Comrilittee; Mrs. Walter Fallis, Mrs. Noel Wood, Welfare Committee:, Mrs. Hugli De- Gçer and Mrs. Chanles Reyn- alds; Senior Citizens Commit- tee; Mrs. Diouglas Smelt, Mrs. Charles Reyniolds, Bob Ryley, Firs't Aid Committee. .Previously, tickets had been solci on a Red Cross quilt and the winner was Mrs. Marion Gildnier, 904 Kawartha Drive, Pieterborough. Miss L yn n Argue drew the lucky ticket for - Mrs. 'Gildner. Rev. William Piercey opened and çlosçd the meeting with prayers. A'socèia1 hour followed with lunch served by Mrs. Chanlês MrsynoHui Mrs. Walter Neals, Mr.luh DeGeer, Mn.. Noel Wcforl and Mrs. HIoward Mc- Gill.,1 SOLINA Mn ndMs. Lloyd 1rom ,a4' bqspent lait Tuqsday a!tennoon ahd evening &t' the Bowmanville Lions Centre, entertaining with Mrs.1 Broome"s parents, Mn. and Mns. Charles Johns, who were celebnating thein Golden Wed- ding Annîvensany. Many fnom thîs cqmIpunity were pLgased to be aible to cal on'Mn. and Mns. Johns to ex- tend their personal gpod wish- es to the happy couple on theiri Soth anniversary. Mr. and1 Mns. Johns lived for a num4er o! yeai-s on the Solina Road on thp bouse where Mn. and Mn;. R. C. Fraser now live. On Sunday evening, Dec. 18 the Eldad C G.I.T. will hold their Carol Service in the chuncb et 7:00 p.m. On Sunday, Dec. 25th the Christmas Chunch Service will be held at the usu4l time, 12 o'clock. We are sorry to hean that Mn. Ernest' Hockaday is a patient in the Menionial Hos- pital, Bowmanville.* We wish him a speedy recovery. Mn. Bruce Taylor attendeci the annupl Federation of Agri- culture Banquet 'o! Peter- borough County. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Yellow- lees visited with Mn. Charles Allin, Bowrnanville. Weekend visiters wtth- Wr and Mns. Jh nox q family were Mr. Ken KriOF, :Kiemty1le, and Mr. and Mirz. Jsm uck, Georgetown. Mrs. Edith Leach was a.Sp dly tea guest with Mr. and Mn. and Mns. Bruce Tink and family, Mr. and Mns. lianry Knox and family at- tençled tbe Tink ?rarily Christ- mas party at' Ebençzer Qn, Bat- urday evening. Mn. and Mns. Everett Çryd-* erman, Mr. and Mns. Ros Cryderman, Mn. ;nd 44,s. Her- old Pascoe and Mn;. Rge P#s- coe were r ecent guests with Mn. and Mns. Charlgs Smith, Oshawa. Sunday guests with Mr. tpnd Mns. Wesley His and family were Mr. and Mrs. Albert His, Mn. and Mns. )vi4 Craig end family, Mn. ang Mns. Ralph Hilis and laviily, Tynone, end' Mn. and' Mr. Gordon Hilis and famiýy 'of Hamilton. This happy gather- ing was in bonour o! Mr n.rd ding anniversary. We aIse add% our belated bestwisbes- to Mn. and Mn's. Albert Hills. Sunday visitons with Mý. and Mrs. Charles Lang ad ad family were Mnr. and rs. Roy McGill, Enniskillen, and Mr. andi Mns. Joe Snowden and Bruce. Ever noticed hQw qiçkly.they grow? This Christmas give them a Growth Savings Certif icate.. it wiII grow with them. Decide now to give themn the gift with a future - a Growth Savirigs Certificate. in 6 years,theyIIl receive $1 0.00 for every $7,50 you invest-a onie third increase. Christmas Growth Savings Certif icates are easy to buy, available in denominations of $10.00 upwards and cash- able at any time. Ask about thenm at any Commerce branch. Give the gift with a future ... and watch it grow! t CANAD IAN IMPERIAL 1BANK OF COMMERCE 00. Qs QUALITY STEREO SHOPPING CENTRE BABY BONUS DRAW 1 ~s200.00 a a Cosh your loby 0fUS cheque et *fly 04hqpçý shopping cintre. for. 0* Fu oi e wrd c9ntes$ *ntry blçik and 4oposit lqi bollot Ilçt tMe fic le ol0. ( No pu !Chose noctisory-winner recoeNéi$103) If bollot fi stomped or o proof of purchoe e ttached-winner r4- 0 If persion whose noe. s drown lç et the ýhop ; 0g V.fl srpttq with 10 minutes of the drow hi reo es M20 .O0. DRAW IS ON THE LÂST THURSDAY 0F EACH >MÇNTH AT 7:15 P.M. Shop At The OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE IFAI RW AY FOOD MARKET WB SPECIALIZE IN: Fcrncy Fruit askets FVVJL LINE OF: G19QCE1RJES, CIG.ARETTES, CHOC0LAT9$S ANI) CANDY Also Agentsi for JACKMAN & SON FLOWERS PHONE 623-5674 BETHANY Call Fer Furthej Isfoqîstiont CAE&AItEA Milton Fisher, ORO* *rLegu hW~qbs romGh 146M 9409 WATTS- VERTICAL POLARIZATION

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