é~a. _'ÈwImWoymaymgJaL1,1? vtenov Aept Resignation of àhMr nd Ms ite .~MsDM ,our- A ISt M.tonet iht Lus iC wth. On M.JonEwimvlo;Mi.m (f1 l ~ ! n ai tMr. und n < ud Mr. Her Rnde ,Deb adGnnal ~~E E ~ E .'yht u et t e o 4 4 W od nPlough L od e a i- M . An l We t n M s imiet r. ritan g e . oh dyevriRgMa.aie n. WngtaTr nto d with fO EMrJ udi '. ~M onA lte u neRv r< oonesWardenship Mitrshâerns HAnnieManager Raditah~. estA mixture of reactions ex. Mr'. P. Nicholson stated thât IpnilEnk of Commerce. gathening-ta v DryMulr s-&ettelnfor h. remembere the matter be ho. Iebrcan la ta be idbc buffet supperatheom et M .Lsie saa la oiiaawa, was Friday overnaght 1068 of the Orn yro alo ing discuased this year. Mr. withia a sixhmotnth peniod.tMn. when the Rundie fJ l pn ~ ndM, al nt vos euuld by thé late Iteve adbfr l rNn a-s the UItodA. 3.Y<unaila.cuniency u ne eretvd i astèes rent ad nd adI any, belag in maod with Ing about the nan2e to bo used the end of March. Master Randy Ok,0hwedfeipclbSs A. MtPtsIb uli id ho realieod deuyrev n councillor of Clernens, Hampton, w e re the festive season. Differing on the heading of the.bili Acoept Retgnatlon qpen the holiday, itGalYauwthM. dM 0b Our'te ho elected as United The eloction af the warden Mr&. E. Wright. al n oiyjd etItwshsIpeso ht the Gardon Huis.eetig oHarnennon. S e du otm adnt y ie lltkplconJnay1 A alygteigwsivolving both commis. oners machine would be coming anitne but sellym durlng the as the counties council meets held et Mr. and Mrs1. Murray and manager. early lI the new year and also reiYeeiongMr ccepted the New Ye4r's Mond innsetCnita a lbM' W ot>cumdldacies Conteaa Year ai 1967. for its finst session of the riew Axford'u, Oshawa, on New Cmisoe ihlo a ht h ui shdsae etam s f r n tlnd% bo i opeou', ne 4utfan1mse l buat obon e eectedacni ate Mr. ndMm. AsinF critical af the purchase af two that tiiene should be a avlng manager of the Onono Hydra o ns om rank-rAC'P heaters whlch are ta ba rented through ltm use for the localwthterihtlnabcoeymsomnvl.M.an M.T.MISI ~4aiMezIly'~for'the viole of Hope Town. muet poli 28 votes, a majanity lin, Oshawa, Mra. G. MeLean oeffectiveteras ai J-Hene- 3oth, 1967 . ne r's viStranlnepetCyita EevilIl el tý> &î Mp," he tated. df those cast. amd Mis. w. erguson, outfrpase .ln.H x-hdesytm urher lI this respect the n r.SalyGbewr:rltvsi oot a K lneed did not necessitate the peared teemhudh aamaae. pnagee n Mr.IetGbl, rsdifa fiy ewal. m~nepg popj lit, will ha the Northumberland County, il violtors af Mrs. IF. Toms. xeniur.Mr. Dent stated dfnto idte o h nDetwl xedhae:MyJhs M.adMs n.R .Gn,1 reevo lontader n thetho Rove afrit.... Aflforifthe ýou» fenedrI teteRtr fAlnwick Tawn- Mr. Douglas Taylor, D at the twa heateru had caut mnrr.n iD n frte lyent wilt the om-Mis ardonsaker.adimladGedln n i.M ~,~urame. owever, he has everallhlp, J. FP. ilex" McMlllan. _mad Donald, Bowrnanville, Mr ne alr uk ton, atalmaanagerandwaundbecomiss o.e h e n- ti wasitate Cmana Ge r on akteMn.ands rn ispî n osw hravey vTyoreonsa n Fented aut et $2.00 a week dition, he said, makes it al- nat obtained. Alsa agnes- Leslie Gable andMnLacMs.Ae MMatrZI. tue vtara E N N I K IL L N Thav e n vsiMen@ayf Mrs l each. He said they were now mont impossible for a manager ment haiu been neached ho- Phare.___________ ~ *Mo ithe era be îLN-NwYa' ody r.oto eta n xetd a«prt.H sgetdta ween the Commission aid Mn. Mr. anid Mns. S. Gai wr u~vb~O~aIa6wagJp. vIethem ta be used fanma period penhaps the Hydro Chaîrmen Dent ta have Mr. Dent con- Setunday evenin .get ifoe ers Itafr~t~otlhe~~e D i ltmnded for last week) mtredi h CnsmsFo os copns r if ive ta six weks Mn. shauld repart every marning tinue on fo a 12 manth period Mr. aid Mrs. Ln nis a È Mm. H.cU..W wa W e 1. masnwih Ray', and y. m d n,. eiTlr , whr-io Nicholman saj a adt taewatI . h ..W a el tte esnwihRy' aly. adMs.Lmle alr oNcolo ad that building to outline the wark toi the in an adviscory capaclty as- Hampton. " ft ooton bas -bien rove home ai Mn.. C. Stainton an M, .W r aD aouglas TayoDae ndc'r stgthnwmngr.I Cr pt rfi ilcheladftdînnerforWheUrseMice byOrono l otal reqe .scay m bdaintewa eio itn h e aaer a adpryFia vnn townuhipfW'thie iast Dec. l4th et 2 p.m., with 23,Mche lt-FidyDootenald, or, nve adsrieh telclhda cna adn.this capacity Mn. Dent wauid Dec. 30 wau well tedd haine et Glenbunnie, Mary-DaiB mnile The Chairman ai Hydra, The chairman said that h e h paid an amount of $100.00 Hligh lady Mru. Cd od -e leserved. three adulîs and savenclrn , la. r. D.B. Key, Ton. Mr. Wilbur Tomsanmd Mr'. Mn. D. Simpson questionad was discussiaig the purchase a month. 10w lady Mrs. R.Gib hh Thi year haocam- pressait. Mrs. L. Staiatan read anto, nstunned with thm a' efoudr Iepucase ai the McBae as the chairman-af e gl'OuP Mr. Dent han been with the man, Tom Milisonan<ow cè i 2dya ntea short poemn and thanked a holiday. stock, reSna visitoesaithilllng system ai whlch the and that in na way wene Ornoa Hydra since 1945.HeM.CaaieBdey OflCav2n Twnhi.Mneerit orong e Crsthe Mdy ust t h i-. F. o. av beequipment had now annived personlilties Invoived. Iook aven as manager in Mnu. May Black, M.En Roto n sf avd a ownm h omfor.titohe rm eilng evh .an dChiaMas. C. iAvey ' gueaet h iC g p hv enaIthe local Hydro office. M . M . Dent said that he hopd 95.-Orono Times. Bake, Betty Lynn adB ni ~S1LRato sidho adnathoe or hemeein. ev.Mi. ad ns C.Avry' wrebusy during the Christmas Simpson said that if he ne- to have the new hilling system Anai, Mn. Jerry Carm Kng-~ y ltl ocdd ta oeek the M. A. Doughenty was lI Mn. and Mns. Richard Howe, seasan. On Wedneuday, Dec. callad coarectiy this place afintai penation by the finat of ton, speail sevenal asa renIp again but hae con- charge ai the devolionai and Tilbury, Mn. and Mrs. Irvin 21, they eatertained the Cour-. upatwsnt a h h en eIdtt ho vas In thep he p-setold us about the lite and Cook, Ka, Mrs. Effie Lutes, tice Hi-C and leaders, Mr.bugt Hafthn tte M.WodadaicsigOIT ONChsmawth n.nd r. ~gjai aklgadecîsion and hymne written by Isaac Scarhorough, Mr. and Mnsq. and na Jhn DaienEi Keneth iac dOIdvery well he e candi- Watts. Psalm 726 was nepeat- Robent Wilson and Brian, Mr. ads. aJohn dethe eBtngo that the purchase ai the the discussion said that they Congnatulations ta n.Dvcer L was ejoedan te ai O equipmeait bad been* turnad had a situation that was hene (Intended for last week) Hoopon af Oronco:a a 5hU11 , Mn. Cnanke aid h. waul canis ad Mna. Howard Oke and the eveaiing lI dancing. A de- down hy the Commission. and that they would have ta Christmas Day visitersai birthday on SatundayJa.7h tlikely ha in the race. wer oeugd the eotintel iaml, iOsahw nand B n. liCistaus lnhwssevd n Mn. Dent, manager, stated liva with 11. Mrs. A. Woad and sons wane: Mn. anid Mns. DIdAlsa ng bl was lasd h repatig te Ji Mcauglin nd rena, CnismasEva, canais were that $1,500.00 had hean placed On motion ai E. R. Wood- Mn. anid Mns. Colin Taylor, draad, Bowmanviiie;M.adl irIê Sfelected, Mno. Clarke would Lond's Prayer lI unison. Mns. Union. enjoyed hy the neighbauning In the two-yan budget for yard aaid D. Simpson future Bowmaaiville; Mr. and Mrs. Mn,. Lloyd AlIdreedad Ma-of s n ~bb the tirsI waman even Ross Sharp was lI charge ai Mn. anid Mns. Joe Lake cammuailties, sung hy the Hi- office equipmant. Part oi the commercial establishments are H. Trîvaît, Weston; Mn. and laie wene New Year' ona W~L thie varden's chair I the pno<¶iam. Mrs. H. Ashton were gueula ai Mr. end Mns. C membens. The donations equipment wau a naw elactnic ta, post suilable bonds when MÏrs. Robant Camenon, Ray. guests ai Mr. aaâ n ,.GuoInuan tgara.& sh would also nead a Chistmas story "When Xoepp on Satunday eveaiing. neceived tramin he hômes ser- adding machine and aiea li- obtainiaig hydro service tram mond and Ruth Ana, Long Alldnead. Ioe the tirst Wardan ai the Wise Man Appeaned." Mn. and Mrs. Allen Werry, eriadad by the Hi-C canallens ciudad the naw hîlliaig system. the Ornoa System. The hydro Sault; Mns. Lloyd Webb, Miss Mn. and Mns. Bil e adYumyh bet uuoyo i~a UiIedCauntios tram Pont Mrs. R. Shar gave a reading, Sharon anid James wena Fnl- ¶vhich amouaited ta $58-49 Was "I aven showed you sample of chairman was also authonlzed Jean Webb, Mr. Claude Harni famiiy, Hampton, spn5e uoiu~ nmu nimi vsnhel102by tth e laIcnaId rs e s. vRai iday dinaier guets ai Mn. anid greatly appneciated. Il is glv- hbis", eald the manager. tb obtain a dnaft ai a hy-law oas, Newcastle; Mn. aaid Mns. Yeamr's Day with Mn.r n.bv rtcinu o ul e Georle bmithe we as enwerad withRll an ex-Mn,. Adam Hawley and Cath- en ta two worîhy causes, Mn. Simpson said il did not to gaverai hydro installation Don Henaiing and boys, Bow- Murray Yeo. G n iel iw ovngcage Sih a ase i hanisemaserine, Paeeborough. Sandra Quifi-Mo-Lac Camp and the maka sense ta purchase this in sul-division extensions and manvilie; Mn. anid Mns. Mer. Mn. and Mn,.KeiehCmayfTHafrdnu fift ten an ounte~ gI. Mnute ai heest returned home, haviaig spent M. & M. Pund. They were equlpmnent wheai the hydro ta submit a draft ta the nexItan Mavinan ad Brent, Oshawa. Clark, Flinton;Mnd MrsSvnsfndiesidr2 b J fUiil, 11ternpoeuttIes ai meetinues te nda-haldays wlth 1er cousins. aiitentained aI Diane and AI- was li the ned by $1,100.00 meeting af the Commission. Mn. and Mrs. W. Roy and Ronald Rabants ardîmî,hv opee nepoe Ie au reeepa HpeeTofn- paed.Soe rrespoand ac e T New Year's Day party Ian Wenry's home, plus holding hack a hydro pay- Mr. Simpson iaiionmed the Dehbie were Christmas dinaien Kempîvîlle, N.S., spetNw tuVrtafg011,addm asreeo oeT wn- red. Ivsode ciesde Ii iMr.E.C Ahonsîaîy Mn,. F. Toms had Christ. ment. "I thought tle pur- meeting thal the Commission guastu of Mr. and Mns. Henh Yean's witl Mr. endM.K.Outsfya uetaonoi 4~a h. seved n vaiauswa s ad.ta atder t m a fs, EldCatO ho m i nmas dianer with Mr. and Mns. clase had been held up", hae had not as yet deait wiîh the Payneanaad iamily, Seagnave. Black.casit ,arjuttaw brais ee nb. auand aac e eterndy ol ui. a d s.t.G.travalome h-r.Wiibun Toms and iamily, said. Ha lIen poinîed out that manager', nesignation. H n n n.W edro a ers oia n o ugtrdc orco.1 sunig he ltou lsm wa va pasedlIa wepaytonawa, whene tonty-oneniema- Purple 1Hill, wonk on Division Street had stated thatthIe langer i11in lait and Cola, Bawmanvilla; Mr. anid Mns. David ParkM.ai]aeiwoucmiînoial hara i1h atettri ai nn-den np dap,.Il asde brs aterd t clerae. heNerYan' Dy ua- nt eatcoplîa a ye. n.nldhade i wil aW. emianyMs.W. ndyan Dbhi M,.Coin ayor Bamai-ppin apTaini uoatos othGodnPog ide htw u 20i nStraDc 1t day morning chunch service Dent stated that the billing wlth. Mr. 'Waodyard suggest- ware Christmas suppen guestu ville; Mn. and Mrs.Rbn ai te GodenPlauh cled hat o pu $20 la On atudDc. 3ton awas cancelled due ta tIe fil-.machine had bean an punchase ed that a spacial meeting ha af Mn. and Mns. Rab Roy. Camenon, Raymond adRt top Twnslpla Il 1aIbuilding fund and pay $25 for very praîty .edlg a0 nen aif aur rainistan. She la sinca June. He misa pointed held with tle manager. Glad to repart Mn. Lloyd Anai ware guasts ai n.A Towshi.hd Is lstshipping charges on bale, place at the lame ai Mr. nd in Oshawa Genenai Hospital. out Ihat tle office was hand- Mr. Simpson pointed out Alldamd las returned home Wood and sons. Mrs. G. Werny vil look aler Mrs. S. E. Thampson wlan We ail wish hanr a speedy ne- liiag 1,2W0 accouais for hdo STUheART R. ne rmth saw eerlHs M.ad r.G the Bithday Box and Mrs. A. thain grandson,. Robent S. ydo IIleCm sisnke trmle saaGeealH- M.aid n.GogeA- Sharp wyul help on the uupply Thompson and Miss E. Ruil veny. water and garbage anid Ilat what llay wene going la do pitl. dread were guastsa a n n comulic. Tes piinHoaneeultdaimn this machine would cul down for Iley lad hl i m ieet- Mn. and Mns. James Eamer Mns. H. Handy, Bowmvil.1 tare hevd ta X Oeb e.wm an- laId a tiTompean homa e lmorial Hospital staff and was gneatly needed yet ta meel wiII île menager and sisleru af Northfield Sat onae-Nw ensDawr ed yMs E Joa-hg.nceîa auas A nte akla inîeofieig oelm aobtla n iNeDwonhysbote r. .WosTdYd folle. . e oet cod vi l re40the hguesîs hmee li Ihis area ai tle Hydro op- aven lis resignation. The ion were Christmas guasts ai dinner guesîs ai Mn. adMs pill.ay e tng Uit2.serd wa pfrasent ai 50e eddi ta CnW eyepot enation. This purchase, seid Commission set Moaiday, Jan. Rav. and Mn,. D. Northey. A. Mavin, BowmanileGNRL SUAC draeant d Un . srv g rastlathes Roban an. hi, Rporîte manager, had been dis- 2nd la meet wyul the manager. Mn. Paul Moore ai Ryerson Mn,. C. Shaw,Osa, cussad aI tle local meetings The Commission passed a Institute ai Technoiogy, Toron- pn l e ensweed2 lgS.E omaih Mr..and Mns. Georg1Iw' bride. For tle yack ai and lad also been discussed nasolution asking tle Town--ta, spenit the holiday season aI vilI ber uleler Mnr. n fic eloe aad Reney v re rhnims Mn. Gardon Stevens was a Dec. 26 - Jan. 1 inclusive and approved by officiais ai slip oi Clarke ta give approval lis home. E. A. Vîntue. 01c ueî 2358 o-s guetsofMr ad rs Avi Mr. oeLae.--- ------ 62 Ontario Hdawoiupr on tle barrowlng ai a sum ai Mn. and Mns. Stuart Young, ware: Mn. and Mn EMcan 4VIPPÇ/NTEDcottIedron. m r.AvnMe o a~a n dBirtls-3 maie, 3 femle? -6 the moeY. p $4000.00 rm he Cnadian'Mn. and Mrs. E. Fenlund, roi, Mn. nd Mnr.H. Cme _________ Mn. d Ms. P Carea, Mr. and Mns. Ivan Sharp Diaclarges__________ Dwayaie and Cînieina, aai nd g rM. and Mna. R. J. Major openations _____7 Mns. Claire Carreau wane Orislton were New Year's Minor opérations ---..28 . *; 4:',',. Tuesddey diainer gu ss ai Mr. guasts ai Mr. and Mrs. Rose Emengency treatmeaits__ 37 '*~4 end Mrs. GeorgeIvn and Ashton, Haydon. Visiting houns 3-8 p.m. daily ,. Rodney. Mr. and Mns. S. Turner,____________ ING ON M. and Mrs. Russell Gniffina Oshawa, Miss ElsieOke, Boy- were New Year Su.ndmy gueste manville, Mn. and Mna. Ron BuieBRss Droctory - OLSTERY aiM.-In. ôa el otsOn David and- Lis, Pic- Oshawa. ' ton, vene New Yean guesîs a ofMKE 2#tZImg tt W. Zevman ville Mr. and Mn.. Roy Werry Mr. and Mn,. F. Dorin. ___________ W%*maq 2#-?41 Ire. Entiateml and' family reluraied ta thIbm Mn. Gardon Yeo, Neil and RAY J. DILLINO home at Sudbury, Sundmy Mary wene New Yeaa gueula Clartened Accounlant ai Mn. and Mi-,. Sam Adams, 93 Churcl Street Bowmanville. 623-3861&M"élueut NSAUm s,, RDCTO 1 PTCtM. anid Mrs. A. L. Wemnn S. JE ~'and1 Susan spént New Year's Clartered Accounant a, onday wlth Mr. and Mns. T. 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanvllle àm OAP'a . Bell, Tarante. Phone 623-3612 K IA coo Mr.F. Toms' famlly spent WILLIAM C. HALL_ Christmas and New Year's B.Comm. K1 5U~V ATT UV day with their mather. Charîerad Accountant ~L I I ~ <f A New Yea's tamlly party 36%k King SI. E., Oshawa - was held on Moaiday et Mr. Teloplone 725-539 À OL and Mn.. R. MeGiI'. BURROWs, SELBy & Co. »sx Mr..and Mi. Elvyn Dickey Chei'lened Accounants -- wene New Yean suppen guesîs 323 King Street West IAtmF ai Mn. and Mrs. C. Stauntan. Oshaa, Ontario 4a * ~~~~~Mn. Carl Willianmson, Col- 725-6451 - 728-7554 A IUPCut£tT.BxfD£LM aoOJl mu- mbaP.A., vas Tuesday William A. D. Selby, C.A. T¶ -*IT Il ~ ~~~~~~~The Skinner tamily Christ- 'vetre n n ~.A .E mn unvCA L ___ mas patyvwas hla t Mr n ldC h ir op r a c 1iC, cUIE TA E___Mn,. Rosa Sîanp's. G. EwlrN ANN, DC.e .x 50 FRAIENES andwa, M. Elbiert Haves, Poo62-64 w'- IND BFOCALo Mr. nTdeMn. C. a ni hi R n nSUCE 16 . E.Horn Oaw, ve e e ew ions fieRu',:sPodc o 1'WM@O OiTTANINNI OFFER 19 OPTISAL NISTORI Yea' Day visiten. et Mr. and VINE-esm RIPEs n amlul tf ee'~ 'M O"o 0 ta"ye 0"eus et wrér lbIcal ues: kir.hIleà@Most Mn.. Eani Trevin's. DONALD A. MaeGREGOR iOIM5t12@ofSS £ bs. J7Cje V*k 1 @W of iii ini WUK ONLY V« u <n thé flinet 1 Mns. Gea. ScOlI, Oshava, Lite. Auto. Homeun0 flma Mir &~* is uW% uféjil lustes <emploIe wIAtlhe frime of yeur Misses Louise and Marnoi Inserance SV n MMm o t di .~w.~ Of Rc.$1.5.Machntôoh, Whitby, Mr. n.d KligSt- B., flowmanvilîe iw$ 63 &TYLE81, $UAPE# AD GOLONS TO OSE FRONM Mn. Alvin Scatt and iamlily, Phone 623-5902ISTN CFE ie eut mad mIl y«yosud fer YOU cal ré ,pe<îeKedron, vene New Yean Q AKR£ wT»ES n -"--lu ,NWsdý hm 4e #terWm»a af fréo « esile despe .p«alîy fer gueula ai Mn. anid Mrs. G. Ir. Land urveyin1g -O T E Limt »W L$ ,s osè«enoll 0 faciail u'om. la$e te ff e st frites &oaid W viniand Rodney. U R G mi miwQÇl e aulet priiue. Weaî vloempare.... comp4rime.Mnr.and Mrs. C. Avery and MERRILL 1D. BDOWN .OAu ssv lE M* T w 3r0FIA31 iamiiy, Miss E. Knapp, Mn. PEGOLS ki.p.muviy nti Sturay Jauan 1, 167 Joe Rekker, Maple Giove, Mr. 121 Qucen SI. - Bawmnanville SAVE -14 sus, luceeoffloau APU fuS... ww~gini, 4*ln ~ ONL ~1 Murray Marshall, Bovman- Bus. and Res. Teleplone Obo WthsinleVion Le$«spuoiYM 95ville, vere New Year guests 623-7251 sc ah Mr. and Mrs. Robent Wil- son% ~Oshawa. MorCgag*s Mr. and Mn.. E. Trewi and o__ra__ges_____ Donald were notent tee guests A DISo a Mr..and MUn. C. E. -Hoan, SAlUHMTON - ORONO A Ao Oshawa. ~~~~Plone 983-5115 F 'l nA am Mir n. dMri. Rois Row- Fimut Montgage Fundu lad-Michael, and Mi. Rosidencea - Ferme Shr;,Stone, Séroruh Business Properties ATHOURS: Mma Clare Page, Tarono 77Now Yetr g'ub J Op.om0, r B WMANVILLE ~ a.m. t 5 p.m. baily y.Pg goio Clowd Ail Dey Wd. No ewes u guteaii u.1 M A. t[& =,ziizos.1 and m Mn. soha m qa linvomo Oto*e.tnt$. I -Phone: 72glk4261 Mr.DL NE ]ï la% and 48TXbgS.-ar atm end 'Ulm. 9-1U NER 's- t--