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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1967, p. 1

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-t -r 113 4 Pages 80 WIANVIL e,0TIù Mw~ B ~xConcioKen Hob pr NM- éunilor ics Dnies Mn. and Mrs. Frank Wright, 75 Prospect St., have a large tow in their-backyard. prabably cantrary to lca residential-zoning regulations. But, it is made Of now and was built lait weekend by their daughter Bey Wright ai-d 'her fiance Richard Koyhi and their son Grant and his wife Jane. When they started what they Jokingly caîl their cntennial project, they had May- Total Over $159,000 Town maFnail Forecasts Greater lict onteresitChbarge Jý oce SR - -1- o ýAt the meeting. of Town Council on Tuesday ~veîngCôuncilor Ken Nlcks deriied a charge of cn*ic t of interest made agalnst hlmbyKnopr cmn Arena Board member. CounclrN à adta le had no financial inter-est in the Ga[mble Hockey &ho~I, nd mneypaid to hîm by it had been solely A motion by Councilor Nicks, seconded by Councillor Jamnes Bourke, had been passed at the last <Cound-i1 meeting in December, which decided'that a letter-be sent to the Ar-ena Board requesting that it réconsider the increase in rates to the Gamnble Hockey ne idea how it would turn out, but gradually- it. emerg- School. Councilor Bourke was not present at the -ed as this well-.uddered cow. When the Statesman meeting of council on Tuesday evening. photographer arrived on the scene, the warmner weather had-melted somne of the snow, causing it te<>]Ken Ilooper, a former mem- "First I would like to state ed in the, contents of this let- lea a it o te lft.InNewaste i isundrs±odber o! T'bwn Council, said that I have no political am- ter because I do flot think it lean a it t th let. I Necasle i isundrsýod tal e was flot representing bitions at this time so na one made too much sense, but the there is a' snow whale and some other interesting lSe the Arena Board. 'q would need get the idea I arn poli- one part that 1 was *amazed at sculpture, on George Chard's property. like ta a address council regard- tlcking," Mr. Hoaper said. was when.he stated 'that this ing certain. Items, but I niight «I would like ta draw your particular cauncil is made. up.> Te d rsay that nuy renuarks will be attention ta a letter in the of businessan rfsial Accep enerdfrected at cértain members local paper signed not by a people Put there by the publie r of cauncil and flot at coundil taxpayer but Councilman K.Jta safeguard their interest and p ,F r $ 5918 ngnegi," he declared. -Nicks. I am not too intercat-I (TURN TOPAETO IjrxEIbfl 9 Effort To'Co!lect Arrears of Taxes Mayor Iva Hobbs i i bs ty had a Clerk-Treasurer- has cbanged hands. Ail this view of 1985 at Uic Town Controller. He païd high tri- shows that local industry 'is Ceuincil meeting,, Tuesday ev- bute to Robert L. Byron's ex- following a plan hclpful ta èunlagi ealdi that it was thececllent work in. this office. the community. it Yrth~Iathe JaUnicpal-, His Worship said that the Mayor Hobbs said that the Roads and Streets Department construction af a new build- bad darried -on . its usual road ing. for a Pire Hall and Police ~U EU~Iand sidewalk surfacing pro- Station will be a major pro- gr-am throughout thc year.. jcct for 1967. New accomma- "There bas been expansion dation for bath these depart- M u n tartS by local industries. The Bow- ments is much needed, he manville Foundry, the, local added. Hollingshead plant, and! Pres- Hie spoke of the Centennial ton Transport have al ex- Comniittee's work on a pro-I p. 1pançled. Also, industrial land (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ta; kçinr Tyron the'- tor »IsnVmliq Yhfflta arc jibu4wiF t r SN""W WubyBrrister Individus!y Of Named Quen'sounsel wl Oat nzd Pïte tgý Mtit'tnethé' 1 Awellr n iiWhitb a- He is also president af thee er fà#W oit Uic correct11.A., 'B.D., was among 115 He heard the news of bis c 1%- eties will be, Ontario 1 a w y e r s named appointment Monday. "I feel sent e Stýsa and Queen's Counsel Ncw Ycar's it is an honor for myseli, my t 'h- w 4adriw win Day by Attorney --General faxily and my fi-ni, especial- bo IIéI 1.6te,, orrect entries. Arthur Wishart. ly coming in Confederation Thé wlnner,,wMl recelve $10 Mr-. Wootton, 65, who is in Year," he said today. In. mt*eKàndiso rùm one et partncrship with bis son, John, Mayor Dcsmond Newman aof tbc PaMdlctati]ng stores. is a member of thc Ontario Whitby sent hlmi a telegram 4ook ter " U bl contest Law Association, the Wbitby convcying "lwarmcst gcetings bm the nt u iext edl- Curling Club, thc Rotai-y Club, and sincere congratulations tlon. Il wlIi continue for 15 and an honorai-y member ai fi-r the coundil and the we" I.the Whitby K4insmen Club. i<TOIN- TO PAGE TWO) Oama9ged, On New Ye ar's Day New Fire Hall Town Council at Iit. meet- Ing. in the Couneil Chamber on Tueaday evenlng aceepted the recommendatlon ef the BoardI et Works Commit- tee and accepted the lowest, tender for theCconstruction Urbca--ww irr e lan- ro s Station îuidint. s This was the Vauif DConstr-action Compà Whitby, tender lu the unie of $359,189. This' accepta is subject te the appro of the Ontario Munie! Board. Distri bute, 87, Hampers XAUe )Qit mie ovali ipal Younig I'ecreation Twirlers Perform lAt Annual Concert A most successful Christmas Concert prescnting B a to n Twirling, Tap Dancing, and Ballet span oed by*the Recre- ation Departent, was held eas Wdesday Dec. 21st li the Town Hall Aditorium. Thej performers rce~ved great ap-1 plause from Uthcappreciative audience that aImost filed the Iplace to capacity. Irenie Harvcy, w'ho tisMisn charge aQI Uic cîpses. She is 1150o the instructpe of ail thec weUst4y mssesa i ~~ 4~te cameg PatLusy akes aaingor y Just before Chi~stm~as, tha doin ,Cetreo. Her aooist- batans, t wirlng. Salvation Arniy lu a* in xts. àt Itibe3xcbE~x t olswér the ville distibut48anu- 'r C PAsw familles aver a wide ai-a, fram 1lk n n it PantYPOOl ta the Oshawa Mn. Shirley Fowler, who (TURN TO PAUX TINO> border.1 teaches the ballet classes, tap Capt. Herb Fraser tald The dancing and, Uic Saturday ha- Statesman that this total- was tonj classes, was also made the e a a e higher than last ycar, but that reipent o! a gift froni ber collections from local indi- pupils, as was ber assistant for viduals and organizatiansithe 'Satu 'ay classes, Miss were also higher this year. Brenda ,.ennlng. Hec cxpresscd their thanksl The moat exciting part of ta those who assisted, ich evcning for thec children Mi [Was the appearance ai Santa Claus. Ed Leslie was mar- velous in the role. He dis- tributed a gift ta each chlld. One littie one, starry eyed with joy, said afterwfards. "O0 4j was wonderful. I stod right next ta Smnta. I cauld ~ t out my hand and tauch luMI an the arm, and I did " The Saiorettes' Juvenile Routine was the weli paced> p nin umber, and Shelley. ýantoe was'the leader'. Next. andi COMMERCE - Bowmanville's Chamber of Com- merce wil hold a Directors -meeting on Tuesday, Jan. lOth at 8 p.m. ini the Board Raom of the Lions Centre. Ail members are invited to attend and present their ideas for the new year. We .wonder if the Chamber is Plaýnning any sort of special event to mark Canada's Centennial? ERROR - Plumber Jack Burgess sent out about 200 calendars for 1967 with the picture on them entitled "Surprise." Aiter they had been sent, a real surprise came for Jack and lis wife. The calendars had the wrong phone number, printed on -themn and to make matters warse, the phone nuan- '~er bclonged to a neiglibor. The correct number is Hampton 263-2151. Now, if we make a mistake prmnting that number, there really will be trouble. SPACE - Poor aid Santa Claus has no place to keep his float whiie waiting for the parade next year. It is 35' long, 9' wide and 12' high and the committee will pay reasonable rent. Can any- body heip poor aid St. Nick who was so good ta everyone at Christmas? Phone 623-5031. i. i. . i. i SERVICE- Residents of Hampton and ai-ca, Orono and Kirby will. be interested, in the bus schedule on page 9 of this issue, inserted by Burley Bus Unes. Regular bus service lia& been established- from Hampton, flirougli to Whitby and from Kzrby and Orono. t t t t. i SCULPTURE - The good. supply of snow, plus the Warmer weather, pxas brouglit on a rash of snow and ice sculpturing ail over town'and, even in 'the neighboring com~munities. These wM ifn in for the-many Christmas, decorations that-are r4tpidly disappearing as the season ends. t t ft 't t DIETIDAY -On Tuesday, Jan. 3Éd, Boôwman- 'vile ot~rycelebrated tbçir 65th anpiversary ýji bu tnesw hi ,owmanviLo.Over thsw Io,, history ,there have bez , iIanY Ù: aM ad * utltoda'y'thé1oimis strons4uwdtot. It 'ever ýas been, wth it s rpi~on o prO4uet1 at ita 1$heLt. onp1r touà «f4 tjet ... *Fit* 1). Neale MoLean It was annaunced this week that Jury & Lovell's Bowman- ville drug store has' a new manager who took over on January lst, in the person of D. Neale MeLean. Mr. McLean graduated with flrst class hon- ors and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Pharmacy fram the University of Toronto in 1965. He has been on the Bowman- ville staff since that tinxe and is a native of Lindsay. Several Major Events Coming, Up There are several major events in the offing that will be ai considerable intcrest te nlany area citizens. Next Wednesday the first meeting ai the newly. consti- tuted Nortbumiberland..Durhamn PrgesieCneraieAs- sociation will be held in Dr. Pawers School, Port Hope The new association has been formed ta take in the- expanid. ed riding brougbt about by redjstrtbiution. For -the tii-st time, thc Cobourg area wlUl e included as part 'ai the- No-th flbdad-Durha f-i c1 rlng hap il le 1 This sbauld be a asti- teresting *Meeting because the gucst speaker isDel O]Brieni National President af the -Young ProgiessiveaConserva. tives and there glso wll be an election o! oifioers. The second big event will: be beld tomarrow, January 5th, when Bowmànville Rata-y Club Winl relieve the rigors of- wluter by presenting their lExpect Park Reacly for Use This Year, Rotary Club HonoQMd Highest Attendance A,. RaîphY Fry, Scugog St lisbeen: d*iig bis 'utsc wof.,This weeëc, he oà -brought,,it dQwn, X. t >ýai 20 wolves lie haà - shat oi it was eostly.. In te', rQ and ailse lost olne. cg th, The walfwashtI h only olleta ;the ýbQuutý The Basil Tippetts Trophy tendance Chairman JackLanu- was recelved by -theBawman- 'der. ville Rotary Club on Thurs- As the -trial period of hav- day at the luncheon meeting Ing- Thursday for the, day of helM at the Flying Dutchman. club luncheon meetings had This trophy- was won by the ended, a vote on this was local Rotary Club for the taken. The result af the bal- highest attendance record of lots was ini favor- of. naklng ail the Rotary Clubs in Dis- Thursday thé permanent trict 707 durlng October. meeting day, and the By- tThere are 42 clubs in the dis- Laws of the club wIll to triet. changed- accorclingly. T h e Perfect Attendance Pins birthday of Jack Lanider was were presented to Walter De- celebrated by his fellow Rb- Geer, 18 Years, President Bob tarians. Stevens, 16 Years, Ken Roc- Forecasts of activities o! kmn, Pour Years, and Jack différent club committees. fôr Bryson, Three 'Years, by At- the corning year were made Attend, Spea-king, Course y f. U- I by pr George. lctt, Tag, tBil Thll Travel -, i Te 'n'ext *u Tbuirm ai-y 5 on àim [/i j club -79 ----------- c . - 1 0 . ý 1 mou" MF oits D)ieces

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