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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1967, p. 12

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i EOWHWDh,~TUf. 18196?Open Hydro Information Centre ai PickerngOTPO O B IU t A R 1 Es su c c e ss M u hre o n r d a w th e . P er y p e s i g roiiow4 x. lengthy 1DneUss Followlnt a lengthy illness The death occurred, Dec. 19, ingen and forih etGog hrh h eod t11 Oi dat pNo'itheR W!.lb eath occurred on Monday, 1966, at the Port Perry Com- Reed. Consolinaadswtmeigsoudbfrhchl cor sp 6~Lam's, Lane, Noebr 8 196M at Me- munity Memorial Hospital,, ofWeaesrytre t occurredait Mmoial, H o atoH Darlenem Cross GeorgeRosspholater.d »owanJE~ o SDd&, e-of Mrs. ils arw.SeColumnus. The deceased, whoHyad co be 1, 96.wa s In her 67th year. was in her 7M t year, had not wer . Licours M ke Op lt i WSmwrefgadhtelern tat pssig ofMr.Wete Sm n f th aI ky e W - The form er Pearl Josephine een in good health for s omrind M s lff O v r ne son eter Jr. t hi Sz and Alice Ann 'Woodward, Burley was a daughter of the years. She lied been seriously th~e deces ed was bo n a la e Jam es and Sarah Burley, sick for four weeks. Ma y Mît n an r S v ra e bes o Orono and recelved his educa- born Feb. 26, 190, in Hope The former Mary Keitb eeyb9hotpo tin In Orono and Bowman- wnhp. She was marfied Scott, the deceased was a M Sudar vsyr ~ bokLOB..o d vill Scool. O Au ust 11,the nin h day of April, 1919, daughter of the late Jamesn EliOda E. Pearce Who survives. survives. They lived at Port Enfield Darlmngton Township, ae.M.H A reident of Bowmanville Granby and after retiremént ini Deoember, 1888,, she re- oJa ney2t ia eda vnn hnfu for 43 Years, Mr. Wilcox came resided in Newtonville. - ceived ber education aI En- . il... t .W oete hsya.Ihp ugm oia h te Bowmanville from Toron- Mrs. Farrow was a member field and was married ini Sep- bttoetaber to eo b ec dto n r lae 40. He waS an employee of of the United Church, the lember, 1907, at her parents' ta. bmaFlerdaattatie the Goodyear Tire & Rubber United Church Women aind home at Enfield.inlodat C om pany for m any years, f lst the W o ren's Institute.,W I eTus a dhr.eo sa n qu t u e Y v n e w l Int the Goodyear planta amditeCoubsra Ne oonoard'inSurviving, besides hêr bus- faeedtinge olufustre t1i pla ~ m E o w anv 1Je î~ band, are -a daug ter, M rs . for 59 years. A m em ber ofm e t n o f h e ni e C ur h a P n yp o c r es nd t. v * tired t'o years ag. The Lloyd Clysdale (Lena), tw o Columbus United Church, she h m n N wo vle bn ago o fyutl e r sd a aoflieet igra1hddaughters, Mrs. Phil GiI. was devoîed ta ber borne and express g0 od i sha d e- U ie C uc evc a ,,Ieas an me andabout 7y0 friendshca fledlinexptosnews. Ir -O.fL . No. 2m8m. ail of N ewo nll. R ss s s r er by a daugh- or coffee, an d ig t ef sh m rnn . S ca nt s r I Surviving bsides is wife Also surviving are twoteMs Harry Rae (Gladys) ments, includin ic iwsosre yalrego~ are a daughter Norma (Mrs' brothers, Roy of Oshawa and Oi Oshawa, and a son, Frank teanvr Maitell Burns) ad a son, Caec fOrnadoeD.Ross, ai Columbus. the wanrs aryck.So e.Pirytemd v J îm" c a m et t h d o r b e l p e a e b t e n c e s d i e - Don, both of Bowmanville. sister, Mrs. Everett Staple- Also surv'i'ing are two sis-h us oowleasit r li There are six grandchiîdren. ton (Hazel) of Orono. A ters, Mrs. George Scott of Osh- ng a hete a tbewr JmsWli Alsosurvvingare siter iste, Ruy, redeease herawa andMrs.Clarncelanr !andueMrba and Ihree brothers, Vîlda in 1935. of Kedron; a brother, Andrew iga h (M i. W. Derivers), Wilbert, The Memorial Service was Scott, ot Godrich, and two, dourhyni s Lea rha pu p e apy a es s B ll and M adison, all a T oron- held on W ednesday, N ovem be grandsons, M urray and C har- wirth y, ei- e pe cî e a g i l c s a o e i a e branqd Kay Kimbaloi ecsl rco n otbsns ta. 3th in the Morris Funeral lie Ross ai Windsor. She wasth rd'd Among bbe many lavely Chapel, Bowmanville, with in- predeceased by a brother, Wal- thhere floral- lokens, mute evidence terment in Newtonvîlle Cerne- lace Scott ot Darlington Town-th bridegroom noerh hi rnae.Avnas et the esteemn in whîch the bei-y. Rev. R. C. White offici- ship in 1937. .pleasant aiternon etoI'atecutyac deceased was held, were those ated. The funeral service was ~,. * _.. . * Mr. and Mrs ar a i odjbo a-es fram -bbc Developmenî & La- Pailbearers were Messrs. held Dec. 23, at the Mclntosh- .v%.S4 Gao y Dp. odyear;Sprvso Howard Elliott, Bruce Whit- Anderson Funeral Home. In-i Osan wMssVacD ual ilae nd l n. Hrr a Ga d er S prii n Clubn y George K îmbali, Mel- terment was in Groveside àào n cles wt is A n Foîa a ai g pcue Little N.H.L., Novice Hockey ville S amis, Hugh Stapleton Cemetery, Brooklin. Rev. S. J. Club and L.O.L. No. 2384. a d D n i keH uiler ai Brooklin conducted Mst.P. G eni d ai B - pol I w s lu k en gh t The tuneral service was ____the service mnviP.l e dM- n r.b i h itr.Ihp held tram thIe M orris- Funeral H r e B ît n a e c sl a - es i e ea e ro day, December 2Obh and was WM. FREDERICK DEPEW î conducted by Rev. H. -A. Turn- Mi-. Albert Souch, a long- wet r .u pr uss, S nanda m gig sat.I1mgf e r a i S t . P a u l ' s U n i t e d C h u r c h . t i m e r e s i d e n t a i S h i l o h c m - T h e d e a t h a i W i l l i a m F r e d - M i . a d M s . S J . L n s t rM . n d n s J o n Gr l u Inle m ent was n Bo m a~ v lle unity, passed aw ay on D ec. erick D epew , aged 89 y ars, a d D r î a i c u e i. a d a I bear e s i wre m esrs F N rsng Ho e, Bo ma vr.e i gaom ,dew asl o S n C e m e t e ry . 2 9 th , 1 9 6 6 , a i S u n se t L o d g e o c c u rr d a t T h e L o d g c N u rs - ... r . A e r n a d D u l ~W n x e , M n ,b~ Smith, J. Cbflds, R. .Ea h cesdws~~ day, Jnay1, 1967, follow- cante JanuaasyTheasteae. Visinting irîanendseshere.woaMn-. J. Marin, R. Haines and H. 92nd ycar and was bai-n on n an lnes a b o- n --. B gh n wt M s. W lceF d Ni g n ai hs D adson . . Ju n e 5th , 1875 in D arlin gton ba ye r .a d M s S p n e G dovi l g . W i e e -e he v s - Tawnship, son ai the late Mi- Son ai bbc late William Buhnwt HE B IT M L UG L N and Mrs. Thomas Souc. He Henry and Margaret D pw, andNimcgpe wa f r e o ot 4 t hebbcdeceased w as bo ai atBur- lie a d, M . n r s . a - o h r m m e s a h H E Rp sîB R T years, the dc at m mb er a onShi o th 4,U n itc decach.sed y b s wif bb fr- Alviaco bitb ces A l h o uig h in p o o r ealth fo r C o n cessio n , C lar k e, a n d w as l n b n B a h e w s p e i h M - n r . C a e c o f H e bert M L au h in ag d C u c m er A nnie M argaret H all . 14 w ere J Su nda su p r g e s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s u d e ly in la n t O n c clc 5, 1 9 6 M - M . D e p e w w a s s e l - e m p l y -l M r s. N orH m a n S o t i E V R O 74, occurred spatient inPant MeasoniomercHospitaln t C ity, 'Florida, on M nday, D e- Souc b w as united in m ari-n g d a o me c a inr a ~Y o i H m t n cem ber 5th, 1966, at Soith An ie LalaH ar e- for 60 years and ad r sided P .,~ a w m n ilcMI te d d fora I e k b lorida B a pt s os i a . pred cceased h lm .aI as Be h, B w a il ,W o d as -e iv d h n onC gr a i Sona oit aIeJme. The funcral sei-vice was for 50 years. He retired 15 Wr a e '. I 1 ~ u bl n a n a b l aP a rk - h e ld r a in h e M o ris F u n e ra l y e a rs a g . T h c d ec c a s d w a s M o n d a y aiocfc th a W sthTea n l m e t n n, b e deceased w as b ain in C hapel, B ow m a niv ll , on D c a m m b r i St J hn s A g - Hi i o r . J c a e , I eY l e-on U ni ed C h rc k rtwright Township and a- 3st, witb Rev. R. C. W hite can Churc, Bowmanvill. Hecfod et of tis itit ma y ilbc b rh«tb o b u t e n d e d s c h o o l , a t * E n n i s k i l l e n . f f i c i a t i n g . T h e p a l b e a r e r s w a s a l s o a am e m b e r a J e r u s a - d e C l a r kf c T wns b i c o l m e i g w s o e ey M - were Messrs. O me F l es1m. L adge, A.F. & A.M., No. Y y. eachrs ht e.ot -adn O n F ebruary 5, 1919, he m ar- LeonardaFas'slCrlko d o - 3 . . . n i P l si em etin onda t rS ii t r f l o e y p a ried bbe foi-mer Mary S. Shanie Loag.als ay Td, o n3oonC adofPletn Wb uries e. eillyRobinson, Brenton Farrow Chapter No. 249. ecrshl -,Wlhalley afticiabed aI the cere- and Jim Stark. Interment took Th fnra sevc wa Model of Ontario Hydro's Pickering nuclear power culture and indusbry is outlined in one of many dis- Jan. 16 ai Orono.Temntsa b ieiu znony which took place in 'the place at Orono Cemctery. hcld tram the Morris Funcral station, on display ai the ncw information centre, plays of the ncw information centre at najHdoSTnhle nuite hrh inMs.CaecePg ndaol hapel ai St. George's Angli- The many floral tributes be- C h a P e , Bowmanvill, on shows how the station would look with four 540,000- Pickering ntea Oersaio. C nt r ioned rota te F b eh Undite ud ay ho d o oin i. Caec "an Cburch, Kingston, Ont. spoke the esteem in wbicb btuhe ay Jnuakilond was tpublicJan 15. hl on tWesayenigPgep-ctdbcFnnca A resident ai Oshawa for deceased was held by aIl who conducted by- the Rcv. K. -, kiowattunitsn. reart or bb ycar1966 bicl t years, bbc deceased had liv- knew him. Frampton ai St. John's Angi'- Nuclear energys service ta man in medicine, agi- Ontario Hydro PhotoJaar25wsacptdsre.Thr- l e t f o r b be p a s î y e a r a I 2 3 0 S u -v i v n g a -e t w o d a u g - c a n C h u r c h . I n e r m e n t w a s i nH c k y a rtna b c a r iu2c b5c B9 iigon S., Oshawa. At nc ers, Effie (Ms. H. Sowdn) Bowmanvilc Cemetey. grand-nieces and nephews. Aga yHodga ihacgap wrkie h n 1 v b e also resided aI R.R. 4, ai Osaca; Olive (M s. W. A. Am ng the lvly floral The funeral service was minutea n y d45 sc ns ie M; C etr B ad; UC W c-lhawa, for five years. He Adams), R.R., Newcastle; Har- trîbutes, evidence af thc es- held fi-rn the Allison Funeral giueaveEsd 664ta5 lusan empoyec i enrl ad on bbc farmn and Laverne, eem in, which the dceasd Home, Prt Hope, n Wednes- - WTNIL mawil thgae tsI lc e-Epa-r rus n tbat tosfor many years, retiofa Bowmanvill. He was pe- was held, wre those ram day, Decemnben 28th, and was Mrs. Jack BItd is a patient vocal duel, Eddie and Ronnie Saturday evning M.and tonville entry.gaeah-cmnlerarprt sMenyar go 'n.M- deceased by two sans, Clan- Jerusalem Lodge and Pales- canducted by Rev. Ramiiai in Memorial Hospital, Bow- Visser; necîlation, Cindy Elliott;Ir rn imrwn Newtonvillc siatdfr sM- oadMlompeet ~i ughin was an adb nent a ence nd Man on. ti e Chaper. th Canto Charg. Inte ment m nvîhle whxle i-s Bii FarilladFnrGardo Mai-ln piandgunsM aoftin;orpaaaosmaî Westhosfr s arcd f-arnaB b cd bc Eldc's Nom nation ng St. United Church, Osha- There are 13 grandchildren Palîbearers wcnc Messrs. was in Pont Hope Cemetcry. ro is in Peterbo.nough Hos- solos, Douglas Perrin. Mr. and (ar a th , and was alsa a lufe m cm- and 31 great grandcbildren. Frank Blunt, Ernie Dickens, Pahiheai-ers w cre Messrs. pitliM s Wo.w n ald a bc H pe tte ho e o r. .2 o innd ai pa. G rad acpe ih si lea ut L b n nL odge A.F. & - M rs. M ai-gai-ct Staccy aif i-ront w bcee M rs. H. Staple. H panou the ocaionof ters. Ndo d s oe f r E c u iosln d iio i a ah Juigohn Ireland and Sam Van ard Gordon, Pont Hope; R. Part Hope was in the village ton read a dcconatcd addness 451h Wedding Anniversany. Cobbledick bnougtNwn-uraeahatbcaian k M.rve ing thorld at. JOHN PRICE BEARD Camp. McElnoy, Peterborough; Han-y Wednesday, visibîng fieînds cxpressing bhc good wîsbcs ai Due ta îhlness, Mi-. and Mrs. ville back ta evenbimtrmahomfcitis eeap lion but did not go averseas. Foilowing a short sickness, Tnew, Orley Mercer, Eliza- and relatives. the cammunîty, aiter whicb Laurence Gilmer ai Buffalo lion Robinson. Hago1aepoe ssgetdb b or a pcriod ai 15 years, bbc bbe dcabh occur-ed, Jan' 14, MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS bcthville, and Don Wbitbned Mn.JaJf T they wenc prescnted wîth bbc were not able ta attend. Oth. soa32la eoebcti-tBada twrs h lt eceascd owned and operated 1967, at bhc Oshawa GcneialbabeniitgbrsîtrgtF general store ai Bunketon, Hospital, ai John Price Beard, Fallowing an illness ai aneMi-s. F Sndstig lers for een g i -. of andc Mns a . Warsac s Raymond Gil Mr . Isang.fro We ste usr a e bls- w s lnttvl et fr SpG uring whicb lime be was also 610 Penny Strcet, Whitby. He rnontb, bbc dcath ai Mrs. Wil- Ms .SanBsfo ee augMr.ndwthMns. aa Mrs amn.nd Mr. imrsi-lr, cman pstthe gatnens7wthamrin cvc ast Master for bbc village Of was in his 79th ycan. liamn Walbers, aged 74 ycai-s, MRS. AUBREY J. SMITHf days. Tnucrnn tHend r anat d cd 'Prto Hop, dMM. and Mns. W l e stesr gveNdo te ny l wa n o ne tha u r e n o f t e l t i l a f E i a e h i l , o c r e iF rid ay v en in g a far cw cîb a leadn fi-arnsT nimtanddC abbort bbceB oardM radanrccted a bo m be u rk e b o n. i e h s i , a d sn a i b ar t e W ilia m aiPetabeu g b vic H oscc u tald-aI T h e d e a t b ai M rs. A u b re y p re se n ta tio n w a s h e d in bh c bbc a n n u a l S h u ld ce b a n q u e t P h il G ilm r, N e w to n v lle . a ldi k n c - asc d i l a 5 3 ioms o e o b r v i b c l b aurivion besclsR bsyimonaddE na Bead, bbc dDias disiobnoug Svic Hpitl .cSib, D viion St, o cu- C mr uni y all fo Mi. nd nd enl ntinm nKarauenay Kaen dnd Lyn Glme h d R n obiso an Sark MssRmobHidns.ois cf Niagara Falls and Gai-net land. A nesident ai Canada ton 1966. eHospit hon e s da ay Dce aM- mov i a te irW oodw homae Hotel. M n. 'and Mrs. Clarence an it cr aio s nd a bt eteu r gi Ial ak asj tpan"E n" ha m ce Jae fýsaa losur- about 50 years, be lived in A daughbcn ai bbc labe Mi-. ber 27, 1966, following an iîl- Newc astle before long. Ren Gilmer and Mary Fac, Lind- wbitewcanainbuoiref-nTin.EcsCpinavrgnrusbustaau ren. He was predeceased by Whitby about five years aga. bbc former Violet Eugena R .Wieatda himnt hi rnprns ro aHo aei - two broîbers, William and He was married in Toronto in Muldrcw was bai-n at Eliza- Daughier af the late Chai-les for the occasion and aite bis Don V ink M.lne.s tedi Russell. December, 1919. bcthville, wbei-e she rcceived and Hailie Massie, the foi-mer opening remai-ks, added a aif which the latter were theleffort. porsîainw abdb The funeral service was held A staîionary engineen, Mi-. ber educabion. She was pi-e- MlrdE.jn Tcs onlttelgt oeyt tepo eivi nlle, was ai TetsO asppie ,*gl a Wshe arn tbc Nortbcutt and Smith Beard was a member ai whit- dcceasd by ber busband, Wil- i Port Hope where she re- gramme by neading bbc add Teevle a a recent caîl- and a sapphire-sbuddcd set of învleaic wi b ecudbae o bi o uner l H me, owm nvil e, y Ba bis Ch ncb. Dun ng b c larn alb rs.ceived ber cducation. In 1930, item fi-r n bbe social events aif ci- ai bbe m anse. lcu it links and tie clip, as wellINbatbr i . e a s olo ed la n ray om, Decembnler 8b First Wand Wr b erv ted llowing ber rnai Pont Hope, she rnarried an imaginai-y "cinvl Shelley Brown spent Sbr-a1 arebmorous gifts. Ïcbosrcîyb ta.obldcHFeoin %ounet uc wahusdcor Ducbe bev. L. it bbo22d aîtalion, ErvdF. Mrs.Walber iccmn tn-d furyas g. wenbc al wing nmer: l e lla ars... - botuse w soehela hetmildoscolvib twoga lsec.beenn aacoe d as n ut John's AngLn eai s uvvc ya ag unta Eizaebbill whre e T 9Bwm ille for-- 35 - - Cmucn.tcsinrt para-y non 1- asd wbo ad beein-"h sck for Cemcbery. Bunial will be 'nlyear*. *I ~ I ~ Land Josephine Gai-don, bbc de. Heather Christina VanderkoollTasnshpaHboain in rotoen To hebes o th Cmmisin'sknwlege The death of Heather Cbhris- aif St. MarsUnited Chrch Totebs fteCriisoskolcce tian neko, gdfu!Wbibby fi-rn Orono in 1940, years and seven montbs oc-lwas cmpîayccl by bbc Wbibby alli monies covering repairs ta water and sewer con. curred ai bbc Oshawa Gen Public Utility Commission as enal Hospital on Sunday, , pumphouse aperator for 21 roi und25ed.1:5 am.He nctjons sinco June 1956 have now been Dcmbi- 5,aI :45ar. eryeans priai- la bis retirement deaîh resulied fi-rn a car acci- in19.Godni uve b dent wbich accui-ied jusb'7[ n 16.Gadnisuvvdb thoursvcarlierf ine Osbawa4oh h ucif, bbe former Mac Col- V bb eenngaiDeemer24 b~ a clugteF i Pan 1k yours up now W H ILE O FFI IA L D is C U T RI E AP L If ny efundshav ben nadertntl ovr- Daughter of Raulph R. and Formosa (Jackeileen), and a look., themanagr of he Comissi ahoud J~* born at Guelph, Ont., and had He was predeoeasecd by a clau- at your neignbournooci chartered bank branch!~ n ul loe th mgroth o*M ,hudresided 'with berpsreas on CliffMarorba i i b. . 1 1i advo.. Goellast in mons a 300berssurviving are two sis- Ap. 0,Ohw.trMs .Hannon (Mac) T of' He é Chrstin wasa me- ' ooseJaw, Sask. and Mrs. J. Faly xo67Tu ccut e ueyurfml se x - ~ ~ ~ e d t C h u rc h, O~~ sh a w a . e st; w o b ro th e rs , J o h n aio ff . X O. B u e y u a i y l es E p 7 A r l 2 1 c 7 e o t e ! 'EU W EE ln* alo lauredlthec dal, and five grandchildren. UV~J5WIM W~~ w , .~ ~ accidet atid are - patients in He was predeceascd by a sis. H IATRE AK Oshawa Ceneral ltoSpi t a 1. ter, Annie, and a brother, SRIGO m u ~ r ~ w w ~ m ~ m a~ m ~ m * U lai athorites - reeased David.SE V N YO tather te atbend the tuner- The tuncral service was a1-serv!Me traîqsporting hlm te beld aI the W. C. Town Fun- an~ frin he-erviâeP~ t arn-et 2AND YOUR COMMUNITY lM te t y si n the l ap eideCrnIy, Brook- M relurnng te the heo- Jmn. 7, ioilowed by Interment ________________ uin, Bei. John Smith, minis- ~p .,. Ip bar- ter ofe t S.M ark's Church, con

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