The Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Install New Officers ai' Durham Chapter Q.E.S. A nfet glft for someone on 'for the. palit few monthu wiflChapman, Mrs. H. Laccy, Mr. Yeur Christmas list - a new arrive this week ta visit Mr.ý&nd Mrs, David Broomo and or renewal subscrtption to The, and Mrs, Cecil Jones for over, son Bru cie, Mr. Wayne Broome,ý Ada Statesman. Please!Christmnas, before Ieaving for I Miss Colleen Howsan, &Hl of, reIo1ne 983-4106 41so with' their hpnie in North Vancou- Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Donaldi L.UaIV tes o e ver, B.C. lBroome, Michael, Danny and - IMr d Mr&. Murray Porter Mrs rnkWryof Bow_ Sharon of Willowdole, Mr. and' Yromnea Deroi, Mchîanmanvilie, Mr. and Mlrs. .Àlcin Mrs. Jack Cooke of Scarbor-' spent the weekencl with h i' a !Trn istdMs .ogh, Mr. and Mns. Ed Hender- l sîster, Miss Verna Porter and G. Rooper on Sunday. son and daughter Leigh, Mr. VW iu#b father Mr,. W. Nor, and Mrs. L.ynn Henderson,ý man Porter who is a patient A baptismal service will be'Launie and Scott of Oshawa,ý ln the Memorial Hospital, Bow- held Dec. l8th duning the Mrs. Orley Chaprnan, Mr. and nianville. ýregular mornîng worship ser- Mrs. Jack Chapman and son' Mrs. W. H. Joues of New- vice at the Orona United Kenny of Orono, Due to illness p tonville is convalescing at the Church. jseveral were unable to attend.' homeofaihem daughter and son- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrabal iu,.law, Mn. and Mrs. Carmen attended the Golden Wedding Comniah alter several weeks in Anniversary of Mn. and Mrs.M the Port Hope Hospital. 'Charles Johnsof Bownianville dayuwii Hall spent several lest week. Make Progress dey wthMr. and Mns. Ken Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Allen BAIL. Bonnie and Susan at wore recent weekepci guests of Windsor ward Union - .~ Kirby. Dr. and Mrs. HarveyBatn Debbie and Wendy, spent Sun- Mn. Fred Wood, Mr. andi day with Mr'. and Mrs, R. S. Mrs. Geo. Jones and famiîy o,0f 1w o ChurcheXs .. Hall, Bowmanvilie. Bowmanviile visited Mr. and f~.*F~** Mr'. and Mrs. I-alsteadC as- Mrs. Cecil Jones &nd family.' ?nogress towards union o!.. . . .. tham of Aritioch have purch-,o Sunday. Anglican and United Churches F*.~, , asd the resiolence of tne late _was advanced recently when.............l. . ?4rg. Wm. Seymour - on Main Orono United Church Wom- Street South, en wiIl hold thein Christmasithe National Eicecutive Coun- Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood of general meeting this Thursdayleil of the Anglican Church, as: Petrbrouh isiedhismoh-evening, Dec. lSthat8pm well as the "General Couneil er Mrs. Charles Wood and to-iin the main auditorium of the TntdCucare W.Ih attnded the procedures for the appoint-! ether atteded he SOh'chrch.ment of a General Commis- 1 eddng Anniversary o! Mr.' Miss J. Armnstrong and Mrs. iina eomne nte B ran illr ona uesdaJohn fI,ahnto invsd Mrs.Jm Lm document "The Principies o!i At a special ceremony on November 22nd, offîcr Sentinel; back row, Sis. Nellie Pring, Organist; Sis.1 Iat .e.dagherKre a Otwa~n1Union" which has been ap- for 1967 for Durham Chapter 181, Order of the Eastern Helen Couroux, Conductress; Sis. Bernice Henderson, M.a nd Mrsk . inP iest- w e K rn IOtaw ast proved by both denormina- Star were installed. The meeting was held in the Ada; Sis. Florence Ferguson, Chaplain; Sis. Mary ley and daughter Allison, whol Do y&u realize - If you buyl tan.1.0.0. F. Hall, Bciwmanville. Officers include, front Harrison, Ruth; Sis. Irene Hall,Warden; Sis. Faye have been in New York citY:a single copy o! The Canaditn: This Commission will con-,row, left to right, Sis. Lola Freeman, Treasurer; Sis. Snicier, Esther; Sis. Mabel Greenham, Assoc. Conduc-, '__ __- Statesman at 15e weekly youi sist of 40 members - 20 from!Dorothy Mercer, Assoc. Matron; Sis. Annabelle Rick- tress; Sis. Mary Wade, Martha; Sis. Alice Beech, Election wilsave $280 by taking a each Church - and will have'lrWrh arn r.Wlo rnWrh asaSs aeKat lca Isbciton for a vear at $5.00 'wide responsibilities in con- ri oty Mto;Bo isnPig oty MisaSs aeKat lca Cards of Thanks foranwhere in tèanada. ýtinuing lhe consultations be-[Patron;_Sis. Beth Teeple, Sec.; Bro. DavidAlldread, or__an_,__ Photo by Rehder; To ie lecorso! heThe Chapman famiiy held tween the two Churches, andý TisiofCak:party on Sunclay at the spa-i national and local levels. It is irîed unanimously. TaY 1hpo iake :'thir mnuaihritmasdin einproting cne r sations t adBrlHge, dcr Ma Itae hi mdim ciouîs home o! Mr. and Mrs. exece tassen ola L e gi*oEIDER EDE1EEo l A motion by Comnrade Susie say thank you for your confi- lOrville Chatterton, Canol and ratification of Ils membership,' N Graham, seconded by Presi-ý dence and, ta. wisi you theiDavid. Among the 32 present! the Commission will begin :ts' dent-Eleet R e na Batigate,i compliments o! the season. 'were Mr, and Mrs. Ross' work shortly. y al hat the auxiiiary send Christl- EamI Walkey. 50-1*'Broome; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce~ Under the supervisiono!/ ffl JQ e i'Il5 f mas boxes to members and' _______________________________ the General Commission, sev- iU ~ E their relatives who are Pa- erai other sub-commissions. tients in hospitals, was also will be appointed to deal with The Christmas Party of the1 other Legion members. Niine Legion for its wonderf ul sup carried unanimously. constitutiona] and legal ques-! Bownianville Ladies Auxil. 1attractive door prizes wene al- port tiroughout the year. He Afler dinner, Santa Claus J haný y ou lions, legislation doctrine, and ary to the Royal Canadian so given by Branch 178. vaiced appreciation o! the' arnived ta the strains of Jin-i J'..J'4~liturgy and worship, amongi Legion, held in tie Legion Bill Roche and Ennie Per-Imembers' outstanding work1 gle Belîs, and he was given' other matters.1 Hall last week, was one o! the !ect were the cooks, and the'j and af the cantinued ielp thetl a royal and joyous welcome. 1 take this opportunity to thank the I ls anticipated that invita-1 most enjoyable events of the~ delectable meal included hot ithey had given Branci 178.1 Comrade Leah Graham made tions bo appoint observer- kind ever held locally Presi- cneamed turkey in pastryiHe added tiat he was certain a jedo Satae Ciatutiand of' remldents of Clarke Township for their support consultants to attend theldent Mary Westover welcom- cases that were exact plate-1 that he could assure Presi- sddae h itiuino at the poils Monday, Dec. 5tb, and especially Imeetings o! the Commission1 dtemmes n na ie erdcin !gace.» dent-Eleet Conway o! the'ieecag o!gts thoe howoke o ny ehif wiil be sent ta other Chur- short address extended best fui swans, tamato poinsettias ý same great assistance !rom. Pianist Susie Graham was ths h okdo es. wishes for their happiness at other fine vegetables, hotl the auxiliary. in charge of the entertain- _____________ Christmas and in the New mince tarIs, cakes, and short-' Secretary Knigit read a mensely enjayloed.l i ile MERRY CHRISTMAS Va.bedcais letter from Sunnybrook Hos-1 Gamne. In this, drawings made an APYNWVERT A4.iPresident Weslover and Others who assisled in the, pital stating liaI it is hoppd by Miss Susanne Graham anda APYaNW StatiAL. on Secreîary Florence Knight, a prepanation and serving wereîliaI lie institution xill be[wee asdaoudb past president, were respon- Special Evenîs Chairman Jack' able ta provide trips to Expa members, and eaci dnawingf sible for the attractive decora- Miller, Secretary Ron E.7fo some of ils patients, nepresented a Christmas Canalý ains in the spaclous hall. A Richards, Treasurer Georea vtrns6n akn froti0ileo nther song.ý R od Ca rveth Increases Power tallChristmas tree sparkling Thrasher, Bob Bate, Sethi financial assistance for tuis Tie winners o! th: garne were - .-- ~ CKLB FM began broadcast- lie stage. Enormous poinset- Bill Bates, Peter Balhgate, Comrade Millie Bates, a pasî number o! carol names andl -V1w" 111l w "4W" 4w . l-~jj ng on September 12, 1957 nt lias forrped of irridescent ned Tom Westover, Bob Hayes, president, moved tiat lie song tilles.correctly. Follow-1 W 77ffl 93,5 mc. witi 14,000 watts of~ foui.vwiti golden foi[ centres and Clarence Oke. auxiliary danate $250 for lie ing the complelion o! lieý power. Frorn the very begini-1adorned lie walls, whici Grace was said by Chaplain Sunnybrook veterans' trip ta game a Christmas Canali COME TOning, CKLB FM has pragram-, were fui'ther enhanced with Leah Graham. The Toast ta Expo 67. This was seconded sing-song was enjoyed withl med sepanateiy from Lakeland giistening green foul replicas the Queen was proposed by by Comnades Frances Bruce, Comrade Graham at th CLAR E HIH SC OOLBroadeasting Company's AMI of Christmas ti'ees, and the Ist Vice-President Jean Bur- Kitty__Newman, Helen Little piano. CLARKE HIGH SCHOOL ~station CKLB, Eighteen hoursý message "Season's Greetings" I.Yuglde h a lof achdayis spent in sep- in lag ned and gold letters assisted the auxiliary mem- ia rate broadcasting with only' against a green foul back- bers in serving at banquets, 'Ithe period between midnight graund. Mrs. Beveriy Knight, lie Mis- S a l g tIland 6:00 arn. programmed The festive tables werese Maoie nd eniyCh oeagffr 41 joinlly. This policy has heen, centred wilh lovely plants, Bale, Jackie Knight, Canal pr n effect conlinuously ever donated by Branci 178 o! lie Little, and Pst Anderson, T s..ince 1957. Certain special Royal Canadian Legion. The were Iilgussa h features have been program- deliciaus dinner, a feast for neseil uesatie has always been a leader in palate, was pnepared, cooked peetdec o hmwt and meet 's ports braadcasting - by of- and perfectly senved by Pre- angifIo!aiater Chisma lii<IIfering lie Jr. O.H.A. Hockey sident Stan Dunn, President- engel. BilFudad the Pensioners games involving the OsiawaEleet Maurice Conway and President Stan Dunn on be- %7 Geerl ad h JnirLabal! o! Branch 178 lhanked General and ti Junior La- ~tle Bowmanville Ladies Aux- G F i > crot nssegamnes o!lie Oshawa ila____ teRya____ia Green Gaels as liey have won,____ ____ Friday, Dec. 23rd, 1966 four successive Minto CuPS. leae DdG OA 100 ani.Studios for CKLB FM es.~ tablished in Broad cas ti n gO DY A A sleigl J~U DRSS VERONEWest ln Oshawashrn fa-ý this Christmas B W N<fOf ide IFORMAL WELCOME cililies wiîî CKLB. Transmit- 1B W LING ADMISIO 1 er site is in Dalinglon Tawn-, with a The Hase drained lie Fan, sip nonli east of Oshawa city' Beits o! 7 points by vîntue o!' HOOVER DELUXE Ilo Aduits - $3.50 per couple lirnils about eighl miles due' f lierscatterîng 3800 pins - good Studnts------------$2,0 pr ~upl <, nati rom lie Inasmiterbowling in any league. The Suet$25pecope site for CKLB AM on Lake j Banhuny black boys laced lie Onai__ oric.Bl__ o2 n h McieConvertible Since June 6, 1966, Lake- Shop wnencied a 5-2 vîctony Exclusive "Triple Action" iand's FM station has been 6 * 5 fnom lhe Rola imators. Those eenn et si called CKQS in anticipation Salty Crackers squeaked by cenn et sl li te move to 50,000 watts o!f~ UP the Braîders 4-3, tie Mill - Sweeps as it Cleans. A, wnîghls tweaked lie Com- power aI 94.9 mc with sterea- bns4-.n ieOfcegI1. -*Covns aiyb uto .9ke i d a~ .fJ~ it1nas phonic sprutuio and ri- by ou4-3handcppnthemfie o! ouv speed moutior .% r' i iailf e flstical polanization. Construe- lucky and spoiled lie Power ~ cleaning lion started in July 1966 aI ] House's slreak for finst place ' ~~~ 1her sit doa ndr ransditys Ilail liingsandakping a 4- îno*fLage spobe ba VA YO cased y rezonig'ofthe- Howrd Bomel washig uBi~ FAN CKQS is owned and opra-62 PirReIs- IU UT 1 E CERCAIE lUI I.0 ed by li'e -Lakeland radst-Bnuy6 ing Company Limnited wiosei 1Hase 55, Your lnvestmnent Grows by One-Third in SixYearSl prsint sGro .Gr so William Marchand is -Offieiaos 53ý ,. Vice President in charge o! '- Braie rs ._____- 52 O n m a urt , ur h se s fth se C rtfi a es wilengineering. CKQS Station Ma hne S ap15 O n m a ur ty p r h a er o t es er if ca es w i IM a n ag er is D ick T ro tter. B a d r receive $10-00 for every $7.50 invested. This rep..S c ur ee tonC m i s -_ _ _ _ _ _ '50 ysents a return of 4.85% a year compounded 1YELVERTONof Modem Combies-- --47 c vrY six MOnthS or a simple rate of -5.55%. Y LVCTNofMoeEr T BLE.Po.r Houe -43, Cashable at any time. The fl aei banda In reply ta Jaksrcn a eit ---___38! an warning a Township Counil FanAMPS36 Z n atu rity , b u t y o u r ce rt ficate ca t b e cash ed at a n e pn v d ng t x c on ce in s o p T wiv time; mter Uihefirst siX Months on a graduated scale. lre proidnga hoesios SM ER ET. Dke------23 regret ta advise liaI suc B-.-Martyn 227i «ý-v >11 concessions are illegal and ID. erft - -2271 L 'Pl- thatwiereas some lownshipsj YA N D E R Hct217 aysopta practise suchi A.IILJ Wnig7 8ok tactics ta attract induslny, we W HYTU F. Wih ofCanadn ts Rdvtsniqit____ ues4r tio l diauii FURNITURE J. Bond ______ 1 mnybrnoh i,.,» h long run. We hope how-' :Rwe_______210 ever the propniotor o! lie 65 King st. E. Atoe y2108 LEsT. , shoe !aclory will find aur BRavil . Breter - 20781 1~ig E township b l hkn ad . Broes-ter2o continue a profitable busns aina _ _ _ _ 2075o m to tii. mutUaledvvnteaÈo * sn T.eeHaan 205 I.'Of IThe Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmranville, Dee. 14, 1008 Recreation Classes Closing for Holiday$ Bowmanville Recreation De.; holiday. under tie fohlowiri pmmnt activilies will ho sciedule: claung dwn an Cnisîas. Aduit AetIvities * ~FIo w e nAni'anglng, stop"o Youth Dec. 151h, stants Jan. 5th. _--5 Ladies' Gym, stops D«&Fj, me 151h, stants Jan. 5th. Bowi nu stops Der. lGth, starts Jan. 9th, Resuls of 2nd onthM eln's Volley a y C League Resuitso ndmon1hstops Dec. 12th, nIants Jan. 9t liç. Borlin Millinery Wednesday Classi,> Girls stops Dec, 141h, stants Jan. 11Z'., Oshawa 60 Bowmanville 2, Swimnming Classes, stopïj-- Wiitby 6 - - - - Ajax 21 Dec. 191i, stants Jan.* t. Team Standing 1 Chiidren's Açtivities ý-c Oshawa . 14 Boys' Gym Class, closes Dc Ajax 8 151h, opens Jan. 5Ih. Whitby 6 ----- Girls' Volleyball, closes Deèe 6ý141h, opens Jan, 4th. Bowmanville ------------4i Boys' Baskelball, closes Deei7 Higi Single - 9. Mcllwain; l6th, opens Jan. 6th. '" 355, S. Peggs 330. I Boy's' Gym Cliass, clOsequ, Higi Triple - S. Mcliwain' Dec. 131h, open~s Jan. 101h. 842, Ballet, closes Dec. 4lj osha opens Jan. 4ti. 91 GrInlGym, closes Dec. 171h, Bownianville 6 Os- wa-: opens Jan. 7th. Wi>tby 6 - - - - Ajax 2 Boys' Basketball, CIOs4 Team Standing !Dec. 171i, opens Jan. 7th. Bowanvlle---------16'Oul Painting, closes Dec. Bowiap l .-------- -------- 16)' 7th, opens Jan, Pli. Dramia (Childrenl, cloe Whitb---------------- Dec. l7th, opens Jan. 7th. - Ajax ---------------------------2' Raton & Tap (Salurday)î, Higi SIngle - R. Whieleyl closee Dec. 171h, opens Jan,' 7. 260. R! aton & Tap (Wednesday), Hîgi Triple - R, Etchenr 676. closes Dec. 14th, opens Jan. 4. BUY IN! QUANTITY' *Buy in-quantity whcn thCre's a sale nt Your Bowmanville IGA Foodliîicr, if you 've checked ta see that it's a good buy! *But be careful! Buy oniy what you noced and cen use. It's flot a bargain if the fond is wasted or spoils before you can use it.: Buy the large can or package oniy if it ~ W its your family's needs ... and you have a proper place te store it. * Figure the cost per ounce, per pound, per serving. Cornflakes - for exemple - range from 2c an ounce ini the large box ta 4c an ounce in the individuel packs. t. WE ARE FULLY STOCKED AND READY FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPERS 1 BOWMANVILLE FOODLINER HOOVER 1"2000", ýh-fuit Bas! rvc ol Uhlty nine inch bare Iloor '$59,095 ýhor 095 HOOVER Handivac tool, r /'$34*95 rOOLS EXTRA Ideal for dally "Touch-top" eleaniug. It's versatile too. Attach optional tools and YOD have an "over-the- shoulder" cleaner for drapes, upholatery and 50ofon. 5 0 Cembination mug and floor messie adJusts for elther bard surface or deep carpeting. êLRDWARE Mmýd ý-iM