trs.w!and r.Ray Van amp, in Port !rope E iw f! orthe, ' . C n d m I * m u o mm vl. ' R 8,1 ? 1~ Base LUne. re pýa"t twoOweeku hopes'taoe - Mi-.sudMi-. E-icBoot coin4hom th. wek. Lewis <1.4 /Vwc<cL~~2 M d4and family, Lindsay, Bwere Torn yke was taken fa PortK eew Sunday muper gucafs wtfh Hope Hsifal an Sunday and family, Buse Une. afory trouble earc lt eR e r c t o Mm'.brum Tilison, Editor Poo S.23Mr-. and Mi-. R088 Dubeau, report lMrm C. Belghton who mYKELEAGUE see by Doug Bragg. rv ent u Ph 723 Randy and Kinm, S.Cathar- bas been very Mi et home la Ic h fi-st gaine played on"lru Uic inal Pft Wegm cocf aceis ci unes, were Sundey visitai-s maklng e fine recoverY aud Monday, anay 9th, ftheficAcu sud Uc the AI lB.Smakmuwr with bis brother sund wlte, Mu-s. Peter Charkbe, lieu- daugh- Rayais deieaUýtcdfi obr tr oulff i i.Te lyai afe h «Mr-. snd Mu-s. Ray Dubesu sud feu- tram Ut eu-son, rcturned by a 2 fa i count. Tbe Byi'Accu goals were acored b o lkdU w sit *upgflIt boys, home with son Phlip on goas w ere scoi-ed by OeIR Luifon sund Grog Raulof.Th cacac . Mu-. sud Mu-s. Carlos c-y und y. ylor sud Gary Periect whtle Star' goals vers e y l lctid a i a., ~oIu n ta ry O ffers H eIp to B wl' -(à Ct it isprnf S C=a h rvcewa heM he- ens eWb om erpitncsdPa-eWlcxle n u o - !dermnannsd baby susan, hrl e-iewsetWh ensWonrpcked uoneGrn Luo sdA retasdeefdtECncsby- W flGuelph, were Saturday ' .cme on Sunday mornng and assist. The Bombera' go a saGracn l wle o-yGbb e2faOscr. heandu8' Leadership Problem Ladies- 200sud ovr .and Mu-s. H. Crydermnan, et1:5. Sandra Payne Play- The second gaine thc Amreri- essist ecd. vr crdb oM,., o i e ea e sh p r b l m aiean20dndocanarohrs ad eserhut the cIndiana by BpN&19 LEAGUE wteRnyRgr olca Rosemiary Kelly 211,Fraces Line. the.,oficnlng weu i-ecclved by e 2 tao0 score. The Ainericans'lu i is aeUcLosfosuas F or (~~uides, S co u ts, C u b s Lunn 234, Beverey Lake 233,,sd M..Fred Wight, Sandra Payne sd Linda at.were cordby In dted ic Cugabe sf 4l h.tns ateUch Lilhan Farrow 233, Diae u ghtrsBeereyaneBr Langoaff 26, ancyWil ag Bvuhy n a-- Tharadyke. Ine«e h uab 1~uth Irwln 215. Mu-s. Edgau- Wu-ight and deu-cox vifi t vat goals w hlle score. The Lions', oaV er Ès s a p d U c O p a s b~ hp acmaedM.adJoey Burns collectcd anc ai5Iist ~-~~b tve IReyad 0f on.TeMua F o r G u id es-, S o u ts, C u bT 226 EsudyRichardw Ha3perrswIEdgrworight andvaugoals Rsudard weperewsta Gaed by St en- 25an oer- eogeghter Betty, Enniskillen, te """""' lu U Ic hethird gamne flicBladea oas-erme 39oaist Newcastle. The calfou-, Cubs abandôned because of a jMu-s. Jean Wager. spoke on be- leM 25sdae- ereToi-enta on Sunday ta visit IL 1iy11, dceetcd UicHou-nets by a sAI Jer e t agas~1 lituc u n su lielp witb Cubs and Scouts1 leadership shortage. Afterlhaîf of the auxîîîary, stating Kimbaîl 257, Lai-iy Pearce their aunts, Mu-s. L. M. Keifli NEWTONVULE u.C.W. fa 3 score. The Blades' gaais eue assist. The Cuba's 55. v sitCat ata,,, brouglit results in the foi-m of 1 learning of the offers af ed-1 that thelu- guoup was pi-epsredi 259, George Glanville 256, nd Miss Florence Van N'est. The U.C.W. meeting w ee crc y uIa ari ere scored by MikewadogalsuanssatSad teers who were present atifor Cubs, Mu-s. Quinneyagi-ced monies they might i-aise would 235, Ken Whitney 235, Ralph ser. and fMily we-e Sus- dWday2s n te sdayeei ey coleorbekgoasilce su as iat ud DePalsan w5lfo gas ilTmCre n olsd, the Guoup Commnittee meeting1 to stay with Guides, providedE available ta the Committee Wright 233, Buian Martyn 233, visitai-s witîx their cousins, u-omr. Pi-es. Mu-s. Stapleton Thle Hou-nefs vere led by Jlm lu Uic second Uaicnely on Saturday afternoon. I Cubs vere able to continuelj for help with bath Scouts sud, Rau Good 225. Mu-. sud Mu-&. Albert Catch- apeued the meeting witb Sarginson with two goals vbilc ci-s deicafed thUira y acteit wteHrr iu Thu-ee regular leaders vol- vithout heu-. She explained Cubs. Newto~nville Ladies - 175 pale, Chcri-ywoacl. hymu 50, sud pu-syc-, tohhowed Steve Ya-u-ow picikedlU wo1 a~cut h 'r abPu o-i u o unteered their help with the that heu- reason for suggesting A pop aveu- - ArivVogels 201,Mr-. sud Mu-sStanley Mack.. byteîle cllan sd minutes assista sud Barry Brut Me. led by James aer viitu c s aile n slt~. Cub Packs, with Mu-s. Fred she leave Guides vas because gApap b thle Cdrie as oug- aym 19, lHluedng-ln ;,sd n owda hs eeî -ed by SecrOrphsns'als goals veasista Glanville and MissLynda heu- two boys weu-e members tges td y tc omigtt e o m11,AghaHlen19 Bd, oorg eeIuny a- Ms tOM gin LEaG ed oa u h-eassa ai cu yWre le u Jefuybîgasindt A o usadse atte hs traymi ngt ep Cni uhrad 176, . Mu-surlu the tii-st game plsyR.ed on , u1Cni Steln 7.Ormiston tva goals sdtre am anltnvll ct Jeffery being ssigned t( A bs andwith wtheirtbu-a-olStaptetonrgaunounceds tin- upeeJagu.s121htfliceiBisonsSswampedn assista, tBob HerJans 1fl-cee BisonsMai-pnd sudiRaudyobDonogeu thr Poasteanthe organizatiPa'serin-tthhavsudhviteiMu-..suduMu-s. World-Day0aindrayer meetingeUicrBaaonsMby.ano8ltaD1ymargin.ysudmtei-cc assistaonsiai-i-y8 yle1 eachieo andtcdrancaassitt eHam to "B" Pack. There veu-e ad- 1lt was pointed out tota e etir s llces. aind averable avu- Hu-IdHuhe 2,S. S. Mouton. will be Feb. 101h sud flie The Bisons vere led by Buian acga u uynCo n AKTALLA ditional offers of part tinue meeting that with the nev ctodie village sd nonaatleh RuvslPowell 260, George Glan- On Ssturday Mu-. and Mu-s. Preabyterial meeting wilh be Ferguson wli tour goals vhlle assist. t a rieain dk e d t a c o n a c t I v ll e 2 5 , A ica vpeu yS2 9, C . aloew ede r s ,rs n nmFe.tin g se u L e d y li e t o s d2u e0uicA lt-ics u e ic u - v e u l u U ic2 2-st g a neCh.D i po. .. been kept fou- use later. nwbehlCo oor i--ect i vln2eMr1y Cmittee, vith alvlner aiy ,Mrg h hwlo eecles nO e.1t.Du ed hdtoadoeI h hra dhe TIi-cc leaders also offered qunt bsis. Bob Shearer ebu-heaad Ibosn217, Horace Pitt 215,Bob Gifit, au-auto. Miss gody sum aray rie ada sitRbi ruTeBaes yoalsther a- a their ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Dckno wrignghss i Ken Whitney 213, Hannal' Douothy Mai-quis, Clinton, the U.C.W. for payment ai anc goal sud tva assista, vîfle by David Jaohnsan vifitvseuu-fotcDioas re Ronald Lowr-y, and Mu-. R. "B" troop had only been able Other money-making pro- Farrow 206, Mabel Lewi 202, vho had been visiting heu-e, the nev washrooms sud plans Jixu Lewis sud Stewart Wighîet.,Gi- urphyaega o alrWt 2 o Nichohs aI endal wihl oin t meet two Mo days ut ofjects vere iscused wil tIc eorge MeNaia200.accom anictothTot roToientat cco tinueue tin aill apiid eacbaad an assit. Th Daone Sui merscleuTanegeai Yourt nine point, Jim Wrigh "B" Tuoop and Mu-. Roy Hop.. fouu- because no other lelp objective in mind af eveutu- Friday Mixcd-' 200 sud She wl spencl somne time The treasui-ei's repart was Barons' loue nmaiker Weu seau-- sud Boyd Jevdl anc goalsdfu ons slyOmu. Members of the Group arn-!further assistance ta both building for thc Guides, Scouts Hazelden 290, Jim Dean 270, Mu-s. B oints,bMlreango sud $200 i .being given eta I n iscnondnameficBul ed an uiatai.cres eeLarwih mittce puesent were Chairman j Scouts and Cubs, it was also and Cubs because the orghuiz- June Kuamer 260, Ben Madill ing ou ta Clinton vîcre secrase a deficit in dhurci funds. Giants defeaîed thc Rama by The Panthers' goals wenesa- ons rwodfu-pit, Bill Caîl, Secretau-y Pst Blak- puoposed ta arrange for volun- ation is groving Isu-ger every 250, Stan Allin 240, Bill Caîl vai-ks. h Reports were given by unit s 6 ta 5 score. The Gisufs cd by N'ei Brown ud a b unadr v ona ci', Charles Megit snd Billiteers ta assist with besting on yeau-. With their own building, 239. Marilyn Couch 238, Kay A famiîy gatleu-ing vas leaders. Mu-s. Vinkle read the vere led by Dennis Bu-anme Johnson anc goal sancs te eodgmeîeTo. Storks.1 a part time basis. they could set up sud leave Powell 236, Ruthi Coudh 233, hcld hast Sundai- at Mu-. sud siate ai oflicers fou- fli com-. vith fb-ce goals sud oe vs hilc Mur-ay TwistladIisdiac i etc y CaTe meeting also discussedj It was announced that the any puojects iu-om veck to Gou-c Gray 230, Walscc Couch Mu-s. Wcs, Down's sud îamîîy, uug yesr, sud suer thcse had assist, Buian Pasce o nc goal anc assiat. 2 a2 cr.Tetpmi Cp.Kay Quinney's proposai Mothers' Auxiliary lad donat- week ratIer flan carrying 230, Menuil Henry 228, Wilcla Ebenezer, ta houai-Mu-. Lloyd b cen approved, tley weu-c lu- Kim Wallace anc goal Cu-elg In thc final Bantam giefrUeTotr eeGog to leave Guides and become ed $100 ta the Group Com- back sud forth eveuything i-e- Johnson 224, Albert Peau-ce Snovdcn oni i-hass stalled by Rev. R. C. White. Creighîon one goal su au-i-tfli Huskies detested th c andr,1Ipina a-- e C ul eader atIerthan s e mitt c. T h ne w P -eside t, qu red fo - anc eetin . 223, Ben Ho gkamp 216,EEd Mu-.a udd Mus.s Llodloyddcnnswui-nJa uaOyreeting Is le-Ceedimnn an assia. Tue Wee Ai Stars by s la 2Thaechu k nAU poiatsPsu ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ N sIlt 15kM rtepea-caw dsng da. oe ga to misgsaspo ed unihfec f202-R ms g al.v re se rc bisore T c us ie' oasher Pu-eu sx oits an B uc m a k e pla n s u al a m iss th e 2 0 clu ce cl M r . s ud M us. B rt n o o n ai F e luu a uy s . S a n d y K e m p v ii t v , B ru c e a o re d b y B ill E w w e s o n t , K n W h h t a p i t . F u h next gamne. ~ldl Snowden and ismil, al The wousbip service vas Sycu- tvoansd Rau Sti-ike anc. Rav e ansd Bill MatrineClicIlvsLeL on12 Reen inergessatth GoeMr ndMs.Wmld yMu-s. A. Wade, unit The assists vent te Paul Boven while Rick Moruison su n pitH y oo-k i i ew asiehome af Mu-s. H. C. Denuis ELIZABETH VILLE Lewis sud family, Town, Mr: cader, wul scu-Ipture rcaduug wt w n y Hls hHolmesanc assisi ech. npota mucMasaian 1l w a t wsMi-. sud Mu-s. Allan Ker- sud Mu-s. Geri- Pellit an tob y Mu-s. Ray Best, sud s solo anc. Pee Wee Ah Stars goals vr ereCna-,tapit nohen, of Oshawa. (Inlendcd for last veck) daughters, Mu-. an d M."O Holy Nighf"' by Mu-s. J. PER WEE HOCKEY scorcd by Glen Re sud RIycci 1M.Mai-loy Hsncock sud Churdli services bave been Wayne Pickau-d ansud Merswe , accompauied by Mu-s, lunflic gaine played F-iday, Simpson while David Tll hr r tlsm pn a I au ci £J>ersortal his son Wayne aticnded Sun- beld at Elizabethville fou- flicMrapd Gi-ovewlowM. dute-,F.ilcu. suar 11h fi Baua 0 u. sd ikheBiie eelchioneigsluîl Mu' Vilylil S c il a ,dday moruing service at thc lasitva oSundays. On Ncw M- n us .P vlo M-.Wd hnldin s ouftflic Hawks 2 f .T uecon sîf egevihi edecy New aste nit d lur I. TIc Yca -', c m m nio s rvi es weue Sunday callers on M u-C hr ism as p a g e a n t, w it l Beaus' goals vere scored by MlID G ET LEA G U E M u a i h I t c L N~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~1ewcastle Uoehn iteitcpr ndpl~hg acc ainov hrc.esi e vre hedomRevioRasericsdRussel Pe-is nd Mscadcltly rsE.WkyoyVubgiacgaludnc uficustamUcCaetEgnSbo a7:0pm N ew ast e: o m e hi g alit le he ar an pi ed igh as O sha wa, busy cd u rcI and co in- R cv. U deli M ai-gai-ctirt f J y Pcu-kinsan on a s Salins. h e C o m te g al MagrtPris oia sSpirit faiTuuti; Mu-s. Vinkle: assist, sud Ken lCing anc goal sud Mt. Rayals fauglit fA s3Teei cunf kt mloughit upfou- th C eenal te 2fi- st va ou thu-ce tues. r, hywesevcs.------Spirit af Goodvi;Mu-s. l Ilstheii-at Satuu-dsy mcn- sSed by Tom Kinsmanaconfim2:0t330o- Bal h icl i up ad for th etnithe Adit and orchildu- ens much missed vlen thcy mov- Mu-.sud Mu-s. R. White spent VkepitaiP eace; Mu- s. iug gamne vas played to a 4 goal, Gary Wilson ance oldid-nsdauî b il Bali-st i Sat- a vnng inforej- exta andm ching or e ncd sud arc alwysswelcomed bakyNew Ycau-s uth île Cari-s in S F. Henderson, Spirit of Failh; al fie. The Rangera vere led sud anc assist, Rou MeMule alaubwf ktTecu ruai-y. It was eau-lieu- annaunc- sddenduýop in tempcuaîure finssu aiy. Cbug.'s s us. J. Cassvll, Mu-s. Besi, by Don Sylvester with tva anc goal, sud Gary Bakercis ny5 et esn ed t1sf dhless vas informai,lsver:enon hand ta vitucas the Kecp in mind that tle Mu-. snd Mu-s. E. Fovîcu- held Spirit aif Hope, and Mu-s. F. goals vhlle Tenu-y Baker sud assisi. Tue Mt. Rayais'gos Ter aGil'olcal but some of thc ladies felt thatliighting of the lire. Puesent Scouts vilI be only tao happy New Yeau's and bad Mi-. sudiD c ase Henderson, Spirit of Lave. The Wayne Hicks, anc goal, vbile vere scared by Don Fo,cha.o ensaafoi43 t vould be in keeping withlas a safcty measure, vere the ta take avsy all your biles'Mu-s. H. Tbickson, Mr. and Mu-s. bymu l'O, Came, ARh Ye FailI- Richard Nemisz lied tva as- anc goal, Mike McGregor oet :0a l odEgng [l e i h e e o t h C n t e n i a v o u n t e r lir fi h e s i t îl e y î s t u d a y o rni e . t ule ise K o k e u - o f W h itb y , a n d M -. nf u l " s d th e b e n e d ic tio n c lo s - s is t . T h e L e f s ' _ o a s îs e r e g o a l s d A h B r a g g o n ceo l T e a e g o p r o i l Baîl if thcy du'essed in îleivillage, vho u-ported that faoe -ieda h olsi sudMu-s. R. Wcsbbeuseu-, Boy- I a U arcd ii ta th e rgame caedb e exelnrsvi h spr o h rgame crdb euris vith wvile flicassista vent ft iesveoa1 ea- fa e peiiod styles of the 100 yearsivas vell ouganized sud put ta xeln uei I manville. y Ahi then set aftIch long Il-ce goas.,Deug Tenu-y anc Cavker one, Steve Morusn eone by. Whethcr you dress eriy laid out, sud ah vwent Troops. On Monday Mu-s. J. Dekokeu-, Only aneCcase aifi-aIles bas table vhich 10o0 k e di veu-y goal vhIle aTmrn uaancnancnesud Don MeMullen on na fancy gowu dating back ta vel.. Cuba met on Monday even- Mi-. sud Mu-s. Tlickson spent becu uepau-îec lu Ontarioansd "Chuisfmasy" sud enjoyed a assisf. In tfli second gaine tIc 1267 au- in something fuom tle 1'i g flteur firsi meeting the day witl Mu-. sud Mu-s. H-. Duu-bam counties since the end, lunch ai dainty sahad plate lunflic second gaine flic erals defeated flic B.T.S. eai-iy 1900's, right up ta thel h HceI tes dsunce le fou-e Christmas. Boys SatBu-suifai-cl.oa December - davu shah su ad Christmas cake. Lest, as Bruins defcsfed flic Wingsby4f 2 score. Tue Gentr wmvVn fashions of 1967, you areu-b<epanua eeig "A" Pack vere wclcomed over a puevious up numbers were calcd, ecdl re- a 3 fa 1 score. The Brui' goals wcre scou-ed by liai- 'Jnay 9t1. Several'items Of bck by thei*Aessdtc On Wednesday afternoon the tva-montl yLvolc Lo ie mou-tye. moe id e loybusiness vere buougt up a a nrc yiucec taM-s aln hninsitute vas heid at Mu-s. H. Period whcu there vere a ccivcd lieu-"Christmas cx- goals vea-e sceued by Max WilHhamsa, ancgoal sudeu hor vote r e moudeuîîfrn i e hismetig.TI fr vsr lavie d oMs LiMarJfTi ksn'shme e lad~ eass20 knovu cases, change" giît parcel. There Johnson, Lai-iy Bu-uni,sud assiat, Lai-iy Devitt ane ol g' evhrw ot aify for icher viiiIcmeeutni.T fou-tIc Hockey ici-yvhoauenoviss isiin fa Tir atndauoe.Tc esiadeut Dr. Allan Hari-is, chief in-vere 27 pueseni. John Tamblyn anc goal ecasd Ken Rie anc goal, Dae CLASS1 A îlee Healil ai Mu-s. G. L. tMcCoîporgunivI er Bh-adockedheelied ance ColvassiancngoaairIleenRlckeP The 623-3303 ea-irMthers ta again take aveu-vt IcPc.Gi t eMu-s. H. White puesided. Oui- spector i- hteHat f Ms .L culuh hl rdRnl a n ôwloega hl Iatccl costume, anc going ta fhe refreshment baoth at the back, tIc boys gave out ithulroll eal vas ta îriug an an- nas e ntyrbe Bvcaueihe ___P-g e'.ass.T cWna olv sWonrpce p aaais auena this year. This vas ta tIi-ce loud cleers of apprecis- tique picce. Among inteu-estînc, asteal aiscs i he esold gies costme ban le handled ou a 50-50 basis, tion. As hockey wili seau le pieces buought vere china as beau-cwfsionce aîle cud ai he . se od gang ta let lest lelveen te Artificial Ice staited up among te Cu - cogs, cois, sali dish with W so yalv s anfffc.n oie. ou t h ahpet ICommitte s n d vîstever aged boys, iley vere advised caver, Princess Alexandeu- daîl, H wolf.wsdicoeedi id wlip up a costume af your guoup would take it. Some that shouid hockey sud Culs jcwelleu-y sud dishes. tle Balsam au-ca about eigît ___ iking, au- peu-laps you have feit this wasn't a very fair flu on the saine nighl îîey Mu-s. M. Walkey, Mu-s. R. miles nai-ilvesi ai Whiîby. raudmotheu-'s fancy pau-ty gvetei ves _Dr_-ari____i tmorr - pr i-e ngve leu' vi0cys wta vere encouu-aged fa attend île Beatty sud Mu-s. G. Moi-ris are DrHaissyhtepa- Iress stora&'ïaý* for"'Jst tle ithe60gpet cet 60-o wigtthhockey practice sud would le gaing ta take tle trsining fou- ily fakes flic pressure off île gbt occasion. Fou- some who tIc 60 pe ucnt ing the otmre as puesent, as sports he 4-H unit comuug up, lederai government centu-e - R 'EBuLNk re still a litile uncamortaîîe asmte runnb ting h ibahplay a big part in Cul Train- "Cotions May le smart." Sev- vhicb vas cousidering au im-ULY unIMSLD a the 1966-67 version ofa they e-ad ould e pting l ing. Dismissed îu-om fleur eral circulai-s weu-e ued. Mu- munizaîlon progasm fou- aul- 6US1 ahnsaoethe keti hn ieau-ned that tley could cirle tey began to paste Longycai- vas lu charge ai thc Mals in view aiflice higli rabies il 723-7171 ie ideal lime ta go com- used Christmas sud biuthdsy programme. Mu-s. M. White rate ai Novemîcu- sud unasi a ofM N IL iitably in your îelow the bave the baoth ai a 60-40 basis cards ia scrsp books, lav- rcad articles on home im-IDecemlcer last ycar. nce style af just e short puoviding tIc Hockey Motheu-s ing compicîed almosi seven puovemeni loi- 1967 sud aisa Thc disease affecîecl ai leasi eack agou Dressed in the paid hall the lights sud fuel, books. The boys wiul donafe ueporîecl onthc prize winners 1 animais lu Durhîam Cauuîy R U E F O A P O O W I B auuedfo you viii buin sent in by Auf Gray, lut as hospital. Iu "B" Pack île1uP yauu- lau-m suu-uoundings. tau-io County - of ihese onlv a this seemed to be an .vtotaliof thrunehweae otervià akmemories a v ou dr hs see al nee nmo's and dad s b ostte waytomanagcepte to ubsbytheir Akela and On Sunday Mrs. Smith had animais. and dance to the music popular bo the mother 5-5sisaccptdiassistant and were introduced a number of visitors. Mr. O. From the start' of the sum- ln their day. If you don't have th1rgna 05 bssadto wMrs. a Parker who is Muldrew bruh hi four mer, 1966, up until the end of an earlier styled costume, the hv eu laigu n now fering ber assistance to granddaughters down in the October a total of about six muicbepaodf o the i nd tthepsaing.fortheroeianeedf keep the boys busy. The boys horse and cutter to visit with cases were reported for the h e 196l cotu for a g te sall .Threieaor fo were kept in suspense as they bier. At the samne time Mr. two counties, Dr. Harris says. ers and te16 otm wiil frasalrfieao o learned only part of the good Muldrew took Mr. and Mrs. certainly be welcome at thsth os a for theweastean times planned for them in the Whitbred and girls for a ride. i ucto.Yordesps Mdgs.fAr bae Ncsalean future and look forward to A novel experience as most WELELLIVILLE or present, is up to you, b ut Mdes degcti t our up a pat ad .ra, lu te ae a ndm attending every meeting. At cutter rides are a thing of the deie omkeu pry n rapuste ers e-this time, Dale Barrett was past. The first meeting of the corne out and enjoy a wonder. bership dues will be among made a Senior Sixer and Grant Mr. and Mrs. R. Savory and U.C.W. for 1967 was held at lui evening. ls ek the ways to raise money need- Hendry a Sixer. At the close Mr. and Mrs. J. Bothwell the church on Wednesday, ed or hes ting. Te desof the meeting, the boys were Bowmanville, were with Mrs. Jn lhwt h rsdn Itnefo atwew as will be collected at the Febru- rmne og tagthm.SihSna.Ms aoyi Mrs. J. Groeneveld in charge. the report on the Centennial ary meeting and it is hopedreiedtgotagtho .SmhSuayMs.aoy The devotional period was Chritma Tre Bo-Fir, tat tosewho re nabl to Friends and neighbours in staying with hier. C h is m a T r e B o - F r e t a t t h s e w h a e n a l e to M e m o r ia l H o s p ita l th is w e e k M r. a ncrs R e s h e s r, w t M rs. M r s . T . W ils o n which was held in the Con-MrGereBwaileM.anMs attend the meeting will sendjae r.Gog Collins, Mr. r.adMsR.W thuewh s Clarence Nichols xnunity Park on Friday even- in their money. Jh s M.AfedD eokmner, Whib.,an rriesat h JnJnar t.Lag res!onDayiM.Afe eDKkeWibarvdlt reading from Paul's letter to and small were carted over to t Two of the local Newcastle Pape, Mr. William Finnley, Saturday nîght and spentirteRain , poe Ah __________________-~tams played against Orono Mr. Robert Golder, Mr. Clar- Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H.,yaead Mrsfote newl ComingEvents teams in Orono on Friday ev- ence Hale, Mr. George Hodg-ITiksn yer nd r. renwl ____________________ ening. The first game saw the son, Miss Sandra Jessup, Mr. ko. closig ith prayer. The study Bantams in action with New-Albert cvr Mr. Arthur Mr. and Mrs. H. Quantrill o "The World, the Cuc Boy Scout 1 castle losing 4 to 1. In the Pisty Mr. Joseph MillersetSndywt M.adand You" was led by Mrs. E. action seen at a later tîme Mr. Henry Tebble. Mrs. C. Quantrill, Oshawa. Mr. Barrowclough. Pop Bottie Drive Iwith the Midgets, it was i-e- _________ Quantrill is about the saine.f Reports were heard from ported have been andecp r Mrs. L. Muldrew those in charge of the differ- Saturay, an. 1st ionaly god gme, ith otT pent Thursday in Oshawa. ent aspects of work and study Satuday Jan 2ltetoally good gamhe, itbthnd LNG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer and done by the group. The fin. Beglnning at 9 a.m. playing well. This was also a Philip were with Mr. and Mrs. ancial report showed a smail close game, with Newcastle Mrs. May Johns, Mr. and W. Terbenche, Port Hope, for balance on hand. The U.C.W. Please place your botties losing by a very close margin Mrs. Gordon Baker, Ann Ruth New Year's. bhas started a library for mem- ln slght to be plcked up of 5 to 4. If you haven't as and Garry visited Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. A. Stec and bers in charge of Mrs. T. Wil- -3-1 yet -seen the boys in action, Mrs. Harry Baker, Oshawa, family visited with Mrs. Ralph son and the first display was Sunday afternoon, to see their Boughen, Newtonville, on quite encouraging. Books mnay new granddaughter. Sunday. be donated or loaned. It was Mr. and Mrs. Ron-Rowe and decided that the executive family Bowmanviile, were should be a centennial coin- VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Suna upe guests of the MAPLE GROVE mitte;to plan special activi-1 Kovac famly. tis forthis year. Datesfo Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson Sunday Scbool meeting on the presentation of the Canton A tB h sand Linda, Mr. Paul Jones, Sunday, Jan. 22, at 2:30O .m., lyhr wr no Atention i roua t o Lifford, Mrs. Fletcher, Miss C. in C. E. Hall. Anyone initer- flae nextt -Byce, Mr. Jack Johnson, Osh- ested in Sunday Scbool work m dtonth.sscit- awa, were Sunday visitors will be weîcome. mawrdsto e ascluiaton BU IL DI NG BY. AW 785Mi-. and Mrs. Ber-t John- Uday .meeting on Thurs-re displayencvluding one BUILD NG B ,Li% '78 son dayevening in the C. E. Hail He Groenveauld fadie M.and Mns. F .Smith, at 8 p.m. .unpeitH oilnbti. ly d Bowmaville wereSunda Mr. eterPritchard and olfl etit point. re w Sec. 6 (a) BUILDING PERMITS evening callera at the Smith Dave Craig, Manotick, were lI cail of fs anrd sug. home. Sunday eveniflg cailers onl the gestion for the year's ok "A gnrlpritsalM baie rm h I-. and Mrs. Harold Mur- former's grandmother Mrs. L. There were 16 ladies present. geneal ermt sah e otaied romthe phy, Mai-go and Trevor, visit- C. Snowden, uncle M~r. Bob Refreshments were served by Building Inspector by the owner, or bis ed Mr. and Mrs. David Phasey Snowden, brother Mr. John the executive. authorized agent, for the excavation, erection, and family, Castleton, Sunday Pritchard, enroute from Ja- Mr. Arnold Austin and his aiternoon. maica. daughter Mrs. Ross Cornelius, alteration, reconstruction, removal or wreck. Club 50 ladies met at the Mr. Richard Ibbotson, of port Hope attended Front of, r rpaia to an buldin orpar of home of the president, Mrs. Brighton, is spending a few Page Challenge broadcast in liig oo ear o uligo ato Chas. Penwarden, Tuesday weeks with bis daughter and Toronto last Monday night, a building whlch it la proposed to contruct, evening, with eight members1 husband, Mi-. and Mrs. H. with members of Port Hope 'su fo ay aditonor lteaton o abuldig. present. Mrs. Robert Cameron Cooney, and family. Eastern Star. -en fo an aditin o aleraionto buldig. conducted the election of offi- Mr. and Mu-. Ken Brooks The stewards of this church No such work shall be commenced until the cers when ail officers were were Sunday visitai-s with bier met with Rev. Ian Munroe Perit as eenobtine an la returned wlth a few minor parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. here last week ta piere the ulldimg ent asbe baed ndi changes. It was decided to Dehaas, Canipbellcroft. budget and other business for e rominently displayed on the aito of the give oui- yearly donations ta Mi-. and Mrs. Bob Gaod- the coming year and on Fi-i. M.&M. and Manse Board, murphy, Oshawa, were Sun- day night Sunday Schoal work2' and ta hold oui- annuel Val- day supper guests wlth lier peple met at the home of entine party in February ta sister and husband, Mu-. and th Superintendent, George Copies of the are avallable attth help send oui- donation to the Mms.Ran Rogers and family. Tuffai-c, ta prepare a siate of Mai-ch of Dimes. The Febru. Mu-s. Allan Snowden accom- officers and teacliers for pi-e- Municipal Office to interested parties. ai-y meeting wiil be held et panied ber sister and husband, sentatloui et next weekla con- the hom;e ai Mrs. Stan Goble Mr-. and Mu-s. Reg Taylor, gregational meeting. ,ith Ms.Gable and Mi-,. Oshawa, on Saturday ta visit Mi-. and Mi-.. Arnold Thorn- All provisions of By-Law No. 785 will h. Edith Murphy as convenors. their parents, Mr-. and Mrs. E. dyke, Mr-. and MUn. Murray atrictly enforcctd by Order of the Council We ail enjoyed au animal X. Wilkins, Port Hope. I Payne, anid Mir. s&dMiUn..Fred of heVilag ofNecaslecontt conducted by Mns. G. Mrs. G ou- d on VanCamP,J Houkin atteuded thic M&1 Pro. of te Vilag of ewcatleBaker, and closed oui- meetng Bowmanvifle, Mr. and Mrs.1 ducers banquet held I la hi-b in usual wayi oflowed by a Don Meteaif and boys, Base X School on Jan. lth. social Ume lLbàs.wM lhut lbumdq vii1 »M X m w lmb sMI fi 1 tc tc t] cc fi gr ci, fi Isu yi VIA TAUNTON ROAD READ DOWN 10:00 1:0 10:00 1:00 REA» 13F 10:10 10:30 1:30 10:35 1:35 10:40 1:40 10:45 1:45 1:10I 11i00 AIU trips operate daily except Sunday end I4olidays Connections at Oshawa for Toronto and Port Perry Hampton Solina Road Mitchell's Corner Taunton Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre Garrard Road Rossland Roud Thickson Roud 1:0 6:00 12:55 5:55 12:455:450 12:45 5:45 12:2305:30 12:25 5:25 6:00 12:205:2 12:15 5:15 -ORONO m KIRBY SCHEDULE A.M. 8:00 8:15 8:30 A.M. 10:30 10:35 10:45 10:55 11:30 11:45 FIDL 5:35 5:45 NEWCSTL KIRY 5:55 10 WMAN VILLE10:05 A4JL 10:30 10:20 6:30 *Trip. t.and from MKrby wihl opeat. satrday oly. Cometlen at Omhaws for Trmte a" dportFer AJI tipg operte dm1e xempt Su dmy M md Um1ld ys CHARTER COACHES AVAMABLE Y01aLML OCCASIONS OSHAWA 5:35 5:30 5:15 4:50 45 4:40 4:25 -4' *~ -4 -4 -'4 4@ -4 d. Up -I a, 4*~ * n A.M. P.M. 9:15 1:00 2:00