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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1966, p. 13

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futuristie study wau a cleverly facused picture of the trans- Phof gra hîc xhiiotion- lucent shadow of an old fash- Photoingraphic Exhpibition Attr cts M an Viwer Beatles Show in Toronto. Ini the group picture the expres- The fine Exhibition of Sm hwdesay ain Photogrph yIl u ew njoy. shoutig excitemeiit to elhithe Bownanvile Pub- agony. The other showed a lie Llbrary during the îart 10*. seemingly dazed boy and a da, h as attracted niay wildly yelling girl. viewers, Mr. Newton, a resi- A specially effective picture dent of EnniskiUlen, lias hiii showed an R.C.M.P. Rescue photographie studio in Tor- Boat at sunset in Halifax har- Onto, and is one of Canadrs bor. Other marine scenes in- Ieading photagraphers ini ad- cluded Petty Harbor, New- vertlsing a n d commercial foundland, with dorys and work. He also does some por- fishing boats, nets drying on trait photography by special...... weirs, wooden buildings aiong appointment when the pj»-. the waterfront, and barren Bure of lis business in the h buis in the background, a tug city allows it. ~ ~~c entering Vancouver harbor Mr. Newton was the special I ~#?4 with the immensity èf the speakr ata pubie metin Pacific Ocean looming out to- held i the Library Iast We- wards the horizon in back. nesday evening. Public Lib- ~~Tlie rocky shores of Prospect rary Board Chairman Gere. .... Point, N.S., studies of fisher- men, their catch, and lobster Mr. Newton , à traps. He said that Neil NewtnA lveiy Sur acn was keeiy nteestd i' ~p cture had a textured pattern hotography asahbb h suiperimiposed, something lîke was boy the design of a record dise. You ng man in 1952 hie went ta An Experiment in Fantasy Enland where lie studied ati was an amazing reproduction St. Martin's School of Art, of a brightly shaded castie London, for two years. After- made irom polished blocks ward spet sx moths ithand surrounded by swiriing a notable portrait photogra- 5and los inver. fbue elo plier in London for basican ivr training. Another graphicaily colored On his return to Canada pucture was a close-up af a Mr. Newton opened bis own face on a British Columbia photographic studio in Lea- totem pale, and a gravure aide, Toronto, Mr. Vice told ~-clrpito h neiro anold-pin thmeCnaintoreo the audience. He said Mr. a lmer abThriansoa Newton attained considerable îoeîsenoe in colre s an successaias a portrait photo- al sein coe onChooin grapher, and through this was akeir in thae Kowartbas drawn into theatrical and Laeined thugh apartnga ballet photography. As he lieaf brch. Thr weref became widely known in this lasooteratranc.tvepicture field lie became in demand in ol ohr. atatvepcu for ail sorts ai commercial i oo ,,nçI advertising photographic The contrasts in the exhibi- aesgnments, and has travel- tion were aiso remarkable. led fromn Newfaundland ta the There were picturesque early Pacific coast in this wark marning scenes at McGraw whule maintaining lis head-' Brook, New Brunswick,a quarters in Toronto, the Lji-1 meandering Stream almost as rary Board Chairman stated. Neil Newton ridsi ir itwa tstr Mr. Newton's informative 'uisi fom t aes t address deait with basic as- one should make suiÈe that ment, a pitfali for the inex- stde f taîl New Brunswick pects aof phatography of bene- there is some object of inter- perieced that aiten results in fir trees, an abstract ceiling fit ta people who casually use est in the ioreground, such as poor pictures, hie explained.' at Place Ville Marie, Montreal, their cameras on summer va- the branches of a tree for in- "Take plenty of pictures ta virecnineb"ac and itek cations, at Christmas time, stance. imake sure of getting the best sque onweredk Dndurhie and on other such occasions. This professional photogra-i pictures. At Christmas use the Castie, Hamilton, Ont., and In discussing some funda- phier illustrated the points of' whole film, do flot save part, the fantastically lovely moon- mental ruies, Mr. Newton told lis talk by showing a series? of it, and then be disappoint-t' light view, a study inbac amateur pliotographers ta stay ai excellent colored slides. He' ed because better pictures blad ht fa oey aidcik close ta their subjects. He suggested that for close-ups! yaur subjects could have been,ý House at Canton, Ont. Practi- also said that when people or amateur pliotographers buy alobtained. !cally everyone was particular- a person Is the subject ai a simple and inexpensive at- M1&. Newton also stressed iy impressed with the repro- picture that it is wise ta see tacliment for their cameras,1 the fact that amateurs make duction ai a huge and angry that their attention is oc- which is even obtainable for seriaus mistakes because very'black cat laoking over its cupied, aiso that they are box cameras. i often they do flot read the in- slioulder. kept relaxed, and do not real- Mr. Newton aiso stated em- structions t h a t accampany lzc the moment that the pc phatically that amateur pia-I eadh rolai film. He said that, ture is actualiy taken. This tographers will obtain their film companies spend thous-?D,. procedure results in natural- bcst results with inexpensive ands ai dollars testing anan Course siess, le sald. cameras. He advised them ta experimenting in order t o Mr. Newton also advised avoid tlie temptation ta pur- discover the best possibleFo tha wen akng sceiechse osly coplxandin ýways for their film ta be used,!o Drivers to photograplis or snapshtsthattdiae cameyrasleand eup1and people aeexceedingi lxaye -unwise when they do not takz the trouble ta read this avail-t ee a ie able information xvhich cames? with every package of film. A new programme, oifered In ciosing Mr. Newton told1 by the Ontario Motor League the audience that lie couldý and co-sponsored by the On- prattcalîy guara t'th a t'taria Department af Transport the wil b peasd wth heand the Ontario Safety Lea- pitsthey t laked with ther gue lias j ust been made avail- S ~ [ ± knext ral af film if they fol-, aIle ta motorists ai this pro- low the basic rules, and readl vince. the instructions. Many ai Ontario's 3,000,000 NOWis he imetohav yor atoMr. Newton's fine Exhibi- drivers learned ta drive years tion ai Photagraphy was di-.jaga when iaws and traffie "Tune-up" for quick starts- on these cold vided into five sections, Farm situations were mudhl ess mornings . . . especially during the holiday and Countryside, Experiments compiex than today and liter- and Designs, Prospect Point ally thousands have asked seasonNova Scotia, Faces, and Mis'1 that officiai programmes be cellaneous Groupîngs. organized ta permit them ta Bring your car in today and have a fool-proof One af the outstanding pir review and up-date their tures in the show was a view knowiedge of rules and regu- eheck with aur !ofi a Clarence Woodley's Mil at lations in preparatian for the ALLN-TONI SC PE-NALZERTyrone, which is one af the annaunced provincial plan ta ALLE-TRO IC SOPE-NALY ERiew stîli operated solely Iy re-examine ail drivers begin- water. Thi.s picture demon-ning in 1967. Generator, Battery, Plugs, Points, Starter, strated Mr. Newton's belief in As a resuit, and foliowing Alternator, Carburetor, Etc. foreground interest by spruce many months af planning by branches on the left iront.! these three organizations, a Ail Work Done by Factory Trained Mechanics The centre ai interest was thic course lias been prepared interesting and busy aid miii 1 which will fli this need with lieaps of snaw-cavereci? which continues ta increase 6 CYL. ENGINE 8 CYL. ENGINE îogs beside it, and the woods' day Iy day. A completely in the background. new course, based an On- $795$8.9.5a A vividly arnusing sequence tario's traffic laws adapted ta 7 -95 rt Etreilutrte -mn îain -ig fire..epuli bi a fee ai $1000 for thecocurse ta caver ail charges and a Counil f te Crportio ofthe provincial certificate will be TAKE NOTICE that oniofteCr raon fth given those who complete the Town of Bowmanville proposes to enact a by-Iaw to stop up Th~e Ontario Motor League and clos. that portion of O'DeII Street where it is intersected wîll offer a one hour driver evaluation lesson in the car at by Elgin Street at the northern and southern approaches to the the end of the course for an additional charge. bridge carrying traffic over and above the Canadian Pacific Pilot courses whicli lave already been conducted in Railway right.of-way. different parts ai the Province have had very gratifying re- rSUitS. Students varying in The proposed by-law will corne before said Council for , age from 18 ta 78 have admit- ted learning many new points considieration at its regular meeting to be held in the Town 'in driving and ail are agreed that the course will make Hall et the hour of 7:30 o'clock in the afternoon on the l9th them better and safer drivers. day of Decomber, 1966, and at that timne the. Council will hear hnamniDetRo in person, or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any p.rson who irequested a visit from a Sal- ývaionstat Christmas time. claims that his land will b. prejudicially affected and who the local Salvation Armny officer couple brought a sprig applies to b. hourd. of fir, candies, n ome Christ- mas lare and a New Testament for a simple, but persanalized Dited : November 21, 1966. service. The condemned man underwent a religious con- version tht Christmas Eve. ROBERT L. BYRON# Afterwards, is sentence cani- muted ta lufe imprlsonment. le Town CIerk. ministered ta lis fellow pris- ___________________________________________________________ j ners wlth violin and sang- book. For the Entire Fan IOSHAWA W( I PR@DUCTS I COURTICE& SHOPPING CE Mcke Her Li I TAPPAN.( APPLIAI e REFRIGERi 0 Six Basic Models 0 Frost Clear and Manu 0 Copper or White ILLUSTRATED - MC e Zero Zone Freezer wil 0 Frozen Food StorogeC 0 17.6 Sq. Ft. Sheif Arc 0 Removable Aluminum 0 Super-Magnetic Door 0 Lefi, or Right Hond C CHOOSE TPA-UNYGIFT: RANGES - REFRIGERATORS - Di BE PURCHASED ON CONVENIENT1 I OUTDOOR 7-LIT! CHRISTMAS INDO I CHRISTMAS CHRISTI Tree Treg ILights Lighi *Multi-Colored ~Multi-Colored *B ulbs SpeciaIl 2n56 Buibs. Special 15 lite ..... 5.18 15llite... I25 lite ...... 8.63 25 lite .. Finish <Room Nowla ISeason wt From Oshawa 1< at Substani Plrifloilshed V-Grooved LAUAN MAHOGANY I e is m tc he K o al S lc C o- 1r I Lot the home modernisations peciolios et O.W.P. ai Pions, idei enmd meterimis to up-dote y.ur kitchoi convenience. Do it yeursolf, or lot O.W.P. Moderuis * Otor cmlt th job for you. Convenient torm MlAS its 1.88 ..3.76 . 30 20 32 LIS LIST FOR FREE ESTIMATEWITH H ien Brighten Yowr Home With New Modern Light Fixtures s e e e No. 4087 Chrome Kitchen Fixture Flush Fit 28 oeil Shop.d................. No. 2152 lyry nd Bras# . .2 Bedroom Fixture 10" x 10" ............ 22 No. 4514 White end God Plastie Bthroom Fixture. 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