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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1967, p. 10

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:and 'Paiwlth Mn. 1ereIt Page of Bethany on Satudyr n r. G rl C d tA l s sons of Pontypool. o sia a nldn * ~ ~ P g es m peen- for the new Senior Publie April 13-frsxwe iAu Malconia inmates on St~ r n r.Wle ane He e taa. was crse ner a bx car Hampton United Church Hall day plan an expedition fram rcTrno r n TwC' Cd - them ,w 9. gl. W<V ier Schlol near Hampton that wiilToewt aswll bei en ent there by the Saturday afternoon after two in honor of Mr. E. J. D. Boon Christmas at Mr.adr5 ary Petn m Sof the lahad over .38 Tbear bis name. facturingint ~mioetleo gaS . an Hrold en- O rid ay, eveaunrdterestLd te learn that Bow. company ta learn details of Canadian National Railway Webster who retires as Ipc-Mrs. Aida Nasatas atPotennM. Y<> In ad 40 ymcars. d elen Fentay a se cohndar rtfv3d plceiîl owb mn elcal bi-frlhttaisbakd no ah o o ubi Shol nBo-Crdt.Aon hoecxet-îg eil ndLnn n L. tin -yroÀ l aJn k, duh e f tear rm iartscof Dur-able te check 'ps wt n S it is donc iGoodyear's other about two miles east of rnanvîlle, Cartwright a n d c n atdne isorFan lscre r new radrmceia a Australian plant, with special Oshawa, algo tteedo hs"conoee" (ohrn r n r.Ak a Iv n o b. xi a d Mr.Clarence Oke, ham County gathered at B w- been purch sedthawete us lilterates) Mrs. a k M r o a n n e! w ~' c c C u n l I o r f i o n g f i u r s k t e , s e o n S m i a r o n D e e o p- he a i d c h b r n li ldo llm p a bi t m ap c hin e t h a t t r i pO d i d n 't ) . O n S u n d a y tal i e y F r a n k G l a s h e r g e n S r . i Little, Deput Ftt St., a, tai ntcd and grace- manville High School for the ehs is oin W: iitheng Hiio tur O in r ay, Jue 2d, shouier. en af Holland, providinshCritavsto W is tîpYongdol inr wtmhienew mllnture dnerws ed n (Continued next weck) dos'mishrpln-(heies aet,.M.n Church lleonda S t that searherplanned 'for installation here OE Sun- - ebr-u g ht fu t h ra te vB w en- ' T e ad ing. Cdays w as used fo. p arki ni g at a later date. gdiidn edt he M l e m c a t M . an.r . R y R b n b i~ 4& #, a S tu da e en ' Th K wa îs Cl b f o- rses and carrages whilc W * w ted h e afM .anolm rVcl a iy r d M s J. Rdndi.gdlgwc h and Victor Irv- manville celebrated their fifth citizens attended worshîp serv- ebr !teScn l Hog&la. _ Darorugh, won the annual Charter Night, iSatur-re . Nty bs e wcastleacol Campa ai lub tecmnt1y Junior Pairs Championship a! day, February 19th, at the ucsn oercntchsbeiay fGr Itnedfrls ek Canadian herîtage complete Nestlcten. toth Ytb cenralOntario at the Varsity Lions Centre. The usd stheow ' w rise Guides, Nancy Lowery and Yelvrtn Public Shools w th each provnce's idividu- Mor. Dondils, werc Chrltnxa ~1~0 b Arena, Toronto.otoak heofershaf ahevenmns has*gend grlMr. NranWl iioswthMs ret tbe. dinner and ~9 agne. It was wrecked îas~ iceRead e hnre nulCrsmscncert this ai crest. snadgrs r n r.Hnesno odya eh week Th araéwll iowbe ast week when they were year was of special sg h aiiy SeewsGeo. Wilson celebratedChstay.MteJyMacln' Ofc; rus Btart- the Tops Bawmanvilie Belles Tuesday saw the conclusion avibl 'rkn . Cards. prospect of a central school a solo by Miss Janice Stacey; mts nBtan.cui ariMlm urvey éte j had their caronatian of yearly of a heavy rainstorm that Bowmanvilie wiil be losîngofOin"SmtinBhay mWry~ owrI ewinners. The Queen was Mrs. flooded many cellars. com mighty fine citizens te a 5 eoeti ie etyati W e e nsof rent",- er will probably be the last a trio, Larry Stus lr a- Sryt erMs dl isJd oisni t ore lçi~~gi Me inMon (Aean, MaB oavld, March 9-mnts hn 'the new Good- manville, chalked up quitc an at Yeivcrton - which we ail "The Friendly Beasts", a quar- tow had ta spend their Chrs-NaaaFlsdnn hit an n ccidn onNe with a lass of 46 1/2 lbs. Run- On Tuesday evening at year plant there is completed. average in his second year genuincly regret. Secondarily tcf, Cathy Bristow, Bob Whit- mas in hospital.mawek W#,a hot .ditacener-up was Jean Linton with Newcastle Community Ha1llanaae i ody General Science course at it was apprapriateîy based on ney, Christine Sae n Were shocked ta hear ht Ms îziacl ssed setC. Sparow, were closed on Monday as a Durham District was enrolled. wîstle, Arthur Oswald, Cotin- in his year. He graduated tended te h uineb ac tls iz acl.sse o eadMGi fti ihMs ae Wlomi csvfby çc and he zrd. 1 dy ih' li-Sirod J Gr.,at oen r-eers, Floyd Bradd, Robent L. School. acou yteppl," a rvddb isGe W.Rickard, Dorella Lancaster, ýHaydon-born Dr. Gadnc h aeMs eaR e-b w a ac otines, (1) companied Pathvcl ubr Newcastle's Artificial Tce Eleanor McCracken, Lynda Siemon, a graduate of B. H. 1., wick, Redlands, California, the by Candy Malcolm and included MissesJnie c Fund reccived a generaus lift Caîl and Bctb Powell. heads University cf Tarante s Orono Public Library Board Cathy Bristaw (2) by Pamela Gili, Pam Stinson, Barbara 1 / yea anowce pansiat wekwhn Bwmnvlle Wifre MMchan w ~Dept. cf Electrical Engin2er- has received a sum amaunt- Stinson and Mitzi Malcolm. A Wilson.i ilioya; an oelsla x- Kinsmen Clbdownae00 lted Presiehn f heBo- g. The appointment, an- ing ta over $18,000. humorous recitation "T he The pregram was concluded L/Ynou4t e re t Ou. elt rodution ta ta thecause. The cheque was mnanville Chamber of Cern- nounced by U. of T. President,~ Within the near future, two Tattle-tale" was pravided by witb a medley cf Christmas1 è25% in local factory presented by the Club Presi- merce by acclamation at the Dr. Claude Bissell, takes establishments will open la Allan McGill. Inumbers introducing that be- thJlnsalati n ! so oo o ent Bll Klp tri k, te ud weî afen ed ann al din ereffect n July s. premises that have undergone "Frosty the Snowman" was w iskered ad gent "Santa" cS~ing press. Wagar, secretary of the Arti- meeting of the organization at April 20- cPsdebeimrvmtenredrdb sxeRnywh itiuedtepeet 'An announcemnent from the ficial Ice Committee. th ligDtha ae ano h rp rtyoecent weeks. They are le- and Bob Whitney, Allan and, Ail those who taok part are P tr K w l r li »tlniaer a! Canada's Eanly Tuesday morning Hotel last Wednesday evernng.Llodbarm nen, R.R 4ebrnedo cated on the south side of Donald McGill, Quinton Ra-tbecm nddfraie is pleased t noneta ~t e n u sd y fer oo ei hb r ntied s ok p u- n o da a hi mw c, toyd H e round ur e King St., east of Division. One inson and George Me C ulogheve nin g'1s performance. T tethat at the next caucus ing from the home o! Mr. and Hugh E. Fleming, a native o!fna fe-wi eNk' euySlnwt iti ayMCiog hi eceMs rsog WI Prime MiCste Pe rM s on.Wtald O e mn ute s ,of W ins or, be an vforunatiynw thou tney, proposteRsse Cr. ronWtîadfOewn tes, OfWin owmbeanvtellcticas- o! stock. It was alrost under the romantic nane. a Miss Barbara Wilson favor- gratitude and cogaaionsDo ad A. M c e o ny age 44, M.P. for Dur- the bouse was a mass of saciation with Miss Apha I. empty. "Lotus Garden". ed with a piano solo "The for praviding and anranging County, ag the Chainman flames and by the tîme fine- Hodgins. In future the firm A large beaver had Burke-~u Fairy Dance". ýsucb a festive evening. WeIN RNC the'Liberal Caucus. men anived from Bowman- will be known as Hodgins and ton residents in a tizzy thi A romantîc note was infra-iepestergeso u 1rhis marning it was 10 ville, it had burned ta the Fleming. morning when if refused ta Mrs. Wilfred J. McMechan, duced with a jueiecupe I oIchlrnadthi pýs egrMs belew zero in the ground. leave the village and took Wellington St., Bowmanvilie, club, muslcally spcaking, con-ients thaf she bas resigned a is nowascitdwh &*n. .Celder on outskints. Red Cross Branch officiais- March 16- after any aduits or childnen was anc af five top pnize win- sisting o! Candy and Marti Iteacher at Yelverten S.S. No. new member, Don Gil- were very .pleascd with the Affer more than 20 ycars as ta aena f adnnr nteRxî rgCm aclPml tno n ,psessing as she dees the inucedatth dn-large turnout for the volun- a fon Hydro official, W. Ross'Doýîg Powell shat the animal pany's "Win Your Incarne Paul Whitney, Mitzi Malcolrnhappy ombination of beinget rI meeting o! the Bowman- teer clinic held on Wcdnesday Strikec Q.C., a former Mayaoar Dg Cnrl fie a cnes edrcnl.and CaeRbisn anieacpableinsfructress, popu- PeK oweJr eLions Club held at the last at the Lions Centre, Bow- of Bew1manville, wiîî retire as Archie Hoskin broughf if fa She was presentcd with a Stacey and Larry Stuces, vocal- Ilanity with the pupils and Community Centre on manville. A total of 287 botties Chairman of the Ontario- Bowmanville in bis animal chequL for $1,000 by Fred ing in apprapniate regalia "Let physical attnibutes net ta be RE TR ~rId a e v e in llect d te sw ell th e d ep leted m i so-a h e do-M r h r b e .L v e i's R ex a l D ru g S to re tre a t d th e a u d ien ce te s m e U n iv e siy s u e t h r * 19-... istocks in the area blood bank. Ms. Cla Ti wsho re There is considerable activ- here. Christmas numbers played on»sending their C ristmas hl-i owxnanvile's Santa Claus Feb. 16-o nia affernoan when the ity around the old Town Pump On Wednesday rnorning, The lier accerdion. ays wit their parents inAT 2KNG TRE WS, ~1r~la taemnttîswek. MryJae k o BwanOmmbr o S. on' AfetHoseaeastrtihmdetaSatsmn ernd ht he Th iglihtofte ve-hes omuif icudd is OW ANILE OTAI «ahwedtha afen Myagrvlle an Victofrvno nan Bac ! b onn' eaf wtrmis n r-Newcastle Artificiai Ice Fund ing's performance was a well Cna and Mn. George Whit- cobt o! the 1965 parade Scarboreugh came within fwo A$11,0c0f0edo erapnetelc frdmoî nc r oash laypcscpd 2-acthenamaen iatney f Mand m ;Mr.Moxe aIse some expenditures tcntbs o! a point o! being thelLife Membenship in the Dia-Anl2-$o,0 apsdb h mtu bfe n aiy n e '0hdbe edoe nmCnainNvc ie ar ea W.A This was the -fir il27 Tomarrow, Bowma n v ii11 e thespians thcmselves entitled Wilson (and beard) wif h Mn. To provide ei e nalne rt h'eCemmieoer stili adaions ices ThurdayPat ifesrbrshpo fenron The aîînual church parade will have a ncw business at 67 "Born Free". Part I dealt and Mns. Jack Wilson and o nuac n elEtt ed th lac an hand o! $548.73.che ains adianFiurSkayat ot.Jf' WA ebe !members of Florence Night- King Street West in the store with a family celebrafing family. dent O o. 66, ndepen formýerly occupîed by Huyck's Christmas 100 yeans ago in Mn. and Mrs. Jlack Wil- 1- Iancetn a i ofht 48.73 or*ghe . pia iue ktn 'ahrecllentioembers. nlinal Ldeo Od dFews aisyln. n adMns. suitable regalia apropos te the son and family with Mn. and EEHN ýCl*âmaslighing. borogh. augmenfed by brefhren fnom, Teerfsfra arc opening Bowman- tkmes. Part II, a similar Mrs. Jim Taylor and girls in E Ose-,çompetition !catuncd A new execufive appoint- At oufce Hîgb Schools Orono, Pont Hope and Ca- ville Mill Ends and Fabrics. scene 100 years later with Torante. 6356 Caniadian Tire sponsored ment by Bick's o! Canada annual Prom on Friday night bourg was held on Sunday, Last Saturday, 700 baton a colourful interlude betwen Miss Betty Whittker o!f256 0325 Ire4 -bonspiel at Bowrnan- Limited gives Robent R. Car- Grade 12 student Kathy Hoar, pi 4ati r. t nnf wirlers from United States acts depicting each prevince's Hamilf onB and Mn.a James e chmpinsw1r su4l a!ailfi1d rop fr coset"issCout ce ig >Urling Club on Satur- ruthens responsibility for the R.R. 5, Bowmanville, a United Churcb. and Canada teek part in cern- major contribution teOaur Shecklefon witb the Howard 2p'Art Code, Vice Jean Pcf- Bick's Pickles plants in Scar- Sehool". Her princesses were t e w dninen eiong a!u pe.e tio t Dunda, inludin i, Lead Ida Goddard and borougb, Ontario, and Mcdi- Erlyne B a rroa , S h aronan te owanvle in CuevenigGog nrlofno th s anea. Tn op e 4,aurence Goddard. Boyd cine Hat, Alberta. Tweedie, Sharon Fisher and anitonay elceningeare nnil irner !te a Rmuo- M* rink was in second Central Public Sehoal stu- Lynda Davcy. Whir 1966-67e. resient mavillerwof r.nde Rietu p,, ty Cauttic's in third dents in Rorn 6 have been Bowrnanville bas a repre- fomnl' orlc6-7.De .R, dauhfero! Mn. ames gered Merrison's fourth. studying nature close up tbis sentative at the Gemini 8 space Bbmnvoernolc e . itmulwle rge. S h ie am MA 7. public schools in week. Two pigeons flew in flight naw undcnway. He is partrnenf, 1sf e lasf week, taok hom econtdtwlaingetophies, ~Upgtn Tonship wercthrough tbe cloaknoom window Fit. Lt. Fred E. Tuerk o! the delivery of a new Pontiacfosendpaelthfac wii t h lmr heand bave made tbemscîves RCAF, son o! Mn. and Mrs.criser that, for a change, solovicte, t o 10 s n É0r lephant flags an Tues- quite at home for several days. Fred W. Tucrk, High St. . a lck.ntcd ! te us -th solo nereiaefo 0 supecfia cerermonies.' The Feb. 23- March 23- Norman Neads, 16, son of lune 8- w'Mre1 arrapged throuAf Pro'lo Hc t Orono Unifed Cburch, The Onfanio Municipal Board Mn. and Mrs. Roy Neads, was ougnlacoliHEREary ARE THE fienoFACTStct cor a e bII. R.Tuesday evcning, 10 yaung hcaning la Hampton this iuncr na olsineiv n esdayafrng en proted E Et-. H F C -donated by speakers cempeted lai the week will determine the future Saturday afernoon betwcn jvc bnding waslereltd enCu.county finals a! the Trustees o! rpsd 3,0,O ce- his motorbike, and a car- arundhe a ,-BowM-iend &Ratepayers Assa. public 1Men manufacturing plant Norman, a Grade 10 student enr,.thein d190. W~ ice e anar Bwmniles0 in Bowmanvillec Hgh Schol, A O T B N FT N E H E d *loin te ero n n d M-1 Cayt n 1.Tea ingbgn Mon- piai, ew man i al nd ae torndown with the area t dlownthe ar of h.and ors. lan4.befohre 0MBVe-Chair-trans!erned ta Osbawa Hos- convcrfed tea aparking lot un- Thexton, won top bnr.I day fil MBVc-Car suchl tîme as the Bank of laekciotial Hos- second place was Kafhy Mc- man David Jamieson and pifai. His leff leg is t!nacturedc Tidyeven- Guirk, 14, Grade 8 student at board member W. T. Shrivcs in thnee places, and wiil haveMoreldcestcntuca Seet:School, Maple Grave East public The heaning -is cxpectcd ta b eks e i wtactin or a esaPaul Chant resigns as tawn MAATE N O ES PL M N aine Board schaol. She is the daughter o! continue aIl this week. 1wes.H waopafc uelo u eipnigG A AT E NOE SP 66, and Rex. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mc- Clarke Township rnay have on aurday evening, and conilodetaipcdn c- h ~osen Vice: Guirk. a 120 acre anfificial lake some anothen aperatian is pîanned move.HaodMGe i f Gaadyear's 19A5 payroll time in the future. The Gana- for early next week. "Fibber" o! Specialty Paper *ffiael,,Leddy, totalled $3.4 million at Bow- raska Conservat ion Authority May 4- Products, was an astonished bb«m:se ossfuly manville plants. Avcraged bas approved plans that are A. $22,000 0 c m n r -w m no h ek n .W ieT H BMlc Aircrew aven 600 ernpioyces. expccted to cost bctween d ,ooopantoo c enelnt pro amn anthFenc er heT T E i Cours e at The Ont arnioaProvincial $80,000 and $1 70,000, depend- DucingtplnTwnip, be uîlt in fisbia at FuenchaRverse Centralia, On- Police are investigating the ing on the size o! the arca. It Dwlit on ownsip, jut he keawha must hae seem ore at dvance training theft o! $215 which was faken wouid. be locat cd on the cSf> O! BowCmanvilt b hecCîk owaemAtalyi ïeHgtofofficer wilI be fnom the Onono Hydre office, Grabam Creek between the L Mary's Cherne ompany , ws a51 oud surgong60 n -at the Air Navi- Orone, necently whca the 3nd and 4fh Concessions and Liedn t he c.ompdany's prei- lng. OL GE S C RY PE S O li SchooI at RCAF Station, office was left unatfcnded for uscd as a combination canserdto hSin annunced n e pib% an.He is the sona short peniod af noon. vation, necreatian area. f- to ay. ThisannaunceheOn- t tefra pn o MmJack Leddy, Rotanians ciected Bob Sfev- Shaniene Cain and Nancy tareMncplBado h this seasan <of Bowmanvilic owiIcens as incoming presideaf for Goodwin could win a tn aroMncplBadfthMuem n desyev- *uieb JckDua as1966-67. Vnovetn shlrsipsteTawnship's application teane-Mucmo Wdesaevn West ack Durh anigs 1, 86Vhdbe anolingrCamdpiconshipslincodigl. inaiL g! atet o tanmattee-1for -the- - l- ctcd wth s me rf ra f11 Taa t o an h 2thîhe-or h n 3 fîn s n t e pu ps1o-st bihig-f $ 0 h c -I b-d ed t t e pr sn-$ 5 Ol g ofr. theewllasit the Junior Girls Champs; R. Av-and r. Lloyd Cifton, on ! M If both husband and wife receive the OId Age Seourity Pension, and have neothricmbt of the p~~~Bxrsn. aisrt, R.B*r adR arber, Courtice, on Sunday ta attend the Unit- iqualifyfeor the $30 a month supplement, assuring them a minimum of $210amnt.fmare Baxsetr. sute . . yad ItR meit oyBdNton y nna ttepesoeshave a combined income of less than $1440 a year, not therduI Ncwcasfle's newcst industry, Junioran nemdt Bye NiosS iar tth Championshîps, a n d Lloyd University o! Waterloo. This Scuincpnsosfudinguliyfo spleet taÂgecdrae ~pmo aI H s pi ta Iifs official opening on Safur- who the Senior Boys tif le. Mn. and Mrs. Ron Richards, day afternoon when the large B0awanillc High racked up Southway Drive, will be lcav- - Corporation buligwscoddwt a 46 points ta wia the schooli ng on a similar mission for Application Formis: Iterested visitons. tropiiy. Clarke was second Queen's University. wW le heM in the April 6- w:ith 169. Ls ek omnil' b edith pl6-Tuesdsy afterneon, the home Nurscry cho, popunle b An application form and a bookiet cnann details of the guaranteed incomeb.j ~A I STETSCOLMonday morning when, fnaort adaso!Trnws2yugstudents, closcd for mailed te ail Old Âge Security pensioners during February. They will be askedtordth okt the !irst time, citîzens a! Bow- destroyed by fine. Only the tthein teacher for the last the sum er nd sid geo byecarfudy nd ui n tmaa pli atinuerm at nce Mtrankpeainer arhaeed hateac f11 i a m a n ill r c e i e d h e r m if ue e l l f t a nkt a n d f i h e in gh t yr e r, Mo lan H . O sea - a p p lic a tio n f o rm a n d m a il t h e tw o r in t h e s a m e e n v e lo p e . I n c o m e d o n f o t in c l dw a e v c by pg ost arrespost fea o! wer lft tding, er nte hoo wilntb erfat- esos it rm eaie n oo ro ubro t y # jjj N e 1 O &L T~~aving pte g nta the pest ofic oe r fi Osa ,w sth T e ned of he R ob h wer Huh Fulker.M.Po!ineinfcome n tesSanlyowngegaonnofthe hrapplicationtconidéaitasmncandi innonthe pplcatoorma-on Petrboouh, ubtittig fr ue raw o! $500 o! theRefrm Ch ristive agan tbOn bookiet. Pensioners may receive help in preparing applications by conttigthOdÂe CRusraecoluctd.reeaty RfornMdP.urh hve gab byBowmaaville's Legion Gîce been provided in that*Rev. A. Security, Canada Pension Plan or Incarne Tax offices. Addresses are availabiriteboit trit Drecorof Club.Srv Vanden Berg o! Wyolng was lic Relations 1ier: Ris Wr.Cartwright H igh Sh vtei acanr.ThPaym nt aes:he ship Mayor Ia badanual "At Home',',was held Plac~erbruggeacant whi nu,- Py e ats the Reo. K. J. Frazmpton. t eon May 6th in thc Coffnîunity ary for Rochester, N.Y, At least two months are required te deal with applications. Some pensionera iIrcevthr Thé mail carriers for-theHall. Miss Nancy Frew wias toWn were Fred Cowle, 1D. crwned Qucen of CatwriÉht Joue 29- supplementary payments combined with thoir Old Âge Security pension chaquesiMah.ths Jeqlun, Harvsy Rowe ».t1. ligh. Hler-two Pt1îfncesses *Chairnian George E. Gafh- wl eev hi onie amnei pi.Pensioners entitled to a auppleme s aur MacLean, Jiin Clarke, G., W. were MimNn Saiad roeo nalo~~< 8wilI haceve their mi payments acn-ate o ar y. Bonathan and ltqz t.L eMWsaJWbrSwain, lng,,an etectri de rpamnt blfod o auay Fot h e-to#o ta0,- nWbite w*9&-clected bY former 'harm 1 teeym urelo! 1h. Btrkg, .lng aç1h Kino-m1e, 1 o tec nf~ u b wldef~5ISSUED BY THE HON, ALLAN J. MOCEACHEN, MINISTEft, LEc yur aIIf, . 4 1 DEPARTNIT 0F NATIONAL HEALTH ANDWEFR *u« m 1 4 e r"ioav r -Imm next bra== ù

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