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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1966, p. 15

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Orono Jr. Gardeners HoId Big Award Night and Show On Thursday evening, Dec.ipoints in the Annuai Show- Karen Coatham; Jrs., Lawrie 8th the Orano United Church Dale Evans; Bowmanville Ki- Schmid, CathyMiilson, Carol ,udltaarium was the scene af wanis Trophy for Achieve- Barnett. iMaety and beauty as the Orono ments '6-Wayne Cauvier. Class 5, Gitt Box-Sars.. Don- *,Wunior Gardeners Club held The 4C Award Trophy don- ns Chahlice, Julie Schmid, fts annual Award Night Dmn- ated. by Mns. O. Rolph and Chairmaine Newman; Ja., xier, Christmas Party and presented by Mr. O. Rôlph, Yvonne Sciioenmaker, Lawrie Christmas Decaration Show. was won by Wendy Mercer. Schmid, Susan West. The. festivities began at 6 The prize for the best or- Cias. 6, Corsa ge for Mother p.m. when 50 members and rangement using natural ma- -Srs. Charmane Newman, guests sat down ta a deliciaus teriais went ta Donna. Chall- Karen Costham, Wendy Merc. supper followed by games and lice. Hier creation wss clev- er; Jrs. Yvonne Schoenmiaker, alngsong. crly donc around s piece O! Susan3WVet, Canoi Bannett. 1 tAt 8:30 p.m. the awards and iîvrd ditwo, aes, Ciass 7, Table Favour-Srs.,i prizes were presented. 1canes and evergreens with Julie Schmid, Donna Chailice,i Klwanis President Fred Tip. poinsettias. Honorable men- Dennis C a b b 1 ecd i c k; Jrs.,1 pins o! Bowmanviie present- tian went ta Yvonne Schoen- Yvonne Schoenmakear, Lawrle1 ed his clubs annual trophies maker and Dennis Cobbledick. Schmid, Kim West.1 and complimented the Juniors, Highest points in the Christ- Best Kept and Coiouredt on a spiendid show which mas Show-Yvonne Schoen- Ycar Boak-Yvonfie Schoen- showed how weii the talents o! makear. Prize donated by Mrs. maker. creative art is deveioping in Norton, Tudor House Antique~ the- group. Mr. Tippins, Mr. Shop. Seed Mosalc Pictures, iudg- ]Ros Jackman and Mr. Bill Perfect Attendance -Dale cd by Mrm. Van Der Huvei af Mlhowich, ail members o!f thelEvans. Oron-Srs., Gsye Quinton, EBowmanvilie Kîwanis Club,j Membership Drive- Dale Dl vnWyeCuir had the difficuit job of j udging Evans. Prize donated by Mms. Jrs., Yvonne Schoenmaker, the 106 entries. 'O. Chailice. Lawrie Schmid. The prize winners were: Youngest Exhibitor-Mary- Mrs. Thos. Fairbrother, di- ]Bowmanviiie Kiwanis Trophyilin Snelders. Prize donated rector, and instructar, was for the Best Garden, 1966-lb_ Mrs D. Evans. chairman a! the programme. Donna Chailice; Bowmanivilic[ (Srs., 12-16 yrs.;, Jrs., 6-il yrs.> She thanked ail those who Kiwanis Traphy for mo9t Ciass 1, Dining Table Ar- have contrlbuted ta a most ' rangement - Srs., D e n n i s successful year by donations NEW WINTER TERM 1 Cobbiedick, Charmaine New- and personai aid, the keen and wil opn a th Iman, Gay Q u in t o n; Jrs., progressive members, and the will pen a the lYvonne Schoenmaker, Lawrie splendid cooperation of MissL OSHAWA 'Schmid, Jamie Quinton. Barbara Aiken, Treasuer, Mr. BUSINESS COLLEGE Closs'2 Do'Decoran- and Mrs. 0. Chailice, Mr.D, on maine N e w ni on, Dennis assist. directors; aiso many TUESDAY, 'Cobbiedick: Jrs., Carol Bar- others who have been mast JANUARY 3, 1967 nett, Yvonne Schoenmaker, helpful. Mrs. F'airbrother Regltrations now bcbng Lawrie Schmid. wished aIl a Happy Christmas aacccpted. Elght courses Class 3, Mantie Arrange- and wonderful Centennial Newa tram whîch ta choose. Col- ment-Srs., Donna Challice, Year.b lexe spproved for Student Charmaine Newman, G a Y A message tramn Mrs. O. Rolph t Loa. Placement Service Quinton; Jrs., Yvonne Schoen- who is currently canfined ta ' fprGraduates. Dial 725-3375 maker, Lawrie Schmid, Kim Memonial Hospital, Bowman-b ý* for FREE Literature. West. ville, was read. She campli-a 10 Slmcoe Street North Class 4, Winter Scene O! mented the directors and Oshawa Christmas Card Cutouts-Srs., members for their fine work f Dole Evans, Donna Chailice, in the community and wishedF ----------------------i-::.. them continued success in the I coming year. A vote a! thanks t 4, as expressed by the gather- C Sing and wished Mrs. Rolph a c« speedy recovery. a jEarliear în the evening a a speciai merit award for long w service wos presented ta Cari ai Billings, past president of Orono Horticuitural Society w~ by Mrs. Frarij< Stephens of th Harwood, Dist. birector o! No. 4 District. foieyeurThe chairnian reminded the th members that the next meet- tu ing wili be held in March M "FIowrs say it so beautifully 1" when Mr. Heison of the On- M~ tario Lands and Forest Dept. h( will show films on Conserva- *DnlICTWIA C tion.M Rw Ola m muuiq eCYCLAMEN 0 CARNATIC *ROSES DECORATED TROPICAL PLANTS eNOVELTIES )NS Order Early for Best Selection 1 ORDER NEW YEAR'S CORSAGES NOW 43 KING ST. ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD CARNATION FLOWER SHOP W. PHONE- 623-7141 NESTLETON On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Saddler and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metcaif and famiiy attended the fifth an- fluai production, "The Four Seasons", presented by the student nurses, Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital. It is interesting ta know thàt'--Mtr-'J«l!c Saddier was a member of the choir and Miss Cheryl Met- caif was the pianist for the occasion. Friends are pieased to know that Mr. Wilford Williams was able ta return home from Part Perry Hospital last Wed- nesday. A campiete and speedy recavery lu wished for him. The community extends sympathy ta Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams and ta Mrs. Tom Perigoe an the sudden p assing of their sister, Miss Eva Williams in Port Perry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son were Tuesday vîsitors with Mrs. Thompson's mother, Mrs. W. H. Johnston, sister Mrs. Jas. Naylor, and brother Mr. Robt. Johnston, Peffer- law. Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- er's recent guests were Mr. and Mrs. Eari Wright, Peter- borough, and Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Trick,. Lindsay, for Sunday evening dinner and Best test of medical insurance plans.àa COMPARE THE BENEFITS andyou'll want thîs*one! Ilrough 20Oycar of service, it bau ben a rigid policy of Ontario Medical Co- 0rermtives to koe bad of other medical an with an extra margin of protection nefits .. to offer something more for lyouroney in a peranli-zed, locoiizd cacprogram. Te:I CO.OPswATfVI MMSCAL SEflVICW PuiERAom 0F ONTARIOI j45 Showpwed Av& !E. WtlowdaleO Pà... 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Mrs. iwker concltxded her talk Ih an oral quiz on the! ovinces. ilrs. Beacock voiced the ap- eciation ta the speaker for rexcellent educationai ad- ess. Mrs. R. W. Jackson gave a naraus reading, "The Farm- sWife"' and Mrs. Beacock d excerpts tram the book, ttle Reading for Every Day the Year". Mrs. Cecil Wilson and Mrs. rry McLaughlin reported the highiights o! the speak- service and lunch was serv- by the group in charge. Mrs. Wilson tendered the inks ta the hoatess and tai wha were responsible for' ýh a pleasant and education. meeting. 'he Salvation Army, nowl we than a oentury aid,' sass the spirit of Christmas prisoners, invaiids,' unwed )thers, underprivileged child- iand others who woutd ierwise have a bleak hol.- Mar. and Mars. Robert Rhodi Little Britain, for Thursdi dinner. On Friday evening Mr. ai Mars. Wiford Vine entertaini their famiy to dinner for tl occasion of Herbert's 13- birtbday. Guests were N and Mrs. George Bowers, N Bert Bowers and Mr. and M Arnoid Williams. Mr. Vernon Hudson wasi jury diity in Cobourg la week. Mr. and Mrs. George Heu lup and Mr. Gardon Fiemii were weekend visitors wi Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Rusk, Scarborough. Mr. K(eith Johnston is in tl Sudbury area this week wil the Depsrtment of Agricu ture. Mr. and Mrs. Johnstc are newcomers ta this an and are living in the mana They have three chiidre Beth, Douglas and Sandra sr Mrs. Johnston is teachingj the Cartwright High School In the Presbyterian Churcl Suniday morning, the Rev. Fre Swann presched a pre-Chris mias sermon with "The Wi Men" as- the theme. Mr Visser sang a Pala. In the United Church t!, Re v. Philip Romeril, choseà his subject "The Bibie". IH said that the Bible is the be: seller of ail the books. Th Bible is nat realiy a baok bt a library as it wss written in periad of over 1,000 year The Bible is being read b mare people each year and is translated into m a n languages. People must ri spect it and use imaginatio when reading and studyingi The choir sang the aftthen "Westminster Caroi".. Court Lady Snowbird had very successfui Christmas Tre and Bazaar in the C.o.: hall on Saturday afternoon. The ladies served afternoc tea, sandwiches and cookieý The bazaar consisted of hon baking, fancy work, candy an a touch and take table.. Lucky prize winners were rirst, a goid blanket to Gerr, Fielding, Burketon; second,i lamp ta Mrs. Visser, Nestieton thîrd, a cookie jar ta Mrs. Car Cocketon, Oshawa, and fourti candy ta Gerald Gould, Caes area. Mrs. Neil Lee donate( a Christmas cake which w& woix by Cindy McCall, Caes, area. The ladies are wrell pleasec vith the proceeds as niost o: the tables were sold out. NESTLETON W. 1. The December meeting oi the Nestieton Women's Insti. tute was heid at the home aJ Mrs. Malcolm Emerson witt Mrs. R. W. Jackson as co. hostess. After the Opening Ode and Mary Stewart Coiiect, Christ. mas Carois were sung witi Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm ac- companying. The President, Irs. Arthur Hyland, welcomed il with a special welcome to îe visîtors and expressec leasure at being entertained, )nce again, in Mrs. Emerson's orne. Mrs. Richard Davison, sec- ,tary-treasurer, r e ad t he miutes, gave the financial re- )rt and read severai "thank- ru" cards. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin vol- riteered to address the Christ- nas cards ta former members, rs. George Heasiip, Mrs. ichard Davison and Mrs. ýrthur Hyiand wiil pack the 'hristmas Cheer boxes. Mrs. Richard Davison was ,pointed the delegate ta ttend the F.W.I. Trienniai 'onference in Guelph, June 2-16 with Mrs. Malcolm Em- 'son the alternate. It was decided ta invite an- ther Women's Institute ta the anuary meeting in the C.O.F. ,aii on Jan. 11. Mrs. Adelbert Beacock, con- ener of Agr'culture and Can- dian Industries, întroduced àe. guest speaker, Mrs. Sam. !wker. Mrs. Beacock, in her emarks, weicomed Mrs. Caw- er back, as a resident, ta her ative Cartwright and said she riii aiways remember her for er musical abiiity. Mrs. Cawker spoke on the ibject "Canadian Industries'. ni 1 HAYDON h, The service on White Gift sSunday was weli attended. In ýd the absence of Rev. Northey, SMn.. Northey wos in charge of the service. Several Christmas hymns dwere sung, Mr. W. Blackburn 'f read the scripture reading, St. Luke 2: 8-14, and Ian Graham took up the offering. ýfGifts were piaced in a box at 1- the front and these wiil be ifdistrîbuted ta needy people. h Miss Lynne Read read a story. -Mrs. Northey gave a talk. The flowers piaced in the .church on Sunday were in '. remory a! the late David Sunday school session wil be held at 1:45 o'ciock, and church service at 3 p.m. on Sunday. On Christmas Sunday, Dec. 25th, church service wiil be sbeid at 10 o'ciock. We hope ta have a good attendance at this service. On Sunday evening, Dec. 18th, a Christmas Service will1 be held at Tyrone Unite( Church. Salem and Haydon congregations are invited ta this service. Plan tai attend the Pot Luck Supper being heîd on Satur- day in the school. Supper ser- ved at 6 o'ciock, fallowed by a program and Santa Claus wiil arrive. Mnr.and Mrs. George Ber- trim and famliy, Taunton, visited Mrs. M. Bertrim and famiiy on Saturday. Mar. and Mrs. Archie Mc- Neil, Orono, were Saturday evening cahiers at Mn. and Mrs. D. Cameron'.. Mar. and Mrs. Tom Smith, Stouffville, were Sunday sup-1 pear guests o! Mr. and Mrs. J. altts and famiiy. Sympathy is extended ta Mn.. David Malcolm and !am- ily on the passing o! Mr. David Malcolm. *%y The Christian Science Monitor recommends yo reqauud yoiir local news paper '(aur local newspaper is a wide-range iuiwspaper with many leatures. Its emphasis is on local news. It alsQ reports the major national and inter- national news. THE MONITOR COMPLEMENTS YOIlE LOCAL PAPER We specialize in analyzing Wi inter- preting the important national aid international news. 0r intention is ta brinl the news into sharper focus. Thie Monitor hias a worid-wido staff of correspondants - soma cf themn rank among the worid's linhat. And the Monto's incisive, provocatlve sd- tonals art followed just a ciosay bY the men on Capital Hill au they art by the Intelligent, booerned adult on Main Street. "NY TOU SHOULD TUYTHEN MONITOR '(ou probably know the Monitor's pro- fessional reputation as one of the world's finest newspapers. Try the Monitor; soi how it will take you above the average newspaper reder. Just fil1 out the coupo below. Ont Norway Stroet Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 0211g Pl@&$* ttàrt MY< aubwiule' o lâe p«ed Méed beré«. I mcg $_CU.$___ tI. fuado. 1 IYEU $24 om i.e.,a 3m*$ w Namo c'yt ; 1 HAMPTON j r.Donald Prescott and jMar. Edgar Prescoit, EniIeld, caldat the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Preucott on friday. Sunday, Mr. and Mn. Jacob Kessier snd childaren, Bolton, were Sunday dinner guests. Later in thc afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hadgson, Ajax; Mns. Jack Mallette and Larry, Wood- ville; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mal- ette and baby, Oskwood; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford GarrilI, Lindsay, were aiea visiter. of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescott.' Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrie,- Bowmanville, were visitors1 iwith Mr. and Mns. Bil l oI- royd an Saturday evening. Our church service was held this week in the C.E. wing. Scripture was glven by Rev. C. Catto. Some carola were sun g as well as hyrnns "lAngele From the Reasoaf Giory, Il"O Sing a Song af Bethlehem", "Of the Father'sI Lave Begotten." Sermon was "Praphet or Las.." BenediCtion! was given ta our maker. The Tyros .will hoid their Christmas party on Dec. 16thI at the home of Mr. Ed Barry. Next Sunday Hoiy Commun- ion wili be taken at Hampton. Service wiii be heid in the C.E. room with Christmas Sun- day combining Sunday Schaal and church service in worshlp- ping together. Hampton Christmas concert wili be heid on Wednesday,ý December 21st, in the C.E.! room.i Congratulations ta Mr. and[ Mrs. Elmer Wilbur who are having a party Friday even- ing at the _town hall ta cele- brate their 5th wedding an- niversary. Best wishes ta them bath. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Higgins' were dinner iguesta on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wiifred Sanderson, Columbus. Aiso spent Friday and Saturday at Yorkdale. Grade A Eviscerated Young 20 IL Avg. TOM TURKEYS 41cib Easy To Carve Pork Butt Roast 55' Meaty Park Shoulder Roast 45'h Maple Leaf or Schneider's Pure Pork SAUSAGE MEA Devon Brand Rindless11.P 'Breakfast B AON g. 79c Burns Flavouned Sealed Cooked Meats Macaroni & Cheese Las! Dutch Las! - Chieken Loaf Plekie & Pimenta Las! 6-oz.1 Pkg. 25C CUl FOOD Crisco Pure Vegetable - 3c Off 1-1b. Pkg. SHORTENING. 42C Brlght'a Fancy 48-oz. Tins SAVE l6e APPLE JUICE 3 for 89C Doie Faney - 20-oz. Tins SAVE le Fruit Cocktail 3 for $1.00 Ilcan 18" - 25 Ft. FOIL WRAP SAVE 10e 59c1 White Granulated SAVE 3o WHITE SUGAR ~359 SAVE ON DOMINION'S OWN BRANDS Fresb 32-as. 64-os. ORANGE JUICE 39c 75c Riehmello Domino Soda Water or 30-os. Bottiesj GINGER ALE Sfor99cl ,Plus Deposit Riohmello Sliced - 24-oz. Loaves SAVE 7e WHITE BREAD) 3f0r65c, Fresh Ground - 1-lb. Pkg. RICHMELLO COFFEE 79C Richmello CHEDDAR CHEESE 4-Pt. Sise Mild Country Girl - 20-os. Size SAVE 40o APPLE PIES 3for95c Rlchmello Chnistias LIGHT -FRUIT CAKE 1-lb. 2-lb. 3-lb. 69c $1.35 $1.99 HOUSEHOLD NEEDS Suave 11i,,-oz. SAVE 20c HAIR SPRAY 79C Suave Normal or Eggr SAVE 20o SHAMPOO 79c, Bail RaIl-On SAVE 22o DEODORANT 75C Thermal Assorted Colours 72 x 90 COMPARE BLANKETS $599 Mediumi Old Fresh Produce Specials Florida Grown Indian River 48's - Red GRAPEFRUIT 8 or 49c Florida Grown GREEN BEANS 29b British Columbia Grown Red Delicious Extra Fancy - Size 88's APPLES 7;or59c s2.49 STORE HOURS' WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY December 21 - 22 - 23 Open Ail Day Until 9 p.m. AT., DECEMBER 24 'til 6 p.m. Sweet Mixed 16-os. Jar SAVE 14o ROSE PICKLES 29C Rideau Brand 16-oz. Botties COMPARE TABLE SYRUP 2 for 27c New AIi-Purpose 20-lb. Bag Robin Hood Fleur s .99 ALL:T ADVERTISED ITEMS IN OSHAWA TIMES TORNTODAILY PAPERS ON SALE IN 80 WNAN VILLE' Alil Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100% Satisfaction Values Effective Until Closing, Sat., Dec. 17, 1966, J.i Dowmanvile WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO- LIMIT QUANTITIES. SA CLOSED MON. & TUES. Dec. 26-27 PLAY! ltgttkme 'tYourFree Card Toda I King St. and _Simpson Avenue (Highway No. 2 ot MI.- - SHOP MRTHCONFIDENCEI Ai MW Msd mut ed "UN etuldlu@mý wbths h, Frza o muwd u n GOVERNMENr-INSPED I Canadian Mald Compare Evaporated MiIk 4 16-os Ts59C Mothers Apple & Raapberry Apple Strawberry SAVE 100 JAM Tin79C Sweet Easy ta Peel Japanese Mandarin 9-lb. ORANGESBox abc OnIy at Dominion Deluxe Golden Bird Young Eviscerated - 10-14 lb. TURKEYS 49,b Deluxe Golden Bird Young Eviscerated TOM TURKEYS45',b Topsy - Shantz - Cold Spring Grade A Eviscerated Young 10-16 l TURKEYS lb45,c COSTS CLOSED MON. & TUES. Dec. 26-27

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