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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1966, p. 18

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The Canadin Statesnmn Bownmne, Dec. 14, INA Births Ic >Y T-Bob and Marlene týnee Randle) are happy to %nounce the arrivai of their joat Memorial Hospital, ow manville, on Ddcember 12,ý O66, a brother for Lori. 50-i EID-Clifford and Audrey nee Graham> are happy to ~nounce the arrival of their aughter, Marie Annette, on ~cember 7th, 1966, at Me- g orial Hospital, Bowmanville, sister for Elizabeth and ss. 50-1 4TRRY-Patti, Donna and kiaph are proud to announce £e birth of their baby sister, 1Je Ann) Jean, born Decem- fer 6, 1966, Memorial Hos- ,pita1, Bowmanville. Proud »arents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted .3Nerry. 50-1 Deaths .Z)AWSON, Denver (Denny)- ,3uddenly at bis home on Sat- rday, December 10, 1966, enny Dawson, 7 Durham treet, Bowmanville, in bis 9th year, beloved husband of F,,r Smith, dear father of (s.F. Hunter (Donna), Mrs. Riley (Barbara), Toronto, dMardi at home. Rested at' tehe Northcutt and Smnith Fun- efal Home. Funeral service wjas held at 1 o'clock Tuesday .Eterno n, St. John's Church. nterr n Bowrnanville Cerne- &Y. 50-1 .,ALCOMSON, James Edward 4.-At his home, Long Sault, on t'hursday, December 8, 1966, .j im Malcomson in bis 80th >ear, dear brother of William and John. Rested at the F orthcutt and Smith Funeral orne. Funeral service was beld at 2 o'clock Sunday after- 'hoon. Interment St. Mary's r.emetery, Lifford. 50-1 ISISLER-At Brant Memorial 1ïospital, Burlington, on Mon-i iday, December 12, 1966, .B. A. Sisler, aged 84 years, husband ff the late Mabel Vanstone, dear father of Burdette Jr., .Cara (Mrs. Gordon McDon- àld) and the late Louis. Rest- ng at the Southail Funeral orne, Burlington, for servicei îtp Thursday at 10 a.rn. In- *çrnment Bowrnanville Cerne- tèry Thursday afternoon at 1ý3o o'clock. 50-11 ~Engagement, M.and Mrs. John Liptay, XUaydon, announce the en- ~aemntof their daughter1 Satherine, to Mr. Johni lojkovsky, son of Mr. and Mrs.] Leopold Bojkovsky. The mar- « ,-.JIiiage wîll take place on Sat-] flrday, January 7, 1967 at 101 ii'clock in St. Joseph's Catholici Church. 50-1* M.Reception M.and Mrs. Elmer Wilbur, Hlampton, will be pleased to « receive relatives,, friends and tieighbors at the Township Hall in Hampton, December 16, 1966, 3-5 and 7-9, on the occasion of their 5th Wed- ding Anniversary. Best wish- es only. 49-2 In Memoriam Î CKETT-In lovingrnemory Èa dean wife and mother, Zdith May, wbo passed awayý November 18, 1956. Tny cars have passed, we 'miss hon so, Nover shalber memory fade;, Tboughts of love will aiways go, To the place whene she la laid. -Always remernbered by bus- band Oliver and famîly. BICKELL, Irono (Barnett) - In loving memory of my dean mother who passed away December 15th, 1954.- I wish to sincerely thank the Enniskillen Community for the lovely coffee table. Again I thank you. Elsie Oke. 50-1* I wish to thank the nurses, Dr. McKenzie, for care while in Memorial Hospital, Bow- manville, - - Russell Merrili. 50.1 Jon and Larrane Moore! wish to express their sincere thanks to the Tyrone com-1 rnunity for the lovely gifts.1 They are much appreciated.1 50.1*1 I would like to express rny sinceretanks to neighbors and relatives for their cards and acts of -kindness during rny lllness, also to Dr. Mann. Keith Crago. 50-1e We would like to express our sincere thanks to the communities of. Tyrone and Long Sault for the lovely gifts we received recently. Kenneth and Doris Hardy.j 50-1 We would like to express our sincere thanks to our neighbours of Haydoa com- munity for the lovely pole lamp they gave us on moving from that area. Arch. and Wanda McNeil. 50-1* A sincere thank you is ex- tended to the communities of Tyrone, Long Sault, Salem and Bethesda frorn Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Goble and Mn. and Mns. Lyle Millson for the lovely card table set and swivel chair. 50-1 * I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my relatives and friends for thein visits, flowers, cards, gifts and good wisbes while I was a patient in Memonial Hospital,, Special thanks to Dr. Fergu- son, nurses and staff. Clare E. Allia. 50-1" 1 wish to express my sn- cene thanks to fnienda and relatives for theîr carda, flow- ors and visits during my short stay in Memonial Hospital. Special_ thanks to Dr. Hub- Euchre party, Tyrone Hall, I every Friday night. Admis-' sion, lunch and prizes. 45-tf Monitor Bingo. Thursday night at 8 o'ciocit, sponsored by the Sunnyside Park, Red Barn. North Oshawa. 39-tf Christmas Dance, Tyrone Community Hall,,Clava Nesbitt Band. New Year's reserva- tions available. Telephone 263-8478. 50-1* Christmas Dance on Decern- ber l7th in the Pontypool Orange Hall sponsored by the L.O.B.A. and the L.O.L. Ad- mission $1.00 per person. 50-50 Draw. 49-2 MONSTER BINGO THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'elock Sponsored by the Jtdnlor Cbamber of Commerce JIJBILLEE PAVILION OSHAWA 8-tf Woodview Community Centre -Monster B i n g o. Twenty games-twenty dollars; five garties-thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door p ri1z es. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. -46-tf FLORIDA TOUR Porsonally Eseorted March 25th to APRIL l6th Phono or Write COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE, 14 Orchard Vlew Blvd. BOWMANVILLE 623-3265 47-4 NOTICE For the convenlence of Our Travel Customiers Jury & Loveli Travel Agency will now romain OPEN SATURDAY AFTERNOONS1 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.m. until further notice bard, Dr. Lee and nursing' Persons wlshlng to travel to staff on the third floon. jEuropean destinations next Clarence Stainton. jsummor . .. should book their 50-1 Iflights as soon as possible !while cholce fllghts are avail- I would like to say a sincere able. thanks to Dr. Richmond, nurs- No Deposits Requlred os, staff of Oshawa General 50-1 Hospital for the excellent cane I neceived fnom them asa patient thene. Special thanks BOWMANVILLE to Father Malane, fniends and fTE'~ F N IR relatives for gifts, carda andPG O A CE S good wishes. Frank Woolaer. 50-. CLUB SHOW -. 19661 Our aincore thanks to our Tm family and ail relatives, 2:00 p.m. frîends and neighbors for gifts, flowers and carda received on Dec. 27, 1966 our Golden Wedding Anni- (o - D y versary, also a thaak you to (B xing D y ail who called at Lions CentrePlc and to Solina W.I who didPlc the caterng. Season's Greet- Lions Centre ings to ail.n Charlie and Elvie Johns. Altp so ien 50.1* lty e ofpg n A sincere "thank you" to ahl my friends and neighbors for their many acts of kind- ness during my recent stay in Civic Hospital. Another special "thank you" to those who helped market my Christrnas trees and look after my house and dog. Dr. Belch, Dr. Wright, nurses and staff are also very deserving of thanks. Jack Payne. 50-if Election Cards of Thanks I wîsh to extend my ap-j preciation for acclamation as, You are not forgotten, Mother, Couacilior on DJ a r 1 i n g t o n Nor ever shahl you be, Council for 1967-68. 1 will As long as life and momory continue to work in the in- last tereats of the matepayera and I will ememben thee. take this oppotunity of wisb- ..Ever remembemed by son ing you the Complimenta of ken. 50-1* the Season. Richard Gibbs. 50-1 PARR-In loving memory of Clarence James Parr who To the Electors of iassed awy December 18, Clarke Towship: l 65. 1 would like to thank ahl the A ,suent thougbt, a secret tear, people wbo wonked for and Keepa bis memomy ever dear. suppomted me, on and before, Time tnkes away the edge of election day. Also a special grief thank you to nîl the people But memqry tumas back who supponted me over the every leaf. past eigbt yeams as Councillor, ;.-Sadly missed, sister Eva. Deputy Reeve and Reeve; and. ________ta one and ahl the Compli- ]?RIZST-In îoving remem- monta of the Senson. 1 brance of my beloved parents,ý Reeve John Stone. 50-1' brother and sister. Dad-1 CIiarles R.-December 25th, Help Wanted 193,5; Mum - Elizabeth H.-B YSITRA ld e December lSth, 1947; Brother- qBABYSin ecatladby e- Herbent C.-July lat, 196;15tb ta mid two children,j eloter - Alice-July l4tb, 1966. wbiîe mother worka. Phono 1'heir weary bours and days 987-4825 aftcr 5. 50-2 of pain, Their trouhled aights are $12,000 FOR Right Mannaven - past;, 40 in the Bowmanvillo amen. But in my acbing heant 1 Take short auto trips ta con-. know tact customons. Write Vice. They all have found swoet Pros., Dept. AB, P.O. Box 70,1 reat at last. iStation R, Toronto 17, Ontania. I ..ý-Never forgotton by Fannie _____5________ 1_ (Jvis. Ryerson Gibson). 50-11f, GOODYEAR MAINTENANCE PRODUCTE! IRIitl.ARel divensified lino ta bus- jý 0j iness and industry! Need car. 40 or older pnefemred. Write '-Di*Medend isantive Consolidated Paint & Varnish, ,DIaifld on Ditincive 912 East Ohio Building, Cleve- mmmwnts - Fut aikes land, Ohio 44114, attention K. » tu . t~for munee L. Deitz, President. 50-1 132Suc.S.S.Oa SELL BEAL ESTATE Mi 3-_10 02 Ï 2 i 8827 Join Ontario's hangeat Reai- oea.. uvuthia tor specilhzing Frin Vca expeience neoessary, wo wil _____«____ train you. Part on full tîme ~WICun Uu-Rubbe bat. Excellent commission même .lo postpuld In arrangement. Openinga in the n «i1 ovokbpe with Newcastle, Onono area. For Ui1~ Sixuur l' Z5.apintmnt call or write Mr. .#. Si 1c'0. Mil Order OarChisholni, H. KehbLtd. vu oeCO.. Roaltor, 181 Eghingta Ave. Z.I t0 DO aisplayed REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE Everyone Welcome Sponsorod by Recroation Departmont 50_.1* Livestock For Sale 35 PIGS. Phono 623-2646. 50-1 36 Ci TI re PING-PONG table with com- plete accessories, $25. Cali 1623-3513. 50-1 r21-INCH television, new pic- Sture tube. Phione 623-5257 after six. 50-1 1,300 BALES of hay, first cutting, 40c bale. Telephone L983-5285, Orono. 50-1* CLOTHES Dryers, $149 up, at McMullen Crest Hardware, 36 King St. E. 50-1 CHRISTMAS Trees - Pruned Scotch Pine, Spruce. 50 Horsey St., Bowmanville. 50-1* GUITAR, Goya Spanish flat top, $179 new, will sell for $60. Phone 623-1289. 50-1 STROMBECKER race car set; C.C.M. bicycle, excellent con- dition. Phone 623-2470. 50-1 VIKING electric cream separ- otor, stainless steel, flew con- dition, $125. Phono 987-4394. 50-1 BABY'S orlon pile snowsuit, size 1, excellent condition; baby's walker. Phono 623-5245. 50-1 TOY Fox Terrier, "Amertoy", eight weeks old; mature, about three lbs. Phone 728-6728 or 728-8038. 50-1 YES! We have them - "Comb 'n Go" Electric Hair Comb, $7.95, the ideal Christmnas gift from Hooper's Jewellery, Bow- manvîlle. 50-2 SHELLED dried corn, $60.00 per ton, F.O.B. Browvîew Farms, Newcastle. Cal 987-4474 to arrange pick-up or delivery. 50-tf ONE Triang model train out- fit with three complete trains, switches and two transform- ers; with table. Caîl 623-3081 after 6 p.m. 50-1 ROLLEIFLEX, T Camera, 75 mm. lens, 2 tripods; Kodak Carousel slde projector, slide trays, stand and screen; bin- oculars, zoom lens, 7-14 power; ail new condition. Apply 34 King E., Bowmanville. 50-1 LAST Chance! to get your ticket on the Bowmanville Centennial 50-50 Draw to bel made Saturday, Dec. l7th, 1966, at the Royal Canadian Legion Hall. Support your local Cen tenn ial project. Tickets $1.00. 50-1 FIRTH BROS. 47 King E. Phone 623-5081 BRING VOUR BEEF OR PORK TO US We Specialize ln ..- 1 CUSTOM CUTTING~ and WRAPPING 5c per lb. WILSON'S FTJRNITURE Expansion and Renovation S A LE ON NOW Fabulous Bonus FOR THIS SALE ONLY F RE E 5-Piece DINETTE SUITE or SWIVEL ROCKER with the Purchase of any Living-room or Bodroomn Suite. Wilson's Furniture 20 CHURCH STREET OSHAWA 50-1 YOUJNG pigs. Phone 786-2286. Pets 50-1-BLCK Miniature Poodle DUCKS and geese for sale. puppies for Christmas. Black, Phone 623-2756. 50-1 white and silver Stud Service. PIGS for sale. Caîl Newton- Tontine Kennels, Reg'd. Elaine ville 786-2240 after 6 p.m. and Frank Shewring, Phone 50-1 723-5930. 47-5 Articles for Sale YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFT HEADQUARTERS See Our Gifi Catalogue for full soleetion of Gif twares - Television Appliances - - Stereo Toys - Etc. MINI-BIKE. Phone 623-2964. 50-1* CHRI STMAS trees, $1.35 Bow- manville Lockers. 49-2 36' EXTENSION ladder, good as new. Call 728-6327. 50-1 WATER for sale and dellvered, Cail Ciif Pethick 263-2131 32-tf BOY'S 3-speed C.C.M. bicycle, good condition, 623-2842. ________50-1* WATER for sale and delivered. 24 hour service. Cail 623-5756. 29-tf THREE to four lb. chickeas, by the bushel, delivered ready for freezer. 723-5370. 47-4 STUDEBAKER Service, new and used parts. Graham's Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at McMullen Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 3-tf SEAL out winter weather with Supreme windows and doors. Lorne Allin, telephone 623-3871. 49-21 USED dolls and doîl carrnag,'ý excellent condition; while they last. Brown's Variety, New- castle 987-4965. __ 50-1 BUYING or selling furniture or appliances, caîl Elmer, Hampton: business 263-2294 - residence 263-2695. 6-tf 3,000 BALES good quality hay, 45e bale; also 60 tons cob corn, $40 ton; sell any quantity. Phone 70 r 14, Bethany. 49-3* INSULATION, blowing rneth- od, with rock wool. Work- man.ihip guaranteed. F r e e estimates, Harry L. Wade, Phone Newtonville 786-2256. 38-tf USED washer parts, motors, Beatty, Thor and Crosley appliances, nationally adver- tîsed line of furniture. Paddy's Market, Hampton, 263-2241. 34-tf BRAND new turret-mount truck or boat radio, ail trans-1 istor, 12 volt, complote wîithi roof antenna and alI fittings;i price $50. Phono 623-3821. TYPEWRITERS, $49, no money down, $2 wkly. Add- ers, Cashiers, File Cab., new,ý used, rentais, service, trades.' Bill Hamilton, Raglan (Northj of Oshawa). 42-tf COM E ... CUT YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS TREE SPRUCE OR FINE For Information Cail 263-2104 (MBING THE CHILDREN) 50-1 TV TOWERS $50 up OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LTD. Taunton Rd. E. Oshawa Juat East of Ritson Road Dial 723-8131 Day or night -BUIhLeask, Prop. 10-tf REPOSSESSED Singer Auto- matic Zig Zag sewing machine, table model. Makes button- boles, sews on buttons, darna, embroiders, monograms and makes fancy stitches and biind hems. No attachments need- ed. Stant new payments of $7.00 for 9 montha or $5700 cash. Write Advertiser 775, c/o The Canadian Statesmati, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 49-2 TURKEYS YOUNG TURKEYS Freshly Kllled and Dressed for Christmas and New Year's Cal C. BOREK Hampton PHONE 263-2297 _______48-41 CHRISTMAS TREES Buy a Rotary Christmas Troc and support Crippled Childrea Avallable from ail Rotanlans or Phono Bowmanville -623-7011 Newcastle - 987-4731 48_3 (JllLiAr ~ LJ . i 44 L4. 4~B E E F 8 King St. . Phono 623-.5408' for your freezer, iocker 50. Good Steer Beef wlth xes fat romoved before you buy. IIINDS 69e - FRONTS 49e SIDES 57e lb. 'WILSON'S FURNITURE I Cut, wrapped and frozen No extra charge Dn't waste your money on EXPANSION & RENOVATION SALE fa u odpieserbe Wilson'. are expanding and the store is la a mess.!Wo can supply a Iower grade larpenters, electricians and plumbors are ail working away.t fBOW A N VILeM.LEs 'h store ln loaded wih new beautiful merchandise for 1O M N IL ,mas. Thore'. no room to move around. The boss saysi FRIGID LOCKER Nove it - and Faut!" Every Items slushed for quick sale SYSTEM egardless cf cost. Hurry down for FANTASTIC SAVING HN 6357 APARTMENT for rent. Phono 623-7205. 50-1 APARTMENT for rent. Tele- phone 623-3573. 45-tf TWO bedroom heated apart- ment. Central. Telephone 623-5578. 49-tf ROOM, 2-piece private bath;V separate bedroom. Telephone 623-2972. 50-1 TO-bedroom apartment. Adults only. Phone George Hannah 623-5793.-- - 50-1 TWO-bedroom heated apart- ment. Possession January lst. Children welcome; $90 a month. Phone 786-2461. 50-3 HEATED apartment, f o u r rooms and bath. Immediate possession. A p ply -Sam's Restaurant, 14 Division Street, IBowmanville. 49-4* TWO-bedroom heated upstair apartment, main street, New- castle. Telephone Millbrook 932-5431, after 6 p.m. Posses- rsion Jan. lst. 50-2,' -AP-P A-R --T M -ENT-0One -bedroom apartment in Bowmanville, close to hospital and school. Apply 67 King St. W., Bow- manville Fabrics. 50-1 STORE on King St., Bowman- ville. Available April lst. App]y in writing to Advertiser 778, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. ____________________ 50-2 THREE bedroom house and garage, central, Bowmanville. Available Dec. 15th. Write Advertîser 769, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 46-tf SEMI-detached two-bedroom bouse, heavy duty wiring, on Highway 2, West of Bowman- ville; $65 per month. Avail- able now. Write Advertiser r777, c/o The Canadian States- -man, P.O. Box 190, Bowrnan- sville. 50-1 rWork Wanted LFREE pickup of household dis- cardables. Phone 623-7276. 40-tf ICUSTOM chain sawing. Hour- ly or by the job. 987-4754. 48-3 CLEMENT Poultry, Custom Picking, ready for freezer. Phone Newcastle 987-4353. MURRAY Fine Equipment Ex. tinguisher Recbarging. Sales and Service, Bowmanville, Ont. 623-3043, Ken Bnine. 47-4*1 A. BAARS SPlumbing & Heating 35 Nelson St. Bowmanvllle ERNIE PERFECT PLUMBING & HEATING Phono 623-3540 P.O. Box 1599 Ontario St., Bowmanvllle 1-tf SEPTIC TANK PUMPING WHITEWASHING STABLES BERT TOMPKINS Phone Newtonvllle 786-2552 Caîl Collect ___41-tf FRANK BRINK- Trenching SEPTIC TANK INSTALLATION Hampton 263-2270 ________24-tf ORCHARD MAINTENANCE PRUNING and GRAFTING Full lino of Pruning Equipment Bill Van Huizen R.R. 6, Bowmanville - 623-2837 50-3e~ VAN-RO Painters and Decorators 27 Elgin St. - Bowmanville Phone 623-3075 ______39-tf JACK BURGESS OIL BURNERS - FURNA CES CLE'ANED PLU19BNG REPAIRS PHONE HAMPTON 263-2151 Mail Addross: P.O. Box 543 - Bowmar -ACKERMAN- EXCAVATINC LOADING - TRENCE Sand, Gravol, Top Sali FUI1 Dellvered 2-Hour WATER SERV Reasonable Rates 623-5756 - BOWMANVI BARNES & BY.A PLUMEING & HEATI? SALES & SERVICE 24-HOUR Oui Burner Serv 34-tf SIEPTIC TANKS ANI GIF TILE BEDS SUGGETIONSHAMPTON 263-2288 TOYS - APPLIANCES UPOSE N EPORING OODE Save Dollars! Have yonr a D LEIGRE TOBOGGANS ierfîeld and chairs re-upi %BICYCLES- TRICYCLES ered. Free estimaies, ma b AUTO ACCESSORIES tae o bhome. Corne ln while selecîlon Budget Termi Arrange in atitiiiboit WHYTE BROE, FUENITURE AND 1UPIIOLETEII W9,mem New Location 83 ingst.W. ewuvile 1Corner Kin& and Division i5 IUgS.W onaviPhono 623-5252 iville Rleal Estate for SalejReal Estate for ScileiReal Estarte for ' Jack RICARD Ltd., Realtor Bowmanville 623-2503 Bowmanvllle Home. ONTARIO ST., near WEL- LINGTON. Fine, older brick home on large treed lot. 3 bednooms, dining room, large kitchen and large comfortable living room. Hot water heat- ing. Garage. $17,500, Ask- ing $4,000 Down. CHURCH ST. 4 bednoom home in excellent condition. Nice location, close to Vincent Massey School. $14,900- Terms. THIRD ST. 3 Bedroom bun- galow. Long, low design. 2 car garage. Paved drive. $13,900 - $2,000 down. Hampton FIVE bednoom aplit level home. Electric heat, plus many other excellent features including double g ar a ge. $25,000. Maple Grove THREE bedroom bungalow with alumînum siding. Garage. $12,900. Courtice Area THREE bedroom brick bun- galow with attached garage and carport. Rec. room. Many extras. $18,500 - Easy terms. Orono - $2,000 Down p NEW three bedroom brick bungalow, Ultra mo de rn. throughout. $1.5,800 - $2,000ý down. Newcastle FOUR bedroom brick home in nice location close to shop- ping and school. Extra bldg. lot. ONLY $11,900 - Terms. Week-end Retreat Perfect spot for a yean-1 round cottage on this 2 acre lot with creek. Close to Orono. Asking $3,000 - Makei an offer.9 35 Acres + 2 Acre Pond Secluded spot short distance from 35 Highway. Lots of trees. High ground. Pond fed by stream. Stocked witb trout. Askiag $13,500 - Termns. Milford McDonald - 623-3911 lVllf Hawke, Orono 983-5274 Howard Wight - 623-2524 Dorothy Vivian - 263-2138 SGamnet Ricard 623-7397 6-50-1l Cars for Scde '59 RANCHWAGON. Phone 623-7694 after 6 p.m. 50-1 '59 FORD sedan, V8 auto. rnatic; exceptional condition. eTelephone 623-3947. 50-1* For Genuine Quallty Used Cars See Art's Car Market Cash - Trade - Terms 194 - 196 CHURCH STREET BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Phono 623-5064 Lost WILL the person who took' the sheet in error from the Laundramat on Church Street, Monday afternoon please tele- phone 623-3400. 49-ifl Wanted 1 CARS, trucks and farm trac- tors for wrecking. Telephone 263-2508. 48-3* Cash on the Spot for Dead or Crlpplod Farm Stock. Plcked Up promptly Telephone colleet 263-2721 Margwill Fur Farmi TYRONE Licence No. 4-C-66 We Honor Any Bonus Card Deadstock Service Highest Cash Prices for Dead and Crlppled Farm Stock BURRETT FUR FARM Phone Long Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) Dept. Agric. Lic. No. 351-C-65s 23-tf Wanted tD Buy- O-ATS or cob -corn, delivered tofarm. Phone 263-8400. 50-1 USED electrîc motor,, 1 h.p., in good condition. Phone New- castle 987-4496. 50-1 John F. DeWilh REAL ESTATE LTD. :14 Frank Street, Bowmanvllle 100 ACRE FARM, only 10 minutes drive to Oshawa. >Good buildings. Stream. Pav- cd road. Pniced to seIl. 150 ACRES. 9 Roomed borne. Good barn. Largo stream. Commuting distance to Oshawa. Priced ta seil. COXVALE. 200 Acres, 6 roomed home. Barn. Locat- ed U4 mile from lake. Asking $3,600. Terms. DAIRY FARM. 242 Acres. Going concern wîth 70 head of punebred Holstein cattie. Ful lino of machinery. Asking FARM. 112 Acres with 7 roomed home. Barn. Beauti- fuI stneam. Asking $18,000. Terms. 9RONO MAIN STREET, 41/2 ncrs. Good home. Al modern conveniences. Barn. Future building lots. Only $5,000 down. FARM. 92 Acres. Excel- lent soil. 7 Roomed home. Barn. Farm pond. Asking $17,000. Terma. 10 ACRES with brick home, two haras. Stream. Priced ta sell. 180 ACRE FARM. Good buildings. Excellent so Il. Large stneam. Paved rond. Asking $30,000. Terma., NEWCASTLE. Brand new, 5 roomed brick bungalow, veniences. Size house, 1,200 sq. feet. Oaly $3,000 down. NEWCASTLE. Almost aew, very well kept, 5 noomed brick bungalow. Hollywood kitch- en. Wall to wall floor coven- ing. Clean as a pin. Lange lot. Low taxes. 2 ACRES with 5 noomed bungalow, double garage. Pav- ed circle driveway. Extra sunroom. Only 10 minutes frmr Oshawa. ORONO. 8 Roomed homo. AIl m od ernn conveniencos, double garage. Double lot. REGISTERED building lot, 100' x 300', 11/2 miles East of Newcastle. Phono 623-2337. 50-1* A. L. Hlooey REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Rowmanvilie - 36 Liberty N. 623-7264 BOWMANVILLE - Queea Street - 3 Bedroom brick, garage. Priced to seîl. Small down payment. BOWMANVILLE - Horsey St. 3 Bedroom brick, garage, love- ly lot. Priced to seIl. ENNISKILLEN - 4 Bed- room frame. 3-piece bath. Large lot, in centre of village. Asking $9,000. Terms. ENNISKILLEN AREA - 4- bedroom framo, 2 acres of land, on Scugog Road. Gar- age, conveniences. A s k i n g $11,500. Terms. TYRONE -3 B ed ro o n frame, bath and furnace, good condition. Asking $8,500. Only1 $2,500 down. Ernie Bradley 623-3560 Lawrence C. White - 622-2158 Ken A. Caverly - 263-2632 Guy LEBLANC Realtor 623-7461 $500 Down for this 8 room house with bathroom, extra building 30 x 70. Full price only $7,500, General Store in small vil- lage north of Bowmanville, good living quarters, 4 acre lot. Asking only $17,000. Trade considered. 10 Acres with 5 room house, small barn, stream, 10 minute drive from Bowmanville. Ask- I ing only $10,900 with $3,000 down. 63 Acres with new brick bungalow with attached gar- age, new barn, trout stream, 15 minute drive from Bow- manville. Asking only $7,000 down or trade. 99 Acres with 6-room bouse, new oil furnace, 90 acres workable. Asking only $19,500. 100 Acres wth 7 roomn house, new bathroom, large barn. 96 acres workahle, Blackstock area. Asking $26,500. Terms. After Hours Pleane Cali - Inger Jorgonsen - 987-4491 After 9 p.m.: Andy' Keyu s bod Kruger Clare MoCullouth Zoo Barnoski Ken Hockin - Pat Yeo -- Roy Foster Orono Howard Fone Brookln 123-7843: 723-5797- 623-505s-, 623-3077, 983-5801 655-3853, Port Perry 985-2987,. Found BOY'S basebaîl glove, new.,. Contact Glen Rae Dairy. 50-1 STRAYED onto Lot 13, Con. 3, one pig. Owner may have,' ame by proving property and-i paying expenses. Newtoaville* 786-2252. 50-1* Auction Sales_ WEEKLY LIVESTOCK SALES Z at Durham County Sales Arena- Orono - Every Thuru., 7:30 p.m. - Selllng Hlorues, Cattie, Swine. Calve. Sheep, etc. 3. A. Reid,- & Son, Sales Managers 1-2f KING IHOLSTEIN hoîfers, pumebmed Prico only $13,500.00. FURNITURE sale from the and or grade, bned or open. Tele- Bowmanvîîle Home.: lostato of the late Mra. Wm. phono 986-4286. 50-3* New 3-bedroom brick hua- .Seymour will ho beld on Sat- ICE LIVE poultry, old feather galow. Large kitchen. Oil umday, December 17 at her ticks. M. Flatt, R.R. 1, Beth- heat. 4-pcc. bath. Laundry former residence, Main Street, any Phone 7 r 13 collect. tuba. Nice shade trocs. Con- Orono. Ia event of bad weath- 'LLE y.2-fadrîwdweamn r sale will ho held, in the 28-t sier ow dwn aymnt. Onono Armounies. Sale ato. M6 Roomed brick home. Mod- 1 p.m. sharp. Torms cash, - NG Teachers 'W 'ated ena conveniences. Garage. Jack Reid, auctioneer. 50-1 BOWMANVILLE S o p a r a t e Central. Caîl: Don Mountjoy o4___ ,School requires supply teach- 623-3614. Having received instructions er imedîately. Apply ta R. 3 Bedroom brick home. Oil from the Public Trustee, I will rieP. Gutteridge, St. Joseph's heated. 3-pce. bath. Centnally soll y public auction the. D School, or Phono 623-5151. located: Cali: Mns. McRobbie estate of Bernhard Lorentson,- 48-3 623-7159. 138 Elgin St., Bowmanvllle, at ____________________ PORT PERRY. Thnee brand Stirtevants Auction Hall, 33 Notices new 5 roomed brick bunga. Hall St., Oshawa, on Saturday.' -- - - __. lowa. Ahl modern conveaiences. December 17 at 1 pm., 5 pçe. MOTORCITY Excellent locations. Caîl: Tom chrome suite, stop stool, irk . [G Dnnely electric range, deep freez- ~est AU O W ECK RS1 PONTYPOOL. 7 Roomed er refrgerator, chcsterfield, - home with garage. Only $1,500 rladiorandrcor aer, 21"iato nî,ls SMERFOR LT. dwn.Admiral television, tnîight Base LinoeSouth cf Courtice We Lisi Photo M.L.S. lamp, 3 piece studio tcouch, ed and Exclusive drop hend sewing machino' 4 Phone 728-3261 piece walnut bedroomn S.49-2 AlLer Houri Caîl: singleocontinental bdo ___________________Donald Meuntie! - 623-3814 moet iv e washing mac*he, Piano Turiing -- Phylls Mcbobbîe - 623-7159 tables, dishes, many more - PROESSONA gur-Thomz-ý Donnelly 985-7264 articles too numenous to mon-0 tali% g-iiA work ur' tion. Terms cash. Myles King. anteed. ArthurC 011 i s on,ILyIC Maton - 31IZ4964j auctioneer. Phone 725-3039 17-t 828-39W. 86-ti 8.. Davidmos -Bethaui Zft tOshawa. a0. ML.iMTTT T1T.IM (TX'PTT4flRTWARF T.TD- JustLn luime for Xmau. ALL VINYL RECLINER CHAIRS $_- .-- 49.95 HIGH-BACK SWIVEL ROCKERS-_____ 28.88 SMOOTH TOP MATTRESSEE ___27.88 9 x 12 CARPETS FROM --------____- 37.881 HASEOCKEsud FOOT STOOLE ___ 1.99 CRIS MATTREESE------------ -_______-- 7J99 BUNK BEI>S COMPLETE FROM ______64.88 TABLE LAMPE ____________ 5.00 Maur, Many mort, tes numerous t.i mention. Tremmeus avlugs, on every item ln the store. WILSON'S FURNITURE 20 Church St. Oshawa, LWMD 21 King St.W, Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshawa and District Real Estate Board Bowmanville, Prospect St.- 7-room brick ranch bungalow on lot 84' x 120'. Finished recreation room, 4 bedrooms, wall-to-wall hroadloom in liv- ing and dining rooms. Double garage. Just listed at $26,000 -$5,000 Down. Bowmanville, Carlisle Av- enue-3-bedroom brick home in immaculate condition. Close to everythiag. $12,500 - Terms. Bowmanville, Frederick Av* enue - 3-Bedroomn brick hua. galow with garage. Large lot. Owner transferred. $19,500 Terms. Maple Grove - 4-bedroom home, lot 178' x 125'. On Hîgh. way No. 2. $10,000 - $2,000 down. Oshawa, Olive - Wilson area, 5-roomn bungalow. Large liv- ing room and kitchen, 3 bed- rooms. Paved drive. Close to schools, churches and bus. $16,500 - Terms. Newcastle, in new sub- division. Luxurious 3-yean.- old tri-level home, 2,000 sq. ft., 3 bathnooms, stone front and. stone firep]ace, alumiaum slid., ing doors to patio from Diving- noom. 2 -car carport aqd double paved drive. Must ho seen. Sacrifice at only $22,000: with $6,000 down.1 Newcastle - 7-room olden home completely redone. A1J2 convenionces with a lovely. large 130' x 150' lot. $15,000 - Terms. Oshawa - Apantment site., Zoned R3. Good for 49 apart-' monts. $48,500 - Terms. 95 Acres, 18 miles fromn Oshawa. New, fully mnodern: ranch stylo bungalow. Large barn. One mile of frontago- on paved road. Good land.~ Two creeks on property.: $35,000 - Terrns. 310 Acre stock farm. Two. streams, terrific view. Good- 7-room home, large barns.' Owner retiring. Kendal Hîlîs area. This farbi bas over 2 miles road frontage and could: be parcelled off in 10 acre, sceaic parcels. Only $45,000 - Terms. Act fast on this one., 150 Acre Highway Farm.. ,Excellent buildings, stream, 8. ï room brick home, large paint.:, ed barns, 3 rond frontagest Ideal for development. Neaf, Newcastle. Asking $100,000 Terms. Sunderland area. l5f acre: Dairy-Farne '2 painte& barrn4. 4-bedroom bungalow, cai- veniences. Very producf_ soul. Health forces immedUt: sale. $75,000 - Terms. Brooklin - 5 acres including. two new buildings, three' building lots on main street. Ready to go. Balance for,. future subdivision. Town wat-' or available. $14,500 - $5,000 down. Service Station, garage and snack bar on busy highway., Doing 390,000 gallonage annu. - ally. Only $45,000 - $15,000 down.7 Service Station, 12 miles South of Lindsay with garage and snack barn. $32,t)00 Terms. Caîl 623-3393 qi f- 1 = -il 'It -1: ý 1 - 1. , il 1 - i 1 31 " T% Tn 1-

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