-t.' *~. **'~W~t r~... - fr.* *..~..r * Dominion Stores Earns 2,,.02c Per Dollar of Sales' mnion Stores Ltd. achiev- tion compaedwth 369 a year current liabilities. Net frxed s atisfaetory progresa dur- ago. S,=nipn addltional assts increased by $1,540,039. izgthe first haif of the cur- supermarkets will be opened Reinvested earnings of $53,- ren fscl ea li the face of li the second half. 796,299 compare with $48,589,- Intes omeiion and rising Working capital of $26,898,» 481 and shareholders' equity of cons, Thomas G. McCormack, 469 at Sept. 17, 1966 was $69,481,234 with $64,078,366. L reident, reports. For the $3,856,865 above a year aga. Dividends per share were the weeks ended Sept. 17, 1966, Current assets were 2.2 times sanie nt 36 cents. mules lncreased 8.3 per cent to *26306,184 and net earnngs H sLl S r i e '7;2 per cent to $5,370,413 ( (66fo 100 (62 cents) for the hallAi. year ended Sept. 18, 1965. Net l e e u a i n profit per dollar of sales de ~ ~ r R gu a i n clined fractionafly to 2.02 cents from 2.04 cents. Beginning in January 1967, If the husband is employed Dominion's broad base of a change in Ontario Hospital in construction or some other operations provides excellent Services Commission Regula- industry where employees rtuntie fo exansontions will permit either the move frequently from one job ities ormaksaexs ion, husband or wife to pay the to another, it is often more supermarkets were opened family hospital insurance convenient if the wife can pay during the first haîf in nine premiums through a group. through her group, thus over- different communîties in five Up to this time, if both hus- coming.the need for the hus- provinces. Nine obsolete stores band and wife were employed band ta transfer the insurance were closed and at Sept. 1,7 in insured groups, the Regula- from one employer to another. «fions required the husband to there were 377 stores in opera- _ ~AlthoL1gh the new Regula- Mon., Dec. 19 Your Vote and Influence is Îrespectfully solicited. For Councillor Cartwright 1967 Asseistine, VernonX pay for the am iZly as ne lb usually the one more con- tinually employed. The relaxing o! this Regula- tian will provide a means of overcoming certain dîfficul- tics which previousiy arose for some residents. In some cases, a family was unable ta obtain supplementary caver- age for semi-pnivate accom- modation because the bus- band's employer did not de- duct the additional premiums for Blue Cross or CUMBA, wbcreas the wife's employer would have donc sa. (Blue Cross and CUMBA semi-pniv- ate coverage is sold by these insurers under special arrange- ment with the Commission as part o! a package with On- tario Hospital Insurance.) Also, in some instances, the family could not benefit from the !act that only the wi!e's employer paid part or ail o! the premium cast. BEL by John W. Lowry your telephone manager Canada's annuel Safe-Drlvlng Week Is over for another year. By stressing defensive divinz tech- niques during this week, the' Canadian Hlgbway Safety Council, hoped to make motorists aware of every known safa diving procadure so that they wiil better ramember and practisa them for the other 51 weaks of the year. We st Bell Canada - at least ail of us wbo drive our own cars on business or the. famiiar green vehicles - well know the Importance o! drivlng de! enslvely. AIl o! us wbo do any drivlng as part of our work st Bell Canada must takç and pass a pretty rugged Company course evan though we have provincial dnlving permit.. And, lu recent years this course bas stnessed defen- ive driving. Raaliy, defensive drlvlng is littie more than common sensa. It means leanning how to recog- nize potentially dangerous situations, learnlng how te avoid tbam, then putting this knowledge to use. Since 42 percent of the people survayed in connec- tien with The Canadien Drivers Test television program some time back failed the test, it seems that few people know where danger lurks. With wlnter settint In witb its snowstorms, sleet, ice and sub-zaro temperatures, defensive dnlving becomes more Important than, aven. Driver Improvement courses bava been held lI many parts o! the country this year sud more are planned for the months to coma. Drlvlng conditions bave changed dnastlcally since many o! us recelved our first permits, and a fresb look at aur drlving habits could make motorlng safer and more enJoyable on our crowded streets and highways. And, It could make for a happien holiday season, when so many people wlll be travel- ling to loin familles and !rlends for Christmas and New Years celebrations. s e s s s Did you happen ta sec the item in newspspcrs not taa long aga about the man in California who bas coilected 20,000 telephane books from ah aoven the world? Actually, whst appears ta be just an unusuai hobby is reslly a tool o! this man's profes- sion. He's a tracer o! lost pensons, and bis iibrany a! telephone directonies often helps him ta track down mlssing pensons for bis clients. You can use your telephone book ta track down thîngs too. Things like Area Codes, emergency numbers, instructions for making alI kinds o! phone calîs, and in the Yeliow Pages, lists o! dealers, products or services that you may be looking for. s b 0 e S On Christmas day, 35 years ago. telephone lina. carrled the first radio broadasat o! a complete opera - Hausel and Gretel -. It was transmittedl coast- te-ceast from the Metropolitan Opera House ln New York. s s e e e Best wishes for a vcry Merry Christmas followed by a Happy New Year. tion provies a means of over- coming inequities, wbether or not a company shares in the cost o! Ontario Hospital In- surance premiums for any or all of its employees is some- thing outaide the Commission's jurisdiction. The amended Regulation simply removes the obligation that the husband remit for the family through bis group. Quality Control Members Form New Sub-Section A new sub-section o! the Toronto Section A.S.Q.C. bas been formed and will be known as the Trent Area Sub- Section Toronto A.S.Q.C. Meetings will be held monthly ln this area !rom Oshawa ta and including Kingston, Ontario. Informa- tion will be published later con cerning the date and loca- tion o! each meeting. The Executive for the 1966- 67 year, bas. been appointed and an active and informative graup o! meetings are antici- pated. Qualified lecturers on subjects related ta Quality Contrai bave been retained for the fartbcoming meetings. These meetings are designed ta help and familianize al personnel with the latest tech- niques and if there are prob- lems you bave encountered, aur meetings will be the place ta discuss them. Plans are underway by aur educational chairman ta set up educationai courses in this ares for those wisbing ta at- tend. Trent Ares A.S.Q.C. Execu- tive includes: Chairman, M. A. Smith, Union Carbide, Lindsay; Vice Chairman, C. P. Fagan. Goodyear Tine & Rub- ber Company, Bowmanviile: Secretary, D. A. Dafoe, Mead Johnston Canada Limited, Belleville; Treasurer, B. Lang, Bata Engineering, Battawa; Mcmbership, K. Hambly, Gen- eral Time, Peterborough; Edu- cation, C. McKendricks, Fish- er Gauge, Peterborough; Pro- gramme, F. Skoutajan, Bats Engineering, Battawa; Public- ity, D. Neal, Generai Times. Peterborough. WESLEY VILLE Mesdames H. Reeve, J. Waltcn, G. Couchman, E. Ban- rowclough and P. Snell were ln Pont Hope the first o! iast wcek ta assist witb folding bandages at the cancer rooms. The annual White Gift serv- ice was held at the Sunday Scbool on Sunday manning with Supeintendent George Tufford in charge and the regulan pianist, Marilyn Nich- ais piaying for ail the carols. The seipture was read by the primary class, Barry Best, Donald Nichais, Steven Dmn- nen, Margo Payne, Alain Wil- son, Niel Groeneveid and their feacher, Mns. J. Groeneveid. Cheryl Clarke resd the stary, "The Holy Night", showing that bearts that are kind and loving see the Giory o! God. Some uf the less familiar canais were sung -during church service and Rev. I. Munnoe's stary for the child- nen toid o! a chiid's pnecious ability ta see God in the wonld around him. His sermon was based on the stary o! John the Baptist and toid how the pre- paration o! the Way is nat for same future time but fan that time, as was eech pnapbet's teaching. An arrangement o! a white birch log, white candies and poinsettia made a seasonal of- fering Pnovided by the De- cemben group of the UCW. Mns. William Tufford wbo stays with ber family for thic winter months ha. moved ta ber daughten's, Mrs. Harold Austin, for the first part of St he winte.- e%- 1 1À . % le en. R -l om 0. I m 1S The Canadian Statesman,, Bownmnvle, Dec. 14, 1968 The A.C.W. o! St. John's Orono.stpwtiural.t Churcb met in the Panisb Hall Mr. and Mrs. Danny Cala- odo h se byhe o on December 8th, with Presi- cicco and family, Oshawa,en.o th se bl li ,nrsopw hou sa .I i dent Mrs. Lawrence in the spent Sunday with Mrs. L. chair. Mrs. M. Edgenton con. Thompson. ness of aur courteous sales staff to go out cf theiri ducted the devotional period. Mn. and Mrs. Ray Larmer, c t The minutes were read and Pickering, visited ber grand-.hte ntecuslln utm ro n m approved. Tbe treasuren's ne- mother, Mrs. G. Fowler, Sun- w ehri h oneln facso e rI h port ineluded the proceeds day.sevcn yur aru ar from the recent Bazaan and Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Brad. evcngo orccyorf act'ory trained lcese Tee. The Nominating Coni- burn, Toronto, visited Mrs. L. mittea presented the siate o! Henry and the Joe Bradburns1f offioers for 1967. Hon. Presi- and ealled on other friands... this gives f ull and continuecim aig a t' dent, Mnr. j. Fonder; Presi- aven the weekend. ienn o t dent, Mrs. J. Lawrence; Vice- Mr. and Mns. Les Beacock, E clec. President, Mrs. T. Graham; Don and BÉian, Prince Albert, Eclec: S.cretary, Mrs. G. V. A. Scott, and Miss Marilyn Rodd, Treasurer, Mrs. P. Staniland; Graenbank, wene guests o! Doreu Secretary, Mrs. H. Mc- Mn. and Mrs. John Beacock, Laughlin; Family Life, Pre- Sunday the 4th. School Seeretery, M r s. N. Miss Nancy Staniland, Osh- Green; Living Message and ewa, spant the weekend at Bulan, aM;$.udtorBel rsey; Snoe. iceesetteR O I HLO Btin, erea Mrs. . fa; u-me.ran r.LsiAse RYN COSO VaineCmp Secretr M . Wmj . eaKtn rs ei e s Hamilton and Mrs. N. Green; weakend with his parents and Educational Secretary, Mn.* J. famiily. ITE McArthur. A Junior Chapten Miss Marion Bradburn, Tor-- L M I E of the A.C.W. bas been form. onto, was home for the week-CUR CE - 2866 BOWMANVILLE ed. The A.C.W. are holding end. O RIE 7860 e ]pot Luck supper mn ,anuary Mn. Cecil HI was Sunday l2t, te which ail ladies of supper guest o! Mn. end Mns. Ace. Richards Lou Phillips Ted Miller the. congrecetion are invited. L. E. Beacock and !amily, ln, lieu e!t t4e usuel excharnge Prince Albert. e «ik a pruumt of 38 paiMrM. and Mn. Elmer Archer. ÇioIden Agers V-Isit Bowmanville Utadel Kiwanis Pri Extends Thi Hon. Lester Dr. R. Glenn Reed, Jr., 601 Church S t r e e t, Marietta, Georgia, president of Kiwanis International, extended the r thanks o! his organization for Canada's 50 years of support for Kiwanis to Canadien Prime Minister Lester P. Pearson in the Prime Minister's office in Ottawa, Monday morning, November 14. Kiwanis cele- brated the Golden Anniversary of its coming to Canada the following day in special cere- monies conducted by the Kiwanis Club of Hamilton, Ontario, which was organized November 15, 1916. Word of President Reed's visit to the Prime Minister and to the Hlamilton Club was received here by Fred Tippins, president of the Kiwanis Club of Bowmanville. During his visit to the Prime Members of the Over Sixty Club Octette from the C. Tatcheli, visited the local hospital and were a Minister Dr. Reed presented a North Toronto Corps are seen with their accompanist, blessing to the patients with their messages in song. scroll which read: Brother W. MacMillan, (centre of the group) on the The evening meeting featured solos and united sel-1I "An Appreclation occasion of a recent visit to the Bowmanville Corps, Ont. actions. Bro. A. Greenaway's message concerned itself ITo the great Canadian nation The men's octette party from the North Toronto not only with Christians, but was a reminder to ail1 forthe uandesprstdi, ym 'Ovr-SxtyClu, aongwith their accompanist, Bro- that Christ is interested in each one. The members Of phy, ndrsupor whnishant ther W. MacMillan, were recent Sunday visitors at the local senior citizens' club were in attendance. its work for bal! a century; the Bowmanville Corps, Ont. (Captaîn and Mrs. H. Songs of a lighter nature hîghlighted a brief "after-j To the great Canadian people Frazer). In the morning meeting the vocal selections glow" meeting. It was interesting to note that six of who have permitted Kiwanis and testimronies were inspiring, and the Remembrance the. members of the visiting group had played with toasrve hem haefrse cn Day message of Lieut.-Colonel E. Green (R) was local bandsman G. Cherrington during days spent to-1 members f0 its ranks with thought provoking. gether in the Montreal Citadel Band.i such prodigality; In the afternoon the group with their leader, Bro.i -The War C :,To the leadership of Canada Cy for maintaining the climate inceaed os o!maeril nd where human dignity is inceasd cst f mteral nd paramount, and where man, processing, Whitehead said. working in concert with bis B LA C K S TO C K iGoodyear was f irst in the' fellow man, can reach his B L A CS T OK Mstry use polyester cord,j fullest potential in aIl things, Twenty-one members of of sait and pepper shakers for and Jîm, Wbitby, were Sat-. incorporating it info the com-, and thus in Kiwanis, too;, Blackstock Women's Insfitute the patients' trays was made urday guests and Mr. and Ms any' o-o-h-line tire, the ' And to the Honourable Lester gathered at the home of Mrs. to the new Port Perry Hospi- Vincent Archer, Bowmanville,iDouble Eagle, in 1962. Last B. Pearson, the Prime Min- Ralph Larmer Wednesday af- tal. The meeting closed with Sunday guests of Mr. and year, the company marked ister, long-time friend o! ternoon for the December prayer. A short program in Mrs. Wilbert Archer. another first by using polyester 1 Kiwanis and its work, lead- meeting. The theme o! the lighter vein was followed by cord in its original equipmentl ers of that great nation and its meeting was Agriculture. Fol- refresbments. The bostesses ftires. Goodyear was also first; people. lowng heOde, President were Mrs. N. Green and Mrs. Poy seoCrd f depart from cotton, wheniMay we in iastth Mrs. V. Baîley read a Christ- J. McArthur. P letr C r it introduced rayon cord in! urne o! our Golden Anni- mas poem. Secretary read the InteUtdChrhS- 1938, and the first to introduce versary in Canada, measure minutes and correspondence. day mornîng, the choir sang i yo odi 97 pt h upr n h TheHih Shol sudnt wh a anhen,"On Sar" R.N ow Useu u The new polyester cord has' challenge which you voucb- bad received awards from the Romneril spoke on The Bible. GLthM~ esdiistneotyloand mithre . . ad may w te yrowi W. I. for high standing in In Sunday scbool an impres- r eitn onynadthl'...ndm wgo n their grades had ail sent let- sive White Gift worship ser- Goo year ie dimensional stability a n d1 service as this great nation ters o! appreciation. A lovely vice was held. Mrs. David smooth iding propenties of itself grows in the commun- letter o! tbanks fnom Mr. H. Kyte told the story "Why the Effective immediately, fthe rayon, and does not have thei ity o! men." Hall was read. Mrs. W. W. Chimes Rang." agia-GoyarTr ndR "e~fiat spotting" problemns ofi Tuesday evening November Van Camp told o! the box sortment of gifts were brougbt Company o! Canada, Limitedý nylon, Whitehead said. The 15, Dr. Reed was principal packed, and taken by severa]. in. These are being forwarded will convert all its first line polyester in the tire body also speaker at a Golden Anni- members to Mn. Hall at Gol- to the United Chunch Depot Power Cushion and rm reduces tread squirming as the versary banquet of the Kiwan- den Plough Lodge, Cobourg, for distribution to needy fam- Power, Custom line topomy- tire rolîs over the road, im- is Club o! Hamilton, which for bis 84th birthday. Gifts ilies in Toronto area. Also a ester cord construction for the proving tnead mileage, helattracted about 350 Kiwanians were brought in to be taken special offening to assist in neplacement tire market, tire added. 1!romn nearly 40 clubs in Canada to Cbildren's Aid at Port the education o! Lusatti in division marketing manager J. i Vytacord polyester has been'and the United States. Sing.led Hope. AIl present signed a Angola, Africa, was received. B. Whitehead announced this track tested on Goodyear's out for special honr at the card for Miss Ethel Thompson Next Sunday, regular morn- week. The Custom Powerlown pnoving grounds for 25î forlie 9nd irtda, Fida, ng ervceat 0 am.in heCush ion will be identified with million miles, on laboratony lLI Dec. 9th. The roll cail, An United Churcb, and at 7:.0 tmr Vt d"."otr"mciesfr1 H L V W advantage o! living on a p.m. a Canadian Candleligbt t present rayon cord is million miles, and on taxicabs TV AND RAI farm, brought many interest- Service is to be heid, witb all used in the Power Cushion and car rentai fleets for 30 îng comments. Secrefany Mrs. departmnents of the cbunch and nylon cord in the Custom million miles. "It is probably- TOlVE INS Lorne Thompson on bebaîf ofl and Sunday sehool participat- Power Cushion., the most thoroughly tested tbe W. I. presented Mrs. Chas%. ing. A slight increase - 2 % per new tire cord in histony," said CALL OROI Wilson, a member who bas cent- will partially offset the Whitehead. moved to Port Perry, witha In St. John's a Christmas cup and saucer. Mrs. Wilson Pageant will be presented at expressed bier appreciation. ?:30 p.m. next Sunday. Good Cheer committee will Sunday morning in St. look after Christmas remem- John's Church, Rev. R. C. brances for shut-ins. A ba- Rose spoke on Theo]ogical F zaar is to be held in the Education for the future wonk spring. Redecorating the stage o! Laymen o! the church. o! Community Hall is to be a Sunday evening there was Centennial project. a supper meeting o! the joint Mrs. Ralph Larmer com- Youtb Groups o! Port Perry mented on the motto "Serving and Blackstock charges in the is Sowing," then introduced Parish Hall. After ail had theguest speaker, Miss Patri- pai'taken o! a bounteous meal cia Wray o! Lindsay, Home a few games were played and Economist for the County, a skît presented. In the church wbo gave a very interestingz a brie! church service was talk on "Advertising Brnad eld. Robert Mansfield read Names and Packaging," de- the prayer; Tommy Lawrence scribîng how this policy has the scripture lesson; Tim grown since the time the poî- Brunton and Sharon Archer icy was "Buy cbeap, seli dear each gave a short addness. and let the buyers bewane." Rev. Rose conducted the in- Miss Wray was thanked for stallation o! the !ollowing of- ber informative address. Mrs. fices: President, T i in o t b y Peney Van Camp gave Cunnent Brunton; Vice President for Events. Christm'as carols wene Blackstock. Bnian Wofe; Vice rEHLb sung wbile the group prepar- President for Port Perry, Su- ed lunch. Mrs. Scott conduet- san Terrett, Secretary, Karen Mrs. Ralph Larmer and Mrs. Anne Lawrence. AIl returned Ted Krockenstoel. to the Parish Hall where the .s'on a a% NEWS, MUSIC, SPORTS ýiKýLB 1350 esident ianks to B. Pecirson meeting was Narman Firth o!, Hamilton, last survlving foundwÀ er o! the Kiwanis Club 4,<I Hamilton. At the meeting, Dr. Reed observed that the founding of the Hamilton club made Kiwanis "truly inter- national almost from the start"l. Kiwanis was organiz- ed originally in Detroit on January 21, 1915. Today the organization serves in 18 coun- tries o! the free world and numbers 5,400 clubs and 270,000 members. For those in prison, Christ. mas may be the loneliest day of the year. Yet the visits and gifts o! Salvationists bring a measure o! cheer and comfort -perhaps even the courage to start a new way o! life. More than 42,000 men and womnen in correctional institutions are visited each year hy> Salvation Army members.