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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1967, p. 6

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for winerSeaonI ffl ~a~lg22; wa Ing thUicChildren's Section I2 al ,o Batoî Wenes- there are ibree new activities: lepoPt to To*n <lay38" âBicýnand Tap Sai- Girls Voleyball wlth a small ~AtOesuI 811urdy49à Boy Gym Ontario registration, Boys Baskeibafl big tet Iioo1 22; Boys Gym (7 to 12 yeara of age), and 011 *té tb*t Lood EgwSehol 22; Girls Painting. The two latter arc Gym 40; Girls' Volcyball 5; well attended. Aquiarluin Society 20; Bowling The Boys linon Hockey pi'ogwm>s 100;, Touch Football 49; Hoc- League la enioylng another kqy-Tyoe80, Atoni 80, Pee excellent season due to the as tfl.~a*Woe154; lIldget-Juvenilc 101; fine work cf Coaches and Uic etbail, Tyke 12; Basket- Becreation Departinent super- Sm -20- MoVieMê Baniani and Midget 42. visory Staff and Uic Referees, Shp The Swlmrning Clasa bas Mi. Fannlng reported. benmdlficd to a 12-week Last year the- Atom Section Wecdies curemd ere are a largc waa dlvlded lie Tyke and 'a %?sNgketbafl 48; number cf teenagers working Atoni, and this season Uic 74 Jtnt 1kL«dga'for Bcd Cross and Royal Life category system bas been: - i 4lly 1;Saving Aads.This i nla unhdintePce Wces,: aren thni developa future witb Pee Wce and Pee We vilg-Fig-1 swimrning instructors and Minc. There are eigbt Tyke ~3ma28; upervisors. teanus, five Atonis, cigbt Pee Wees, cigbt Bantama, and eigbt liidget includlng Juven- course o oe ktn n hokydrills. The achedule ..T URS. toSAT., JANUARY 5 - 6 - 7 started la Decenuber. The Pee Wce Series went througha1 *SNfnuie Matin.. Saturday at 2 p.m. three weeks? traninng session, %m , uthe Kîller WIuaIe" % Midgets.Ui Due to only 20 registrations In Clonaisein the Girls Hockey League thsgroup was cancelled. Thcir ice tume la taken up by "Ambush Baly the Pe I eis Mis. W. M. RuddUI l againd ColoheicChairman cf thc Figure s] Color Skating Committce. Figure si * Huh O'nian Jams MichumSkating registration la higher ___________________ James________________ than ht was last year despite the fee being raised frein $8 ta $10. The Juniors skate on Sun. Wo Sat. (on. w.ek) Jan. 8 f0 14 Tuesdaya and the Seniors on B Wednesdays. The Figure Skat- :zXhe -Show Nightly at 7:30 Matinee Sat., 2 p.m. ung Professionals ibis year f are Paul Tto n r.F, ,4~+-"Boundy. c Mlii Mmii ONIIIJOJS ERFOMANES i. There were 31 refemees par- ai ua ticipatirig la the Referces CHi- R AT POIJIARPRICE! ~ 'niemc eld at Uic Lions Centre Uj inOctobcr. Bill Morrison,W former National Hockey Les- te gue Refere and Linesman, .4 was ini charge cf ibis clnic, M and it provcd te bie valuable B, te ibese wbo atcnded. T ~i& The Pa re n ts -ChîIdren F( Lecam-to-Skate Clasa started L tismanih an Wcdnesday a.- Si marouns from iwo to 3:30 P.m. Bi in the Arena. Mir. Tation, the KC ~ "Figure. Skating Professional, M, * lan charge. This class is for COLO> NEI children under five yenrs cf age. The parente aise bave ac chance ta learn figure skating th ifthey wish te de se. c Mi. Fanalag spoke appre- tei ciativcly cf the co-operation B4 unrnl TEEMa.macmr~u~belag receivcd frein the Pub- ye uuu...,ncONBYt.NE.~jTrHli Scbool Board, Scbaol Prin- Sv hà mi.< cipals and Uic caretakers in Fi connection wth activitica be- vi. 00, Stndents _cChildren .50e Anytime h eld in Uic achools. The Lt anient of Becreation and £E the- Ontario Training School Lii tw EBalsa bux oe tu a progm Iuvolvtug i the Manner. Durlng the f the Tatng School tookPl ln the Toudi Football Leagl and wlll aloo take part int Banketbail Legu an duni the wlnten The. Direetor Recreation, Mr. Fannlng, mie tloned that he Ia grateful:1 tie excellent co-operatarui celved, froun H. Hooper, t Training School Superinte dent, and bis Physical Edu( ition Staff, W. W. Bagneil, IR Martin, and JAL Guernsey. OBITTJARY ]E. L. (DEAC.) GODDAI The death cf Herbert (Dcac.) Goddard, aged occurred suddenly at Menuori Hospital, Bowmanville,i Sunday, December 18, 1966. A son of thc late Fred ai Laura Goddard, the deceas was bor ata Elgin, N.B., mua Sing with bis parents ta Boç manvifle where he receiv( bis education. On Septcmbi 15, 1926, he marrled the farn em Helen M. Bounsail w] survives. An electrician, Mir. Goddai was self-employcd for the pa 16 years and had resided. 131 Church St. for 21 year Re was a member cf Trinii United Church and was als a member cf Bowmanvil Lions Club, serviiig as il president during 1952 an 1953. At the trne cf bis deat' he was an International Cour cillor cf Lions Clubs and wa District Governor in 1957 ani 1958. During World WarI he served in Canada with th Royal Canadian Air Forc from 1942 ta 1945. Surviving besides his WifE Fielen M. Goddard (Nell), is daughter, lira. John E. Button haw Jr. (Barbara). Als survivlng are tbrce grandsons asister, lira. Jack Herol( (Evelyn) of Kamoka, Ont. and two brothers, Ted o: Montreal and Laurence « Bowmanville. The funeral service was hel' trom the Northcutt and Sinitl, Funeral Home, Bowrnanville :n Tuesday, December 2Oth and was canducted by thE Rev. G. K. Ward cf Trinitî rnitcd Church. Interment ras in Bawmanvllle Cerne ýry. Hanorary palibearers were [essrs. Nelson Osborne, Bruce 3erry, Stuart James, Andrew rhorupson, Melville Dale and Porbes, Heyland. Palîbearers weme Messrs. elby Grant, George Van ridger, Fred Cale, Robert Cent, Rosa Stevens and Glen àartyn. Among the many beautiful orl*tributes, evidence af he esteem ia wbich the de- eascd was beld, were those rnm many Lions Clubs, In- ernational Lions, Brancb 178 ýyal Canadian Leglon, Good- 'ear Tire & Rubber Company, *ift Canadian, Bowmanville 're Department, Bowman- 11le Public Utilities, Jerusalem ,dge, Higgop Electmic, Ruddy lectric, and Bow.manville lonettes. Our New Yu' J' e ye U To supply Bowmanville and area with the f$nstdairy products ... bar none . in 1967 To encourage the future generation to drink h.finest food available to man. To give our customers the best value possible, coýnsistent with high quality. TO-QUR PLANT STAFF YEmut Twist *Ernst Faiuiy Mér4~y Flintof f VOUR SALES STAFF Elton Brock Clarence DeVriet Albert Pearce Stuart Crago Murray Cain Don Brown Lloyd Stainton John DeRoif Abrt Donaghu. Tim Dykstre OFFICE & MANAGEMENT Bob Stevens Rois Stevens Dorean Charles Jean McLean meChristmas D"y, ulh f. n iî Lots tapiéton ha Ne. mmCarnasmland fampsly spoeà ga few dy the lnciuded Mis. Bessie Wa4key =Pot Hoe th bMi. and Mni ing Mir& Storey, Mr. Ernie Wal- B Dnefley and m on. .of ey, Mr. Cecil Kaof1 Mr. -and lira. MâcGregc en Bowmanville, àlira. va Smith Joes nd failny of Buring for Of Oshawa, Mr. -Wflfrd ton were enflera Tuesdaya re Leinke , f Northbrook, Mr. Mr. C. 3,L Jones,. the and Mnr. Archie Parrinden of r. eniFaow n en. Myrtle Station, as wefl as Mr. i.DensFarw a Ica.Roy n*, andMr.sO o f Oshawa were visiter ~. Boy Smth md e wlth Mis. Phil -Gllmer an ja Johnston. On the Itonday fo lniy lowing, Mi. and lira. Hary~ Thursday afternoon. Anderson and girls, of Pe Mrs. C. Walkey was admit town, were dizmer guests WftII ted teoMemorial Hospital las family. Mis. Alice Rowe-Sleemano At Mr. Bruce Elliott's 1Toronto and Mr. Douglas Red Dr Christmias guesta were Mr. knap of Oshawa were Satur L. and Mis. Russell Elliott and day evening guests of lMr. an( 63 faxily, Oshawa, Mi. and Mrsr. lira. P. Gilmer. ,!a Wane Ellioti lira Thos. Mi. and lira. Jack Mooi on Je.etstMr. anc MiM. George Of Hamilton were holidaý and girls, Mr. and Mis. weekend gueste ai lMr. C. H Md Bruce Elliott Jr., Mr. and Lane's, while Mr. and Mrs ;d lirs. Robert Efliott. Clif Leach of Feneila wen )V Mir. Dave Denault accom- udyviiea W- panied Mir. and Mis. Don El- With Mr. and Mrrs. Dor ,ed liott and daughters te port Stapleton New Year's dinnei )er Hope where they were dinner guests included Mr.- and irs 111 .guests of lMr. and Mrs. Ron Wm. Stapleton, lir. and Mrs ho Burley and son. iLennox Vasey of Port Mc Nichol, Mir. and lirs. Bruc( On Saturday, Mr. and Mrm. Dannelley and Darreil, Poi rd Reid Wood and boys had dlfl. Hope, lirs. Lorne Tadd, ci ist ner with lier sitser and fam- Mulbrook, the latter havinf at ily, Mir. and lira. Ray Challice sp ent the past week there. s. at Ida. Sunday, with Mir. and Mir. and Airs. George Hen. tY Mrs. Wilfred Wood, they were derson, Port Hope, with Mr so dinner guests in Toronto with and Mrs. Fred Hendersor, le Mr. and lirs. Ken Smith. Peter and Carol. It5 id A great deal of interest was Mr. and Mrs. Juin Adams th evidenced at New to nvill1e spent the weekend with fr1. a. United Church on Tuesday ends in Toronto. as evening when a large congre- New Year's Day buffet sup- d gation gathered to take part per guests with Mi. and Mrs Ein the service which was be- Joseph Marteil included Mr. e ing televised teappear on the and Mrs. Charles Martell Sr. 6, ai 10 p.m. Jan. lst, 1967. Mi. and Mrs. Gary Marteil The local congregation was and boys, Mir. and lirs. Roy egreatly augmented by visiting Genno and family, Mr. and aand interested friends from Mis, W. Henry and family, outlying districts. The Town Mr. and Mis. Robert Wiilsher ?o Council showed its interest in afld Stephen, Oshawa. the persons of the Reeve, Roy Ms.G. W Jones, Mrs. Bea IFster, and Counilor Orme Jons, M. and lirs. C. M. fais A full choir under the Jones were dinner guests New )fdirection of the organist and Year's Day, at Orono, with choir leader, lira. Frank Gil- Mr. and lira. Carman Cornish mer, very efficiently rendered and family. Stheir Christmas anthem "The Mi. and Mis, C. R. Farrovw h Birth of Our Saviour"' by with Mr. and lirs. carl Todc Carolyn R. Freeman. The duet and fanuly, Starkviile. 1part was taken- by Misses With Mr. Dave Denault e Denise Efliott and Dorella were Mr,. and lirs. Ron Bur- y Lancaster. The minister, Rev. ley and son, Port Hope, Mr. It R. C. White was ini charge of and Mrs. Roy Berry and fain- -the service and reminded the 11Y, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Don audience that beside taking Elliott and girls., epart in the National Centen- Mir. and lirs. F. Gilmer eniaI celebration, Newtonville were among the Sunday din- SUnited Church would on June ner guests at Mr. George I4th celebrate uts own one bun- Kirmball's, Newcastle. dredth anniversary. Many ex- Mir. and lirs. Lawlor of *pressed their appreciation of Belleville spent the weekend ithe painstaing efforts of here with hier family, Mir. and tmnoderator Peter Riley and his lirs. V. Reid and daughters. i well trained staff of techni- Mr. and Mis. Arnold Wade clans. At the close' 0f the ser. and Grant were Sunday sup- 1vice the social conimittee of perguests with Mr. and lirs. the U.C.W. served coffee and Bill Wade and boys. a light lunch. With'Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Mr. and lira. Harold Woo~d Wood were Mir. and Mis. Jack and err wee i Pot HpePye-Finch and famlly, Scar- an errismsy wer itPor.Hopeborough,' Mr. and Mrs. George. Chrsims aywit l r. ndFelgate and family, Union-: Biuines: Dircory ville, Mi. and Mis. Ken Snith,l Accountancy thartered Accountant 93 Church Street O O 623-3861 WM. J. X. COGiNS7 Chartered Accouztant 115 Liberty St. S., Bawmanville Phone 623-3612 WILLIAM C. HLL B.Comm. Chartered Accountant 361/2 King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 BURROWS, SELBY & Co. Chartered Accountants 323 King Street West.......... Oshawa, Ontario ' - '. 725-6451 - 728-7554.......,..'.... William A. D. Selby, C.A. G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ofie:Chiropractor ceut and Non! Cathoat of Mettosblti#~fi ( IL L E withMr. ad bfsmad <"The ý,ry lph Tor nt, i.and M . Stew - Neals for- Christmas. Young Pèople'a choir of st. las art onZd and familly, Bo. Miss Margaret Lowes, Ton- Pau1's sang "-Corne Jesus Ho y in manvifle, -Mr.' and Mr.Har-old onto, la home for Christmas Child"'. The Junior United ra. Wood and TerryMi. mnd 'n. bolidaya with bier prntMi. Cbumch choir sang "The HOIlY Reid Wood ad boys. and lins. Donald =Mwe . And The Ivy". 'or Ms C. Burley, Mr. and M. and lr. Gervin Mulli- e. Athur S. Allerton led ig- lira. Don Vinkie ini Peterbor- gan spent Christmias wlth Mi. thc service. Portions of scÈlp at ough with Mir. and lirs. E. and lira. Gerald Mulligan at ture conoerning the prop,*I MeEwcn and family. _Agicourt. and birth cf Jesus weme id Mi. and lira. Bull Kinibal Mis. Helen Chaplin ta with by Miss Diazina Pearce, )r Port Hope, Miss Diane Kim: er faily at Trent River for Sheila Wood, Miss PlýY id bai, Toronto, Mr. and lira. thrce wecks bolidays. Youngman, Miss Jane r , Do Bright, Oshawa with Mir. Mr. and lr.BrySe Christian Allerton, Do-;ra M ndlrs. Jack Kimbail and art and fami]y of PontypoolWitiad hrstphr Ls family. xwere Christmas guesta w j wth the congregation joi Dinnr gesi onliodayMm. and Mis. William Jordan un singung a nuniber cf bm of with Mi. and lira. F. Gilmer and Roas Jordan. reaiet h citr e- N d . w e r e M r . a n d lr . J i n G il - lM r . a n d M s . P e r r y N e a ls , T h r o e s i n a y n n a Tmer and family, port Hope, Peterborugh, were M nday TheM rR essira Prasem d ýdM. and lrs. Phil Gilmer and vsitors witlu Mr. and lrs. M.Rdee' rie n idfamily. H rb Neals and M . and lra the recessional y ma «"Gloria re Don't forget the cburcb ser- Walter Neals. In Excelsis Dca." ,vice next Sunday, at the regu- Mr. and lr. LloydCa The Rv. William Plrcy c- ~ la b o u cf 10 .m . T h ere w i]l Stick, M iss S haron .C apstick f r d p a e s a d p o o n e bs e no special television tap- and Robert Capstck cf Ux_ the benediction. re ing, but it would crtainly be bridge, wrc guests with lrs. nuce to bave anot her good Milton Weathierilt and Char- )crowd in tedn, and cf- les Weatherilt for Christmas er fe wull be scrved aftcrward wcekend. 'S nthe Sunday School hall. M. and lr. Harold Phil- ý7> Came out and elp celebrate lips, Peterborough, were with Z c- aur ýCentennial! his parents, lir. and Mis. Wil- ce luai Phillips for Christmnas. rt Gucats through the weck- Cf BETHANY end with Mr. and r.Mn kg sel Wright wcre Mir. and lira (Intnde fo lai wek) Ralph Whettlauffer,. Taranto Mr. and lira. E. R.Edwards WMr.anlr.OmeMlr r. spent Christmnas whr.e Whitbys 1,wuthKrelatives During the weck, lMr. and Roer aiKtceery Mrs.i Wright wull visit with Robet Pircyattend i n g relatives at Owen Sound. !Tarante Unversiy isbaom Mrs. Ina Palmer spent for holidays with his prns Rev. and Mrs. William Piercy Christmas and several days a .et pueu - lra, James McKinnon b y. following with Mr. and lira. I' iet pue 9. al lier famnily home adr Ed McGlynn and lir. and rChristmas including Mir. anor Mrs. Reg. Palmer in Peter- your insurance too!i lira. Cecil McGill, lira. Mnd borough. ici Abren and Miss Sandra Mr nd lirs. Arnold Wil- If you're stili carrYing several SAbren, aat;Mrln r iams and their daughtcr Dar- policies in order ta have a SGerad Staples, Lakefield; S*r lene of Trenton, were with bodpoct nuac r. d and Mrs. Bruce Ryley, Mr. Mr. and lira. George Neals for rapoetyisan ro and lira. Harry R Meadrsia. gram, it's time for a chanige. r famnily, lMr. and lira. Bob Ry. lir. and lira. Arnoit Neals Now you can have the vital aley and Randy, Mr. and liu. and family, Trnt. werc fire-theft-liability protectionx Vincent Jackson Ronald Jack- with Mir. and lira. Clarence son Jahn Jackson, and Miss Neals for the wcekend. you truly need-in ONE con. eEvelyn lieKinnon of Mont- Mr. and lira. Harry Ryley venient Homeowners Policy Sreal, Que., wbo wiîî remain and their daughters liarlene from The Hartford Insurancet for a week. and Susan were in Peterbor- lira. Bella Smith lefi on ouigh on Monday, guests cf Grou.p. Ask us about it today.. rTbursday ta spend holidayslMr. and lira. aig Bothwell. with lier mother, lira. JobnlMr. and lira. Milton Fallis, Miler ai Stoncwall, Man. Gardon Fallis, lillbrook; Har- tOncoe Challice, Blind River, ry Jobnston, Mir. and lira. is bomne for Christmnas weelk Clarence Johnston and Miss ST A T witb bis mother, lira. Richard Zetta John stan, Springville, OT Au . Challice. were gucats witb lira. Elmer lir. and lira. Creightan Rowan and Ralph Rowan for Carr, David Carr and Lynda Christmas. JAMES rCarr cf Picton, wcre with Mr. Carol Service » and lira. RaSa Carr for Christ: A Christmnas Carol Service mas. Other guests an lionday was beld in St. Paul's Angli- GENERAL INSURANCE wcre Mir. and lira. Frank can Church on Thursday cv- Prussak and their daughtrs ning led by the joint chirs 24 King St. . Bowmanvflg *Valerie and Karen of Willow- aOf the United Cburcb and St. Office Residence dale; lirs. Gertrude Passaw Paul's, witb lira. William Pemb oke, lin and lira N f Pircy dir cting and lr. 623-5681 6 35 9 man Neals cf Elinvale. Frank Fry, organiat. Mr. and lira. Malcolm Sinelt&j and their son Todd of Parti ~ I I. Hope, were with Mir. and lirs. P I O L S & 4O DlsSmelt for ChPrist~V LE Doula Christma ekn ithOas.STLATO family ai Bellevihle. lira. liildred Bristow spent TV AND RADIO SERVICE the Chnistinas wcekend witb - TOWER INSTALLATION *- Mn. and lira. Ted Laidley and CALI ORONO 983.5144 lir. and lira. Donald Cath -_________________________________________________ M SAVE 6c elos FLAKES 249L a iTA DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D. 75 King St. E. Bowrnanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Res. Phone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTIAN, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hlurs: 9 a.m. to 6 p.rn. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office 623.5459 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his haone 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvlie Phone 623-5604 Office Hours : 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Wednesday - Saturday Insurance DONALD A. MacGREGCORg Lite, Auto, Home I9% King St. E., Bowmaavule Lan S623-596 MERRIL D. BROWN P.ENG.. OLS. 121 Queen St. - Bowanavlfle Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251s SADIE HAJMITON - OENO Phone 98q-5115 Firot Mortgage Funda Recldenm i- Fana BustneuPropenties Op toe îr y -X i A Il! , .P au Dam y FMR HOME DEUVERY & .4-~ qàoUaUeU AmiFW L Ai4utaI BANANAS 2 LBS. 29c Can. No. 1 Grade 3-lb. Bag Local Growii - Cello, CAR ROTS2FOR35c Can. No. 1 Grade 3-lb. Bats Local Grown - Cello 'ONIONS 29c CAADA ~ 1 &RIDE P. L L POMMTES SAVE 1kc- USA SAVE 10- USA Oý.. Fr,,, N APPLE JUICE 24 r'59 RHIIBARB PIE 4Oc- SV 12Ê I Fn1 SAVE Se - R. C. Maorj o« Spa.9HW .~ 291. APPLE SAURE 3 r. « 41c SPAGHETTI 3 9c SAV 7c- M CWs . or TOMATOES 2 59c SPAGCHETTff' I ýSAUCE na. 43c AYLMERTJAMS '14 45c Flr~~~m.$dR.o .gI 3 JIILK SHAKES 5 rIn93c ALPHA A 'T RQà. SAVE yM SPTA lE SAVE 20e le am Bq L a q/r': 1: FRESH YOUNG* ONTARIO PORK SALE!! FRESH PORK 8M OII T SUBI UT CIOPS. 49 M55 M 69 BOWMANVILLE IGA FOODLI NER De n-f al UBLE 114

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