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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1967, p. 2

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x **' / '~- 71' for e na Ba rd, e he Itaceway, aid a stag weekehd Tohn McGuey Investlgated. rqce v bttwe expec r. HoBor,"per a ed. eil t a resort ln the spring. The carls ustalfled onIy mJorto receIvel, but yet at the 1re ~ Mr. oopr okedCoueü-The Bulletin Coznnuttee. damage. 7k, Ô u cil tolor Nkto nane the .n:oneou Sd cbared by h JackmA t 8:08 pan.on Sunday ,n oU ni #i ibnmoeta anyone ese. He nrged the Botarlans to be menaaber, RIR. 4, Bowman. I musna therefore that tm "I stand behlnd mny tate- (FRON PAGE ONE) mmreto, give any item of news ville, struck a parked car prr rawmnami e ~ O AEOE ment," Counicillor Nicks said a local High School student oro eea neett h ondb ai llok ae itl he the bail more than anyone the student to attend the an- Director Chairman Tcon two cars amutdt ppRoi "Usually this la cdonce ymd" ay aoal on rajcci conci'.else,Mr Hooper. Have you nual Adventure in Citizen- Cowan gave a report on the mately $150. Constab rm Uc bnlc 'B» OWU 8 tr eiit ffer Deputy ReeveWsy i mng"le askcd Mr. Heop- soreci by this commlttee for Cmmunity Service Programn. East. nesto Ucmne br-sodcrtilpoie otrteMn I aeteba ne. Itrmly. ou pieha e cad heUitd wNactionsSenale Bnllcth Wa h e ter CA :p .m. on Snaa ow one «sunnytheer prvneistatei: «theakeroc.Teager the aonerh&adlteetngac eohbfrSmotln lh was last April but I forget ailnet. to be helci Bt Queen's Univer- vice Comittee la now chair- car driven by Bruce C. Bar- Uc getr te cags htwneflwpc Threoeeeer tcrnp about it n he intervenlng he are avalable for ail slty this sprlng, Presîdent cd by Captain H. Fraser, and rett, 15 Jane Street, cellided should be taken te assuretatdS Ki ld Welsh pointeci out Uiat months. I arn sure that Rteeve members of counicil,, Ceuncillor Stevens said. He aise spoke added that Stewart McTavish with a parkcd car owned by reeusae eevdù mlUioughS council had neyer Sidney Little also fer g t about Nicks aid. I arn not sure how te Uic club about the child in anid Sergeant A. Barker have Mark Roenigk, 157 King Stree nu hc rhccvd i nther inare,'n j>ntold, thc Kinsmen had IL. I apologize to both thc many motions werc nmade nt Hong Kong for whoa thc In- aise held this office pre- West. The accident h ap pened YCB ear wihthfaedu.origU i b u çol, ie ýts aOffer to Cobourg bylcounicil and te, the Kinsmen."l that meeting, but with the ternational Service Commit- viously. on King Street East. There "The uargeai single jtce fpclfg !Uc e exeto !the en o dp tehvearngciha h H0a1ita the Scouts' was about $600 damnage te thc accounts recelvable eachycrlo5Hl twocvpticnes. tnheabne Paikerpsttaxearhaves. trtheed dho! thewmHevillc. Thi 1~~i fD é OeS motion was made by K. Hoop- the minutes o! the previeus local Rotariais act as fauter Paper Drives have met with also iveil ostale Psaciet 165U ttax a amnAt ftxe i lltk lcFbu ci, secondeci by A. Mavin. It meeting ail were moveci by parents. reasonable success. He re- loivsiae hsacdn.18 h oa ron ft gqbor 1Vs»weuld be very intercsting te Mr. Hrooper. Director Chairman George comencindd that the club dis- On Saturday at 5 p.m. there ewing was $159,W00. Figursi iudrtowc l Xiâ-e,éZknow et this thne how Mr. Mr. Hooper sait! he should Vice reporteci on the activi- continue its sponsorship of a was a collision between a car aie net final for 1966, btofcaso i og flb V,çV ,ha ha g Nicks got the information 80 think hie would have mnoved tics of four o! Uie«cocmmittees scout troop,as he pointed eut driven by Ronald S. Wilden prelimînaiy Indications prst.Medeislt. .'h O eidquickly when no members O! themn. "Do you know the~ worklng as part o! Uic club's such an organization lits R.R. 2, Bowmanvillc, and à that thc arnount o! tax airas As nx usaye ig thireaBor ac cp ttnan-a thisCieeeting? , CAGEnOuEity Service Program. more closely with church as- car driven by Greta Marie B h nio 96aca es i rdae !UcCutc 1* totrieclubfor (ftOMPAGEON!) of the minutes at this tixne. hie asked. Counillor È. J. He said that H. Hooper, sociatiolis. He aise deplored Luxton, 78 Hunt Street. This equlvalent te if net ln excsBay itesoue lIod c,1 &q t H e wc Intenci te do just that.' "As Mi. Nicks saf'd in his Rundle, Chairman of the Chairnian of the Inter-Club the lack of interest of parents accident happened on King o! the figures for 1965. Tegauto xrie tte % f a oa' " odthe onclo letter in the paper that hie Arena Board, said that lie andi Committce, is Rotary's repre- i scouting. Street East between Temper- only ray o! light in thc othr eezrCuc Edato 0ance and Division Streets. vebeapcurishaasCne. Tse wrwle :rp>'iaI for the Nicka would like te clear this was ciected ta protect the Reeve Sidney Little, Mr- sentative on Uie Centennial Mr. Cowan. announced that Corporal McGuey was the in- a percentage of the total lv ore r pnoe yte Ld 4for, lesi thai Up at this lime. The only people's interest 50 I would Hooper, Mi. Mavin and the Committee and has beenmnade Father, Son andi Daughtervstain ofce. he wotisepce eshwae-Nthm radDamTb puce svoo. business people on Council to think that hie would report te Secretary, C. S. Oke were ani is Co-Chairnian. Night Will be held in March. ctarsin offed suTaiei moecdi mpeeetvrUc ruois anci HealUi Asbocia- mry knwledge are Councillor cuclo1aisuotethnhawre rsn. Hesd "He is aIse Chairman of the He told the club that the thon $100 damage. Peiu er in told theKIs cs, Baurke andi Oke. Amn I anc thatI feel he is dlrcctly that Don Gllhoaly, Art Hoep- Ite-CurCmnite copr Yut aftyCapig wI ioreanga to take from this that these invoiveci with. er andi Merrili Brown were ardxg cpieare runnîng council? "There lsa asigni on the absent, but there was a ticipating service clubs. Mon- be continued during the coin- Teewsatocrcl hav e nydut" ec tM.Ncs ofCu urm day, March 27th, has been set lng mfonths. lision on Kin~g Street East on T*& sial o 4his Ihae_____________M.____ ol Cu qoum riaya 1:7 .. h _____________for as the date of Uic annual The Special Events Cern. Friveay at 10:17 p.Godn.Th ~, *lllbe sent te which reacis Headquarters for Inter-.Club Diner Meeting," i.ttee chairman is nowPaul diesivie eeGro Mr. Hoper said that before the Dick Gamble Hockey e r ieii.AduM.Cwnsi.H Martin, Martin Road, and (ul I ethe request for spealdng of the part of the School and there is a sign re TW *r. H.Ve aid eRoaiastat ais Mr.poke o!the i e r Frederich W. Leach, Flett Ur bIy couhcil of the December Council meeting in this Hockey School on the Te *VS the o osed dates ter club pe oncithe isewr Street. Damage te the carsIGNC né' isty Offic regard ta the Gamble Hockey Arena. On Investigation we cp was mince. Constable Tracy ~ ethe Kinsmen School hce would remind ail would estirnate that Mr. Niclcs (FROM PAGE ONE) carnivals are: Royal Canadian cily bybDon Murray. He re- Davis investigated. Çth.1lcgt1n saks-members o! Ceuncil o! their for 1965 receiveci $6,300 for muiler. The Cha-Cha Danice Legion Juiy 7th or 8t; Kins- ported onl the Footballan s¶W~s, a 1.tati Oath o! Office. "The Oath O! the six weck schaol. I ask Twirl by Brendaý Henning mao August llth or 12th, and Hockey Draws, the Car Wah On Friday at 3:53 p.m. two lnWtjeat tatconcl ffcewas signed by alhmi r orc nteeSsnCmrnadDiana Lions, August 25th or 26th. the Barbeque, and the Fash- cars collided at Albert and Ui wntat the Kins- members o! council including figures? la he concerned about Therteli was aise outstanding. Mr. Vice said that the Crip- ion. Show. Brown Streets. The drivers ý,,ÇIub h p ut ini a bld Councillor Nicks", hie said.- the town's affaira or about his The Tinker Twirl was de- pied Chiidrcn's Cornmittee, He told the club that he had were Larry Ross Simpson, 9~2 laid' C"o tics Coun- 'I. Councillor Nicks stated ewn affairs?" lgtu as it was efore chaired bSr Meril Brown: been advised by Easter Seals ueSrtadMlie 3'Ast~ ~U that at an Arena Board mccl- Mr. Hoaper recalleci that by Carla Phillips, Nancy Rie-. has in conjunction with the Commrittce c h a i r m a n Ken Burgess, 92 Qucen Street. =aePïïsàd the opinion ing on December 1 a motion Councillor Nîcks had said muller and Patti Brock. Port Hope Rotary Club made Purdy that the objective for Damage te the two vehicies ctclsoffer 'in Septem. was passed te raise the rates "There is a certain ciement Everyone was particularly im- a survey o! Durham County this year is again $7,500, and amount to appîoximatciy $290. r-ýhad causeci the Counties for the Dick Gambie Hockey on the Arena Board who car- pressed with Ramona Wild- te make sure that no chiidren that W. J. MêMechan will b"eContablParer_________ed unci1 te up the price e! Uic School. He states that the ries Uic bail more thani anyone man's fine Sword Dance. in the arca necding treatment in charge of publicity, Don else Wh shold e sigle Cind Koal, n hr p.0,for a crippiing disability are Murray will bc responsible% eut anc group and net anoth- danced and sang especially mdetnl isd for the special naines canvass, er?" Mr. Hooper asked hxm well. There were demonstra- He reporteci on the number M.rA., aed .W Haerris- iilc Deloitte, Plender, Haskins s te nome this mani. tiens by well trained girls o! O! children receiving finan- be ini charge of mnailing. "We on the Arena Board try Basie Struts and a Military cial assistance for transporta-A. .. wlth whorn are now merted ta )ceep rates low and still March. tion, nursery school, braces, Mr. Cowan aise, commended A r e usd break even se as net te have Enjoyabie Baton Twirling etc. He saici that six childrcn Uic Rurai-Urban Commnittee (FROM PAGE ONE) Montoth, iehl Wates & o. te ta payrspy the shot. solos were perfornec by were aise sponsorcd at a cost chairman Alfred Allun for the ject for the town, ,and for Reh, atrs& o.We beliv that if increases Shelley Vanstone, Kim Mast- O! $200 for surmer camps. successful Rural-Urban Dmn- celebrations during Centen- L S arecncedcd te we wiil try t ecrs, Teresa Payne, Penny AI- Mr. Vice aise speke o! thc ner Meeting held in Orono niai Year. Hc said that 1967 Osaa Toot anitn making organizations se oui Kowal. The Sharonettes Tearn Party attendeci by 26 young- Norman J. Scott spoke on his will probably previde a L onpol hae sotas Twirl was prctty te watch with steis and 15 parents. rcet tot Europe and change o! pace for everyonc. up LU 6 twe Winnipeg Regina Calgary chcaply as passible. the girls garbeci in scariet andi Mr. Vice praised Rex Wal- especiallY o! the time he a Mayor Hobbs then called 0dmonton Prince George Vancoiwver "The rate was raised for silver. Sharon Piper was the ters, director of thc succcssful spent in Russia. o n Clerk-Treasurcr-Controlicr 1967 to the Gamrble Hockey leader. Rotary play. He said! that fourByo gvastemnonSVN B e0on W. lebi C.A., RI.A. BurtK. waters, C.A.. Schooi $5 per heur. We feel The yeungest children werc Retarians and five Rotary tByron te giac sititonSVN S&B RG ISG LR this is reasonabie. We have sweet as they gracefully danc- Anns were in thc cast which F . the town'siinan iHall positin.g~i - - Mi. Gamble unless I arn ta Dance. Those taking part Rotarian and a son o! anothe Mr. Byron said that in re- JUY L i&~ ----assume that he asked YOU, wcrc Michelle Morris, Janet Rotarian. He added that P m *~ mg ard te the new Police and Mr. Nicks, te, spcak on his be- Brown, Tracy Badour, Cheryl seven Rotarians and 10 Ro- P s o Fire Hall, the principal L haif. If this is the case I feel Fisk, Kathy Hickey and Louise taiy Anns servcd ini stage <FROM PAGE ON E) amount of debt charges eut- L W NGLMIE lI E U il is wronig because when I Purdy. crews, etc., and 48 Rotarians stndn aKINGbr3ît ST. E. WM NIL sat on counicil it was decided The Irish Jig was danceci andi 48 Rotary Anns soîci tic- People o! Whitby." 1966 is $1,843,256. thatthi Isue o th Gable ithvere an pefec rhyhm etsMr. Wootton aise received "nt is net expecteci that de- hu fffll V U L U htthsisu !te abe ihvev ndprec hth es congratuîatory messages from bentures te finance the new ýe, yHockey School was the sole by Kelly Hickey, Jessica Nimi- "The gross receipts were the Mayor-clcct of Oshawa, police and fire building wouid TORAGE ~~~~~~responslbility o! the Arena gon, Wcndy Trirn and Lisa $1,100, expenses were $335, Ernest Marks, himself a QC esl ni 98 hrfrf- Board and flot e! ceuncil. I Nicks. The Country Dance icaving a profit e! $764.86. and from Terence Kelly, Pre Î si the168 hreoe <DA~Mwould suggestMi. Nicks, that was also popular with the The after Uic play party at dent o! the Law Association Ofo! t paid in 1967 and "f' f J "* W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :~epe who lveiî glass audience. Taking part wcre the home o! our president was Ontariîo County.198ad ddn $4000s gueshould net throw atones. Jenni Wildman, Leanne Park- a fitting climax te, a very Mr196tn8sa ore Ite anecd cost e! Uic0n000'as for "The Arena Board takes i- ci, Susan Gaudy, Judy Jen- warthwhile preject. clrymatn Uc a bormer uidn, h otlpinia creases serlously and applies ningi, Abble Blanchard, Joyce MH iesoeo i okOe eun, hes on Rion t usadn tD- 4 IGS.E O M NIL -NC LAUS FLOAT the:m te places where profit is andci Donna Hancock, Erixi o! the Park Committee chair- Frank M. Wootton, and at- ceniber 31st, 1968, will be 4 IGS.E AN- aeratherthno our local Nicks andi Diane Brown. cci by Harry Cooke. He saici tendeci Victoria College,Os$18,39 ivide - 12' high people who only reit tUic The March andi Twirl by that $8,000 o! Uic $17,00o pur- goode Hall, MOsG- $1n981f,3 ad4e9.i otlte OM O H Arena for a bit of sport." Barbara Smith, Sherry Cox, chase price o ieQensUiestegau i hre sueifo Mir. Hoqper then eàtrn>*tàd CtyPttrcidyFreid off, lcaving a ating l4th as a clergyman and the Ceunties for high school C1O ET TH ou. RA ii weeks -huila ltr"i =dciaq rrFarrili, mepibers blo! ofp00 wxng a ,I r. -. 11Puy Reasonable Rent Sthont ofthe ale Hok ejy Saud y' hess, wars lc te ,ank o Montreal. "ThÎe eserveci the Ijnitcd Church p ur p o ses. ($456,000), the,.4 625lSha'sntprft a ppo- eynci Uic vie es houée on thefpropeîty il ent f4~or 0ycaîs until the Scn mount at Uic enci e! 1968 will oi h e Ya iniately -$6,87Z. "I would eEvorr40 one aise n- owadW picas e enlitd ,43,4.A h aeo estimate that Mr. Nicks was by the performance o! the cd er $4 at.Tel-WrdWawc eelseie$,4739 ttert ! .6 3M50 1paici fromt the Hockey Schooi Toy Shop Twirl by KÇim Phil- tîs on théc ban is paici with the Midiand Regiment. Our present giowth, the ex-__ Q - pprximtel $6,00, Mi lis, arenConeil Meodymonthly, and ail taxes are Ini 1943 hie was appointeci to pecteci 1968 nateable asscss- Hpr imeci.6,0V M ib 'rn, Sh nellAi, MCindy paldini fuil each year," hie the DIL plant at Ajax as ad- ment wilbe $10,061,932. 'Using __ "Ioou ld y pnintA War, Shellay Adrsn, Janet statei. prishv ministiative efficer with the 25 per cent o! oui assessmentAL OU ON RCI ifteefcaaetu rTownsley, Cindy Knawien, "Nine work prishv Inspection Board o! the U.K. as the maximum amount o! L U ickthsea acicto!are ter. Jodle Hoakin and Laurie Ford. been helci at thc park, some and Canada. debt we can safcly expect ta Nd shai s ihi oitin Te itiecns ad ahî lceol ninlanci clea e elaten took a refresher carry, then il will be scen that W an____ esg isPstini the Beginners Twirl. They graus planteci, cultivated,- and course at Qagoode and ith the addition e! the ncw WNE * e ha tepeople of ti.toyn Ls rnSao a-cl nifve inctbe rciigîw i egan *can be assured o! devoted in-wer isaFak hrnFr uadCv inctbe rciiglwi Ajax and building andi tic dcbt assuni-As _____ - row ~~Donna Cook, Daphne made. OthertebeWitby. e Omarcc ited from the Counties, wc wil iTSIE T 0 a!proalîtrst. fo Lobb, Sharon Cook, Bcbbie made la the near future, and tw os, John and Frank, a remain bciow the 25 per cent REGOT $3,0 OM-I. . ? oo5 aar e ndbs eruoMoia P tri 96 r i cetabes and hO enow w iuigh maximuRe: Finances SAVE UP TO CERN anwi shshes cen frh aisy, BrnSaonco e ske o!"The fiscal year e! a muni- "NT EMATTER 0F The Public taisdntere, cipality is for the same terniA$ "I TEtinie given him te speak. McGuey, Pauline Hooper andi Dr. Keith Billet, Director ags the caiendar year - that lu, chools Act, being R.S.O. 1960, Councilior Nicks said hat Beth Harmnen. TpDnc Chairnian o! Club Serviecid n JanuaylsteDc br 4 0 o/ hatr30as amended by The i W5eietta > The Paiiited Don a ac coagratulateci tice Rtanians Ac ie t3st. As you know, early in hp r30 Amnmn Acer'sremaiBks did not demi witlh was dlonc in rerfcct tempo by and Uic Attendance Commit- _ ach ycar, the estimatea for ublc chol A enmet ct coriil bt er apesoalSusan Ellis, Leah Woodward, tee, chaired by Jack Lancier, te ya r eemnd e 1964,c Shool ,s ecin2 attack on him. "I do net in- Sharon Hammonci, M a r i e for ils fine record, and its pou d enuearoarchsurnc.e- a 194 hpe 5 eto ;tend te gel into a hassie with Andrews and Ruth Cameron. achievement in winniag tUic provincial grants, licencesCL ND IN THE MATTER 0F the a or iebihr SBTic Doil Tap Dance by Susan TinnHAt [VtÏieof S..... Se..*..Number Fi"t- Tom,-rowupis 3urzGuideline TrstescfScoo Scio Nmbr liee il haci îefttic mtter o! the c" thecrsdri e wacciipes h Nte Township cf DarlUngton, in the County contract te Uie Arenu ]Board. M V f div eorge StreetJame as Grantoos, whlch deed conveyed R. mid h. had pofled council S O aik,7Gog tet o orwi u u bloinie menubcns aid this was their RE PAI R Lnsy. osal Don Evans, opinion. H. add.d that J JSohP n ekkenae 2, .R U tW preel o land on"ingcounei had n - autoriTomnoJohnw'kkconsumer, RdemandarrvtomcosuoerserVarketso by ad»ii ýn cntal ngcorencil hBard nea thon.aty t»6 P E T S H O P paien i 4a3"I that pareel cf haianmnEacre Browavl eHo s p a e ntui. and the technology to adapt to tomorro w'hle g s by nmdo th.sun ent orth Easte- & ni cetoandeg in. cf tii. North Emitment made hould b. km t,"jre nacliso tetnTee r h est dsra edrhp Comç of Wt umber Thbty.Two la Councillor Eu a tted. 4>e 801<1G ST. W. pHONE 623-2921 p.m sn aciionbcteen Teeorhiaey oldura 0éesi "t MOi f 0Tw-Aena Board lau no statutory motorcycle andi a car driven Î]mgo bodaex p~er. It isu mt up by c>uncil. * HRendrik Veenstra, Wavcrly W* tin=*0Northi But cil coulc net send a lettai Mcm No. 2 Highway at Brooks aTIwC*d oeadsuh iio re1 i jR9I e>DOMINION TEXTIlE s udmothwlh rquest te reconsld Corner. Constable James Cee, dunres thatbad boon eln ImmmmW oe»~ ~ U O u OPP, investigateci. abu *Itofr uolleltrmj or polp.1 25 minutes past 12 o'ciockaCMPN LIV IJ ~ipet lm. y,111, 1*3 *frooi*r thn a-4thsat ALL car driven by Ivan Davidi eCnad M oupcilor Nwcab Ud bom Wainamaker, 49 Liberty N., euatrsofI"MA ~o am h sd lard on othmr > >bora of1 *~ 5 l ~ skldded on the ice on King .~Ca1emBom11 at 1=4bysahu 3 meU . I Street East at tic Saper 461iM o iT a itebaU, mcirW UU w m BONSW Cveek Bridge and struck the tbu»yi 08."FýroSi )1 A P othaieo! the bridge. tIbrfthey e it coulis >!>aniagthe te ccar amounteci b"oobodtOfthm mbers ar, a b flImore tan $100. Constable çI the IiM.artb ho.Wusatocar col- o, ~ ~ ~ b"diam hO eutht kmTHE ADDRSSS FOR ALL YOUR 3luoq tSmunAeu ni 4_ Mo" etBeach Rouci on w n.Wea noid4. 4 2:40 p.m. Thc l AAjjLI4ý à tIovr ba o!the twoeu$rawere I I9WJjIVJJ EOO?4 miaeuott, 670 Olive St., dUUI. --W0shwa, andi Dave Woolner a> aNG ST. L. kwïI tt c pýî

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