>4bernethy Couples Jointly Celebrate 4Oth Anniversary g A 40th double-wedding cele- Mr. and Mvrs. James Aber- ~ on was held o Novem- nethy, Bowmanville; Mr. anc %r18 for Mir. and Mr. . Mis. Frank Abernethy, Green "ergu on Abernethy and Mr. bank; Mr. and Mirs. A. Edwin and Mrs. J. Wilson Abernethy, DeNure, Peterb>rough. Mrs. W~ the home of Mr. and MrE. George Smith (daughter of Mr. Donald Taylor, Solina. Mr. and Mis. Wilson Abernethy* and Mrs. Sandy Abernethy Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Aber- were ca-hasts for this event. nethy of Bowmanville were Edythe and Ferg Abernethy unable to attend. lived at Maple Grove for a The group reminised about inumber of years, and present- such things as a certain horse ]y reside at R.R. 1, Oakwood. and r.ig used during the court- Hilda and Wilson Abernetby ship of Jim and Pearl, and live on Barbara St. in Bow- also Hilda and Wilson; Ferg's imanville. Model T, which carried the 1Present wîth them wereý honoured four safely ta the 1. The Natural Sprays: Perfume Lanvin $7.00. 2. The "Lanvinette", p flacon $5.50. Also, My Sin $4.50, 3. P flacon, from $8.50 ta $25.00. 4. Ar Perfume, purse size, and Eau de La LAINV] ALEX McGRI DRUGS 9 KING ST. W. Rev. Hlorwood, who offlated at the double ceremony forty years MgO; and other family events. Among the congratulatory wishes expresaed were two of particular interest. Ellen Ab- ernethy, age 10, had written a poem for the occasion and Mr. Ferguson Abernethy had also written a poem, to "My Bride of Forty Yenrs". A message was read from c Mis. Murray Van Blarcom -(Ellen) of Wolfville, Nova n Scotia. 5. On November 13, Mrs. A. F. r Abernethy's family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. *Donald Taylor, Sauina, to o! fer etheir congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Samis, Donna, Bey- 'erley, Albert and Stuart, Er - efield; Mr. and Mrs. Morley -Gilroy, Columbus, and Miss 1 Corsina Samis, Oshawa. Mr. sand Mrs. Donald Samis and eboys of Port Aiberni, B.C., ewere unable to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Abernethy and famrily assisted Mr. and~ Mrs. Donald Taylor in honour- ing their mother and father. MAPLE GROVE IOn Saturday, December lth the Maple Grove Hi-C's had a Christmas Party for the child- IDren in the afternoon at church. The Juniar Sunday School classes sang a couple of sangs for their parents. After the singing thie children played games and ha1 ii from Santa Claus. Tecld ren all received a bag o! candy. In the evening there was a dance and games for the teenagers and their par- ents, which everyone enjoyed. The Hi-C's wish ta thank everyone who helped in any way to make it such a success. ______________ White Gift will be continued next Sunday. Anyone wishing but ta contribute can do so at Church or Sunday School. iDon't forget teUCW ,ive her meeting on Thursday evening (tomorrow night) in the C. E. Hall at 8:00 p.m. Ie 1 j'EIj Master Kevin White, son of LtJ 2JG.Ji! Mr. and Mrs. Ted White is in Memorial Hospital with a bad est perfurne Paris dose o! croup. has to offer Mr. and Mrs. Dens Pickard, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson, Bowmanville, and Mrs. E. R. Freeman, St. Catharines, were i$7.00. Eau de Saturday dinner guests with urse size golden the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Freeman. >rfume, original Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden, pege Coffret Islington, were Monday visit- anvin 7.50.ors with her mother, Mrs. R. LflVfl $.50.R. Stevens, sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Brooks. Misses Lynn Mellor and Hope Kahara, Toronto, were LZ-Z Tuesday evening (Dec. 6th) supper guests with the for- mer's great aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Swallow. EG O R aMr.san JohnRoGlen an e and.snd Mrs. Roy anTin Topin, oroto wreSunday day supper guests with her PHONE 623-5792 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Stevens. Mr. Robert Jarvie was Sun- INRILI NER WITH A GREIGS HAIRSTYI GREIG 65KING ST. To Present this Certificate to us for the Hairstyle of your selection to the value of$ With ail good wishes from -__---__-- Christmo LING,1 as, 1966. 1 Ch arming Little -Lady The sweet little girl with the big eyes in the above photo is 11-month-old Kelly Marie Broome, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Broome, Liberty St. South, Town. Kelly Marie is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome, ail of Hampton. Photo by Astor Studio day supper guest with hei son and wife, Mr. and Mrs Gordon Jarvie and family Oshawa. Mrs. Ailan Snawden, accoM panied by her sister and hus. band, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Tay. lor, Oshawa, werc Sunda: visitors with their parents, Mr and Mis. E. R. Wilkins, Pari Hope. Mr. and Mis. Grahamn Lei were Sunday supper guesti with Mr. and Mrs. Josept, Vanhoof, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wrighi and daughters Barbara anc Beverly Wright, Base Line, were Saturday night callers on, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N, E. Wright, Enniskillen, who or Sunday were 59 years married, Congratulations. .JT Lhamond' .0 0 . at Mer heart and her hand lAlarcýrved7 ;Ebr- neestmost The happine.. tbaeg romantie Artcarved style love .. . begins See it now. Irrom $90 wlth a diamondi _____________ ~m ,&tcarved .. <* JoopersJe weIIery PHONE 62-5747 Pe ING ST. E. BOWMANVILLEC C/iristmag says ail th-e things you forget to say al year long! For Christmas kand forever ... A triumph. o! modern dîamond ring design! This totafly different solitaire style sparkles more from eeyangle. Resist it - if You can. It's the biggestsyehto Chrstmas 1966. SURF STAR SET Enagement Ring $M00 Bride's Circlet $ 17.50 OPEN EVEMIGS "TML9 P.If. TYRONE Mr. and Mrs. Albert His, were Sunday visitors of their 1Mr. and Mrs. David Craig and grandmother, Mrs. W. Miller. 5family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Mr. and Mrs. George Al-ý r- Hilîs and famîly, Mrs. S. T. y' Hoar visited Mr. and Mrs. r, Wesley His, Sauina, on Sun- .day, it being a famlly get- together ini honor of Mr. and SMrs. A. His' 45th wedding ýs anniversary. h Sympathy is extended ta For Mrs. David Malcolm, Haydon, ion the passing of her husband, d last week. Sympathy is also ? extended ta the Malcolmson nbrothers of Long Sault on the sudden passing of their twin brother James, last week. *Funeral service was held on * Sunday framn Northcutt and Smith Funeral Chapel. Inter- - ment was in Lifford Cerne- tery. The White Gift Service i Sunday morning in Tyrone Choose United Church was well at- tended. The beautiful, large Christmas tree was niceiyth decorated by the C.G.I.T. The children's Christrnas s t o.r y best was well read by Margaret Hamilton. After the offering several children brought their gifts ta the front. The junior choir sang "The Legend af the Animals.' Rev. David Northey preached a story af "The Shepherds." D a n n y Taylor and Paul Vaneyk Jr. were ushers and received the ing at 7:30, there wili be a Christmas evening service in Tyrone United Church. The C.G.I.T. will be taking part with the Candlelighting Ser- vice. The combined choir o! Salem, Haydon and Tyrone will pravide Christmas music0 along with carols and scrip- ture reading highlighting the "Christmas Stary". Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert HUlIS on their 45th wedding anniversary, Saturday, December loth. Mr. and Mis. Wilfred Clark Choose anid family. Tweed, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Black and family spent the weekend wlth Mr. and Mis. Dennis Fleming, Toronto. GINGER ALE Glad to report Mrs. Stanley TONIC WATER Hall returned home from the hospitail mueh improved.CLBSD M«r. and Mrs. Marshall Mil,,-i 1er and children, Agincourt, I and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Egngliah and Pau1ý Wuton,4 dread and Mr. and Mrs. Zari The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvfle, De&. 14, 198 Prescott were visitors on Sunday of Mr. and Mms ElmerG T Farrell, New Toronto. LOUNG S A IL Mns. Percy McCoy returned to her home last week after Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Baker Happy Birthday congratula.' and Mrs. May Johns attended tions, Bert. staying at the home of her Mr and Mrs. C. Johns' Gol- Club 50 held their annual daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jim den Wedding annivcrsary held Christmas party for their Woodward, Downsview, for in the Lions Centre, Bowman- familles Sat.urday evenmg ila three Weeks. ville, last Tuesday night. Tyrone Hall when- about 707 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young- Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Smith, people sat down to a delicious man, Roy and Betty were Bow manville, were, Sunday suPPer of ail kinds of goodies, Sunday supper guesta of Miss supper guests of the Smiths. Mrs. John Vaneyk and Mrs.' Pearl Leach, Solina. Sympathy of the community Ji'n WCoodey entertalned th;0 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Eng- is extended ta Jack and Bull children 'with many games-. lish and Paul were Sunday Malcolmson in the sudden wile the dishes were being., evening dinner guests of her passing o ftheir brother James washed. We all enjoyed a- brother, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas who passed away Thursday sing sang led by Gordon Ba- Miller and children. eveninU. Thfunerlservic ker with Mrs. -Vaneyk at the'ý MODEL C55- Pre-set Fine Tuning, * 4" Speaker* 23" Picture Tube, * Overload Protection Sugg. List $289.00 - XMAS SPECIAL $2O9*0 WITH RD * 1911 Direct Vision Picture Tube * 4" top-mounted Speaker * Automatto Noise Liminator * Cabinet Finish Black * Pre-cet Fine Tunlng * UHF Adapter * Unparalled lni Beauty and Functîon XMAS PCA $19950 MODEL R26 4-speed Automaio Changer *Two 8V Speakers *Diamond-sapphlre BUDGET TERMS ARRANGED NO PAYMENTS 'TIL FEBRUARY, 1967 XMAS SPECIAL (OWAN EQUIPMENT C(0. BOWMAJ.U Il 14 if d14 '14 i14~ 14; 14~ If 14 14' 14 14 14 14: r If PHILIPS STEREO 134 KING ST. E. MODEL T26