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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1967, p. 1

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Preset HorticùurI'Cartr *VOLUME 113 t - BOWI&NVILEONTAJO. WIDNESUiAY IAWJTTAUV 'ii ima, v~'--'- n~' fi The presentation of the Bowmanville District Horticultural Soçiety's Char- ter was made by the Director of No. 4 District of the Ontario Horticdltural Asso- ciaticfti, Mrs. F. Stephens, Harwood, right, to the retiring president of the local organi.zation, Mrs. Lawrence C. Mason. The, ceremony took place during the- an- niual meeting of the Bowmanville District Horticultural Society held at Trinity ljnited-Church Sunday School on Wednesday evening. Florist Gives Practical Advice To Horticultural SocietyMebr The Charter of the Bow- care of house plants he gre I S ec a manville District Horticultur- valuable information regardl- P an S e ial ai Society was presented to ng poinsettias,, chrysanithe- LitofEensthe president, Mrs. Lawrence eastrlilesan aLleJ.A' ~orCen en iaiin Trinity United Church donated by Mr. Jackman for Sunda The speaker first discussed - '.çThe Centennial Committee, day evening. The presentation the basic needs of plants, K owanvifle and District,- is was made by the Director o'f light, warmth, wàter and hu- taying to set up a record of District No. 4 of the Ontario miditY. "Plants flot gett*g events for Centennial Year. By nuhlgtaewkad listingail Special Events, ail Horticultural Association, Mrs. eanoughaïight are wakancol organizations will lSnow whatiF. Stephens, Harwood. or, and generally look sick. ti other groups -are planning Prior ta the annual meeting Plants getting too piuch lght and dates involved. By doing dl ~ and warmnth wil wilt easily this, tiiere wïil be no dtiplica. a , elius pot luck supper ..yubinead oe tinor - ovçippngofactivi- Was enjoyed._ 1w about g ok80bred d oe mnembers and - guests. lRudoif times drop -ter lwr buds. , oud ç -eydefts, * Music Supervisorants 1tÏi*too colèîI il ôî** iaioi 19 Ingaround ej~r:jd ~~.e O~~ShlU org>w anzi oul nis h the leader of a singsong. "Water, either ton much or 1:partment aiofRcréation, Ross. Jackman of Jackman tQo littie 13 thé one single »owman i sta Special and Son, Foitamme factor responsible for kiilingl Club Events they may beo the Society, was the special more plants than anything conducting. TelephoÔne 623S-s.pfeaker.- In- his interesting es. Pat o aee 3114.. address on the growing and (TURN TO PAGE THIRTEEN) Driver Suffers Broken Wrist When v by Tht dent sulti af th the jg receiv in -t wher Pru corpci 1962t sumer n0 f.i In quired 1962 fr-om short IP.0P. EXpliu Vha9tHaoppue Vith P.rudenUîaI Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. cumveitlng the ,Ontarlo Sec- Durham urities Act, hhruuired le rment collapse of Pru- that ,a prospectus of a cotn- iai Finance, and the re- pany s financial position be rig concern on the part filcd-for notes af 365--days or he investing public and over. government, will nô- doubt' The governmnent, to, ensure ive considerable attention that investors would be in- he Ontario Legisiature formed, amended the Act at ýi it resumes on Jan. 25tn. the next session, thus requir- udential Finance was in- ing Prudential to file a pro- rated in 1928 and up ta spectus ta be delivered ta operated as a smaîî con- purchasers which disclosed r finance companY with that the notes were unseciured. inancial difficulties. Under Brien, Prudential be- 1961 Prudential was ac- came a holding campany, ac- !d by J. B. Brien, who in -quiring several subsidiaries in- began ta solicit funds cluding North Amnerican As- the public on 360 day surance, Triangle Equipment term notes, thus cir-, (TURN TO PAGE TWO> benci Vetition Opposing Hwy. For *Martin, Road Flooded with Contest Entries We are pleased ta an- Inounce that Eva J. White- jhead, 14 Liberty St. N.. IBowmanville, was the wln- ner of the tirst week's Cen. tenniai Game. Rer answer She wiIl receive a gi cer- tificate entitling her ta $10 in merchandise from Glen Rae Dairy. The flood af replies receiv- iad at The Statesman office cuekept the staff busy for many hours, opeunn letters and chccking replies. They came from ail over Durham county and even from Osha- wansd other points, indtcat- lui that a great many sub- oei cn.s n-Joy as ckte.- Iegrett~,~ee~ BJ week's Centennial Game ap- pears on page seven. Sec If you can figure oui the Prime Mlnster's name from the individual letters spotted throughout the advertlse- ments. Car Roils &masingly, the driver of the Smaïlied car pictured I vebacle went off the road and turned over.. Mr.1 Baharty Pý escaced qerious injury li the accident that hap, -wa taken hby the Bowmanville Area Ambulance ta po on INq, 401 qïighwav, just- west of Waverly Memorial'Hospital.where he"received treelment for a dlkK #tIuh >'J Mkls Wednesdav evening. Rudy fracturédwrist and minor injuries. li wàs, thon trans- ~p ~I~.4; PéterbS-*ugh, waa esstbound fràred "y by hsaine amWul e t ?'eWboug Cvç *At the meeting ci Town Council held ini the Council Chamber on Monday cvening Lawrence C. Mason, Q.C., was re-appointed ta the Planning Board and A. M. Thampson was appointed ta the board, bath for three year tcrms. Councillor, Glenholme Hughes was re-appointed as- the town's representative on the Central, Lake Ontario Conservation Authority. Councillor James Bourke asked if couneil has any plans for a Centennial Celebration Program. His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs said that aiter council receives a report from its Centennial'- Conimittee it wiil be ini a better position ta discuss Plans. "You are thie chairman af that committec, Councillor Bourke," the Mayor pointed, Qut. Councillor Hughes suggest-1 ed that the Centennial Con.i- ..ittee chairmnan bring In a1 Legion Ladies Donate Equipment to:Hsi~ On the afternoon of Friday, 3th Deoember 1966, Audrey Bate, A. M. Thompson, Chariman% Hos .t1'g the hospital was presented with a donation of equip- Equipment Committee,. Mrs. Mary Westover, Pre;i.ý ment from the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian dent, Keith W. Jackson, Chairman of Hospital -Bosê.r' Legion (Branch 178), Bowmanville. A donation of and Mrs. Dorothy Richards, Immediate Past-Presiden $1,000 electrocardiograph machine was made by the of Legion Auxiiary. Also shown are the three pièces same group just one year ago. Shown in the photo- of equipment donated - two wheelchairs and a Pressur graph, left to right, Legion Auxiliary Treasurer, Mrs. Bregthing Assistor. Phot& by Agar Toronto Firm To 'Build Orono Post Off ice Durham M.P. Russell C. Honey today announced the approval of contract for the construction of the new Post Office building ta be constrýuct- cd at the corner ai Centre and Church Streets in Oronol. The contract is in favour of Walter Klmmerly (Kim Con- struction) oi Toronto, who w rth 19 etaofsix tenders, 1, - - 0LLts' and fheces WARDEN - Word has been received that the new Warden of the United Counties is Reeve Merrill VanCamp of Cartwright Township. He defeated George Finnie, Reeve of Hope Township on the first ballot, 30 votes ta 25. Con- gratulations to Reeve VanCamp and Cartwright Township and- condolences to Hope. i. it i. t i. NEW BUSINESS - In the near future, Bowman- ville will have a new pharmacy-drug store along its main shopping section. Final renovation work is now in progress on the premises, just east of Niki's Beauty Salon. The new firm wîll be called Frederick's Pharmacy and will be owned and operated by Fred C. Tippins, formerly manager of' Jury & Lovelî's Drug Store here. tt t t t SEALS - If you have nat already sent in your donation ta the Christmas Seal fund, please do so as soon as possible. The campaign is conducted each year by the Northumberland-Durham Tuber- culosis a-ad Health Assn., with headquarters in Cobourg. A mass survey is planned for Durham this year and funds are urgently required ta help pay the cost of this important work. t t t t t INCREASE - Clarke Township's population showed an increase of 265 during 1966, to bring the total for the township ta 4,443. Total assess- ment has now reached $4,400,296.92. 1 t t t t t CENTENNIAL - If yau are looking for some old tume fun on Sunday afternoon, Orono Girl Guides have a Centennial project that should be enjoy- able, if weather permits. They are planning an old-fashioned sleigh ride and have linêd up quite an array of teams and sleighs, cutters and modern skidoos. It will take place at the Forestry starting soon after lunch. There also will be old tyme music and a lunch. COLD - It was quite crisp outside this morning for one of the caldest days of the year. Thermo- meters registered well below zero and, according ta weather reports, the spell should continue for at least a few days. * t t t 't 1t ERROR - Somehow the gremlins - that plague most newspaper offices were busy thîs week. On page 16 there is some news of Nestîcton that has' an Elizabethville heading on it. Also, in last week's picture of the BHS teachers basketball team who played the Harlem Diplomats, Bruce Balî's name was npt included. i. t i t 1 TROUBLE- Councillor Ken Nicks is beginning to think that political ferment and turmoil follow him wherever he goes. At a recent council meet- inghere, he was accused by former Councîllor Ken Hooper 6if "conflict of. interest." A few days later he flew to Nassau i the Bab4mas and ran smack into the biggest political uWst they have had there in 300 years. Always the whites have had a majority ini parliament but ini recent elections the colored race voted in an equal number of candidates and will probably form the govern- ment. Ken thinki lie may head for onc of the wiinhabited is4m* eta esc a -the controversy, but is fearful that hée:Migtarrive justi nitime ta ýe1pbeind ,ot1ac a##aa*kdcta new,'tribal Garnet Rickard Heads, New Federal P, C Group',fo0r Ex pan ded Constituency by Bina. A. C. 8. Williams n 1 ' At the organizational incet- O ne Dreak-în ing ai the Progressive, Con- servative Association for Nor- O ne Bogus 11Il!4uritàdeeu BI~~ ~ li e st Wc Gaetc- Cooug, Robe r arkeor Ro~ oe Fcddcma, Cak There was a break-lu ai Town~ship, Hoard Sheppad, Kraip's -Furnîture Store, Roseneah and Mrs Dawn King Street West, durIng the Poole arntnTonhp nîght of January 12th an zwre' elccted viceresidenfro 13th, last Thursday and Fnl r. Muriel Edwards obourg, day. Some cash was stolen. was 'electcd scretary andreg Corporal John McGuey Is Fallis, Cavan Townshî,Teas- the lnvestigatlng officer. urer. On Friday a bagus $10 Del O'Brien, national presi- bill, which bail been pass- dent oi thé -Young Progressive ed locally turned Up at the Conservatives and speaker for Bank af Montreal here. the evcning said, "The 'youth Bawmanville police are In- oai'the PC 'Party are going Gamnet B. ilekard. vestigating. People are warn- throu gh a dark period at the future, painting. out themny ed ta be on the alert as a moment and ta change this wc rccefif public, appearanceW .4ti number of counterfeit $10 must accept the infusion ai the Prime Minister. and $20 bis have been new ideas frani each genera- Alex Carruthers, MPP, Dur. found in circulation Iu di- tion." Mr. O'Brien suggested .ham, congratulated the'go~ ferent parts af Ontario dur- ta the audience oi over 100, on iorming the new A.i1a.. ing recent manths. that the transgressions ai the tion which now, includes led.. At 1:45 a'clock ou Sunday young should be forgiven, that ray, Durhami County,- the afternoon Constable lan youth is unhappy at the ama- Township ai Alnwlck, H91di. Smith found two 15-year-aid' teur style ai Parliament ai late ad, Hamiltan, South Mona. grlns froni Brougham on ancl told ai the need for a ghan, the Town ai Cobdwrg' King Street West, who hadl new type ai politicien "ta and the Village ai Hastings. lef their homes and were serve a public that wants The EKOS, a young group-,, Iioping to make their way ta honest govcrnment, not deccit fromi Orono, cntertaincddi4r4. Mantreal. The two -juvelije and hypocrisy." ing the cvening and prompte4' girls werc turned over ta Russell Rowe, MPP, North- Mr. O'Brien ta rcmark thxat he Whitby Detachment ai umnberland, told the gathering they exemplifled the go-go he OPP ta be returned ta not ta be surprised if a fe deral spirit ai the .Canservatl¶re Blaze Damages New Apartment A f ire on the second floorcof thenew 48 unit Ilendry bulld caused cciniderable damage in onr* of the àpartments on 'i fore it was brouglit under control by firemen. lt also was 'a1 fire-proofing that measured Up well because the flames 414 n% the onc apartment. No cause was gîven for the firé that- i burned part of the wood floor tillng, a ru g and a chair. I Wse J.,- Rosa Stuit. The Statesman photographier was'at the sme any photos. This picture was on'the front ieat ot itf ' aiÔ returned-after checklng the damxage. 1thad -b.n tk 1yj)v a Polaroid camera and shows the Liremen * sembf.up4 a fi 9 M t] ti -Ille JANUARY il- Afw

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