Social & £ersonal Phone 623-3303 Misn Patti Aider, Beleville Mr. and Mri. Harold Mut- pent the holiday weekend ton and Wayne, Parkway âgt her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crescent, were visitors last RSn Aider. week of Mrs. Mutton's broth-' Mr. ill ornby o Hae. ers and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Mr Bih Hornsby o!MrHandJ.M inn, Mr. and Mrs. D. M.Stanley H. Ogden and Fuiford, ail of Oakville; Mr. Enlian, Church Street. and Mrs. L. Fuiford and Mr. x.Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. H. Fulford, ail of aufflrs. Bruce Ogden, Brown Burlington. St;,, were Mr. and Mrs. Doug, Miss Pat Gi has returned Moore of Port Perry. 'to Queen's University, Kings- Mr. nd rs.RexHitch-'iton, alter spending the two- Mr. ad Mrp ReXweelc holiday at home. Mr. Iock of Willowdale were din. Rick Martin of Napanee spent axer guests on Sunday withiNew Year's weekend with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Corden. and Mrs. R. Gi and Mr. and Mr. Gerald Harness has re- 'Mrs. Barry Steven, Willow- turned to Queen's University, dale, were Christmas guests Kingston, alter spending the with hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. holidays with bis parents, Mr. Guli. and Mns. T. Harness, Town. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Miss Ileane Ralime bas re- p. j Osmond and family, turned ta York University, Liberty St. North, were among Toronto, after spending the the thousands wbo enjoyed holidays with her parents, Mr. the old fashioned Centennial and Mr.. T. R. Rabme, Prince Sieigh -Ride beld on Dr. Street. iGastle's farm property, tbree Mrs. R. Roberts of Oak miles nortb of Lakefield. Ridges has returned borne Scenes of this event were alter a week's visit with ber shown in the news on tele- grands on Mr. David Porter, vision Sunday night. irs. Porter and farnily, Sun- Mayor and Mrs. Ernest Mt Rd. Marks, Oshawa, entertained New Year's weekend guests at their home in bonor of Mr. wfth Mr. and Ms.. O. Pfeiffer, and Mrs. Ron Aider on Satur- King St. East, were Mr. and day, December 3lst, on the Mrs. Roîf Mannal of Downs- occasion of their 25tb wed- vlew and Mrs. Luther Allin ding anniversary when many1 and George, town. friends called to offer con-i Miss Carolyn Stacey bas gratulations. Mr. and Mrs. returned to Queen's Uni- Marks were the wedding versity, Kingston, alter spend- attendants 25 years ego. Ing the Cbristmas holidays Recent visitors with Mr. and witb ber parents, Mr. andMrs. Cecil Mutton, Duke St.,J Mrs. Mansel Stacey. were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mut- Holiday visitors with Mr. ton and John, Town, and Mr. and Mrs. V. Myers, Elgin S and Mrs. Jack Donaldson and were Mrs. Myers' parents, Mr: Micbael, Weston. Visitors over and Mrs. John Houston, Osha- tha holiday. witb Mr. and wa, and ber brother, FAL John Mrs. Mutton and Peter were Houston, Camp Borden. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Etcher and Ron, Mrs. Win. Spry. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. R. Redpath, Wm. Mutton, Town, and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. H. Ligtfoot, ail and*Mrs. John Welsh, Tweed. of Islington, were recent week- end guests o! their sister and Mr. and Mrs. John Bond brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. and family, Parkway Crescent, Albert Piper, Brown Street. were hosts recently for a Mr. Bill Orme Jr. has re- tobogganing party folowed by turncd to his duties on the a barbecue supper. Mr. andE staff o! Queen's University, Mrs. Ron Allun and family, Kingston, alter spendlng the Mr, and Mrs. Ken Kinxg and holidays witb bis parents, Mr family and Mr. and Mrs. Billi and Mrs. Win. Orme, Liberty Bromell and family wbo St. Nortb. attended, enjoyed tobogganing Mr.andMrs Wlte Gi -on Munday's Hill and the son, following their recent barecue wichasrea marriage, have left for Hali-thKiasPr. fax, N.S., wbere Mr. Gibson Mr. Raymond C. Dudley re- Is -continuing bis studies in cently visited bis mother, Mns.. Engineering at Nova Scotia C. H. Dudley, Courtice, who Technical College. returned witb him ta his home ,Mr. Cecil MacDonald re- in Cincinnati Obio, for the cently visited his uncle and Cbristmnas and1 New Year holi- aunt, Mr. and Mrs. j. W days . Also present theres Porter, Ontario St., enroute tý were Mrs. Dudley's parents,1 Ibis home in Sudbury alter Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Young, spending Christmas in Nova Hillsborougb, North Carolina. C Scotia wtb bis mother. One of tbe bighlights of the C visit was the viewing of the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parker, beautiful slides o! Ray's Stephen and Leeanne, Wash Erpa tour (1966) o! d Ington Place, were recent Austria and his research work puests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter on Haydn's home and life, Parker,, Mr. and Mrs. David end othier great masters. In Gerry and Mr. end Mrs. John thee November Z6tb issue o!f f Parker, aIý of London, Ont. Saturday Review N.Y. Re- il Holilde4rests with Mr. and cords, Ray's record of Haydn .h Mn.. Cecil Muienix, Parkway Sonatas was chosen as anc o! r, Crescent, were Mrs. Mullenix's tbe year's best in 1966 and ly parents, Mr. and Mrs. John recexved a special star. Only h Paris of Mitchell and ber six records received special ai slten, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. mention inciuding Rubenstein, fz Sinclair and Susan of Kenora. Rechtor and Askwazy. He was 91 Holdayviitos ithMrquite thrilled by the honor. 'M Hoday.. S, oR JatMes .nRay is busy preparing Bee- B and Mr. S. . Jamsumi, thoven's Concerto No. 4 to e Dogwere Mrs. Keiko Oui play in Regina on January nr Kanazawa, Japan; Miss Keiko l5th wlth the Regina Sym- si Kusakabe, Osaka, Japan;Misspiiony Orchestra, and be bas( Durga Mananhar, Kathmandu, a niaint îyi tî Nepal, and Miss Jo Anne invtatinch ply.n plya Bragan of Thornll. ________ a] Mr. and Mrs. George Par- sons and Gilda, Weston, and Mr. Arthur Pansons, Oshawa, were meent visitors with their niother, Mrs. H. Parsons, Cburcb Street. Mrs. Margaret Mack of Toronto i. visiting her mother, Mns. Parsons. Pentecostal Church U5 LIberty St,. 8 Phone 823-5100 Pastor: Rev. A. Kudra, B.TIi. A growint Sunday School 9:55 a.m. 11. ar.. "WHIAT GOD'S LOVE MEANS TO ME" 7 p.rn. "THIE SPIRIT-FILLED- LIFE" *plus - the choir slnglng special rmusic Wed., 7:30 p.m. FMUiy Night Service Bible Study: "COLLOSIANS" ALJ ARE WELCOME #Where the Word et God s Not fouai"e MAPLE GROVE (Intended for last week) Holiday Visitons : Mr. Donald Wilbelm, Mrs. Felice Boutien, Hamilton, Mr. and Mri. Gordon Besse, Whit- by; Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Mur- dock, daugbter Brenda, Bow- manville,- witb Mr. and Mrs. T. McGuirk. Mn. John Mc- Guink spent last week witb Mn. and Mrs. Hook, daughter Pa%'., in Point Claire, Quebec. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McGuirk, daughters, spent New Year's iwith Mrs. C. Cohen and family at Preston. Mrs. G. B. Thonipson and daugbter-Joanne, -.,Oshawa, REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Church Scutog Street Minuster: Rev. A. Vandenflerg, B.A., B.D., M.Th. Worship Services 10 an 7:30 p.rn. 11:15 arn, Sunday School flack To God Ilour CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. 'Everyene Weloome» STRIN ITY UNITED (HUR(H Mhniù*tr - Rev. George K- Ward, B.A, B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur Collisori, Mus.B., L.R.S.M. SUNDAY, JANUARY 15th, 1967 - - l11:98&.m. g'HOW DO WE STAND WITH GOD?" SUNIDAY SCROOL If m Smur l as -Jw8sInteridla nd Senior an ilter MeS . sun, 'IU au. Priua Md KInd.prten « and were Chrlatmas Urne visitors wlth Mri. L. C. Soowden. st. raU I's S Mr. and Mn.. Leslie Jackson, Bowmanvifle, were Sun4yp oupper gusmwt e bohrP .snt Fîn and wie fn nd Mn. HLG. Preeman. A capacity audiencegemy Mn. and Mmi Eari Osbornei enjoyed the delight!ui hit Bowmanvllle; Mr. and Mrs. mas Concert prescnted by St. Jack Morton and farnily, Base Paul's United Cburch Sunday Uine, were Saturday dinfier School in the Church Hall on guests with thc latter's par- a recent evening. Ken ?Bragg, ents, Mr. and Mns. S. S. Mon- General Superintendent o! the ton. Miss Penny. Morton, Sunday School, was the M.C. Base Line, spent a few days The little cbildren ai the last week with her grand- Kindengarten Class witb thixcr parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. S- teacher, Mrs. Douglas Kemnp, Mforton. opened the program by sing- Mn. and Mn.. Gardon Rod- ing Christmas Canais and man, Little Britain, wene Sun- songs. A pleasing recitation lay dinner guests with their by Russell Carnuthers follow- iaugbter and husband, Mn. ed. and Mns. Bon Brooks and There was a charming famlly. presentation by the cbiidnen Mr&. Cbarlîe Greenham, o! the Primary Classes taugbt Miss Carole Greenharn, the by Mrs. Victor Jeffeny and aormer's grandson Master Ken Miss Penny Jeffery. Ail taok Mlartin, Bowmanville, spent a part in a graphic recitatian ai 'ew day. last week witb the "Merry Christmias". Each let- former's brothen-in-law and mife, Mr. and Mns. James Greenbam, Port Huron, Michi- gan. The brotber-in-law is in N EWTO the bospital. Miss Carole Greenham, ac- New Year's dinner guesta companied by Mn. and Mrs. with Mn. and Mrs. Bert Tomp- W',arren Keizer, daughter kin. included Mn. and Mn. Cindy, Mn. Tom Harmon, Ralpb Tompkins and boys, Tonawanda, New York, spent Part Hope, Mn. and Mrs. Ray te weekend at the Hanmon Tompkins and family. summer home, Harwood, Rice The Tnini family held their Lake. annual New Year's Eve party Mrs. Ted Hoan, Misses Diana in the Odd Fellows' Hall, Or- Hoar, Lee Anne Hoar, New- OflO. castle, were Saturday visitors With Mn. and Mrs. Bill witb ber panents, Mn. and Mns. Wade and boys New Year's LCollacutt. night suppen gucsts were Mn. Me. and Mns. Bob Johnson and Mrs. Harry Wade, Mn. and family, Courtice, spent and Mn.. Arnold Wade and Monday with ber parents, Mr. Grant, Mrs. Jean Cocbrane and Mrs. L. Collacutt. and Gardon, and Douglas Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Brown Wade, o! Newcastle. and son David spent one The usual New Year's Eve *vening last week with Mn. supper party was held bere in and Mrs. Wallace Munday and Community Hall, with ap- ammuly, Osbawa. proximately 40 couples ini at- Mn. and Mrs. Walter Doyle, tendance from tbe village and laughter Lyne, Ricbvale, were surrounding district. ast Friday visitons witb hi. Witb Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred rother and wife, Mr. and Paeden holiday visitors were [r.. Steven Doyle and !amily. Mrs. Carl Paeden, Miss Judy Mn. and Mn.. Percy Flint- Paeden, Mn. Lanny Cooper, a! ff and family attended a Bowmanville, Mn. Rex Gnif- amily gathering held at the fiths o! Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. orne of!lier sister, Mn. and Len Lambert, Newcastle, and Irs. Wmn. Stark and !amily, Mr. Lorne Paeden. )sawa. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Farrow Mn. and Mn.. Wellie Pear- and f a miliy, Bowmanville, on (nee Annie Laird), Peter- were with Mrs. R. Farrow and rough were huncheon guests Mn. Reg. Falls. IMr. and Mn.. Fred R. Stev- Mn. and Mrs. Rass Brown i.s ane day last week. and family visited ber par- Mr. and Mn.. Milton Caster, ents, Mr. and Mn.. Harvey lugbter Barbara, friend Jerry Taylor o! Brucefield, several 3urk, Mn. and Mn.. G. Ahex- days during the holiday. ider and famihy, Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Sid. Brown nrs. Herman Weese, son Ro- with Mn. and Mn.. Trueman ert, foster daughter Rose Hendenson were among those ary, Consecon, visited Mrs. attending the New Year's Eve lazen Gould. Mn. Hazen party in Tynone Community ould spent Cbristmas and Hall. veek with bis parents, Mn. Mn. and Mns. Harry Wade id Mrs. James Gould, Canta- left Friday morning ta attend« xry, New Brunswick. Mn.. the Ontario Liberal Leader- lazen Gouhd and sons spent ship Convention being held in me of hast week with lier the Royal York Hoteh, Toron- 1 ster, Mn. and Mn.. Andrew to, Mn. Wade in the capacity laghts, Consecon. a! Voting Delegate, and Mrs. Misses Anne, Canal, Donna Wade as the alternate. ilbank, Masters Bilh, David About one dozen ladies are ibank, Orono; Miss Gladys attending the hocal course in lin, Master Calvin Allun, Millinery, sa it will be Inter- fewcasthe, were hast Thurs- esting ta note the varied ne- ay visitons with their grand- suit. at church on othen places arents, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. whene large groups congre- reeman. .gate. Mrs. Barbara Wonshey ..and Mn. and Mns. Arnold Wade- imihy Wo have been -vîsit- were supper guests wîtb Mn. I ig with bier brother Mn.,and and Mns. Ted JtsRa. Irs. Ronx Rogers, and fénilY, Hope, necentiy. ýturned home ta London on Mns. C. Walkçy retunned fonday. Mn.. Barbana Wors- home from, Memonial Hospital ýy and famihy, London; Mn. on Saturday. d Mns. Ron Rogers and Mn. and Mns. Wallace Bau- tniiy wene Sunday dinner ghen attended the funenal at est. witb Mr. and Mrs. Whitby, Saturday, o! ber late ralter Goode and family, uncle, Mn. Alfred Gordon. owmanville. Mn,. Bon Rog- Satunday visitons with Mr. s, Mn. and Mrs. Len Good- and Mn.. Jirn Adarns included t iunphy, Oshawa, visited their Mn. and Mns. Jini Field and sten Mrs. John Aitchison famiîy, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry 1 iee Mary Snowden) who iS Adams and famiiy, al a!of patient in St. Joseph's Hos- Toronto. tah, London, on Monday. Mn. Mn. and Mn,. Chanhie Waters, id Mns. Howard Hagedonn with Mn. and Mn,. Bruce id family, Plattsvilhe, wene Waters and Christine o! Ton- .nday visitons with bier onto, spent the weekend here other, Mns. Allan Snowden. with Mn. Raymond Bruce. M4r. and Mns. Gerald Ward, Mn. and Mns. T. Henderson a ellington, spent the weekend1 and family were suppen guesta f itb their son and wife, Mn. on Saturday with Mn. and 1 id Mn.. E. Wand and SOn. Mn.. Moneton Henderson and 1. nMonday Mn. and Mn.. Pauh famiiy at Monnish. 1 aneyk and famihy, Tynone, Mn. and Mns. Francis Tuf- s nre gucsts of Mn. and Mn.. fond, Newcastle, wene Satur- I ýWard. day eveningz visitons with Mn. 1 rohyn Batty, Brookin; Miss ail andi opcned with a hynn iy Sammerville, Oshawa, and prayer. S.c'ty. Mrs. J. PIV !e Monday visitons with the Beat read hast meeting'. min- w mre's parents, Mn. and Mns. utc., wbich were adopted. N~ Crydennian and family. Mn. Treas. Mn.I. Bougben report- ai I Mn.. E. L. Gilhank and cd the financial standing, and nily, Onano, were Tbunsday1Mii. V. Gilmer that o! the L ning visitons witb thelspecial washnoom account. An a] 'dermans. additional $200 was voted ri Mr. and Mn.. J. Henry and from Uthc generai fund to the D nily spent Christmas week' church treasurer, making the a] th relatives at Golden Val-lbocks dlean o! debt for the Md e. liend o! the year. Arrange- ol gr. and Mn.. C. P. Swalhaw ments wene made ta fonward cr Satunday evening visitons jUheclchthing allocation and aI1A th Mn. and Mn.. Chanhie request for aur organization to ne vncy, Bowmanvilie. Onipro vide the Devotionalifon bi Lday Mn.. Wm. (Jake) the annual Preshyterial meet-1o! rd, Mn. Bob Laird, Mn. ing in Nortbminsten Churcbi ex Laird bad dinner witb Oshawa, in Fcbnumry, was N rbrother and wiie, Mr. and agreed ta. It was dccided 'ta M sC. P. Swallaw. On Mon- have a coifee break after the ar yMr. and Mn.. Wrn. Ashton, regular cburch service Jan,. sarea. were dinner guests OUi. VI th bis uistor and husband, Mn.. Mary Wade conducted pc .and Mn.. Mci Edwarde the Devotionql, including an W i amilJ. Oshawa. inipressive cande ý*in dr. and Mrs. Len Good- service, as.sted by andaE try and daughters, Mr. J. Best, M. Vuxkia,, Q. Wal«y, i Mn.Doug Snider, daugb- B. Henderson, and M. Cas. az Ainslie, Oshawa, wore welh, the latter smoco otribUt-Oa nday dinner gitesti with the ing a solo "O0, Hoiy NIax. ner's brother and wiie, Another Chrnistmxas hyrni was .and Mis, M. Goodmurphy sung, !ollowed by c ple i mmily. minutes of silence min -402 1010.&Pupils eë C oncert, ter of the words o! thls mes- sage was held uap by a clxild wbile anotixer Uttie one gave ra verse illustnmtlng a mean- ing hin Uicspirit'cf the boason.1 The ehildren then necited, an aid Une Christmas potin; "Ligbt Ye Up Your Cade' as Mn.. Jeifery lighted five festive candies for them. They thon sang "Silent Night". The sanie group. were alsa applauded for theun singlng af "Santa Claus Land". Solo questions were sung by Tadd Wilcox, and ahi the others sang the answons, suiting their actions ta the word. A diverting performance oi a woodland play was gaven by the girls o! Miss Rose Robin- son's Junior Class. Thxe varied N VILLE ony o! aur late meniber, Mrs. Wallîs Farrow. The benedîc- tion clased this part cf Uic meeting. The installation o! Uic new siate of officers for 1967 waà conducted by Rev. R. C. White as foliows: Pros. Mxi. Gea. Stapleton; Vice-Pres. M ns. James Caswell; Sec'ty. Mrs. Roy Best; Asst. Sect'y. Mn. Jack Elliott; Treas. Mn.. Don Vinkle; Pness Sect'y. Mr.. Gilmen; Pianist, Mns. F. GiI- mer; Asat. Pianist, Mrs. R. Best; Unit Leaders, Mn.. S. Lancaster, Mrs. T. Henderson, Mrs. R. Farrow, Mn.. E. Waik- ey, Mrs. J. Elliott, Mns. P. Henderson, Miss B. Mlligan, Mrs. A. Wade, Mri. M. Joncs, Mrs. H. Wade. Socal Functians, Miss B. Milligan, Mn.. D. Vinkie, Mrs. R. Farrow, Mns. J. Elioitt; Sbrub Committee, Mns. W. Paeden, Mn.. T. Hendersan, Mns. E. Waiicey; Sunsbine Coni., Mn,. W. Bougben, Mrs. M. Samis, Mn,. F. Gilmen;, Manse Com., Mns. C. Brown, Mn.. M. Joncs; Nominationi Com., Mn.. A. Wade, Mns. S. Lancaster. Aillnepalned ta the gaily decorated tables, complète with candles and Christmas flowers, for the dainy lunch and distribution o! gifts. Next meeting wll flot ho held until Feh. lst, due to the wedding in January. H1ockey Domination o! the Mercan- tile Hockey League was main- tained Sunday as Newtonvilhe seomed ta handie second place Nicholson File quite easiiy, with the final score 6-. Newtonville got three two- goal performances: Ken Gray and Bob Westheuser froni de- fonce positions and Cbiuck Trim were the goal scarers. Gray apened up a close con- test froni Trim and Gilmen;' Trmm made it 2-O fnom Stark and Bah Robinson; Westheu-1 sen from. Trim and Glmen;ý added to the margin beo rei Fenton brôke up the shut-out.1 Gray"thon scared bis second, essisted by Cobbiodlck, West-I heusen his second !rom Tnini, ,ad finaihy Trin, 4cored a rucat pawer-play tal1y fnomi Westheuser ta close out theý scoring. Newtonville really iookedi liko beague-leaders witb a determined effort of skating, checklng and all-round bard wvork. T his combination shouid iead any team ta vic- tory. Next Sunday the bal! -way mark will ho néached as the ccais Play Esco In the third game, at 4:00. .SOLINA New Year's guests with Mn. and Mn.. Bruce Tink and famuly wene Mn. and Mrs. Percy Dewell, Douglas, Cano. lyn and David, o! Hampton, Mr. and Mn.. Douglas Feng u- son, Newcastle, Mir. and n. . Lonne' Tink and Miss Ruby Dewell of Oshawa. Miss Alice Miss Pearl Leach, Mr. and [ns. Doug. FPlett and famuly vCre New Yemn's guësts wltb [r. and Mn.. Art Yowxg=man id. !mly of Tyrone. Miss Pearl Leach, Mnm loyd Bncorne, Mn.. Rusa Vice md Mrs. Doug Fiett vlsited mcently with Mrs. Chas. )ownoy o! Bowmanville and lae enjoyed reunlniscing with nrs. Nora Featberstone-Haugb îHalifai, Nova Scotis. ! Mn.. N. Wotten, Francis, ýmot (Jr.) and Ailmr visited ecently with Mr. Nelson Rab- ns and MissThelnxàRabbins ýfBowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tïnk, cil and Herb vlited witb nr. and Mn. Perey Deweil nd fanxil',, Ham pton. Mr. Alvin Boyd, Eowrnan- lle, Mr. fient Porter, Ponty- oi, vlslted with Mn.. N. 'te and timjly. M. and »i. R. C. Fraser md »ob wer Sunmy teu cata wmîth M&s. Mary Arnoldi ad, MW .Nonm uArnold of Mr. and Mr. 4ex Potter et- ?ew Tvdrm flmy wlth anmzd. MW .#Imoli Potie uo" nl¶dnjtbose of a A fine recitation wu sgiv euecanadbe toau.nn Bowmnv1ieý jtt 11 I198 nïero nine elby lcky Verbeck. _________________ mcted. Another outatanmdlng play, 1Tn yernployed b>' the -L«*d The preselation of "nhe Gifla frontUichue tnt",de.-CO. fo 12IRMV Stable t Bethlehemn", a play, nictixg the truc spirit o!f ud". £1,1a. 1 >"Ml : was by t classes taught by Christmas, was alven by the ~ u smuebiPf MM. Ken McQuarrie and Mrs..girls freiM. Harolda T - L àm:nMO fthieïr. daughte5P 'ý W J. Hution. These Senior er's Junior Cims. In faililng heaith -for 10 by two dAa r NolmM Pnlçary pupils wore xAmark- The Bey. Hanold C. Turner, years, Kezmeth James Bishop d) an I l'r s otS, Ja* able ln their noveront portray- Minister of St. Pmul's United 40 Simece Street North, dleâda);, and x, Mnie' 1' al o! the sto7r of Christmnas. Church, exiended bis beit Tlhn.ciay, Dec. 22, 1966, at bd'ry, aU o OStaiW1)6 "ýO Little own o! Bethle- wishes ta ail thc Sunday the Taronte General Haspital ad ar , ai of mjW hem" sung as a duet by Sherry Sebool pupils and to ihein Ho was in his 5th yean. Aise 5unv.u are oa Sellaxi and Sandra' Bryson familles for bappiness.a Born June 30, 1911, ai Taun- aw. a; iw brthei6"A was much enjoyed by the Chxristmas and during Uic ton, Uic deceased wms a son o! C otiJ audience. Girls froni Miss comling yean. 5fluy) o oriW Linda Mountjoy's Junior Clasa The M.C., Mn. Bragg, Uic of Arthxur(Monk) Bishop and Buce c>ti Mmptonaid, gave an ententaining neading Genenai Superintondent, was Uic laie Mn.. Bishop. He ne- o! "How The Grincb Stole the leader for the singing of ceived his education at Taun- The funefmi gvcS Christmas" by Dr. Sous.. favorite Christmas C aris. tonan d had been a Iffelont heid et Uit MolntOMhAI Boy, o! the Junior Classes Santa Claus received a wamrm resident o! the district. son Funermi Horne at11I taugbt by Mn.. Dan Vivian, welcome on bis arrivai from A memnber of the United Dec. 24th. Intenmut Cocul Mullinex and Deug ail the yaungsters. Ho dis- Cbunch, Mn. Bishop was wmi'- Oshawa Union ,Ce'me Piper prcsonted "The First tributed bags o! candy and ried ta Margaret McIsaac In John K. a otfat Christmnas", a play, anmd their oranges toalal the children Oshawa, Aug. 8, 1942. Prion Strcet U ieChUiCh- A Prices G.od Until Saturday, Ja nuary 14 JA(K & JILL Children's Cough Syrup Sugg. list 1.19 99C HANKSCRAFT AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC VAPORIZER - HUMIDIFIER with medication in the built-in receptacle, it will provide mcdi. k cated stcam for 8 to 12 hours, 1 GALLON CAPACITY Sugg. List 9.95 .s7.95 SYLVANIA 4flAS HBU [BS SYLVAN lA JLASHBULBS 12"s AGi OR AG1B SUGG. LIST $1.80 1.39 M2 OR M2B SUGG. LIST $1.92 1.49 Pacquins Hand Crea. for extra dry skin Sugg. List. 79e 69C Confildets THE SANITARY NAPKIN 12's - Sugg. List 53e2 for 89C Pu rex TOILET TISSUE Special 2 frs2 7C HEAL with MECCA Quick Relief front Painful Piles SPECIAL 1.29 a PRESCRIPTIONS (epacol Lozenges Soothing Relief for Sors Throts . .. SUGG. LIST 65e for99ci Active people need vitamins tho whole year 'round'... ON EmA-DAY MULTIPLE VITAMIN TABLETç MOI'S Sugg. List 3.99 s2.99 New for Reducing ReSISCal SllmmIng Plan... Id to appotite control -lielpa jeyodi lose pounds & Inchos qulckly, saily! RESISCAL tabiets cantain an exclusive scie ntlfic combination af ingrodlonts that go ta wark almast instantiyta hop.curb and contrai y Ur appetito. YCU'Ilstili on- 3 nutri rlaus mias overy dey, but ISA ilholp yau stop overoatingi t~~. Thé RESISCAL Plan wiIi not cause nerv- ousnoss or sleopiossqness. And, wlth the RESISCALPIan-you must losepoundsm nd Inches qulckly, easily or y aur monoy back. Ty the new R& LA Siimmlng Plan toy st botter drug storus. ~ Bon «Gay ne. THI4 -OINTMINT THAT TAXES TRI 1~EOUT 0 F ACH azSu«g. lit 1.25 10 IE OUCH 4ES i,-,a ""Mint Fresh pepsodnt DENTAL CREAM 69c VALUESECA Manufacturer's Speclal 63e L for 9 9c' ACTIVE OXYGEN POLIDENT Cleans false teeth wlthout brushint SMALL49 ± feV8t Sugg. Iist 53e 49CuI LAIRGE93 Sugg. Bust 98c93 STOP TIG13T 5110E TOIRTRE Swlth TOEuEEZ onl $1y 0 at I.D.AO - « LDPA. ALEX McGUtEGG e Di U GS 5 KING ST. W. - PHN~ ou touielà Imm