Sat Arva neil for aur uinnual excursion Th Cnaien, pe B*nhing Rectal Itch iCartwrioght Couple _____nth___praivlp janiinth cmpraiv lpfor teocsot of luxury at the Royal Y or k teocaintreofhE Relieval ~ ~j~pifo -~ ~.... .'............ ~ ~Hotel in Toronto. The occa- local ladies who are aLn 'LC EAE V...... - eidi. Sustance lin was the Annual Meeting mlllinery course InBoan Reiees PainAs It M arrueu 50 iears .' and Convention of the United ville, wore theirnecea Exclu s Heanorrhubs.a c ao-aperative af Ontario at tions - and they oe d n Shina emrrois. On Saturday afternoon and, cousins, Miss Mabel Virtue which Your scribe, MOeneMosns . lodmorere rge lshaseierAt evening. November lgth, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue, and ss-5 Owen. JmoNes, Bruce ol eRoan wlare satsnervsie IfYuwn aifcoyrle rmItching Piles -hmr'& good ews and Mrs. Lewis Swain wel- ter ai the groom, Mrs. Milton Ji ebtBueM.lnRwnwr e A renowned research laboratory bas comed many friends and re- Sanderson; in the evening, an #..~ d thIlan elnsay Branch a loa rludy<on shilre rMd a unique healing substance latives to their home at R.R. sister-in-law of the couple ai U.Cth. loasl Lindsay mhainocanadym(ofrsf t promptIy relieves the burning 3, Burketon, on the occasion Mrs. Herb Swain, and sister of U..and Bussil, in d'sa keain "orms"caet ' and ain actullyshriks f thir 0th eddng Ani-of te goomMrs OakeyandLindsay Bilin upply sc..-"ous")cam '~ h nd pan-acuall shrnks a ther 5Ot Weding Ani- i thegroo, Mrs Oakey ~...C.-O 's) weo-Op) wer preentsa vot witha lage maargyeg glss. moryhoids. This substance bas versary. Carley. i xng delegates. Highlights af Our first impression a ta ieont rdca oteèr Mr.San tefrmrGetswr eloe y the annual meeting were theishe was trying taenre. u tive rate of healing. tis germn-killing Janet Hall) and Mr. Swai sons and daughters ai Mr. and --' annulbnuta hc r iiuie i yai properties also bserved ent ain a asantcha WhatPoolimputeitht hente a miection. awr ep e ent by ie atBlackstock Mrs. Swain. A dainty luncI - -~ Charles Gibbings, president sonsubmerged behnt 1b th e.JW.Totten onwas s vd by the grand- oie otiteetn1ietos e asara in ase"vey srikngNovember 22, 1916. They daughters, Marg and Kathy ~ .. inprvmet ws ,teevnhave six children, Mrs. James Venn uhWloMre..' ' - nd thought-provoking ad- close inspection. Neite p aOuong cases of long standing. And Wlo Rt) otPry Cordingley, Judi and Donnai drs nhsonnmr.s aetysems metVSwain, niece Hee.wan . 1 - e..~ s. desi hson uoos paetleshemipncdde ibs mpovmetvas maintained Perey and Ernest, Burketon, en Swie"îe in ore o~eraperiod of months! stylcna rn it aeicnrbt t h evc i~ T h s wa cc m l sh d hy a n M rs. C lare V ern on (Jan et), an d C arol W erry . T h e gu est i a g s e r q ir d t e r s r d ~~~5 r r r . r r ~ m i T h e n t e r i n m e n t h w a e r î c e nt r u e a u î t h e f n r n healing substance (Bia-Dyne pas. Ssa. s-,re.3. e -Dn)- ingley (Winnie), Toronto, onBbvices i2~*.~ ,~-. n ta combathessby h wbchqicl hls el nured 1and David, London, Ont. They The bride was presented r~ *~.. .eeved which încluded such gard eoffhrbbsecdepo. cel$and stimulate growth 24 nw hae .4.... strs s thyHanen isteslaireoflin e r u tiseno i-yei f ew24hrndhiern. Ailwith a corsage ai baby piks--.etariloqas teSiaLeonarado.,.,.~.c tisu e N t an spo-D n siofr e io ni I re r s n o h a p roses by sm all granddaughter, l tr m e îr u s is es l y r B s i he a t e P n y drug -~?~ pool cor espondenthedhappy e u ' et s or e - a i f c i n rs id i g o e h e a l oton n i e r e b y y a u n g e sS if : - :a> P e t e r sa i E n g l a n d aite rde Ms iI ade, Btw eenn the roomnd Berst* iealeicrae wbsnesheth.t - , - paato "".Asfritocaso rund 14 ills i dollrs et evenîng receptian hoursi, oraveresidinwaserethjayedta leicorrseopeen fontyhaethe im ediate amily f :::nd ..e ca pensate forrthe decreas enjayedeadbuffet dinner m. Mny ovel gitsdnd crdsIn gassmainand icrea Bween heivedamon taeand~--. - .,. ....~aPoiea r-n r ?ic~ ..... x«WVan (a.. . . . .ilio..llrs ,A forttaoreportsmbydcampetition th- t Christmas Mornlng: 4Z santhemumsbu bye t hnerf mly. 14pa ncre da e gram's iamly, itand anaeîec-nexcange for mat aandI wanted. tric tble anket by the gran fit on Th ase in rsasiile paasi-t foChipdren Congraoleoryms __tionsf as1UC0. diretrari snýage bskwere reeiveyod cfram t ,~. aemnthav acmeted n tas hitasMr thGaerno GeeraladMa-il.* . raîy h hllnea LepsteB.Pearon, Pr eir....~- - iti ers C-p ana u o n eas n s gromP., ad a rruth ers, co ~. Dvelopme txbites n~~ ecn mk htls ea' omigw oktehu - idrn. onrarlaor me- hbeen ibnetareturnsihome ai- wrahtme whpandPrm havse ThshpyweMs sSnrcyva aaduhe fM n r.hWanvile hoespindth etentmiIpesn adl' Msih resiter . Pasn rme fied is s Coe Wy li John Ranto, London eldsaey, Mi- firs grat-randauhte ofMrs.Mar MenecuksTornto M.Pe., Bndmanle, o rtes -Poob Rbr lsot evel incients aDeigin".es Pery Hmta, nisileCotatoe in ated ane Mr. 59 ~SOR KIGSTj. OWAMr. adloa areaMs. y'PTTrIn'FflT Stbeebetarehed ahfie ser-1- ~ Corne inad risanidCatBrerwsedin Around!sin ent teir ntiremarred lie Ths hapy we Missis Sndra ylvi Polaneghebaf rs.istd nmavmng1wil A , h nb er ram herenoat- illam........ ..........................4 rated h er householrd eicayf rSp, -is rm isn senýRhbt - PN L DYBXIGDA ended thebe fiith aannual produc- .parets are ruthd MsWilad h mothe ,ken wth gil .rnnm~~~~~~~~~~~~fred Misstinbyth YvonnNresaine WyliMr.AnieMQudetatef'*~ - O satenel Hmospre- RR ,Hmto ner ndMs onPo fOhwaboSadea on 7A high ay, oolt ~ lI <<UWuh1IhhII<hZ4 P<F1 ttwld heo ur Sile, asons i .. fve miesreaicai art Prry. Gel)Miss M aypto n Msd niss cammunity fa r alicdet fineet ~ *~~'~*aMudeeocMlNir took pat.tmare tnn 40 yearaand thei ('II ÎAÂÎIFIA Mr. RStenger'sOnnSatra:* -2 tswtureayfr regre tsi haneceosssiatedthir mov- A wee gîe taeincrena wehexprueshl eicerstofwis- OPENALLDAYBOXIG DY andedluncfh awas rved ManyWiso ad-'rmo luench. the IntNrsewfin, ni MQad a h thawk a tenmer Hspitalsent- ' .4r. -e aiail or e ir 7 gdheatyW M whwh woofTa oclgilthrs eQuneane RtMr.and visitors Mrs. Ga. .. budia o m ta th eibrhnw L GHoB G t/teicla! i/ t R. an Rsond audy ndy rt~hom e rcmmunity. Mrc. and r. hMilon Stan- .ad ar cr reonet had1 tan, visthedCMrstLm ea mbo i me e. .crrrthe pleasuea h pn on ndy a e nd d ta wih ris by . n r.adMs LodCr coarndndltylschreweeen vsitrs . a Mr.expess-he in ______sh L. Stitns nOrMiesn.ENo E' RMO '__ 595t 79 Mn. and Mrs. ODave Bath-th - ower, frilly lingerieMrs Ceollinsancy Mape Grve, d a cor-!.. accesoisCaretondPacdnner gest a e. estv Sao tCILRNS LP EN fon 198 vstrofMr. ainto's. .... dia WOMEN'S tei CDDL PUPIS$298to$5B r. nand Mrsd. hArthuru cmmTam- 1 theideaicq ellyn, Cambray, owereieMondayso. ner gu stsailtson sel - A ~ -S MS N S A E Mon, uss e il r mstor n , i Lamb FiurySkte P I impron Suang ncey te un- Mr a dwM s.ohn Ke netfFrb sr.ow in thdM N'S$1.95 to $2995eO S' 8,5 t $ 49 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE oMrs atdMr. ars. S. .fre is o aeMrtnduhe o r n aen cetd nNwSae 48 Pethick's. Mrs~~~~M. Caec at n L sad adte go m i h and Cone A d S eaOriL rge Selcti n 0 ~~ BrSad onand M.entClens, . o rEJhnFrbsToato OME'S AN CHLRNSFOW R friMENligereDMrEandMSHOES ANDh- frWORK BOOTSREA __ . ,~~~ that Sec iper sniS t . ...NnAchcDiv esn! i RSOW BOOTS - CRLNGBOTS--UBER accessoFor v r. aUnique C.CHRISTMAS ine usso r.R sre waShAMSOdNDe Cale Ppr rs eln llthat 7 p.m. n.St Pau ..... sn. and Mrs.e.andBa.....r QUALvig iT Ha heSu- MtandereStuaJonr n R orss ech, ndiohne LY L I HE was plyed b$the.o5anist,$hone923-544 0,pe >nîghtokHopiaguaoestsht E W aidrîght ustMissnoeemr Keny 8Kn t .4 Kn t .Bwav Mr. loy Pthikr. ytan M rs . Stanaas touh C Tearidexplorhe ad-IsAcedO ors t M. ad Mr S R.foter MissEvLoiraineMsainhe cuch anofdur.ngdh 48 KIG ST E. .........l' e Pehc'. ;ters Clrseegarti, ediardtiandapedai 'the atder i oomInAdS OrLarParkec 31 9V c~gustn ai Mr. and Ms. Jurrayl was, TWordnt." . The JuniorIL ~ *....<.......... Axiad, Oshwa. chir ocupied he char lof *.ivrs. E. rettifer adU1Ousand led in the singing. * 4 ~Willowdale, were visitors at' The Christmas Starýy,'AI Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wean's Living Picture," was a r loNea-Op rtn it e k ...................Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashtanr tivity scene done in Ida! Ep o n po ~ ...s.~.s.spent Sunday with Mr. and costume. The manger was a: Mr.Gardon Beech and Mrs.'pomtian ai a birch bark ladge;r ....E. C. Ashton, Bowmanville. the mnother, Lillian Lemon, I epn iharplc f mlyn O A aor at ................. ~Mr. and Mrs. John Belle and holding the baby; the father,ý nkeigwt u oiyo m lyn family, Oshawa, were SundayMargaret Werry; the hunters,' clesaR.GifnsGeganGnhmadJaMr. and Mrs. O. C. Asht0flrGraham represented Luke'sý time lobs are open for the 1967 racing season as ticktsles akn and Charles spent the week- shepherds; Indian chietains, CLIPIULEAINILAD ISOVA30 IAMNO ~rru end with Miss Lois Ashtan, rBetsy Slappendel, Christine: attendants, etc. Re.d as au oewoor! Watw. Nss leu' fthifflftue. The watch tht hot svuythtngf Tht radianci f Toronto. . sented Matthew's stony ai the #roof*, self-windieg, shock- the siteir thats doentv au a 30 jesîls, saterprool'. Salf- diamonds ikl4Ms hts is Sunday, Dec. l8th will have W e M " -a~ resisant.Lu, mnous. Sweep aeebud 23 j»els. Mjustable sindmi. shoksetant. teri- sboing23Jee n - two special services. At 10:30 Ws en, the,- Ex- eaeloigfras nîb m nt écu. 17 jesis. Mai suS spoessabad. Yiserhite. u AIk d chassai dal, a.m. the Sunday School session:poesDeannaRbnoW r okn o epnil e a wr n weed <Semi dii. 4$.S $6.b wîll present the annual "White1 Christine Jones and Sandra Gif Sevie" ithguts fori Bryson represented aîî ai us. with excellent remu.neraion. the handicapped children atý h hi ag"h uo SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION 0F Orillia. At 7:30 p. the Carol"~ by . Jean de Brebeuf I ~~church service will include'(1641), who later gave his lile, Apply in writinq, giving your address adphn nu be to I-e.,99 music fmom the guest chair for his Lord in the service ai C osu m Y we ieryJy ' éC .oro irom Bowmanville Training his brothers, the Indians. This Cost me J~we/ erySchool. islness or unemplay- catian, th ___________~ For the three acts, Rememn- k ~ ~ * T D D ~ M ~ O I brance, Pdnitence and Dedi- AR CKMO RIN ment strikes, a family aiten Valerie Tennant, the second MOSPORT PARK can't afford even small Christ- i reader was Eileen McQuarrie, MR RSmas gifts. But the Salvation and the candle-lighter, Carol ATT: M. ]eoBrh Army can sec ta it th&t there Cowan. The offering was fA JL.£G*Dr au JIW ELLERY & GIFT SHOP ecidnada holiday Jones and Joan Samelh, and 19 lem r dinnr. Aong ithmaterial two C.G.I.T. members, Sur- 3 KIGST. W. BOWMANVILLE asitneth lvio Army arme Bryson and Gail Mîison. Scrbr, n 9 iers the reassurance ai know- j Rev. Turner pronou.nced the ing that uomeb«W ces. enediction.