BIASLINE FOR CLASS1FIED h >bmonamCards of Thanks Articles for. Sale - orkWa edelEst frS e! a EtefoSleRa_ _ 'Illej oin emr c ii fmlyc ti ît TNpropane gas brooders. SEWING of al kinda. Phone THtE]e-bedroom rn-ick bunga- P trte o L r. j eý UaC.Kfo D17 buabdadF.R. (Jac) who George R. Stanilsnd express POno 935826~~ 23-5041. 1.1low, just completedi mmedixae etrTi.. r J c .'o I. 1 asd*ýl auj 7h icr hnk o egbr n WTRfrsl n elvrd - l i- possession, $16,200. Tertns. 16.friends for floral t ueCal, Cllff PtPME23-13 pickup of househodis Newcastle 987-4337. 1.2* IREIALATIR Mone, but never quite alone, cards of smnpathy and for :ii tfcrale.Poe 2-26.L LN- lak EEA NUA Â Ab I face an empty chair, their kindness in our recent 32-tf rGuye. hoe%23726.a ng St.AW.INSURANCile Ltd., Realtor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P o u l t r y , C u s t o m6 2 r Imagine he isberavement.Kenneth Hils,'1OooR.R. 1 Picking, rendy for; freezer. Realtor 62-243 owxncmvlle Itne orls ek fil and Mary My companioin for so many I wish to convey my thanks 1-1* 1 Pospct t987-4353.itu 'n'e- hppy to an- years, 6376 executive type bungalow with of' hi olne ee.wt e and appreciation toalal the WATER for sale and delivered, 38-ti 623-7461 Pros xc teetioneautifl 623-25W3O hlta E.adlvr e n , c f h eimN n g e r b s o e r . w t h m , n u r s e s a n d s t a ff a t M e m o r i a l 2 4 h o u r s e r v i c e . C a l 6 2 3 - 5 7 5 6 . D A Y a r e a v i l a b l eo mem y u il t . M nrxr s i c u i gS R A R P E T : T o S p l o p n , 4 a o flowHopitlnurig m tw DHomes vaiafi i epbla. exetsionîylui van oSTRtEAby Tii F1.T 19071-~OI.Adyti om ytrosHoptldrn 11'tO2- home for chiid over two years Second St. - 6 réom brick Tappan stove. Priced for lm. acres treed land, idealorAeeTrnowntu f alt ee Hewa mothsstasamea pecal WO ronbeSI new mat- Nice yard. Own two-year-ol oeo ag lt ag ic-mediate sale at $19,8a. N.. .weeknd retireat; Oronoar.cotiastwagon ato Cle.. 1-1i -Sadly missed by wife Rose jthanks ta Dr. An touai for at tresses; 1 walnut table. Cailas companion. Phone 623-7445. en. Asking only $l0,500 with A. martgage at 61/j%. $3,000. Termis. Jcna od n tka an ay.1* good job well done. 623-2992. 1-1 1..j1 w down paymnent.5NwHoeonFB t ecrrcfJcna ______and AudreySTUDEBAKER Service, new Waveriey Rd. - 2 faniily Sreet and Simpson Ave. Suo are 'e yanedperencedbo mne w ith garage, sp25Cio Qu ait o sr ci n b O h ONTARIO ST. near W L h rv r o g a »i~ th > - a ar l e o fa e a M r S H A L L - I n l o v ind g h e - O u r s in c e r e th a n k s t a O u r s u dr se d p a- 2 t s2 . G r a a m 's r qin f ui o r p ttmew o k lo t. A s k in g o n ly $ 8 ,5 0 0 w ith w o d P o u t aYa I G O . F in e , a d e r b i k W,2 5 e l t e t h é a r riv ai I o 9 1 a4 ma r y oil a r d a rs al gh ter fa m i y , re la t v s Gin s a rae1 - 6 -2d. 4 - f i ff c r h m . A v a la b l e o w d o w n p a y m e n t. w o d P o u t t . F e a t- h o m e n la rg e tre e d l t a a n e e e ve1r a m n ~d w ard ' & ;rlb . 26,4Pa e d w JnarG e rt M a 96 . e ghrs forat ive s, fi e andT W O nylon 7.6 x 5 sn w tires, F eb. . C an carry full set of uring a l m odern extras, i- bedroom n, dining ro cy, l r e f o i D . E . E e t a . J 26,pased wayJanarylst ¶93.nedghbors fre gif ntsfowers maunted on rims, balanced; books ta trial balance and aiso Waverley Rd. - 2 bedroomn cluding Tappan stoves, cer- kitchen and large cemferal Jcmnan os lras andcara rcevedandto 11less than haif price. 623-5100. payroll. Phone 263-8885 a! ter bnaow with new ail fumn- amic tiled baths, mahoganylingro.Htwaebe-Thacdntasnvtitd vil r A other for It was Hîs wil,114ae sigol 890 ithncpors -it o ae 'fh#êsste Dr. Ewert But in aur hearts W.' for catering at aur Golden __ - 5:30 P.m.'- orieAe aprs rcdfonaon n.Grg.$750 crino. 1-1 She iveth still. Dd Mt-Wedding Anniversary. A KEYS cut autericajîy, while A. B AARS 2 Acrwe. Aror re icar7,3orta. Pricedtra $4.1000 down. -Sady m ssed by D d oh Happy New Year toall. you wait, t M Muen Hard- Acrs ith 6 eo brckS173. wth .HA. eris ýgqer nd amiy. lme ad Lzzi WiburEwamer6 iandt.E.,izzin-; omeidoblugargeare, ali36yimKforigseSt.n hEe., exellntHon .y~ Eti age m en er and famuîy - i-iville. 3-tf P u m bin g & H e atin g i barn. Asking on y $16,900.~ 2 Apartment inc ame prop- Nice location, close ta i c n te t So t, w s m kn and Mm - George J. WRIGHT-In loving memoxw iwoî ie aexrss UoraInc r elEl riue, esnS.Bwavil ens ryo Cnr tet ocd asySci . u$eay4 Newtonvîlle, Ont., of a dear mother and grand- Iw - BU xpes yapIaN orse ll fmitre 5Nlm S. omnvleTe nryLvin ertyi an Cnre SrecetlFor-edrMas. .$40 lf unit h pyte announce the en- mother, Annabella Wriht incere thanks ta friends, Hampton: business 263-2294 -1-fContyLiin iraleaig, etiyare. Tmm. ha omeT.n b3 taton t o thir nlydauh- ho assd aay anury th:$hb1___) ___ ____fatr 8m, and sSelling for $19,000. o hr nyd h h ssdaa aur tnegbrs and relatives fer the esidence 263-2695. 8-tf ERNIE PERFECT with batdon for bngalw.oongous oele.Lag ot arg.THR T.3bdromwgnW5src ntiih DrtyA, oH iis6-unit . uglw og o ein erfne yasuhon '~roh An t arry 1964. vists letters, carda, flowers SEToftbga lih with PLUMBING & HEATING motel. Pull price anly $7,500. Commercial Investmenta: 2 car garage. Paved die ae mdlcrwihddfo 'ouger son o! Dr. In the book of life there are and ifts given ta me during flat bottom, as good as new; Poe6334 $1.000 down for 2 bedroorn 121ta9cho-se2tram.Bath seatand the late rnemaries. w my stay in hospital. Speciai also dump grain box for pick- I l'O 1599 garage, large lot. excellent repair. Exception Hmito Kington, Ont fO the happy days w n w Ithanks ta Dr. S em n, nurses up truck. Phone 263-2385. P. .B x 1 9 Fuli price nly $4,500. a n et e t C FIVE bedroom split le l Th r w sat o c rc lii n '*Pldd ir&gw be solemniz- And recorded in love there and staff of Memorial Heu- 1-1l 78 Ontario st., Bowmanvjlle AtrHusPes ai- rtr nivsmn.Cl h..Eeti et -in er HeurslePUnitd arelbl-sil 'home. Inger mnil SELDdie on $00 -t fiefor full details. ma Eltericelet, lsanStraymmig t94 'nFt riday, January 27, of a wonderful mother like i Elva Jeffery. -ng r dried cern,-$987-4491_3_____ _________ 1-orgepern t987-4491.3.edrooni bunalow near includîng double g a r ag.teHu.Ta akBi o _______ prmt, NFwasl. Cawiew SnPTfIr5uf, yp _TANK__________La Lrd Elgin School. Exceptio- $25,000. e. Caîl mebeedbyT te-1 2u ogaiHighway7444,o rrng nc-uearyfietlaii. Ol xtas hawac Ae Deaths FlrucejndBruce, Dand Or aykiird friends, neigh. or delivery. arag pc-up PUMPING Gor B flyleven l A Court$ceA00.. k bun- ine. The drivers o! theriar - - grandsons Norman, Mark, Do-fhbrs and relatives, wc wish t N UL TIN-bîwîg et-WHITEWASHING STABLES aEALT.R galow with attached ga ge Ohw, nd dtb M Lily t the odge ursHREE anbStrwao. 1 i IvaLvedOwerewngA.eM. LangOR aId and Stewart.- express aur sincere thanks and ad, with rock wool. Work-BETTM KN 3 Choice building lotsOn land camp art. Rec. roani. n i~~r1ionueNewcastîe, on Sun- deep appreciatian for the n. hp g a nt e . FreeIE s R.R.E3OM P K ImSnPille. Canst300 MZ#uËryI' lt, 1967, W. m1ihp uarally ore Thr tenb elacindi$2000 Do On Chistmas Ev. at I 1i cisk Depew, Bowman- RIMARlif thoughtfui sud generous acts estimates, Harry L. Wade, Phone Newtonville 786-2552 Bowmanville - Centrally Io lla- nlo.Oo.o-$,00 wn 4 ~ech n us9Othyear MORALS o f kindnesa extended ta me Phone Newtonvil 786-2256 CaliCoileet 41-t! cated business proety m Aceorno asa scd dn o!ihe a te nneHall.-MEAvit-56. ________ ___Ppery coNEW three bedroarnbckc n fth aeAneîl M M RAS lnd the family during miny11- 38-tf -- bined With living quartiers. Ex-'~ ~eu bungalow, ultra n ode cggRs ttemi as held in the Morris 1_Dignlfied s'nd Distinctive MrelJhntn.11USED washer parts, - - FANKBRIX clant adoeporunefity for'DV A.L Code -- 2-245troot. $180 $200itreioinBakak.T. er B avil Mniens-FatMrematttTaradCos, ad rdi leya 'lc.I udsg s.for ahawa edappliances, nationally adver- Tenhing smlrbusiness. Priced ta P. Kowal Jr. --623-5868 NewcastleOtasu NanAms Boesay at 2a 'ciloe Ck. I- 1 l2u desine S. f Or shawaneeWe wish to aincerely ex- tsd]n !f mntr. P d yaSEPTIC TANK isel. Give us an offer. FOUR bcdroom brick h m u kto. C ntbl . R t ~~~ ~~ress aur heartfelt thanks and Markt Hmton, 263-2241. INSTALLATION Weil built and kept three in nice location, close taop-tn Pwsteivsua. 172-102 -72-6U7apiatiand o raniativesa for0 b-ro__brHk WP---'- O pNLYd $11o.900Extra PO*HIRGILLý, Marion E. - offices Eveninga rindsse, arda rand tisforlTYP RHEa ,$9,n1 cmpton 263-2270 low with extra roarniin base- W. FranktReal tstalt pn sud1sc 900leald.igofcr Hospitawa_____ 24-t!sment. argedkitchen-diningandLfloralMilford McDonal$49,623-391eni. onron 401cHighway nea >$ Ouhawa Gnearal 1,1967,nt tributes at the tume a! Our money down, $2 wkly. Add- _24-t rooni and many other extras. MTDilodeoad-42 gi- ' ' Co________ S bereavement in the bs o! a ers, Cashiers, File V A N R O 21wk, Oono98 eC u han o ! N ew castle, e__ A n Cab., new , V A N - R This house m u t be accu ta be 2 K ing St. W ., o m n uî W I a k , Or n 8 - 2 4 rî g e ar n M n a Rested atethehresi- pard faC.eE. HalluJadBibinHamito, service, trades. appreciated. Asking price j623-3393 Howard Wight 623-22. t50 ..Tedieso dieo! Charles Foth- Maple Grave monthly euchre bertL. odrthelsenes$1,0.Deoh iva S nuary7l serNeelie and Barbaira._ on Oshawa). sFour bedroo n brick home J M ember Oshawa and D is trtGarnet Ricard - 623-79.. P ip 5 S np o tet r"ueday afternoon at 3:30 ---14------ dJANUARY Sale One anly, centre of town an large 1-1 Torotaland H raceBoard Intemment, Fniends Etichre party, Tyrone Hl,---- dinette suite, buffet table, four 27 Elgin st. - Bowmanvillelot. New ail furnace. Aakingl Bowmanvil - 3 bcdroom J 5 aoio tinlu chy, ries Ad5-flrlatvea and friend a for gifl, kitchen suites, chrome, regular P hone 623-3075 p rtice - W el,900. Trerm 1 -storey home n lot 65, XI o n F. .L1eW itn a e a O h wa G n rl H sio~ unc a d rizs.45 rfj ds and visita while in $89 for $59; hasaocks, froniCoric3-Wl bitiheer1.30'. Gond location. Askingl RA SAELD ia yteBwavleAe ..-At Oshawa Generali Euchre party at Maple Grave Sunnybroak Hospital; toaial $2.49; floor lampa, tramn $12.95; I fbedroom franc bouse with only $12,500 - Ternis. RA SAELD on ondy, anury extra steal Iand shower i 14 FrankSte, wmi Hamold Laking, 27 Hall, Saturday, January 7th, wbo so kindly gave transpor- TV lampa, fran $ 1.49. Trade: AC BURGESS oubLag Bowmanville, SurmerfieldPh 2390igtatettref te, I.S., Oshawa, in hio n ie hnat nspc-aefa ubr I BURNERS - FURNA CES SutaleforVL.A.AkinÏ Court - 2-year-old brick yen- Io, -ijreadtercoii dear roth resmns -lot Ferguson, Rowsell, like new, was $89. Now $39., qye akig, de ewasther oof;Bno -rsa'BrntSear n ee upyFuntr, igs.CLEANED price $15,900 - Ternis. eer bungalow, 3 bedroons; on! 180 ACRE FARM. Go arpre eb w0on Laint ý, evitàste. , Mnster Bngo. Thrsday Brnett Stewar lot L50 Mxrp117ur.i4rpceKigbathO ailhwbuildingslotlarge 1strean.e. Ex-hCoilstabildiLg, F.rgerydenm n [Shold. ti t e Marris riigta8ac1cspnod and ta nurses and staff of W., Bwmanville. 1-* Plr.UMBNG REPAIRS Onfgwa sa !New- fumnace. $17,500 -Tri. Ieln ol om i gta8 'lcsosrdBwavleadSnyro.POEHMTN castle, large treed building lot. -Tra eln o.Sn ibr nqtgtd gwmnanville, by the Sunnyside Park, Red BoMaytanii asuf nybrook. PIIONFIRTAMPTON Priced ta sell. Bawmanvillc, Veterana Av-IPavdrond. Asking $30,0.Tocrcilddo %e " Y 1'K titm ent O r no - and telephone cals since con- 47 K ing E. P lhone 623-5081 263-2 15 1 O mn a Large ravine build- enue - -b d on u ga wT eé a ail at t e i e lo a oe.a -1MONSTER BINGOi ing home. BRLNG YOUR. BEEF Mai Addres: ing lot witb never-failing wide double garage. Nice dlean' 112 ACRE FARM with hebaecidn aou Ruseil Ormiston. 1-1 OR PORK TO US P..o,54-Bwmnil creek. ToWn water$4,0 m. oned home. Bazn. Strea.achuiae.Ti ~s. P.O.BOX543 BomanvlleAsking pnice $2.900. Bowmanville, rdicAvOny$,0do.Cal f- At Bunýset Lodge TSrdy NtIhTe Juoncok W. Speclalize in . . 1-1 enue - 3-bedroom brick bun- MountjOy 623-3614. Pusn ioc ~sn S p o n o r e d b > ' h e J n i o r I w o u d l i k e t o t h a n k a h a ol lh g r g . L r e l t 0 C R A M n y 1 o s a l . S u r Boo e.. -2man th:e, Cham ber of Com m erce m y m ny wonderful f iend a C U S T O M C U T T IN GE C A A I N F r R e to wer ara e .re lo. 050 -Ainu E f roni Osh wa Bi ck t r h , T r n e n ' ~lac m ér 29h JUBILEE PAVEILON and relatives for ards nd ___ _____ ______ _____ __ O.hnvest 8 .n.is1UbforTk/'L'Adards aMNfo mnt. ,Tec- .TIpie G1ve,50a. -ew inuesta adI un is22n 't'nmru -cevd. Terms. homne, good barn.,At igh o t-lt nePr-aaEuatoClse six weeks in hospital, aiso at - GAP4RTAWN o rnl-rýal r-v od.NwPiedt el ar dcto Cass cDrl.Sand, 45-tf1 ho 93"Sl' roorn brick berne. 2 bath- la ACRES, with brick bce i 5i'vs.~ diea father 'a! Te;Wihter $erics o! Pre-Natal Christmas.! Special thanks to ~1tfJ2.HFuli IDeîv'ered LRE 57n3.e roncetixg y$.0 bt oot re~waJh 1) Olv Clse il tat a 2 pniLegion Ladies, Rebekah Lodge, _____ E A G frise con cn-rom a, 2-car garage. Lot 15012 barn s trem. Q ly $ Z & i w d e T V T O E R S o u r W A T E E R I Cx 2 5 0 '. A M & P M ra d io a n d d o w n . . H i a nn w ' . - .Service was For furtiier information tele- aIse Rev. Ward, Rev. Turner, 623-5756 - BOWMANVJLLE 15ay0xrs.Oi $40AC int RE taRMOshw.nd etgte h. us nm- e arbunla-dDur- Captain Fraser, Dr. Slenon, $50 np -- ----TWO bedrooam hal d s art- emm rs. Ol 2,0 iuediet saa e hne uItumral id - nures at ôspialer ooderrs eon Sat- gar Health Unit, 8l23-5661. nre a ôptlfrgo stresm. 9 Roomed hom.Terwsa o caeindMr.KanFrsyfo OHAe B1 ~&BYAMmet Central. Telephone Hampton - 7-room haomeBarn, pig pens. Silo, ec iino 1 ih Oroo Vk . mp 1rj-1* services rendered. ~ PLUMBING & HEATING 623-5578. 49t with 3 bedro ns, n 11/4 acres; Reasonable price.ti. D ch ve R s au n Oron Vaut. ~ Woodview C amunity Centre Mrs. Amy Tait. 1.1 T V SU t'1-L .I L i . SALES & SERVICE HEATED, nc bedroom part- il heating, 3 pice. bath; garage., 10 ACRE PARCELS. N t h Tedy omlg a *0 -Monster B i ngo. Twenty1 Taunton Rd. E, Oshawa. 24-HOUR ment. Telephone Newcastle $17,500 - Ternis, o! Bawmanvilîe. Son. party cok i.diesivie George Reuben games-twenty dallars; five Dawso-Jn the midst of! Juat East of Ritson Rosd ýi Burner Service - 987-4-768. Bawnanville, Liberty St. N odd rcdfo 500u hsacdn eeJsp GeedrNursing ga'iies-thirty dollars; $150 aur sarraw, wc wish ta express 1ii7383 0-ROOMED bhoua. in Baw- -2-bedroon home with 1%6 and up. JmsKly eebtugi ? r Sd g , e c m b a c kp$t5 0a nDo o j a c k otsa t u r h e a r t f e l t t a k n , D a y o r n i g l i - B i l L e a s k , P r o p . S E P T I C T A N K S A N D a v h e i , 3 p c . b t . C î c e . h i e b i d n a d , 1 2 4 8 A C R E F A R M , w i t h t .a d n C a n e h r t n 50,,Door pr i z es. Next preciation ta ur mnany rela- _ _ _ _ 10-tf TILE BEDS after 5, 987-4636. 1-1 nght in heart o! town. $15,000 roomed ho mne,. 2 barni and Sn o r. * o tbe A & st ck , d ar y M o da , 8, R ed B arn, tives, friefid a and neighbors for D PH O N EF R N S E r os t full p nice. t m p n s s f g $ 50 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~der fthe 0fBasI - - - TR-uISR-- - m, separae fook, ponds.inveutp$25,9 bd"o!Alice Maud Oshawa. 46-t! the kindness and synipathyBE E F HAMPTON 263-2288 bedroonan -eeprvt usinte a o b- fo ou fezelokr YON 63280an -peefrvaeOshawa, Olive - Wilson Ternis. ' -B lackstock and Viole t n u l m ei gln l ci n ov edn sb n . and father, Good Steer Be .! w ith .eba h. h o e 23- 97 . -1living room n d Lrgen, 3 w t o d buildings. Alnu atH Y O ~d Gerg c Troto an nowmetaittend ethO enver Dwson.We especially fat removed before >' buï tIPHOLSTERING TOaatet, disol;bedrooma. Paved drive. Close in town. Asking $26,500. Cal Hamm il) ! Mo t- ofices o! the ew N rth-~'>' Appy Sttesm n ta acheis, hurc es a d bu. Lye Maon 3 2-39 4. M s. T Mouujqy Homnon Hamm ea Resotd uniberiandfDtham rogorts- wîah ta thank the Rev. J. HINDS 69e - FRONTS 49C Save Dollars! Have yonr chest-mofier. Aailble a at $16 l, - Trs adbs yeMa 9-94 83dya.Ret.uneradDramPors-Fra nPton and Rev. V. D, Wig- SIDES 57e lb. teffiece.ud chars re-uJon.'- 5tf pel ai Mcflermott-iive-Consexvative Association, marefor teiracnsochgairss Cu, wrahed nd frzes eed$1Fee5e00mata, sapiesNEWCASTLE. Almoat niwW5upe ue fM.m Port Perry, untiljo enemyoJnay lhdre o hercnsln -rsClwap- n foe -rd re s -ts smlsOshawa, Commnercial PraP- very welI kept, 5 mooam bril m.D aeo nWd non, thence ta St. at 8 p.m., Dr. Powers School, uing u rcetbea- Naxrahre takren ta, home. TfW-bedroon bo use, ail con- erty, corner lot 50" x 115', 6 uglw aiwo ic-fedy AnlcnC h urc hPort Hope. Gucat speaker ment. Don't waute >'our mone>'o e em rane einelw sdgre.6o omcudb avr- bngalwta Hllywloodcae- m.kdirt,. ene frsrieat 2 Del O'Brien, National Presi- 1 Mrs. Myrl Dawson fat.- Bu>' good prime steer bec!I f Phone Newcastle 987-4481. cd into two doctora or lawyers en. Walti an s pn.LrgeM FoeceFechmvn -4termnent .St. John's 'dent of Y.P.C._Assn. si and !amily. .- *iW. cas suppi>' a iower grade SNHYTE BROS. ______ -2 ofcs mpeparki n.-.CLa tasai. RtLNaniomnve SlScstak. offico!sBec!mtl5e perlb. lea ______ Th Dunani ount Mil The!anily a thel ote BW t.5cIANVIL.le FURNITURE AND ÎHOUSE, 3 bedroomas, centralîy $35,000 -Terms.o. OLY 3.0 DW NtaxeNeeYssDy iit TheOLDERrhamatedimmeditelposessio. OrlnY-ONe hheesby 5 Oomed brik0bunaOW. il tM.adMs .Cmrns C o m m i t t e S o c i l E v e n i g , A i b n t J o h n S o u c h i s h t oN e w L o c a t i o n A p p y M u d e r 's S t o r e , B o w - O C H O N S K 1 . L a r g e l o t s , m o d e r n c o n v e n i e n c e s . L a r gr n r . c a d S a k le ota -- an !Friday, January 13, 8:30 p.m., express sincere thanka ta rdla. FRIG ID LO CKER Corner King and Division St..manvile. 51-tf priced rm $15,300 and up. lt a ae.ltnsd RtSln iie ek su Carke High Schooi Audi- tives, friends and neighbours louset.v . F L Y HOMxes . 4 B d m u r. W lc b m l61e an Sunday,an-tru for ail milk producers for their kindnesa, expressions SYSTEtM Pihone 623-5252 HOUSE in Maple Grave, boti Newcastle, Smd family on SsturdOM .ay.B ye r Ek d r s. gH enry J h e county. Stanley St. o! sy pathy and floral trib- P O E 8 3- 5 3- 17tfb ater, hyl O iîin g,2 room sranda. Ail convenu-icm. and Mrs.Ron M orrison E.d4a dwa rdaer nd oCToromnto Daningprovde ute adunin ther.sp ear l 3-f BE SURE 0F phone 623-5801. 1-1;_.1ç10 relors. Many extras. I lot. Double garage. Price or ady ihMs M eti Eddrd ad byc wih e srvDanigdo fthrand go r.andathr. pAcas' sSIX-roon bouse- with ail con' 1112 Acre Stock Fan near $i1500.adfauy Rested at the North-!prizes. Came and join your iand staff at Sunset Lodge t LSO..>N'S QiIC ST niT veniences, in centre o! tawn. JBethany. 2-storey, 9-roni 200 ONwilb cn*nn .Tns-nisiln ~t 4 ' * i t h F n e r a l H o m e f e l o w m lk p r o d u c e r s iin ' u s n g H m e o n inal e 1 1 R N t R ET H S O R I G I m d i t o s e s onrh a e m e B n n 0 x 7'-2 xl me e d a h i c w b i k m . G a dnine n , E w sin s a! sY nPathy and eauti WAb Wyl 1 v il b1-m1da el .bo ,ba Iý th d 'S ut funn ce Ln ge W Lid Phe ML.usives ~ nt 'COOK, general, for two 'aduit S iforlt mater and body in excellent Zenith 69550 (n e harg;e to yen) THME bedmoon hoan nd pool Oniy $14.500. After 1o.r.<Cais;ad Glalir ai~ l ~E6MLe anOsawfuii nchr ep.bra!tributes duringth condition, new licence plates; Dept. Agmie. Lic. No. 351-C-Os gr"ge, centrai,. Bewmmnville. 2 Choice building lots off ~ *4381 iOsaa vinchrk tls ofadear husband and bston er.AJax. 116 a. e WiimaWrie dvetien781, c/o Tii.father. Speclithanks te the. Write Hgw y 401 in Newcsmtie. DB*>d3>II8O-v Cazqadian Statesmnan, P.O. Box Rey. Harold Turner for the o hn 2-25 1-1 Advertiser 709, c/e Canadian ,oOor $1.750 eh.- Plujli. P*83i5lr m a»pi 1909 Bowmanville;1-1 strength and oomfort we de.niv- - i.vestoc FoR S e staimssaà P.C. Box:3-33,13$E100() Thm"£!,mwrnm * - ec from hs kind considena- e p arsA tte nt o n3F a33ersL ie M ss - 39 4 15,' 4 ___Lost tion .and comfortfng words, Attentions for Rent Afer 0 pm. leumsdw .-Usthay»es - - - - - --t e urs s ,0 i i g e a ti n W r st IPUem w t e P at Y .. - .fo r113-351 Necatl. -î~. D. IEUSnmm. 'k~ROMto resut, private en- 5.ka *W-AIrq' S9Ujt. . J: and httete *, 1r;i p9Iane Sevic tranco. ____ ___________ 1--1 _____________________.04d_______ B~u Îwhite hound, Me TIa PUnirlm Aplicmce -M. » Clarom uli.ugh * 728-184 1-1 TENDERS w Jbe rèe&vd by deph n Ïà W14 -with breown Tymon. Ct7m=iy '» fojr N. O177 ~ ---~' 1~OKSLSavo. tm a-u rga~r ýâmd id, e orm *vr "M8.ý im,155-3888t nuLIUE pouItry, <ouj t mfl 1-1 c or r T3aUarT 1, 19plu%14a9i3E1EO!b 1 .1 r mîUp « 1 7 9l. M m . 7e no 7Sr-l à ; o â i t v t.' wr 1